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How is MLP:FiM considered as "better" than most shows?


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There are some people on the Internet that I had found that lamented the quality of modern entertainment, and praised MLP:FiM for being an "exception", using whatever "exceptional" qualities it has to argue that it is the better show, if not "the best of all".


I have three questions for this topic:


1. Can you list to me as many bad and loathsome qualities as possible, that are found in modern entertainment, from videogames to television shows?


2. What are those "exceptional qualities" that MLP:FiM has that makes it better than most TV shows (according to those bronies and other critics)?


3. What entertainment genres, that are considered "worthless" to people like us/you, that need to be disposed of? (Yes, we all hate cliches)

  • Brohoof 1
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There are some people on the Internet that I had found that lamented the quality of modern entertainment, and praised MLP:FiM for being an "exception", using whatever "exceptional" qualities it has to argue that it is the better show, if not "the best of all".


I have three questions for this topic:


1. Can you list to me as many bad and loathsome qualities as possible, that are found in modern entertainment, from videogames to television shows?

Crappy artstyle, crappy characters, crappy storytelling, etc.,


2. What are those "exceptional qualities" that MLP:FiM has that makes it better than most TV shows (according to those bronies and other critics)?

Good artstyle, good characters, good storytelling, etc.,


3. What entertainment genres, that are considered "worthless" to people like us/you, that need to be disposed of? (Yes, we all hate cliches)



Remember that this all comes down to opinion, but the majority of people like the show because it hits all of those high notes

Edited by Big Boss
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I personally believe we have been living in a new renaissance of media, so I don't know how to answer this. Video Games are now taking an ever increasing narrative approach. It's not just the bleeps and bloops any more. ;) I can list dozens of TV shows (drama, comedy, animation) that continue to raise the bar. Even the ones that are popular but have serious flaws like Walking Dead are better than the drivel that was on eight years ago.


My Little Pony isn't great because of the less than stellar field. It's a quality show that stands on it's own merits.

  • Brohoof 3



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1. Where do I even start to answer a quesiton like this? Okay first there are the Mary Sue/Gary Stu wish fulfillment circle jerks that make up the "teen" shows that have taken over Disney Channel and to a lesser but still significant extent Nickelodeon (I want to my mouth out with soap by even thinking that). There are shows that dumb things down to such an absurd extent that it is insulting to even 2 year olds. Uncle Grandpa, the newer episodes of Spongebob, Annoying Orange (annoying sure is right) along with far too many other shows are textbook examples of this. There is 90% of the "reality" shows that appeal to the lowest common denominator by becoming yet another example of the celebrity infotainment culture in addition to being thinly veiled obviously staged clones of each other. There are really good shows that are either getting cancelled two seconds later for no reason, get a good run but pre mature end while crappy shows seem to grow like a cancer.


2. MLP dosen't insult or talk down to its audience like they are a bunch of drooling idiots which for whatever reason is considered perfectly acceptable for "kids shows" while ironically adult entertainment has become dumbed down even further and faster. MLP has good morals and lesson without getting too preachy at least for the most part. MLP has strong, relatable characters and puts an actual effort in to tell an entertaining and engaging story (though season 4 indicates that this is slacking a bit).


3. If I had to get rid of anything it would the teen shows, reality shows and daytime talk shows. I wouldn't mind these quite as much if it didn't seem like they were the only things on anymore.

  • Brohoof 3
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I think there are plenty of other good cartoons out there which are great. Gravity Falls, Adventure Time, How to Tame Your Dragon, and Gumball to name a few (and anything Disney or Pixar related movie wise). But really it's the fact that MLP is a feminist show (not anti-male mind you) and while its ideally marketed for girls it doesn't lose its value when its enjoyed by all ages or genders. I can't think of another show that's marketed or features female characters that's enjoyed by men (except maybe japanese anime).  It's also that the fanbase has done all kinds of amazing things within huge cast of main and background characters in a variety of medium (art, music, fanfiction, merchandise, voice acting, comics, rule 34) that makes us special. Other fandoms don't HAVE that magical fandom factor that we have or they've built it over a longer stretch of time (Star Trek, Harry Potter). We're an amazing anomally and we're still very young in comparison to these older fandoms.


I look at shows like Family Guy and Simpsons and they do have a general "men are worthless" vibe to their humor in the main characters and i think that's very unappealing. Flawed main characters may get you a laught but they aren't a great template. They also have a dark humor thats geared for adults and i'm glad that's missing from mlp as that innocent vibe is a part of the appeal to the show (even if the fandom is able to fill in for a more adult view of the characters in their own fannon).  I like that this is for kids and adults, men and women and is respectful to them all.

