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what is "my little pony" to you?

Aurelion Star

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To me, it's basically just a fun show that I used to like to watch often (I've lost some interest in it now). The biggest thing that it's done for me is that it helped me to make some new friends, like here on the forums for example. It's thanks to this show that I've met so many great people :)

  • Brohoof 2


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A work of art that show that cartoons doesnt need to have violence (Like punch or fights) to entretein the public.


That shows that kids arent id¡ots (Like Dora the explorer.... "Were is the big pink mountain?" It right next to you, you /·"!··%!!!

  • Brohoof 1


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my little pony to me is my honor and my character I represent MLP proudly it is inspirational and has inspired me to start writing and to start my YouTube channel also girls have been able to act guyish for the longest time  this is the thing where guys can act girlish and watch, collect, and worship ponies. and without MLP I would of never been PonygameFluttershy I never would have started writing stories and I probably wouldn't be here to this day 


THAT is what MLP means to me


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It helped me change.


I love the show and the characters as well as the fandom but if there is one thing I love even more it's who I am now. Originally, I was your average kid bent on becoming like everyone else. Cool, calm, funny, and all those other things that made people likable and cool to hang around in middle/elementary school. (6th grade in elementary and up to the first half of 8th grade in middle school) However, I was changing myself to be someone people liked, and that's not right. I was bullied by someone that I said was my best friend from 5th grade all the way until the end of middle school. I wasn't convinced enough to believe that this person was actually bullying me and was fooled into thinking he was any kind of friend of mine at all. Additionally, my depression started around this time.


The first time I saw a brony and these colored ponies was, of course, on the Internet. I had gotten a device for Christmas I could use just like a laptop whenever I wanted. I joined a site for the first time that was not MLP related but still had bronies on it. I really began to notice the show the more I was on there and had really begun to wonder what it was about. A girl I dated on there was a brony herself and told me about it. I never willingly watched it, though. My sister was up one morning on Netflix with the show already on. Winter Wrap Up, it was. I, oddly enough, didn't complain when I saw this. I felt very weird watching these ponies but soon enough the episode ended and I went to watch the very first episode to get the gist of it all. My sister from then on put the show on because she liked it as well and my parents actually didn't care if we watched it. With my sister and I liking the show and my parents not caring that we watched it MLP became the thing around the house. Several things changed from this moment on.


At first I liked MLP because it was entertaining. After a while though it started to teach me things. This about friendship and that about magic; put together and corny as it may sound "Friendship IS Magic." I learned so much from Twilights lessons that eventually I began to really see what true friends were and...I realized there were only two people in the world that were my true friends and accepted me for who I really was. Neither of them were this person that made a fool of me and bullied me. Thanks to Twilight Sparkle and her friends I eventually gathered the courage to stand up for myself and confront the person that bullied me all my life and basically said "I called you a best friend...but you're no friend at all." I didn't even give him the chance to laugh in my face for trying to stand up to him. I walked away. I never saw him again. For the first time in years I felt a difference; a change of heart. I dropped the cool act and became someone that who would have thought; my two best friends missed for a very long time. It was me. Not the cool, stupid, tries to fit in guy. No. I let that go and went back to my geeky, weird, crazy self that only true friends would appreciate and care about. I went back to who I was and became someone even greater from it.


The leftovers of depression held me down for a while longer but eventually they passed. I found this site and left the other one I mentioned due to the fact that I realized it was a bad place with really bad people. I made new friends. Good ones, for that matter. One of those friends, someone from here, was the person that cured me of my depression completely. Now, with the first year of high school gone by, I can say it was really a great year. I made new friends. I found my group of geeky nerds far better than anyone I've met, other than my best friends of course. My good best friends that cared about me and treated me like so. I also put more work into being a better student. I ended the year with a single B+ and the rest A's. Nearly straight A's my freshman year? HOO BOY!


Life has been great since I made a difference. But, the difference was thanks to MLP. Pinkie Pie showing me laughter and helping me crack a smile when I felt down. Fluttershy showing me kindness and what it really means to care about others and treat them respectively. She also showed me how being too kind can be a bad thing and standing up for yourself is necessary in rough times. Applejack helped become more honest. My parents had no idea how I was feeling in previous years. I was so closed up I lied about not just school but anything to make myself feel better. Applejack helped make that go away. RainbowDash helped me see that you can be awesome and have lots of pride while still being loyal to your friends and turning down opportunities to hang with the cool kids just because it would give you a higher reputation. Rarity taught me how to have true passion and never give up on your hopes and dreams. Work hard no matter the odds! Finally, Twilight showed me that kindness, honesty, loyalty, generosity, and laughter work altogether to make the most powerful magic of all...the magic of friendship.


