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Why does everyone have to swear all the time?

Alicorn Fluttershy

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I find the whole idea of a word being 'bad' to be stupid.

I'm quoting you because that statement finds you on great company. To quote a famous Literary Critic in response to an editorial that F Scott Fitzgerald was an ignorant foul mouthed writer destroying the English language when he wrote The Great Gatsby!


But do we need […] a justification, beyond the one a writer might mount for any word—i.e., that it works? There is, after all, no such thing as an intrinsically bad, boring, or lazy word. There is only how it is deployed, and one of the pleasures of profanity is how diversely you can deploy it.


Writers don’t use expletives out of laziness or the puerile desire to shock or because we mislaid the thesaurus. We use them because, sometimes, the four-letter word is the better word—indeed, the best one.

Ask ask a room of Literary Fiction authors to sound off if they disagree with the above, and you will be met with the deafening sound of silence.

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Words have no more value than the value you give them. Most people nowadays don't pay attention to those words, so they aren't affected by them. Some people DO give it a lot of value, and they feel offended.


Swear words like the F bomb are actually very usefull. You shouldn't just randomly spout it about, BUT you can properly use it to give your arguments and opinions some extra bang (Hench, F bomb).


I respect people's opinions, but I personally can't really stand it if people make such a big deal about vulgarity. We don't live in a time where we believe that a couple of words can put a magical curse upon you. Words are just a means of communication, and they are strong as you make them. It is nothing more, nothing less.


I do agree that excessive swearing is annoying (Think, stereotypical Call of Duty fanboy), but just remember... These people are too stupid to understand how to properly use these words.

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I don't see why people give a damm about swearing. thier just words. and as the rhyme everyone has heard atleast once says words can never hurt you. also why do you shrink into a shell when people do that it makes no sense I get you dont like them but. afraid?

when someone swears at me yeah!

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when someone swears at me yeah!


Do you mean directed at you? If so, I can understand that a lot. I'm not a fan of someone going off on me either unless it's in humor. Also, I do have one or two choice words that I do happen to find distasteful to the point that I do an inward sigh when I hear them.

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swearing just shows that you really need to learn more vocabulary,
 complete disagreement. i see swearing as the most extreme in a set of emotions. for example; make love, have sex, and fuck. they all mean the same thing, but all imply a different intensity of emotion.



so no, i don't see swearing as having a lack of vocabulary, but instead dismissing it because it's simply not strong enough.

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The Generations vocabulary has deteriorated to VERY low levels.. I may swear at times but that's when I'm pissed but I don't drop the "F" bomb at all in real conversations, on the internet I do more than in real life but that's just me.

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its well documented sweaing helps people deal with pain although its more sciency and convoluted than just saying the words


but who decided what words are bad and what words arent?

imagine if banana was (in societys eyes) a bad word .. its just interpretation

Curses can be used in allsorts've ways other than aggressive and derogatory so it hardy seems fair to deem those that do use them as less intelligent 


Swearing on the site is bad yes, and it does raise a point as to should there be a 18+ section for more adult themes and discussions in which you would be allowed to (if so inclined) to swear ? (anypony with me on this?)

and elsewhere on the site it be curbed to prevent .. situations where people get hurt

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You can't tell me what to do! screw you


But I have a massive vocabulary and I swear because fun is fun. Also, it makes sense in context.

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cause we fucking can.


i really dont have any goddamn reason, i just like to fucking swear.


that i know a large number of swears and how to combine them (naziwaffle) shows my extensive vocabulary

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Well yes, there are plenty of different words you could substitute in for swear words, but they wouldn't have the same effect. Vulgarity is mainly used to show great disrespect and/or anger towards the subject one is speaking about. 


For example, if someone you really hate just beat up, saying "He got his ass kicked" brings a much heavier effect on the person's negitivity towards the other person than saying "He got his butt kicked."

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Normally I don't swear at people, I do at my computer though because games crash all the time, it's a very old custom computer though.




i dont swear AT people unless they're my friends.

Don't all guys do that? I do. 

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I swear when I need to get a point across, I used to never swear but through high school I started cursing more and more, now I use pretty much every word in the book, and to be honest, I see nothing wrong with them, they're just sounds you make with your mouth.


Why would we invent words we're not supposed to use anyway?


Word of Advice: When you tell someone not to swear, odds are it will make them want to swear even more, though I'll resist the temptation in this case.

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I don't really feel offended when someone curses, usually just surprised if I happen to know them as somebody who did not swear much.


I usually swear when I am either angry, or when I am trying to prove a point. I think vulgar language can be a nice way to spice up what someone says, but I think it needs to be used in moderation.

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There are 2 answers to this really. One is for connotative stress, and the other is for actual emotional relief. I wish I had links to the research, but what I say here is really things I know from just observation and occasionally cursing myself. Occasionally isn't often enough for my friends, since occasionally is rarely, and 99% of the time, in private or on public video game servers. I get teased for it. My friends aren't the greatest people. Luckily, one learned to not smoke weed recently. Good thing.

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Swearing on the site is bad yes, and it does raise a point as to should there be a 18+ section for more adult themes and discussions in which you would be allowed to (if so inclined) to swear ? (anypony with me on this?)

and elsewhere on the site it be curbed to prevent .. situations where people get hurt

Sorry for partial quoting you, I agreed with everything up until the quote. The users on MLPF do a pretty good job of self policing, which is impressive for an active board like this.


I disagree with an adults only section. Vehemently. I suppose this is really the elephant on the room. Many if the under 18 members if this board have shown by action that they are as mature, or more so, than the older users. I'm not going to stroke some egos by name dropping but I'm certainly not going to say that just because I've walked the Earth longer I'm any more mature than a 17 year old.


It's an arbitrary line that doesn't account for cultural differences either.

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Few people swear intentionally. It often comes to us without even thinking about it.


The thing about cursing is that regardless of what word you use the meaning is the same. Even if you replaced "fuck" with "fudge" they would mean the same thing. The only reason you see it as different is because you've been taught, whether through lesson or by example, that words like "fuck" are bad and "fudge" is not but neither is technically better than the other in this context.


No one has to swear but people do and you're gonna hear it the rest of your life. You'd do better building up a resistance to it than trying to get people to stop.

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I never swear. Even if I'm really angry.

People do not swear at me either and that is because they are adults. And adults do not swear at people who are not their friends.


However, if people want to swear, they sometimes do so because it makes them feel better.And that is OK by me.


But I am not one of them.

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Sorry for partial quoting you, I agreed with everything up until the quote. The users on MLPF do a pretty good job of self policing, which is impressive for an active board like this.


I disagree with an adults only section. Vehemently. I suppose this is really the elephant on the room. Many if the under 18 members if this board have shown by action that they are as mature, or more so, than the older users. I'm not going to stroke some egos by name dropping but I'm certainly not going to say that just because I've walked the Earth longer I'm any more mature than a 17 year old.


It's an arbitrary line that doesn't account for cultural differences either.



Thats entirely ok


It was a fleeting suggestion and i've been here nowhere near long enough to make an informed suggestion

:please: You know better than I

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I don't swear. I just never have.

I surrond myself with good friends, so I was never under pressure to swear. I actually got respected for it.


It doesn't bother me that much just to hear it, I mean I heard people swear like saliors while we in the 6th grade. (To make them seem cool or something? I even knew a girl in 5th grade that swore. She was a jerk. :okiedokielokie: )


I am really sensitive, though, even though I hide it. If someone really thought of me poorly enough to swear dirctly at me calling me whatever they were saying...

It would definitly make me want to crawl into a ball. :blush:

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