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Blitz Boom

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@Blitz Boom

The captain of the guard were indeed devoted to her duty.  Sharp and too the point.  Ready for everything and not so restricted to the royal hum drum of protocol.  Not that it was beyond them, to be sure.  All their armor and wears were finely polished and maintained.  Rising doubted it was all for show either.  Each of those weapons looked easily prepared for combat as well as looking pretty.  "The population of Diamond Dogs in Equestria is small.  Even then, they rarely leave their caves, constantly just digging for jewels.  They definitely don't get as big as the ones here, or have any use of magic.  Society at large doesn't often interact with them outside of the occasional jewel trade market," Dawn offered an explanation.   "That is slowly starting to change though, with the aid of our land's new Princess.  More and more creatures are merging into Equestria at large.  Dargons, gryphons, kirins, changlings, so many more are moving into Equestria.  It's quite the change," Grace added.  Luckily a change that has been slow enough to adapt to.  Difficult to adapt a large city like Manehattan quickly enough for dragons just moving in.  Most of the other creatures were pony sized, that is helpful.

Gerthrude had returned, in her mighty impressive armor.  Probably her even more impressive spiked club caught Rising's attention all the more.  That thing could do some damage Rising didn't want to think too much about, added all behind the strength the large Diamond Dog could put behind it.  The family was quickly surrounded in a protective formation.  Their father even getting a guard assigned specifically to his attention.  This tickled the professor, of course.  "Ho ho ho!  Well met Knight Rhodan.  Star Echo, at your service, fine sir," the stallion swept a bow to the youngest of the knights.  Even as Rhodan locked his gaze to begin casting his tracking spell.

A simple thing.  Harmless to his father's body.  Privacy was another issue, something Equestria's valued in the realm of magic.  It was important to the knight's given task in keeping track of his father.  Rising couldn't blame the young knight for his choice in the spell.  Something that the detective could easily remove when the task was no longer needed.  It was a matter of being polite, however.  The receiver of a tracking spell should at least be informed of such.  "Knight Rhodan.  Would you like to inform my father of your tracking spell?" Rising asked as he ignited his horn.  Two black wisps leapt free and arrested the continued weaving of the Diamond Dog's spell.  An odd sensation would occur, a small pressure in the corner of one's mind as they would receive messages that their spell had become, stuck.  Little different than when one felt their hoof get stuck in a hole.  Just the sensation was all mental rather than physical.  Only a few moments passed before Rising let the wisps disappear and the spell finish.  Rising just wanted the knight's attention and awareness, not to deny him a tool for his job.

"We're ready, captain," Rising knowledged.

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 @Rising Dusk

6 hours ago, Rising Dusk said:

"The population of Diamond Dogs in Equestria is small.  Even then, they rarely leave their caves, constantly just digging for jewels.  They definitely don't get as big as the ones here, or have any use of magic.  Society at large doesn't often interact with them outside of the occasional jewel trade market," Dawn offered an explanation.   "That is slowly starting to change though, with the aid of our land's new Princess.  More and more creatures are merging into Equestria at large.  Dargons, gryphons, kirins, changlings, so many more are moving into Equestria.  It's quite the change,

"We left our primitive lives behind us, many generations ago. Yours will need discipline, to do the same. If they want to learn, we can provide."

The diamond dogs of Harrowmark had not gotten out of those old ways on their own. It had taken a lot of time, and working closely with the pony settlers, for them to move past their secluded ways. The diamond dogs of Equestria, could learn fromt heir example, if they wanted to. Either by travelling here, or by a curious pack going to Equestria, to try and help them rise from their secluded lives, and go live in the sun. She knew a pup or two, that had promise of a pack leader in them. They'd serve the purpose well.

This were not saying, that they here in Harrowmark, weren't still miners. They still had their dens, and there were still several packs very active in mining, and tunnelling, as well as various quarries, to provide rocks for buildings. But that were work, and shouldn't be all your life. Had she the chance, she'd want to see what passed for a pack with them, and see what were to be done, but that would be here, not in their country. Lest her prince ordered it, her place were firmly here, among the ranks of the knights, leading her pack.

The queen technically had the final word in everything, but Gerthrude had been starting in the army, when the prince had begun to wander around the castle, in his teen years. Much as it looked differently, she were only five years older than the prince were. Her pelt were just greying prematurely, as sometimes happened with her kind. Especially those in stressed, intense professions. Which sometimes, this job could be.

The point being, she had grown in the army, to see the next ruler grow nearby, and he had always been a nice, respectful pony. His brother less so, but she would never dare say a bad word about him. The dead deserved more respect than that. And those who went through what he did, most of all. And as for Necrotic... He were the future ruler, and one whom - much like his mother - deserved her respect, through both hierarchy, and action.

"That would be a delightful idea. They may not have the stature, or magic of the Harrowish diamond dogs - which I am assuming might be connected to the ingrained magic of our country - but they are still capable of being reliable, loyal allies. There would be much to gain, from bringing them to a more civilized age. Though that is their decision to make, of course. We do not want to force anything upon any outsiders. That including our beliefs, or magic. We welcome all who'd find it speaking to them, but certain things are best kept here, I would think, we can all agree to.

The other creatures you speak of though. Kirin, changelings, and gryphons- I have never heard of them. Might you indulge me with tales at some point? Of dragons too, if you will. I know only of those, from old tales, and the story of the last one, whose bones were raised. Grizzly situation that sadly were. Most unfortunate."

15 hours ago, Rising Dusk said:

"Ho ho ho!  Well met Knight Rhodan.  Star Echo, at your service, fine sir," the stallion swept a bow to the youngest of the knights.  Even as Rhodan locked his gaze to begin casting his tracking spell.

The diamond dog would lift a paw, and with a clutched fist, would slam it against his puffed out chest.

"Knight Rhodan, at your service, sir."

His voice were light, proving his age once more. Yet despite being young, and physically more feeble than his other knights, he were yet in this pack, chosen for the task at hoof. There were likely more to him, than were shown. Might be related to him not brandishing a typical sword either. A shield rested on his back, carrying the royal brand, but his side, where most had swords, were empty. Lest something hid under the shield, or there were something with the fragrant smelling, leather pouch, laying in what seemed a casing of twisted wood, hanging from his belt.

15 hours ago, Rising Dusk said:

"Knight Rhodan.  Would you like to inform my father of your tracking spell?"

Rhodan were puzzled, when he found his spell being held in stasis, and the two wisps showed. Along with the words of the detective from afar.

"As you wish, Sir Dusk.

I put a tracking spell on Mr. Echo, to ensure I can find him, even if he wanders off, or is taken. I will even see what he does, if need be.

I give my word as a knight, that it will cause no harm, and wither on the morrow, at the latest."

"Rhodan is the best tracker in my pack. I would not have picked him to protect your father, if I did not trust him fully to do it."

Rhodan's tail would wag briefly, as he were given the compliment, before he'd get back into formation, right next to Star. The streets were filled, and he would need to keep his focus, as it were hard to say what might happen here.

15 hours ago, Rising Dusk said:

"We're ready, captain," Rising knowledged.

