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Everything posted by IcyHaze

  1. I don't regret it...it just wasn't quite what I would've liked.
  2. I live in a small town in Ireland...there was Tae Kwon Do or nothing, unfortunately
  3. I used to do Tae Kwon Do when I was younger. Never really progressed too far in it, due to the instructor being a lazy shit. Got as far as 6th Kup before I got bored of it. It helped my reflexeses and taught me how to kick and punch properly, but...that's about it. I never felt like it actually helped me stay healthy or improved my self defense. I wish I'd done one of the more spiritual martial arts, or something based more around grappling and technique than "Punch dis ting, kick dis ting, do dese movements - duh..."
  4. Anybody else excited for Resident Evil Zero HD?

  5. Who's out there?

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. The Professor...8D

      The Professor...8D

      I'm always out there.............but now always here............but I am somewhere.........8D

    3. IcyHaze


      Well that's not much good to me, is it? :P

    4. The Professor...8D

      The Professor...8D

      *Boops her nose* Boop

  6. Has anybody else read Darren Shan's Vampire Saga?

  7. I would vote on this, but it seems aimed towards Americans. I'm Irish, with Irish everything. Celtic surname. I do believe that some of my ancestors were pirates, but they were still Irish, so...
  8. Ahh! Pools of water on the ground! NOOO

    1. The Professor...8D

      The Professor...8D

      Flooding.........NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..............or something else......?

    2. IcyHaze


      Nah, just a puddle that I stepped into with socks on.

  9. Well, since I love that look, it wouldn't bother me in the slightest.
  10. I enjoy driving outside of urban areas. So relaxing
  11. Kewl Y'know what they call welsh people in Ireland? "Those that couldn't swim"...
  12. Seems like we have a lot fo slang in common - I think.
  13. Star Wars - that's about it for now. I've seen Mad Max :3
  14. I don't have a regular schedule, but I do prefer to keep my hair short
  15. I'm mostly a fan of fantasy. My favourite authors are Feist, Terry Pratchett and Eoin Colfer.
  16. xD and :3 are my favourites...but also ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) in certain situations, thanks to Imgur Least favourites are the reversed ones, like (: and c:
  17. On occasion I do like to curl it around my fingers when it gets longer thatn normal...but more than anything I like OTHER playing with my hair...like, running their fingers through it slowly, maybe massaging the scalp gently. tis noice
  18. I do pilates and a few weights lately, and I go for a cycle when the weather's fine...living in Ireland, that's pretty rare
  19. I've worn men's briefs in the past, cos they had a cool design on them...but they weren't very comfy Also I've worn men's hoodies for comfort and a friend's shorts with a tight belt due to not having suitable clothing at the time.
  20. People making noise late at night - especially if you've TOLD them you're going to bed to attempt this "sleep" thing
  21. Sometimes mine is a little higher pitched and more upbeat than my own voice...but mostly I just thinkin my own voice
  22. I speak English, and a small amount of Spanish and Irish.
  23. Blaa is love. Blaa is life.

    1. The Professor...8D

      The Professor...8D

      Oh Happy Day..........Hazy has Found a Nice Girlfriend............or Boyfriend..........or Santa Clause

    2. IcyHaze
  24. I briefly used it because I was planning on searching for...well, I don't even know what I was searching for. But I decided to stop using it quite quickly due to the fact that most of the "good" sites I'd heard about didn't seem to be available anymore, and it was far, faaar too easy to blunder onto some less savory stuff - illegal images, drugs, extremely explicit and illegal videos... Poeple using those sort of thigns are highly monitored, unless a proxy is used - and i decided not to risk stumbling upon some dodgy stuff.
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