my brother liked Nirvana... I was never a fan. It did seem kinda whingy
I always saw it as more of a teen boy thing - it's tough finding your hooves for boys growing up, ofc, and especially in America.
I will say that I absolute love the homophone "hollow", "how low" and "hello" in Teen Spirit. It's silly, petty and a bit poignant.
in contrast, so many of his lyrics are like nails on a chalk board to me
gun / fun
friends / pretend
also, saying its "fun to lose" is what frustrated 8 year old boys say when they realise that another boy's faster than them in the playground. generally while having a tantrum
as to whether Kurt started the "sensitive man" thing. I'd say... he spoke to frustrated teen boys, while personally being a genuine mess. Sadly, some of the best people to speak to frustrated young men, struggle to mature themselves and cling to their own unhealthy teenage habits. For Kurt that was absolutely fatal, as he was very badly damaged and needed help. Irritatingly, teenage boys at the time saw that as ultimate evidence of his coolness and authenticity, rather than what it was.
Anyway, frustrated teenage boys have always existed, and Kurt would have had no time for the pretensions of the incel movement. I think. But he did seem to share the same shabby mindset of being obsessed by women, being too screwed up to form a healthy relationship with the object of his obsession, violently despising himself for it and projecting that self-hatred onto others as edginess in order to make himself feel a bit better (while knowing he never can actually feel better because of this cycle).
Guns n Roses are better, but still aren't entirely my bag
AAARGH. Not one but two songs that start with that crappy word "fun"
I love the concept of fun. But the word fun doesn't do it justice. "Fun" is anything but fun. And yes I know that sounds like "butt fun". But I am too angry to appreciate that right now
*calm calm*
okay, I really like "Welcome to the jungle" as a phrase I dunno why
the other lyrics are atrocious to me, but lyrics aren't why anyone listens to these guys anyway