Naiya The Brony 483 July 1, 2014 Share July 1, 2014 (edited) Now this is somewhat a personal question, because i wanna ask you. What is your most personal episode of MLP FiM? Don't get misleaded on the tittle By personal I mean what episode of MLP FiM that relates to you or connected you or reminded you something important? You can post as many as you want, Also even though all of the episode here relates to me doesn't mean that they are all my favorites.I have lots but I will going to say the most personal episode i watched was Lessen Zero - yeah Lessen Zero, oh boy this was an episode that I related So much. I over react all the time especially at assignments or works that I haven't finish yet I will over react like hell. If you look outside you wont recognize it but most of the time, Im Panicking inside, i don't know what to do and just go nuts. Like how overly stressed you see twilight in that episode. Suited for success - This episode really reminds me not only with rarity being too much perfectionist but also the mane 6 requested something that they don't know what they want. yeah most of the times I'm very critical on something that i will spout out some words that i am unsure if I mean it or not *cough MLP *cough, I can relate to that, when arguing I tend to say things that I don't even know and it leaves me very open. In Rarity's case I AM A HUGE PERFECTIONIST like even a single mistake it WILL drove me crazy, even how small it is. Tell me that im not a perfectionsit that if I torn a paper apart because I didn't like the looks of a single letter I wrote. That's why you always see me editing my comments all the time. Hurricane Fluttershy - I think this is one of my favorites,I can relate strongly with fluttershy in this episode. In every project, also with friends, family ETC. You can't really escape being depended on. Sometimes they will assign you on an assignment that you think or know you can't accomplish, but in reality you can. YouWILL feel afraid that they well get very disappointed on you because you will fail them, and they will scold at you, blame you because you let them down, because you know you don't trust in your abilities. This whole episode was guilt trip for me, it made me realize that hiding isn't really a solution. You really never know what your abilities are if you don't trust them yourself. Seeng fluttershy in that situation really reminded me of my iin some, most of my Real life situation and seeing her proving her wrong and that slef confident build up really just inspired me Equestria Games and Daring Don't - this two episode got a lot of hate, but personally i loved this two episode. Equestria games ataughtt a pretty good lesson. Even though the world is complementing you of your achievements, all of that will be nothing if you don't believe your achievement is worth it.While Daring don't kinda uplift that with its lesson. This was two also a slap in the face, like what i said. I don't believe in my abilities and sometimes receive someting like an achievment or a reward, I sometimes question it because I know I deserve it, I always let myself down. like everything i did in my life was waste and the great things i did will only be forgetten. i will put myself in the lowest of low. in every team i always compare myself to other people that they are very more better than me always, if i saw someone who is better something i like, i tend to get overwhelmed see my skills, talents or achievements as a waste. I don't even trust myself. But this two episode really gave me a lesson and a reminder that If you really don't trust yourself with your abilites, even you know how small it is it will still leave a big impact on your life and the only one who is stopping you is yourself Putting Your Hoof down - Ah this episode was fun wasn't it? Fluttershy being all jerk and all that? etc. And i heard this episode was given a lot of hate, I don't why though. I love this episode, I really can relate to this is simply because it focus on change to oneself because you are tired of being nice. This episode reminded me of my change. You believe that you, yourself suck and you are willing to change yourself because you know it will be better for your future or because someone told Yeah this episode was also a guilt trip.Before highschool I was nice, very nice at the young age. i was very jolly hyper active open minded kid who smiles and talk to other people. But apperantly i've changed to something more a little colder. yeah from that jolly kid to a wannabe critique jokester who talks to himself a lot. I am in a depth of growing up at that time and I came to wonder about my past self and I realize how foolish I was back then. I mean, I trusted people so easily and didn't notice the dangers, I was very nice and always treat most of my classmates out but soon I realized that they are just taking advantage of me. After that I've change, i begun distrusting people, not talking to them, I've became silent. This change also reached to a point where i started distrust a family member, but that's all good now, i came to myself that i was overly stressed at that time.i regret this change because I've become something what i hated the most... A monster.... Apple Family Reunion and Pinkie Apple Pie - Apple family reunion almost made me cry and gave me a lesson while Pinkie apple pie gave me a reminder, but both of them made me realize something, that no family is perfect, you're father isn't pefect, your mother isn't perfect, your sister/brother isn't perfect even you are not perfect. With those imperfection they are still there for you, and will love you still what imperfections, disabilites you have. They