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Blitz Boom

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@Blitz Boom

“Benefits? I’m not sure if we have anything worth offering. Our forest is our home and I’m afraid if I start opening that to outsiders, they’ll see it as an opportunity to take and take without giving anything of worth back. What we have around us are gifts of nature and it will take several lifetimes to restore them if they are being taken away.” 

“Which is why Rosa suggested we try reaching out to the Dryads or the Evergrown. The way they are likely to appear in a well-kept forest means they will understand how much we emphasize caring for nature’s gifts. I know we still have our suspicions about magic given our past but we can’t keep living in fear of the what ifs. Sen and I could no longer overlook that since we have to live with some form of magic and the folks back home are slowly growing accustomed to it as well.” 

The elder weighed his options and he spent minutes silent after Rosa said his piece. The lattermost matters were what gave him pause. Diseases that could not be cured by simple remedies, the lack of knowledge on this so called “medicine,” survival from threats visible and invisible… Those were just the tip and some of those things hit close to home. If the experience with rogue magic and a twisted mind like Solasan’s taught him anything, it was how quickly he was able to consolidate his power without anyone catching it sooner. Then there are the incurable diseases that have claimed several lives over the years and how families would just have to accept it. 

Warding off intruders has served them well for decades on end but exiling Sen and Lin and forcing them out into the world beyond the forest might have already drawn attention to the longma. Sooner or later, someone’s going to be snooping around to find out more. The thestral has made his points known, and they could no longer be denied. One way or another, he’s right. Even now the elder is formulating some kind of plan to better get these ideas across to the other elders back home but those have their own roadblocks as well. 

“Alright, you’ve convinced me, especially with the more ominous reasons,” Ghilan nodded and cast off some of his doubts. “I admit the others back home are still unsure about this, especially the other elders. Maybe we can start small and look to those who may already be in the forest with us. How can I do that? And who would I need to turn to in order to represent us best?”

"And if I may ask, how would you respond to this question, Rosa? Chances are I will be hearing it. 'The outsiders' problems are not ours. Why should I be concerned if opening ourselves to the outside will expose us to problems we wouldn't have to deal with?'"

Edited by EQ_Theta
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@Blitz Boom

Chariot sighing as he could sense the hooves being set down on the subject of the chains, especially since they just said they wouldn't budge
"She is an enemy of mine, but we'd be aligned on finding the elements of disharmony at least, doesn't sound like I have a say either way however"

The concern over her was rather appreciated as Astral chuckled to herself
"I'm good Chow, I haven't done that before is all."

But then he kept talking, reformation? She looked to the side as she processed this information, in a strange way Chariot would have never been reformed if she never let him free, she shook her head, looking at Chow. "Very well, maybe this Shadow Streak also deserves a chance at good too." An unexpected response, to be sure, as Rose looked really caught off guard.

"Isn't he your enemy? A-and Shadow Streak really couldn't be reformed-"

"Yes but if he's been reformed obviously it's because he shows promise, and I only want to consider Shadow open to change, not that you should ever get back with him if that happens."

Something boiled inside Rose, she was silent for a while after, as Astral wandered around- "Well we should go back to tell the guard about Shadow, make this easier on us." Astral nodded and stood near, along with Misty, assuming Chow would step near, they would be off at Canterlot, arriving at a plaza.

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@Blitz Boom

“Spitfire is the captain of the Wonderbolts” Windy said “I don't want her think about me not going to the academy. I'm part of the official squad, and that means I had to tell her why I didn't come to the practice. I should tell her after our adventure. She wasn't so tight afterall” she continued. She added the last part so Sorrow wouldn't think of her captain is a tight bossy boss. Her mind went to the other subject “That's a good idea. I don't know when will the ship going for Coltagan will arrive” she took notice a gloomy cloud nearby “I wonder why there's only one rain cloud” she whispered to herself. 

  • Brohoof 1



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@Windy Breeze

"Sounds like there's a lotta things to think about when you're a Wonderbolt. Hehe, hopefully she won't have a problem with it because you have to go to some sorta show. I hear the Wonderbolts do that a lot. Never seen it, but with the fun trick you did before, I bet they're spectacular."

Air shows wasn't really something she partook in, nor sought out, as she tended to have things to do that put her at odds with being there on the times when it did. Perhaps one of these days, she should try and make a bit of time for it? Seeing the little one that Breeze did had quite an effect on Legion already, so perhaps a full fledged show were just the sorta thing they'd like. Had to be a schedule she could look up later or something, but all things in due time. No need to rush this, when they had loads of other things to do.

10 hours ago, Windy Breeze said:

she took notice a gloomy cloud nearby “I wonder why there's only one rain cloud” she whispered to herself. 

Sorrow bit notice in the cloud too, and halted so that she could get a bit closer. She weren't touching it though... Yet, though the urge were clear to see in her eyes.

"This is kinda cool. Strolling rain cloud, all on its own. I wonder what it's doing all the way out here.

...Should we poke it?"




Screecher's eyes were narrowed on the disgraced general as he spoke. Almost seemed like she were attempting to drill a hole straight through him with those eyes of hers.

"You're right. You don't. It falls under a degree of importance I have yet to be convinced you've earned the right to decide on."

This stallion were a disgrace to the uniform he once wore, and as one who took her position incredibly serious, Screecher had a hard time finding much in the way of sympathy for Chariot. Yet she were also bound by her own strict admission to the law, so if he showed progress, she wouldn't go against that out of simple spite. The law were the law after all, and their rehabilitation programs were set in place under those.

Dew were less strict, but he understood her reasons. Chariot were a sore spot on their history, and though he could find some sympathy towards him, considering what brought him into that disgrace in the first place, there were still troubling feelings about him, considering his actions. Both then and later, when he got free from his prison.

"I think that's enough for the time being. Lieutenant? Please escort Chariot back to his cell, or the training center as needed, and we'll let you know once we've prepared the necessary precautions. And Chariot?"

The older general met Chariot's eyes. A worry seemed to be within the greying stallions gaze, yet he did not have the hardness within that Screecher did.

"I've kept up with the reports of your progress. Keep it going as promising as you do so far, and don't attempt anything stupid in the days ahead here, and you might find that we'd be more open to be lenient on your... Predicament."

Screecher did not look thrilled at hearing this, but then again, she generally just didn't. She always looked like she were thinking about something important, and didn't have the time for frivolous activities. At least on the job, it were seen as exceedingly rare to find her smiling. Still, she nodded in agreement to what had been said, then towards the group, before finally turning her back on them to go back at looking over some papers she had been shifting through earlier.

"Colonel, I'd like a word with you before you leave though."

The colonel nodded, the private scuttled away, and Hogweed did a salute before guiding Chariot out, unless he had something to say before leaving. If he did not, and followed (or if he followed after saying something) she'd wait until the door to the general's office were closed, before letting out a sigh, and turning to him with a worried, yet hopeful little smile going over her face.

"It wasn't perfect, but... They're listening, that's uhm... That's important. And it wounds like you could get the chains off soon, even when not under observation by your enemy, whoever that is. Maybe if everything goes well, and you prove how you're as good a pony as I know you can be, we could think about parole a lot sooner than I feared. That'd be nice, right?

I uhm... Wish you hadn't talked about... Y'know, in there. I know it were just to try and make an example, but it's a little concerning to hear."




Okay, so Astral wasn't turning him into a snail, and seemed to embrace the idea quite a bit actually, to include the twerp they were chasing down now. If he had known that she wouldn't have taken it all that harsh from the start, he wouldn't have been so nervous about spitting the beans on this.

14 hours ago, FanOfManyShows said:

"Isn't he your enemy? A-and Shadow Streak really couldn't be reformed-"

"Yes but if he's been reformed obviously it's because he shows promise, and I only want to consider Shadow open to change, not that you should ever get back with him if that happens."

"Eh, Discord got reformed. I'm willing to believe that everyone got a bit of a chance, however small. Doesn't mean we won't be going with a bit of molding first off though. Gotta soften up the target before we can start rebuilding, eh?"

He'd give a grin towards Rose, whilst holding up a hoof to show what sorta softening up he were referring to. He figured she'd look a bit more happy about that, but she sorta seemed more... Frazzled? Maybe she were just worried that he'd break parole and go stalk her or something. He could see that being a tangible sort of thing to be concerned about when it came to a bad-news-ex like Shadow.

14 hours ago, FanOfManyShows said:

"Well we should go back to tell the guard about Shadow, make this easier on us."

Whelp, time to bounce it seemed. A small distance crossed so that he'd be right over near Misty and Astral, and he should be within range for t- Yep, there they went. Right smack down in the plaza, for several eyes to see. Which were gonna look real nice considering none of 'em had a horn.

So in a sort of effort to try and make it look like they might've gotten there by the help of another, he'd try and say something out into the air to sort of give a plausible deniability vibe.

"Mighty nice of ''er to give us a lift, though this here's not the best place to drop us off. Oh well, let's get on, eh?"

He'd grin to Astral, whilst silently praying that she did not do something dumb, like flat out say that she were the one who ported them there. Might be the higher ups were fine with her and her family for the time being, but witchery were still technically outlawed, and getting word spread around would en up biting them in the flank, regardless of whatever or not they had been given a free pass from the generals.




On 5/5/2020 at 3:25 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“Alright, you’ve convinced me, especially with the more ominous reasons,” Ghilan nodded and cast off some of his doubts. “I admit the others back home are still unsure about this, especially the other elders. Maybe we can start small and look to those who may already be in the forest with us. How can I do that? And who would I need to turn to in order to represent us best?”

"And if I may ask, how would you respond to this question, Rosa? Chances are I will be hearing it. 'The outsiders' problems are not ours. Why should I be concerned if opening ourselves to the outside will expose us to problems we wouldn't have to deal with?'"

"That is the point when visual representation will need to come into play. If you would excuse me for a moment."

Rosa would go over to the crate that had been retrieved earlier, and dragged it over with him, and placed it about a meter in front of the elder, before opening it, and taking something out: A small vial - around the size of a thimble - almost filled with a green liquid that carried a feint purple taint.

"This is bugbear venom. A creature with the mass of an ursa, yet wings and stingers of a giant wasp. They're highly aggressive, and due to recent years of their usual areas being enroached upon, they're also starting to migrate further and further out, to places where you'd normally never see them.

This, is roughly the amount that are in a regular injection of toxin, and they can generally sting at least three dozen individuals before they run out of toxin, depending on their size. The effects? You will instantly fall into a deep slumber, which you will wake from two days later. However, that is only if I apply a drop. What happens after an actual bugbear injection begins the same, yet once you wake up, you will have only 4-6 hours before your entire system goes into high overdrive, and the resulting multiple system failures are not survivable, once they have started. Without the antivenom, there is virtually no chance of surviving it."

Next he'd take up what might seem like a spear head, yet if you looked closely, were actually the tip of a large tooth.

"Another migratory race, are the deepwyrm. This souvenir you see here, are from one of the smallest of it's teeth, and said tooth were still three times as large as I were. These creatures dig around, looking for prey, which historically have been dragons, as well as any other, dragon-like entity. To these hulking goliaths, the longma will be little more than wingless dragons. Which means easy prey. There are professionals that track both of these species and help redirect them from settlements, but as you aren't known, your area is more likely to have one directed there as it is seen as a safe place with no inhabitants."

After that had been returned, Rosa would take one of the wrapped up items in there, and unfolded it carefully, to show off a beautiful, woven collar with incomprehensible runes on the inside, glowing an ominous, green color.

"I would like to state for the record, that I would never personally use this, and only have it because I did not want to risk it being reused, hence why I stole it. I hope to one day have it directed to the proper authorities that can use it as evidence against the ones who created it, and then with some luck, they will have the decency to destroy it afterwards.

This item have many names, though generally speaking, it is best referred to as a *Slave Collar*. Inscribed with mind-numbing magic, along with a code of sorts, to ensure that the one wearing it will follow the orders blindly, of the one who last cast the matching imprint spell. Enslaving higher sentience beings are strictly forbidden by most governing bodies in the world, however there are still slavers out there making well use of this, and they have found a loophole in certain countries. That being the definition of a higher sentient race.

