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Kyoshi Frost Wolf

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Status Updates posted by Kyoshi Frost Wolf

  1. Good afternoon friendly friends. ^.^ Hope your day is going finely finey. Making up words on the spotley.

    1. Show previous comments  42 more
    2. TFarrgon


      That should be interesting.

    3. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      But GUYZ! You can blow up a beaver dam with explosives! That's hunting! I guess. Apparently you can do that in the game. Yeah, not even kidding.

    4. TFarrgon
  2. Just woke up and it doesn't matter. My mood has not gotten any better since last night, it has actually gotten worse, I have given up hope now. There is no hope left to have.

    1. Show previous comments  42 more
    2. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      And what makes you think I can get better? Because you can? Because others can? I am not you, and I am not others. That's the difference. There are people who just cannot do certain things, no matter what they do. I am one of those people when it comes to art and most other things.

    3. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      I am going to lock this just incase I eventually say something that gets me banned or something, I wouldn't be surprised if I do. Make no mistake, I have tired to improve. Not really for myself, but just so I can give my otherwise worthless life purpose, that is something worth fighting for right? Despite that, is till get no better. It's like how everyone says to 'have confidence' and that definitely has not gotten me far lately.

    4. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      I do appreciate what you both are trying to do, I do, but I am not like either of you. Even if I could improve, I have no will anymore. My confidence has been completely annihilated at this point.

  3. Good morning/day/today of all days is a day! :D That is what today is. Hope you all are having a nice day. ^.^ That is the best kind of day really, the nice ones. You all have any particular plans for the day? Mine are...Simple stuff as per usual. :P That works though. Also, #UhOh, a little something from last night's stream. ;)

    1. Show previous comments  40 more
    2. Flutterstep


      @Nikola, But deadmau5 is one of the most creative house artists :o You should listen to Feed Me. His music is very unique and deserves way more attention than most artists. :)

    3. Mikepokemon9


      I love feed me ^_^

    4. 1Bit


      All I've really heard of Deadmau5 is MOAR Ghosts n Stuff (I think?) and I love it to pieces :3

  4. Just another day...

    1. Show previous comments  40 more
    2. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      @Snip, So? I never once brought any of that shit up so what is your point? This isn't about the quality of my life, it is about the pointlessness of it.

    3. SnipSnap


      *sigh* i'm just saying. i never handled situations where people feel depressed and stuff.

    4. Ryzu


      Not to be rude, but I find humor in the fact that some people think telling a depressed kid there are people who have it worse will make em feel better. Personally, it only made me feel worse. It is best to be there for them, and help them through it instead of comparing them to someone else. Oh and also, right after they feel recovered is their most vulnerable hour. Seeing everyone slowly leaving, due to him/her "not needing them anymore" can sink them back down into depression. You...

  5. Thinking of leaving this place for good.

    1. Show previous comments  40 more
    2. honk friend

      honk friend

      It's hard living with depression and feeling trapped with no way out, but the only advice I could really give to help you through it is to try to be more optimistic. It's probably nothing you haven't heard before, and certainly easier said than done, but a simple change of attitude goes a long way. It's hard to find the motivation to go through life when you don't see any light at the end of the tunnel, but at the very least you could make a conscious effort to reminder yourself that the light is there and you should still work towards it.

    3. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Yeah, I suppose. It is rough. My main strategy with that is trying to embrace my simple joys like gaming or whatever. I get disability and cannot drive, but I feel if I am not hurting anyone or getting in the way I should be fine, that is what I try to think, it is just rough getting through the mental blocks to get to that point of acceptance.

    4. Hierok


      I understand, but I suggest you keep trying. The wonderfull thing about this forum is that almost everyone is like you and me. I don't know why, but I reconized it. So everybody understands you and can help you. 

  6. Good morning/afternoon everyone. Yesterday went pretty well I think. :3 You all having a good day so far?

    1. Show previous comments  39 more
    2. TFarrgon


      Yeah I'm more of a PS4 dude as well. Just never really got into Xbox as much as PlayStation. Even if I did I don't have the dough to get an Xbox One.

    3. power strike

      power strike

      i have both so there good lol

    4. TFarrgon


      Oh dude, I can't wait for Dark Souls 3 to come out or the Final Fantasy 7 Remake. My level of patience required for both of these is oozing out my shoes, I won't be able to wait until like 2017 or maybe 2018.

  7. *wakes up* Woah. Hi everyone. I just slept for like...12 hours. Anxiety drains you, mix that with a lack of decent sleep the night before and you get, Kyoshi super sleep. :P That is why I did not stream tonight but that will happen tomorrow hopefully. Anywho, how's everyone doing tonight? I hope you all are doing super fine. ^.^

    1. Show previous comments  38 more
    2. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      I remember before I would sometimes have those random 'falling' dreams where the fall jolts you and wakes you up, those are always immensely freaky. :| I don't really have those now though.

