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Anyone else not like alcohol?



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  1. 1. Do you like to drink alcohol

    • I like to drink all the time!
    • I like to drink some times.
    • I only drink when every one else is also.
    • I don't really but do sometimes.
    • I don't like to at all
    • Don't know, never tried it.

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I like the taste of it, but I don't like the thought of having ethanol flowing around in my head and body, constantly risking damages. I never get drunk, but I may take some sips now and then.


What frustrates me is seeing all these teens getting dangerously drunk like every weekend, as there is no legal and safer alternative to alcohol. I wish I knew why the government would sacrifice young lives like this...all about the money I guess.

Edited by RaveLow
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What frustrates me is seeing all these teens getting dangerously drunk like every weekend, as there is no legal and safer alternative to alcohol.




what bothers me is the 'cool' parents who think they're teaching kids to drink responsibly by letting them drink underage.  teaching them to break the law is not teaching responsibility. 

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what bothers me is the 'cool' parents who think they're teaching kids to drink responsibly by letting them drink underage.  teaching them to break the law is not teaching responsibility. 

People wanna have fun...especially teens. So I dunno, water wouldn't really work in that manner.


I don't know about any parents who let their kids drink, but they do it anyways.

Edited by RaveLow
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I have a drink every now and then. If I'm at a friends house and they just bought some beers that supposedly are great, I'll try them.


I have been drunk before and I hated it. The hangover was even worse.  



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I don't hate alcoholic beverages, nor do I hate those who enjoy drinking them.


However, I made a life choice a long time ago that I would never drink anything alcoholic. I prefer to have my wits about me, and there are other things I'd rather get addicted to. Games, movies, cartoons, stuff from Japan. Even junk food would do.


At most, I'd be willing to taste, but never actually drink anything alcoholic. Although, if it's sake, I might be tempted to change my mind...

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I tried it, but haven't had good experiences with them. They make me feel dizzy and sick. It frustrates me that drinking alcohol plays such a huge part in my college culture and I don't fit in because I don't drink. 

Excited to meet awesome people here! 

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I don't like drinking. I don't like the way it makes me feel. Some things taste okay (although I really don't like the burn) but I don't like the taste of beer or liquor straight up. I like mixed drinks where you can barely taste the alcohol. I was once very disappointed to have ordered a rum & Coke which was more like "Would you like a touch of Coke with your giant glass of rum?"


But again, I don't like the way it makes me feel. It makes my legs feel weird, for one. But more than that, I don't like the feeling of the loss of control. It's very stressful and unnerving for me.


I actually had a period, recently, where for the first time in my life, I actually -wanted- to drink. I was so stressed out at the job I was at, I really, really wanted to drink. Most of the time I didn't because I didn't want to add to my stress by being hung over at work, but when the weekend came around, I began drinking in increasing amounts. Since I quit, I haven't had the urge to drink, once. I'm a little concerned, cuz I know that that's a unhealthy mentality to have, but it's over, now. Hopefully I don't get into a state like that ever again.

Edited by Clover Heart

maudpie_zpsh8n7erzx.png You're the most basic of jokes.

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Yea, I'll have a few beers every now and again, sometimes a lot more than a few on the weekends.


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"Once you go black, you never go back" - Anonymous


Its a saying that may as well apply in alcohol drinking. Once you're addicted well you can be unaddicted again, but I heard its very hard to get rid of the addiction. Very hard.


(I really am sorry if I'm offending anypony. It's just a saying)

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Beer is gross. I can't figure out why people drink beer. Because beer is cheap? I don't know. I do, however, like to drink every now and then. My preferred drink is a glass of whiskey neat. Don't water it down with ice or other things. It doesn't taste good and for a while I had to chase it down with something because the burn was pretty intense. Eventually I got to a point where I could tough out the burn. Anyway, I drink every so often. Maybe once every week or two, but I only have one at a time because that's where I draw the line. I don't want to get drunk and if I need to I want to still be able to drive my car. (It's not illegal to drink and then drive so long as you're not intoxicated. It's not usual for me to have more than two drinks within a single hour, but I don't ever drink so much that I can't walk in a straight line. If, however, I do have a third, I'll wait a while. I'd hate to see someone hurt because of me)


The reason I like whiskey so much isn't about taste. It's about feel. It goes down and melts inside, sending a slow wave of warmth fro head to toe. It's awesome to have a shot or two on a cold winter evening. 


But only one or two. I never have more than that. Always gotta exercise caution with spirits because a little is still a lot. But anyway if you offer to grab a couple shot of whiskey with me, you're speaking my language! 

Edited by Space Woona

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ok so this is me as a student, i love the alcohol, especially whiskey (thank you blackjack). but here is what  i dont do. even though i love the flavor so much and the feeling (i never get hung over or sick) i will only drink with friends because i dont see the point of drinking on your own unless you are really upset, in which case pass me a case lol.

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Sometimes I crave booze, but I find when I'm hammered I start crying or insulting other people. It's not pleasent to look back upon. I prefer smoking weed for a buzz if I'm looking for one :comeatus:

Edited by LightningWar
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I wish the government would stop separating alcohol/tobacco from other drugs, because they are drugs, they go into your head and fuck with it. Society uses the word "drugs" to demonize other substances to support their prohibition, while alcohol and tobacco are just bad for you, but they're "not drugs" so it's okay and normal, everyone does it anyway.

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I wish the government would stop separating alcohol/tobacco from other drugs, because they are drugs, they go into your head and fuck with it. Society uses the word "drugs" to demonize other substances to support their prohibition, while alcohol and tobacco are just bad for you, but they're "not drugs" so it's okay and normal, everyone does it anyway.

The government does classify alcohol and tobacco as drugs.  That's why there's age restrictions and other restrictions for them.

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Sure, but if I told  you that your friend is a drug user...would you get the idea that he just takes a few drinks every weekend?

No, because there are specific names for different drug users, and no one uses that general of a term for someone who drinks alcohol.

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No, because there are specific names for different drug users

Yes, there are many different names to different people, of which many are synonymous and therefore pointless.


no one uses that general of a term for someone who drinks alcohol.

Exactly, that is my point. It's just what we call it, "drug" is just a word we made up. It doesn't make it any better just because we don't call it a drug, when it in fact is.

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Yes, there are many different names to different people, of which many are synonymous and therefore pointless.


Exactly, that is my point. It's just what we call it, "drug" is just a word we made up. It doesn't make it any better just because we don't call it a drug, when it in fact is.

We do call it a drug.  It is classified as a drug. 

If i said your friend is a drug user, would you get the idea that they take tylenol for headaches, or birth control, or cough medicine for colds?  same concept.  drug user has a negative connotation is why you wouldn't assume that is what was meant.

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