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open Casual stroll

Blitz Boom

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The plan failed.

Kind of.

It didn't run away, yet it didn't attack.

So now the pony and the pup were at a stalemate.

Two thoughts were in Lonk's mind:



But then he wondered if the wolf would strike again.

To test that, he ran as fast as he could. Once it even does as much as a bump, he would go into full-on combat.

Let the games begin. Maybe.

My gaming YouTub: https://www.youtube.com/user/MrLinkfan321

My second YouTub: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaNkpCoSD4MrXGRfuDt5Zjw

My Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/linksteam

Profile picture by me. Because I am best p0ne.

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@Seamore Sandwich,@Blitz Boom,

Serenade just nods her head, letting her mane droop over her muzzle, "...already....slee...." The rest of the sentence is slurred as Serenade closes her eyes and slumps against the pile of books, She lets out a snore, it is very clear she's fast asleep. Her tail swishes back and forth slowly. 

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@@Blitz Boom,


There was more time to ponder upon those things when the time came, but the tail Senlin sat on was beginning to move violently. He got up and the tail moved away in earnest like a young filly excited to go out and play. A sign that wherever the magic imbued in the tail was leading them to, it was close by.

"Time for us to get going before we lose that lead."

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As Queen Allure held the wound shut, Miles pulled the stick slowly again, saying, "Keep pressure on the wound until I say otherwise, we don't want it opening up again." As he pulled the stick through, the wound would heal itself shut. The same thing was happening on the inside, as could be seen via the Doctor's transparency spell. There was a point where the stick got stuck for a moment before freeing itself, but the result was a slightly quicker motion of the stick. This caused a gap between the parts that healed properly, creating a pocket of blood within the muscle tissue. "Great... a hematoma..." He stopped pulling the stick. "You can let go now. I'm going to have to drain this hematoma to prevent you from needing surgery later." He then levitated a rather large syringe over from his surgical kit. "There's a chance it could work itself out on its own, but I don't want to risk it. Now you're going to feel a pinch, then the pressure will go away."

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@@Seamore Sandwich,

"Oh that's a relief. I thought it was indigestion from drinking Mountain Yeti for 8 hours straight." After she said that. Priestess started blinking rapidly. Then turning her head to look at various directions in front of her. "Okay you said to mention any weird sensations. Well right now I'm seeing strawberry. Not seeing actual strawberries. Seeing the taste of strawberry. If that makes sense. Wow. And I thought my last ecstasy trip was interesting to look at." 

Edited by Denim&Venom

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@@Blitz Boom


"Well, that's a little presumptuous, don't you think?"


He listened carefully to what the creature had to say, and it wasn't exactly difficult to notice a pattern. Guard this, fight that, maybe capture this other thing. He might've been insulted, but truth be told, given the circumstances and appearance, it was a fair cop. Wrong, but fair.


He lifted his arm and pulled on one of the wings on his helmet, twisting it with a hiss. There was no actual reason for it - the internal and external pressures were equalized, but it always did it nevertheless. It was probably buried somewhere in the design document - make it cheap to make, slowly crush occupant, must make hissing noise when you take off the helmet. He tried to remove that feature once - the result didn't help his tinnitus any. The helmet came off easily, revealing a head almost comically dwarfed by the suit he was wearing. He breathed the air in, smelling of pine, flowers and a faint hint of burning wood.





He turned his head back to Vivid Loss. "Would it surprise you to hear that the kind of work I was referring to didn't necessarily involve combat?", he said in a friendly tone, and probably the most cheerful he'd had in months. "Or that I consider an active pursuit of conflict the trait of idiots and sociopaths?"

Current project: The Olden World audiobook

What's to stop you?

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@@Seamore Sandwich, @@Blitz Boom, As the bar tender turned with the look at the three dreamers cresent wasn't sure what was happing any more, looking around it seemed the storm was geeting all the worse for them "guys I swear this isn't me" he said nervousness getting into his voice looking less calm all the more. Then a unknown laugh was herd around them all in the storm he looked at nemo "i know I didn't her that right?" he said

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Much as could be expected, the pup followed after Lonk in his sprint through the forest and towards the castle. Conidering his speed it wasn't able to keep up with him all the time, and a few times it would fall behind or fall over a root or something, but as sure as night follows day, it would eventually show again, chasing him with its tail wagging behind it.


