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Everything posted by IcyHaze

  1. Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, Peaky Blinders, Fargo, Sherlock (BBC), Better Caul Saul.. Oh, wait a minute... xD Ghost in the Shell is all I can really recommend ^^
  2. Mayo on chips? Eugh. I'll stick to having it with burgers and pizza and the like Gonna stick with ketchup - though I'm quite fond of BBQ sauce too Also, surprisingly enough, Salad Cream works great with fish and chips - it's similar to tartar sauce
  3. Favourite pet: Dog Current pet: None. Don't have the time or energy to have a pet right now
  4. I went for a long cycle in the countryside today. Took me 2 hours (With a few breaks). Was quite nice
  5. Just plain chocolate bars. NOTHING beats a plain bar of Dairy Milk chocolate
  6. Well I live in the countryside, but not a forest.
  7. “Home is behind, the world ahead, and there are many paths to tread / through shadows to the edge of night, until the stars are all alight.”

    1. The Professor...8D

      The Professor...8D

      You are on quite the Tolkien Kick Recently.............XD

    2. IcyHaze


      Started reading the books again ;)

  8. "Where now are the horse and the rider? Where is the horn that was blowing?"

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. IcyHaze


      That's not very good :P The movies are truly fantastic

    3. The Professor...8D

      The Professor...8D

      I can't do long movies..........Books yes........Movies no......^^;

    4. IcyHaze


      That's a pity

  9. So who here likes Boromir?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. IcyHaze


      Boromir? He's from The Lord of the Rings

    3. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Ahhhhhh, I knew that sounded familiar. XD To be honest, I have not seen those films in full. :|

    4. IcyHaze


      You need to. Or read the books. Or even better yet, BOTH, as they're quite different and both brilliant

  10. Lindt's Lime chocolate...why have I never experienced of this godly substance before?

  11. I'd take his name unless it was a completely horrid one as for LGBT...rock paper scissors sounds good
  12. Love for my friends and family. Fear for their lives and mine. The desire for peace. And a strong sense of justice.
  13. I live by the seaside, and I've seen seagulls drag food out of peoples hands at times. But overall they're not too bad. They're far from nice, but you just have to be careful with your food
  14. Well...LoL does have one of the worst communities ever, due to the fact that one weak person on the team can tip the whole game. Have you yourself been the troll? Yes I have, but never to an extreme amount. I never feed on purpose or ruin the game...but I onyl troll people who are complete asshats in the first place. Have you done anything to stop the bullying? All you can really do is tell someone to chill, advise eveyrone ot mute them, and then mute him yourself. And report, if you're game allows it. Do you think anything needs to be changed? What can be changes? People are going to get angry, and all you can do is report them when it happens. Have you ever been threatened over a game or in person? Yes When do you think the bully takes it too far? Any death threats or telling someone to kill themselves is just stupid.
  15. Well, I drink alcohol most weekends, and sometimes during nights out I have a smoke or two with my friends, but if it's not there it doesn't bother me. I've tried heroin and cocaine once out of curiosity, but I've never gone back to them and don't plan to. What stops me form being a regular user or trying things like LSD and meth is how bad they can be for your health and the chance of an addiction forming and what it would do to my life. Also, I would say that things like alcohol aren't NECESSARY to be happy, but they do put an interesting swing on things. It's a different kind of happy. I'm quite content with my life in general, but it's fun to have a few drinks or smoke with friends. Simple as.
  16. Well we didn't have "middle school" in Ireland, we just have 8 grades of Primary School, ages between 4 - 12 or so, and 5 - 6 years of Secondary School, aged 12 - 18 or so, depending on the person. I suppose the closest to middle school is the first 3 years of Secondary School, which is known as the "Junior Certificate" - but you're in the same school as the older people and doing the same subjects - albeit less advanced, with the same teachers, so...it's all right really. Overall I look back fondly on my school years, early and later. Sure I had issues and struggled with mild depression for a time, but I got through them, and overall the good outweighs the bad
  17. It really depends on the person to be honest. I've worn trillbies and the like in the past, and I THINK I got away with them, but some poeple just look awful.
  18. Are you a li'l girl? Or are you not?
  19. Thanks :3 And yeah, I'm glad you told me xD
  20. Thank you :3 I'm always changing the colours ...
  21. I don't THINK I posted this one before...
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