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Moony the Cat

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Everything posted by Moony the Cat

  1. If someone wants to know, what exactly i mean with " working " on " animations " here is a test Video of what im currently doing : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rNoZZ0wKot0

  2. After i created my youtube channel with my music content nothing happened, zero views..on all my videos. Execpt a few times when i watched them. After i got depressed, i created kind of a troll channel in which i only had one stupid video, saying that mlp is better than ridge racer, and i get invitations to groups, some bronys want to chat with me, i ave 5 subscribers, i have 19 views, i think 4 google plus follower....and i just sitting here like : WTF??? So being stupid gets you fans, but...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Moony the Cat

      Moony the Cat

      What do you exactly mean by promote?

    3. Dark Qiviut

      Dark Qiviut

      Do you plug in your music in forum threads, topics, signatures, Reddit groups, blogs, etc.?

    4. Moony the Cat

      Moony the Cat

      I promoted it on my tumblr ones, but the people just liked the post, they didnt really get to my youtube channel for it though XD And i posted it on twitter.

  3. I just scanned 22 animations sketches. And had to restart my computer 2 times, first time it freezes and second..well it just shut itself down.
  4. It may will surprise someone, but i actually didnt liked the Episode at all. And after i heard the second season was better than the first and after all that praise for Discord i really expected much. But the Episodes were just boring to me. I didnt liked the Jokes Discord made, and as an villain...i dont know, he just creates Chaos...a little...nothing to dramatic.There was barely any fight scene and the only thing that happened was that he teared the mane 6 apart by changing there characters. The only scene i liked was as Fluttershy trow the bucket at Twilight. Everything else just..meh. After Nightmare Moon, Discord was not terrifying at all and uninteresting. I have seen even members of the mane 6 creating more Chaos than him in some episodes. Also i didnt watched Star Trek, so i also didnt know the voice actor at all. All in all...Discord was for me disappointing as an Villain and therefore both episodes boring. Sry, but this Episode also made me lose my interest in Mlp completely for some time. It was just not my thing.
  5. I guess with tearing up, you mean like crying, right? Because Google Translator tells me that it only means tearing something apart. Well i cried a little by the Generation 3 Movie The runaway Rainbow. It was as two characters ( Rarity and one other Pony ) sing a song about how they miss each other. That was sad to me.
  6. I really like your drawing style, specially the eyes. They look great My favourite one is the Dragon you. Its just looks really cute. But why is the ninth picture so small ?
  7. Welp, i just finished the outlines of an animation of the first page of ask jappleack...yay! Now i have to colour them all. Well thats just what i do at the moment if someone wants to know.

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Moony the Cat

      Moony the Cat


    3. Moony the Cat

      Moony the Cat

      And you know whos s-

    4. Moony the Cat

      Moony the Cat


  8. https://soundcloud.com/mystic-queen-twilight-sparkle/mew-theme-short-version Here, i dont remember if i already said this, but i made one new musictrack before losing all my motivation again XD From now one i try to animate something..finally again! But we will all see how that will end up..
    1. Moony the Cat

      Moony the Cat

      Music hurts my ears.

    2. Moony the Cat

      Moony the Cat

      I didnt even know, you had any Motivation to begin with. Having Motivation means having Emotions which requires existing.

    3. Moony the Cat

      Moony the Cat


  9. Well, not really. For me the best Forum that will always stay in my heart, was the SMBZ Forum. Or more specific the ( i dont know what it was exactly called ) King Bowser Forum or Koopa Armee Forum, something like that. It was a really short Forum with not much Users, but that was for me like the best thing. Instead of having thousands of Users, that randomly adds you in friends list to that point that you dont even know who they were, it was much better to just be like 5 or 6 Users, but you know all of them and i was a friends of all of them. We all played in the same rpg, we all registered ourselves on the forums of the other users, we really were like a family. Whenever a new User came, we all instantly invited them to go there or go there. We all knew each other. And for me who has in general problems with talking to people, this small forum was just the best. Sadly everything died out. I mean the Forum. Because the first Forum Koopa Armee got deleted, because the servers of Foren City was shut down with no explanation and thousands of forums just vanished. And the second Forum died out, because the Webseries Super Mario Bros Z which the forum was based on, got cancelled. Since then the forum is 100 % inactive since a few years. Well, and i dont have any contact to any of the users anymore. And a few even deleted them selves from the Forum and most of them did go different ways from then on. But i will always remember the good times we all had.
  10. Lost my password on youtube again, and google seems to not even have a " send new password " function anymore. Great! A second youtubeaccount lost...thanks to google plus.

  11. Remember the time, when a Equestria Girls Spinoff series was announced called Equestria Academy? Well, i cant find any information anymore, so i guess it just had been cancelled..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dark Qiviut

      Dark Qiviut

      IIRC, Equestria Academy is a mistranslation for "Equestria Girls."

    3. Castle_Cross


      I totally forgot about it

    4. Nuke87654


      @DQ perhaps that is the case.

  12. I have a skype now...yay! Who cares...

    1. The Mint Pone

      The Mint Pone

      The internet cares that's who!

  13. Today in the morning someone was banging at my window, at my door, and pushed the doorbell like 30 times. But i was sleeping, so it took me sometime to get to the door, and then i saw noone. Then i tried to sleep again, this happenend now 3 times. And now im scared of getting out with the dog. If this has something to do with the building site in front of my house, i might get yelled at for not opening the door in time.

