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Everything posted by Fleur-De-Lis

  1. Im thinking about how hilarious this is http://mangafox.me/manga/noblesse/v01/c081/5.html seriously it seems almost like some sort of celestia joke. WHAT SECRETS DO YOU HOLD BANANA!? (That manga is an interesting read by the way.)
  2. Two things on my mind, both of which totally worth sharing! spaghetti.mp4 And Derpy getting her license (Theres a whole series of characters doing that, and I love each and every one of them)
  3. Well i cant really help you with any of that stuff all of that is way out of my range of knowledge. Wish you luck on your popcorn endeavers!
  4. Well i did mention that popcorn brand and watts make quite the difference (in a previous post ). I am curious now though, what brand are you using? and what country? I did not think countries had that significant a difference with their popcorn, but I guess when it comes down to it, the region the kernals were imported would make a difference too. Amazing how many variables goes into making good popcorn right? Also I am glad I helped you understand more about your microwave!
  5. I think you need a new microwave before that one becomes more of a fire hazard than it already is. I think you may need a new microwave ... either that or the number you are pushing is a "quick cook" kind of button and applies certain settings for a certain type of food (I know some microwaves do that). Some microwaves also have different power settings (low, medium, or high power.). You should look up a manual for your microwave. Knowing the wattage can also be important too, though note that most times on microwaving instructions are in 1000 or 1100 watts these days (to my knowledge at least.)
  6. Maybe we should just call ourselves popcorn enthusiests much simpler. Also, stove popcorn eh? those are a little pricey per pan, but its good stuff ... when you can make it right (I find it can be ... tricky. ... the thought randomly occured to me ... just as none must know Rarity is part marshmallow ... perhaps spitfire is part popcorn? (random joke because of hte palette ... which i gues sfluttershy qualifies too ... and applebloom ... everything around that buttery color
  7. Sometimes popcorn tastes slightly better a little burned it gives it that extra zing! hahaha.
  8. Thinking about just how awesome two best sisters play is it seems way better than the original (two best friends play) ... maybe ponies has to do with it :comeatus: (pokemon snap is my favorite one)
  9. First off, if you truly consider yourself a popcorn connoisseur, you should first state the size, measurement, or weight of the bag/kernels. Otherwise you do not really give us a comparason for the times in the poll (personal bag? full? popcorn machine? etc.) haha sorry im going a bit overboard. But simply put your leaving too many variables for me to guess at. Considering the times though you probably have a high wattage microwave, or your referring to smaller bags. My typical popcorn experience Personally when i make popcorn via microwave I use Pop Secret extra butter or movie theatre butter (3.2oz bags; basically the full size ones). I enjoy putting the Orville butter topping on my popcorn! (can never have too much butter ) then add some Kernel season's popcorn seasoning (popcorn salt, and sometimes extra butter flavor). It can taste just like the movies! Though the time for each bag of popcorn is unique, and just as the bag suggests you should wait until the kernals stop popping every 2 seconds. (I give it about a leeway of two missed popping intervals). Lawry's seasoned salt is also an interesting flavor to add. All amounts of added seasoning and butter is typically up to the person who puts it (as people's taste varies greatly). I do not recommend mixing the Lawrys season salt and the popcorn salt. And in all cases, i recommend adding the butter topping first so the seasoning grips to the popcorn more. Personally, I get my popcorn from a microwave (900 watt) and set the time for about 3:30, as the bag pop times (as mentioned prior) change per bag and especially per brand. And I just watch the popcorn like a hawk to ensure it doesnt get stuck in the microwave and stop rotating, or the like. Typically I get less than 10 unpopped kernals, this includes the partially popped ones. If i had to ballpark about how long it takes on average I would say probably nearing the 3 minute mark usually (give/take about 20 seconds). Other stuff If you want to pop 100% of the kernals ... I recall watching a youtube video of people pressure cooking popcorn (it was foreign), something to look up if your interested, though naturally I am sure there are other methods to getting that 100% I take care with my popcorn as sushi chef's does to their sushi I suppose I cant exactly say i am too much a popcorn fanatic moreso because I do not own a popcorn maker, but that is mostly due to the fact they are so much hassle to clean, and are pretty much only good for popcorn.
  10. The thought just occured to me, how interested would everypony be to see Sonata Dusk make a return, but kinda reform a bit like Sunset Shimmer? ... I dont particularly care for the other dazzlings, but i'd certainly like to see more Sonata !
  11. So I watched rainbow rocks ... I think i'd say her bit about fruit punch was one of my favorites.
  12. I used to be a pony like pony, but then I took a pony to the pony!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fleur-De-Lis


      Pony pony? Pony pony pony!

