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Everything posted by IcyHaze

  1. Of the actual close friends I have, most parents are either family friends or really open minded, fun people to be with. There's only one friend I have whose parents I've never met, so I imagine they have no opinion.
  2. Logical mind. The entire text at the end was correct, except for how I remember things. I'm not usre if I just thinkg about it or if I have a photographic memory. That may sound weird, but...meh. It's not a mind palace, anyway.
  3. There's a person in my class in college with it. Although he's a likeable guy, it's caused problems when in groupe conversaitonos he just picks the person closestn to him and talks about what he loves - no matter what that person wishes to talk about or do. It's a pretty difficuly situation. At one stage, one of the guys literally told him "Stop talking, I'm not interested". The guy looked completely shocked...and then continued talking. It's just an awkward case. I don't know of anyone else with it.
  4. I can't even draw with my hands... xD
  5. 1) I have a near-uncontrolable rage if I suffer injustice of any kind, be it unprovoked attack or infliction of pain, or someone being a complete ass. 2) I have little patience when people fuck things up, especially if it's not the first time. That's all I can think of for now.
  6. Yeah, I generally sit down and watch a movie with my folks once a week, and we generally stay up chatting afterwards if it's the weekends. We've always had a great relationship throughout my life, even during my teenage years.
  7. Mine's gotta be the Aston Martin Vanquish...absolutely beautiful looking car. Though I'd rather have a more reliable one
  8. I don't like how it's ABSOLUTELY FUCKING EVERYWHERE and there's no escape from it no matter what you do. Turn on the TV - sports. Radio? Sports. Internet? Sports. I can understand the appeal, but I'd rather it wasn't treated as it is.Espeically soccer. THe money in soccer is appaling - espeically when all that happens is a team scores two goals. Fucking WOW. 50,000 dollars a week to score maybe 2 goals a week.
  9. Cos I just are fam, you know how it is
  10. Aww yis. I do love a bitta pubbage :3
  11. End A - I only found out recently that end B is apparently better. gonna start doing that now
  12. HALP

    2. The Professor...8D

      The Professor...8D

      She needs somebody....Halp..........Not just anybody........Halp

  13. Cool hWhip... I'll be getting myself a noice glass of whiskey on the rocks
  14. I can't really post the truly creepy stuff here, but I guess Smile.jpg is pretty creepy. Also, the original Jeff the Killer picture is pretty creepy.
  15. So ehh...who's online atm?> I swear I'll actually reply this time... xD

    1. Ashen Pathfinder

      Ashen Pathfinder

      Dat be me; at work. :P

    2. IcyHaze


      poor thing

    3. The Professor...8D

      The Professor...8D

      Me as well.............at my shop.....8D

  16. We need some ACTION! If we're gonna make it like a true survivor...

    1. The Professor...8D

      The Professor...8D

      Well my Ears are Bleeding.............T-T

    2. IcyHaze


      That song is beautiful

    3. The Professor...8D

      The Professor...8D

      No..........the 80's References are Beautiful...........the actual song........^^;

  17. Can't say I know too much about them but I'm quite fond of planes. I've always loved the Messershmitt Bf 109 :3
  18. I currently play on a PS3, PS4 and PC, though I do have a PS2, Nintendo DS, Gameboy Advance SP and a PSP, which I play occasionally. I still own a working Original Gameboy in black, but I don't play it as all the games work on the Advance. My brother has a Gamecube, but the controllers are broken and half his games have gone missing. I used to have a PS1, but sold it once I got the PS2 as it was redundant. My brother also used to have a Dreamcast, which broke, though I sorely miss it.
  19. Eyyyy, Boy if you were a vegetable you'd be a cutecumber
  20. I think the piano is one of the greatest instruments of all time. It can capture so much emotion and feeling on its own...
  21. I seem to remember sitting on the floor in front of the fireplace watching the screen with my parents, not fully understanding what was happening - how seirous it was, and that people were truly dying. Watched the tower collapse. It was certainly interesting, to say the least.
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