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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Sunnymilk

  1. Gratz how many hours total? I think my first playtrough, with som cie'th stoned was like 119 hours and you should do all of those, at least the ones in the trials, then you can fight the most fun monsters in the game. Also thank you, you got me into the mood to play some myself
  2. right now I listen to my external computer fan, darn its so loud.
  3. I haven't played it even tho it seems like the kind of game I would enjoy I dont think I would have the time to actually play it especially now after Christmas when I have decided to try to actually do something constructive with some of my spare time I kinda like the design on the dragons tho
  4. Im not gonna follow it as I wont bother making a Tumblr account, at least not yet. but I did bookmark you will it be all text or will it be drawn?
  5. Fancy pants going my way after all then?
  6. it would be the one with Gilda, SHE MADE FLUTTERSHY CRY that is unacceptable!
  7. wth? they are pissed they didn get an iphone? I would have been pissed if I did get an iPhone people like this make me want to shoot something... or someone... and for the people that expect a car for christmas... WHAT IN THE NAME OF GOD IS WRONG WITH YOU!? Bloody kids.
  8. I got this one guy in my class, everything about him is annoying, the way he walk, thd way he talk, tgey way he actually believe he is good at anything. he always sah he is interested in learning but everytime someone actually trh to teach him something he just cant pay attention. even the teachers can't stand him, they dont say it... often, but you can see it on their faces everytime he raises his hand because now they are stuck trying to teach him basic and elementary stuff. everytime I see him I half expecg him to forgeg how to breath and i keep asking myself, how the hell did his spermcell actually win? And of corsd am I just too polite to ask him to go drink somethkbg poisonous and spare tge world of his continued existence
  9. I dont really think it will have a very huge impact as, in my experience, the seven first years of school are only importang fof laying the first brick. informationwise it is the least important of them all. I for example did terrible those first seven years, having been born in January and all. Mediocre the next five and amazing this year. I dont think the development of the brain have too much to say for your success later I woukd say: good choises (for example choise of school and classes), ambitions and the will to work hard or the lack of need for hard work. some are more lucky than others. There are too many variables when I think of it, you parents, your friends, you neighbourhood, you school, you teacher and i could go on and on and on and...
  10. I like to think we are all superior beings. and some time in the future it will be discovered that a class of ultimate beings can be distinguished because they watch ponies. Or wd didn't expose the show to ourself set on tearibg it apart. Combined with the fact we actually DID sit down to watch an episode at some point. Or we are just a bunch of weirdos, but I fibd thag unlikely.
  11. I'll take any excuse to add bronies to skype And a big group voice chat is in in the picture. hell sign me in.
  12. Laying in be, supposed to be asleep. But this music is just too good.
  13. If there had to be something, would have to be to get back i shape. and maybe get my hair cut once in a while. right now my lifestyle is just terrifying
  14. that could work, but in which case it would have to very easily accessible.
  15. Finally I can watch the Doctor who Christmas special. Sometimes it sucks not being British.

    1. Doctor XFizzle

      Doctor XFizzle

      I vowed that I would not watch a new DW episode until I've caught up to the 11th Doctor. I'm still on 2008, 10th Doctor

    2. Sunnymilk


      you haven't seen nay of 11 yet? I'm jealous so much awesome.

  16. well, the so and so many posts the first week seems liek a good idea, but the at least x amount of posts a week/month is not so good. what if I for some reason decided to take half a year with doctors without borders or something weird like that. that one at least have way too many variables to be applicable. one quick little addition. if we have only 380 accounts over blank flank. and lots of those ages old. with some even still at postcount 0. is it not then perhaps... technically... a little premature to do a 500 member "celebration"?
  17. They dont seem to mind much. having problems deducing what they think about anything these days
  18. July 7 2024 about three o clock havent really taught about it. i think it is really hard to estimate when, how, what will makd yoy lose intest now when the fandon is so strong. but i guess i might end up losing interest if the show changes so much it would wind up being almost like a different show.
  19. Norway, I come from the westmost city in the country, Florø, but is is currently going to school and Andenes in the northern part of the country.
  20. I got a Samsung Galaxy S2 (ponifying as we speak) a sweater and a cap underwear a shower head with hydroelectrically powered LED's (god bless my aunt) and some cash
  21. I'm in between genders at the moment. Or just male, but that's not as fun to say.
  22. pretty much anything. the only music I absolutely cant stand is that kind of techno where you have a bass drum and a cymbal on a repeat for 10 minutes, that hurts. Favorite is metal and rock.
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