With all in order, Gerthrude would take the lead, and take them through the halls of the castle, leading to the exit. Anyone in their path - including other knights - would step aside as they saw her, even before they noticed who she were with, and saluted both prince and savior. The humongous diamond dog, did not attack her own without reason, but a mixture of worry whenever she were brandishing her club, and respect, would get others out of her way, out of principle.

Soon enough, they'd be at the door, and then, with a push of her meaty paw, they'd open up, into the sunny streets, of Harrowmark. The first section right outside were not too packed yet, but as the escort were seen, that would not last forever, with plenty starting to flock over. The first being a group of foals and pups, that had rushed over, away from their teacher, to see who were around. They figured it were either the queen, the prince, or the savior. Who else, would be escorted by Gerthrude, and her pack?

Seeing it were both the second options, had several of them give out gasps, and glances filled with awe.

It were not just him though. The entire family got looked at, with Dawn specially, finding that a few of them would half-whisper as they looked at her, that she looked so pretty.  One diamond dog, commenting on his father mustache, saying it looked bushy, and strong, like an alpha. Meanwhile, a filly looking at the mother, looking over her, and commenting that she looked very elegant.

They were kids, no matter how you looked at it, and as such, were commenting on things like them. There would not be long, before they'd go on, and find how the interaction went with the general, adult population though. Didn't seem a bad start though, long as Echo grasped that the diamond dog commenting - and the other one nodding in agreement - were complimenting him. A good, bushy mustache, were a strong sign to them.




On 2022-11-30 at 12:26 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“Really? That’s a shame because a lot of these look fine and usable. Seeing all of this makes... it's rather wasteful…”

“A lot of these things are still in fair condition and could be treasured with great care. One way or another, I hope they’ll find a good home with someone”

"That's why it's important to recycle. Resources aren't infinite, so we're best off making use of what we have, long as we can."

If they didn't recycle, there'd be several issues. The lack of enough metal to go around in the long run, for instance. As well as just immense, filled land fields, causing their own, big problems. Sure they had some expert work on the piles of garbage they already had, but the less they'd send that way, and the less waste they had, of the earth's resources, the longer they'd last as a nation. Wouldn't be much of an Equestria left, if they had stripped the country, of all it had, and not leaving enough time for it to regain some of it.

On 2022-11-30 at 12:26 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“Thank you very much, Miss Masters, for accommodating us! We won’t take up much more of your valuable time.”

“Let’s head out now. I’d like to make a stop at uncle’s workshop to get these tools prepared. Shall we?”

When the group would head outside, they might come across a young familiar-looking longma walking past some side streets and carrying filled saddle bags. An odd sight for him to be at this time of day, but one could imagine what Kiba is doing outside. Given how he's going about his walk, it may not have occurred to him that his new friends are naught but a short walk away, failing to notice even their presence in daylight. Perhaps he may be distracted or just focused on something else entirely. 

Foreman Masters, as well as her workers, would nod at them in response, as they were leaving, post transaction. They had spend some time leading them around, but it were time for them to return to their own work as well, or they'd never get through the primary workload before dark.

The only one, who'd technically walk out empty hoofed, were Rosa, but he did not care much, and instead helped to carry other things. He might try and see if they had some proper knives some day, but his hopes were low, for them to have something properly calibrated for his particular preferences. The sort of light knives he'd need, were very light weight, and custom made in most cases. Not something a collector, or impulse buyer, would just have tossed out on a whim, in the majority of cases.

"A fruitful endeavor, I'd say."

Rosa were planning on saying more, until he noticed Kiba nearby. It were not hard noticing a longma, out here in Canterlot. Might be he now knew 4 were living here, but it did not sound as if they were regular sights as a species regardless. And since he wandered with two, that one were male, and smaller than the other one he knew of, Kiba were the logical conclusion. There were also the fact that he saw how the longma looked, which granted, were a simpler deduction, but the face recognition had come second, after the quick list of things to use as notable list to cross over had come into his mind.

Anyway, he'd see that the longma did not even seem to notice them. Perhaps he were busy, considering it appeared as if he were walking with a full load.

"Hmm... If we are to visit your uncle, perhaps we should intercept Kiba? He could perhaps use some help carrying some of his burden. What would you think?"

He'd follow their lead on this, but he did want to intercept. If for nothing else, then finding out what Kiba were currently doing. Maybe not something he had any right looking into, but he were a spy. Being curious, and wanting to know things, were ingrained.



@AuroraGlimmer @flutterJackdash

On 2022-11-27 at 5:28 PM, flutterJackdash said:

"Oh, you're more like Spike than other dragons... How respectable! I like that!" Delilah says before schooling herself a bit better and beginning to follow the group at their side.

Delilah trots comfortably alongside her new companions, pausing at Nerzhei's action and observing the odd motion before cocking her head.

"Um... are you okay?" she asks gently.

"Just a migraine attack. They are more frequent when I am annoyed, yet they still show regardless at times. The reason why as I said, I went for a biopsy. A desperate measure, but I do not intend on spending millennia with this issue, without knowing a cause, so that there can be a solution. If this does nothing, my next option will be to seek out the zebras of Zebrica. I'm hesitant to believe all the stories I've heard, but I'd be willing to give their supposed mystic powers a chance."

Nerzhei were one who believed in what she saw, and understood. Zebras making elixirs were one thing, but the apparent voodoo and future sight, seemed very, very odd to her, as a concept. Yet she had never interacted with it either, and thus, couldn't rule out that it had merit. She could only say that she'd remain cautiously skeptic, until proven wrong. One should be open to accepting new input, it if were sound.

On 2022-11-27 at 5:28 PM, flutterJackdash said:

"Thank you, for your kindness," Delilah says with a nod of her head.

On 2022-11-30 at 11:03 AM, AuroraGlimmer said:

Skittles would nod and smile a little "Oh yes, it is quite refreshing to meet a dragon who doesn't want to simply bully me, just because I am a pony and they think that I am weak" she would say, agreeing with Delilah,

The dragoness did not interfere in the two interacting currently, and just set her sight on the hospital, and tried not to walk into things, and ponies. Easier said than done sometimes, but it'd be fine Annoying how small these builds were sometimes though, but alas, such were it, when it were build for creatures that much shorter. A proper dragon den, would likely look ridiculously huge to them too.

On 2022-11-30 at 11:03 AM, AuroraGlimmer said:

After leading Nerzhei and Delilah to the doctors, she would smile a little "well, here we are, Nurse Redheart should be able to fix you up right quick" she'd say, and then look around a little "If you'd like and if it is okay with the otehrs, we can wait for you to be ready to set off, or if you'd prefer, I'm sure Honey Dew could recommend a good place to stay"

"Y-Yes, I can mentioned several places. The best likely being Bubble Tea's inn. She has the ah, most affordable prices, and does not ask questions. If things are ah, dire though, I can offer a room, but it would have to be in the ah, basement. The bees are less likely to go down there, than ah, all the other rooms, they tend to buzz through.

