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K.Rool Addict

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Everything posted by K.Rool Addict

  1. N64 controller I'll definitely have to agree with. That thing was uncomfortable af. The weird positioning of the control stick certainly didn't help. But the DUKE is so perfect <3 Never before have I felt a more comfortable controller =^-^= The only issue with it that I can remember was the D-pad... then again, I never really played any games on it that used the D-pad much (remember I never owned the thing lmao. I'm not about to buy games for a system I didn't own myself >.<). But yeah, man that controller was like, so good... I am starting to think that the large size of this controller miight just be more comfortable for smaller hands, opposed to popular belief! I have heard so many people on Youtube or on other forums say how "I have big hands but this thing is still uncomfortable". Never heard someone complain about it with smaller hands >.> So idk, maybe it's just some weird ergonomic thing for ppl with thinner, and smaller hands. I know my DS Lite and original model 3DS were insanely uncomfortable (I'd lose circulation in my hands after like 30 min lol. I'd always be pausing to rub em on my shirt just to get the blood going again. And this is when I was even as young as like 14-15 yrs old )
  2. What's horrible about it? >.> That controller is legit!
  3. How much must they be shrunk? o,o Also, Mikecw, is that YOU!? >.>
  4. ^There can never be civil discussion of consoles vs gaming pc's. Why? Well console gamers tend to get very defensive over investing in objectively inferior hardware and try to delude themselves into this weird mental state in which they believe consoles are superior, and pc gamers (for some stupid reason) feel the need to gloat and put down the console gamers in any way shape or form. It doesn't make sense to me... pc gamers should be playing their games instead of talking smack to those less fortunate on the interwebz PC elitists are like those bastards who go out beating up homeless people; just really pathetic -.-
  5. Definitely: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6NH1iIL4Q3o ^The only celeb that matters to me
  6. Ok, I just want to say it before anybody else does: + =
  7. ^LOL, I was actually building up to that:
  8. ^Holy shit that is good information to know! I'm having a freaking nostalgia overload atm with all this crazy shit I just discovered (first Hanazuki FoT, then the fact that the DUKE controller is coming back, and now this!? insanity! xD) Anyways, thanks alot for the info! /)^3^(\
  9. Kyoshi !!!! ARE YOU AWARE THAT THE MOTHERFUCKING "DUKE" CONTROLLER IS COMING TO XBOX ONE!? HOLY SHIT WTF HAX!?!?!?!? ^^^https://youtu.be/hFAttNDwTik?t=16m20s^^^ DUUUUDE. That controller was so fucking FLAWLESS! I can't believe its finally coming back! \(^o^)/ Back when I was like 10 yrs old I would go over to my gf's house all the time and we'd play Xbox all day long! The controller was so round and big and PERFECTION! Six face buttons, thats right MOTHERFUCKER! Anyone who claims this controller is only comfortable for people with big hands is a complete fraud. My hands have always been small and as a 10 yr old kid they were even smaller. You can imagine that my girl's hands were even smallerand thinner than mine considering she was like 9 at the time U.U So what I'm saying is, this controller is like the most nostalgic and comfortable thing my hands have ever experienced! Thank the LORD those rumors actually turned out true! HOLY SHIT man Q.Q I need to lie down lmao
  10. ^Lol, well, like I said before, I cannot vouch for it's quality or lack thereof. Just letting the dude know there have been many detractors >.> But yeah, you can literally get like, any controller up and working on a pc. Hell they got modifications to get those old huge (amazingly comfortable) "Duke" controllers from the original Xbox working on pc ^HOLY SHIT apparently those rumors from over a year ago were true!!! This controller is just <33333 And now it'll be readily available at consumer electronic shops again!? \(^o^)/
  11. XDDD Well, you can always just get an Xbox One Elite controller:
  12. Wait up, what about Anne of Green Gables? I remember watching the cartoon adaptation all the time around Thanksgiving back when I was like 9-12 yrs old o,o She's a lesbian? lmao. If not, please elaborate, as it will no doubt thoroughly entertain me regardless =^-^=
