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Everything posted by Pinkazoid

  1. Oh my sweet jeebus, yes. It'd all be so perfect, i can basically see it all now, well not really, but i think if i could see it all, it'd be amazing.
  2. I'd like one about The Princesses. You know, episodes about their past, and how they got to Equestria, how they became rules, how they fought with villains using the elements, I'd like for the ending of the series to be when Luna is banished to the Moon :3
  3. Oh Sweet, i finally won something ; v ; I'll send you a PM with the address in a few minutes, I'll just go and ask my dad about it first :3
  4. I'm guessing the Entries are still open? If so, this'll be my entry As always, your paintings are awesome, keep up the great work :3
  5. Self Whoring Thread? Me likey :3 I love being able to look at things from different perspective I love not being carried away by the silly drama in school I love how i can get away with things, or just hiding things by just by smiling I love my carelessness (is that bad? :3) not a lot to love about myself ;-;
  6. Honestly, i see the fandom in a neutral state, this "fandom going to shit" is probably temporary, things change, so has the brony community. I still believe it has great potential, I love the fanworks and such, and i am well aware not everyone is bad, but the amount of people with the same close minded attitude of what makes the fandom good or bad, is upsetting. I don't think what i said was contradicting, since i'm admitting the fandom is not preferable, by me at leas. I still don't think it's enough for me to get upset over, since i do know there's still good people out there, who're simply voiced over by those loud and obnoxious ones.
  7. Or MAYBE they just like it? My friend doesn't watch the show as often as i do, i'm pretty sure she's only watched 4-5 episodes, and not liked it as much, but she sure as hell loves the fandom, she owns pony merchandise made by both Hasbro, and the fandom. I don't have a single problem with her calling herself a brony. And i don't see how people like her make the fandom look bad. The fandom itself is turning into shit all on it's own, thanks to the ones who don't watch the show AND who watch the show. But why do you care so much about a reputation that's been bad since the begining? Just care about your own and you're better off.
  8. Exactly what you were talking about. You said "Most of the bronies" Implying most of the people in this fandom don't even watch the show, which is stupid to begin with. and, I said "if anything" Most likely it's not even 15%, much much less. And still, normal fans of the show do that, mix canon with fanon, seriously, it's stupid to blame the ones who don't watch the show.
  9. Thread blocked in school because it has the word "Anime" heheh, what?

    1. StingeMuffin


      Could be porn.


      Also the words "fun" "happy" and "entertaining" should be tags, too.

  10. The first love and toleration pic was mostly of how ponies would react to a situation, but the bronies didnt take it seriously or follow it, they poked fun at the show. People seemed to have taken it more than just seriously and made it a brony rule of some sort. It's stupid in my opinion, especially when people use it in their arguments. I don't think anyone's required to watch it, it'd be good if they gave it a chance, though.
  11. Those weren't the original designs though x: http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7292/8734399436_cf1a1429cf_z.jpg (^New design) I personally think they look good, i was a bit skeptical about them at first, but seeing it animated doesn't make them look THAT bad, they'rekindacutex:
  12. "Most of them" Eh. No. If anything, maybe 15-30% don't watch the show. How exactly is it "disgusting"? They like fanworks and such, what's so wrong about that? They appreciate the things the community does, how is that bad? It's not.
  13. "Becoming" Hahah We already are, buddy. Of course, not everyone, but the brony community alone can be considered full of rampant fanboys, because it is. Even if these people are just the "loud" part, and the other isn't as much, people don't think of bronies as "open minded" and considerate anymore. . Now we're just a mess~
  14. Well, she rules a kingdom all by herself, and her Sister, who was gone for 1000 years, i don't think she had much time to visit other dimensions and such.
  15. Well, that's pretty easy. Let's say, on a scale from One to Ten Negative Forty Five. No Forty Six. Dude, what. Even as a joke, that's really ignorant.
  16. Not only this, guys. If "Magic Kindergarten" was bad enough for her, what do you think High School (assuming there is one) was on Equestria, more importantly, if there was one, she didn't attend it, being tutored separately by Celestia (according to some episodes back in Season One) where it wasn't much about socializing, but remaining Celestia's star pupil.
  17. Can you draw two oc's hugging? x: One of them will be my OC Sugar Rush, and the other one will be this guy x:
  18. Heheh, that tumblr... :3 Pinkie's is the best seriously, those damn thighs <3 Anyways, i figured this out too, it's odd, yes, but honestly, i'd see people flipping shit about it. Nothing to do with racism. it's best not to misuse the word, which seems to happen so often, best is to not mess with people's headcanon. For example Several of the comments pretty much said "omg twilight is not a f*cking n*gger, she's not even voiced by one you sh*theads" (some guy apparently didn't know the difference between blacks and having a tan x3)
  19. :V

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Azura


      So what's up? :)

    3. Pinkazoid


      in school, about to leave xD

    4. Azura


      I don't have to go to school because I've got exams. :P

  20. Already drew my OC Sugar Rush in Equestria Girls style I think i can do better if i work on it more, it looks a bit crappy so far x3
  21. i haven't talked to you since forever ago :V

    1. Twiliscael


      I messaged you on Skype yesterday ;~;

    2. Pinkazoid


      Skype doesn't work for me D;


      Laptop charger doesn't work, haven't logged on skype ever since, and imo won't sign anyone on skype anymore ;~;


      I might get on Plus.im right now to check skype x:

    3. Twiliscael
  22. Oh, guess what, i never said YOU'RE shoving anything on anyone, hm, assumptions, eh? Gotta love em. I never said i'd be enjoying it, i said i'd give it a chance, unlike others, i'm not "SHUT UP GUYS, THIS'LL BE GOOD, HURR HURR TRUST THE WRITERS" I'm saying "Hey, this doesn't look bad, I'll give it a try" just like i gave it a try with MLP, and guess what i liked it, it has it's flaws, i'm aware of them, the characters i like have flaws, i'm aware of those too.
  23. Common idiot? What about the stereotypical close minded jerks? The "common idiots" chose to like something, none of your business why they enjoy it. The only idiots are those who chose to argue and shove their opinion on other people.
  24. Of course. Blind acceptance isn't the same as actually enjoying something. I myself am completely neutral on this whole thing, i made a few posts back making it seem as if i was defending this *(which i was) but my main intention was to tell the OP that everyone can have their opinion on this, rather than people being considered "wrong" for having a preference. I still await for the movie, i'll watch it of course, but whether i think is good or not, will depend on the outcome.
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