Either ah, way, I do not mind waiting around, until you have been ah, properly checked out, just in case."

He were still doing sign language with the colt, but soon enough, he'd get tucked on the shoulder by his adoptive mothers, and after another hug to Honey, would rush off.

"He's a ah, very delightful colt. And it seems like his new parents are ah, treating him well. That's good."

While he were talking, Nerzhei had wandered off, to go over to the desk and ask in about the doctor who had taken the tests on her, and if there were answers yet. She honestly did not know how long these things took, but she'd be told to sit and wait for him regardless, and he'd address it with her personally, when he had time.




"Study of animals? I read on the list, that were done by someone called Fluttershy. Ponies sure have some special names."

"Hush now, don't be rude. Ours are probably odd to them."

"I'm not being rude. Just saying, that it sounds odd, coming from Neighpon. It'd be fair if they said that about our names too."

"I suppose you're right. But yes, Animal Studies are on the list. You'd probably need to go and sign up with her, and you could start classes tomorrow.

Combat classes... I mean, if you can use magic, advanced magic might work, but there's also Initiate Magic Studies, and fighting, I think were..."

In a puff of flowers, she'd summon the school plan, and look through the list. Her brother would see what she were looking for first, and then poke it, making her able to see, and thus read up, what were there.

"Here. Essential Self Defense, with an Officer Moondrop. Class 7a, section 5. Looks like it's next to our class on magic."

"I really look forward to that one. I'm curious what sort of magic they teach here."

"Well, there's a leyline right under town, so probably something intricate.

Anyway, we can follow you on our way to class, and you can go sign up there, before going to sign up at the other classes?"

It seemed the two of them were relaxing, and growing a little more confident, as the talk went along. Probably because it helped them feel more included, and less like outsiders, with something to worry about. With no one they knew here, and far from home, they were frankly grateful for this kind of inclusion. Even if it were with the odd couple of the school, but they weren't gonna judge. Shark and Light seemed happy together, albeit very awkward at times.

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@Blitz Boom

Light would take a look at what kind of magic this school has to offer, not because he wants to join in one, but to know what he would be up against when the time comes that he needs to defend himself and shark against magic users.

He has already lost his magic and changeling shards. Now the only thing he has is his wits and his original cutie mark, Which is a white halo. Making it look like he is a blank flank. Only when it activates would it shine bright and if you looked close enough you could see it.


" i guess I'll take self defense and animal studies." And you shark, What would be yours?"

If nothing important would arise, hed sign the papers,( probably assist Shark on what she would join in.) follow the kitsune and be on his way to self defense class.

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@Blitz Boom

On 2022-12-02 at 6:09 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"A fruitful endeavor, I'd say."

Rosa were planning on saying more, until he noticed Kiba nearby. It were not hard noticing a longma, out here in Canterlot. Might be he now knew 4 were living here, but it did not sound as if they were regular sights as a species regardless. And since he wandered with two, that one were male, and smaller than the other one he knew of, Kiba were the logical conclusion. There were also the fact that he saw how the longma looked, which granted, were a simpler deduction, but the face recognition had come second, after the quick list of things to use as notable list to cross over had come into his mind.

Anyway, he'd see that the longma did not even seem to notice them. Perhaps he were busy, considering it appeared as if he were walking with a full load.

"Hmm... If we are to visit your uncle, perhaps we should intercept Kiba? He could perhaps use some help carrying some of his burden. What would you think?"

He'd follow their lead on this, but he did want to intercept. If for nothing else, then finding out what Kiba were currently doing. Maybe not something he had any right looking into, but he were a spy. Being curious, and wanting to know things, were ingrained.

“We should meet him. He could help us out with getting the tools prepared, or he could put in a good word with Uncle to let us borrow some oil real quick.”

“Still, it looks kind of odd for him to be out here looking a little lost. He has lived here longer than us… unless he only stuck to a small part of town. No harm asking him about that. Come on, let’s go see him.”

The siblings would approach the young longma first, though even as they approached, he didn’t quite notice them. It was only when he turned around and bumped into Sen that he regained some sense of awareness for his surroundings. Between a full pack of something that looked heavy and appearing rather uncertain, this didn’t look usual for a resident of the old town. Once that was out of the way, the longma took a moment to see who it was, and having a group of familiar faces eased his sudden worries. Whatever appearance he had earlier about looking absent in though and action was seemingly gone now.

“Oh… Sen and everyone. I didn’t expect to run into all of you over here. Could I help you with anything?”

“Well, we were hoping we could ask you for help with something, but could we go to your father’s workshop? We’re looking to borrow some oil and maybe help prepare some things we have with us.”

“Uh… yes, of course. Come with me.”

Kiba would lead the group back to his home, though he’d remain rather quiet for about half the journey. Only when they’d be within the busier parts of town did he get chattier. In all honesty, it felt rather awkward to ask about his friends’ lives, as he didn’t think it was his business to know. Then again, he was more reserved and sheltered, with first impressions looking like he didn’t have others within his age group to talk casually about anything. Still, this group was familiar, a better prospect than meeting with strangers outside of business transactions when his father or mother were too busy to handle those. 

If one were to inspect the pack, even at a distance, there'd be the occasional boxes of screws, wood planks, a few repair tools for the shop... and some small packs of food sealed in little bags. They didn't look too out of the ordinary, but if they were from the general store and intended for the workshop, it looked odd for Kiba to be walking away from the town. This didn't seem to be the case with his new friends walking with him back to town, but was worth noting for future occurrences on the off-chance this wasn't the first time its happened.

“I noticed you all were coming from the direction of the scrap yard. See anything that got your interest? Oh, Mr. Rosa, father told me you’d be working with the local authorities as a consultant? I don’t mean to pry, but is there more you could tell me about that, or are those the kind of things that should be kept hushed?”

Edited by EQ_Theta
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@Blitz Boom
Mouthing the words shouldn't have been too much of a problem, since in the scroll given to Leviathan things were written in both languages' alphabet, exceptions of course being anything that  may have been odd for her to pronounce due to differences in language, though generally speaking, there was enough things similar to the different Equestrian draconic languages, that someone knowledgeable about languages would easily be able to tell that it was a some kind of draconic language. 

"You are correct that you can get far without words, if you trespass and someone growls at you, you can tell they want you out, but if they say Jaseve or Nelithik, that determines how fast and how far you should go, because the first means leave, and the latter means die." "For response, while your suggestion would work, it is good to keep it simple, and just say, I leave, Si Jaseve, and then leave without hesitation, though it is wise to leave backwards, since I wouldn't trust my kind to not attack when your back is turned." "Our kind is a species of few words, so while there exists a set of grammar rules, in spoken language they don't matter, less words the better." 