The pup wasn't appearing to try and threaten Lonk more as the chase went on though. Rather, it seemed to start to enjoy this, like if it had been chasing another pup around and played rather than trying to get a prey. It wasn't even growling at him anymore, but just once in a while gave off a small yip at him when it got closer.


It would appear that Lonk had unwittingly become the other part of a game of tag, though if he would realise this and stop up for a bit were anypony's guess. Might be he would just keep running until the trees started to slowly change over and old web from where a large spider had once lived began to be seen in the area around them. Or he might run in another direction that still led somewhat towards the castle, but would miss the section where the Everwood trees were standing tall.


After all, he were getting chased. Who were to say that he followed in a completely straight line?






@@Seamore Sandwich,


Omen didn't try to resist when the princess used her magic to take the book she had been holding. It was unlikely she could have done much either anyway, as she had greater magic than Omen could stop with just keeping hold with her tongue, but she hadn't seen a reason to. if this were what they were looking for, the one of them who could read it should have it.


She didn't count the other two, as Ziggy was still acting odd and removing books from Serenade, who she didn't count because she had fallen asleep. Perhaps everything that had happened today had made her tired? Or it could be the time. Omen didn't get time much in general, but as far as she understood it, dark meant that most wanted to lie still until it became light again, and it hadn't been light since before she met Serenade to begin with.


After a few seconds more of watching the two others, Omen turned her head towards Luna and with a questioning look in her eyes just said one thing:


"What now?"









More Omen didn't say before they were once again on the tail (oh, the puns) of the trickery one who had made this to begin with.


it was moving faster right now, as were they to not loose track of it, so hopefully they would soon see who or what had done this. Some might think that it could be his siter playing games with him, but would a chase be that simple? or was it just somepony who knew them too? Another of his kin.. No, not that.


It didn't seem like many had seen the Longmas around here before after what Twilight had said, and from what Senlin just told, it didn't sound like they normally ventured away from home, which should be the only place where somepony would know them both enough to do this... Right?


More questions than answers, but they would perhaps soon get some at least. As soon as they found whoever had made this thing to begin with.







Vivid chuckled again at what the Human was saying. She was starting to enjoy the little sparring of words and more feisty attitude that had begun to show its head after he had let the soldier attitude down for a little bit, as well as the more cheerful tone he went over to near the end. It wasn't completely befitting of the image she had made of him in her head, but then again, neither were the face he finally exposed or the words that had begun to sound like more the things a pacifist would say. A sharp contrast to what she had thought, but an interesting layer still.


"Yes, it is somewhat surprising. After all, you have held back much, had the attitude and armor I would find befitting of a type of soldier, and mentioned that you came from a city of heroes. It doesn't exactly scream *farmer* now, does it?


Especially considering the mentioning of heroes. My experience with those might be over a millennia old, but when heroes faced me back then, they tended to be well ready for a fight. Either to protect somepony or to chase down a being they thought were upsetting things, the end result would be the same. But I will concede that perhaps I was a bit... Hasty in my judgement, though I stand by the notion that you likely know your way in a fight.


Makes me wonder though: What kind of work Would you find of interest then? Also, while I'm at it-"


She got a short, somewhat teasing glimmer in her mostly-closed eyes whilst looking up at the Human adorning himself in this behemoth of an armored suit. One she had at first thought were closely covering, but now looked like it was far greater than the body that resided in it, at least if the size of Workers head were to judge.


"-Nice shades. They suit your mane."

Edited by Blitz Boom


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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Lonk's not a timberpup.

He's not a friend of this little rascal.

Yet, it seems like that's what the aforesaid little rascal thinks.

So, he decides to make a complete 180 and run towards the pup.

Of course it's not going to be scared by him. He hasn't the past two attempts.

So, if you can't beat 'em...



No wait, that doesn't sound right.

Whatever. Old habits die hard. And this habit was being stupid.

