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Who Is Your LEAST Favorite Of The Main Ponies?  

182 users have voted

  1. 1. Least Favorite Pony Mane Six + Spike

    • RainbowDash
    • Twilight Sparkle
    • AppleJack
    • FlutterShy
    • Rarity
    • PinkiePie
    • Spike
  2. 2. Least favorite Secondary Character

    • Apple Bloom
    • Sweetie Belle
    • Scootaloo
    • Princess Celestia
    • Princess Luna
    • Princess Cadance
    • Shining Armor
    • Prince Blueblood
    • Granny Smith
    • Big McIntosh
    • Hayseed
    • Mr. Cake
    • Mrs. Cake
    • Diamond Tiara
    • Silver Spoon
    • Snips
    • Snails
    • Sunset Shimmer
    • Derpy
    • Trixie
    • Suri Polomare
    • Lightning Dust
    • Gilda
    • Daring Do
    • Spitfire
    • Soarin
    • Fleetfoot
    • Cheerilee
    • Bulk Biceps
    • Coco Pommel
    • Cheese Sandwich
    • Maud Pie
    • Other - Because So Many Ponies O.O

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Agreed. Sorry to all the Rainbow Dash lovers out there, but she is really my most hated character in the series. She's cocky and arrogant and annoying. When you look at the other members of the main cast, all of them have shown more development/maturation than RD has. RD, on the other hand, is just getting worse. Time and time again she's humbled, and by the next episode she's forgotten all about it. I just can't stand her.


People like RD do exist; the sort that don't learn no matter how hard you pound a lesson into their thick skull. It could be that the writers have something big in store that will finally hit RD hard enough that she will have to wake up. I hope that's the case, rather than the writers simply pandering to the RD fans who only care how "cool" she is.


Again, this is just my opinion. I hope nopony takes it too seriously.

  • Brohoof 8
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No Flim Flam? Chrysalis? Pinkie Pie?

Some people hate pinkie pie with passion, you know


Well including Pinkie would have to include the whole mane 6, I personally hate Flutters o3o


I voted for Diamond Tiara,

......and shouldn't Snips and Snails be the same option? considering they both share a brain......




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And why would you put spike as an option? Spike is downright awesome!


*Very slowly and deliberately reaches up and clicks Spike, while maintaining eye contact with That Colt.*


He's just uninteresting, and his ratio of screen time to meaningful character development is abysmal.

Edited by NLR Soldier
  • Brohoof 1



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In advance, super sorry for the long post.


Most hated character? I guess Diamond Tiara, with Prince Blueblood in a very close second place. The first is so stuck-up that people outside who are like that would be proud of her! And the second is too "high and mighty" to even LET some stuff happen to him. At least Trixie made an effort!


And also, any of the mane 6 can be easily hated, depending on the bad trait you hate the most. Rainbow Dash is an absolute braggart, the only one with a bigger ego than her being Trixie, and she borders narcisism. Anyone who hates people who all they do is talk about themselves and make themselves bigger than they are would hate their guts to all hell. In fact, switch positions between Trixie and Rainbow Dash on being antagonist and protagonist and you'll see how much the hate towards the second would raise.


Pinkie Pie can be annoying as hell, and the fact she cannot understand the "I don't wanna be your friend", could end up in you shouting bloddy murder at her, and her going Pinkamena, not to mention she is singing all the time, and some people just HATE her singing. And besides, her following you and being happy all the time just doesn't cut to some people.


Rarity, my favorite pony, is superficial, and she CAN worry about her image rather than her friends first. Besides, talking all the time about fashion and stuff can make people just enrage, and the fact she is an drama queen, don't even get me started on the hate that can generate.


Twilight Sparkle is a know-it-all, living encyclopedia, who will tell you the correct fact, the moment it's wrong, and I KNOW many people don't like that. At all. Besides, she get utterly frustated on the very small things, just like Rarity, another thing people can hate, and when that happens, she becomes thoroughly annoying. Also, her concentrating more on the studies than anything else, is something a lot of people hate for sure.


Fluttershy takes things to the extreme way too often. Either she acts nothing, or she acts too much. She can be too shy to even do the better things in the moment, but when she becomes asserted, watch out for your flank. This constant change between her personalities CAN become something people don't like at all. That, and the fact that, being mostly shallow, she can't stand up for herself, amkes someone people just can go without almost babysitting her.


And Applejack, well, her "No lie" motto that comes with the Apple family is something that people not always enjoy. If she can't lie for the life of her, there are some people who could say "She cannot be trusted with secrets", or something like that, and inmediately reject her. Also, she, as much as RD, can be hella competitive, and that can bring some bad stuff in a sport of any kind. There's also the fact she won't take a fact she cannot be dependable. If she isn't, that's it, game over. Many would find this annoying in the sense that she should just calm down and at least let somebody help her.


Many of the things I have mentioned have been cleared in the show and in specific chapters, but they are still there. The fact is to understand where they come from. RD has been wanting to be part of the Woderbolts ever since forever, and accepting failure is not in her plans, to the point it alters her personalty, hence why she is a braggart. She assures herself in that way, and it makes her feel confident to accomplish said dream. She is still a braggart in other occasions, but that's a bit more of what she's done, because RD has CLEARLY done more than Trixie to have bragging rights, whether it is bad or not.


Twilight has been living with books forever, you could say. That, and the fact she's the protege of Celestia puts a BIG weight on her shoulder. Not being social is not exactly something you can easily do from then, and the rest of her bad traits comes from there.


