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Everything posted by Luurilka

  1. Do u have any affiliation with Fluttershy? And where did u get ure name?
  2. Do u think I should keep this avatar, or go back 2 teh old one?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Luurilka


      idk, I like how emo the new one is, but it doesn't have Fluttershy in it, so that's a problem.

      But if I could find an emo Fluttershy..

    3. Viscra Maelstrom

      Viscra Maelstrom

      i'm sure there are several emo Fluttershies, considering that one episode had an emo Fluttershy in it, whihc got lots of fan-art stemming from it.


    4. Luurilka


      yes, but there aren't any good emo ones, all the ones I've found are just Fluttershy with partially black hair.

  3. You are now part of teh herd. Welcome to the forums. I'm glad that u excepted being a brony.
  4. Cruel leaders are replaced only to have new leaders turn cruel. Che Guevara I don't care if I fall as long as someone else picks up my gun and keeps on shooting. Che Guevara I know you are here to kill me. Shoot, coward, you are only going to kill a man. Che Guevara Many will call me an adventurer - and that I am, only one of a different sort: one of those who risks his skin to prove his platitudes. Che Guevara Silence is argument carried out by other means. Che Guevara The revolution is not an apple that falls when it is ripe. You have to make it fall. Che Guevara Whenever death may surprise us, let it be welcome if our battle cry has reached even one receptive ear and another hand reaches out to take up our arms. Che Guevara Gotta luv dem Che quotes.
  5. But Mr. Dedley Doo has burped at 7:34 many times on different dates.
  6. It would probably be a good idea if y'all sign this petition to keep Derpy Hooves: http://www.change.or...reative-process and this one as well: http://www.change.or...nge-derpys-name
  7. 1. Fluttershy 2. Big Macintosh 3. Derpy hooves 4.Discord? 5. Nighmaremoon? Pinkey Pie? so many choices.
  8. It's fine. probably nopony really minds u saying "nobody"
  9. Truer words have never been spoken. Welcome 2 teh herd.
  10. Luurilka

    pegasus Leif

    Name: Leif Age: 20 Gender: Male Species: Pegasus Cutie Mark: A stylized gray wolf. Symbolizes mainly his enjoyment of the wilderness/natural things, but also his fondness and skill of communicating with wild animals, stealth, and combat. Personality: Very shy, not only in talking to other ponies, but simply being around them. Somewhat cynical. Dislikes authority and being under the control of others. Generally will care about and help others. Backstory: Leif has no permanent job and wanders around the world in it's wildernesses surviving by foraging for wild edible food. He befriended a wolf and now the wolf travels with him.
  11. Because everypony else is even better! Fluttershy ftw.
  12. Watch older episodes Read fanfics pony comics pony music teh forums pmvs lots of stuff 2 do.
  13. I don't care about Scootaloo episodes, I want moar Fluttershy episodes!
  14. Anything with Fluttershy is a like from me. Well, unless it's really bad, but this is rather good.
  15. Just look at the episode if u want to know. I looked and it seems like Luna is smaller.
  16. All hope in humanity has been lost... *sob* *while screaming* WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT ITUNES?!?!?!?!?!?!?ONE?!?!?!
  17. I wouldn't be doomed. It would just be chaotic. How much harm would Discord really do?
  18. Equestria and Fluttershy, duh. It would also be nice seeing a ninja.
  19. hai and welcome to the herd. Gotta luv dem furries.
  20. I looks ridiculous... But then again, most little kid shows do. (mlp:fim is teh exception)
  21. To each his own, I guess. But wanting to SLAP Pinkie!? That's, weird.
  22. dddaaawww.... Don't worry, I'm shy to. Well, in real life, but not on teh forums. But it's fine if ure shy on the forums as well. Welcome to the herd, Jadefire.
  23. Wow, I've never heard of a 9 year old brony. I'm 15.
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