My gaming YouTub: https://www.youtube.com/user/MrLinkfan321

My second YouTub: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaNkpCoSD4MrXGRfuDt5Zjw

My Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/linksteam

Profile picture by me. Because I am best p0ne.

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@@Blitz Boom



"Now I must enchant the gem and craft the wood into the proper form to provide the power the enchantment requires," Luna said, flipping through the pages as she walked over to where she left the gem and block of wood. "Ah, as I suspected, it doth indeed require a Sky Sapphire," she said levitating the gem over after finding the page. She read the instructions in the book and focused her magic on the gem, bestowing it with the enchantment: Form of the Pegasus. She then moved the gem to the block of wood, magically imbedding it into the surface of the wood, from which large chunks fell away until all that remained in place was a necklace with the gem mounted on the front, glowing brilliantly before fading back to normal. When she was done, she went over and undid her spell on the sleeping siren, allowing her to change back in her sleep. She then put the new necklace around Serenade's neck and it transformed her back into her Pegasus form. "Serenade," she said softly, "it is done."




@@Blitz Boom



Again, a flash of lightning and then total darkness, the ship was still, and while they were still blinded by the flash, a great hand reaches through the darkness and grabs Crescent. Another flash would reveal the bartender transforming into another hand, his clothes ripping and falling off as his limbs and neck turned into pointed black fingers, both arms coming through holes in the deck. Nemo just stood there, not moving. If the others were not too distracted by the hands, one might catch a glimpse of a huge maniacal grin on the face of Nemo during a flash of lightning, but if they did, it wouldn't be long enough to be sure if it were him smiling or just a trick of the light.





"That could just be a result of moving the stick too quickly, the signal being sent to your eyes instead by mistake. If that's the case, it should fade momentarily. Otherwise it's probably due to my telekinesis. Just in case..." Doctor Miles said before changing his front hooves to the talons of a griffin so he could handle the syringe without magic. He gripped the needle pushing it deep into Priestess' muscle to the pocket of blood that had formed, pulling out the plunger drawing out the blood. Once it was drained, he removed the needle and set it aside before changing his hooves back. "Any change?"

Edited by Seamore Sandwich
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@@Seamore Sandwich,

"Well the indigestion's gone, if that's what you're wondering." She paused, taking in her senses. Her ear started to twitch. "Okay now I'm hearing something. On the... left side. Hmm. What ever it is, it sounds... huh. You'd think it sound like strawberry. Nope. No this sounds grape flavored. Don't ask how I know that." 


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@@Seamore Sandwich,

@@Blitz Boom,

feeling the hand grab him cresent wiggled, struggled, bit and try to kick his way out of it to no avail. even with his gauntlet he could do no damage to the unknown force he was panicking


"cmon cres, wake up, wake up wake up!" he was now yelling at himself yet no reprieve came if one were to try to wake him a bomb going off next to the sleeping batpony wouldn't do.


For the 1st time in his life, cresent was trapped in his own head

Edited by cwhip9
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Stormjumper flew quietly through the early-morning sky, happy to be off-duty, but bored out of her mind. That had been quite the calamity, last night in Canterlot, but the Emergency Weather Unit had handled it expertly as usual, and Storm had been awarded the rest of the day off.

The mare sighed and spun lazily, her head in the clouds, literally and figuratively. She began to consider her options.

She first considered visiting her friend, Plum Pudding, but figured she would too busy with her café. She then thought of her friend, Amber, until she remembered that the mare was off on another archaeological expedition, over in the something-something mountains. She sighed, running her hoof through a cloud.


I could go on adventures, too, she thought, imagining Amber dodging stun darts and running away from rolling boulders (although that was hardly realistic). I'm sure there are lots of potential adventures here. I just have to look for one.

And with that, Stormjumper shook loose her grogginess, and began searching the skies. Weaving in and out of the clouds, she was looking for anything that might seem adventure-worthy. It was a dark splotch in the sky that eventually caught her attention.


It was just above the Everfree forest. Storm had never been there, but had heard at least a few stories about it. The weather controls itself there, odd as it may be. Today, however, it was even odder.