will not leave you for the rest of your life, they WILL help you, guide you give you advices that sometimes will annoy you because they don't want you to become something that you will regret in your future. Sure they always get in your nerves sometimes but family do that, because they care. This two episode really slapped me in the face. After that change i meantioned earlier, I stayed in my own little world for a while, like the typical i believe can do this because they always remind you the same stuff everyday and you already know your rights and wrong. Yeah I believed that i can do anything on my own (No i didn't run away just for that silly reason i just ignore their advice and prettended to listen), but Oh how wrong I was. After that little venturing in my own world tend to became more dependent on them, realizing that I really need them more than anything. Then this episode just Bam, hit me in the face, this two episode really reminded me how very important your family is to you. After this two episode, my bond to them became more closer than ever before and reminded me that Even though know everything you don't.-You know, You'll soon realize how great MLP is if you learn a lesson from it- Edited July 2, 2014 by Nihi The Brony 1 My Commission Shop || My Deviantart || My Twitter Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Frostgage 7,976 July 1, 2014 Share July 1, 2014 Winter Wrap Up is definitely the most relatable episode for me. The biggest reason Twilight is my favorite is because I feel like I connect with her the most, and what she went through in this episode is something I feel like I understand. Another good one is A Canterlot Wedding. Even though Twilight's experiences aren't really something I relate with, this is probably the episode I felt most connected with her. It's actually hard for me to watch this episode because I hate seeing the way she's treated. Signature by Lacerna | You should fill out my Johari Window. All the cool kids are doing it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jeric 46,860 July 1, 2014 Share July 1, 2014 Either Canterlot Wedding part 1(BBBFF) or Suited for Success (my job and my previous KDP work) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Silver Letter 1,832 July 1, 2014 Share July 1, 2014 Interesting topic... Well, watching Party of One and Pinkie Pride definitely does bring up personal feelings. Party of One: One thing about me is that I don't handle rejection well or the feeling of rejection. I always fear being rejected and having people ignore me and not want to talk. So when Pinkie Pie is "ignored" by her friends, she goes through a personality change. It is an extreme one but it is a reminder of my own personality changes when I feel alone which happens a lot but I can also feel extreme change when I don't think that the ponies around me want to be my friends anymore. Pinkie Pride: I feel that when people don't value my company then they are not valuing who I am so I get sad like Pinkie Pie did in that episode and sometimes I will even become closed off from my surroundings and not want to interact with anyone. 2 Silver Letter!!! Silver Letter's MLP collection Have: 946 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
OptimisticNeighsayer 478 July 1, 2014 Share July 1, 2014 (edited) I probably rate "Somepony to Watch Over Me" higher than I should because I personally could relate to Apple Bloom's annoyance at being mommied over. I could especially sympathize with her as I know what it's like to try to build up a good reputation with someone only to have it crash in a state of shock just by the stress of having that person demanding things from you or watching over you. "Lesson Zero" also personally connected with me, as Twilight's perfectionism as part of her identity and meaning is something I can relate to and has destroyed me before (although not with as large scale of consequences). Edited July 1, 2014 by OptimisticNeighsayer Hablo español--Je parle français--日本語を話す--我说中文--...and sarcasm (yeah right!) I compose music. Six Pony Rags Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pastel 7,630 July 1, 2014 Share July 1, 2014 (edited) Almost every Fluttershy episode because of my shyness + Read It and Weep since I don't like to read. Edited July 1, 2014 by Blobulle Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pinkamena-Pills 6,839 July 1, 2014 Share July 1, 2014 Interesting topic... Well, watching Party of One and Pinkie Pride definitely does bring up personal feelings. Party of One: One thing about me is that I don't handle rejection well or the feeling of rejection. I always fear being rejected and having people ignore me and not want to talk. So when Pinkie Pie is "ignored" by her friends, she goes through a personality change. It is an extreme one but it is a reminder of my own personality changes when I feel alone which happens a lot but I can also feel extreme change when I don't think that the ponies around me want to be my friends anymore. Pinkie Pride: I feel that when people don't value my company then they are not valuing who I am so I get sad like Pinkie Pie did in that episode and sometimes I will even become closed off from my surroundings and not want to interact with anyone. Thank you for typing for me. 1 Oatmeal, are you crazy?! "Silly, you are already under my control."- Pinkie Pie Signature made by me, because resistance truly is futile, silly. Currently still undergoing maintenance. Yes, i can do that, im a program, silly. