So, if you're watching the E3 Nintendo treehouse Live today, you probably have an opinion on the new Zelda game, Breath of the wind. Share your thoughts here, do you like it? Does it look good/bad?
Maybe it's a dumb question, but is there like something wrong with the tap water in the US? I've never heard of people not drinking tap water. Maybe it's because I live in Sweden, but I would still like to know.
OC Name: Snow Beat
Physical Description: Check Profile pic. Also, if you could just experiment with the mane and make it just a little bit less like The orange guy, i would be really thankful.
Race: Unicorn
Thanks in advance!
For some reason, I expected to see that haircut that every kid now has. (You know, the one where they almost shaved it on the sides and left hair on the top)
Glad it wasn't so.