Pinkie has made it her LIFE to become smiles for everyone, and given how boring and awful was her life before the Sonic Rainboom over her head, you can see why she does that. Can it be annoying? Sure, but at least understand she has a reason for that.


Fluttershy has become really frightened of others with her time in Cloudsdale. So, in order to not go through that again, she hides herself, in the most literal way. The moment she finds something that truly seems to help with her personality, BOOM, she's all over it. Only she doesn't control herself. That's the bad thing.


Rarity has always had a dream of becoming an important pony in Canterlot or any main fashion designing, and so, verything counts to her with reaching that dream, a bit like Rainbow Dash. Considering she also somewhat envies the life in Canterlot, it's no surprise she tries to copy said attitude. Should she have lived there, she would be like that. Fortunately for us, that was not the case.


Applejack, being a family girl all the way around, would not DARE to avoid the main motto of the family, even if it kills her. And the fact she wants to be so dependable, is because she doesn't want to be a burden to others, nor she wants to inflict said burden. The sole fact of others do work SHE could do, is not her in her mind. At all.


This is all we could get on the show, so background on other characters is a bit fuzzy and it's all we can imagine. So until that gets developed (if ever), that's all we could base ourselves upon. Granted, there's also the "I don't like the character" and that's it XD.

  • Brohoof 4
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Why isn't Fluttershy up here? Fluttershy is the most FAKE, most DISGUSTING, most HORRIBLY HYPOCRITICAL character of the entire bunch. Nightmare Moon and Trixie are the best ponies, by far.


=_= Fluttershy is the best character in the show. You made her sad.


I Chose Diamond Tiara, cause well shes rude, ignorant, stuck up brat, heartless(In Pony Confidential Episode) and a B*tch.

  • Brohoof 5


Thanks MiniKirby! It's soooooo awesome! wub.png

"Enough Chitchat time is candy!".- Pinkie Pie.

"Storm Chasing is a commitment. Not a choice". -Me "Never stop chasing!"- Reed Timmer

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I can't stand Diamond Tiara. the only thing she does in the show is create problems for the cmc and nothing else what a jerk.


Come on everypony Smile Smile Smile

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I used to like Pinkie, but then (for me) she started to get annoying, and I would cringe everytime I heard a song. I realise that she provides much of the comic relief of the show, but to be honest I don't find much of it funny.


I wouldn't say that I hated Pinkie, she's just probably my least-liked character.

top lel

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Why isn't Fluttershy up here? Fluttershy is the most FAKE, most DISGUSTING, most HORRIBLY HYPOCRITICAL character of the entire bunch. Nightmare Moon and Trixie are the best ponies, by far.


Whats...wrong with you.....




( i personally dont like snips.

Well, I dont HATE any of them though.)



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there's no Discord in the poll..............wtf........I HATE that guy.............

Gimme Discord so I can vote!!!! D:<


How can you Hate Discord? :blink:


Anyway Id say Silver spoon is my least favorite She is just a suck up to Diamond Tiara and would be better off being friendly to the CMC.

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Definitely Flim and Flam, most of the antagonists have that stereotypical villain feel to them, but those two act like normal ponies despite the fact than they're completely amoral and thrive on destroying other ponies' businesses, they also managed to turn the citizens of Ponyville into a bunch of selfish jerks who were willing to let them destroy the lives of the Apple family as long as everyone got some cider out of it.

At least you can laugh at Snips and Snails' stupidity or Trixie's boasting, but Flim and Flam are incredibly smart, don't care how many lives they ruin and they act so damn friendly it's insulting.

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I won't be unconventional - my vote goes to Diamond Tiara. She's the most annoying character. She thinks she's better than others and only causes problems. But I don't hate her. I just really really really really really dislike her ;)

"When all the truth does

is make your heart ache

sometimes a lie

is easier to take"

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SO...I can't pick Fluttershy?

I quite like most of the characters other than her. Except Celes-oh goddamn, you can't pick her either?


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In the lead is the young Diamond Tiara with 18 votes and just behind her is the bird of pray Glida with 7 votes and tied for thrid is the young Snips and magical Trixie with 6 votes. This race looks like Diamond Tiara taking it home my freinds! :mellow:

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Sorry, bring on all the hate....


but I really hate Spike. I'm sorry, I do. Every time he appears on screen his presence annoys me and he says something or does something that bothers me in some way. He's uninteresting and childish, not in the "Awww" childish way, but more of the "Ughh..." childish to me.

Edited by TOMahwk
  • Brohoof 1


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Sorry, bring on all the hate....


but I really hate Spike. I'm sorry, I do. Every time he appears on screen his presence annoys me and he says something or does something that bothers me in some way.





You should watch Freindship is witchcraft on youtube if you have not already done so because everyone hates spike in it.
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You should watch Freindship is witchcraft on youtube if you have not already done so because everyone hates spike in it.


Oh I have already and I love those parts where they put Spike in awful situations, like holding a lightning rod in a storm.

  • Brohoof 2


"In the end it all comes down to just how far we can slide"

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I cannot stand Diamond Tiara that much, she reminds me very much about the average kid at my school or area (rude, snobby, mean, exclusive, etc).


I like Trixie (in b4 s***tstorm) but I don't love, nor do I hate her, her fans I can't stand (sowwy Tom the Diamond).


At least some people would agree with me. :3

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While Diamond Tiara is very tempting a choice... Im going with Gilda! She is deceptive, mean and fake. Tiara is just a kid who could be the result of bad influences from Mr. Filthy, but Gilda was being a jerk for what appears to be for the sake of being cool.

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