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Pointing out some anti-brony bulls**t

Mr. Critical

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Hey guys. I'm bored as hell and I saw this guy recently.



So, out of some boredom, I'm going to point out his bull crap for you guys to see. If you have already seen it, good for you. If not, prepare to be amazed. lets begin shall we.

0:10-Calling a fanbase a loser for liking something that he doesn't is pretty ballsy. even when a vast majority are have most likely done more with their lives than this guy.
0:12-Yes. All bronies are losers. Unless we support this guy and then we transend our loserdom for supporting this guy who has insulted us for liking something he does not.

0:23-Steal our lunch money? How old is this kid?

0:28-big daddy dillon... I dont have a joke for that. Sorry.

0:41-Yes. Our parents failed to teach us how to be adults. Even though most of the fandom have people with high paying jobs, organize charities for cancer, have supported those who have been bullied and are successful musicians. So obviously our parents f**ked up big time.

0:50-HAHAHAHA!... yes, stop watching cartoons and start watching two and a half men. Move from something with talent and effort for something with poor writing, repetitive humor, and less substance than my kitchen silverware.

1:09-I think he's confusing a mental illness for a taste in television because it is something he doesnt like.

1:17-Yes. We know it is a cruel and miserable place with racism, bigetry, and horrors unfathomable. And you are not helping with that. We are trying to make it a little less tolerable. A word he probably think is a town in Yorkshire.
1:22-Kid needs to stop watching snuff films.
1:42-yes we have. And we have donated money to send to those children in africa to make it better. Just sayin'. Also, I believe this guy has been sippin' way too much mountain dew.
1:49-We know magic is fake, we have a firm grasp on reality. Also, what the hell are these things?
ponies.jpg2:01-I bring you back to my previous statement.

2:04-Has this guy actually hacked anyone? Seriously, is he even a real hacker or did he just pick the name because it sounded cewl.

2:09-The only thing I'm afraid of is seeing that head of his shift to a different color other than pink.

Well there you have it. I know I didnt point it all out, but... I'm bored as sin and thought I'd do something fun for a few minutes. 

  • Brohoof 3
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That pic would be a minature pony. They do exist. And this guy is just another one of them sad haters, making blatant excuses. 

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That was the first video I've watched in a long time that genuinely made me smile.


But, of course, the millions of easily-offended bronies in the comments have to ruin it.


This kid should kill himself. Just let bronies be.

What the fuck? 

  • Brohoof 1
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That was the first video I've watched in a long time that genuinely made me smile.


But, of course, the millions of easily-offended bronies in the comments have to ruin it.



What the fuck?

Yeah. Telling someone to kill themself makes them just as low and petty. What good is it to tell someone to commit suicide? It doesn't solve the problem in the slightest. -_-

  • Brohoof 4
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Why are we even caring about this anyway? We've been taking a lot of "troll" hate, so something like this isn't surprising and something to get ourselves involved into. 

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Whatever man, getting worked up over anti bronies will bring you nothing but grief. As a wise man once said, "haters gonna hate". Just let it be and move on.

  • Brohoof 1


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All I have to say is:

I'm not a fighter and try to 'talk it out' to get both sides of the story, but I do have a limit and if you tick me off I will get even with you. 

I'm serious, cause once I get angry you'd better step back or I'll Spirit Bomb your @-$-$. Just sayin'.

~Babs Seed, Babs Seed, She's Just A Bad Bad Seed!~


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This kid is a huge troll. Lots of people fall for his stuff. He claimed to the the founder of 4chan, and the leader of Anonymous.


Seriously, this kid is massive bait. Don't fall for it!

  • Brohoof 1

Feel free to add me on steam if you want to play something. Also don't be afraid to message and talk to me. I've had bad luck when I start a conversation, so I more then likely won't start one.

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I made this out of boredom. Not to hate, not to troll a troll. I was just bored, saw this guy, and wanted to point out his bullshit. From a deductive point of view; he genuinely hates bronies(except for the ones that like him), is desperate for attention and wanted to pull off a miley cyrus, or he was told bronies are terrible people and followed it blindly without proof.

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I made this out of boredom. Not to hate, not to troll a troll. I was just bored, saw this guy, and wanted to point out his bullshit. From a deductive point of view; he genuinely hates bronies(except for the ones that like him), is desperate for attention and wanted to pull off a miley cyrus, or he was told bronies are terrible people and followed it blindly without proof.


Not you, the bozo in the video is the troll.

Feel free to add me on steam if you want to play something. Also don't be afraid to message and talk to me. I've had bad luck when I start a conversation, so I more then likely won't start one.

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I left a comment saying he was a brony this guy is just really stupid but actually kind of funny about ranting things he'll never do most likely for popularity, but then again most of society hates us but I just laughed at the video I don't take discipline like that seriously.

img-3243014-1-W0qjY9J.pngAwesome signature made by Pink Mist 

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Holy crap...this guy really is the master of baiting. I can't believe how many people believe he's serious. Youtube should have an award for this kid.

  • Brohoof 2

Feel free to add me on steam if you want to play something. Also don't be afraid to message and talk to me. I've had bad luck when I start a conversation, so I more then likely won't start one.

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I was never into the identitiy side of things but I would like to say the best way to deal with them is not giving haters any attention.

They know that their followers will reinforce them anyway and their targets will defend themselves because they are right.


Just move along and don't feed the parasprites.

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Apparently this guy kid claims to be the head of 4chan's anonymous hacker group. What an idiot. If any of you know anything about anonymous, they are a collective and don't have a leader or any sort of "in charge" person.

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Apparently this guy kid claims to be the head of 4chan's anonymous hacker group. What an idiot. If any of you know anything about anonymous, they are a collective and don't have a leader or any sort of "in charge" person.


Can I seriously ask, how you people can believe this video?

  • Brohoof 2

Feel free to add me on steam if you want to play something. Also don't be afraid to message and talk to me. I've had bad luck when I start a conversation, so I more then likely won't start one.

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