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Everything posted by RealityPublishing

  1. Only out of the two? Darn, if I had to choose between those two, I'd go with Mayor Mare for being the one who's kept Ponyville in check for so long. Though, if I really wanted someone new, I'd go with Amethyst Star for being the one who used to be in charge of the Golden Oak Library and for having an organized taste.
  2. I GOT THIS! (xD) 1. First thing we need to do is elect new Horse Famous people. Give attention to those who really need it! 2. Make more fanimations like Children of the Night / Sister's Lullaby to bring in more people and boost our Youtube Status. 3. Make a public scene. Sure, we have conventions, but who doesn't? Put pony stickers on our cars, wear pony tee-shirts, etc. (we need another critical Fox News Report) 4. Break the music scene. If it's one thing that we do best, it's make digital music. We should take advantage of that and create bigger collab tracks and introduce more musicians to bring our industry to par.
  3. Considering the incredible villain shortage in Equestria, I'm going to have to say Tartarus. I mean, it does give them a chance to escape and try again in the far future, though it'd still be nice for a few to just run away and come back sooner. Damn, we really do need new villains, don't we?
  4. Wears MLP Hat, shirt, shorts, brings plushie, wigs, shoes- what? I'm dressing normally!
  5. VIEWERS BEWARE, YOU BE IN FOR A SCARE Wow, that added no depth to the entry whatsoever. Huh. So where in the world was RealityPublishing? It's been a week an literally no one missed him! Not even the PonyCrush people! Well? I've been sitting around playing Fallout: Tactics, writing more fanfictions, force feeding Boku No Pico to my note-taking accomplice, and waiting in line for Blackjrxiii's newest hit (It features Applejack. I'll dig anything with my fiance' in it). Pretty busy week if you ask me! I'll try to post more frequently now that Season 6 is done and over (eck. That episode deserves an entry of its own). In fact, I managed to finish an entire four-page fiction in about two days! I polished it up (as best as I could) and shipped it off the next morning. I had to draw sketches, create covers, and everything! Sure, it took a lot of work, but I think it was all well-worth it. So what was the fiction? It was roughly a 28-hundred word short story featuring Pinkie Pie and metaphorical reflection. I personally thought it was one of my better works, but what do I get in return? About 80 views, 1 Like, and 2 people climbing on my back about errors that were non-existent. Now, to be fair, I don't mind criticism; in fact, I think it's one of the best things a writer could ask for. You can improve on it and strive to be a better writer, (which is what I did). The problem is that out of two people pushing the backlash, I was only able to extract a single piece of information that was actually useful. Strange, huh? Though, I'll have to give credit to the first person who commented, because he got me thinking. The statement he described was: "I'm not sure if this is a sad Pinkie, or an unhinged Pinkamena" The story I wrote was a metaphor and had neither of the two. All the characters of the story were just placeholders to better fit the message that I, the author, was trying to tell; it was all for the better visualization. Unfortunately, it seemed as though people didn't understand that. Sure, it could be that I wrote the fiction in one day and they just didn't get it, but I believe there's another alternative. . . Fans who read these sort of works come in with a pre-existing headcannon that they expect the fiction will perfectly align with. When it doesn't, they don't like it. It's as if fan directly compares the show or their beliefs with the fiction presented; it just doesn't work. Yes, we know that Pinkie Pie is a fun-loving pony, and even the simplest of stories can reflect that, but when the character is automatically classified to what the reader wants it, the moral or intention of the author is destroyed. Writing is a tool to speak the words of talented writers, not fit the demands of a reader. Perhaps it's just me being blind to the definition of "fan fiction" and maybe I should go on to write more, "Twilight rides a bus and Pinkie Pie was there" fictions which seem to be getting a lot of attention. This brings me to my second point. Scenario Fictions, as I call them, are what give fan fiction a bad name. They feature next to no originality and they still are able to breech the 1,000 view mark or receive more attention than they certainly should have. It's like the LeafyisHere or Pyrocynical of fan fictions. No effort, more views, more attention, more fame. You want to make a Scenario Fiction? Let's go through the steps. Step 1: Watch the latest episodes (hard work, I know) Step 2: Take whatever was good about the episode or whatever you thought could've been different, and put your own spin on it. Such as. . . -Spike goes mad with power (Gauntlet of Fire) (Link: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/325324/dragon-lord-spike ) -Thorax the Babysitter (To Where and Back Again) (Link: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/351824/overlooked ) -Derpy eats a glowstick (Link: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/351388/derpy-eats-glow-sticks ) And last but not least, - Twilight eats stuff and Spike has to get Colgate to do something? (Link: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/146/teething-problems ) Step 3 is watch the views roll in. Anyone can be horse famous now! No, I have not read any of the fictions above, but I don't think I really want to. You could say they get the views because people want a laugh or two, but for something like this to attract over a thousand fans? Seriously? And that leaves me to my last objective. ROMANCE FICTIONS Y'know, I wouldn't have so much a problem with these if it weren't for the fact they are more populated than the entire population of Eastern Asia. Let's be honest, about 95% of us would have an emotional relationship with one of the mares if given the chance. Problem is, people can't keep that to themselves. Oh, no. They decide to write more fictions than an immortal Mark Twain could. I honestly don't know what's so "special" about these quote-on-quote "ROMANCE" fictions. And no, I don't hate the writers or their work. I just hate the fact that people would rather subject their eyes to something as morbidly stupid as a Twixie Fanfic than an original IP made by some junky surrounded by CRT TVs. That pretty much raps that up. My friends and I watched the original MLP movie, so I'll be writing about that sometime in the near future. Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy! But here's my outro, So call me salty! -RealityPublishing (UPDATE: Because of my "misstep" in fanfiction, I'll be applying for Writer's Digest. Wish me luck!)
  6. I wouldn't say "obssessed", but I am certainly affected by the magical mares' abilities to . . . *ahem* melt my heart. I don't know what it is, but cute pictures of ponies always seem to draw my attention.
  7. Hmm. . . now that's hard to determine. I usually keep everything under a tight lock and key, but whenever I'm really tired or alone with a bunch of friends, then I have a habit of swearing excessively. However, once I'm thrown back into the real world, zip! Everything's back to normal and I'm your shiny, happy-go-lucky douche who keeps his mouth shut.
  8. I've got a new blog post tomorrow. Should be fun with all my pre-reader mayhem.

