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Catpone Cerberus

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About Catpone Cerberus

Contact Methods

  • Discord Username
    The Cerberus | .cerbs
  • Steam ID
    The Cerberus

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
  • Personal Motto
    Everybody can do whatever they want if it doesn't hurt anybody else.
  • Interests
    Cats | Dragons | Music | mlp | mythology | weapons | video games | talking | watching youtube videos | food | Cats | creepypastas/grimdarks etc. | Gravity Falls | Drawing | documentaries | theories | fictional powers, magic, weapons, etc. | anime | Books | Cats | more things |

My Little Pony

  • Best Pony
    FShy, AJ, Marble, AuBl
  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race
    No Preference

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330,434 profile views

Catpone Cerberus's Achievements

Element of Harmony

Element of Harmony (23/23)

  • 12th Birthday of MLPForums
  • Friendship Melody - Winter Wrap Up

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Single Status Update

See all updates by Catpone Cerberus

  1. @Arid_Blitz @Fluttershy Friend @Alexshy @Tacodidra @Unicorncob @SolarFlare13 @Dynamo Pad @Blitz Boom @Moonlit @Snow le Canard @Soren Peregrine @CypherHoof @Lucid_Nightlight and anyone else I don't remember to mention but cares about my activity for any reason here at forums, I have a heads up for you.

    In the coming days (about the month or so) my activity may lessen for some days, either by me being less online, or me just not being on the mood to post anything, reasons being...
    1. I'm living a time of change at the moment, I'm gonna move to new city in the next month, so there's lot of going on relating to that, and I actively searching for a job/school and hobbies to get myself off the computer. (I also am trying to fix my sleeping schedule, so I tend to log off earlier than some of you may have gotten used to)

    2. I'm starting antidepressant-medication, which as those familiar with them knows, may have effects on my mood (especially RPs can be affected by this). 


    Now, it is possible that there won't be any noticeable differences to my usual activity, that will be seen, but I just wanted you all to know so if there ends up being a longer break in my activity, you will know why it is. 

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Catpone Cerberus

      Catpone Cerberus



      *flufffy cathugs*


    3. Fluttershy Friend

      Fluttershy Friend

      @Catpone Cerberus OMF!

      You are the best when it comes to cat stuffs! I swear! :D

    4. Soren Peregrine

      Soren Peregrine

      Wow. I hope things go well for you. Do what you have to do in order to move forward.

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