Dark clouds surrounded the forest, looming menacingly over the trees and casting a dark shadow over the whole area. Storm smiled.


"I'd better go and investigate," she decided, and zoomed off towards what would hopefully be a great adventure.

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"Does it sound like a wibble wibble wibble wibble sound, with a hint of turquoise and a slight fizz?" Miles asked after he stopped pulling on the stick. This sensation she was having could mean any number of things, so he had to be sure exactly what Priestess was feeling. When he said this however, it sounded like he was speaking from experience.

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@@Seamore Sandwich,


"Damn it, not again!"


Last would have been over with Crescent in a heartbeat when the hand grabbed him, but as the bartender had started to twist into other hands that were reaching for them, she had to first dodge them before she could get to him, which might cost her precious seconds right now. Curse be that she couldn't use her sword right now and just chop through them!


When she got over to Crescent, she followed her first emergency instinct after *cut it* which was *kick it*, then quickly turned around to shout at Nemo to get down here and help with this. The words were never spoken though, not after she saw the look on his face... or what she thought was the look? It was a short flash of light and hectic situations could mess with the brain, but she could've sworn she saw a look going over his face more befitting of a madpony than the neutral before. But if that were true, did that mean that he- No, not the time damnit.


Though it would likely be feeble, she kept up kicking at the hand to try and help Crescent free. Though her kicks were hard and normally could do a good deal of damage, this wasn't the sort of opponent she were used to, and as she were denied even a simple weapon it hurt her power usage. Something which, in turn, would also hurt her chances of this doing anything at all.


If she had had anything- A loose plank, a steel rod etc. she might have been better off here as that would give her an object to use as an improvised weapon, but as it stood right now she hadn't anything within reach that didn't require her to break it off first. Not that she could see yet at least.







When the pony stopped running away and instead went right for him, the timberpup stopped up himself and gave a few barks at the approaching pony. His tail were still wagging and from the way he looked at the pony, it would seem that he were still somewhat taken in by a playful mood, but that might still spell a little issue to Lonk, depending if he remembered a little something about timberpups. Namely, that a good deal of their playing involved biting eachother.


It wasn't in a way to harm others. It was more like a nibble really, but ponies were not as resistant as timberwolves were when it came to playful bites, so there was a good chance that it might end up hurting the colt running at him. But oh well, they'd see how things ended.


If he would get near and not haven thought about this, the pup would try and snap at him a little, though keeping most of it's focus on avoiding to be hit by Lonk. The more the colt would resist or try to hit, the more fun the timberpup would find it, and the more it would try to nibble at him a little. It would be an interesting game if it came to this to see how long it would go before he would realise that the only way to make the timberpup stop (at least for a bit) were to stop trying to get around it, take a step back, and just stop. Wasn't fun when it was one-sided after all.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom,



The lead was all that mattered now, or for that moment in time. Senlin's athleticism wound up being an asset he could rely on but he made sure to slow down enough for Omen to catch up. The tail zigzagged past ponies left and right, turning corners with ease. It was tough act to follow but only leading to the culprit was what concerned Senlin, and what answers he could find. 

The tail slowed as it reached the edge of the town and pointed outwards towards to forest. 

Strange... if its speed was telling me something, it knew whoever made you was close. But this is the edge of town; here, this place, is far from the town's park. 

It was a long way from where the chase started but the trail ended here. The only guess Senlin had in his mind that could rationalize this was someone knew about the way Twilight's magic worked and manipulated it to lead them out. There were plenty of ways to explain this but that was what he had to go with, along with the frustration of having his hopes dashed. 

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@@Blitz Boom,

@@Seamore Sandwich,  


Syo walked over and picked up a seed from the sack. She was wondering why did Seamore did not answer her other question.


"Erm, Seamore... so what about those clouds? A bomb to the sky or I can just open my own portal and get everyone across without a sweat?" Syo asked again, hoping that it would not come off as too awkward. From the corner of her eye, she noticed a bright green glow and turned around to look and seeing Briar. Unable to sense anything strange, Syo turned around and started to walk to the portal

My RP OCs: Melke the catSyo the feline explorer, Saber the feral pony

Check out my art stuff at deviantart or request something from my request shop.


