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Everything posted by Nitobit

  1. I'm feeling disappointed and angry. Mostly at myself, but also at some things beyond my control. And they wouldn't be beyond my control if I was better at controlling them.
  2. Hey, @batola4797. The title of this topic doesn't say anything about its content, and we already have a topic for discussing our favorite characters here, so I have to lock this one.
  3. Could you draw Moonlight Wane? I don't have anything specific in mind, but I would like the claws on his hind hooves to be visible.
  4. Great art style. Welcome to the forums!
  5. Nitobit

    Some words about my cat

    I guess he feels comfortable like that... This is my cat, Zigzag. He's been living with me for around eighteen years. We haven't always been the best of friends. When my mom brought him home unannounced, I wasn't too excited. I didn't like animals in general, and he was rather unfriendly. You couldn't pet him or hold him, and he kept biting and scratching people. It took years of building trust before he calmed down. Somehow, I became his favorite member of the family. He was always waiting for me when I was coming home from school. I was the only one who could pet him without getting scratched. He started hanging around me a lot. These days, he sleeps on my bed every day and sits on my lap when I play games. I can't imagine life without him.
  6. @DivineMist1000 I moved this topic to Season 1 Subforum.
  7. @Shiny Silvermoon You mean this one? https://mlpforums.com/blogs/entry/26559-awww-plush-i-mean-blush/
  8. Meow isn't a member of the club. Hey, @meowmeowponies123, would you like to join the The Derp Legion?
  9. Man Max: A story about a man named Max. Dad Max: A sequel where Max becomes a father. Mad Man: The kid gets kidnapped, Max gets furious and seeks vengeance. Sad Max: The kid dies and Max deals with depression.
  10. How did you know? Shiny Silvermoon?
  11. I just started a new game plus in Batman: Arkham City.
  12. 4710 on my second attempt. Good game. I like how rain can actually make flying harder. Nice little detail. Also, I recognized the music instantly Maybe you could add a time limit, because for now there's nothing stopping the player from going slowly from cloud to cloud and getting unlimited score. Some sprites for kicking would also be nice. And to make kicking more satisfying, a new type of cloud could be added, one that flies straight for a moment after being kicked, and destroys other clouds it touches. Make it always spawn on a random side of a storm cloud, and you have an elegant way of dealing with them, too
  13. I didn't get the achievement in Batman: Arkham Asylum for beating the game on hard mode. I don't even know if it's possible to get it or if it's bugged. And to try to get it again, I would have to beat the whole game again from start to finish
  14. Tired? Never! *grabs a goblin and throws it at a group of goblins*
  15. LET'S GO! *runs after Hadrian, taking out goblins between his sword swings*
  16. *picks up two remaining herbs he misses for the quest* *yanks a javelin out of a goblin's body and puts the tip in poison slime for extra poison damage and prepares for attack*
  17. Congrats, Trot! Welcome to staff!
  18. I didn't read the fine print Yes, lord Hadrien! *throws his javelins at the goblins*
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