Were you known, anyone seen with one of you in tow wearing this, would be imprisoned for several years as a bare minimum, and you'd be freed on the spot. As you are unknown to most however, they would have an easy enough time simply writing you off as violent beasts in the more lenient countries, with collars there to make sure that you did not go on a rampage.

And before you begin to think that this will not be a problem as long as you remain hidden, let me inform you that the Kitsune once thought the same. As a result, as soon as some groups heard of their existence, they trapped and enslaved some, before using them to lure more individuals out to become property. This remained a problem until they sent messengers to Neighpon, and finally had their side of the story told, at which point immediate and harsh actions were taken against the slavers.

The Kitsune remains elusive and hidden, not allowing those they don't want there in their towns, but they are still known, and send their diplomats around to ensure the connections remain intact, to avoid situations like this from happening again. And I can assure you, that if the strongest illusionist race currently known of cannot avoid being found out in the long run by the wrong beings, the longma will not stand a chance."

Again came the grave tone, yet this time, he felt like it were time to put a little more into the show and tell, as he locked eyes with Ghilan and stared unblinkingly, whilst talking in a very serious, direct tone.

"Realize this: Your kind is known about now, from those seeing your exiles wandering among them. It Will draw the eye of some, and you are fools if you think that all of them will be from being who only have curiosity, or your own best at heart. Either you start making connections and set boundaries early on, or you will be found, and one way or another, end up suffering the consequences of your shortsightedness."

They only had themselves to blame really. Had they never exiled members of their kind, they were likely to have not been known about at all for a while longer, and only had to worry about the rest. Which were still a substantial amount of threats. With their choice made though, there were others who knew of them now, and in time, some of the more ruthless would see them as an opportunity. A fresh race with no rights, ready to be taken advantage of, were a thrilling prospect for several high profile, international criminals.

"So, start making connections to the dryads and/or evergrown, whom will respect your ways and boundaries a lot, whilst being able to help you with both defense, and further growth of the things you'd need from the land. Later on, when things have been well established between you, you will need to send couriers out into the world with messages, asking for an audience with a representative of their government. Depending on what continent your people reside on, I can direct you towards a few if need be.

Now then, are things somewhat clearer after this presentation, Elder Ghilan?"



@Catpone Cerberus

"If you don't believe a word I say,t hen it doesn't matter what I tell you, does it? I've told you the truth, because I see no reason to lie to you, and like it or not, that's just the fact. Deny it if you want to. In the meantime, I'm going to get something that'll serve as a better layer to sit on than the rubble in here." If you want something chased towards this place, need water, or anything else, just call, okay?"

Perhaps in time, Ruby would understand that Leviathan were genuine, but for the time, it seemed like she'd just have to let her actions speak for themselves, and then see how long Ruby would stay in denial.

Honestly, the only somewhat ulterior motive she had with this, were that she were more of a pack dragon, and as such liked to be around others of her own kind. That hardly counted as a sinister motive, and especially not since she meant every word she said before. At worst, it were a happy bonus. Or in Ruby's case, a large, cranky bonus.

As it were, unless Ruby had more to say, Leviathan would leave, and be gone for about twenty minutes, provided she were not called for.

In case she were asked to bring something, she'd get it here, or chase it into the cave for Ruby to do with what she wanted, but if there were nothing, she'd be back around thirty minutes later with an absolutely huge patch of thick moss in tow that seemed to have been methodically cut from a large patch - her skinning skills had many uses, and she had gotten lucky - and a hollowed out tree trunk filled with water, that she dragged across the ground with her tail. The former would be dragged in first, and laid out as best she could, to show as a softer layer for Ruby to take if she wanted to, whilst the trunk of water were second. It were heavy, and she were trying to conserve magic, so it took a little time. Give her a break.

She also brought the skin from earlier, now proper dried up, which were laid on top of the moss. Just in case that felt better for Ruby to lay on, despite it by far not being enough to cover her entire body. Could be a nice rest for her head or something, maybe.

"This should work. Better than the cold rocks anyway.

Are you feeling okay so far, Ruby?"



@Catpone Cerberus

On 5/5/2020 at 12:20 PM, Catpone Cerberus said:

"It's okay Agni, I just got caught off guard."

Agni slowly lowered his wings, and took a more regal, neutral stance. Seemed like this wasn't an enemy after all, even if she looked like she could be. Then again, everyone could be, when they wandered into his siren's territory. You could never be sure until you knew otherwise.

He'd jump away as she approached though, not feeling like wanting to be touched by a stranger right now. A message which she seemed to get the hint for, as Ziggy stopped approaching after the first couple of jumps back, when it seeped into her brain that just maybe, Agni wasn't feeling it right now. Considering what she knew of phoenixes, it were probably best not to push it then, as that might lead to fire, and she didn't want Serenade to come back to a burned down house. She'd be a horrible friend if she allowed that to happen.

On 5/5/2020 at 12:20 PM, Catpone Cerberus said:

"Yes, I'm Nada, and this is Agni..." she pointed at Agni "...I met him when I had to stop him form attacking Fah'lina, I don't know what exactly happened but he doesn't like her."  "It's nice to meet you."

Who had to time focus on him either, once Nada got in sight, and Ziggy's smile widened in glee.

"Awh, aren't you a big, cuddly girl? Not as big as Serenade, but still pretty big."

The urge for siren hugs were rising, but she kept herself contained, if only barely for the time being.

"Fah'lina's taking a nap right now, but I'm sure it's not so bad as you say. They just need to have a nice sit to chat about things. You know, somewhere less flammable I guess. Serenade's gonna be real sad if she comes back and her house burned down.

A-N-Y-Way, how're you doing? Feeling good? I could have a looksie if you're not feeling well. I learned a lot about how sirens work via Serenade."



@Catpone Cerberus

"I hope that you do not take this the wrong way, but I pity you, for having that as one of your first memories. The thought alone sounds horrendous, and yet here you have been, living through it. Whatever your past might have been, such a fate sounds far too cruel for any being to have to go through. Not to mention what sounds as if you suffered a grievous attack, if it tested your mortality. Must the cruelty you have faced have no end?"

Lyriel had instinctively taken her hoof to her face as Scarecrow talked about his own melting off, not even noticing the action before she felt the bark impact her cheek. At that point, she would hastily return it to the ground, yet the mental imagine of what it must have been like to feel your own face melt off were clearly still haunting her, judging by the troubled look on her face.

"I don't know if somehow, some day, the process can be reverted, and you can once again become who and what you once were, but I will pray to the Earth Mother that it will. You have a kind soul, Scarecrow. You do not deserve to be burdened with a fate so cruel, that even death does not collect his toll."

She were honestly a little frazzled, and didn't feel all that good, so she needed a little to process what she had been told for the time being. A time when the duckling would start to nibble her mane in a vain attempt to distract her. A valid effort, yet it still took several minutes before the gloomy thoughts began to pass, and she felt ready to raise a hoof to caress the head feathers of this little being, whom had now listened to something she hoped he did not understand.

"Does it never trouble you, what have befallen you?"



@Widdershins @Pastel Heart

On 5/5/2020 at 3:32 AM, Pastel Heart said:

"I don't think Cloud is dangerous! I think gramps will be thrilled for me to bring a friend home! As long as he eats mushrooms and doesnt drink all of grandpas beer then everything will be fine."

"It sorta looks like he enjoys sleeping on you, and makes his own food, so he's probably really cheap as a pet too. I think birds like... Bowls of water or something, so maybe he needs a bowl? I dunno. Only pet I've ever had is Gary, and he usually hunts himself."

As if called upon, Gary would finally come out of his hiding space in her mane, where he had been and freaking out by trying to put more and more of Jelly's mane over himself, to stay hidden. Between the owl, running, feather explosions out of nowhere, and lots of yelling, he were unsure what went on, and felt like he really had to seek cover to stay out of sight. Wasn't until now that things finally calmed down enough for him to cautiously take a few steps out with those long, fuzzy legs of his.

(if Slimpsy tries to flatten him, he'll just hit Jelly. Gary's fast when it comes to crawling around on Jelly to avoid getting hit)

Whilst Pastel skipped along, she'd find that with every skip, Cloud would bounce a little in tact with her, and let out a small coo every time she hit the ground. Didn't seem like he were waking up though, so this might be a weird instinct thing, or just to do with her movements pressing on his lunges in the right way whilst he tried to sleep. It were hard to say with regular owls, and this one were a weird case.

On 5/5/2020 at 3:32 AM, Pastel Heart said:

"Soooo big guy, which one of us do ya think is cuter~? It's not every day you get to meet two dazzling heroines like us! So who has more points?"

"Nuhuh, you can be the cute one. I wanna be tough and strong. Like a... Like a general in their shining armor or something. Or daddy, though I don't think I can get that huge muscles."


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

“I guess we still have enough time to poke around clouds” Windy approach the cloud. She look at her, unsure whether she should touch the cloud or not. Just looking at the cloud brought back bad memories. She raised, reach out her hoof, and touching the cloud softly “Mmm... The surface of the cloud is a bit hard. It seems there's too much water in it” she turn to Sorrow “I think this cloud came from a storm. We should keep going” she said, looking around for any sign of a storm. She found none, however, that did nothing to ease her worry. 

  • Brohoof 1



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@Blitz Boom

The objects Rosa were shown caught his interest, standing up every few seconds to examine the curious things. Venom, teeth, interesting things despite the darker connotations they carried. Bugbears and Deepwyrm are about as close to made-up creatures to the longma; they never encountered them and their appearances are so foreign they may have originated from some delusional longma’s fever dream. And these creatures are known and studied? This is still too strange to consider real but seeing tangible evidence, it is not easy to deny anymore. 

But it was the third object that got the elder very unsettled. An object that compels anyone wearing it to blindly follow orders? And this practice is a lot more common than anyone would admit? It was more evident that these matters are more terrifying now that he was made aware of the overall innocence of his kind. It just wasn’t the elder who was unnerved at the sight. A rush of memories flooded Sen’s mind and he wasn’t having any of it, running out of the cave just as the thestral finished mentioning the exiles and the consequences of the longma’s shortsightedness.

“Sen? Sen! Wait!” Lin gave chase, following her brother outside to see what got him upset. 

“Slavery?” The elder muttered, horrified. His mind wandered back to that night many years ago, the images still clearly burned into his memory. “Rosa, I don’t know if you aware of this but Sen and Lin were only children when they were exiled. And you’re telling me they could’ve been caught and sold like objects because they were too innocent to know any better?”

I don’t think I can rest easier knowing about everything you told me, but it’s clear and I’m convinced. There may be a chance to start something new but I don’t know how I can find the Dryads or the Evergrown. Even if our forest is well-maintained, they might not even be around. What do they look like? How do I know if I am walking into their territory? For all I know, they could very well leave the trees as as they are and I wouldn't be able to tell the difference.”

Sen wouldn’t be too far away, sitting by thicket outside the cave. Clutching his head, he would mumble incoherent gibberish while trying to make sense of his exile and the terrible things that might have happened to him. Perhaps he may have been lucky but hearing what Rosa had to say got him second-guessing his experiences. Lin would be silently sitting beside him, trying to calm him down. 

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@Blitz Boom
Ruby didn't say anything more, at best she muttered something too unclear to be 
understood, so Leviathan was free to go, and when she came back, nothing about Ruby had changed.

For her question, Leviathan would get more muttering as response, but this time it was loud enough to be understood as something along the lines of 'I'm fine', and the tone didn't have any directed hostility in it, Ruby just sounded like someone who was having a bad day. She first ignored the moss and skin, most likely out of stubbornness, but if Leviathan left or otherwise seemingly stopped paying attention, she would find that Ruby had moved position in a way that her injury was on the softer material, though she would still be facing the wall.

Ruby would stay mostly silent, letting out sounds and muttering at best if Leviathan said something that couldn't be ignored, indicating that she wanted to be left alone for now, even though she never directly said that. If Leviathan left Ruby in peace long enough for her to fall asleep, she would most likely notice that her sleep wasn't pleasant or peaceful, and it wasn't only because she slept 'one eye open' so to speak, there was clearly something troubling her. 

