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What are you afraid of?


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Spiders,extreme heights and stupidity.The latter is pretty the worse,I bump into it everyday

oh,also that sweet feeling that something/somebody is watching you when you go to the bathroom at night :lol: .... :unsure:



Social situations

Large spiders



Isolation (funny how both isolation and social situations are both fears)

Freakin' Hypno

Being the centre of attention

Gore (I both love and hate it)

As a Pokemon fan,the Hypno part got me xD....

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Well, I have arachnophobia (fear of spiders) so I can get scared of bigger spiders when I notice them (I don't mind small ones though). I can't help it even if I wish I could. And it's not even the fact that they are ugly, I just am afraid of them and I see no logical explanation to that fact. 


Also I am afraid of being rejected or left by friends ever since it actually happened to me once. But this I am slowly dealing with so it should be gone in some time. I hope so, because it makes being social really difficult sometimes. 


Also I am not great in expressing my opinion when facing bigger groups of people, my shyness takes over me and I am just unable to express my opinion properly. I also find myself more comfortable in small groups than larger ones overall. 



What some people find weird is that I am not really afraid of darkness. Unless I was watching/playing a horror, then I can get creeped out a bit. Why does it not scare me except that one moment? I have no idea, my guess is that it feels a bit like cloak and I find my imagination working better when there is no distraction. Sometimes I try to use it for my songwriting attempts as I am not distracted by anything including daylight then. 

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I get traumatized by things other people wouldn't. B) Like a boss amirite? Anyway, I was watching a urban legends video. 3 Seconds in I see a tiny picture of Bloody Mary. I was shocked. :blink: BAM! Nyctophobia (fear of the darkness) is embedded in my brain!  :(  Ever since that video, I can't sleep in complete darkness. I can only sleep at full brightness or half. Also, when I am outside at night, I get extremely paranoid. But, at least the fear is settling down.  :squee:

Edited by Rainbow Speedy Dash
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1. Dark


2. Being alone outside in the dark.


3. Driving home by myself in the dark.


4. Shots


5. Being yelled at.


6. Insects and Arachnids


7. Water


8. Rejection


9. Vomiting


10. Loud noises

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- Hypodermic needles

- Stinging insects (PARTICULARLY WASPS, the jerks!)

- Blood

- Pain in general

- Being watched without my knowing

- Bad and/or aggressive drivers

- Assembly language


I think that just about covers it all. Public speaking fits too, but I think I've figured out a way to handle it. It probably wouldn't work if I was talking to an audience of over 100 people though.

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I don't like to call myself a "germophobe," but I do have an aversion to touch / human contact and a general concern regarding "contaminants."


I have a fear of drowning.  I mean, I'm not fearful of it whilst on dry land xD, but I can't swim and would shun even the deep end of a pool (without a secure hold on something that kept me afloat).


I'm agoraphobic to some degree; particularly if it's somewhere with a lot of people and / or a good deal of bustle.


Strangers lol.  Or maybe just human beings in general (with some exceptions).  Others in this topic have named a fear of spiders; I love spiders.  I'd probably get along better with a spider than I would with most of the human race. xD


In-real-life social interactions can be scary.  Unless it includes someone I'm unusually comfortable with, it's not an activity I even care to engage in.

Edited by PegaMister
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Hmm, well I guess the number 1 thing I fear in life is making mistakes. I've always been a lot like Twilight Sparkle in that I tend to be a perfectionist. If I'm going to participate in something, it has to be something I know I can do well. I'd hate to jump into something and do it poorly and end up looking like a fool. And I hate making choices without knowing how things will turn out. I like to know all my variables and work things out perfectly.

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Bugs in general, really

Extreme gore (I like soft gore, but as soon as organs start spilling out it gets creepy for me)

Failure (obvious)

The afterlife and whatever it may bring, assuming there is one

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  • Social Interaction with people I'm not comfortable with.
  • Water deeper than 4 feet or so
  • Heights higher than 10 feet or so
  • Cooking, even if I sort of want to cook :sealed:
  • Embarrassment
  • Being in extreme pain
  • Probably other things
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