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Everything posted by IcyHaze

  1. Nope, not since I wa slike, 11 or something. I've still got some form my childhood kept carefully around the place, but none of that stuff is in my bed
  2. Glad you catered to people outside of the US, even if in Ireland we disagree with the term "British Isles" and it is not used in our country.
  3. You can still send letters and postcards if you want to. It's still there, and it's still regularly used by many people. It's just no longer a necessity, and not nearly as handy.
  4. Only if I'm very hungry because I've had a small dinner or had to rush it or got interrupted or something. I used to do it a lot, but I dropped it a while back because I put on a lot of weight. Lost it all again though, which is good
  5. As far as I remember the Ghost In The Shell series had a good dub :3
  6. I've always been fascinated by crows. They're so intelligent, and if not quite friendly, then quite trusting. I love birds, as long as they're not nesting in the roof, stealing my food or shitting on my head. I live near the coast, so Seagulls can be a pain at times, but usually they're all right.
  7. One day in biology my teacher, who ahd a very strong Cork (Ireland) accent, just stood at the top of the class and shouted: "Tits! I LOVE TITS!" "EVERY DAY I WAKE UP AND LOOK OUTSIDE I SEE TITS!" A pause. And then: "BLUE TITS! LOVELY BIRDS! TODAY WE'RE STUDYING BIRDS, LADS!"
  8. Why can't it be somehwere in between? Y'know, a nice pub that does good food. But if I had to choose, a cheap place is definitely better for a first time - it's a more relaxed atmosphere, and if things don't go well you won't feel bad for spending so much money.
  9. I drink tap water all the time, but I know there's a lot of fluoride and chlorine in it.
  10. A rasher sandwich. (Bacon in a sandwich, guys)
  11. I'm Irish. They're all amazing. But I do have a particular fondness for chips (fries), hash browns, spicy wedges and roast potatoes
  12. It's like the second family car, so I don't really do muchw ith it except throw in petorl and make sure the oil and stuff is ok. I looked yesterday, it's the Hyundai Accent, 2001 model. Grand, reliable little thing. Severely underpowered. Though I think as it turns out we're replacing it with a 2006 Volkswagen Polo - which despite being a smaller car will actually be better
  13. I drive a 2001 Hyundia something. For some reason I've never learned the actual model xD
  14. Desktop all the way. I occasionally pop on my phone if I'm chattign to someone via PM's, but I never browse on my phone.
  15. Guys...GUYS...if you calle dit "St. Patty's" in Ireland you'd probably get a slap xD It's highly frowned upon over here.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. The Professor...8D

      The Professor...8D

      Saint Patrick's Day.........My uncle is not a saint.......why is there a day named after him?

    3. IcyHaze


      He's a secret saint

    4. The Professor...8D

      The Professor...8D

      Secret Saints...........Great name for a a band.......8D

  16. Oh absolutely, they were still fantastic warriors, and have a very interesting history.
  17. Well I originally came from guitar, so I'm well used to picks. I'm comfortable using plectrums or fingers on the bass, so I always try to use what the original player used. When I write my own stuff, it purely depends on the style and feel of the song. A good delay pedal seems to cost over 100 quid online form what I can see - the one I have is the Boss DD-3 which I absolutely adore for either bass or guitar. I got it second-hand but in perfect condition for about 30 quid off a friend of mine. Couldn't say no to a deal like that! I've never found a distortion for the bass that I've liked, but I did find the bass big muff to have an amazing tone if you want to create a massive wave of sound.
  18. Yeah, I love throwing on Lateralus and playing along, especially since i got myself a proper delay pedal. Makes playing songs like the Grudge a lot more satisfying. I use a pl;ectrum on the Tool stuff though....judging by the sound, I think he does too. I mean I COULD play it with my fingers but like...it doesn't sound right to me.
  19. I have a very agressive style on the bass - my biggest influences are probably Steve Harris of Iron Maiden and Tim Commerford of Rage Against The Machine, so I really hit the strings hard with my index and middle finger to get the sound I like :3
  20. I'm Irish. That should be all I need to say. Ireland's tea consumption per capita is higher than even the UK. Everyone has a cuppa tea here. You go to someone's house? Cuppa tea. Wake up in the morning? Cuppa tea. Lunch? Cuppa tea. Coffee is also very popular, and is more often drank in cafés and whatnot, but tea is by far the dominant home beverage. Just plain old black tea. I personally like a strong taste, with sugar and milk.
  21. I've been thinking that I really need to play some of the Legend of Zelda games ... emulators, here I come!
  22. Samurai are extremely over-rated, and werenot nearly as good as people make them out to be. Their swords weren't amazingly durable and sharp - at least, no more so than european steel. Knights on the other hand tend to be under-rated. People tend to think fo them as being this big, burly, slow lords who could die form a single stab wound, when in reality, qhile being limited by their armour, they were extremely well trained and their armour could protect them from most swords, which is why many were taught hoiw to use "half-handing" or "Half-Sword" - the technique of holding the blade in the left hand and using it as a thrusting weapon to drive the point into weak spots on the armor. Along with that, the sword could be held by the blade swung like a hammer, using the crossguard to damage the enemy's armour. Vikings...well, vikings are from a different time. Their time ended around the time of the Normans, I believe. I'm fond of vikings, since Ireland has numerous cities that are of viking origins, but I'd prefer the later eras.
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