  13. ^Just wanted to say, I have heard from multiple sources that this controller is not so hot lol. Bad things about the D-pad and trackpad responsiveness. I of course cannot confirm this myself, just putting it out there as over the years I have heard people dissing it quite frequently >.>
  14. Woah... That was definitely something >.> ^I'm gonna be honest, I haven't felt like this since I first started watching MLP:FiM back in 2011... O_O Now, don't get me wrong, I think FiM has only been getting better (especially in more recent seasons).... This show tho, it's like something fresh, you know >.> Something fresh I can actually get excited over? I may just end up getting rather unhealthily obsessed with this... and it's all your fault Tilgoreth! >.> Now, I have only watched one episode thus far. so I cannot speak to the (potential) quality on display here. Things I noticed that caught me off guard in a very, very good way: #1 The setting. This is what I call my FUCKING TYPE OF SETTING! So much wondrous, phantasmagoric nonsense! I love it \(^o^)/ #2 The character designs. So fucking adorable. Every damn character looks like they are just asking for a freaking hour-long hug lol. <-This in particular is pretty much how I felt about FiM in the beginning too. o,o #3 This bitch "Hanazuki" talking to herself was rather enjoyable lmao. Idk, the dialogue monologue here was very captivating. And the vocal performance was just... Mmm, so fucking spot on. Idk >.> Best case scenario, I MAY have just discovered my new obsession o,o Worst case scenario, it's merely a quirky fluke... Also, this is Hasbro?? Wtf... It's a web toon, no? What exactly does Hasbro have to do with it?
  15. P.C. is objectively better. Better frame rates, better graphics, better input choices (keyboard, mouse, controller of all types, joystick, etc). Gaming pc's are just better in every possible way than consoles (at least nowadays >.>) HOWEVER! Consoles are far more easy to use. I don't care what you PC elitists say, consoles are plain and simply much much easier to get into than pc's. So, if you wanna just plop down on your couch or bed or whatever and not think about tinkering with settings, downloading additional drivers, updating BIOS, re-installing games because they are for some reason suddenly having issues, etc, etc. <-- if you DON'T wanna deal with all that ulcer inducing bullshit, then consoles are the way to go lmao. I have been a console gamer all my life since the early 90s. Grew up with the NES, SNES, N64, Gamecube, Ps1, Ps2, Sega Genesis, Sega Dreamcast, GB, GBC, GBA, GBA SP, PSP and countless other systems like the Intellivision and Atari 2600 o,o Consoles will forever have a sentimental place in my heart. But after dealing with consoles for sooooo long, I feel like the next frontier for me lies with high end PC gaming. I am planning on purchasing either a Razer Blade Pro (Gtx 1080), or an Alienware 15 r3 (Gtx 1070) in the near future as portability is paramount for me atm ^^;
  16. Sony = Arrogant Microsoft = Hypocritical ^Guess which one's worse
  17. Well, I am not an "old user" persay, but I have been actively participating in the fandom since early 2011 /)^3^(\ I just haven't made an account on this site until recently lol. I was more active on Ponychan and EqD several years back (screw that depraved Sethisto and his dragon fondling ways >.<)
  18. No but seriously. I don't get the marketing here. Doesn't Microsoft know how much bad PR they will get from a move like this? It should have AT LEAST been one or the other; 4k native or 60 fps locked. Only game they showed thus far at 4k 60 was Forza 7 (which looks like a last gen game compared to the illustrious Forza Horizon 3). You seen Crackdown 3? That game looks legit worse than half the games on the freaking Xbox 360 or Ps3, let alone current gen offerings. And even a game like that can't do 4k 60 fps (not even in single player -.-). Compare to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EcOWLQ7Gcck Also, don't try to claim the cel shaded graphics as an excuse for the poor graphical detail: ^Idolmaster Platinum Stars on BASE PS4 hardware renders all such arguments invalid And yes that is running in real time on Ps4 (aka a 1.8 TFlop console with a (piss poor) 2013 Cpu running at 1.6 Ghz)
  19. Horizon Zero Dawn and NieR: Automata ^The games that keep on giving =^-^=
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