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Sidral Mundet

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Everything posted by Sidral Mundet

  1. Okay I've calmed down a little so let me explain why I dislike this so much: 1) It's unethical and immoral as fuck. Yeah I may have a hypnosis fetish but I know that's fantasy, it's fake, you're playing it up for kinks and fun, it's not real, etc etc. Mind control in reality is scary. It is literally stripping you of any control you have, for your mind, your soul to be turned off, you completely unaware, your body a puppet, and that's if you're lucky! Otherwise you might end up being trapped in your own body unable to move or speak or do anything of your own accord. There's a reason there is a trope called "I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream" 2) It paints Starlight in the worst possible light. I will freely admit I have never cared for Starlight in the slightest so make of that what you will but this will not win her any fans. This entire scene makes her out to be unemphatic and near sociopathic. That look at the end? That is the look that she doesn't give two figs about what she's done, how the controlled ponies feel and I don't emotionally invest in those kinds of characters. If anything it makes me want to see them beat down. I like emphatic characters, characters that care. Starlight is showing she isn't even remotely like that and I do not enjoy that at all so it makes me dislike her.
  2. Just two questions 1) If Starlight knew this spell why didn't she use it in "Our Town"? 2)WHY THE FUCK DID THE MANE 6 LET THIS SOCIOPATH GET AWAY SCOTT FREE?!?
  3. Awesome sauce! What I liked: Applejack Fluttershy duo: Unlike in Bats! these two play off of one another pretty well. Applejack is stubborn with the Flim Flam Bros. yes but like Fluttershy says it helps leads to the problem. Each of them doesn't outshine the other which is nice especially in a map episode Flim Flam Bros.: That ending Priceless. But outside that it was nice to see them working for a common cause without becoming "reformed". Also that line about Flim's "Flare" not being what it used to be was funny Using the monologuing against the villain: Nice subversion with caught monologue confession. Sure not the most original and they still got the confession but it was nice to see it not work out as we expected. Las Pegasus: Cool design though I wish we got to see more of it. What I didn't like: The Stream: It cut out half way ARGH! The statue: Why did it need to come down? Guy wasn't Hussein and he probably still owns the business unless he sold it off screen. What was meh: Gladmane: He's the standard "Hinding his true intentions behind flattery" kind of villain. Nothing new about him or anything like that. So this was a really good map episode, the best IMO so far.
  4. Hate? No the writers don't hate Twilight Sparkle. They just have no freaking idea what to do with her.
  5. So last CMC episode for the season What I liked: Scootaloo: Man they used well. Taking on Gabby's plight and empathizing with her over a seemingly impossible dream. Honestly I'd almost say this was a Scootaloo episode disguised as a CMC one. Gabby: Cool design and her peep was amusing. Nice to see more personality out of the griffons. Twilight: I loved that end scene where she's all giddy about a potential Griffon cutie mark. Only thing that would have made it better was if there was a post-credit scene where she's still working on her paper and research after everyone knows Gabby's mark is fake. Sweetie Belle: She had some cool expressions this episode. What I didn't like: The Griffons: Seriously Gabby is the only one who has any personality variation? (Outside of Gilda anyways) Sorry but I really dislike the "Planet of Hats" trope, makes an entire species definable by one trait, in the case of griffons, being a grumpy jerk and that ruins it because you take a cool species and say that X is all they are except for exceptions. What was meh: Apple Bloom: She was just kind of there. She really didn't do to much since Scootaloo seemed to be taking the drivers seat in this one. So a rather good outing, probably the CMC's best of the season. I wish we had had more of them throughout the season. (And yes I am aware of Where the Apple Lies plot, it only has Apple Bloom, so it's not the CMC)
  6. I like this idea. Have the Mane 6 fighting the main villain in a faint attack/distraction while Starlight deals with a flanking force. Shows the Mane 6 being active/not useless while also showing the villain to be intelligent. That's a pretty decent idea.
  7. Does it matter? They're going to be sidekicks who are overshadowed by Starlight. Then again they're probably going to be getting more screen time than the Remane 5 have been given in the last three two-parters combined.
  8. Oh yippie fucking ki-yay, a two-parter staring my least favorite character and the Remane 5 getting pushed out even more yet again, I can't wait [/sarcasm]