"Thanks for offer but there's nothing wrong." Nada declined "There's just a lot going through my head." she then remembered something "Oh, and before I forget, there was another mimic that was looking for Fah'lina, I told...I assume her, to come back in a week, but she pointed towards the forest when I asked where she lives in case Fah'lina comes back earlier." she didn't really know how to react to the comment about her size and cuddlyness so she ignored that for now. 

"At first it did." Scarecrow explained "And I can only imagine what I felt like when all of this first started." "But nowadays, after however long it has been, I have accepted it." "I mean, I would be lying if I said I like my current existence, but there's nothing I can do about it, I don't believe it can be reversed, and ending it would require being more powerful than any of those I remember meeting." 


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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@Blitz Boom

He nodded at her as he followed her out. "Understandable. But they won't need me saying that to make them think I am a threat..."  He grumbled lightly, before sighing. "The chains are alright however, but when there is a threat and I could sense it's exact location without them is, irritating. Anyway... progress is progress." He said, 'progress is progress' a phrase he had mentioned to himself nearly every day thus far in the reformation.


"Yes, it is nice of her to give us a lift here, in this.... public location." Astral said awkwardly, glancing to Rose, Chow was partially mistaken as it was Rose who took them back, as she gave a light smile, which would cue that she was the teleporter. "Anyway, best we contact one of the generals, who would be best? Maybe General Iron Wing?"

"Er, he's out of commission due to an injury-" Rose bit her lip, that wasn't public information yet- "You didn't hear that!" She blurted out- what was she referring to- She didn't... she didn't say anything? "Iron wing may not be a good idea is all..."

Astral shook her head, she was really thrown off after that moment, it's like they heard her say something but then forgot. "A-anyway, any other ideas?"

"What's wrong, she just said General Iron Wing is injured and you're just going to forget?"
Misty mentioned, Rose glaring intensely, with a strange hint of fury. Seems Misty knowing was unintended...

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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Omen would follow Lin as she ran after Sen, yet Rosa would remain, and merely look at them leave. As it seemed to be his fault Sen were acting the way he were, it were likely that he were the last person who should try and talk to him right now, though he'd have to remember to apologize for his words later. He weren't aware it would affect him so.

On 5/7/2020 at 6:03 AM, EQ_Theta said:

“Slavery?” The elder muttered, horrified. His mind wandered back to that night many years ago, the images still clearly burned into his memory. “Rosa, I don’t know if you aware of this but Sen and Lin were only children when they were exiled. And you’re telling me they could’ve been caught and sold like objects because they were too innocent to know any better?”

"No country outright allow slavery. Yet as said, when a race is unknown, it can be played off as exotic beasts, whom tends to have less restrictions in certain countries. More and more are clamping down on that as well, due to suspicions and for the sake of preservation of endangered species, but there is still a few who are slow to change. If Sen and Lin had been captured, they might well have ended up serving in one of those places as exotic pets.

Please try and believe me when I say this, Elder Ghilan: I do not enjoy telling you of this dark side that the world at large tries its best to pretend does not happen. It's filthy and disgusting, and shows an enduring problem among the shadier beings out there that quite honestly, can not be stopped, as there will always be a market one way or another, no matter how many gets captured.

Yet you need to know the cruel reality, so that you can prepare for it. The more of the seedy side of things you know, the more you can ensure that your people will have protection, and others keeping an eye out for you. Be it through this despicable act, diseases, or something else. You have to be prepared for the future, and that cannot happen if I only tell sunshine stories of the world at large.

That being said, try and remember that this is among the worst of the minority out there. The majority of others would not wish harm upon your kind, and would likely be more intrigued to get to know a brand new culture, and the beings who live it. The way you should think of this is to look on the bright side, yet not forgetting the darkness behind it. And know too, that even among the criminals, some limits are just not tolerated. I could mention several beings who had committed heinous acts, who would not for example, allow for children to be enslaved. Certain limits are very frowned upon being crossed, even among the criminal underground. It works on a sort of... I wouldn't call it a *moral code* but more a *know your place* ethics, and the more powerful in the underground are very clear about what they do and do not tolerate."

On 5/7/2020 at 6:03 AM, EQ_Theta said:

I don’t think I can rest easier knowing about everything you told me, but it’s clear and I’m convinced. There may be a chance to start something new but I don’t know how I can find the Dryads or the Evergrown. Even if our forest is well-maintained, they might not even be around. What do they look like? How do I know if I am walking into their territory? For all I know, they could very well leave the trees as as they are and I wouldn't be able to tell the difference.”

"As for how to make contact, I cannot say for sure about the dryads, yet I know where to find an evergrown that might be able to wander through your forests and say if he finds clues of his own kind living in hiding nearby. Far as I am aware, they refuse to settle in any sort of number anywhere that does not have their sacred trees, so if none are in your forests, they likely are not there, but they tend to be covered by rather strong illusions, traps and whatever thick vegetation they can spring up around the area to make it easier to protect their sacred trees.

In case the evergrown find that there are none of his kind, and no trees, you can try and ask if he knows of any migratory tribe that might be looking for a new placement. I am not sure if that are actually a thing, but trees sprout seeds normally. It would stand to reason that sometimes, some would leave with one of those seeds to plant it a new place, and grow a new tree.

Regardless, if that is a bust, you need to find a dryad, and while I personally cannot help there, Sen and Lin known one who can. A very... Informative pony, who at times are willing to trade in favors. And regarding the evergrown, I will be giving the address to Sen and Lin, since I will not be able to be there to help you find him. Come morning, I will have to go to the capitol of Equestria, and face judgement for my own crimes. I do not expect myself free to be of much assistance for several years after that, yet I will do what I can to still inform, and until morning comes, assist in what ways I am able to. I owe Sen and Lin much, and wish to help them to the best of my abilities. Currently, that have shown to be best done, by helping your species as a whole to jumpstart a cautious step towards the outside."

The elder might as well know this, so he didn't wonder where the thestral had suddenly gone from tomorrow. It would likely bring questions, but he were willing to answer them if need be.

On 5/7/2020 at 6:03 AM, EQ_Theta said:

Sen wouldn’t be too far away, sitting by thicket outside the cave. Clutching his head, he would mumble incoherent gibberish while trying to make sense of his exile and the terrible things that might have happened to him. Perhaps he may have been lucky but hearing what Rosa had to say got him second-guessing his experiences. Lin would be silently sitting beside him, trying to calm him down. 

Omen would be approaching slowly, and look on as Lin tried to comfort Sen. Shrimp would try too, in his own way. After he felt like something were wrong with Sen, he'd slither over on the longma and lay around the back of his neck, whilst chirping slowly and placing his head on the longma. A way of trying to show that he were there and worried about his least favorite, yet still beloved caretaker.

As for the late addition, she'd walk over and unless stopped, would awkwardly embrace Sen and Lin, whilst not saying a word. She wasn't sure why, but something just told her that this would be a bad time to ask questions. Perhaps she were slowly starting to get some of that *timing* thing she had been told about before? She didn't know, and it didn't matter either. Right now, she just wanted to be there for a friend who looked like he needed them there for him.



@Windy Breeze

"Tiny storm then, or maybe a pegasus missed it? Cloud control's not really my specialty."

She had family members who were, but Sorrow just wasn't like that. Sure she could help if asked, yet there were a difference between bouncing some clouds away, and safely splitting up thunder clouds. One she could do, and the other made her eyeballs feel singed. Better left to someone with a lot more knowledge about these sorta things. Like a Wonderbolt. And Breeze were willing to just let it go, so best they just did that and went on, right?

"Hopefully the weather in Fillydelphia is fine and dandy. Ferry rides are really boring when it rains, and if it storm, we're gonna have to wait. No fun in that when we're finally there."



@Catpone Cerberus

Since Ruby did not respond to things - and leviathan had so far gotten no notion beyond her being too stubborn to openly accept help - the smaller dragoness would leave shortly after bringing the things in, saying something about *scouting the area*. Mostly to see what sorta prey were there honestly, yet it didn't hurt to know what sorta enemies were there too. Dragons hunters were rare, yet not exactly non-existent, and Ruby would be a fine price for scum like that.

Eventually when she returned and found that Ruby had moved to better support at least her damaged posterior by the soft material, a bit of a smile got on her scaled face. It wasn't perfect, but it were better than nothing, and would help getting the healing process along, surely. Or at least have the time in waiting be less annoying. Pointy rocks pressing in on an open wound were really not the most lovely thing you could have happen for you.

Seeing as Ruby were sleeping, Leviathan would place herself at the opposite side of the cave, and relax herself whilst watching the larger dragoness. Something seemed to be troubling her dreams, but Ruby needed sleep, even if it wasn't the best kind, so she wouldn't wake her up. Merely observe, recharge, and be ready for when she'd eventually wake up again. Unless it seemed like some sorta nightmare really got hold of her, i which case Levithan would sneak over and try to calm Ruby with a lullaby. Sort of. It was more a calming tune than actual words, but it had helped with her when she had been small, and as such, it didn't hurt to try if it helped Ruby, if it got bad.



@Catpone Cerberus

Ziggy's eyes went wide in surprise at those news.

"Really? That's great!"

The zegasus umped in place out of pure glee.

"I've barely been able to find any sorta literature on mimics, but it keep saying they're pack animals. For some reason Fah'lina's all alone though, and never gone off to see others. Perhaps this means she just got lost and her tribe are out to look for her? I mean yeah, I'd miss her, but it would be great for her, right? How did the little one look? Anything special about that one I could tell her about when she wakes up?"

Siren hugs had to wait for just a little while longer, because right now, they had some good news to process. Maybe. It'd kinda depend on how her little friend reacted once she woke up and heard it, but surely there'd be nothing but smiles and happy days when she heard that she were sought out by her own, right? Meant she were missed by somepony out there.



@Catpone Cerberus

"My goddess is powerful, yet she forever slumbers beneath the crust of the earth, nourishing the lands we so depend on, and embracing her children when our duty have ended. I'm afraid that she does not actively take part in much.

The dragon lord might have a good deal of power, with that strange scepter of hers, yet I don't think the magic of dragons can do some of this. They harness the elements, not whatever variation of the end this might be.

*sigh* The ponies might truly hold the only key for help to you. Be it a way to finish things if you feel like you wish to return to the cycle, or some way of revitalizing things. I do not know, yet one way or another, I pray that something will happen that might help you in some fashion.

Perhaps I can do some, by at least making your residence a better place? If you live in a cave, I could maybe grow something within that could make it more comfy? Thick layers of moss, glowing mushrooms, and perhaps some degree of vines to ensure you won't get... Shall we say, *visitors*? Please, I wish to help all who resides in this forest, and you more than any, strikes me as one who could use some degree of comfort at the very least. Have you not earned that as a bare minimum, throughout all your years of helping those less fortunate?"

Lyriel were perhaps pushing things a little, but she just couldn't stand thinking about this poor, poor creature, suffering through so much, and not having anything to show for it. At the very least, she could perhaps make his accommodations better, and ask those few she knew among the equines if there were perhaps help to find, for one with an affliction such as his.




Hogweed placed a hoof on his shoulder, and looked at Chariot with a small, kind smile.

"You're getting better day by day, Chariot. Don't let anypony try and convince you otherwise, okay? I know you're doing your best. Soon enough, hopefully they will see so too, and we can start getting you reintroduced to society. You know you can trust me on this, right?"

She had done nothing but put herself on the line, because she believed that Chariot had good in him, that just needed somepony to help it get out. Her career, several friendships, and respect of her colleagues were among the things that had been shaken by taking his side in this, and declare herself as being in charge of his rehabilitation, but she didn't care what they thought. That much... It sorta hurt sometimes, but she knew she were doing the right thing, and Chariot kept proving to her that she wasn't wrong in her assumptions about him. He Were a good pony, that had suffered through something that'd test any being, and had made some mistakes because of it. Something which he had served his time for as a statue. But now it were a new time, and through he had attacked Canterlot, it shouldn't mean he should be remade into a statue, or incarcerated forever. He deserved a chance, and he'd have a much better chance at succeeding at that if he had somepony that helped him through it all, and showed that she were on his side.

