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Everything posted by Pinkazoid

  1. 'Ey, happy birthday, yo :V

  2. New member title ; v ;

  3. My eyes are burning ; - ;

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rainbow Dash Loyalty
    3. Bigmethod


      Eek, wash them out! Btw, has your comp been fixed?

    4. Pinkazoid


      I'm at school right now, actually

  4. "Offline: Last Active 15 minutes ago" feels ; n ;

  5. Did i say it's offensive to me? I don't believe anyone would post a story like this in 4chan if this were true. There's a shit ton of pony websites everywhere, being inspired and touched doesn't make it any more believable.
  6. Whenever i see April i instantly think of Pinkie ;~; December too :3
  7. What i'm trying to say, and been saying the whole time, is that why would he post this on 4chan? If the story was true, fine, okay, I'll give him my internet pity since it means that much. But I honestly doubt this is real.
  8. It's hard believing a father can be around Rule 34 and other sorts of things about something he and his daughter both appreciate. Especially after what happened, and considering his daughter's age. Doesn't seem like something a father would do. I've been on 4chan, of course is not all clop, but the slightest amount of it, hard to take anything seriously there.
  9. You don't see my point. The kid liking MLP, is completely believable. He's on 4chan, of all the places, I'm pretty sure his daughter doesn't even know about 4chan, there's a million pony sites to be in, but out of all of those, he chose 4chan, makes it too hard to believe for me.
  10. Eh, i could write a story like this, post it anywhere, and receive the pity from thousands of people, knowing anyone can do that, i don't see why I should believe this. It's sad, it'd be sad if i was certain it happened, but i'm not willing to believe anything posted on the internet, much less 4chan. Also, he's a dad, on the /mlp/ section of 4chan, has a kid. Makes it less believable.
  11. Hey Cloudie, i don't know if i got you on skype, mind if i add you once i get home? x:

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Pinkazoid


      Sorry I wasn't home yesterday, I'll try and add you today xD

    3. Azura


      Oh okay. <3

    4. Pinkazoid
  12. hey guise :V

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Pinkazoid


      U is worst vowel tho :VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV

    3. Rainbow Dash Loyalty

      Rainbow Dash Loyalty

      I'm not a vowel D:<

    4. Commander Urdnot

      Commander Urdnot

      W is best vowel, you fowels. :w

  13. Honestly. Call me heartless or whatever, but I'm not willing to get sad over something that could of possibly been made up by an anonymous user. Sure the story is sad, but not believable to me, at least.
  14. Happy Birthday, bro :3

  15. More human than the rest? Eh, No. More relatable, yes. I still do consider her overrated, not as much as Fluttershy though, or Derpy
  16. I've always considered you well known :3 and I've always known you because your name was a mixture of your least favorite ponies :3 As for the thread, I don't know, maybe a 9/10? 8.5? If i had to admit and overfeed my ego, i was pretty known at one point, that one point ended and now I'm just known by the few members who manage to see me doing something "funny" even though the only funny about my funnyness is when i try too hard to be funny ;~;
  17. Oh god, I loved this scene too, if only it had Rarity D; Too much funny things that happened in that scene that makes it so hard to capture. Anyways, I think this is my entry and if it's not, well then it's not :3
  18. I should be doing my work :3

  19. Hmmm.... W+ell, how about "Ink Feather"? I'm horrible at this That's why i name ponies before i make them x: But that's really pretty much the only thing i could come up with ;~;
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