    3. Flutterstep


      @Kyoshi, I use to get them too, all the time. I haven't lately though.

    4. IcefireInfinite


      I've dreamt and it seemed like I could feel touch a few times. Very weird.

  8. I will start trying to actually stream on Twitch again at some point, if anyone is interested. Just been really depressed lately. Probably because I was out of my medication for a few days, finally got that refilled a couple of days ago so hopefully that helps.

    1. Show previous comments  37 more
    2. Shenron00



      Thanks man!

    3. long gone

      long gone

      Nah, I'd never get rid of my Nintendo consoles. Maybe get a few of them fixed though...

    4. Shenron00



      I'd brohoof that, but this is a status.

  9. Smarties, best candy ever!

    1. Show previous comments  37 more
    2. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Put that in the credits: Kyoshi, the distributor of Justice, and this movie.

    3. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Because we are gonna make a movie of awesome proportions. Books are outdated. E Books too.

    4. Mars Orbit
  10. The axe, the bottle and the rope The feeling there really is no more hope The thought of the great unknown And facing it alone The dark, the silent and the cold The feeling I have come to the end of my road Yes, these are the things I spend My remaining moments with And the wind blows through my heart Shivers me one last time As I now reach out in the dark No one there...

    1. Show previous comments  36 more
    2. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      I just don't have the willpower to bother with any of that right now..

    3. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      At this point I would much rather do things I am already doing and maybe improve at those, even that is doubtful.

    4. SomeReallyRandomGuy


      Whatever makes you happy is the best thing to do :)

  11. Updated my 'About me'. Finally, it is something that is somewhat accurate at least.

    1. Show previous comments  36 more
    2. ShadowFoxz


      even if it cant go away you can still reduce it effects

    3. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Now you are just being delusional. It is mental disorder, as in an abnormality in my mind, most likely caused by Hydrocephalus. The only way I could possibly 'reduce its effects' is if I was heavily drugged. I honestly would welcome that at this point. I don't really give a fuck anymore. Maybe an overdose or something will happen.

    4. ShadowFoxz


      you should care about your life because you were brought into this world for a reason

  12. *rolls aorund* Good day to all of you. It be the start of ze weekend! Woo. You know what that means? Exactly!

    1. Show previous comments  35 more
    2. Johnny1226


      I'm doing good and am glad that you are too

    3. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Bad chain of events then huh Gagie? :c That's a shame. Hopefully the rest of your weekend will improve though. ^_^

    4. GagiePie


      Yeah... Gunna try.. My "a" key is hving issues ;-; So much technical difficulties


  13. It is amazing how completely....bland some members are here with their posts. Some people are literally 100% predictable. Do whatever you want though.

    1. Show previous comments  35 more
    2. Rockymoo


      That's great and all, but I'm just gonna go ahead an bail before mods get involved. Ciao.

    3. Soundgarden


      Ironically, 4chan is way better than this forum. People there at least has interesting shit to say

    4. Sir.Flutter Hooves

      Sir.Flutter Hooves

      Let people be themselves. If you don't like them, skip them.

  14. This thread seems really....arrogant, in my opinion. Even the title is kinda pompous. The stipulations for making a request are strange. Maybe that is just me though. http://mlpforums.com/topic/66137-azuras-vip-signatureavatar-shop/?view=getnewpost

    1. Show previous comments  34 more
    2. Quilava


      Alright then...who wants to pay for my plane to the Arctic/Northern part of the world?

    3. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Well, you can always make a website, then ask your members to pay for it.

    4. Perfect Bio

      Perfect Bio

      I have been gone for an hour watching War of the Servers. What did I miss?


  15. Who would of thought a stupid, rich, homophobic redneck on a stupid reality show would get so much support for being a homophobic moron. Oooooooh wait, this is America. Duh.

    1. Show previous comments  34 more
    2. Chevette


      Oh yeah, and you can't say I don't give any fucks if i'm indifferent, that makes zero sense at all.

    3. Rockymoo


      I like puppies.

    4. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      And with that, you really aren't convincing me of anything here. This guy can have his opinions all he wants, but until the general mindset that his opinion is based from stops restricting the rights of people, I will speak against it.

  16. Oh Trump, what a moron you are.

    1. Show previous comments  33 more
    2. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      The funny thing is, get rid of those cheap employees, prices go up on everything.


      And trust me, I know both sides. The corporations suck and Trump is an arrogant asshole. I hate both sides.