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@@Seamore Sandwich,

"So, like that local Dj getting into a fight with a few bottles of Faygo?  Hmmm, yeah, yeah that's pretty spot on actually. What? Don't tell me you have also had the pleasure of getting oh so intimate with the nearest splintered segment of everfree lumber hmm?" 

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@Seamore Sandwich,@Blitz Boom,

Serenade rolls over, and opens her eyes. "Princess??". She blinks rapidly, before standing up. She looks around, spotting Ziggy, "Oh no...nononononono". She trots over to Ziggy, "Please tell me that part of me didn't take control again." Her tail swishes back and forth, and her wings are twitching. She looks back at Luna, "I am so so..." She stops talking, her eyes going wide as she feels her wings twitch, "Wings?"

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@@Blitz Boom


Quinch raised an eyebrow. It mentioned the shades, but not the boots. I guess that's official, I'm no longer on Earth anymore.


"Well, bear in mind, it's more of a title rather than a description, and a self-appointed one at that. Take, if you will, a city-sized magnet for... individuals with powers that exceed those of most people, throw rewards at them for the slightest effort with no punishment or reprimand for failure or even outright negligence, and you can probably imagine the kind of harmony that will spring forth. This - " he rapped a finger on his shoulder, "Is the byproduct of deciding not to bystand innocently, as it were."


He didn't try to hide the bitterness in his voice. Paragon, home though it was, was a cesspool in his opinion. Superpowered villains on one side, glorified vigilantes on the other and the populace all too eager to pin their lives - or worse - on the hope that someone will save them each and every time... the parts of the existence he'd been forced into he didn't loathe were few and far between.


"Hell if I know," he said, shrugging his gigantic shoulders. "I've been here less than five minutes, talked to one native," he looked at Vivid over his shades, "and heard of a handful of things I'd avoid unless I had to. Hell, farming wouldn't be below me, I've done worse for a living. And assuming plant and animal life around here wouldn't kill me, I could probably survive on my own for a while if I had to."

Current project: The Olden World audiobook

What's to stop you?

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Immediately he face-planted to the ground and just stayed there.




Even more silence.


So much silence you could fill a church with it. If there even are churches in Equestria.


He felt something jump on top of him.

He layed like a statue.

The thing did too.


He moved his head up and tried to look over him.


The timberpup was laying on top of him.

My gaming YouTub: https://www.youtube.com/user/MrLinkfan321

My second YouTub: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaNkpCoSD4MrXGRfuDt5Zjw

My Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/linksteam

Profile picture by me. Because I am best p0ne.

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@@Blitz Boom



Seamore looked a little confused. "I don't think a bomb will do much to the clouds, unless you're talking something incredibly powerful. And what do you mean by 'opening a portal to get everyone across'? Across what? This portal will take us almost all the way to where we need to be, there's nothing to cross."



@@Blitz Boom



Nemo just continued to stand there, motionless, staring at the massive hands. The hand that held Crescent began to pull him across the deck slowly toward the hole it was coming out of. Meanwhile, the other hand disappeared into its hole. The boards lengthened to fill the gap left behind, closing the hole. Suddenly the hand came crashing up through the deck close to Last, sending a mess of broken boards flying everywhere as well as some stuff from below decks, including chains that crashed down behind the hand, a harpoon that flew past Last, and a rusted, broken sword that went up, coming back down straight toward her, too quickly to catch safely.





"Well... no. But I did go to College. There was this one time... Actually, I don't want to get into the specifics, but let's just say that the grapes were just a little too loud. I'll never look at grapes the same way again," Miles said with a smile, remembering some of the good times. "Anyway, do you have any clean water nearby?" Miles knew exactly what this meant, the wood was getting dry from using too much magic. The rain from the night before may have been a little overdue.