"One other important difference is between the words weak and weakling, weak translates, plythu, but weakling doesn't, we have a term, hawrk, which means the same as weakling, but isn't actually a translatable word itself, and rather a part of our word for pathetic, which is hawrk'ghukech, this is where the more cultural differences come in, but understanding which word is used is important. If someone calls you hawrk, that means that they see you as so weak that fighting you would be pointless, it can be bit insulting, but it is really the best thing to be called if you wish to avoid a fight, since it generally means that until you do something stupid, they'll let you be. " "Plythu is the other side of the coin, it is to call you weak as an insult, as a challenge, they think you are weak and will prove it, if they call you that, they are planning to attack you." "There is also a third word, rifijogul, it can be translated into many things, but it is what i mean when i call you weak, it is a acknowledging term, it is what would be used if I for example stated that, Due to his small size, Charir is weak." Ruby thought for a moment "Now that I think about it, I could probably write a book about just the ways we have to call others weak." 

She'd then proceed to instruct Leviathan towards the scroll, listing the words she thought would be best for her to get first, also adding few that weren't on the scroll to add context to certain things, ultimately she'd focus on two things specifically, understanding anything that indicated danger, and being able to tell others, mainly Charir, positive things, though in latter it again showed how negative their culture was, because instead of genuine praise, things tended to be more in the lines of 'Congrats, you didn't suck'. 

Nobody had anything to comment before harpoon left for the fortifications, the siblings did kinda roll their eyes at the evidence comment, since unsurprisingly they saw that as a stupid reason to not use a weapon, but they didn't comment on it because they didn't want to use them anyway, daggers were pointless when you had claws, especially for someone like Trox who's metal claws were simply superior to a single dagger, even ignoring the materials and sharpness that were better than what was available here. 

"That is probably the best option right now." Trox responded to the last suggestion "We are used to this, but we also had connections and such we had build up for years, which we don't have here, can't exactly just contact the black market to get few boxes of explosives here." it was a joke, but also had hint of truth behind it, getting things wasn't that easy back home either, but they did have contacts that allowed them to gain access to weaponry and such, that's how Trox had gotten his replacement limbs. 

"One thing that should be mentioned is that, don't let our small size fool you, while obviously a hammer twice our size and half our body weight isn't a good weapon for us, we can still use real weapons, so no tiny daggers, we have no use for those, until they are made for throwing." "And if you can't find anything, if you bring us scrap, I can make us something to use." 

As they spoke, the siblings started to build up the window barriers, with Sear joining them to help with lifting things, as she was the most physically strong of the group, and the tallest, and if you asked Chega, the prettiest too. 


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@Blitz Boom

Star Echo had too much joy in this new land to truly understand the possible insult that he had his own personal tracker.  Nor the ability to know the diamond dog was using magic of any kind.  All too reliant on the glow of a unicorn horn to know when magic was in use.  His joyous laughter was all that came in response to being told a tracking spell was being placed on him.  Grace was all the more relieved to hear Gerthrude's words and the knowledge her husband was at least in a safer position should anything happen.

Here we go.

The family was again bathed in the sunlight of Harrowmark.  The sounds of the festival were no longer held back by the castle walls and doors.  Their exit from the castle was quickly noticed, not that five formal dressed ponies surrounded by six shiny polished armored guards granted one the maximum amount of stealth.  Young ones were the first too approach, still full of that curious spark.  This were something Rising was a little more use.  Serving as law enforcement, the detective had often enough visited schools for safety talks or being approached on the street by foals with dreams and wonderment for the career.  An element less in Dawn's experience, as she pretty exclusively dealt with adults.  The family gave their smiles and small greetings to the gathered youths, Grace even finding her way to ground to be so less out of reached.  "Greetings, young ones," the detective offered to the group.

The compliments didn't go unnoticed.  Similar such reactions to their arrival, even if Dawn still felt underdressed for the occasion.  Star Echo waggled his bushy mustache at the pup that commented on it, a common thing he did when the twins themselves were small foals to entertain them.  He looked a bit goofy, but it produced a new ballad of jovial ho ho hos from the older stallion.  It was nice to see their escorts weren't chasing the curious young ones away, although Rising felt that even at that young an age the foals and pup had a healthy respect for the guards.  Adults would be a new test.  It had all barely started and the detective gazed out at the city from this ground level.  So much to see and so much to do.  

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@Rising Dusk

The kids were ecstatic to see that the savior were takling to them. From foal to pup, it seemed to really perk them up. Gerthrude even went as far as wave one of the guards to the side, to give them a better view to him, and the ponies behind. The prince in turn, would kneel down, and ruffle some hair and manes, whilst introducing Rising to them proper, all with a smile on his face.

Eventually, a diamond dog female would come around, and gather up the kids to give the esteemed group some personal space. She'd look up at the captain as she began, the noticed who else where there, and in succession of the prince, then Rising, then the captain, would do a bow of the neck, though she remained silent. Gerthrude in turn, would bow her neck slightly, acknowledging the respect given, as would Necrotic.

Their path would soon take them off, with the younglings behind them, waving and saying goodbye, and them going towards the main street of town.

"The innocence and marvel of youth. May it never tire me to see."

The prince chuckled to himself, as the formation closed up again, and they'd go on with their travel, down the main street.

Menacing as Gerthrude were, it appeared that very few eyes her with fear, but more respected the fact that she were there, to protect the ones she wandered with. As were her pack, who stayed alert, but did not seem like they were about to attack anyone just yet. A grave mistake, by anyone trying something, but so far, it actually seemed to go well, all things considered. And by that were meant, that most all they passed, would bow, and not an insignificant amount were going near, but not to touch him directly per se. They were approaching with gifts, that showed their appreciation.

Most were pretty inexpensive things. Small homemade dolls, wooden figures, carved mugs, or religious symbols. A few books too, and some flasks and food items. Nothing overtly harmful, magic wise. Except for one, who had snuck in with a lot of the crowd, and were approaching with a knife. He were apprehended by being lifted up by one of Gerthrude's meaty paws, and face to face, asked to explain himself. At which point, the stammering, paling earth pony, would utter that he did not mean to appear as a threat, but had come bearing a gift. The knife he carried were not sharp, nor were more magical than anything else that came from Harrowmark. It were a ceremonial knife, meant for harvest festivals, and he had wanted to offer it up. Examining the weapon, would have Gerthrude put him down gently again, and allow him to continue to offer it. Which he would now do, with the blade towards himself.

The prince had mentioned that he would be offered gifts, and the pouch he had would surely come to work now, since a fair bit, wished to show their appreciation, and taking inly some, could be seen as rude. Nothing were larger than his head though: Everyone had assumed bigger would be too much, and had hoped they would be one of the few to be able to gift him something, as a thanks. How practical he had this pouch then, was it not?

As for the gift givers, they were all still allowing personal space. They understood the significance of the guards, and had a healthy respect for them, as well as their savior. Thus none would really try and push through. Though a few did stumble, from the pressure of the droves of others behind them, with a quick paw being reached out to help them get their footing again.

Eventually, the crowd would not thin out per se, but go apart, and let them proceed with a bit more speed. Most who would approach them from here, were the elderly, who had more symbolic, meaningful things to offer. Things that were old, and in a few cases, did contain some powerful dark magics. Though in fairness, those items were not being delivered per se, as much as the items controlling the elderly, to approach him with the items. They should be dispelable fairly easily, leaving some confused ponies, uncertain where they were, but still stammering out gratitude, as they saw who they were facing. it appeared that while they were not showing their faces themselves, there were still some, who wished harm to Rising. But at the same time, they were smart enough to keep their distance, and not be seen out and about. Couldn't risk being revealed as Twisted sympathizer for instance.

