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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by ExplosionMare

  1. I just noticed that I won a day again on October 2nd! Yay! :yay:


  2. Okay, so my regular notifications are working, but my PMs still need to load. I think it’ll be okay now :squee:

    1. Sparklefan1234


      Yeah, I'm sure things will be back to normal by "Twilight Sparkle Tuesday" or 

      "Wednesday Addams Wednesday". :adorkable:

    2. EpicEnergy


      I hope everything goes back to normal! :grin:

  3. My notifications aren’t loading correctly, so I apologize if I have to be absent for a little while

    1. Splashee


      It has been a problem for some (not me)

      Also my cellphone battery is about to die, so poof! 

    2. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Lots of people are having technical difficulties right now.

    3. EpicEnergy


      Sorry to hear that, I hope the problem gets fixed soon! :fluttershy:

  4. Anyone interested in voicing The Great and Powerful Trixie for an audio fanfic called “Mythic Dawn”? You don’t need the best mic equipment or whatever, you just have to be willing to read a bunch of different lines. I’ll send all the information to people who are interested (it’s all on Discord).

  5. Thanks for the follow :squee:

    1. Ittoni


      No problem dude. Thanks for allowing me to follow you :P

    2. ExplosionMare


      You’re welcome :BrightMacContent:

  6. Thanks for recommending me to @Rainy Day :D 

    I was going to thank you earlier actually, so sorry for being kinda late :pistachio:

    1. Tom Gallagher

      Tom Gallagher

      You're welcome, Rainy! ^_^

  7. Thanks for the follow :) 


    1. Rainy Daze

      Rainy Daze

      Don't mention it! Be sure to thank@TomDaBombMLP for the recommendation :grin:

    2. DubWolf


      Who else but BOOOOOOM?!?!

      (Hint, she likes to be called Boom, amirite :please: ?)

  8. What happened to your statuses? :(

    1. Sparklefan1234


       I was just backing stuff up.:twismile: 

  9. I finally found the ultimate “boom”:

    (Just a head’s up there’s a little bit of language in a couple of the verses)

  10. Oh geez time to go through my 100 unread notifications again 😬

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Splashee


      This is a notification to remind you about French homework :dash:

    3. ExplosionMare


      :yay: I’m not trying to blame people I just didn’t check this site all day

      Also I already did my French homework :)

      Now I have English, which I feel like I will never finish :/

    4. ExplosionMare


      My last reply probably sounded stupid :sealed: My brain felt all fizzed out. It’s probably gonna be like that again once I return to my essay.

  11. I have to say that @Sparklefan1234’s new banner is the best banner for the forums I’ve seen so far.

  12. Thanks for the follow :) 

  13. I like your new profile picture, it’s cute :squee:

    I probably think all of them are cute, though :pistachio:

    1. Splashee


      Yea, gotta put a lot of effort into my OC.

      I cannot wait for Halloween though :sneer:

    2. ExplosionMare


      Yeah that’s gonna be fun!

  14. Did your phone die right before your 8000th post?

    1. Splashee


      Yes :mlp_icwudt: It went into power saving, but the % were falling too quickly to make another post

  15. My sibling got a text for one of those gift card scams and it started out with:

    ”Why the f**k are you still waiting?”

    Isn’t that so professional? :yay:

    1. Tom Gallagher
    2. Lord Valtasar

      Lord Valtasar

      they find creative new ways to catch people's attention, looks like it worked

    3. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      I went to college to learn the practices of marketing and advertising. I don't remember the section about scaring your customers half to death. :ButtercupLaugh:

  16. Before I forget again, I had a dream that I have to share:

    I had a dream a couple of nights ago that mlpforums sent me an email saying I was banned for giving out too many brohoofs. As punishment they only let me use a fake pink one, but I guess that one got banned two cause my most recent one turned out to be green. It had a really weird fake name that started with a “z”, but I’m not sure what it was. All I knew is that my green brohoofs wouldn’t help anybody out.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ExplosionMare