  • Brohoof 1

I have made brony music since 2011. I like all kinds of music and genres. I'm sure you'll like some of it..

Here's My YouTube..I have several albums on Bandcamp and Pony.FM.

Check out the 20+ Musician project Maressey which I am running. 


Check out the  Brony Music Directory and FimMusic. A portal to all things Brony + Music.

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There are some people on the Internet that I had found that lamented the quality of modern entertainment, and praised MLP:FiM for being an "exception", using whatever "exceptional" qualities it has to argue that it is the better show, if not "the best of all".


I have three questions for this topic:


1. Can you list to me as many bad and loathsome qualities as possible, that are found in modern entertainment, from videogames to television shows?


2. What are those "exceptional qualities" that MLP:FiM has that makes it better than most TV shows (according to those bronies and other critics)?


3. What entertainment genres, that are considered "worthless" to people like us/you, that need to be disposed of? (Yes, we all hate cliches)


1. Further reinforcing the inaccurate stereotypes of races, gender, etc. Too much sex.

2. It depicts the simple yet profound morality and ideologies, which were pondered by the most ancient philosophers.

3. Entertainment is there for that purpose, entertain. As long as it entertains someone, it's worth something. If it's not entertaining, it's not entertainment.

  • Brohoof 1
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And I hope to see specific examples,

e. g. "Too much violence and explosions, cheap and blatant sexuality, dirty humour abound, singers with poor quality and annoying fans, cliches everywhere, girls striving to become high school-rock superstars, superstars behaving badly and getting away with it, cheap stunts and poor story-lines to make the show more dramatic (e.g. "jumping the shark" or "nuking the fridge"), etc."

And, @Freewave , I've saw on the Internet of some people hating up against Adventure Time and Gumball, despite their almost outstanding quality. And these shows are in danger of collapsing into the "common, sick pit of popular humor", no?

Edited by HorsesandMOARGaloar
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1.  How about sitcoms.  There were some good ones out there (Seinfield, Fraiser) but I long ago got sick of this entire genre.  Every one is the same: the male lead is an overgrown, imbecilic, sports obsessed (but almost never an actual athlete or even remotely athletic), sex obsessed man child.  The female lead, usually a wife/girlfriend, is a overbearing, tyrannical, manipulative, psychopath who will often spend the episode tormenting or outsmarting her husband/boyfriend over a real or imagined slight, which along with the male leads idiotic antics is where the shows comedy is supposed to be derived.  Both characters tend to be immature, petty, and lack any real passion or redeeming characteristics.  Almost the polar opposite of the MLP characters.


2.  The characters.  I can follow just about any fiction if a really like the characters.  The ponies are deep, interesting and likable and I am always interested in seeing what the writers will do with them next.  It also doesn't hurt that the setting is well developed and the animation is gorgeous.


3.  Do away with the reality TV shows.  Absolutely worthless.  I recently cancelled my cable tv because there is nothing but this garbage on.  You can't even get away from it on the history, discovery and sci-fi (now SyFy, ugh) channels now.  With netflix and streaming video, there is no need for cable tv anymore.  I am hoping on demand streaming video will kill reality TV.  I think a lot of the garbage on TV is just to pad out the programming so they can have as many channels running 24/7 as cheaply as possible.

Edited by Twilight Dirac
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Even the ones that are popular but have serious flaws like Walking Dead are better than the drivel that was on eight years ago.


*takes deep breath trying to calm inner TWD fan down* what serious flaws are there in the walking dead? because if its that its different than the comics thats how Kirkman wanted it to be....anyways....compared to a lot of kids cartoons (that have A LOT of adult innuendo) MLP is by far the better than most cartoons nowadays  


"What are you trying to accomplish, putting yourselves in danger like that? Trying to see "justice" done? Is that really justice, though? Aren't you just doing this because you want a little spice in your boring lives? What's the difference between that and a criminal who gets his kicks by murdering people?You see what I'm getting at? There's still a lot of time left. Give it some thought."

If you can read this and have a problem with me...take it up with my lawyer

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1. Use of love in a completely absurd way, predictable plot twists, oh man... It's like the Soviet joke on quality TV.


2. A thing I didn't mention, on purpose. All characters in modern media it seems like are quite unvaried. They follow a certain terrible stereotype and call it good (sitcoms...) MLP has varied, not so stereotypical characters. Rarity is surprisingly the best example of this. She acts like a sort of "maiden in distress," but her personality is really complex. Extremely difficult to pinpoint. Stark contrast to the totally not subtle manipulative, and romantic attitudes of normal "maidens in distress."