    1. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      ooh sounds scary =/

  14. Well i guess im in a youtube glitch..i can subscribe to people, but i dont have a channel or google plus account...thats youtube telling me...HOW AM I SUBSCRIBING PEOPLE THEN?

    1. Deae Rising Shine~
    2. Moony the Cat

      Moony the Cat

      Hmmm, i guess you have not only a youtube and google plus account, but also a normal google account which i used to subscribe to people...but still strange...

  15. Im thinking about deleting my tumblr for the third time, because...no idea what i should do with it..its crap...ive lost all motivation...the only thing i want to do is adapt the game ghost vibration into a tumblr blog..but i failed again for the third time.

    1. Deae Rising Shine~
    2. Moony the Cat

      Moony the Cat

      Okay..thanks i guess. but i deleted it, its the best. If from 180 follower sonly 2 like my pictures..i did something wrong, so i guess they didnt liked me anyway.

  16. Thought watching a girls cartoon as an adult men would be strange? How about playing an educational game for 5 year olds, even 4 of them and you cant beat it because they are to difficult for you...

  17. Oh god i hate my laptop...the only thing i want to do is, scanning a picture i draw, but my windows doesnt even start, it got shutdown already 3 times now...i guess i just broke my second laptop..

    1. Deae Rising Shine~
    2. Moony the Cat

      Moony the Cat

      He, thanks^^well i still got my apple...so atleast i still have access to the internet.

  18. Well my art was just put in the Abomination category :D There goes my selfesteem as an artist, by self esteem :D Dont forget to send me a card.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Moony the Cat
    3. Moony the Cat

      Moony the Cat

      Youre an Abomination. To all Bronys and Humankind.

    4. Moony the Cat

      Moony the Cat

      Hes an Insult to literally everything !

  19. Lol, i just typed in Clop Forum in google, because i was curious..and the first sites that showed up are from catholic churches, because the place their is called cloppenburg XD

    1. Mesme Rize

      Mesme Rize

      Lol. Cloppenburg is in Germany and isn't far from my City. XD

    2. 碇 シンジン
    3. Deae Rising Shine~
  20. Well, apparently outside of Tumblr and mlp forums, my drawings gets either downvoted or totally ignored. Well, i guess i still suck at drawing then...

  21. I just did my first nsfw drawing...yeah..so proud of myself...Oh god, i will lose all my followers on tumblr, dont i ? i hope not...oh wait, now i have to delete the link to my tumblr right? I guess.

  22. Well, i guess i f***** up...i liked a lot of no to sfw pictures on tumblr and didnt know that facebook would also post my favourites from tumblr and not just my drawings...well...could be that i have now nsfw on my facebook...great...i dont even want to look...im so stupid..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Red Cedar

      Red Cedar

      Why I make sure I never link my Facebook account to any other site I visit.

    3. Moony the Cat

      Moony the Cat

      Well, if you clikc on connecting with facebook, which i did to post my art there, i didnt paid enough attention, because it opens even more options then, and one of them is " share my favourites "

    4. Deae Rising Shine~

      Deae Rising Shine~

      oh, well, I would be dead if I had linked to FB then XD

    1. Moony the Cat

      Moony the Cat

      And you deleted it again, congratulations in being an unreasonable Jerk to your Tumblr Followers. Congratulations, you are horrible.

    2. Moony the Cat

      Moony the Cat

      You even did it again...you are an A*****e ! Nothing more.

  23. Great, i have my birthdaymoney and totally no idea what to buy...there is a My Little Pony Tales Complete Dvd Collection ( FINALLY !!! ) but now i already have almost every episode on vhs..than their is the option to spend all my money on batman dvds...or i dont now..actually i dont want anything..hell, i dont know..there ar eno music programs for mac, so...i have no idea at all

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Moony the Cat

      Moony the Cat

      Oh no, my Life sis sooo horrible, the Dog annoys me, please kill me ! Hes such a pathethic Wimp !

    3. Moony the Cat
    4. Moony the Cat
  24. Multiple Themes ? You mean more different Melodys and samples? Well, the music was made in Audiosauna, which is a free program in the net and in a beta version at the moment. I cant use more than 10 different instruments/drums , so im kind off limited there.I tried to make as much variety as possible. Well,except for the long refrains because i like if refrains stay a little longer than usual. Give the Wobbles some effect? Uh...i dont know which specific sample you mean but i have no experience in adding effects and i never did it before. I could try it but i have to learn it first Flanger? Ive read what it is but i never heard of it before. And i think i dont have such a thing or program as of now. " The style is pleasant however. " Thanks Im always kinda afraid it hurts to listen too. Because my songs always end up being to loud, because i add to much stuff in the final refrains Im remember my childhood, in which i did a song like 20 minutes, and added much different samples and my mother came in to the room and asked me " what is that sound ? " " Im making music. " " Music? Im only hearing that terrible loud noise. " Yeah... I guess its good that audiosauna only give me limited samples to use. And a limited time of 9 minutes " I love the long decay/release times. " YAY, someone like me And the release time? Well, the release time is kinda wrong XD Very wrong. First off, i made the Markiplier Song before the Marionette song, so the order in songcloud is wrong. And second i uploaded the Markiplier Song months ago on youtube.I only had a lot of haters, because i thought it would be fun, to annoy antibronies on youtube, with silly videos. So i kinda had to delete the song there. And months later i came to the idea to upload it on tumblr and soundcloud instead.
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