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Everything posted by Jennabun

  1. Jennabun

    mega thread Feminist Club!

    Hey feminist friends! I am so sorry I haven't posted here in FOREVER! If you don't know this about me: I am a teacher. And, well, let's just say the school year was hella stressful and I had no time for forum-ing. But now I am BACK and I'm so happy to see there are still feminist-positive ponies here. I'll post something more feminist-oriented later on, but I just wanted to quickly hop back on and say hi! And that I've missed you all! <3 Anyone see any stories or articles that were interesting lately?
  2. I'm definitely a HUFFLEPUFF! <3 I love everything about being a Hufflepuff. It fits me perfectly. I may seem unassuming and reserved, but inside I am fiercely dedicated and strong! Ravenclaw is second most like me, since i really value intelligence and education. Then Gryffindor. Then Slytherin. It seems like there are a ton of people who are Hufflepuffs and yet all Harry Potter stuff I ever see is Gryffindor or Slytherin. Bummerrrr. Hufflepuffs need more recognition and representation.
  3. Haven't posted in a long while! I see everyone here is still super adorable. Here is what my face looked like on my birthday last week
  4. Signed in for the first time in MONTHS. Ahh, feels good. :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DND


      welcome back !

    3. Ashen Pathfinder

      Ashen Pathfinder

      OMG, long time no see!!!! <3

    4. Miles


      Good to see you back :3

  5. I hope everyone is having a lovely weekend! ^_^

    1. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      i hope your weekend is lovely too <3

    2. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Thank you, though mine has been kinda...not too great. Not today at least. I hope yours has been well though.

  6. Okay, even using your reasoning, MLP can still be considered feminine. I think it is extremely easy to argue that MLP was made generally only to appeal to women. I mean, that's way the brony community is so fascinating to people -- it's a large amount of male viewers who enjoy a show made primarily for women and girls. If bronies were simply men who liked a "gender-neutral" show, people wouldn't find this phenomenon so rare or interesting. MLP (a show that: features a female protagonist; consists of a core female supporting cast; primarily focuses on the role of female friendships; explores female identity; was made to sell toys and dolls to little girls; frequently mentions fashion, cupcakes, cute fuzzy animals, princesses, etc.) is feminine. But that doesn't mean men can't or shouldn't enjoy it. I think male fans feel the need to justify their enjoyment of MLP by emphatically claiming "but it's NOT a girly show!!!" But that's not true. Men just don't feel comfortable admitting they like something feminine. Men could improve society and open some minds by openly and proudly enjoying a show FOR its femininity instead of trying to insist that the femininity isn't there. Men liking MLP doesn't mean MLP suddenly isn't feminine anymore. It just means men happen to like something feminine (which is totally fine, despite what society tried to say).
  7. I think it's problematic (and pretty damn sexist) that people view shows with substance as being "gender neutral" and consider silly, simple, shallow shows as being "girly." MLP is a very feminine show. It is centered on female characters and it is aimed at a female audience. That is pretty difficult to argue. The fact that is happens to be a good show doesn't make it less feminine. Feminine ≠ bad.
  8. Jennabun

    mega thread Feminist Club!

    I love Big Mac! He's part of the plot without dominating it in any sort of way. I also just love his personality. He is sweet and does a good job helping his sisters and granny in a caring, respectful way. Spike doesn't feel "forced" as a prominent male character because he's always been around. Also he's clearly secondary to the Mane 6. Sure he has episodes that center on him, but I don't think any of them have been problematic.
  9. I'm not a fan of this type of gender essentialism, even when it is trying to praise women. It's narrow-minded and inaccurate. It doesn't make sense to generalize half the population simply based on what chromosomes they have. People experience emotions differently for a lot of reasons. People handle emotions differently for a lot of reasons. Many men are emotionally unstable. Many women are emotionally unstable. Many people who identify somewhere ambiguous on the gender spectrum are emotionally unstable. Emotions are complex, and that's just part of being human. I don't think it has anything to do with gender at all. Many sexist stereotypes (such as "all men are super aggressive!" or "all women are crazy!") are still pervasive in our society, and that influences how people interpret the world around them. It also is easy for people to internalize these stereotypes and behave according to those expectations. I think we would benefit more as a society if we stopped trying to push these limiting narratives and instead encouraged open-mindedness.
  10. Jennabun

    mega thread Feminist Club!