Guys, the show made me someone I never thought I'd see again, much less did I think I'd see myself become even greater in who I was and now am. The fandom also helped a ton though. I met lots of people here and have learned so much thanks to you all. I don't mean to get sappy but writing all of this is making me a bit teary eyed. I just want my friends to know I love them all. Even if I hardly talk to some of them. I love absolutely everyone on my friends list. Everyone. Even people I still have yet to meet or see. I'll probably love them too! Believe it or not the people on my friends list, if any of them are reading this, have taught me something. I couldn't be more thankful for the people I know to this day. Thank you all. You've helped me break through to who I'm meant to be. Who I am today. :):wub:

  • Brohoof 1


Credit to Kyoshi for the awesome signature!

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To me, MLP is an amazing show that I watch to escape this bleak world that we call home. I watch the show a lot and have a lot of emotions towards the show and characters.


Before getting into MLP, I was a depressed man, A man who was always upset about something. Someone who was rarely happy. I had also lost touch with my more natural emotional side.


MLP turned me into the man I am now, A happy man with a big smile on his face. :D  :wub:


RavenholmZombie - Brony since 2011

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This simple show has become a serious anti-depressant for me. No joke. 


Since watching the show, I'm happier, kinder, uneasily-angered and friendlier.


It has become the fuel to my fire, so to speak. I wake up. Watch MLP.

Eating lunch, Watch MLP.

I even fall asleep to MLP. You get awesome dreams thanks to that.


It keeps me grounded as well, for all my mental and neurological disorders, It really helps me to watch something that reinforces the sanity and logic of life lessons, but also to accept my problems and issues, and sometimes to imbrace my insanity, Pinkie Pie is the finest example of that.


Rainbow Dash has become my waifu. Due to the serious lack of self-confidence within myself, opposites attracted me to her. Under my Moustache and big shades, there is a man who relies on the simple things in life. People and friends.

My little pony is love.....
My little pony is life...

Let's not. Ok. I needed a mind eraser the first time I heard those lines.





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Embrace your enemies hate, Live in it, Become it.

When their and your time has come, you will have the strength to endure it.

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It helped me and I like the show and love Rainbow Dash :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:


The creativity is high, the artworks, music, videos, clop, animations, jokes and of course the show, the community, the forum here and all the new ponies I met here :yay:


I don't know, where I would be now, without the forum thought :wacko:

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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my little pony is very special to me baceause I was obsessed with G3 when I was little and I had a huge collection of G3 toys, then when I got a little older I grew out of it and got into High school musical or whatever. then I saw my little pony in late 2012ish and read up on the fandom (I knew about bronies before then but I didn't understand) when I realized I was a brony I watched all the episodes! the happy pony pinkiepie, the shy andorable kind one fluttershy, the intelligent bookworm twilight, the athlete rainbowdash, the fashionable girly girl rarity and the Hard-working strong and beautiful applejak all helped me through anxiety and also taught me that I love to write. how great, after a while though I decided I wanted to make a pony of my own, I knew I would name her whisperspell, she would be a unicorn and that her talent would be reading (wich I later changed to writing) to I drew her on a price of paper and fell in love with her. so now, here I am, about 1 1/2 years later  a brony and an active part of the fandom. ponies mean a lot to me. 

:eww: gosh, that's cheesy



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What can I say about "My Little Pony"? It's one of the best shows I've ever laid eyes on; it's songs, animation, and lovable little ponies! It's lessons were AMAZING; people can learn a thing or two from the lessons! In every episode, the ponies would take part in amazing adventures that had me on the edge of my seat! While I watched the show, I would collect the toys. The toys are the best, they were crafted so beautifully and they're cute as a button! My Little Pony is a feeling enjoyment and it really brightens up my stressful life.


... Oh, I'm talking about the 1980 Generation 1 My Little Pony, by the way.

Edited by Mami Tomoe
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My Little Pony is a television series that began in the 80's, featuring a fantasy realm of colorful, animated characters that go on various adventures.

  • Brohoof 3


Sig made by Kyoshi.

Cool things people have said about me:

Never heard of him but I guess just you mentioning him is a good reason not to go anywhere near that name.

(In reference to an author I suggested.)



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There's a lot of things in life that mean a lot to me. Without a doubt, music occupies the #1 spot in my personal list; I can't live without it, period. Beyond that, I don't really have anything else numbered, but suffice to say that My Little Pony ranks near the very top at all times.


It's near impossible to describe what it means to me in words, and I'm sure I'm not alone in that regard. But to give it my best shot:

I'm the type of person who can kind the silver lining in almost anything, no matter how hopeless or tragic it may seem. Despite this, I also am very cynical; it's all too easy for me to focus on the negatives, even if the positive is right in front of my face. I tend to think, think, think and overthink about anything my mind comes up with, whch is an astounding array of topics and ideas.