Moving along further, they'd reach the entrance to a bazar of sorts, in which several forges were roaring away to the right side, whilst at the left, at a safe distance, were cloth makers, spinning and weaving as best they could, with the materials that Harrowmark now had. This point, the prince would ask them to halt at, and move closer to. As they did, they'd be able to see there being several stands nearby, selling cloth, or metal of various kinds, including jewelry.

Would not be long, before a pony would approach them. Slick, onyx mane and tail, looking so glistening it appeared almost as oil. Small rounded glasses, framing down his muzzle, and wearing an old fashioned, slightly ratty suit, and wooden shoes, painted to look as glistening as his hair were. His coat were ghostly white, and near his thigh, would be a cutie mark, representing a needle, poking down on an anvil. There would also be a belt, with both a solid hammer, and a small pouch, likely containing a sewing kit. There were no indication outwardly that he were undead, but Rising could likely tell. The natural necromancy of Harrowmark, were rather distinct, but the lack of outward wounds, made it hard to say what had caused this one's demise.

"I... Oh my, your majesty. Sir Dusk. To what do I owe this immense honor?"

His voice were baffled, and light, as he gazed upon his honored guests.

"Mr. Agnostica. I wish not to disturb you too long, but I have one, whom I promised an introduction to.

Miss Dawn? If I may introduce you to Fallacy Agnostica. While we have many vendors of importance in Harrowmark, Mr. Agnostica and his husband, are in control of one of the more well regarded everyday production section of Copperhagen itself. Mr. Agnostica are in control of this delightful place, whereas his husband are in raw textile and materials business. Both of whom would be good for you to meet, if you wish to make a connection to the Harrowish trade markets."

The guards would move to the side a bit, allowing Dawn to be seen more directly, at which point Fallacy would widen his eyes some, and push up his glasses. Though after his brief shock, his expression became less dumbfounded, and more scrutinizing, as he observed the mare closely.

"Impressively made clothes, worn with style, but without hampering movement... Very fascinating. Clearly not local style, but a few tweaks, with the improved materials, and some insulation... Are you a tradesmare? What are your general... Sorry, m-my apologies, Miss Dawn. I get caught up in the trade sometimes. It is a great honor to meet you, and your family on this day."

His expression softened, as he caught himself in a trader moment, and gave a formal bow to the mare.



@Catpone Cerberus

On 2022-12-04 at 1:58 PM, Catpone Cerberus said:

"You are correct that you can get far without words, if you trespass and someone growls at you, you can tell they want you out, but if they say Jaseve or Nelithik, that determines how fast and how far you should go, because the first means leave, and the latter means die." "For response, while your suggestion would work, it is good to keep it simple, and just say, I leave, Si Jaseve, and then leave without hesitation, though it is wise to leave backwards, since I wouldn't trust my kind to not attack when your back is turned." "Our kind is a species of few words, so while there exists a set of grammar rules, in spoken language they don't matter, less words the better." 

"One other important difference is between the words weak and weakling, weak translates, plythu, but weakling doesn't, we have a term, hawrk, which means the same as weakling, but isn't actually a translatable word itself, and rather a part of our word for pathetic, which is hawrk'ghukech, this is where the more cultural differences come in, but understanding which word is used is important. If someone calls you hawrk, that means that they see you as so weak that fighting you would be pointless, it can be bit insulting, but it is really the best thing to be called if you wish to avoid a fight, since it generally means that until you do something stupid, they'll let you be. " "Plythu is the other side of the coin, it is to call you weak as an insult, as a challenge, they think you are weak and will prove it, if they call you that, they are planning to attack you." "There is also a third word, rifijogul, it can be translated into many things, but it is what i mean when i call you weak, it is a acknowledging term, it is what would be used if I for example stated that, Due to his small size, Charir is weak." Ruby thought for a moment "Now that I think about it, I could probably write a book about just the ways we have to call others weak." 

"Attacking in the back, while the other one's scurrying off eh? That's pretty weak honestly. That's the sorta thing rogues or spies does. Underhanded fighting, rather than facing someone right on. Not saying there ain't a time and a space for that sorta thing, but really didn't figure your folks for being into that.

Anyway. the responses? I'll keep that phrase of yours in mind, and the difference between get lost, and die. The latter, I'll do some magic, cause I ain't keen on dying. I'll cheat my way to living, thank you very much.

And seriously, you folks have a weird fascination with calling out weakness, in so many, many variations. Wouldn't surprise me if you had words for different types of weakness too. like damaged wings, scrawny legs, or weak fire. And a guide book isn't bad on this, but like you said, the less that knows about your sort, the better. Boks would probably cause questions. It'd be an interesting read though, judging by the words you have now, cause those are some tongue twisters.

Reminds me a bit of ancient draconian. Not too closely though. Like, the word in that tongue for weak, is Gahr'ruhglar. But the meaning there is more like, weak in the sense that you're telling someone else to back off from them, cause it'd be insulting to your honor to bully the weak. A more insulting term, would probably be Faaahr'rg. Old word for newly hatched, with a judgmental twist. Just going Faaahr is an endearing term, for younglings. The former is usually said by those older, thinking that you're a weak hatchling, way out of your debt, if you're challenging them. A warning, before bashing you away.

A lot more endearing terms than your rougher one. Makes me wonder if it branched off at some point, with the more hardened going elsewhere... Meh, heck if I know. I ain't a historian, and this stuff's probably hundreds of thousands of years in the past."

On 2022-12-04 at 1:58 PM, Catpone Cerberus said:

She'd then proceed to instruct Leviathan towards the scroll, listing the words she thought would be best for her to get first, also adding few that weren't on the scroll to add context to certain things, ultimately she'd focus on two things specifically, understanding anything that indicated danger, and being able to tell others, mainly Charir, positive things, though in latter it again showed how negative their culture was, because instead of genuine praise, things tended to be more in the lines of 'Congrats, you didn't suck'

Between her rants, she'd still look at the scroll, and be a good student, by checking out the ones to watch out for. More or less. She were not pleased with the *nice* things she could say to Charir. Did not seem nice at all in fact, with a fair bit of meanness behind it too. Hopefully he'd catch on to Ponish soon so she'd be able to tell him in better terms, that he were doing well, and that she were proud of any accomplishment he made.

Seemed he were studying hard too, so she'd wander over after a bit, and while considering to use some of the words she had somewhat learned - she'd probably say them wrong some times - she did not want him to associate her positivity, with just a face, whilst saying nasty things to him.

So she'd go over, and give the top of his head a good, ruffle, then look at him with a big, happy grin. Hopefully he'd feel encouraged to know that she were rooting for him.

"Y'know, do you folks never just, be nice to one another? Constant fighting, name calling... Isn't it exhausting, to never see another dragon, as anything else than a temporary mate, or an enemy? It'd grind my gears, if all I were faced with, were harshness all the time.