    I wouldn't be happy about it. I think one of the most awesome things about MLP is the fact that it is unapologetically female-centered. I love that the entire main cast is made up of women and the primary focus of the show is genuine female friendships. I think it is amazing for young viewers to see that, and that's what makes MLP extremely feminist to me. MLP is such a positive, special "girl power" show, and it works! Why change it? I feel like the only reason they would add a male character into the main cast is to appeal to the male viewers, and I think that is just forced. And cowardly. That would feel like them selling out to me. MLP is fantastic and I don't want anything messing with the dynamic of the female characters and the overall vibe of the show.
  11. I got that same keychain! It's on my keys. I get compliments on it all the time. SO CUTE!!! Naturally. I wouldn't expect him to be. He is so perfect in all of his grumpiness. :3 You are too sweet!
  12. The highlight of my vacation was when I went to Mall of America and met Squidward I fangirled harder than the little kids hahahaha.
  13. just FYI -- I'm still alive! I was out of town for two weeks. Now I'm in the middle of moving AND back-to-school preparations. Busy busy me~ :/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jennabun


      I feel like it lasted like two weeks lol. I already have to be back to school for teacher days on Monday. Waaaaah.

    3. Miles


      It feels like I haven't done much this summer. I guess because I had a full time job last summer, but this summer I only had a part time job. Inconsistent scheduling, random shift changing, etc... I am not ready to leave home again and live on campus in 3 weeks.

    4. Jennabun


      I didn't work and yet I feel like I was so busy! I took some graduate classes and then went on vacation and then BOOM summer was over already :/

  14. Boy Meets World and That 70s Show were both pretty friendship-heavy. There was a little romance, but it always seemed like friendship was the focus.
  15. Normally every other day. My hair gets super dry and gross otherwise.
  16. I can't cook at all X___X I am all about premade meals and frozen stuff, haha. But I can bake from scratch like a boss. I actually get inspired to bake, but I rarely get inspired to cook.
  17. Netflix is constantly like "Are you still watching My Little Pony Friendship is Magic?" ..........Um, OF COURSE! XD

    1. Fawkes The Phoenix
    2. Blake of Gilead

      Blake of Gilead

      IKR? It's all like, "Are you still watching MLP?" "Yes." 2 hours later... "Are you still watching MLP?" "...YES."


      ANOTHER 2 hours later..."Are you still watchin-" "GRAAAAAAAH!"

  18. I'm a vegetarian so I can't do pepperoni, sausage, etc... usually I'm just boring and I eat cheese pizza. If I feel adventurous I'll get jalapenos or onions or something. Or I get a margherita pizza :3
  19. I did super patriotic make-up yesterday and I'm pretty proud of it
  20. 1. Spectrophobia or Catoptrophobia - a specific kind of phobia where you're afraid of seeing strange images/apparitions in mirrors. I KNOW THIS IS REALLY WEIRD AND STUPID but this is by far my #1 fear. I cannot look into a mirror at nighttime because I am literally terrified of seeing a strange face or a ghost staring back at me. I have to run past the mirror and close my eyes. 2. Latrophobia - fear of going to the doctor. This is super irrational because I know doctors are literally made to save lives, but I get such bad anxiety about going. I couldn't even tell you why. But I hate it. 3. Specific social phobia - unlike general social phobia which means you're scared of socializing in general, I have a specific social phobia where I am afraid of talking to authority figures. Idk I get reallyyyy intimidated when I have to talk to people who have more power than me, like at work and stuff. It's bad, to the point where I get super worked up about it and feel my heart beat faster, I get butterflies in the stomach, I start to tear up. Ugh it's really dumb and childish, but I can't help it.
  21. Happy AMURICA day! <3 please don't blow yourself up!

  22. Firefox, hands down. It runs like a dream. Also I like the add-ons and customization.
  23. I love to bake, read, play video games, write poetry (used to do this a lot more... kind of in a rut), shop, do make-up, collect toys, take care of pets... I think that's the main stuff I do
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