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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by ~Chaos~

  1. Oh man, well they both have great songs, although I haven't watched much ponies since season 3, so I may have missed quite a bit of them. For me it would have to be SU, as I'm much more into that show these days. But still I simply can't ignore MLP's songs.
  2. How would you feel if everything you touched turned into chocolate? I mean everything! Except yourself obviously. This is the most important question in existence.
  3. 1. I actually haven't really delved into or read much head canons to be honest, so I can't give a proper answer to that one ^^; 2. I really would like to see Peridot and Amethyst fuse! I can only imagine what it would like, very interesting! So many more as well. 3. Probably Hey Arnold! I loved that show, it would be interesting to see what a reboot would be like. 4. I would get rid of coffee, I'm newly into tea! Thanks in large part to my girlfriend! I'm loving it, so many different flavours and kinds. 5. I don't much like picking just one, but Zoop was pretty cool, haha. Thanks for the questions!
  4. (╯°□°)╯︵( .o.)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kiri


      How dare you! I'm going to go sit in a corner now and hug a pillow. ;-;

    3. ~Chaos~


      Revenge for stealing my chocolates!


      ...wait... what is this feeling? ... is it guilt?... Seeing you sit in the corner all sad... I can't take it.

    4. Kiri


      I'm sorryyy e.e *hides her face*


      Das right babe! D:<

  5. Making yummy tea, and it's nice and sunny outside ^^ Feeling good!
  6. I don't want any of those things. I'm not really a kid person, heh.
  7. That's super adorable, I love your style. ^^
  8. It's you, hey ^^ from BS right? I was Chaos.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. HeartFire


      Doing good. i've moved to the usa and gotten married since we last spoke, lol. so a lot of things have happened

    3. ~Chaos~


      Oh wow! Well good for you ^^

    4. HeartFire
  9. >:3c

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ~Chaos~


      Better watch out, pushing Peri's buttons may not be a good idea, missy!



    3. Kiri
    4. ~Chaos~


      You don't want to find out! >:}

  10. I usually wear a bland black. Perhaps it's time to make a change, and wear colourful undies. :3c
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