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While I usually dabble in all fanfic generes, I do enjoy reading up on some of the more obscure shipfics. One in particular i've taken a liking to a Luna x Applejack fic. Honestly I didn't think it could be pulled off properly, but turns out I was wrong.

Merely a Mare

Ok, I wasn't sure where else to ask this, but where on earth did the term "shipping" come from in relation to romance stories? When I think of shipping I think of paying extra for shipping and handling sort of thing. I don't imagine the post office workers are romancing my package when they ship it. :wub:


We also have a shipping department where I work. Somehow I just can't imagine that's a place where workers are paid to be romantic. I don't work at that kind of place. So yeah... anybody know where this term originated and how it got applied to pony romance stories? :huh:

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Ok, I wasn't sure where else to ask this, but where on earth did the term "shipping" come from in relation to romance stories? When I think of shipping I think of paying extra for shipping and handling sort of thing. I don't imagine the post office workers are romancing my package when they ship it. :wub:


We also have a shipping department where I work. Somehow I just can't imagine that's a place where workers are paid to be romantic. I don't work at that kind of place. So yeah... anybody know where this term originated and how it got applied to pony romance stories? :huh:



You'll probably slap yourself when you realise, but its simply comes from the word relationSHIP


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I've never read fanfiction before but now I want to after reading a couple. Can anyone suggest any good fanfictions?


Already read:



Rocket to Insanity + Alternate ending


...That's it. I don't necessarily need to keep reading horror/grimdark fanfics but I'm thinking of writing a fanfiction of my own just to practice my writing but I wanna get a few more under my belt. Horror, Shipping, or anything random. I'm open to them!


No restrictions needed as I'm 20 years old and don't afraid of anything. :P

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You'll probably slap yourself when you realise, but its simply comes from the word relationSHIP


I've also heard tell that it's short for worshipping, as in you worship that particular pairing/relationship, but I don't know how accurate that is.


If you're alright with long stories, Kindness's Reward is amazing:



Also the staples such as Past Sins. Fallout: Equestria and Silent Ponyville are also supposed to be amazing, crossovers aside.


There's also the fanfiction topic on this very board which has some amazing recommendations as well. Alternatively, go through EqD's 5 and 6 star entries until something good catches your eye. There's seriously a ton of well-written stories in this community, the idea that fanfiction are poorly written pieces of crap be damned.


Also know people who swear by Spiderses. Even one of my friends who doesn't like ponies all that much loves it. In the words of Equestria Daily, it's not fanfiction. It's an experience.


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I mentioned this in another thread, ok this thread now, since this conversation's been moved. But this is my all-time favorite fanfic and a must read for any Portal fans who also happen to be bronies.


Better Living Through Science and Ponies. Link below. :)



Edited by Tyroq
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I've never read fanfiction before but now I want to after reading a couple. Can anyone suggest any good fanfictions?


Already read:



Rocket to Insanity + Alternate ending


...That's it. I don't necessarily need to keep reading horror/grimdark fanfics but I'm thinking of writing a fanfiction of my own just to practice my writing but I wanna get a few more under my belt. Horror, Shipping, or anything random. I'm open to them!


No restrictions needed as I'm 20 years old and don't afraid of anything. :P


We already had a fanfic recommendation thread. I merged yours into it, Discordian.


I wish I could recommend some fanfics of my own, but I've actually never really read any. I'm always too busy with school and running my sites to read much. :(

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Avatar credit: robinrain8
Signature credit: Kyoshi


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Also, if you're interested Discordian, I am currently writing a fanfic. I'm about half way through it, and it's progressing fairly well. Might be a couple weeks before it's done though. But I'll be sure to post it here on these forums when it is finished (or at least close to it). Mine's in the [Normal] [Adventure] and sorta [crossover] categories. So just a heads up. :)


I know I'm standing on the shoulders of giants here in this community, so I gotta work extra hard to contribute something worthwhile that meets our high expectations. :D

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lol Whoops, I forgot about this topic, Twi. My apologies.


Also, I'll be looking forward to it Tyroq. I wanna write my own fanfic someday to practice writing but I need to read some more to get a feel for how they usually go.