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Twilight Circuits 603 July 1, 2014 Share July 1, 2014 Well... I write things that no one has ever seemed to ask me about... and that IS scripture. It DOES come from the show... Does it have meaning... It actually does to me... and I could easily explain it's meaning or give it meaning if you felt it had none... But the most significant one for me so far was the the Season 4 finale... I've written scripture on quite a few of the episodes actually. I did end up writing scripture on the last season. I know what what most people say about it besides nothing but the other part would also be.. sadly... that you don't care... How I feel about it... for the moment humour me. When I came into the fandom, I was two seasons late. Then the scripture and time caught up with each other. So what did season 4 finale give me? Have a read for yourself, and for once, actually read it instead skimming over it in 'speed reading' type fashion: As the sun shines Showing thy colors Going down Reaching thy heart. The ponies did come. The beast still boastful asking about his greatness while thy faith knows his number:6 "Yes" An answer, a rarity thy faith is accused of, As all have heard of thy exploits. But there is a point to be taken For Twilight sayeth to thy little pony, Some things are not as they seem. A title and it's burdens. Yes, it's not a rarity to smile and wave. Even if Twilight is a princess. This apple, Jack, knows The actions are the same. But to know ones title Is to walk alone. Knowing It isn't. But still sometimes shows Friends see from a distance. The shy ones asking; What's wrong? Why the long face? Cause Twilight feels unsettled. Not used to the title, Feeling it means nothing. But this apple, Jack, knows it's meaning. the prophecy of the king. Whom is a she. And Twilight knows it's right. It's a rarity to know a rarity for such guidance a rarity to take such risk a rarity to be late. the horns sounded. The ponies announced. The couple came forth The ways of old behind them The kings in thier glory Walking proudly for all to see. While Twilight was away from them Showing the couple's colors So all that were present could see and bow before the kings So all may walk together As Twilight smiles and waves from above Leaving the beast to question: You're going there to do what? That is where Twilight stands alone. The beast pretending to believe. But this apple, jack, hits the beast's head As all stare at the beast ignorance. Twilight walked alone. The doors opened Twilight acknowledged Your highness and instructions and answers So Twilight smiled and waved Seeing the doors close Hiding her true feelings wanting to help But the visit was nearly over With Twilight feeling empty. For the dark would ask what's wrong? For Twilight asked why she was here For she thought others could have done the same. But the light spoke of all being together Those with titles know of it's importance. There's a place It's seeing family One Twilight is happy to see But... Twilight knew of thy talents But Twilight wanted more then to just "smile and wave" Though her feelings as she walked alone..." It isn't that I feel ungrateful For all the things that I've earned For all the journey's I might have taken All the lesson I have learned. But I wonder where I'm going now. What my role was meant to be. I don't know how to travel to a future i cannot see For the kings have a sadness I have my wings, I wear this crown I'm a princess This is true. But it's still unclear to me Just what I'm meant to do. I want to have a purpose Want to do all that I can I want to make a contribution I want to be a part of the plan. But the sun spoke to me Your destiny's uncertain and that's sometimes hard to take. But it will become much clearer With every new choice you make. The moon then said to me Patience is never easy. I understand wanting more. I know how hard it is to wait To spread your wings and soar But family said to me But you stand here for a reason You're gifted and you are strong That crown is on upon you're head because belong. Together they all said to me. Know that you time is coming soon As the sun rises So does the moon As love light's a place in every heart You are a princess You'll play you're part. The moon then said to me: We understand you wanting more. A change to shine a chance to soar. Then the family spoke to me Soon we'll call the day it turns around. Know that your time is coming soon As the sun rises So does the moon As love finds a place in every heart You're a princess You will play your part. the the sun spoke to me You are a princess You'll play your part Ending with our embrace you time will come Others may walk on. But Twilight looks to heaven As if it were like magic. So what does that mean to me? God loves me as far as I'm concerned. Do I love God back? Well... I don't wear a tail and say it on my jacket for nothing. I'm free to believe whatever I want. That is all. For I have saved your soul in the heavens, and now save it on the ground. - TwilighCelunaCircuits Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prince Doopliss 2,351 July 1, 2014 Share July 1, 2014 (edited) Muad Pie-While it isn't one my favorite episodes, it kind of reminds me of my life is at times and well that is a little something that I can connect to. Magic Duel-Okay admit I lo..hate Trixie, but this episode again remind me of some instants of my life so yeah my life is a bit horrible. Apple Family Reunion-Okay this means a lot, family is a family no matter if the times are good or bad, it will always stick together even if there isn't someone you like in the family, though the episode didn't show that) Rarity Takes Manehattan-Okay this was the episode that made Rarity my favorite, as it showcase some nature of her that I have, though don't really show