Edited by Seamore Sandwich
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Though omen looked slow when she walked, it didn't mean that she were lacking behind when it came time to speed up. By creation, she had not been made to have issues such as getting winded or have muscle cramps. Things which combined with her being - generally speaking - made to represent a healthy earth pony mare, helped her being able to run like there were no tomorrow at a constant speed. She still had pros and cons in many regards when it came to the biology of what she looked like, but Discord had been kind in the creation of her form and improved on a few things here and there. She just preferred to walk or use her gates most of the time because she didn't have much she needed to chase.


She were still a little behind Senlin at times, but he was a flexible and fast one that would be hard keeping up with for many others, though eventually the run ended. In this case, at the edge of town, with the tail waving in front of them.


There were no being here it had led them to, and no trace beyond the steps of the few who wandered between the forest and the town this time of the day. It was odd, as Omen had thought that the princess would have been able to lead them there, but perhaps something worked against her magic? Or somepony? ...








@@Seamore Sandwich,


Briar chuckled a little at the interaction between Syo and Seamore. Not because he was laughing at them per se, but more because he found it amusing how they seemed to be speaking over eachother's heads right now, which he saw as more towards laughing at the situation instead of the participants.


He thought abour saying something to it, but though it was not the best side of him he did find amusement in these sort of confused talks at times, so he kept silent after the small chuckle had escaped him and just confined himself to stand still and listen in a bit more. Though, he doubted it would last much longer. The two of them were intelligent beings, so he had no reason to think that this *hit and miss* would continue to work, but rather that they would find the line again within a more than reasonable amount of time..






@@Seamore Sandwich,




After the spell had been cast, and the new source of magic to hide Serenade's Siren side from both herself and others had gotten to work, there had been a little pause in the movements of Ziggy whilst Omen had just stood there to look if something would happen more to Serenade.


"Hehe... Pretty wings..."


The words from Ziggy came a little after Serenade got up and started to wander around, rising a little by little as she slowly began to regain her consciousness and got to look over the once-again-ponyfied Siren. The process didn't take long, but she rapidly seemed to get a jolt of life back into her stance, her voice, and then finally her eyes before she quick as anything suddenly had her hooves around Serenade and scooped her up from the ground into a big hug with both their faced turned towards Omen and Princess Luna.


"Eeeeee, you're back again! That's so awesome! How did it happen?"


She quickly looked around a bit, though not letting go of Serenade for the few seconds that lasted.


"And when did we get to a library? I know we were someplace Really dark just before, and then there was this funny song in my head and now there's a library... Did we teleport?"


Near impossible as it might seem, she hadn't yet taken notice of the princess, nor how this might be a little awkward for poor Serenade as she wasn't letting go of the Siren just yet. Though that did change as there were suddenly something dark quickly wrapping around her head and she let go of Serenade with a big *meep!*.


The thing in question were Omen's tongue, which she had shot out much like a Chameleon would and wrapped it around the Pegasus' head to make her let go of Serenade. It wasn't something she normally did, as it seemed to get ponies to do much the same as Ziggy were now- mainly flailing her front hooves and making muffled noises about not being able to see, whilst balancing somewhat on her back hooves.







"I wouldn't say the majority of plants and animals will try and do that, nor that there is much difference between the two at times, but the is always a few outside the categories that likes to be problems. Nothing I think would prove too big an issue, but as a base rule, try to stay clear of things bigger than you that have teeth. I could tell you of a few, but why ruin the surprise?"


She smirked ever so slightly and looked towards the town from where a bit of smoke could be seen. She had a few things she wanted to say about the town he lived in, though from Worker's tone it sounded as if she did not need to point out the flaws in the system as she could hear them. Bitterness like that usually came from realisation, so her words on it would in essence mean little, and perhaps even get on his nerves. Not always something she cared about, but he had caught her eye for the time being, so she would try and continue being nice.


Besides, it sounded like a touchy subject to start things off with, and she had understood the meaning well of why he clad himself in armor now. Why the boots of it were in such contrast colorwise she still had no idea, but that might be a fashion thing for all she knew.


"That aside, if it is work you seek we could perhaps start in Ponyville. I stand by it being an idea to get the approval of a royal to make ponies a little less on edge around you, but if you want something to do they have seen much so it's likely the place where they will scream the least from seeing you. Though, if you have other ideas, we can think on those as well."