At least, that's what she were hoping. Maybe she were being too idealistic... *sigh* But she wouldn't stop trying. Especially not now when there were a chance for some real proof of progress.

"We should probably go and get you through some stretches and other exercises before tonight. Though first, are you perhaps getting hungry? I know you're used to getting food served in your cell, but I think it'd be okay if we went to the prison cafeteria, and you could get food like everypony else. Would that be okay?"




Good good, so Astral got the point then. Atta girl, he knew she'd get the hang of it eventually.

Seemed like he had been wrong about who got them there though, considering the exchange of glances, but in his defense, they were the real witches. He were more of a ... How did you say *fumbling buffoon* in a nice way? Bah, who cared, they had work to get to, and he had plenty of years ahead of him to get better at this mumbo jumbo.

They'd end up soon after getting a bit of a slip of the tongue from Rose rather quickly after that, with her mentioning that the new general were out of commission. Something which were pretty huge news to Chow at least. Sure he knew that Morning Dew had retaken the mantle for the time being, but the official explanation were relating more to a transition period. That the new general had gotten injured enough that he couldn't take the role anymore though? That were something that made a good deal of sense, but were pretty new.

5 hours ago, FanOfManyShows said:

"What's wrong, she just said General Iron Wing is injured and you're just going to forget?"

"Y'know, she makes a fair point. How did you know this? Ain't any of the higher ups that've been slipping the tongue about that, or the rumor mill would've gone... Off the rails?"

His head were feeling wonky right now. It were like... The thoughts of the general had started slipping away before Misty began talking, and then right after she brought it up, there were a bit of a surge again, which were now starting to dull down once more. He'd take a hoof to his head and shake it, trying to get this odd feeling out of there. Something were going on, but he just couldn't seem to wrap his hoof around it before it started to slip away again, and get back to just sorta... Forgetting about the whole thing. Like it had never happened.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom


"Yes, Ambassador. I'll be able to agree to that," Atzy nodded a couple of times once she got all the words right in her head. "I was established very recently so having somepony help me with all this legalese will be helpful."

"We don't know where Atzy's Queen is, honestly," Karmic admitted with a couple of coughs. "But she shouldn't be too hard to find if one looks among the gemstones."

@Blitz Boom


"I would go up there to have a good look around Last, but that giant insect is in the way of it," Twilight said nervously, looking up to the parapets and then out behind them to the distant land. "Can't see much from down here," she mumbled and then looked at Cherish. "I'm going fo ra short flight. I hope you're used to heights," Twilight told Cherish before spreading her wings and soaring up to the level of the roof the shrine. She turned and the her eyes widened at the battlefield. Her face did turn white upon witnessing all the destruction but luckily, she didn't regurgitate her lunch. She was unsure of how to feel about all of this but she was unable to look away either. "Whoa. Last wasn't kidding."

@Blitz Boom


"I have never heard of 'humanity', Queen Dia'Thiz. Whatever Happy is, he's definitely not whatever humanity is," Aurora told Dia'Thiz, taking a deep breath to steel her nerves. "He's been nothing but kind and along the way to see King Thorax, he fought off Timberwolves that were going to attack us!" She had only met him a handful of hours ago, true, but he was one of the first creatures to take an interest in her as a friend and talk things out like how friends tend to do.

@Blitz Boom, & @Widdershins


"Wh-what?" Dazzle asked in complete bewilderment. She'd only just met these two, yet here they were, offering to her help her out. Scarcity and who looked like her sister were waiting for an answer and she had to say something otherwise nothing would happen. "Um ... thanks? I'd take you up on the offer? Is that how ponies still agree to these terms?" she asked, her brain shorting out slightly as she tried to come up with a suitable response. She was startled by Shortstack commenting back and she turned to him, not entirely sure what drove her to keep pestering the short, round pony. "I don't have anything to prove! To me, it sounds like you're compensating for something!"



"Well," Dawn hesitated, and then took a breath. She hadn't had company in so long and now that Kaltrops was a bit settled in within her home, she took a chance and spoke her mind, her entire face giving off heat in a full on blush all the while. "Live with me. We argue, yes, and you already agreed to be my bodyguard, but, if you live here with me, I can help you readjust to being with ponies."

  • Brohoof 1



What else am I meant to put here?


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@Blitz Boom

“It seems to me that you have a degree of faith in the creatures of the outside world, of this “Equestria,” as I’ve been told. The way you describe its unsavory elements, you still say they have their standards, no matter how odd it comes off. I honestly couldn’t fathom it unless I see it for myself but getting this chance to speak with you, learning what I can about making contact… it gives me strength and fills me with courage. Had I been less open-minded, I would’ve called you out for trying to deceive me.”

“For what its worth, I want to thank you for your time, knowledge, and honesty. Sen told me about your criminal past but he and Lin have this great respect for you as a friend and mentor, something I wouldn’t be able to reconcile if they hadn’t explained it to me. They trust you and I trust them. I guess that means I’m very much willing to trust that everything you’ve taught me will be of great benefit. You’ve given me a lot to think about, and I plan to act on what you’ve taught me.”

The elder didn’t flinch when Rosa brought up is past as a criminal, no matter how little he mentioned. Frankly, hearing what the thestral had to say and digesting all of it convinced Ghilan of Rosa’s sincerity. In some way he couldn’t explain, the longma elder could grasp how the siblings placed their trust in someone so different from them. If they were able to befriend somepony like Rosa and gain knowledge like this, what more could the longma as a whole stand to gain by reaching out? Perhaps the siblings had more to offer to the longma; their exile, horrible as it was, led to something good.

Elder Ghilan stood up and bowed to the thestral before attempting something he wouldn’t imagine himself doing: reaching one claw out to shake Rosa’s hoof. 

“Rest assured, what you’ve taught me today will not go to waste. I hope to convince my fellow longma just like you’ve convinced me. And should you find yourself in the forest of the longma one day, you will be welcomed as Vhenallin, a friend to our kind. Although knowing Sen and Lin, they’d try to get you to visit the village one way or another. This hoof shake, it is a common greeting in Equestria, right?”

Outside the cave, Sen wouldn’t see Omen and Shrimp joining him. He’d still babble incoherently but that rush of words flowing out of his mouth would slow down after feeling the refraction and the Ki’Nathar embracing him. That would be enough to let him catch his breath.

“I-It’s just… I couldn’t… what Rosa said… I-“

“I know. The idea of slavery is sickening, collar or no collar. But if we can prevent that from happening to the folks back home, I’d say that’s worth a shot. Now we have another reason to try and reach out to the outside world.”

Sen smiled, still shaken but reassured now that he’s in good company. He’d tightly embrace Lin together with everyone present before letting go to face them all, most notably addressing Omen and Shrimp as he picked up his little friend to stroke him on the back.

“Thank you; I’m sorry if I made you worry. It’s just some memories don’t really go away. Hearing about slavery and seeing that collar, I couldn’t imagine anyone ever being alright with that. It’s so wrong on so many levels. All of that reminded me of Solasan, no matter how much I want to forget.”

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@Blitz Boom
Ruby's dreams didn't seem to get much worse besides her starting to twitch a bit now and then and otherwise move around a bit more, but if Leviathan decided that was enough for her to interfere, the tune would seemingly help a bit. She would be out for some hours, and when she woke up, she muttered something in her native language before remembering where she was, and whatever it was she said, it didn't sound too friendly. 

She moved her head enough to see if Leviathan was still in the cave, if she was, she would say something along the lines of "Still here I see." and surprisingly enough, she didn't sound as negative as she had been until now, but that of course didn't mean there wasn't the usual dislike mixed in. Assuming Leviathan was around, Ruby would continue with "I honestly didn't expect it, I assumed that if you really didn't want anything, you would just leave." she turned back towards wall "I'm not really the best company." 

If Leviathan wasn't around, Ruby would say the same things when she got back, just bit differently worded and her face towards the wall the whole time. 



"She had a bow on her tail and a shell necklace, that's why I kinda just assumed it's a female. And I think she was more silver colored than Fah'lina" Nada explained, she hadn't paid enough attention to notice other details, and she didn't know if it carried the bag everywhere so she didn't mention it "She was trying to steal few things but i got them back." "Oh, and she had a small piece of wood she didn't seem to want to lose"


"You really don't need to do anything for me, you have plenty of living to take care of, I don't want to be a burden." Scarecrow assured "But if you insist on helping, I won't stop you from decorating the cave, it could use some life." "I can show where it is." if nothing else, maybe some of the animals could take it over after it was more pleasant to live in. She would turn the course towards the cave.


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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@Blitz Boom

Windy had no problems navigating in a storm, but she don't if Sorrow could. The wind will be against you, striking at you like a hindleg of a pony about to buck whether who's in their way “I hope so. No offense, but I could easily through a storm even if it's about to become a typhoon”

  • Brohoof 1



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@Blitz Boom

"You ought to teach me your positivity dear, I need it." It took him a beat to realize he called her dear, but opted to ignore that. "And yes, I would like a dinner outside of the cell." He said, looking towards her as he smiled softly, a more genuine smile than usual.


"You didn't, hear, that." Rose repeated, glaring intensely, her eyes almost glowing.

"Yes I did!" Misty declared, narrowing her eyes angrily.

She bit her teeth, closing her eyes. "Alright! It was going good so far-" Her eyes opened as an idea popped into her head- then she looked to Chow and Astral. "Chow, Astral, I must take us somewhere more secure before I explain what this is." She said, before teleporting them within the kitchen of Astral's home.

Rose turned around and grinned slightly. "What is this about Rose?"

She looks to the trio, and takes out a bottle with a green dust in it. "This is the element of lies. The one you have is a fake."

Astral widens her eyes. "Of course! you're making us believe whatever you say-"

"Then that one might not be real either!" Misty said.

"Yes, seems younger ponies can resist it's magic too..."
She sighs and puts the bottle away, before plume of green smoke covers her, and reveals a different form underneath, a splintered horn and an element around her neck- certainly the element of lies, as her true form reveals itself.


"Yes! Of course I am Opal!" She says in a degree of fury.
"Now Shadow Streak hasn't caught on yet, and you know that I want to do evil with the elements, but he does too, so we have common ground to stop him! 
Whatcha say?"

She says, reaching out a hoof to them, seeming strangely confident.

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@Blitz Boom

A cookie jar?  Well there was this one cursed cookie jar in the O.M.I. basement... no, never mind.  Rising would have to leave his sister's home knowing full well what was ahead of him.  His life as a detective, scouring the land for magical misuse, just got more complicated.  Walking up to his sister, they shared a brief farewell embrace, "Don't go turning to darkness bro, it would annoy me." "Love you too," he chuckled.  Releasing his embrace he padded his way around the party goers on his way out of the main ballroom and into the dark halls.  Relying on his memory again to navigate where his eyes couldn't guide him.  Of course having to hope his sister didn't just decide to change up the layout of the manor.  Something told him Dawn was mildly distracted at the moment though.  He wasn't blind or dumb, he knew what they were talking about.  Maybe not the details of course, but she was all too eager to send her brother on his way with such a lucrative new source of information in her presence.

Outside the carriage that brought to two here was waiting for him to take him back to the city proper.  Climbing into the luxurious satin cab, he'd try for a nap while on the ride.  Having instructed the shade clad stallion to take him to the Featherhop's inn, where hopefully he'd find the Sisters of Troy first.  Break the good news to them, as it were.  A few winks weren't hurt first though.

Back inside the manor, Dawn awaited for the departure of her brother before turning her attention to her new treasure.  Time for the adults to talk, a rather amusing prospect considering the more mature of the twins, even Dawn would admit, walked out of the room already.  She would admit though, that it was time for business at least.  Dawn's long eyelashes blinked and suddenly the pair appeared upon the throne that looked over the party.  The sensation wasn't that of teleportation or movement, but as if the manor itself moved to be where they were instead.  The mare laying out delicately on her massive fluffy pillow with Lily in tow.  Enchanted of course, to feel just the right firmness, softness and temperature to each occupants desire.  "I need to know my competition.  I need to know what kinds of goods Harrowmark values.  I need to know who must be put under hoof and who deserves my ear.  I need to know how to protect my lands from the threats my brother can not."  Many threats could be put to an end before they begin simply by controlling the flow of information.  This was the world Setting Dawn worked in.