    3. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      Pony pony. Pony =)=)=)! Pony?

    4. Fleur-De-Lis


      How many pony does it take to get to the pony of the ponypop? :P

  13. Cursive is very important for your signature, I really don't think that has changed yet. (as where I live, print is not a suitable form of a signature). Not all cursive is that ... swirly but it is indeed easy enough to read. "Page writing is sometimes called lady writing. requires in increase in the thrill we possess in using the pen. Care should be taken in the arrangement of writing." I had no struggles reading that cursive in post #1, aside from a few of the r's which were too small and easily missed. It may be a "fancier" version of some one's cursive but it sure isnt as legible!. As for its use, it actually does have one, as believe it or not it does in fact make longer writing assignments easier to deal with (provided your familier with cursive). You generally have less hand fatigue than you would from writing in print (and if proficient enough, you can write faster than you ever could with print; still slower than typing though of course). As for how much use you would get out of that I dont know, because computers are becoming a bigger and bigger thing for assingments and classrooms. But still you shouldn't neglect handwriting because when you do have to use it, you could find yourself in quite the pickle! (especially if you can't read your own writing!) Some professors in college pretty much make cursive a requirement ... or at least i heard that about an upper level english course (so take that with a grain of salt; as its may just be a rumor).
  14. Pretty much what it must have been like to babysit twilight when she was a foal http://beavernator.deviantart.com/art/Meet-the-Twily-Sparky-491208886

  15. Eh, probably. I have a fully upgraded magrider (stealth and regen) and sunderer (deploy shield and healing), so that could make for some awesome stuff. But honestly i'v been more into Borderlands 2 recently. Try adding my VS on Emerald, i'll hop on to accept your request ... whenever i get back on Planetside 2 lol. I look forward to playing together!
  16. And humble bundles! https://www.humblebundle.com/ I'v saved so much money from steam sales and humble bundles, all of which are quality games (or at least from what I'v boughten). Heck i'v most likely saved THOUSANDS over the years. (humble bundles include comics and other stuff though, like how i got the entire MLP:FiM comic series for just the $15 (valued at $200). Then of course recently they did the $600 mega bundle for $15 (i wasnt interested in what it had though, so i didnt get it ) .... If it aint on sale it aint worth getting I say! P.S. Supporting charity makes you awesome. I'm apparently cheap as a biscuit on wholesale! . But i say its just being a tad smarter with money . It lets me spend it on more important things, like bills. And honestly, most people (i know) who buy physical copies of games (usually at full/retail price) just end up selling them off (or trade in) to buy more games. But when you get things for great bargains to begin with, you cut out the middle man and keep the games AND the money! I have only ever pre-ordered 2 games in my life, and they have been Saints Row 4, and Destiny for the PS4. Both of which were totally worth it.
  17. VS is best, why, it even rhymes! But seriously if anyone is interested in playing just quote me or something, we'll PM eachother our character names/servers (i'd post mine but i dont want tons of random friend requests ... yet)
  18. I realized I should share more of what i meant by fanart that just makes her so lovable. Naturally I'm not going to bother searching through fanart that was actually made from when all we knew of rainbow rocks were teasers, promos and clips, but I am sure it will get the point across all the same. This is some great fan art of Sonata Dusk http://pridark.deviantart.com/art/Special-Snowflake-501124020 And this is a tumblr (I just found it) showcasing some pretty good pony fanart, mostly EQG from what I see, but here have some Sonata! http://baekgup.tumblr.com/post/103273655306
  19. Not really going to read this thread (spoilers and all; as i havent seen rainbow rocks yet), but basically when I first saw images of her on derpibooru, between the color palette and the facial experession, i knew I would grow to love her! I'll probablly swing back to the thread when i FINALLY get around to watching Rainbow Rocks. I saw it becoming popular a mile away, but never did i imagine it would blow up as huge as it has! Basing off the fanart i see (some fan comics included) i'd say she reminds me vaguly of Ed from Edd Ed 'n Eddy. And I love her all the more for it . Speaking of which, i recommend giving this a read http://jack-a-lynn.deviantart.com/art/Magic-of-the-Sirens-Cover-490660249 Note: There is far more than just 2 pages, but the artist forgot to link the 2nd page to the 3rd, so to keep going you'll have to find the 3rd page from his/her gallery.
  20. Fleur-De-Lis