  9. Innovative, I'll give you that. Oh, and my face reveal was nothing more than a joke ;P
  10. Everyone's copying my face reveal Cool costume! Material seems a bit. . . light weight, though I imagine a heavy fabric would be hard to get a hold of. Excellent stitching though! I would never be able to sew a shirt that fit. So congrats on the proportions!
  11. Those energy drinks don't love you. I don't think you understand. What you're going through when you aren't drinking, is called "withdraw". It's painful, but works in the end. Right now, the only thing that loves you, is the companies you're paying for their "love-energu". It will kill you. You need to withdraw. What who am I kidding? You obviously aren't going to listen. Nope. You're going to sit there and drink your life away, watching as the world slowly grows dimmer into an oblivion that drags to deep below the surface below. But you won't care. You have your drinks; do what you will. There's no hope in helping a person who doesn't want it.
  12. I'm going to have to agree. It seems all your problems stem from you bad habits. I don't care what happens if you stop drinking energy drinks, but it'll kill you if you don't. Wanna try getting a glass of water? Okay, you need an assortment of foods. Not just protein shakes and warheads candy. You've really need to invest in going to a grocery store. . .
  13. Drinking energy drinks to the point they hurt you is considered, "abusing them". Even if it makes you feel "better", it's a question of sanity at that point. ***Mental Health Alcohol is alcohol. Even if you drink on rare occasions, it could damage your frontals. I'd need to know what part of the eye is affected. Is it the cornea? Or is it the Sclera? If it's the cornea, chance are, it's Wilson's Disease and that'll require a bit of medication as well as diet. You'll have to be more specific about the "yellow edges". Diluted Vinegar? Okay, there's a big problem. You need actual food. Diluted Vinegar has been presented as a "cheat sheet" for weight loss, which may explain your stomach problems. You're basically starving yourself by consuming it. Assuming you're poor, perhaps you should actually cut back on the booze and buy some real food. (buy some bread or something) You've got a lot of problems, my friend. Good luck with the ultrasound. Though, if my theory is correct, it won't do you any good.
  14. Well, judging on the way this is written, I can't tell if this is a hoax or not. I'll take the bait anyway. Right from the start, I can already see your contradictions. Firstly, you should knock out each problem at a time. My recommendation? Start with the liver, it'll last the longest during this process. Now, you say you became jaundice in 2015? Or since 2015? If your eyes became yellow since 2015, it means you'll probably need a new liver otherwise you'll die; keep that one in mind. Oh, and you wouldn't need pills. Considering there has never been a proven treatment for curing trashed livers, it's impossible for the doctors to give you pills. Aka, if you truly are jaundice, and this is not a hoax, get yourself a registered liver from your doctor. Okay, on to the stomach. Honestly, I haven't heard of caffeine damaging the liver, but I'm sure it does in small increments without us knowing. The real problem here is the Alcohol. Wanna know why alcohol is so poisonous? Firstly, it destroys your bloodstream by dumping its chemicals into it. Secondly, if you're underage, it can potentially limit the functionality of your Frontal Cortex, and finally, it trashes your liver. You feel sick because your liver is dead in the water. Oh, and did I mention one of the causes for gastritis is alcohol? It's amazing what you could learn with a simple google search. Soul? Don't get me started. I believe the word you were looking for was, limbic system. That controls all of your addiction. How it got this out of hand is my guess, though I'm sure if you drank smaller amounts by the week, you'll get over it. You won't die without drinking your daily dose of Monster; you'll die if you keep it up, though. At the rate you are declining, your mother was smart to ban you from "walking". Perhaps she should be the one to "walk" you to the hospital. I think the real caution from your abusive energy drinking habit would be Heart Palpitations and Diabetes.
  15. Getting geared up to watch a new episode of "KEIJO!!!", watersports FOREVER!