3. Here's a few. Reality TV. Crappiest TV ever made. Period. The drama is overwhelming, and cliche. Second, religious programming. Why not just go to church, et cetera? It's absolutely pointless, and crap. Similar sermons. Just get off the couch, AND GO. Gossip based TV. SHUT UP AND GET A LIFE. TMZ is an example of such a show.

Edited by Twilly F. Sniper
  • Brohoof 1


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*takes deep breath trying to calm inner TWD fan down* what serious flaws are there in the walking dead? because if its that its different than the comics thats how Kirkman wanted it to be....anyways....compared to a lot of kids cartoons (that have A LOT of adult innuendo) MLP is by far the better than most cartoons nowadays

No no no no. I would be furious if they made the AMC show plot for plot like the comics. I like being surprised ... and I don't need a rehash of something I already enjoyed. I'm not one of those that says "the book is better than the movie". Two different mediums and art forms need to approached that way.


My main issue is narrative development and inconsistency in theme, structure, and characterization. Though I admit it's likely caused by a revolving door of show runners.


I still watch it, and am highly entertained by it. I also said it would be one of the best shows period during the 2000's when we had garbage.


Nowadays, I have Mad Men, Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, Homeland, etc to compare against it.


It's all opinion, but I stand by my statement that TV today is amazing on the whole. MLP is not a glowing beacon singular quality ... but it is the best overall in animation. That is where my opinion flips a little. Danny Phantom, Fosters, and Avatar TLA are not going against MLP directly either. Those toons were epic!

Edited by Jeric
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No no no no. I would be furious if they made the AMC show plot for plot like the comics. I like being surprised ... and I don't need a rehash of something I already enjoyed. I'm not one of those that says "the book is better than the movie". Two different mediums and art forms need to approached that way.


My main issue is narrative development and inconsistency in theme, structure, and characterization. Though I admit it's likely caused by a revolving door of show runners.


I still watch it, and am highly entertained by it. I also said it would be one of the best shows period during the 2000's when we had garbage.


Nowadays, I have Mad Men, Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, Homeland, etc to compare against it.


It's all opinion, but I stand by my statement that TV today is amazing on the whole. MLP is not a glowing beacon singular quality ... but it is the best overall in animation. That is where my opinion flips a little. Danny Phantom, Fosters, and Avatar TLA are not going against MLP directly either. Those toons were epic!


honestly its funny all the old cartoons i used to watch and like were by lauren faust (Fosters, MLP, and powerpuff girls) were awesome. some of the newer ones are meh. but any AMC channel show is one that gets me hooked (Breaking Bad especially, as well as Mad Men and The Walking Dead)

  • Brohoof 1


"What are you trying to accomplish, putting yourselves in danger like that? Trying to see "justice" done? Is that really justice, though? Aren't you just doing this because you want a little spice in your boring lives? What's the difference between that and a criminal who gets his kicks by murdering people?You see what I'm getting at? There's still a lot of time left. Give it some thought."

If you can read this and have a problem with me...take it up with my lawyer

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  • 1 month later...

People tend to say that, but really, MLP: FiM is not better than most shows. Heck, it wouldn't even placed in a Top 100 cartoons, let alone shows in general.


MLP:FiM is good, but nothing unique or special. There are thousands of shows better.

Edited by Darker

Overlord of Darkness








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1. A strong lack of likeable characters. For some reason I just find it incredibly hard to really empathize or relate to characters in most shows. Trying too hard to be "Mature" by forcing violence, sex, drugs and other various things in where it's not needed. Just a weird atmosphere that makes watching most shows incredibly dull. It's hard for me to explain why I don't like most TV shows nowadays, there's just something completely off about them to me.


2.Characters I can empathize with. I like the mane six. I would legitimately want to be friends with them, and I can feel happy when they are happy, sad when they are sad, etc. A fun cheerful atmosphere that always makes me smile. Good animation, humor, music, voice acting, etc. The show certainly has some faults but I never find myself not enjoying it. It get's things wrong, but nothing that really makes me upset. It does so much more right.


3.Nothing. All entertainment has a reason. I wouldn't want to get rid of any particular type. I'd just want people to make them better.

  • Brohoof 1

Twilight is best pony.


Why hello MLPForums! What have ya been up to?


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What we need? Character. Many shows focus on more of the action, than the person doing the action for example... Drive Angry starring Nick Cage. Story was a classic "Saving my family!" affair with supernatural aspects like a sharp dressed guy playing Death himself, and the texan girl for a sidekick, But it lost alot of credibility and watchability thanks to the "stone-cold" attitude of the main character. No emotion? No views.