    making christmas merrier Choose MLP Forums newest emote

    The votes have tied again! Nooo!! too much suspense! My reaction: http://youtu.be/awc4PaJfWa8?t=1m18s Lol so overdramatic and inane, too funny to not share , that was a good movie. And actually, Princess Celestia has plenty of fan art as well, but it simply hasnt been posted in the thread nearly as much because the thread is just getting too pic spammy (seriously people, spoiler those images at least; it may have calmed down now, but just look at what happend to page 3 to 6). Its at the point where I'm just giving people the links for those who are interested in viewing them. (which in this case is adorable Celestia) http://pridark.deviantart.com/art/FOUND-YA-490527959 http://jggjqm522.deviantart.com/art/I-love-this-music-album-367552492 http://bukoya-star.deviantart.com/art/Princess-Celestia-Chibi-339813587 Our dear princess Celestia, just like some users have also stated, she really has been getting overlooked, alot for that matter, four seasons and (debatably) two movies, yet still no Celestia emoticon. We even already have one lined up apparently (an emote); whether or not its one we have in mind I have no idea, At this point I strongly agree with this, it feels like its just turning into a fan war between Princess Celestia and Sunset Shimmer. Notice how the contest says does not specifically state for just one, the poll tends to imply just one, but at the same time lets face it ... why not just have both Celestia and Sunset Shimmer? After all "The administration has no problem with adding additional emotes to the forum's arsenal". Though if that should apply to this poll or not, I say it should, though obsidian shouldn't be obligated to draw two emotes instead of one, like he originally agreed to, Jokuc can fill in for us though (as evidenced in above quote hahaha). Now although I have that cited evidence and such, I am limiting that to just Princess Celestia and Sunset Shimmer, because those two are, and most likely will be about tied to the very end, if people would want anypony else, that would be a poll and contest for another time, agreed? Well thats it, I have given my two bits, and am done with this "campaigning" business. I just hope that other people can agree with me (show you support via brohoofs or quotes, whichever you think gets a point across more effectively; and if you show your support via quote, please shorten/summarize the points in this post), and took the effort to read through my post, because I put a good bit of effort into it. I would sure appreciate something like a https://www.derpibooru.org/238245 .Now if you'll excuse me, https://www.derpibooru.org/443269 https://www.derpibooru.org/337510
  21. Fleur-De-Lis

    making christmas merrier Choose MLP Forums newest emote

    Celestia needs more light i say (pun, hahaha), granted sunset shimmer was in 2 movies ... how much have we really seen Celestia throughout the 4 seasons? ... I'll see about watching that movie sometime before new years though, still, go Celestia! Besides~♪ we need to complete the royal family Go Tia~♥ your sister is waiting :comeatus:
  22. Fleur-De-Lis

    making christmas merrier Choose MLP Forums newest emote

    Im fine with that, but how about everyone start SPOILERING them? its getting hard to actually read things because like 90% of whats on the pages is just pictures now. That kinda goes for everyone, show a wee bit more consideration please?
  23. Fleur-De-Lis

    making christmas merrier Choose MLP Forums newest emote

    I keep seeing people say a vote for sunset shimmer is a vote for sunshine .... how? isnt that what CELESTIA does? Celestia and sunset shimmer is tied! oh noes. Come one Princess Celestia pull ahead! *announcers shouting dramatic things* Its as if we have placed our bets on a horse race! (ba dum tssh)
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