  10. SPORTS!!!!!! F YEAH!!! What I liked: Snails: Holy cow he was awesome! He had the best quips and just great timing. More of him please. The moral: How it's more important to have fun than to win. A classic. The Mane 6 (4?): Yeah all well done over all, some minor complaints her and there but all in all they were enjoyable. I particually like Flutterdiss when they were practicing. Buckball: Interesting sport though rather simple, nice to see something original. Montage guitar riff: epic guitar riff FTW! What I didn't like: Act 2: The cliche overworked trainer montage thing was very eh and Fluttershy and Pinkie should have probalby spoken up more quickly. What was ??? Ponyville: Why is Ponyville's team color Indigo? So I liked this episode, seems to recapture the best of Sesaon 1 in my eyes and it was nice to see Pinkie and Fluttershy have some extended interactions with each other.
  11. Six seasons in and I think this is the first time Rainbow Dash and Applejack have even interacted with Snails
  12. So I finally was able to watch this. Anyways: What I liked: Discord: Another fine Discord outing. Chaos spirit running amok and his arc was enjoyable as well as a slight return to the dark side. Spike: Man this season has been treating this guy good. Very competent straight guy to Discord's shenanigans and seems to play a role inbetween Fluttershy's friendliness to Discord and Twilight's mistrust. Fluttershy: Okay opening scene was great but I also love how un-phased she was during the volcano scene as well. The setting and set up: Nice visuals all around and the idea of a pony D&D is great. What I didn't like: The pacing/plot resolution: Not that it was bad in itself, it's just that it came to ahead and resolved itself in two minutes. I mean as soon as Discord leaves, Spike immediately feels bad and asks for him back. It was a little rushed is what I'm saying. What was meh: Big Mac: He was just kind of there. He had some small interactions but really he just seemed to be filling up the screen more than anything else. Though him checking out the flapper mare was pretty funny. So yeah this one rolled a 20 with me.
  13. Ah so we finally have the Rashomon episode. Been wondering when they'd get around to it.
  14. When did Spike become awesome?! What I liked: Spike: HOLY COW WAS HE AMAZING! I loved all of his stuff, but especially the line "You don't have to ask," and Cathy's voice was just perfect. And he got a song. Best Spike episode at least since Gauntlet. Thorax: Or Crystal Hoof. Man was he a great character. Good motivation and I loved the comedic double team he pulled with Spike. The Marx brothers would be proud. Shining Armor: He had a real motivation for never trusting a changeling and I liked how he reacted to it. Yeah probably racist but believable. The song: 1) It sounds like it was inspired by Imagine from John Lennon 2) Spike gets a song! The camera work: Man that first cliff shot was really well done. What I didn't like: Starlight and Sunburst: Why were you here? The only things they contributed were exposition anyone else could have delivered. Just so pointless. The Speech: Not the speech itself but that it wraps up literally everything, It would have been nice if say Shining was still a little weary or the guards not completely convinced by hey it's a self contained episode. My Stream: IT KEEPS GLITCHING. I missed the changeling backstory. So yeah Damn that was good, and that's all I really have to say about that.
  15. No. There was no need or purpose for Starlight to show up in the episode. It be like asking shouldn't Discord have been in the episode? If anything her presence would have detracted from the episode and from Rainbow Dash.
  16. So another thing I want to add: Why did Rainbow Dash think everyone was going to eat their cookies at the same time? She spends the entire day delivering them but at no point thinks somepony is going to eat them while she's out and try to call her out on her prank? And how did she think she was going to prank the whole town if she has to do it door to door? Half of the town should have been pranked and the other half in the know by midday.
  17. So MMDW 2.0 or not? What I liked: Pinkie Pie: Good on her here what with liking pranks and her conflict with Rainbow Dash The Pranks: Pretty good on some of them The Scenery: Do not tell me the animators are skipping out here. Man did this episode look good. Harry the Bear: Best door alarm. What I didn't like: The Prank: A) Saw it coming a mile away. B )No one ever actually told Rainbow Dash to stop, outside the beginning when it was just Fluttershy. The Town: Yes instead of talking to Rainbow Dash, get the a pony that won't tell Rainbow Dash your feelings and then prank her because reasonable talk, what's that? What was ???: Fluttershy: I'm in two minds here. One has her being a lot more confident, which I like, but on the other they're going with her scared of everything BS, which I don't. Rainbow Dash: Okay going extreme on her pranks yeah but nobody told her to stop, they got Pinkie Pie to do that and Pinkie Pie didn't so you have someone unaware of what the town was thinking about the pranks. So a lot of the set around was good but I did not like the central premise. I don't hate it but it rubs me the wrong way.
  18. Easy, they either go on living forever, bound to the world and all it's ills, unless slain, where in the wait in the Halls of Mandos to be reincarnated or stay forever if they committed any extreme crimes, all while wishing to have been given the Gift of Men which gives release from the world and all it holdings and would allow them to pass beyond the world to a fate unknown.
  19. Now if only the Mach 5 was there. What I liked: The Races/Song/Derby: The actual race was pretty cool to see with a lot of old references to older racing TV shows like Wacky Races and Speed Racer and the song was rather catchy. Cheerilee: HOLY COW SHE SPOKE! And she got to diss the Mane 6 in the episode! yay! Snips and Snails: Okay that opening scene with them got a chuckle out of me. Also they exist! Physics; They discussed actual physics! Jumpsuits: They have jumpsuits, they look cool The ending: Decent enough moral and nice to see everyone have a good ending What I didn't like: The conflict: Sorry but the conflict went on way too long with too many alternatives to it. I mean why couldn't the CMC switch partners? It would make sense and would have the extra moral of you don't always need to go with your kin to do stuff messeage. Or for Apple Bloom why couldn't she have gone to Big Mac the instant she saw Applejack was taking over way too much? The Mane 6 in the episode are more oblivious then ever (thought this works in favor for Rarity) and so obsessed with the derby it comes across far too over the top. And the CMC not standing up for themselves when they've done that already with their big sisters is something that seems to have been overlooked. What was ???: Chicken cart: Really? REALLY? A chicken cart? Great just when that meme was dying. So meh CMC episode overall. Has a bit of retread of Show Stoppers but is less annoying about it. Also it didn't come right after another CMC episode.
  20. Okay watched it on Netflix so I can write this early. What I liked: Rainbow Dash: Playing the straight mare to Quibble's funny one, she really comes off well, enthusiastic yet still with a bit of frustration and anger the character has Quibble Pants: Man he could have easily been a Svengallop or Zephyr but he's not. Sure he's a bit rude but it's on a very minor scale for this show and it comes across as funny because of the situation. Especially like the "Been asking that since Book 4" bit. Pat Oswalt was really good here. The Convention: Cool to see the show reference a part of the fandom's interests. I also like how they snuck in a reference to the more questionable stuff. The Indiana Jones pony: Yeah don't know how to spell his name, but like him here, especially at the convention. It be like Chrysalis at an MLP convention. The End Credit: Loved how they continued to talk over it. What I didn't like: The shift: Like Daring Don't, this episode switches premises halfway through it, going from fandom issue to Indiana Jones adventure. Pulls it off better here since we have Quibble still thinking it all part of an act but still a missed opportunity with the convention. What was meh: Daring Do: She's in it for a whole two scenes and doesn't really do much. She just shows up, says "Hi I exist," then bam, she gone. What was ??? Twilight: So is this summit or whatever is happening in Griffonstone going to come back in that one episode that teased a griffon trying to get a cutie mark? So good episode and way to bring back the show after the hiatus
  21. Star Trek Beyond, now that's an action based Star Trek movie