...Actually, this starts to explain a lot, now that I think about it."



@Catpone Cerberus

On 2022-12-04 at 1:58 PM, Catpone Cerberus said:

"We are used to this, but we also had connections and such we had build up for years, which we don't have here, can't exactly just contact the black market to get few boxes of explosives here."

"I'd have questions if you could. Us guard branches tries to fight off the black market, but every time we get somewhere, it's just a snippet. A branch, with a high ranking player at best, but then the rest of the markets just cuts them off, and goes back around to hide from us. I know in theory it is impossible to fight the existence of an illegal market like that, but we're still trying, cause we've seen some of the things, and creatures they sell. It's bad news a lot of times."

Historical relics, highly dangerous magical items, cursed objects, endangered species- If you wanted something, the black market could usually provide in some fashion. And much as they tried, they just couldn't get in to the depth of it, much less figure out who the big kingpins there would be, who they could squeeze for some operating plans, or meeting locations. Even those who claimed they were big fish, had information that usually led to nowhere. It was infuriating.

On 2022-12-04 at 1:58 PM, Catpone Cerberus said:

"One thing that should be mentioned is that, don't let our small size fool you, while obviously a hammer twice our size and half our body weight isn't a good weapon for us, we can still use real weapons, so no tiny daggers, we have no use for those, until they are made for throwing." "And if you can't find anything, if you bring us scrap, I can make us something to use." 

As they spoke, the siblings started to build up the window barriers, with Sear joining them to help with lifting things, as she was the most physically strong of the group, and the tallest, and if you asked Chega, the prettiest too. 

She'd bite notice in what were said, and would take off with it in mind.

It'd be about a half hour before she were back. She'd be carrying a bag with her, filled with a few good things, in her opinion.

"Sadly the princess were not home, so no enhancements, but I were allowed to borrow some weaponry she'd been sent from Canterlot. Apparently, they've just been collecting dust."

She'd open up, and pull out a few things. Starting with two broadswords, then a lance, two short swords, a crossbow, a quiver with 40 bolts, and a field standard shield. The lance had been poking out, and the rest... Well, they had been heavy, which could be seen on the guard sweating a bit, and letting out a low sigh of relief, when the bag went down.

There would also be some scrap metal there, which seemed to be mostly pieces from broken up barrels, crates, boxes, and hinges.

"He put some scrap in there too. I don't need to bring that back he said. Apparently just some trash they haven't tossed yet, from some sorta tests? I dunno. Hoped it would help."

She'd stand just behind them, looking down in the large bag with them. Yet something else would happen too. In the bottom of the bag, if they ruffled around, they'd find something interesting amidst the scrap in the bottom. A small ball of something, that looked like leather, that had been pressured between some scrap. And as it started to shuffle around, it would stir, roll about, and start to let out a green gas. A numbing agent, that tended to generally work by causing temporary paralysis of the legs, and cause some degree of delusion, making it harder to focus doing magic. The first stage at least. Too long inhalation, would cause more severe paralysis, which could be fatal. This were not something they should be breathing in, for more time than they had to.




On 2022-12-03 at 11:20 AM, EQ_Theta said:

“We should meet him. He could help us out with getting the tools prepared, or he could put in a good word with Uncle to let us borrow some oil real quick.”

“Still, it looks kind of odd for him to be out here looking a little lost. He has lived here longer than us… unless he only stuck to a small part of town. No harm asking him about that. Come on, let’s go see him.”

"Maybe he is running an errand?"

"Fairly plausible, if his father is occupied working, it might well be he would go and get something. or it is for a project of his own. hard to say honestly."

Maybe a bit odd he were around here, but Omen were not judging, and Rosa were at this point, having some ideas, but thinking none of them were real, and just his paranoia about these sorts of things. Rationally speaking, it were more than likely nothing like his first thoughts, and more mundane, such as an errand, a surprise thing, or something he were tinkering with himself. They could simply just go an ask honestly, and they'd likely find that yes, it were just something normal.

On 2022-12-03 at 11:20 AM, EQ_Theta said:

“Oh… Sen and everyone. I didn’t expect to run into all of you over here. Could I help you with anything?”

“Well, we were hoping we could ask you for help with something, but could we go to your father’s workshop? We’re looking to borrow some oil and maybe help prepare some things we have with us.”

“Uh… yes, of course. Come with me.”

"What are you carrying? Is it important?"

Omen just came out and asked right away, after the small talk portion had finished, while Rosa would instead keep a searching eye on the young longma. His behavior seemed... Odd. Like he were trying to hide something. Or possibly something troubled him. Which may or may not be related to what he were carrying... He were again sure it were just paranoia, but in his position, Rosa tended to have to think of possibilities, as ludicrous as they might seem, and be generally prepared for them, as well as try and predict what were to come. Not always something that worked well, but overall speaking, it were a good, general rule of hoof, in his experience.

If he did not want to answer, or ignored it, Omen would simply not ask again, assuming that it were not the time for it then, with both her and Rosa following along with the group.

They'd get a chance to enjoy the scenery of Old Town a bit more this way. Including seeing some houses that appeared to be in the middle of renovation work. Had to keep the old style, due to the laws here, but didn't meant they couldn't get fixed up, and have the inside modernized as well as one could, considering the limitations. Just good to see that there were some focus on getting the buildings back in shape, so they could become livable for others again. And remake what were basically just ruins at this point, which were harder work, but likely had somepony work on getting that done too, judging by things.

As for the pack... Rosa spotted the various things, and got confirmed that this were just regular things, one could expect for the type of work that they did. Omen were still not sure, if there were something she could not see, hence had asked the question. But at least Rosa felt satisfied that Kiba were likely just a bit unfamiliar with dealing with groups out here in the open, rather than harboring a potential secret. Though he likely did that too, but a lesser one. All of them had secrets, after all.

On 2022-12-03 at 11:20 AM, EQ_Theta said:

“I noticed you all were coming from the direction of the scrap yard. See anything that got your interest? Oh, Mr. Rosa, father told me you’d be working with the local authorities as a consultant? I don’t mean to pry, but is there more you could tell me about that, or are those the kind of things that should be kept hushed?”

"We were looking for some tools, to function as a gift, and I mentioned the scrap yard had affordable things, long as you did not care about them being entirely new and sparkly. We manage to find some things of interest, including tools, some quality of life objects, and in the case of Shrimp, something which appears to please him."

He'd point towards the little one, who'd still lay wrapped around his small tower, on top of Omen's head As he did, the little one would shake it again, causing the little bell to ring once more. A simple, yet important point of delight for him it seemed.

"As for my occupation, I am indeed an acting consultant for the guard service of Equestria. Their anti-spy division, to be exact. It have been deemed that my observational skills, and outsider perspective, might be helpful to them in some capacity. I hardly saw a reason to turn away a job, and thus, I have happily complied with their request. Much to the delight of my half brother, I am sure."

The parts where he were a fugitive - or traitor, if you wanted to be pedantic about it - that were not in a position to refuse his expertise to the guards, as it would not curry him favor, to put it mildly, were not something that they needed to discuss. There were no need to complicate things, with the entirety of the truth.