    3. trademark2


      But Kyoshi, the great threat right now comes not from trump, although he has some bad sides, but from the coalition of google, facebook, twitter, and microsoft. After the election they made a commitment to crack down on "fake news", which is to say, anyone reporting a different narrative. They want to be able to choose the president with media narrative, and x out anyone who says different. it is scary

    4. trademark2


      It is like 1984, it is thought crime. This is the true threat, not trump. If they can do that, then the corporations will effectively control our laws, and the globalist goal of separating the world into the wealthy and poor instead of by nations will be easily achieved

  17. Staying at my friend's place again for a few days. I think I need to do that more often, it is a much better atmosphere here. :) Just made some beef stew and I feel pretty decent right now.

    1. Show previous comments  33 more
    2. inactive_user


      Or as I've heard you put it before... "Neato Cheetos on a burrito" >3<

      I just can't get enough of that. ^3^

    3. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      I have many different little phrases that I do and most of them are on the spot randomness. Not surprising coming from me, just one of my many weird/wacky parts of my already wacky personality.

    4. inactive_user


      ^3^ I am the same way with my random love of being totally "out of the blue" myself. :P


      *sigh* unfortunately I have to hit the hay now though so as to be able to get up for school tomorrow. -0-

      *hug* goodnight Kyo, and anypony else who may be reading this. >3<

  18. In the end, the world only cares about the winners, and all I am is a loser. With that, I guess I am going to sleep. I was kinda looking forward to something, but not now. I really don't have anything to look forward to anymore. I doubt anything is actually going to get better.

    1. Show previous comments  33 more
    2. Phoenix Flam

      Phoenix Flam

      ...you think you are worthless when clearly you are not. You think loseing is bad when it isent and you think that the people hwo are here for you right now would abandon you in reality.


      50,000+ profile views, 2,800 bro hoofs, 2,000 posts and 35 pages of friends...which by the way is 100 a page and you have 100×35=3,500 friends.


      In my book you are not a winner or a loser just some one who has lost or forgotten the meaning of self wealth. You are loved and you have given...

    3. Phoenix Flam

      Phoenix Flam

      Love in return, that is some onse true worth and you are worth a lot. In both love, friendship and respect.

    4. A Black Circle
  19. Hiiiiiiii everyone! ^.^ I am in a prtty decnt mood indeedly. :3 Well, some thoughts arre getting to me so I am not completely good but better than yesterday att least right now. How are you all? Hope your weekend has been awesome :D

    1. Show previous comments  33 more
    2. Ocean Aura

      Ocean Aura

      my friend showed a episode in season 3 and that's how i started watching it

    3. Ocean Aura

      Ocean Aura

      and i did start watching it from season 1 first then watched every other season after that then waited for season 5 to start and now i'm totally different to what i was before i was very shy like fluttershy but now i'm less shy

    4. Morgoth Bauglir
  20. Well, I'm dead. Funeral scheduled for next week. This sucks. This really puts a damper on my day.

    1. Show previous comments  33 more
    2. Wind Chaser

      Wind Chaser

      @Kyoshi Don't come to my side of the country. The kids here are so dumb they're pulling themselves apart with erasers.

    3. BlueMoon


      @Kyoshi 1) I think if you are dead, then I will hold an Irish Funeral. 2) If you become a zombie I will flip a coin to make you my pet or be merciful and cut your head off with my axe. Yes I actually own a double headed battle ax I forged ^_^.

    4. BlueMoon


      Also, I am a Hoosier and it was not so bad when I was there. Though I lived near Indy and had somethings to do when I can people to go do it with.

  21. Today is turning out like almost every other day, not good at all. What a surprise.

  22. The self hatred always increases, never falls...

  23. An anxiety attack...on stream. Worst possible scenario. It was a bad mixture of personal things mixed with tiredness. Tomorrow will be better, definitely. Anxiety is so potent at times you know? Despite that, thank you to everyone that was there, you guys are wonderful beyond compare. ^.^ I will make sure to do better for all of you. I am still rambling in my brain, but I am looking forward to tomorrow now. Should be fun. :)

    1. Show previous comments  32 more
    2. vivishy


      hope you're feeling alright

    3. Sunwalker


      If we worry it is because we care :)


      I hope you manage to sleep, all my good thoughts are with you!

    4. Alphys Hedge

      Alphys Hedge

      And hey, if you're still feeling down, simply click this link

  24. Goooood morning. Is it a good morning? Should be. It is very rainy here, I like that. :3

  25. Coldest night of the year so far. Sound likes good walking weather to me.

    1. Show previous comments  31 more
    2. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      I'll accept it next time I am on. I think I have seen RPG Maker 3, that is the 3D one if I remember correctly. I know basically nothing else about it. :P 

      You and me both Twilight Witch. :D 

    3. Nature Tune

      Nature Tune

      Very hot here. 

    4. Props Valroa

      Props Valroa

      I want it to start snowing and for their to be school delays and cancellations

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