    1. Castle Bleck

      Castle Bleck

      I've certainly been hearing some good things about it today for some reason.

    2. CheeryFox


      I will be seeing it, lol.

  22. So by 'new' super powers you mean their normal specialty overcharged times 9001? Except for Rarity anyways. I mean shield powers seem kind of out of left field. At least with the Green Lantern/Star Sapphire powers you could claim it worked into her creative drive from her fashion designs.
  23. Big Mac, Spike and Discord all together in one episode? Yesyesyesyesyesyesyes!
  24. The Cutie Remark Part 2: While I would seriously rewrite Part 1 as well (Get rid of Starlight's God-mod and the pointless opening) it does have an interesting premise. The problem with it is the resolution. Those last ten minutes force a character arc that was never even hinted at nor executed well. If you want to have Starlight have a redemption arc, set it up so the audience feels some sympathy with her before that. And then you cut down on the alternative timelines. In part one they work a bit better since we really only deal with the Sombra one. In Part 2 it's every other one and they all lack development and worse hinder what is suppose to be the main story line by becoming filler. Basically get rid of this episode and have a completely new ending for the story. No Second Prances: Just the hypocrisy bugs me to no end. Twilight will trust Starlight but not Trixie, why? Because Trixie has an ego? Bullshit. That's like saying is that Trevor in accounting is worse than Jim Jones. Sure Trevor's not the guy you want to hang out with after work but he's just a prick not a sociopath with intent on massive social harm. Bats!: Mostly because it decides to sidestep any sort of complex moral about the short term goals vs long term one with shade of moral gray areas and no easy answer to instead turn into a not particularly compelling horror story with a cliffhanger that makes no sense and hasn't really been brought back.
  25. Well plus side they're making up for the lack of Rainbow Dash in Season 5 and the first half of season 6. Down side is they seem really bad.
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