      I would laugh so hard if fake reactions were a thing

    3. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Not as bad as the time I dreamed someone made NSFW pictures of my OC without my permission and then started posting them all over the MLP Forum. And while they didn't do anything, I got the feeling that the mods were mad at me instead of the actual artist. :sealed:

    4. Sparklefan1234


       "What do you mean "This isn't @Tacodidra's profile."!?"  :coco:/:P

      @ExplosionMare I'm *so* glad you're not gone, BFFFF. :kindness:

  17. Oh geez

    I was gone for one day and I have over 100 notifications :sealed:

    I won’t be able to get to them really til tomorrow night so I have lots of catching up to do :ButtercupLaugh:

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Splashee


      80% of 100 notifications. I wonder how many that is? :wacko:

    3. ExplosionMare


      Yeah I wonder :yay:

      For once I actually know the answer

    4. Splashee


      Math is fun :squee:


      I actually learned this stuff from our nutrition facts at the back of our products in Sweden, which are different from the US. In the US, they keep telling you how much to eat, and who is telling you? Well the ones making the candy or bad food.

      But in Sweden, everything sold is always specified at "100%", so you know how much sugar or fat is in the product by just looking at the back of the box.


      For example, "nutrition per 100 grams", "sugar 55 grams" (ouch, too much sugar in my example!). Well, we use the metrics system, but, it doesn't matter, since it could be any unit as long as it is per 100, or as we say percent (cent mean hundred).

      You might see the % symbol too, but it is a percentage of what something unknown is telling you you are allowed to eat, but not what that is.

      *I am allowed to be 3% nice. (But what is 100% nice?)

  18. Spoiler


    This pixel circle looks asymmetrical and it’s bothering me so much, if anyone can help me decide where to erase and where to add the white looking squares, please let me know!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Splashee


      A visual update now when I can post pictures again:


      This is a circle grid fitted to 8x8 pixels. The dots are the center of each pixel, and are used to select which pixels get lit (black) and which don't (white):


      The grey circle and the anchors with numbers represent the actual circle shape. If the pixel centers (the dots) are inside the circle shape, the pixel get lit.



      When the circle is expanded to cover 16x16 pixels, you can see it works exactly the same. The circle looks round. The math works. However...


      A 14x14 circle starts having conflicts. The centers of the pixels are so close to the circle outline, that it is up to the artist to decide which pixels get lit. The black pixels are definitely inside the circle. But including the dark red ones I colored myself, and ignoring the orange ones I also colored (not part of the circle), the shape looks more like a round square than a circle.
      The math works, but the result is ambiguous. It is symmetrical, but doesn't yield any good result.

      I would choose to remove the red pixels, as well as the orange ones, to make the circle more round. I don't need to see where the pixel centers are, I just need to see if it looks good or not. It is an artistic choice!



      When making video games, it is a balance between artistic choices and math. Math can cover so much, but if the game and art were all math, it wouldn't look very good.



      I direct this message to @ExplosionMare and @You.

    3. ExplosionMare



      Thanks for all the references!

    4. Splashee


      You are welcome! :fluttershy:

  19. Today’s been a day. I had to finish a month’s worth of summer reading in 2 or 3 hours. Great start to the school year! 🙄

    Oh well at least I finished it somehow :mlp_icwudt:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ExplosionMare



      I believe in you! Just do your best and try not to overwhelm yourself ;) 


      You would think with how difficult school is this year they would stop giving it to us :scoots:

    3. DubWolf


      Did you understand all of it though :orly: ? What were the major themes of the book covered, and how does that apply to real life :huh: ?

      All the questions I don't miss from English/literature :P 

    4. Splashee


      How did you have time to do all the things today, and also make 2 status updates? :wau:

      You usually have time for 0 status updates of your own (I keep count)

  20. I don’t get how YouTube is so terrible on my iPad but everything else is ok

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      YouTube has a knack for making bad apps. The Xbox One version of their app was terrible and unstable for a long time before they finally figured something out. 

    2. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      An evil wizard did it.

    3. EpicEnergy


      YouTube is terrible on my tablet, but fine on my laptop.

  21. Thanks for the follow :D

  22. Thanks for the follow :) 

    1. EpicEnergy


      You're welcome! :grin:

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