it in my life. I' not much into fashion, but really Rarity makes it enjoyable, which is another reason why this is a just a personal episode to me. Magical Mystery Cure-Like Apple Family Reuinion except with friends, lol. Sonic Rainboom-This without a doubt will always be the RD episode for me. She has a couple othe good ones, but I just like this the most. Really I have a lot of hate for RD, but this episode makes it rather hard for to hate her when I watch, heck some points of Wonderbolts Academy, kind of makes me angry RD at some bits, though the anger goes away as they are very little things. But nothing RD did in this makes me well mad. Sonic Rainboom isn't the only one, I mean there is the Cutie Mark Chronicles as well, but that didn't focus on RD much, so yeah speaking of which... Cutie Mark Chronicles-Childhood can just have great memories and well this showcase that. Even some of them didn't seem to be great, but that really change. Well that is all that I can think of. Edited July 1, 2014 by Patchouli Knowledge 1 Signature by @Sparklefan1234 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Archi the Atmomancer 564 July 1, 2014 Share July 1, 2014 First of all, Simple Ways, to an extent, as in my last relationship I often wanted to change not only myself but - in some cases - my partner. I knew at the time that it was wrong but I there was too much that I couldn't adapt to. We broke up but we're still amiable. On a happier note, Maud Pie, as I could relate to Maud herself. A lot of people think I don't care about things or that I'm cynical but in reality I just don't show my excitement much unless it's something really amazing. "Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Will Guide 21,362 July 1, 2014 Share July 1, 2014 Oh, sweet Walt Disney! I know just the episode: Testing, Testing, 1,2,3! While I have said that Rainbow Dash is the least relatable to me(she's athletic,and I'm not in the slightest), this episode shows how I relate to her: our troubles with studying! As for Twilight, Her lecturing scenes were so similar to how it works in the classes I attend. Also, the lesson she adds to the journal is perfect: No way of learning is better than another. Everyone is different and individual! Also, there's a lot of Truth in Television in this for me. Take it away, Tv Tropes: Rainbow Dash's test anxiety and difficulty paying attention are surprisingly realistic and accurate portrayals of students with learning disabilities such as ADD or ADHD. Once again, the writers have Shown Their Work. Even discounting learning disabilities, teachers are aware that everyone thinks and learns differently, from the visual (Rarity) to the verbal (Twilight), or from the imaginative/hypothetical (Fluttershy) to the hands-on/practical (Applejack). And then there's Pinkie's use of mnemonics via song. When Rainbow Dash pushes Twilight out of the way of Cherry Berry's pedal copter, she says that her Sherlock Scan helps her stay safe in the air. This is similar to the situational awareness that safe drivers refer to as "defensive driving", and is what separates them from drivers that get into accidents. Your real brain can indeed work on problems subconsciously when you eat lunch or walk home. The pre-internet snowclone "I do my best thinking [anywhere but at work or at school]" came about for a reason. A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Celli 4,339 July 2, 2014 Share July 2, 2014 Hmm, well, I honestly have never really made any real personal connections with any episode. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deathstroke 1,564 July 2, 2014 Share July 2, 2014 Any applejack episodes she is me only she is a pony and she is a female and am a male Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ashen Pathfinder 16,162 July 2, 2014 Share July 2, 2014 Lesson Zero - Because deadlines tend to affect me at times, so I could relate to Twilight...just not in her extreme way. Daring Don't - I tend to put others higher than myself that I tend to miss my own self-worth. It Ain't Easy being Breezies - I struggle with this constantly in my own family...sometimes being stern is the only way. Luna Eclipsed - Social awkwardness...nuff said. Probably others I am missing... Pathfinder I Sojourner I Corsair | Zu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~ Matching signatures with mah Bestie MOONLIGHT <3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rainboom Dash 1,056 July 2, 2014 Share July 2, 2014 Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3 - I related so much to RD in this episode as I've had similar problems staying focused and studying. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest July 2, 2014 Share July 2, 2014 Great idea for a topic! Lesson Zero really connected to me as Twilight's obsessive panic over deadlines also sends me a tad over the edge too. The way everyone reacts to her panic reminds me very much of myself, as others tend to downplay my panic or assume I will get through it fine anyway. Seeing Twi with Smarty Pants was just like looking in a mirror, as I also have my own plush study buddy who accompanies me in research and exams Its About Time is another episode I really connect to as I tend to be the architect of my own disaster, which often comes from panicking about things I can't control or which haven't even happened or might not ever happen. Hurricane Fluttershy reminds me of my own crippling self-doubt which stems from childhood bullying etc. Fluttershy was a real trooper in this one and I could understand her mentality 100%. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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