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Summer Breeze

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Status Updates posted by Summer Breeze

  1. In case anyone needs the extra serotonin today

    love y'all <3

  2. This place seems more and more quiet every time I come back. Still, I"m glad the community is still here and still doing good. I missed you all <3

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Splashee


      Yea, it has been getting a little quiet over the last months, but I think weekends are always more quiet (don't know why, but has been that way since I joined)

    3. TheRockARooster


      Welcome home, Summer. ^^

    4. EpicEnergy


      Welcome back! :fluttershy:

  3. heya! pleased to meet you!! how's your lovely self today?


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. The Kaeya Simp

      The Kaeya Simp

      cool, I'm just using my computer, watching the simpsons clips, and trying not to loose my voice

    3. Summer Breeze

      Summer Breeze

      don't loose your voice, that'd be horrible, take care alright?

    4. The Kaeya Simp

      The Kaeya Simp

      @Summer Breeze Yeah, I'm trying, near enough there sadly,
      Thanks :)

  4. *boop* Surprise! Is me!

  5. hello people, summer is back, for some reason I always come back. not that anyone missed me but that doesn't matter really. I hope everyone is doing okay!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Johnny1226


      Well I missed you my friend I hope you are doing well 

    3. CheeryFox


      Welcome back, cuz! <3

    4. Dreambiscuit


      Welcome home, Breezy! :P We always miss you when you're not around! :kindness:

  6. I'm in germany! Yay! So cold here but there is snow! Yay snow! ^_^ 

    1. Blitz Boom

      Blitz Boom

      Sounds fun. :) Try to enjoy the local cuisine as much as you can. German food can be really good.

    2. Sketchy Tune
    3. Summer Breeze

      Summer Breeze

      @Blitz Boom of course! I love trying out local stuff ^^ 

  7. Going to germany tomorrow with my grandparents :yay: this is gonna be fun!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Leere


      Have fun in Germany!

    3. Johnny1226
    4. Blitz Boom

      Blitz Boom

      Have an amazing trip my friend. ^_^

  8. Guys guys guys, is space concidered nature?? Yes or no?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Raven Rawne

      Raven Rawne

      Nature, by popular definition, would comprehend both animate and inanimate objects that are unaltered by humanity, usually as a whole ecosystem or some area it's contained in. So... I think Space could fit the bill, since it is untouched by us and you don't need life to have some sort of ecosystem on the planets.

    3. Johnny1226


      No nature is an ecosystem space is just cold emptiness with invisible radiation not the best living conditions for anything 

  9. I feel like rarity because I made myself a cute little top today XD not that it was hard at all, I just upcycled an old t-shirt I already had but I still feel proud okay, I'm new to sewing :rarity:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. UltimateGhost3


      It's more of less focusing on what they were doing than doing it myself with my own hands, I can learn pretty quickly if I can actually do it myself, learned how to drive by watching my mom and my grandfather do it while they took me to school. First time my mom took me out on a practice drive, I figured out everything in like 10-20 mins and ended up driving her to a restaurant for lunch :rarity:.

    3. Summer Breeze

      Summer Breeze

      wow, that is really cool! you really got a talent for learning by eye! that's awesome!

    4. CheeryFox
  10. happy birthday, I hope you have a lovely day!! :squee: 

  11. At school we had to write down our insecurities and other things we wanted to let go and then we burned the thoughts, it was really cool and freeing :yay: 


  12. Welcome to the forums hun! Hope you have a lovely time here!

    1. Tricky42


      Thanks hun! :)


  13. I want to cover a song but I don't know which one :/ does anyone have any fun ideas for songs I could try?

    1. CheeryFox


      A Didney song is always fun. Even the played out ones. :P

  14. I just love my friends. They don't know I'm a pegasister but they do know me well enough that they know that I love pink and horses and unicorns and all things cute and thus they gave me a pinkie pie plush for our (late) christmas celebration :lol: what did I do to deserve such amazing girls in my life. 

  15. I really want to thank @trigger bolt for making this amazing new profile picture! she's so talented! :pinkie:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Summer Breeze

      Summer Breeze

      I know right! it's adorable!

    3. Valencia


      Mhm! :D very pretty! You should post the original so everyone can see it easier :P

    4. CheeryFox



  16. gha, I don't know why but my stomach hates me today... hope this is not how the rest of this year will go XD

  17. With only 10 minutes of 2017 left (for me) I wanted to wish all of you a great new year! May 2018 be better XD see you all in the next year!

    1. Valencia
    2. DashYoshi


      Happy New Year 2018, @Summerlicious Breeze, may you have a great year this year! :D

    3. Wannabrony


      Happy New year!!

  18. Hey, sorry for the hard time Phoenix gave you in the gender race. I thought it was awesome you were on our side! 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Summer Breeze

      Summer Breeze

      Nha, you didn't get carried away, it was fun ^^ and ignore what phoenix said, you didn't rig the game, you rigged it less because there are far more males than females on the forums. So you made it more fair, thanks ^^

    3. ZethaPonderer


      Well I don’t know about that, but I appreciate your input. :)

      Still I did it for the lulz and boredom, so thank you. I had a chat with Phoenix throughout all this mess. Pretty Honest and Competitive guy. I admire people with their Honesty, cause its such an under-appreciated policy.

      Anyway, take care. May the odds of winning the Gender Race game be on your favor. ;)

    4. ZethaPonderer


      Don’t give up on the Gender Race Summerlicious Breeze. The other side are just being competitive since its in their nature. You just gotta outcompete the competitive through sheer perseverance. :)


      In the meantime, take it easy. It’s just a game. Find that balance and stick with it. Also share this to your female compadres for moral support.


      Already send this comment to WisePie originally.

  19. heyahey, thanks for the follow, how are you?

    1. Nightfall Gloam

      Nightfall Gloam

      Hey, Summer, I'm doing alright right now, you?

    2. Summer Breeze

      Summer Breeze

      I'm doing pretty alright too, though a little tired, it's getting quite late here where I live but I can't go to bed because I'm babysitting. 

  20. A happy happy happy birthday to you unic! *hugs tight* 

    1. Unicorncob


      Thanks! :wub: *hugs*

  21. look! now summer is officially delicious too!

  22. goood afternoon everypony! hope you're enjoying these last days before christmas ^^

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lunar Echo

      Lunar Echo

      Hope you have a good Christmas @Summer Breeze:)

    3. Summer Breeze

      Summer Breeze

      @Lunar Echo thank you, same for you!~

    4. CheeryFox


      Thank you. Hope it's the best for you! :squee:

  23. I'll be off handing out hot chocolate to people at the trainstation soon! gonna do that with my friends to spead some christmas love in those dark and cold days ^^ 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Blitz Boom

      Blitz Boom

      Might I ask why you are handing out chocolates? I'm curious what non-sinister reason there might be. :)

    3. Mint Chaser

      Mint Chaser

      That's sweet,have a good time Summer

    4. Summer Breeze

      Summer Breeze

      @Blitz Boom to warnwarwarm people up and spread the christmas cheer! And also cookies with a toping that is generally only served when a baby is born and we gave it to people too to remind them that Jesus was born ^~^

      *I ment to say warm but my keyboard decided not to...

  24. heeeya! thanks for the follow! would love to get to know you better, you seem like an awesome person! 

    1. SprinklePinguin


      Hahaha do I? Thanks xD
      Does this forum have private message system? Or not?

    2. Summer Breeze

      Summer Breeze

      yes it does, a private message will be comming your way! 

  25. Can I just say real quick that I love your username?



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