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@Rising Dusk

"Must you do such things?"

The comment came right after they had gotten teleported up on the throne. At least it were what she thought had happened, though the experience felt different somehow. Less like she had been moved, and things had moved around her, yet that were surely madness. Brick and mortar did not move without sound or effort, as anyone who had ever worked on a golem would tell you. Even the fastest living mortar would not move instantaneous.

No, this were likely just a new, weird form of teleportation that Dawn made use of. Or a more modern one, what did she know? Equestria were far ahead on many things, so why not this too? Though it seemed more likely be one of her own. Dawn struck her as a mare who'd prefer her own flair on things, even if there were other ways. A bit of vanity, or personal pride at least, from her perspective.

On 5/9/2020 at 5:33 PM, Rising Dusk said:

"I need to know my competition.  I need to know what kinds of goods Harrowmark values.  I need to know who must be put under hoof and who deserves my ear.  I need to know how to protect my lands from the threats my brother can not."

Not that there were times to think on this, as she - as expected - began to ask questions, barely leaving time for a breath after Lily's own comment.

Well then, she had said she'd share information, and so she would. Though this seemed like a lengthy topic, so she'd sit down on this strange layer she had been put upon. A strange thing, that felt somewhat similar to the old, moss-filled bed she had in her old home. Perhaps not the most comfortable thing in the world, and it did need to be trimmed and watered fairly often, but it were the best Lily knew, and a comforting feeling, as she had used this most of the time since she were a little filly.

"One question at a time young lady. You will get your answers.

What you ask first I will return to later, yet beyond that, you wish to know what Harrowmark values? From what I have seen in your land, quite a lot would interest us. Though the most valued would likely be fabric, spell books, and herbs. We have a grand history of concoctions and remedies that we'd be pleased to share, in exchange for what variations this land have to offer. With how saturated with magic Harrowmark is, you'd be surprised what kind of plants can grow there, and more importantly, what magic they hold. Spices would also be interesting, since now that we do not have to be scarce with our supplies, there would be cooks wanting to try to actually make something new and refreshing. Earthy flavors are our national preference.

Spell books are a simple matter of wanting some for the equivalent in your lands. While a lot of ours are around curses, decurses, life and death, we have a large wealth of spells cataloged, of which several aren't meant to be harmful. As a personal note here, I can procure a rarity that the libraries cannot for you, if need be, as my former *master* were one to make his own books, with spells of his own machinations, and notes on how he had done things. Including on how to make deals with, harness, and then use the powers of gods in details. Even if I could not release the worst of his tomes, as they are to be my burden to safeguard, I'd assume that one of your stature would find interest in some of his less vile texts.

As for the fabric, we'd be willing to spend what we can on that. As you can see from my own clothing, neither color, nor softness, are something Harrowmark are abundant in. Only the highest ranking among us have something that would be considered soft, and even then, I imagine they'd be highly interested in gaining something better from the outside. If you wish to make your mark on high society in our lands, I would think bringing luxurious fabric, and even fully made clothes for trade, would be a strong opener."

A lot to share already, yet they were far from done. Lily simply had to stop up to take a few breaths before moving on. Both to give Dawn a chance to respond, and to let things sink in.

"Now, I wouldn't suggest you attempt to put anyone under your hoof, but if you wish to endear yourself to some that matters, I would suggest again, to bring goods towards the capitol of Copperhagen, and the palace in particular. The influence of the queen is likely the most important you can have, though if you truly wish to bring your best hoof forward, you will need to make yourself seem valuable and respectful to High Priestess Thistle. Historically, her advice is highly valued by the royal house, and if she does not like you, I don't see you doing well with Queen Magenta.

Sadly, I know little of what might interest her, though... Perhaps I could let you have one of Twisted's diaries, long as you swear to not read from it. The things within relates to what he did to her, her other priestesses, and Viz'nay. She would likely like the chance to destroy it herself, and let those things be lost forever. I warn you though, do not read a word from it. I cannot say for sure if she can scour minds, though even if not, you do not wish to see what is within. I tried but a half page, and in my long life, I have never felt such a chill in my bones."

She would neglect to say that there were still other books on how to contain a god, whereas this were more the personal experiences and words of the old tyrant. Lily had no interest in herself ever becoming like him, but like with much else of these things, they had to be kept intact, in case Viz'nay went too far and started to be like Suusha were. For the sake of not having to endure another imbalanced, centuries old tyranny, they needed to have options hidden somewhere. Didn't mean that she couldn't give a diary filled with bad memories to one who could utilize it though.

"Beyond that, merely try to not insult the two of them, and be respectful to their moods, and limits. And don't try to hide too much that you have a wish to gain something. Harrowmark residents do not trust charity, but we respect those being honest that they want to gain something, even if they were somewhat vague about what that is.

There are likely others, but I haven't been to the capitol before, and for the past fifty or so years, my travels have at best been to the nearest town, to see if we could trade goods. As such, you will have to discover some for yourself. Do not discount the ravings of the wilderness witches though. There might be some who'd interest you, even if you'd be wise not to tell others that you speak with them.

Now to get to how to protect your lands from what we have, I wouldn't worry about that. We are far, far away from your shores, and even when we get the gates set up between our lands for easier access, the point from Harrowmark where they connect to you, will most assuredly be heavily protected. I'd only worry about shipment of things you gained from us, if not for the fact that we too know how to look for cursed items, and how to handle them if need be. Your risk will be minor, though you can run some tests regardless, just in case. Just be careful around any magical herbs you gain. Some of those will wither away instantly if you tamper with their essence too much. And your brother merely needs to stay in the cities, or at least take highly skilled guides to show him the world outside of the walls. The worst he could do, is go exploring on his own.

And to finish off your line of questioning, I cannot say who your competition is. I have spent the majority of my roughly ninety years in a small town, on the edge of the tyrant's lair, and never had the chance to go far. Whom I know are limited, and even though I could scry, that ability were not often used to glance at faraway towns to find their problem solvers. It were mostly in service to others, and were focused primarily on finding some who had to be handled, or monitoring transports.

The only one whom I might be able to mention, are more of a folk legend than a widely available helper. One whom are known to be able to safeguard, protect, and help in ways that many are too afraid or unskilled to do themselves, yet she takes her price in bodies.

She calls herself *Le Pourri*. A being who have been known for about three centuries now, yet I cannot say where she started. Only that she eventually came into view when she retrieved a dozen or so sacrifices from a ritual, and returned them to a town about a hundred and sixty kilometers from Oaksbrook. Something she did in exchange for the body of one of the town's local seamstresses, whom she then took over.

Sporadically, she pops up in history with the same type of stories. An unknown being, suddenly showing up and doing something dangerous and important, in exchange for a new vessel, or some peculiar magical item that she then vanishes with. I know not what she does in between those years, but rumors tells of her infiltrating and working towns until the time is right for her to offer a deal for the desperate.

She is all I know of, and even then, I could tell you nothing more than stories and legends. Unsurprisingly really. If you knew how eager Twisted were to find her, you too would do what you could to remain hidden from scrutiny.

So then, do you have questions to anything I have said so far, young lady?"

A lot to digest for the mare already, but surely Dawn could do that, and likely come with more questions. It were just a question of how much she would take from this, and what her response would be to what had been presented to her thus far, before moving on to other things. Perhaps she'd prefer to linger on this for a time more even. They'd see,, though if they had to keep talking, Lily would eventually need some water for her throat, or she'd go hoarse.




Hogweed got a faint blush on her cheek from being called dear, but didn't address the matter. Mostly because she were neither sure what to say, nor why she had blushed in any capacity from that. It didn't really make much sense, right? Must just be her getting surprised and flustered from the sudden change in tone, and seemingly genuine smile from Chariot as he heard he didn't have to eat his lunch on a tray today.

Best uhm... Best just to move along and not think about it.

"O-Okay then, let's get to the uhm... The kitchen. Yes. F-Follow me please."

It wouldn't be a long way. After getting back into the prison yard - this time with no fools trying to mess with Chariot on his path - they'd take a turn and go into the prison cafeteria. Looked a lot like one from a public school, but with various criminals instead of teens. none as high prolific as Chariot were though. Just a few drunken disorderly, and one tax fraudster, along with a repeated offender who had an issue with stealing. It was getting better though. It had been four months since last he had cracked under the pressure. That were progress.

All of them would look at Chariot as he entered, but tried not to make eye contact, and just get on with their own lunches. It seemed like from their trays and the general smell, that there were some wheatloaf, hayburgers, and crispy salad today. One of the better times to get here it seemed.

The mare at the register dealing with the food didn't seem intimidated by the new arrivals, as much as surprised. Instinctively, she reached towards a rather large hammer that seemed like it were too big for her frail frame to carry, yet they wouldn't get to see if she could carry it, seeing as she bit notice in who he were there with.

"Oh it's you. Didn't think the leash had been this slacked yet."

Hogweed would let out a sigh, and turn her head towards Chariot.

"Chariot, this is the chef, Dusty. Just tell her what you want from what's on the menu, and she'll get it ready, okay?"

"Today's your lucky day. We got hayburgers, salad, wheatloaf, some thousand isle ranch, nuts and the option for a slice of blueberry pie, if you don't sass the chef. For drinking, we got water. Juice ran out yesterday."




On 5/9/2020 at 7:24 AM, FanOfManyShows said:

"Alright! It was going good so far-" Her eyes opened as an idea popped into her head- then she looked to Chow and Astral. "Chow, Astral, I must take us somewhere more secure before I explain what this is." She said, before teleporting them within the kitchen of Astral's home.

"Seriously, would you dingbats just bloody stop doing that? Witchery's still illegal, and you're flaunting it everywhere."

Peraps a bit rude, but the mixture of his head going funny, and this mare acting up in a way that made a few alarm bells go off in his head, made him a bit cranky. Then push through a random teleport while they were in public, and yeah, it spiked his irritation a bit. Didn't anyone get the point in trying to lay low with stuff like this? Or did they enjoy prison?

On 5/9/2020 at 7:24 AM, FanOfManyShows said:

She sighs and puts the bottle away, before plume of green smoke covers her, and reveals a different form underneath, a splintered horn and an element around her neck- certainly the element of lies, as her true form reveals itself.

Oh come on! Not only had they just gone through a bother and a half, might soon get some guards asking questions, and were running after some mad pony- Now they were also faced with a wearer of an element, who were Opel herself. The mare they had wanted to chase, and now just waltzed in here, acting like she ran it all. Were all the wearers of the Elements of Disharmony incapable of not making a show or something?

Well, whatever, Now she were here, and that meant an easy take down. A quick tackle, headlock, and boom: Instant prison for her. Then they could... Melt the element or something? He weren't sure how it worked, but it sure weren't good to let her keep this.

On 5/9/2020 at 7:24 AM, FanOfManyShows said:

"Yes! Of course I am Opal!" She says in a degree of fury.
"Now Shadow Streak hasn't caught on yet, and you know that I want to do evil with the elements, but he does too, so we have common ground to stop him! 
Whatcha say?"

"Sure, come 'ere with it."

He'd reach forth to grab her hoof, and unless she somehow stopped it, refused the touch, or just used magic in some fashion, he'd then use that to grab hold, and forcibly drag her back towards him, back turned against his chest whilst he held her on his back hooves. One front hoof were around her throat, keeping her head in check, and the other would be around her trunk, keeping her front legs pinned to her front.

Though regardless of this working or not, what he'd say next would be the same.

"You must be seven layers of crazy if you think we'll side with one evil just to go for another. Why, I bet you're not even gonna do something 'bout him. You've just looking to take something from him to make yourself stronger. Ain't no way we can trust someone using the literal Element of Lies."



@Windy Breeze

"Oooh, that's cool! I don't think I could do that. I'm a fine flyer, but not that good, and big wings can kinda make it hard in storms. A lot of updraft, throw winds, and all that, so I usually just stay indoors, or hide in a cave or something. Of course a Wonderbolt would be able to battle the storms though. I hear you're the best flyers in all of Equestria."