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Wait a second. There was a rival thread to mine? And yet mine wasn't the one deleted? :blink: Is this even possible?

To Discordian. I would search for some 5 and 6 star stories on Equestria Daily. Just think about what kind of story you want to read that day, search for some of your favorite characters, read some synopsies (synopsises?), and find some that capture your interest.


Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster,

and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

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Silent Ponyville is a good one too. Nice and spooky, perfect for this time of year. I'm sure Slendermane would endorse it too, as it's the crossover series where he shows up. :D Oh, and it does an extremely good job of putting Cupcakes in perspective. If you have that one under your belt, Silent Ponyville can clear it up as to what really happened. So all in all a good read for sure.

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Silent Ponyville is a good one too. Nice and spooky, perfect for this time of year. I'm sure Slendermane would endorse it too, as it's the crossover series where he shows up. :D Oh, and it does an extremely good job of putting Cupcakes in perspective. If you have that one under your belt, Silent Ponyville can clear it up as to what really happened. So all in all a good read for sure.


You are right. I will endorse this fanfic. I just read it a few weeks ago (because of the holiday season coming up). I was unsure about it because I had never played the video game series. I was pleasantly surprised with it. I quite enjoyed how every challenge and monster symbolized something in their psyche. These are dark stories, so if you don't like grimdark, than it may not be for you. I is scary, but not gory. The stories are about characters dealing with childhood trauma and facing their inner demons (literally). There are also several different endings to the stories. Some of them are tearjerking, others are pure silly fun. I quite enjoyed the stories, and hope for more.


Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster,

and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

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You are right. I will endorse this fanfic. I just read it a few weeks ago (because of the holiday season coming up). I was unsure about it because I had never played the video game series. I was pleasantly surprised with it. I quite enjoyed how every challenge and monster symbolized something in their psyche. These are dark stories, so if you don't like grimdark, than it may not be for you. I is scary, but not gory. The stories are about characters dealing with childhood trauma and facing their inner demons (literally). There are also several different endings to the stories. Some of them are tearjerking, others are pure silly fun. I quite enjoyed the stories, and hope for more.


This really does sound a lot better than what I was envisaging for these stories. I had been avoiding adding them to my ever growing list of good fics to read (So many! I'm never going to catch up!), but now I think I will add them after all. You have made them sound intriguing.

The eldest used her unicorn powers to raise the sun at dawn.


The younger brought out the moon to begin the night.

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They are more to do with nightmares than survival horror games. Everything happens for a reason and everything is a clue to the big picture. That is what I like the most about them. But remember, they are sad.


Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster,

and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

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They are more to do with nightmares than survival horror games. Everything happens for a reason and everything is a clue to the big picture. That is what I like the most about them. But remember, they are sad.


I don't mind sad stories, so long as I have a few good happy ones standing by to read afterwards in case I need it. I've cried over these ponies so many times now that a few more times won't make any difference.

The eldest used her unicorn powers to raise the sun at dawn.


The younger brought out the moon to begin the night.

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I really liked the Pony Psychology series. It's beautifully written, everypony is in character, and it approaches the topics of cutie marks and Elements of Harmony with unforeseen maturity.

That's really all there is to say on the matter.

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Lately I've been reading Butterscotch Sundae's fics. I don't normally care for shipping that much, which is what BSS mostly writes, but I've found myself really enjoying her stories. I think it's because she does such a good job of capturing the characters' personalities, and when an author can do that well I never care what the actual subject of the story is. I just finished Luna's Socks (while I was supposed to be working) and it was a great, short little story.

The eldest used her unicorn powers to raise the sun at dawn.


The younger brought out the moon to begin the night.

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The Fic that i've been mainly reading is called "Raiders of the Cutie Mark" which is a Indiana Jones based story with the CMC's.


It's an Adventure/Comedy fic and it has been quite a good little read, it's mainly about Apple Bloom, Scootaloo & Sweetie Belle going on a new big epic adventure in the search for a secret treasure that could help them be able to get there Cuite Marks.


The fic has now been fully completed and now has two different endings to the story, which I saw be downloading and reading later on tonight. :D


Here is the link to the whole fic if you all want to give it a read. :)


Edited by TallBrony91
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