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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by EpicEnergy

  1. - My Little Pony - Transformers Prime - How To Train Your Dragon
  2. I played that game a little, didn't get into it much though because those types of games just don't interest me.
  3. I didn't know they made an Assassin's Creed movie! I should probably watch it sometime!
  4. I'm not sure because I don't use it, I use Google instead.
  5. Here's some amazing pony music:
  6. I prefer music like dubstep and EDM, I also love pony music, so that's what I listen to.
  7. EpicEnergy

    movies/tv The Middle

    I enjoyed watching that show, but I didn't watch it that often.
  8. I love the Star Wars sequels, the are amazing!
  9. Mine is probably the Master Chief from Halo.
  10. I don't usually read the comics, but I still think it would be cool if DC and Marvel did a crossover.
  11. It think it was the first Xbox that as popular when I was a kid.
  12. I love the first Frozen! It was amazing! As for Frozen 2, I haven't watched that yet.
  13. I don't think it's ever too late to watch a movie/TV show, what matters is if you enjoy it.
  14. I would have loved for them to explore the Wonderbolts more as well as Trixie's dad.
  15. I loved the part where he got his wings, that was amazing! I've also liked Spike from the very beginning!
  16. No, I wouldn't want to be in such a high place of power. Also, I think such an authority would ruin fandoms instead of building them up.
  17. I don't believe that ghosts or aliens exist, but I do believe that demons exists.
  18. Rainbow Dash is the hottest character in my opinion!
  19. Action/adventure is the most appealing to me.
  20. I'm not sure, but if it does get taken off it won't affect me because I still have it on Google Play.
  21. I haven't heard of crabcore before, it sounds weird!
  22. I've played ever game I own, right after I buy the game I play it.
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