A little by little as they talked, Fillydelphia would get closer. Sooner or later they'd get there, and hopefully not have to face a storm whilst doing so. Yet if they did, Sorrow would have to seek to the ground and either find shelter, or just walk for a while. Being a rag doll in the midst of a heavy storm were not fun, and she could definitely attest to that.

"What's the worst storm you've ever been in? Sounds like you must've tried flying through ones, so you must've seen some real nasty weather, right? I bet Legion would like to hear some stories too."

They did, in fact, as were evident by the light flaring up in their sockets again, before the wisps turned towards Breeze as best they could, whilst waiting for a story. Big or small, they seemed intrigued, just like Sorrow were. Seemed like even up here, she couldn't escape an audience.



@Catpone Cerberus

"I considered taking a walk, but I didn't want to leave you here all by yourself. I'm sure you could deal with anything trying to mess with you, don't get me wrong. I just don't like thinking that you'd be left all your lonesome right now."

Ruby had been surprisingly relaxing to watch sleeping. She weren't sure why, but it had honestly had a rather calming effect on Leviathan to see the large dragoness snooze, seemingly without a care in the world, whilst her body worked on stitching everything back together again. Leviathan's own wing were better already, since it had just been a strain that needed about half an hour at most to get right again, but she hadn't really focused on that thought, much as just being in her own corner, and seeing Ruby wandering around whatever dreams she had. Thankfully nothing that seemed to spark a nightmare, though it were probably not alright for her to ask what she had dreamt of anyway. A bit too private she'd say.

"It's alright if you don't wanna talk right now. But if you do, or need anything, I'll be here, alright?"

Ruby seemed a little less negative about her guest now, so that were some good progress, that told Leviathan that seemingly something were working to make her understand that there might be someone there that was there, just for her sake. Of course she were still stubborn and would likely not admit to anything, but she'd take this as a small step in the right direction. Best to focus on that part.

Leviathan would indeed stay where she were if she weren't addressed, even if Ruby would go back to sleep, or just stay silent for hours on end. She had things she could do, such as meditating. Helped focus her mind, and barely made any noise, so it were an ideal way of spending some time in situations like this.



@Catpone Cerberus

"Maybe the little one found the bow and such somewhere, and decided to use them. I've seen Fah'lina sometimes try to decorate herself when she doesn't know I'm looking, and boy howdy, does she not like being called pretty with any of that stuff on. Lots of biting from her when that happens.

But a silvery mimic with a necklace and bows should be pretty easy to spot in the forest, so thank you Nada. That's gonna help a bunch."

Ziggy bounced a few steps closer. Small steps that were, not big steps. Just enough to get a tiny bit closer towards the siren.

"And I don't really think the little one meant anything bad with trying to take a few things. Especially not if it were food stuff. Fah'lina does that all the time, and it kinda seems like a scavenger sort of thing. Y'know, gather food, keep it safe, stay fed. You'd be amazed at the kinds things in the small stashes I sometimes find of the stuff she's been hoarding.

The wood sounds kinda weird though. I mean, Fah'lina does the same, but that's because it's her back scratcher."

Taking off and flying up a bit, she looked over to the canopy where her little friend usually rested, and frowned a bit when she looked up there.

"I sorta think she took it, actually. Might've been because of the smell, even if it is also a good scratcher.

Anyway, lots of nice, helpful things there. Hugs now?"

A few steps more were bounced towards Nada, as the smiling, overgrown equine doctor looked at her, happy as could be, and looking ready to go in for the embrace if she were allowed to.



@Catpone Cerberus

"You do not burden me, nor take much of my time, Scarecrow. My kind can live until they feel the Earth Mother calls us home, and with how much there seems to need to be done, I do not think she will call me for a long time yet. Especially not when I have yet to find one to grow more of my kind with. Perhaps one day when I have left new dryads to take my place, she will ask me to rest, and maybe bring my former brothers and sisters back to cleanse them of heresy.

*sigh* but I digress. Please, lead the way, and I will do what I can to make your home seems warmer, and more inviting. It is but the least I can do, for one who have given so much to those around him."

Lyriel had been about to go on another tangent of what had transpired back where she came from, but stopped herself this time, as the air already felt heavy with what she had learned of Scarecrow, and his current state. Unless he asked into it, she would not make it dimmer by adding her own tale, and simply follow him.




Rosa would gently, hold Ghilan's outstretched claw, and shake it firmly three times, before letting go.

"Equestria have a few varied ways of greetings. Shaking hooves are seen as the respectful way to do so between males. Between females, they will instead do a bow of the head.

When addressing higher ups such as the princesses, males tend to do a galant bow, with one hoof pressed towards the chest, whilst females will grab hold in their dress if they have such a thing, and bow like this."

The thestral would give a surprisingly feminine bow, complete with movements as if he were wearing a dress.at a ball. He'd rather not discuss how or why he were so trained in this however. He'd like to retain some small degree of dignity.

"More friendly members goes for hugs, but this tend to be the standards. For you, I would simply try to offer hoofshakes when introducing yourself, and if it is not working, attempt to wave and smile.

Regardless, to get unto other topics, I can assure you that whilst I am a criminal, I did not intend for it to be so. For a long time, I thought I did the right thing, yet that really isn't an excuse I can hide behind in the long run, and eventually, one must answer for what they have done. Come morning, I will do that, and serve my time, however long that may be. I should still get some degree of visiting hours though, so if need be, I can still relay information through visitors, such as Sen, Lin, or Omen, if I am allowed to write something down for her to bring, rather than rely on her memory.

In any case, Elder Ghilan, I appreciate your willingness to hear me out on the matter, and with some luck, we will be giving you the ammunition needed to convince your fellow elders of the path forth which you are smartest to take. I do not envy you the task of standing in front of them and having to do so, yet you are wise to try and go that route. Too many have been lost over the ages to their own reluctance to accept the world in even a minor way. I would hate for any of you to join those."

On 5/8/2020 at 3:50 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“Thank you; I’m sorry if I made you worry. It’s just some memories don’t really go away. Hearing about slavery and seeing that collar, I couldn’t imagine anyone ever being alright with that. It’s so wrong on so many levels. All of that reminded me of Solasan, no matter how much I want to forget.”

"Somepony once came and offered Master Discord a pony in a chain. Called her a slave. I think that is the first time I saw anger.

He said I had to go away so I did not see what he would do him, so I took the ball for a walk."

Even Discord had his limits to what he found acceptable, and while he'd gladly toy around with and manipulate others, downright chaining them up and proclaiming them to be his property were something which he had claimed to her to never do. Her own servitude were something he saw less like slavery and more like a tutorship, so that had been seen as fine, and not like what he had been presented with back then. A situation which had not ended well for the offending party.

"Master Discord says that freedom is important. I did not understand the rest he said. Something about order, and empty minds."

Whatever the whole thing were about, she'd stay and embrace Sen until Lin would stop, whilst Shrimp would stay where he were. Though if the others drew back, he'd raise his head and playfully nibble Sen's ear a little. It shouldn't hurt, and were just his way of trying to cheer up the sad longma.




"There are three small island's off the coast of the Dragon Isle. Her hive is on the larger one of them. You will be able to recognize it by the gemstones."

Whilst the others might not have paid attention, Enzo had, and it were not as if he could forget the place as it were anyway, considering he had been trapped there for the majority of his life. With some luck, he'd find that the queen there would either repurpose the temple to be her own, or destroy it, so that he would not be reminded of that particular place as badly as he had been the last time he had wandered through there. Once down that memory lane had been plenty enough for his taste.

"One of the abandoned places? I will make sure to keep that in mind then, when sending word to Queen DiaThiz. Thank you for the information.

Regarding the other things, I will make sure that the deals are made and gone through the proper channels to ensure that you will be able to wander freely among Equestria's population, Atzy. It will take a few weeks, but until then, I can give you an official writ that will inform any law enforcement approaching you of your current status with Equestria."

His horn would glow briefly, as he sent a message about the paperwork he'd like to get in regards to all their guests here.

"I will also procure the paperwork for you, Enzo, and then make sure that builders and seamstresses are contacted to start working on your requests.

I would like to also discuss a matter with you though, miss Karmic. As you have a good relationship with the gemlings, in part due to your link with Atzy, I would like to ask if you would consider being somewhat of an attache between them and Equestria? A friendly face to function as a link between our kinds could well be a welcome beginning to our relationships.

I assure you, it would not be a taxing role. We would simply ask that you could function in an official manner, by delivering and returning various paperwork and requests from either side for a time. The first times will be a delicate matter as they transition into having diplomats of their own, and with a willingness to make official visits here, so it might well be best to have one they know and trust want good things for their kind, to function as one until things have settled. I assure you that we will pay you for the work. Let it not be said that the Equestrian kingdom tries to skimp out on their workers.

You do not need to answer right now either, if you need time to think of it, and you are of course free to decline, if you do please. It is simply a suggestion, which might help."




Cherish would be dragged along, and not be bothered by the heights so much. She had floated in some of the more damaged parts of the old castle before, where there were far down, and this seemed less scary than the mountain path. What with her anchor likely being easier to find here if it were dropped, for example.

It started to feel worse once she got up there, and had a chance to truly look across the battleground. Even without anyone on there now, and only signs of the many, many battles that had taken place there over the centuries, the sheer aura of it made her spectral spine shiver, and the color drain some from her face.

"I... I can almost feel it. The noise of blades crossing and screams from below, while arrows and spells fly down there... It's like it is ingrained."

Had to have been happening a lot, and pretty intensely to make a mark like this. How were anypony able to live like that? And for a millennia no less? You'd have to be crazy to willingly put yourself into this position, not to mention staying in it. And yet this were the life that Last missed...

"I don't want to sound rude, P-Princess Twilight, but this... Last came from this place, and she's uhm... V-Very intense. Do you think it might have damaged her?"

Speaking of Last, she were currently working on trying to open a door leading further into the temple down there whilst these two were on their sightseeing trip. They had plenty of time to work with before she were done, and even then, she'd wait for them before entering the room.




"You do not see what we have seen, young queen. Yet do not be alarmed. We will not harm him. It is those whom he came from we would harm if they started to arrive in great numbers. This world were better with them gone, and it will need to stay as such, lest we end up with a cataclysmic event once more."

"Hey hey, eeeeasy there everyone, alright? We're cool, right? They said they wouldn't start smacking me, and I for sure ain't interested in going against this world. I like it here. It's been a bit... Rough at the start, but beyond that, it's far better than the polluted mess I came from.

And y'know, humanity is looking like this."

A purple flare engulfed Happy, and a moment after, stood a perfectly normal human, with short, black hair, brown eyes, shorts, sandals, a plain shirt, and his key dangling around his fleshy neck.

"This here's before I ended up in this world, and ended up getting converted. Y'know, a simple human. Although I might've embellished my muscles a bit, and sunken in the gut. Bit of vanity, you know.

Anyway, this here's a dangerous creature, and I get why they don't wanna see more of this 'round here. So y'know, I'm sure it were just to see what'd happen if I got pressured a bit, eh?"

"Correct. We do not seek extermination of any creatures currently. In this case, we only sought assurances, and we now have both that, and a touching moment of one friend attempting to protect the other. It touches our hearts to see such a thing.

Regardless, things move ahead, and times grow short. Is there anything you wish to speak with us about before we depart once more, young queen? If not, we wish you good luck in your endeavors, and invite you to find us, if you seek to know what it is like to rule. You will find us on an island where gems stand tall, near were the dragons roam."



@Sekel @Widdershins

"Splendid. Then that settles it. Soon as I return home to Canterlot, I will send out word and see what I can find, and in the meantime, you can reside with my dear sister."

"We have to clear out a room, but it should be okay. Chop can help."

The chef heard them and nodded, yet didn't say a word. It oddly looked like he tried to keep out of this conversation, even if judging by the curious look he sent before, he were invested in the answer. Yet he didn't like talking things like this with so many around them. Especially not here. He couldn't put a hoof on it, but something felt off about this whole gathering. And that was said as somepony who had met Pinkie Pie on several occasions, who tended to redfine what normal were.

