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I Have Asperger's. Aspie-Bronies Out There?


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I asked my mother and she said the doc said i have it, severe case. I'll check this off as i go:


O = Yes ////  X = No //// ? = Unsure.


  • Not pick up on social cues and may lack inborn social skills, such as being able to read others' body language, start or maintain a conversation, and take turns talking. [O]
  • Dislike any changes in routines.[O]
  • Appear to lack empathy. [?]
  • Be unable to recognize subtle differences in speech tone, pitch, and accent that alter the meaning of others' speech. So your child may not understand a joke or may take a sarcastic comment literally. And his or her speech may be flat and hard to understand because it lacks tone, pitch, and accent.[O]
  • Have a formal style of speaking that is advanced for his or her age. For example, the child may use the word "beckon" instead of "call" or the word "return" instead of "come back." [?]
  • Talk a lot, usually about a favorite subject. One-sided conversations are common. Internal thoughts are often verbalized. [O]
  • Avoid eye contact or stare at others. [O]
  • Have unusual facial expressions or postures. [X]
  • Be preoccupied with only one or few interests, which he or she may be very knowledgeable about. Many children with Asperger's syndrome are overly interested in parts of a whole or in unusual activities, such as designing houses, drawing highly detailed scenes, or studying astronomy. They may show an unusual interest in certain topics such as snakes, names of stars, or dinosaurs.[O]
  • Have delayed motor development. Your child may be late in learning to use a fork or spoon, ride a bike, or catch a ball. He or she may have an awkward walk. Handwriting is often poor.[O]
  • Have heightened sensitivity and become overstimulated by loud noises, lights, or strong tastes or textures[O]



I have about 6 of these symptoms, including the loud noise one.

  • Talk a lot, usually about a favorite subject. One-sided conversations are common. Internal thoughts are often verbalized. [O]

Guilty of that one, majorly.

Edited by Candy Star
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Yup, I have Asperger's as well. If I recall they aren't using that term anymore though. My case, according to the mental professionals I seen a few years ago, it is apparently quite severe. I suppose that is pretty accurate.


I have a lot of the classic traits and then some, stims, social problems, weird obsessions, communication issues, learning problems, all of that 'fun' stuff...Plenty of negatives but I see positives too. My personality is pretty unique because of it I think, I have a very child like personality and I really appreciate the simple stuff in life. :catface: Many already know that though. I also have a ton of self esteem problems to go with it, so it is cut down the middle.


So there is that. Even online it is probably pretty obvious, my social awkwardness knows no boundaries.

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I never quite understood what is so bad about having autism or aspergers. All my friends who have it seem completely fine. Can someone explain it to me?

There is nothing bad about it, who said it was?

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Yup, I have Asperger's as well. If I recall they aren't using that term anymore though. My case, according to the mental professionals I seen a few years ago, it is apparently quite severe. I suppose that is pretty accurate.

 Yeah they never really use that term anymore!

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There is nothing bad about it, who said it was?

Some people from my school are fairly negative about it as well has many many people on the internet. My other friend who has autism thinks I have mild autism, which I don't really care whether I do or don't.

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I do not have Asperger's.  However, I would like to recommend some things

The fanfic Unwell by HazamaBrony Twilight has ACMS (Abstract Cutie Mark Syndrome = Pony Asperger's).  There is going to be a sequel, but AFAIK it hasn't been written yet

There is also a thread debating whether or not Maud Pie has Asperger's


For those still young enough, there was an episode of Arthur where he meets a kid w Asperger's

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I never quite understood what is so bad about having autism or aspergers. All my friends who have it seem completely fine. Can someone explain it to me?


There are two main reasons there is negative discussion of people with autism. As with all stereotypes, the autistic stereotype is exaggerated but has some basis in reality.


The first cause of the maligning and caution is some autistic people are intransigent and truculent individuals with little social or emotional intelligence. Part of it is them simply not understanding why people are offended, but part of it is them just not giving a damn and proceeding to do what they wish regardless, and don't act with the solution in mind. Unfortunately, I used to be one of those sorts up to my 20's, being highly immature and disagreeable and causing needless aggravation for virtually everyone around me as well as myself. Obviously, many or most autistic people are innocuous and only need some reassurance or space then and again, but some raise Hell.


The other main cause is some neurotypicals don't want to expend energy or time understanding those different from them in benign ways and who are struggling, and will instead decry these people for annoying them and everyone around them. "Damn these asspies who want special consideration and coddling. That's so annoying and a buzzkill." is how they react, rather than to kindly lend an ear and see what they can do to make their experience less painful.


So, it's rather complicated, and ultimately boils down to people overgeneralizing and not recognizing autistic people are not monolithic.

Edited by Derpy Avenger
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I am one. I was diagnosed at age 3, but I was largely unaware of it until 2008, the same time I was also diagnosed with dyspraxia. If you met me in between 2007-10, it would probably be obvious, but I don't think that's the case now.

Hell, if anything, my mum says my dyspraxia is more obvious.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm an aspie too!


I have no idea when I was diagnosed but all I know is that my therapist at the time thought it was a good idea for me to not know I have it -_- I learned it through when I was in a place and a person was confirming info. My therapist at the time told my mom to not tell me. She felt wrong to keep it from me but she still kept it from me.


Anyway that has shown the light for me so now I can help myself over come the negatives of being an aspie and now I can embrace my strong suites ^^

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I was diagnosed at age 2 and had lots of sentry issues back then but now I do have a little bit of it and still have Social issues but a lot of the issues don't bother me

This channel is a great way to learn more about autism

I do proudly support Boycott Autism $peaks and I am a part of the Autistic self advocacy Network http://autisticadvocacy.org

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I've had friends who have aspergers,  my two best  in highschool

has and so did her bro and sis so I know what it is and how can effect

em in high group areas, (katie hated large groups or working in them

in school) So I paired with her even in different hours long as we had

a same class just to make her feel but the tie in was she did have to

speak in the class given I was not there.


So when my sister/best friend  told me "I have aspergers" I was "Oh I know what that

is!"  I feel like I kinda shocked her just how accepting off the bat and she has a hard

time making friends (our friendship is hitting 8 years :lol: )   Now we go out

to functions and events  (I use to have to drag her out in the first months of

our friendship now shes dragging me out! ) She talks with people more opennly

and if I can at times see her getting out of her comfort zone, I'll lightly step in but

given she works at walmart and teaches online,  my sister is one hell of a woman!

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I have Asperger's as well. I think I was diagnosed with it when I was about 4, as I remember my mother saying that she had trouble getting me into school because at the time, most schools in our area weren't willing to accept me because of my condition. I think I was 13 when I was eventually told I had it. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I do too. And I hate it when igorant people used the words "austisic" and "aspergers" as a insult. Having Aspergers is NOT ALL bad! 


Here's a link to TvTropes' useful notes page on Asperger's Syndrome if you're curious: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/UsefulNotes/AspergerSyndrome

It's written for non-AS people to understand it.

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I was diagnosed Asperger's Syndrome when I was 12 --2002.  Although a second test back in 2012 or 2013 did not reconfirm this, I still have symptoms.  If anyone just needs a buddy to chat with one-on-one, feel free to PM me.  I'll still chat here if you want to though.

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