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Everything posted by Luurilka

  1. Well, don't forget that she's the one who raises teh sun everyday.
  2. Yes, but I want verification that it happened and the image wasn't just forged. Unless of course pl0x already changed his profile back to normal.
  3. EPIC WIN!1!1!111 Plz put a link to his facebook page.
  4. Yes, I have listened to moar than just the chorus to baby, and all that I've heard has sucked. Also, teh music on this post was actually rather nice.
  5. sup? feel at home in teh forums.
  6. Twilight was voted best pony in the census, with Fluttershy coming in second. But, I have noticed that the people who think Fluttershy is best pony often really LOVE her (me, for example), but ppl who think that Twilight is best pony seem to just really like her. It's like there r moar ppl who like twilight than Fluttershy, but moar ppl who really love Fluttershy than Twilight. I have also noticed that there seems to be moar Fluttershy avatars than Twilight Sparkle avatars. Is this just me, or have u noticed these things as well. Is Fluttershy the real best pony?
  7. Fluttershy is best pony, duh.
  8. Welcome to teh forums. What a pleasant surprise. *buys flight to your town.* "VERY pleasant surprise, *laughs manically*" Lawl, JK I wouldn't do that.
  9. trawl? Do u mean teh fishing technique, or is it a misspelling of travel?
  10. W...What? their n..not alive? Why did you lie to me father!1! *screams "NOOOOO" into the air*
  11. Is the dog Rainbow Dash's leader?! *bows to my dog*
  12. There goes all the plans I had for teh rest of teh day...
  13. Welcome to teh herd. Make ureself at home.
  14. once, (actually twice) I blew up a small bit of my driveway from building a fire on it. nopony will ever know... except u guys.
  15. That's legitimately creepy. and no Brandon, it's not dirty.
  16. I don't' hate her and I have haven't heard of any bronies that do. Sure, she's not very loved relative to Fluttershy and Twilight Sparkle, but not many people HATE her. I just don't like her personality or appearance.
  17. Welcome 2 teh forums. U love Fluttershy?! That's great, I do 2! She is best pony after all.
  18. It's alot better than justin beiber. I'm completely serous.
  19. Did you make this from scratch, or did you modify a preexisting picture? This is rather epic.
  20. The herd is growing! Welcome to it. You are one of many.
  21. Why don't the ponies actually look like ponies in the show? My favorite line from it: Tintin: My adventures aren't boring! that other guy: Okay fine, they're European. .
  22. You probably shouldn't be friends with someone who would pick on you just because u like pastel colored ponies. And no, u r not the only one who likes MLP:Fim, this site has over 1000 members afterall, and this isn't a particularly large site. There are probably hundreds of thousands of bronies.
  23. NINJAS! There everywhere I tell you!1! lul, jk I don't really have any. Maybe social phobia, but its more I just really dislike most social situations, I'm not scared of them. Edit: Oh, actually I did get sort-of scared when reading the creepypasta "Squidward's suicide", but not many ppl wouldn't.
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