Meanwhile, Scarcity would take a step back away from Dawn as she then turned to shout at Shortstack, with a short, minor grimace on her otherwise calm face.

"Dear, might I suggest that you refrain from further antagonizing Mr. Stack, regardless of how you might feel towards him? I do not think it wise to flare his temper."

Edited by Blitz Boom
  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

I went flew through storms since i was young,” Windy's smile then suddenly dropped “But the worst kind of storms I've ever faced are Thunderstorms. I was young when i was working as a manager in my adoptive mother's hotel she owned, and i found myself in coma for several days in Coltagan Hospital” being struck by a lightning was not new to her, but getting strike by a lightning from a powerful Thunderstorm is way too cruel! She could still remember how doctors are surprised that she was able to survive the incident I could had become a ghost and met Sorrow so easily she joked to herself as she stare at Sorrow. 

  • Brohoof 1



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@Blitz Boom

He had a weird sense of nostalgia, he really hadn't had any of these foods in, well literally centuries. "All of those sound great, though I may have the hay burgers." He said, a food that he had on his mind since he got tired of the food delivered to his cell. "If possible some of the salad too."


As soon as he took her hoof she smiled "Well that's gr-" Then he pinned her down as she looked up to him and let out a huff. "You do know I just told you Shadow Streak is out there right?"

"Yeah she did." Astral blurted out, before shaking her head. "No no! The element makes us believe whatever she says." She then takes a cloth and wraps it around Opal's muzzle to keep it shut as she continued to grumble. "That is stupid however, Canterlot Guard are going to suspect us for that magic usage before anypony else, and they will come right here, to you."

She reached her hoof into the cloak around Opal, the only real part of her disguise, and took out the bottle"You are quite the trio." The bottle vanished, Chow now pinning down a random pony as Shadow Streak appeared out of one of the walls of the kitchen as the room turned to a green smoke "Obviously Opal wouldn't fall so easily to you-"

Out of sheer curiosity Misty wiped at his form, revealing smoke, looking to the pony in Chows grasp and slapping them
"Misty!" Astral yelled out, looking sternly, before she saw what happened to the pony...

A layer of green smoke was thrown off of them, revealing Opal beneath. "You make this more tricky don't you? Like of course the youngins can see through the illusions!"

Astral rolled her eyes "Hand over the element or we turn you in."

"I can use it without moving, as you just saw, so you'll never know if you have it or not."

"Chow, do you know how to make her talk?"

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@Blitz Boom
"You should know already that I don't ask for help." Ruby said, emphasizing the word 'ask', she kept a small pause before she continuing "Speaking of knowing me, I don't get you." she moved her head to look at Leviathan again, her eyes were narrowed a bit, almost like she was trying to figure something out by just looking at her "Ignoring what I may or may not believe, you say you care about me and help me because you want to, but why would you?" "Your first experience with me was me threatening you, and I have made it pretty clear that I take pride and joy out of killing dragons, something you clearly don't like, you also almost stole an eye of a dead dragon from me, but that you couldn't know since it's hidden under this..." she pointed at the necklace "...my point being, why would you care enough to even tolerate me, if you truly don't want anything from me?" she didn't sound insulting or hostile in any way, it sounded like she truly was curious. 

So even that was stolen, of course, not that Nada had any way of knowing that, it was just a piece of wood, so she didn't blame herself for it. "What is with you ponies and hugs?" she said as she got closer to Ziggy, holding her hoof in a way that Ziggy would be able to know that she had gotten the permission for the hug, at least Nada didn't need to be so worried about crushing this one.

"I appreciate being appreciated, but please, do not overstate my effort, me helping others is as much of a benefit to me as it is to those I help, as it is the only thing I can do besides just walking around, and I don't lose anything because there's no risks for me, and my time is endless" Scarecrow didn't think anyone owed him anything, sure it would have been nice if most didn't run away the moment they saw him, but he couldn't blame them. "And though it really isn't any of my business, if I can help in any way regarding the others of your kind, I am willing." 


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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@Blitz Boom

“Empty minds? I guess even Discord has his standards, that much is apparent. But just the idea of owning someone else, calling them property, taking away their hopes and dreams… I still don’t understand why anyone would do such a thing.”

“Maybe we got off lucky, meeting amazing friends and getting by however we could. Small comfort that brings when I start thinking about the others who were exiled. Some of them probably didn’t even deserve it. Chances are, we’ll never see them again, and if they are still around, they probably won’t want to come back home.”

“It’s going to be a lot of work once we return home. For now, we still have something to look forward to. We’re going to have a fun night, Omen, even if we’re forgetting our worries for just a while. Thanks for cheering me up, everyone. Lets head back inside.” 

Sen would raise a claw and play with Shrimp for a while before setting him on his head.. Even in this quiet moment, he’d be reminded of the faces of those he considered friends throughout his adventure throughout Equestria. It was hard to believe that may soon come to an end and he’d have to face reality once more. Or rather, the reality that what was normal back home will soon be shaken up and he’d start working towards something big and new. It wouldn’t take long for the longma to see Ghilan trying a hoofshake and Rosa bowing. 

The elder smiled upon seeing the display before him, lightening his mood and trying to mimic the thestral’s gesture, feeling a little awkward while at it. He couldn’t finish the full action before he chuckled. But as he returned to the conversation, he could feel his confidence rising, energized and full of vigor. 

“It’ll be terrifying to stand before a whole council of elders but I hope I can convince them. If everything you told me could get them to try, then that is a victory in itself. But I am certain Sen and Lin will always try to make time for you; perhaps they can let you know what is happening from our end. I hope one day, we will see you again, and maybe we can meet the King Thorax and the Changelings.” 

Though preoccupied with the future, Ghilan wouldn't forget what Rosa mentioned earlier, and wondered if the Changelings and their king would be open to meet some day. Of course, there were still those baby steps he needed to take to build better relations back home but it was something to look forward to. He wouldn't notice the group standing by the mouth of the cave but they overheard the exchange and, to some degree, Sen and Lin would agree with that sentiment. 

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12 hours ago, EQ_Theta said:

“Empty minds? I guess even Discord has his standards, that much is apparent. But just the idea of owning someone else, calling them property, taking away their hopes and dreams… I still don’t understand why anyone would do such a thing.”

“Maybe we got off lucky, meeting amazing friends and getting by however we could. Small comfort that brings when I start thinking about the others who were exiled. Some of them probably didn’t even deserve it. Chances are, we’ll never see them again, and if they are still around, they probably won’t want to come back home.”

“It’s going to be a lot of work once we return home. For now, we still have something to look forward to. We’re going to have a fun night, Omen, even if we’re forgetting our worries for just a while. Thanks for cheering me up, everyone. Lets head back inside.” 

"I do not understand much of this. Maybe try to talk to Master Discord about it sometimes? He is strong. Maybe he can help?"

If he wanted to were another matter entirely, but that were what that were. A lot of things were being talked about right now that she didn't really get all that much about, but it seemed to come back to something that she knew her master did not like, so it made sense to her to suggest that they should talk about it someday. It were up to them if they wanted to or not, since her part were just giving them the option, as well as trying to cheer up Sen. It seemed like they managed to do that last part right at least.

Shrimp nibbled and batted at Sen's claws for a bit, giving off some happy chirps and overall being as little rough with Sen as possible, whilst trying to cheer him up via the things that he had learned worked with Lin. Which meant no hissing, less powerful nibbles, and of course, trying to pass off as adorable to entice whoever he were dealing with. Didn't work with Omen as much, but she pretty much gave him what he wanted anyways, so it weren't as if it had to either.

Getting pulled away and on top of Sen's head, Shrimp would play along too for the time being, and make himself comfortable up there, before laying down and starting to have another nap. Trying to comfort others were exhausting work.

Meanwhile, back with Ghilan and Rosa, the later were finding it somewhat tough to hold back the urge to laugh at seeing the longma's attempt at a bow. Not in a spiteful way of course. It merely looked entertaining to see him try. He managed to keep it down to a small smirk though. Usually it wouldn't even go that far, but he supposed, he were feeling less of a need to be strict with his appearance, and had let loose somewhat. A strange feeling to not constantly be professional... He'd have to think about whatever or not he liked that. Though when it came to this situation, hopefully what had managed to sneak through the cracks, would not offend the longma elder. Considering he seemed to find humor in this himself, it seemed unlikely.

12 hours ago, EQ_Theta said:

The elder smiled upon seeing the display before him, lightening his mood and trying to mimic the thestral’s gesture, feeling a little awkward while at it. He couldn’t finish the full action before he chuckled. But as he returned to the conversation, he could feel his confidence rising, energized and full of vigor. 

“It’ll be terrifying to stand before a whole council of elders but I hope I can convince them. If everything you told me could get them to try, then that is a victory in itself. But I am certain Sen and Lin will always try to make time for you; perhaps they can let you know what is happening from our end. I hope one day, we will see you again, and maybe we can meet the King Thorax and the Changelings.” 

"If it helps, I would like to donate the contents of this crate, as well as my weapons belt, to help with the visual representations. Just don't wear the collar, don't ingest the toxin, and do not try to act as is the weapons are toys. I keep my tools sharp, so they might well harm you, if you are careless. Ah, and as for what lies in the last two, wrapped parts... I'd suggest you be careful when opening them, and again, try not to treat them as toys. They're physically dangerous."

He'd neglect to say what the items were, but at least he could assure them that they were not magical in nature. Far as he were concerned, that were a reassuring part, as something which were just physically dangerous were just a matter of proper handling, and not of *do not look at/touch this!*.

"As for King Thorax, I'm sure he'd find the meeting to be interesting. Perhaps when you would be ready to take a small step towards being known to others than the natural beings, his hive could be a good one to start with, before you move on to ponies and such. His hive is less massive than your average pony town, and understands the hesitation to try and embrace friendship with others. It might be a good stepping stone.

Regardless, it seems as if you are calmer now, Sen. I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable before."



@Catpone Cerberus

"Then don't ask me for help. Just tell me to get you something."

It were a functional workaround, surely. Few dragons liked to ask for help, yet several enjoyed giving orders, that were then followed. Ruby could order her to do things if it made the process easier for the larger dragoness, long as the order were not to leave, and never return. Leviathan had no intention of doing so.

"And you know, you're not the first dragon to threaten me, Ruby. I've known many in my lives, and the more stubborn are quick to go to threats and outright try to kill me. Yet I don't want to harbor ill will to my own kind, strange as it might sound to you. Even more since I often find that they're not often bad, just stubborn or stupid. And in fairness, when we met, I were trying to steal from you. Is it not only fair that you then threaten me?

I'll admit, your way of handling your own kind is... Disturbing, and I do not, and never will approve of it. Yet you're from another background than that of me, and most other dragons that I know, and I am trying to come to terms with the fact that you're grown up having very different views and ways of dealing with things than me. It does not mean that I approve, and I would try to stop it, if I saw you attempt it against another Equestrian dragon, but I'm trying to be understanding, and not let your past cloud my eyes again."

It were a hard one to swallow, but she were trying, and a little by little, Leviathan were coming to terms with the past being the past, and attempting to judge from things she saw herself. Things were she might be able to stop it going too far too, even if Ruby would disapprove of it.

"And I could not tell you exactly why I am going to such lengths for you. Stubbornness, because I swore I'd prove to you that someone cared? Foolish optimism? Worry what might happen if you were alone? My general want to care for my own kind? I've felt a few reasons pop up, but there's something more than all of these that makes me not want to just abandon you, and I couldn't tell you what it were exactly. There is just something that's making me willing to look past the flaws and friction, and I don't know what it is exactly. Might really be I'm just that stubborn."

She'd give Ruby a challenging smile as she said that, showing off her resolve to stay the course, lest something happened that'd make it impossible. Which likely meant death. Hopefully not via large dragoness.



@Catpone Cerberus

"They're nice, calming, and it makes you feel a closeness and warmth from another being that makes it more personal, and therefor feel uplifting. Also siren belly scales feels really nice."

Ziggy let out a small chuckle as she were allowed to get nearer, and embraced the siren as best she could. Might be she were smaller than Serenade, but this were still a siren of some size. Funny how she had spent most her life being the tallest mare around, and now were one of the shortest in her immediate frieend group. Strange how things had went, hehe.