  16. Personally, I believe the ponies don't have computers because of how computers are built. Computers, from the very beginning, have been design to help the human race. If a horse got up and started using a computer, they wouldn't know where to begin. Push a small button to turn on the monitor? Use your fingers to type in commands? All in all, yes, many animations show ponies slapping their hooves on a keyboard, but I believe it is both the human convenience, and overall aesthetic of the show that doesn't allow computers into Equestria.
  17. That moment when EQG Mini Vinyl looks better without her skirt. (Seriously! It looks like a snazzy disco jumpsuit!)

  18. True, true. Though, I doubt noobs would be picking Twilight. I knew Rainbow Dash existed 2 years before I became a brony. I didn't even know who the rest of the Mane 6 were.
  19. By golly, it's another story about computers! Gee whiz, I feel like I did an intro like this before. . . huh. Ah well, this story is a bit more entertaining and jammed packed with suspense! (Nah, probably not.) Oh, and if you didn't understand the second half of that title, here's a translation, "In Real Life Oh My Gosh Wut The Fack Laugh Out Loud". Damn, am I the only one who remembers what "Lol" stands for? Now I really feel old. . . Anyway, on to the REAL intro! Inspired by historical events and characters. This work of fiction was designed, developed, and produced by a multicultural team of various religious faiths and beliefs. Visit http://www.gaben.tv/for help and tips Quoting a famous intro / speech? Very original, RePub. Well, what do you expect? We're running out of ideas and. . . you know what? And that, my friends, is what we call, "a bigger budget". Yeah, we're turning out like El Smosh. Pretty soon these blog entries are going to be translated into Dovahkiin (Elder Scrolls: Skyrim). But I digress, you're here for the story, not the random hilarity. (Unless you are here for that in which I really need to rework my formula.) Well, as many of you probably didn't know. Over the weekend, Bethesda had a big sale for their Fallout series, and being the classical fanatic I am, I decided to buy the entire Classic Collection for a grand total of 10 bucks. Not bad, eh? If you can recall, and I'm pretty sure I've mentioned at least twice a post, I still don't have a computer. What's taking so long? I'm broke, mkay? The only computer I have, if you can recall (again), is the "Brick" which does, in fact, have the capabilities of running Fallout Classic. Now I just had to acquire internet connection. . . Now, the time was about three in the morning, very convenient when you had to download a good 2 GBs of Fallout goodness (1, 2, and Tactics). Please, that wasn't going to get in my way! So what did I do? I geared up and did a montage by grabbing a hat, hoodie, long black pants, socks, a face mask, and a backpack stuffed with, the Brick, a LAN Cable, charger, and my cell-phone. Why I did it is still beyond me, but in the end, I was glad I packed dark. Y'know, I've been playing a lot of video games lately. I'm not ashamed of it, but after a good. . . 200 hours? It really gets in your head. Oh, and I mastered the "crouch-walking". So, I think that'll explain a bit more. Anyway, here I am, dressed head to toe in the silliest get-up while crouch-walking throughout my house as if I'm avoiding alarms. Eventually, after 20 minutes, I crawled myself up a different flight of stairs to where our internet router is kept and I plugged in my laptop. The booting alone took long enough, not to mention Steam's part in all of it. The entire process took forever and I was growing restless. Back and forth, I paced around the room, sweating and regretting my entire life, when all of a sudden, I start hearing footsteps. Now, I thought it was just my computer fan for a while, so I ignored it and continued my contemplation. At least, until I heard the wooden stairs grumble under the feet of my trampling mother. At that point, I was wrapping myself around the Brick, begging for it to complete the download; me mum was right outside the door, peeking in. I didn't move a muscle and, thankfully, she didn't dare turn on the lights. After what seemed like hours, she left the room and returned to her bedroom, leaving me in a heaping pile of sweaty rags. Fallout Classic is a great game! Would recommend. -RealityPublishing
  20. A competitive MLP game? Hmm. . . I'd probably play it like competitive Smash. All day, everyday, only stopping between meals for a rest. No doubt I'd be pulling my dead weight up the leaderboard! Considering I've actually participated in competitive Smash, I'd still be going with my main. It's what makes a player who they are; it's like an identity. During Brawl, if everyone just spammed Meta Knight, everyone would be indistinguishable and would render the competition pointless.
  21. My new blog entry came out! Check it out for all your crushing needs.

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