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Can pegasi choose to fly into or walk on clouds?


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This question came to attention when a friend mentioned that one of my OCs was flying into a rock, not a cloud....but if a pegasus can walk on clouds, can they not fly through them then?


My theory that I came up with a few seconds ago thinking about Super Smash Bros, is that they can probably fly through them, but get slowed down when they pass through it. They can also walk on them, but can just "push through" the cloud's top to get to the lower side. Thoughts and theories?

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I've always theorized that they have gentically altered hooves, that lets them walk on clouds, and the have to be right-side up and landing on one to stand on it. And to go through, the could go through any other direction/position and pass right through. But that's just my theory.

Edited by ~ Alicornification ~
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Thats always confused me, cause it seems anything that can fly in Equestria has the ability to land on clouds.  This happened during May the Best Pet win, when many of the animals Fluttershy was singing about were perched on a low hanging cloud.


If I had to guess, I'd say that it's something to do with having feathers or the ability to fly that allows you to stand on or push clouds around, rather than just going through them.

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My theory on the matter is that it has to do with the pegasi's inherent magic specific to their race that enables them to fly in the first place (as canonized by the S4 finale). This magic also likely plays a role in their ability to stand on and manipulate clouds - especially since other ponies can easily walk on clouds as well with a spell - you know, magic! Perhaps pegasi can manipulate this magic at will, depending on whether they want to stand on/touch the cloud or pass through it instead.

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