She'd look up, still not letting go as she shared this personal moment with Nada.

"You don't hug normally? Serenade says she learned to do that, because she grew up with ponies, but that sirens can be a little different. She didn't give me too many details yet. Said it varied a lot depending on what sort of siren it were too though."



@Catpone Cerberus

"Even if only a little, your help means much to others. I do not think the families who does not have to mourn a loved one, would think your efforts overstated."

Perhaps they were afraid of him. That were unfortunate, yet sadly an option. However, Lyriel highly doubted that they wouldn't rather be afraid of him, than having to look at an empty seat, were once a parent, sibling, offspring or friend once were. And seeing how he had saved lives, she could not see a way that she overstated the efforts of Scarecrow, nor derive him of a deserving prize, as little as she felt it were for his efforts.

"Sadly though, I doubt you could help my siblings. They have fallen to madness, and whilst they might find salvation within this forest, there is far from here to the valley within the Dragon Isle's were they reside, and they are violent to all but themselves these days. I unfortunately cannot see how to get them here without others simply getting hurt from trying to transport them. If ever you hear of a way, I would be forever in your debt, if you were to share that knowledge with me."

A worry that would always be there, for a future that she had little idea how would turn out. Though perhaps someday, there would be hope for her fallen kin, even if they had much forgiveness to seek from the Earth Mother for what they had done.



@Windy Breeze

Legion's eyes flared up ever so briefly as the story - however brief - got shared, and Sorrow patted the skull gently. Yet her eyes were not on them, but rather Breeze, who got quite the sad look from the mare, as Sorrow had just imagined the poor thing actually laying in a hospital bed, all messed up from a big storm.

"Parts of Legion have gone through storms too. Fair Wind got trapped in a large hail storm, and got stuck in a canyon for decades before I finally found her. The things she's shared with everypony is... It's pretty brutal. I'm really happy that I didn't meet you the same way, Breeze."

She'd flutter over and give a quick, semi-hug, to not disrupt the mare's flying too much. Sure she were a Wonderbolt, but it were the principle of things.

"Real bad trauma's usually the things that keeps others from passing on. Getting murdered, surprise accidents that didn't left you a chance to grasp what happened, fear over feeling yourself go- Lot's of varied things. Grandma thinks if you're in an emotional storm when you die, the reapers can't help you move on, and that's what causes you to stay, until some like us can find them, and help them to the great beyond. She says that's why it's important that we keep up the family legacy.

Well, the mares anyway. I dunno why, but no stallions in our family have ever been able to communicate with the dead. Doesn't mean they're not important though. They work hard, and can help with loads of other stuff.

...I think I derailed a bit, hehe. Anyway, just saying that I'm happy you made it out of that really bad storm you were in. I hope you'll always make it out of any storm you cross, swinging and breathing."




"Coming right up."

The chef would turn her back to grab a tray to put this on, which would reveal a rather nasty scar, visible from around middle of her neck, going down her back, and branching out towards all of her legs, and her lower back. It were hard to miss from this angle, as the hair had not grown back on what looked like an old thing, but from the front it were less obvious. It might also go higher up, but were covered by what hair the mare had been able to grow on her mane again over the years since then.

There'd be no mention from either her, nor Hogweed about this, as she got the tray, started assembling a hayburger with a happy helping of BBQ sauce - unless she were asked not to - before adding a solid slab of salad on the other end of the tray, with a bit of ranch in a paper cup. There were still room for a cup and some water up top right, and the option for a few hayfries around the burger, which she'd toss in for good measures, since it seemed part of the meal in her opinion. Unless again, she were asked to stop, in which case she'd remove them.

Within a couple of minutes, there'd be a tray with his full meal, a plastic cup, and Dusty just finishing off by pouring the water into it, before pushing it a bit forth with her hoof and giving a slight nod. There'd also be a smaller plate to it, containing another hayburger and some fries for the lieutenant, whom she judged to be hungry, which were given right after his meal. A no would not be accepted for this meal.

"Here you go. Enjoy the meal, and don't try starting a fight. Me and ol' Butterfly over here, likes the cafeteria calm."

She pointed at her hammer, whilst giving the service with a slight smile, then started to clean down the parts she used. Another part she liked, were keeping her station clean. It was a bit of structure and control she enjoyed having.

"No worries Dusty. Chariot is doing well. I know he's not going to stir up trouble."

To be on the safe side though, she still lead him and herself, towards one of the tables that were not taken. And wisely enough, so far, nopony would attempt to approach them. At worst they'd give the occasional, curious glance at this high prolific prisoner, but that were about it.

"It must be good to finally be able to eat outside of the cell, huh?"




"Yep. Want me to break something, or knock her out and get her in some of them chains that they got Chariot locked down with?"

Quite honestly, he were very big on the idea of just knocking her out cold right now. The whole *smoke and show* performance were doing his head in, and to him at least, it seemed a whole lot easier to just start over questioning her, once she were grounded and couldn't be doing these sorta things anymore. Especially making it seem like there were somepony else in his grasp, as he had been just about ready to release them before Misty revealed what really went on. And honestly, at this point, he weren't even sure if Shadow Streak were real or not, and he hated these kind of mind games. He had enough of that with Emerald.

"Y'know what? Fetch me a mallet and I'll just start working my way from the bottom up. I'm sure if she doesn't talk, it'll eventually start hurting enough where she passes out anyway."

Now, Misty and Astral should know him enough to figure that this here were just a threat, and not something he'd actually do. Opal however, probably wouldn't be able to call his bluff, since she didn't know him all that well, so they'd have to see what'd happen there. Maybe she'd get rattled and start talking. Maybe she needed a solid headlock 'round the neck until she passed out, then get dragged to the guards. They'd see soon enough.

If Opal wished to harness a lie against him, she could make her next illusion that changed her own looks appear like one of the griffons who had raised him. Even if he knew this weren't either of them, Chow wouldn't be able to hit someone who looked like his parents. Something which might give her an opening.

(next portion only happens if the PM sent is cleared)

"If you don't talk, he will kill you. If you do, they have no reason to keep you alive. Truth leads only to death."

The raspy voice would be faint, and dance on the outskirts of Opal's mind. There'd be no other being nearby whom the voice could seemingly belong to, as it did not match any of the three witches, nor herself.



Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

“Don't worry. Like i said, it happened many years ago when i was just a teenage pony. That is why I'm being careful when it comes to storms. I have developed Astraphobia after the incident though, and whether I hear a thunder, or see a lightning, i would freak out” Windy remember the first time she freaked out because of hearing a thunder and seeing a lightning days after she got out of the hospital. She was taken by her adoptive mother to the hospital, and they found out she had Astraphobia. If was a big problem as a Wonderbolt since they had a few missions in the past which is about controlling or destroying a storm before it could hit a settlement. A number of times she made an accident, hitting other Wonderbolts. She got chastised by Spitfire several times until she finally confessed her fear of lightning and thunder to them. She knew she took the risk of loosing her job, luckily, they still accepted her into the team.

Windy could see buildings finally appearing in the distance. It looks like they're about to reach Fillydelphia now. 

  • Brohoof 1



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@Blitz Boom

“It’s not your fault, Rosa,” the longma replied, smiling and putting up a reassuring facade. “I’m feeling better now. What you said, no matter how uncomfortable it was, I had to hear it. I can’t keep running away from unsettling realities forever.”

“That is a good thing to remember, and that with knowledge, you’ll know how to respond. You and Lin could’ve chosen to turn your backs on your fellow longma, but here you are, working towards a new future with new possibilities. I’d say that it a worthy goal to partake. And Rosa? These objects will be of great help when I present my case to the council of elders. I’ll take good care of them as if they are my own.”

Ghilan examined the items in the crate with the enthusiasm and curiosity of a child. All of these should be of great help when the other elders would need physical evidence. These may not look like much but the value of these items lies in the knowledge they will impart; each has its story and one way the longma impart knowledge is through stories. It seemed like the stars are aligning for the young elder, who is busy connecting the dots in his head, crafting a plan that will surely win the council over. 

“I wish I could stay longer but I have a young and promising apprentice back home who’s staying up longer than she should. I’d like to impart what I’ve learned to her soon and  we can start planning for the day I plead my case. The days to come will be busy but knowing what the future could hold, I’m more than anticipating what is to come. Thank you so much, Rosa. It’s not much but I’d like you to take this.”

The elder presented what looks like a woven, decorative leg band bearing an orchid ornament. Running along the band showed more flower-like designs or a vine bearing small petals. Said ornament isn’t actually a real orchid but merely a threaded lookalike. Unlikely to attract attention from the more refined crowds of Canterlot’s upper crust elite, this simple gift carries with it the gratitude of a young elder taking his first steps into a much larger world. He'd wrap the bad around the thestral's right leg, making sure it snugly fits. It was by no means colorful, but the hues of brown, green, and white didn't make the gift too drab. 

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@Blitz Boom
Ruby's response to the smile would be her usual uncaring expression "I guess I can believe that." she simply replied before laying her head back down towards the wall, she again was silent for a moment before speaking again "You know, if we would have met a decade or two ago, the result would have been quite different." "I'm actually quite friendly compared to what I used to be." "And believe it or not, there's even few kills I'm not so proud of." "I'm also a hypocrite, I'm actually surprised you haven't pointed that out already."  she paused for a second "I really don't know why I'm even telling you this, I guess I just want to hear my own voice." this was quite out of character for her, and she wasn't really sure herself why, maybe Leviathan's friendly response had some effect, or maybe she was just too tired to think straight. 

"I have never really learned to hug so to speak." Nada explained "I had ponies as friends long time ago, but we didn't really hug, and then the whole sisters thing happened, driving me to hiding, so there has been a millennia where only thing I could have hugged was trees." "But even though I haven't yet fully gotten into the whole hugging thing, it's nice to know I'm trusted enough for someone smaller than me to come so close." 

"With the little I know, for now my only ideas would be to either subdue them or to send someone like me to transport them." Scarecrow said thoughtfully "Depending on how many of them there are, it would take more than one of me to be able to handle it though." sure he couldn't get hurt, but his abilities were quite limited, so he could carry two or three aggressive pony sized beings at best. "But I promise you, if I figure anything out, I will make sure you hear about it." 


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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@Blitz Boom


Astral smirked and grabbed a mallet from the drawer, the lack of hesitation from knowing what Chow was doing

Opal wasn't sure where the quiet voice came from, she didn't know what Chow's parents looked like, she barely knew him, but she looked up, almost peering inside his mind-
"How could you hit this face?" Her form shifted, smiling wide, she knew he was lying, but that wouldn't stop her from messing with him first.

Her form took that of a griffon, Opal didn't know who it was, but the element gave her a sense this was an important figure to Chow-
Astral looked confused at Opal, not sure what she was doing, before she grabbed Opal and pulled her head to look at her.
"Stop whatever you're doing, this is only delaying-"

One of Opal's eyes turned into a gem, as she took the form of Sapphire, Astral stepping back from her
"To be fair, I don't need to stay here." Her cracked horn glowed, the cracks fizzling up- as they were also an illusion. "There was a hope you'd lead me to the other elements, but it seems that wasn't going to work." She vanished from Chow's grasp, having teleported away, now outside of a pair of doors of a certain, cafeteria. "Time for plan B."

"Any change of scenery is nice, so yes it is." After they sat down and he set his tray down, he started eating the food.
"Been a while since I had one of these." He swallowed the bite, he paused after, putting the burger down, putting a hoof to his head, he looked to Hogweed. "Oh no-" He turned around.

She didn't seem to notice him, Opal was just a regular guard to them, but she sure was a hotspot of element activity to Chariot.
She wandered over next to Chariot as if to casually walk by before she stopped near him, her horn sparking as she smirked widely. "You're coming for a ride."

"Wait don't!" He extended his hoof out to Opal,
his cuffs suddenly shattering as Opal's eyes glowed bright, revealing her true form to Hogweed.

"Too late~" She teleported away with him, leaving Hogweed alone in the cafeteria,
Who knows how the generals might react to their seemingly reformed prisoner disappearing? :Daydreaming:

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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