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Uncle Apples

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Everything posted by Uncle Apples

  1. Both! I have 1 dog and 3 cats and love them all dearly (︶ω︶) But if I had to choose starting fresh, I'd say cats! They don't smell bad (or fart as far as I know) My dog can clear a whole building with his poisonous gas toots ( ̄□ ̄;)
  2. When I was still in school (a private school, mind you) I used to do it all the time! We had these little cubicles so it was pretty easy to make like you weren't sleeping and still catch a few Zs! (。⌒∇⌒)。
  3. Most of the time I shower at night (one of my motto's is shower everyday! ⊂((・▽・))⊃) But sometimes depending on how early I wake up, and how I'm feeling, I can shower in the morning. (・◇・)
  4. Trading cards! I've been collecting trading cards for a very long time! Mostly dragon ball and vanguard cards. I used to have a ton of MtG cards, but had an unfortunate accident with them (;*´Д`)ノ And also vintage/retro video games and video game memorabilia (。´∀`)ノ
  5. Why are there so many flame bait topics? Just love each other! (❁´▽`❁)*✲゚*

    1. Show previous comments  1 more


      it's sad that people want to impose their opinion on others, that's the start of every discussion...


      or maybe they're just trolling :P

    3. GreySentinel


      I agree. It could be many things, sadly. It could be jealousy, the desire for attention, spite, or just plain ol' ignorance.

      Some men just want to watch the world bur-


      *gets bricked on the back of the head*

    4. Uncle Apples

      Uncle Apples

      Yeah! They should hug more *huggles* (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))

  6. But...Fluttershy was being nice. The writers just made it sound comical by making her point out the obvious, whilst still being innocent and caring.
  7. Very excited to have another Applejack lover! Welcome and have a wonderful time here! (≧∇≦)/
  8. I think you girls are awesome for accepting us even though we like something that is supposed to be girly (●⌒∇⌒●) Glad you think we're attractive (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤ The feeling is mutual ~(⁰▿⁰)~
  9. Welcome to the herd! This is definitely the most friendly community I've ever been apart of. Enjoy your stay! APPUUUUUUUUUULLLLLLSSSSS
  10. Happy birthday, Jasmine You...R.I.P

  11. Hello My little Ponies! :3 How is everyone?



      OMG IMA PONE xD i'm fine, how about you?

    2. Uncle Apples

      Uncle Apples

      Doing great! Was up really early today so I'm full of energy! :D

  12. N'night! :3c <3

    1. Deae Rising Shine~
    2. catnet


      Goodnight, and sweet dreams! ^o^

      *hugs* =3

  13. Woke up really late @.@ Now I don't know what to do :x

  14. I'm off for the night, ponies! Night! <3



      Goodnight! have sweet dreams uncle :)

    2. TwilyTastic
    3. Noei


      Sweet dreams

  15. I'm off for the night, ponies! Night! <3

  16. Welcome to these wonderful forums! I hope you have an amazing time! Everyone is polite and friendly, and the fun never ends!
  17. I love Mark from CGR. Me and my brother had our names said in the thank you video for his comic book kickstarter! Was pretty excited to hear Mark say our names! Don't really watch undertow, though. The guys voice creeps me out :x
  18. Probably a tie up between spitz, Versailles and L'arc en ciel. All of them for the vocals, as I am a vocalist myself. spitz is very nice and laid back alternative rock group with smooth vocals. L'arc en ciel is one of the greatest Jrock bands of all time, and I model my vocals somewhat off of Hyde (the lead singer). And Versailles, the best Powermetal band in the world until the split (making me die inside :<) Kamijo (the lead singer) is also an inspiration for my voice. Voices are what stick out to me most in music, so that's why I like those groups. Now that Kamijo is single, I'd that say KAMIJO is my favorite of all time.
  19. Now I'm wondering how the mane 6 really do smell :I

  20. Weeeeeeelll... Applejack would be apples, of course. Pinkie Pie would be like, cakes or baked goods. (Something sweet!) The others could be tricky. Rarity could have a perfume like scent. Something clean and fresh. Fluttershy could smell like flowers. Rainbow Dash could be something like citrus, because of her personality. And Twilight...dusty books? Maybe something warm and comforting. Sorry, not good at this. Just wanted to try :3c
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