"I saw all of his brother, not just half. He is large."

"The term just means that we have only one parent in common, Omen. In our case, our mother. And the less said of her, the better.

Apologies if that sounded somewhat hostile, but the relation between my half brother and I, are tenuous, and that to our mother, are a fair bit worse. She have made some... Questionable choices, that neither of us can agree with."




"I wanna swim and read."

Sharp clapped her hooves together excitedly. These were rather simply studies to pick for a start, but in her case, they made a fair bit of sense. Swimming were something that helped her stay in shape, and introduced her to new friends, including that kelpie that seemed to enjoy having fun on the students behalf. And reading were going to be important, if she wanted to be like a pony. And while she were her own thing, and did not intend to go away from what made her a shark - hunting, swimming, booping things with her nose - she still wanted to be as much pony as she could be too, so she could learn, and be part of this pretty, dry place.

Self defense weren't that important for her, considering that she were probably stronger than anything that wanted to attack her, and whatever were trained in actual fighting skills, would have little reason to go after her, as in the area, would be mostly guards. So she'd probably be okay for a time.

As dinner seemed done, that meant they could go and sign up to classes. The kitsune's classes were further down, so they'd go and join up, as Light and Shark would sign up to theirs. Starting with the closest one, which were the self defense class. Opening the door, they'd find a couple of guards setting up some training dummies, and harmless bamboo swords, to function with training. As well as ensuring things were tidied up.

One wore the classical armor of the nightguard, and as were typical, were a bat pony. A pair of shaded glasses were on a chair in the corner, but the room were dimmed, so he did not need them in here currently. His mane and tail were short and military looking, and while he were not a big, beefy one, he'd still look like he knew how to swing some proper kicks.

The other one were a pegasus mare, wearing blue armor, and a trident down her side, in a holder. Her hair were long, tail wavy and torso length, and she seemed to be whistling a little tune, as she were working. Her half dancing making her wavy, light-blue hair, wave around slightly, like a calm ocean.

That ended, once she looked at the ones entering, and her eyes fell straight up on Shark.

Wha- Shark!"

She'd jump a step back, and reach for her trident, while the Night Guard would shake his head at her.

"I'm not falling for that one, Oyster. You have to try a lot... Harder...?"

He'd turn around as he spoke, as he felt somepony nearing, and were met with Shark, having wandered forward, and giving him a big, friendly - yet very toothy - smile. This seemed to actively baffle him. Though not as much as they both were, when she started to talk.

"Hello! I am Shark Jäger. You have shiny shell. Like... Iiiiin-seeeee-ct. Insect. Shiny like insect."

"...Please tell me I'm not awake right now."

"No, that's... Uhm... Good shark, stay calm? Celestia, this is so much weirder on land..."

The blue armored one, called Oyster, would not draw her weapon, but get closer, then hesitant, wander over, and run her hoof in a circle, at a specific point, on Shark's tail, around the second *back* fin. Something which made Shark perk up suddenly, and then start to look really mellowed out, like a dog being scratched on its favorite spot.

"Shark feel gooooood.... Hehe, friend is nice."

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@Blitz Boom

Light would take note at what she did, but he could not avoid to feel a bit jealous, seeing shark enjoying some others hooves.

" ahmm! The names Light. I am Shark's mate." He said with clarity and sturdiness. He made sure he got Oyster's attention.

" Im here to attend your class not her." Light gave Oyster a warning stare.

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@Blitz Boom

"My pensmareship isn't the best, but it certainly is recognizable. I don't write particularly fast either, but I'm certain that she'd be overjoyed to come here."Ginger smiled, loving the thought of seeing her mother again. She hadn't even seen her mother since she was a filly. Her wings fluttered in a bit of excitement.

"Mutations and letters aside, Ginger do you have a special somepony? If so, I think we should have the talk that big brothers give to coltfriends. " Howl smirked playfully.

"No, I don't have a special somepony. Even if I did, you might scare them away."Ginger huffed in mild annoyance.

"If they're brave enough to date you, I doubt I'd scare them." Howl said.

"Oh shush, I'm not going to want to go with you if you keep being annoying." She glared at him.

"Oh, please, you know you'd want to come along anyway."he rolled his eyes.

"Mmmn..."She squinted at him skeptically.

"Yeah, who am I kidding? Of course I want to come with you! Even if you're annoying and nosey. "She giggled.

"That's what big brothers are for, isn't it?" He playfully made a goofy face.

"I guess so.."She giggled.

" Anyway, back on topic, I'm fine letting others look after Meiko for a bit. And I'd love to come with you and my brother." Ginger smiled as she spoke to Cheshire.

"We aren't flying anywhere, are we? I wouldn't want Ginger to end up getting hurt crash landing." Howl was a bit concerned.

"I haven't gotten hurt from crashing in a long time! I'd even say I'm quite competent at crashing without getting hurt."Ginger argued.

"Note that you didn't say you could competently land."Howl argued back.

"My wings are like twice the size they should be! And I didn't really need to fly to go places back home."She squeaked defensively.

" You should have practiced anyway. Flying is like playing an instrument, you get better with practice." He bickered with Ginger.

"Whatever, let's just go...We're probably running out of day light..."Ginger huffed, annoyed and frustrated from arguing.

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@Blitz Boom

On 2022-12-09 at 8:30 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"What are you carrying? Is it important?"

Omen just came out and asked right away, after the small talk portion had finished, while Rosa would instead keep a searching eye on the young longma. His behavior seemed... Odd. Like he were trying to hide something. Or possibly something troubled him. Which may or may not be related to what he were carrying... He were again sure it were just paranoia, but in his position, Rosa tended to have to think of possibilities, as ludicrous as they might seem, and be generally prepared for them, as well as try and predict what were to come. Not always something that worked well, but overall speaking, it were a good, general rule of hoof, in his experience.

“These are just some things for the shop’s upkeep and maintenance. You know, soap, brushes, some oil for father’s tools… Nothing out of the ordinary. The general store is pretty much where you can grab all of these things and more. Uh, let’s see here… a box of screws, adhesives, and… food? Most of this stuff was for father, but he didn’t ask for food. Why did I buy them?”

“Could it be because you’re hungry? Or just curious about what they tasted like if you haven’t tried them before?”

“That’s just it… These are just packs of bagels and cookies, and I’ve already eaten so I wouldn’t need to buy food.”

“Doesn’t sound right, but maybe we could look into this with your father later?”

“I doubt he knows if it has happened before, but if you think it’ll help.”

It would seem as if Kiba might have had a lapse in memory, but the night before has shown that he was about as normal as anyone could get. A sudden change like this couldn’t have happened this soon. However, the siblings didn’t want to try jumping to conclusions for now, as they don’t know too much about the young longma’s history to know if he’s got memory problems. Then again, there wasn’t any indication for it based on their previous two interactions. If anything were to indicate something, it was that he acclimated to Omen’s strange appearance and way of communicating faster than a lot of other creatures, but they’d take that as a good thing.