It was unlikely that she could keep the Human here, and frankly she had little to gain from doing so either. A little panic and general distress was somewhat pleasing, granted, but it was not worth the hassle of the royals to go through, and if she forced Worker to stay here she would hear for being *Too rough with their visitor* in one way or another. Unless he sat down and stayed here, she were gonna loose in some fashion, so best she could were to follow and do hers to protect both others from him, and him from them, if either were needed, as well as trying to educate him on a few things if he wondered about them.


She had her contracts to handle at the castle today, and she had not forgotten that, but it was still early in the day so she had time enough to work with. Well, hopefully anyway.







The timberpup had slowed down and looked oddly on the colt when he had just stopped and laid down instead of playing. He had jumped around it for a bit first and barked at him a few times, but the Colt wasn't moving, so eventually the timberpup had climbed up on him to see if that worked, which hadn't helped much either.


Considering he were already up there, he had then laid down on the colt and waited until something happened. It hadn't taken long before that time came when the colt decided to stop giving the silent treatment completely anymore and changed around a little so he could look at the timberpup, which starred back at him with his glowing green eyes whilst it's stance seemed to perk up a bit.


The little interlude didn't have much time to do anything though, as suddenly the earth started to tremble ever so slightly and a noticeable growl started a few meters from them.


There, not moving out from a few trees, stood a Timberwolf around seven times Lonk's size and starred at him with narrowed eyes and a stance looking like it were ready to jump at him.T


he small timberpup jumped down from the colts back and stood facing the more than grown, rather old looking timberwolf with a small growl that would have been comical if it wasn't because of how out of a chance the little one had. it seemed to understand that as well as the only response it got were a deep, quite loud roar from the adult, and the runt - with its tail between its legs - ran off in fear.


Lonk were left on his own, though the interlude would have given him a good, 10-13 seconds to get up and run the only way where he wasn't throwing himself to become dinner. Which were in the direction of the castle where dark clouds hung over.




He wouldn't get far on his own if it were before he would be run up and trapped, but considering the roar made the position of the large timberwolf easy and they were in a small clearing when it were, there was a good chance that somepony else who looked from above could see what transpired and help him. He should hope so at least, otherwise he were going to have a lot of problems on his hoof soon.

Edited by Blitz Boom


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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Officer Strike had not been seen for a while back in Pony Ville. She was hoping that there was perhaps another guard that would cover for her. She had received message that an event was being held at Canterlot and she had needed to attend to that.


And the event had ran safely and all good, thanks to the security forces.


Strike was back on her shift soon enough, taking her patrols through Pony Ville as she was a local guard solar guard. 


But the young pegasus could feel a threat, she just knew that there was something wrong about the place.


She ran a checklist through her head.


"Shops open, check." she noted.


And then it continued down


Everyone's Busy- Check


The Elements of Harmony are around- check


And then she revised over the last.


"Everyone is happy......" she said.


But she was used to feeling danger near her. She just knew that something was going on behind her back. In fact it was going on behind the whole of Pony Ville.


She had been sent to do some investigations as there had been a robber in Pony Ville but she needed to ask it's citizens first. She wondered whether she'd see those ponies again and ask them. 


The robbery had taken place at Carousel Boutique



                                                                      :eww: Officer Strike  :eww: 

                                                               Junior Officer in the Royal Guard



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@@Seamore Sandwich,

@@Blitz Boom,  


"When I mean across, I meant the distance... from here to... oh wait, I don't know exactly where we are going..." Syo started then stopped after realizing the fact she had no clear coordinates so her suggestion was useless. At her own stupidity, she pouted a little as she blushed from pure embarrassment. "Never mind... let's go."


Syo kept the seed in her paw and then abruptly blinked to Seamore's back and sat down. "I hope you don't mind me riding you."


As much as Syo did not want to show it, she was still rather childish. "I think none of you told me a little more about this world. So, come on spill some history on me. It is not every day that a cat from another world comes to visit you know."

My RP OCs: Melke the catSyo the feline explorer, Saber the feral pony

Check out my art stuff at deviantart or request something from my request shop.


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