MLP:FiM is an exceptional show thank to doing the exact opposite to what Drive Angry did. A heavy focus on character building and story telling, they never focused on making the character look "SO COOL". and hell, it worked. An army of fans were the proof. The stories sublime, the characters believable, it takes some good damn writing to make pastel coloured ponies believable.


I'm not going to list clichés here, just say what needs to be. Movies and TV needs to be an uplifting experience, now I'm not saying that a horror, drama, and thriller are to go... I'm saying that we need to leave the theatre or turn off our TV and say "That was worth it!" Braking Bad is a fine example. The first Iron Man movie is another. Saw is ANOTHER example, the list goes on for days. If we can focus more on how the viewer feels instead of how much money they can make from a sequel, Star Trek: Into Darkness is an example of this!

People tend to say that, but really, MLP: FiM is not better than most shows. Heck, it wouldn't even placed in a Top 100 cartoons, let alone shows in general.


MLP:FiM is good, but nothing unique or special. There are thousands of shows better.

Wow. Ok then.

Geez. Not in the top 100...


  • Brohoof 2



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Embrace your enemies hate, Live in it, Become it.

When their and your time has come, you will have the strength to endure it.

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What we need? Character. Many shows focus on more of the action, than the person doing the action for example... Drive Angry starring Nick Cage. Story was a classic "Saving my family!" affair with supernatural aspects like a sharp dressed guy playing Death himself, and the texan girl for a sidekick, But it lost alot of credibility and watchability thanks to the "stone-cold" attitude of the main character. No emotion? No views.


MLP:FiM is an exceptional show thank to doing the exact opposite to what Drive Angry did. A heavy focus on character building and story telling, they never focused on making the character look "SO COOL". and hell, it worked. An army of fans were the proof. The stories sublime, the characters believable, it takes some good damn writing to make pastel coloured ponies believable.


I'm not going to list clichés here, just say what needs to be. Movies and TV needs to be an uplifting experience, now I'm not saying that a horror, drama, and thriller are to go... I'm saying that we need to leave the theatre or turn off our TV and say "That was worth it!" Braking Bad is a fine example. The first Iron Man movie is another. Saw is ANOTHER example, the list goes on for days. If we can focus more on how the viewer feels instead of how much money they can make from a sequel, Star Trek: Into Darkness is an example of this!


Wow. Ok then.

Geez. Not in the top 100...


You get a brohoof because I love that gif.

Also yes, not even in a Top 100.

Maybe Top 200, but not 100.

Overlord of Darkness








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You get a brohoof because I love that gif.

Also yes, not even in a Top 100.

Maybe Top 200, but not 100.

Awww... *slumps infront of keyboard*

I am surprised the legendary non-brony on this brony forum hasn't been converted yet, Your resilience astounds me! impressive.



STEAM | YouTube

Embrace your enemies hate, Live in it, Become it.

When their and your time has come, you will have the strength to endure it.

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Awww... *slumps infront of keyboard*

I am surprised the legendary non-brony on this brony forum hasn't been converted yet, Your resilience astounds me! impressive.

He's gone from "I hate it" to "I respect it, but hate it"

I'm comfortable with that

  • Brohoof 3


^Click for my Deviant Art^

You truly are the Rosa Parks of not understanding what r34 is.

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Awww... *slumps infront of keyboard*

I am surprised the legendary non-brony on this brony forum hasn't been converted yet, Your resilience astounds me! impressive.

LEGENDARY NON-BRONY? Yo talkin' 'bout me?

Hmm... How cryptic...

He's gone from "I hate it" to "I respect it, but hate it"

I'm comfortable with that

I always respected it. I seriously can't say "I HATE IT" particularly on this forum.

  • Brohoof 1

Overlord of Darkness








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I always respected it. I seriously can't say "I HATE IT" particularly on this forum.

Just gonna leave this here for you, friend


I dislike FiM in biblical proportions. A lot, to say the least.

  • Brohoof 1


^Click for my Deviant Art^

You truly are the Rosa Parks of not understanding what r34 is.

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That's not hate. Hate is a major word in comparison with dislike. Hate > dislike.

Again, I never said I hated it.

You dislike FIM in "biblical proportions".

I'm all good of you hate or dislike it, it's not everyone's thing, I'm just saying that that orgAsmic amount of dislike kind of measures up to "hate".

  • Brohoof 2


^Click for my Deviant Art^

You truly are the Rosa Parks of not understanding what r34 is.

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