What that all means is, I tend to depress myself by only thinking about the bad in the world, and depress myself even further because I hate that sometimes I can't convince myself the positives are worth it. Combine this with the fact that I can be pretty anti-social most of the time as well as a bit of an asshole, and you've got a recipe for perpetual unhappiness. Music has always helped, and it makes me happy sometimes. But it never has truly been enough; I've had periods in which I've thought I was happy with people I had around me at the time, but it never lasted. I always thought I was doomed to this vicious cycle of finding happiness, then losing it either suddenly, or slowly ripped away.


Then, I discovered ponies.


I never was a so-called "skeptic" of the show: being a frequent cross-dresser I had long since disregarded the notions of gender-roles, and I have also always had a soft spot for childrens media/toys, etc, so taking "the step" to give the show a shot wasn't a problem at all. But, I had thought previously that it had to be over-hyped and not going to be as good as everyone said it was. How elated I became when I discovered it was all it was cracked up to be and more. :D


The show has shown me emotion and given me feelings I have never felt, as well as ones I had felt before but never thought I would meet again. It makes me happy, it makes me laugh. It makes me cry sometimes, but not for myself and not for the world; it makes my cry in a "good" way. I haven't done that in literal years, and it feels indecribably amazing.


The characters, I can connect with. The stories capture my imagination. The music not only fills my soul, but has entered regular rotation in my playlists; unheard of in my case for any TV show or movie.


For the first time, I'm truly caring for and of other people: I have been infected with the "magic of friendship" :lol: and I couldn't be happier I am. The ponies have taught me lessons I should have learned years ago, they have and continue to make me a better person; I feel better just looking at them or hearing their voices.


And then there's the icing on the cake: this immense, near-unbelivable fandom that sprung up almost overnight, and exploded into

massive collections of art, music, and stories: this show has not only opened the hearts and minds of millions all over, but it has expanded and nurtured their imaginations and creativity beyond levels of which even they never thought were possible.


i know I'm not alone in being in eternal debt to the people that made and continue to make this show possible: I don't know where I'd be without it, but I can say with utmost certainty that it wouldn't be anywhere I'd want to be. My life isn't perfect, and I still have a massive amount of personal improvment to work on, but none of it would ever have even started if I had never taken an interest in what so many to this day deem to be a "little girls show". What they'll never understand, is that fact that My Little Pony is so much more than that. It's an escape, it's a relief; a becon of hope, a slice of humor and wholesomeness. It's fun, it's educational and good for the heart and soul.


You just can't put a price on that.


"Let the steel of my resolve be not bested by the sum of my fears."

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It's a somehow entertaining television show I honestly wish I could get farther away from these days.


The design and sense of style is awesome, beautifully clean, and simplistic, and that's about the only thing that binds me to it anymore. It has improved my art significantly and made me become a pro at an area I used to suck at - outlines. So that's one life-changing thing.


I'm not too fond of the fandom, and I consider the show to be about a C+ in terms of quality compared to other kids' shows. Not ground-breaking, not super fantastic. Just fun to watch sometimes and sometimes surprisingly epic, but far too limited by the concerns of a toy company who wants to sell to little girls. Only reason I'm still here is because I don't have any other place I feel comfortable hanging around. I'm here for a community. Not a brony community, not an MLP community. Just a community. A place of people to be around and to find friends.


Although the show has changed my life - it's more so the people I've met through it than the show itself. I did manage to meet my soulmate on this forum, so I suppose that's got to count for something. It makes the show more significant to me than a few other shows for that reason, but that's nothing to do with the actual content. I suppose the ridiculous of that'll always make me remember it though.

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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It's the shard of me that was broken off and concealed, only to be revealed to those like you. It is a reminder that it still exists, so that I do not lose this part of me that I truly wish to be able to have, to rejoin with the rest of me. It is the thought of hope that I will not have to hide myself to others, that I can be myself someday. It is a reminder of how life could change. It is the ladder, to rescue me from misery, and show me that things can and will be better. It is a gift, something I will hold near, something I will never lose, and something I will never, ever forget.


A name is not always a thing, but what that thing inspires. Names have power. Remember this.

Edited by V .

Enter the Forest...

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My little pony is love.....

My little pony is life...

I would so push against their force..




No. None of this creepy Shrek stuff will be tolerated.

Enter the Forest...

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It's a stress release for me. I always feel better after watching an episode, which has coming back time and again. I've also been able to meet good people as a result and I think it made my outlook on life a little more positive than what it used to be.


Not the most melodramatic story, but there you go. :)


Signature by Kyoshi

Hymenoptera is the most superior order of insects. | I'm the best Street Fighter player ever... in my hometown.

Rosalina's #1 fanboy.

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To me, it's a fun show with great characters and stories, solid animation and music. It hasn't really gave me any life changing experiences. Just an amazing show.


EDIT: It appears I've hit phoenix status.

Edited by RainbowDScout
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