The matter would be best kept hushed for now, but the more Kiba looked at the contents of his bag, the more confused he became. It’d take a bit for this worry and paralysis to subside before they all resumed their walk back to the shop. Passing back though the town served to be enough of a distraction for the siblings to take in the sights, and the young longma would be drawn back to his conversation with Rosa about what he’ll be doing in town now.

On 2022-12-09 at 8:30 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"As for my occupation, I am indeed an acting consultant for the guard service of Equestria. Their anti-spy division, to be exact. It have been deemed that my observational skills, and outsider perspective, might be helpful to them in some capacity. I hardly saw a reason to turn away a job, and thus, I have happily complied with their request. Much to the delight of my half brother, I am sure."

The parts where he were a fugitive - or traitor, if you wanted to be pedantic about it - that were not in a position to refuse his expertise to the guards, as it would not curry him favor, to put it mildly, were not something that they needed to discuss. There were no need to complicate things, with the entirety of the truth.

"I saw all of his brother, not just half. He is large."

"The term just means that we have only one parent in common, Omen. In our case, our mother. And the less said of her, the better.

Apologies if that sounded somewhat hostile, but the relation between my half brother and I, are tenuous, and that to our mother, are a fair bit worse. She have made some... Questionable choices, that neither of us can agree with."

“That explains you looking for oil, and I just have some on me. We’ll get it sorted at the workshop, but about that anti-spy division?… Are there really that many spies in Equesria? That doesn’t sound good. Kind of makes you wonder about who’s a spy; heh, maybe there might be one around us right now… I guess if there’s such a thing as that division, it’s got to be a serious issue. And about what you mentioned, about your mother, that is… I’m sorry to hear that.”

“I’ve always known that growing up with a good family was sort of expected. If young creatures came to be because of love between their mothers and fathers, I find it hard to believe that there’d be children who’d grow up to dislike their parent, especially if their parents also loved them. Hearing that you’ve had the kind of experiences that made you not like your mother… I’m sorry about that, and I hope your relationships with the rest of your family are faring better. And, you know? You might also make some new friends so you won’t be so lonely.”

Kiba would pause from the conversation to think about what Rosa said. There may be a kind of comfort in knowing he grew up with loving parents, but it got him to recall the situation surrounding Sen’s and Lin’s parents. Uddo briefly spoke of it the day before, but the thought of broken or dysfunctional families didn’t make it easier for him. It wouldn’t be long before the group would be back in town and much closer to the town square and the workshop, where Kiba’s thoughts shifted to trying to piece together how he wandered far from the town square. After all, this was where the general store could be found, just across the corner closest to the town’s large library. 

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@Blitz Boom
"We are as much of hypocrites as we are violent." "In the homelands, the appearance of strength is almost more important than actual strength, after all, every fight is a risk, so it's better to seem strong enough for others to not want to fight you." "Take my mother for example, she has lot of treasure, which implies she's a strong enough fighter to steal it, yet, at least part of it, if not most of it, is taken from those lot smaller than her, like myself." "She also taught me principles she herself doesn't follow." 

"I too have come to realize our obsession with weakness, even if we don't necessarily have thousand words for weakness directly, many words imply weakness more strongly than they do in other languages." "But it does seem to be a relatively new occurrence, as none of the older texts I've read show it in the same way, it has most likely evolved into the language as we turned to what we are now." She didn't comment on the connection to ancient draconian, because like Leviathan, she had no way of knowing, the history she knew was very limited, and went only so far in time, granted, it was a very long time generally speaking, but relative to dragon -history, it was a very short moment in time.  She did believe that all dragons, if not all lizards, came from the same ancestor species, or several similar species, but she had no real evidence for it, so she didn't bring it up. 


Charir was again bit confused about Leviathan's actions, this time partly due to being so focused on learning that she had kinda managed to sneak up on him, he didn't jump or anything, but it took him a second to realize what was happening. He was at this point capable of  telling that the whole things was a positive interaction, though the exact meaning may have gone bit over his head, as evidenced by him trying to mimic the gesture by patting Leviathan's head as a response. He also smiled back, though it was easy to tell his smile didn't come as naturally to him, and rather he was just mimicking what he had seen others do to signal positivity. He'd then return to reading, and his learning got faster as he got further, as in, the first few words took a while, but after that, each word got easier to learn due to there being more and more symbols he already knew.

"I can't speak for others, but for what I have seen, I myself am on the top when it comes to being nice for our kind, ignoring young hatchlings like Charir, as younglings are often nicer due to their naivety." "And this is not meant as a brag of any kind, but just a observation, what I have told you about our mother, that is not an exception, it's the norm." "I have seen several hatchlings go through the realization of how cruel our land is, and I have gone through it myself, as much as I hate her, our mother was right." "Is it exhausting? yes, but we know no other way, you cannot miss something you never had, we never crave for love or friendship, because from the moment of hatching we are shown that we are alone against those stronger than us." 

"And I want you to understand that I am not defending it, I hope my actions and stated goals show that I wish not to continue on the route our kind has set itself on, but the fact is, that for those who stay in the homelands, that is the only reality that exists." "That all said, exceptions always exist, and I have heard of dragons sharing their territory, pair of females or pair of males defending the same borders, but I have never seen that myself, so I cannot tell you how they look at the world, if they share our kind's general ideology or not." 




"And we wouldn't respond to those questions." Sheska remarked, she voiced it like a joke, but it was genuine statement, this may have been a different world, but they would have not agreed to work with guards against the black market, because for them it was a tool to help those suffering under tyranny, sure there was no tyranny here at the moment, and criminals were actual criminals, but that could change at any moment, they had learned that sometimes you had to work with those who were morally dubious to have a good outcome. It was also partly due to them being kobolds, the general believe in their kind was that it was okay for thousand kobolds to die if it helped more than thousand kobolds, and that translated to everything, little bit of bad was acceptable if the good was greater in the end, the ends justify the means. 


When Harpoon would get back, she'd come in to Trox telling a story to Chega and Sear "....and then, Boom! the ground shook as everything went off, the rock we were behind cracked from the blast wave, and when we looked, there was nothing left of the poor dragon, not a single drop of blood, yet in the bottom of the crater, the bastard was still operational, though barely, and we managed to finish it off. we lost 35 soldiers in that fight." Neither Chega or Sear said anything, but both of their expressions told of both intrigue and slight sympathetic discomfort.


Sheska would stay back looking at the weapons that Harpoon pulled out from closer, while Trox was the one who would go look at the bag from closer, Sear and Chega stayed away because they both were as armed as they wanted to be.  He moved the stuff bit around, it wasn't the most useful scrap he had ever seen, but it was something, he also noticed the ball, and his alarms started to ring some moments before the gas even came out, and he pushed Harpoon with his tail "Get back!" he then pulled himself back from the bag, since due to size difference he was basically inside of it, and closed it with his hands, he then without a word dragged it into the hallway, since they blocked the windows, went to a hallway window, opened it, and grabbed the ball with his metal arm and threw it out, also leaving the bag there for now to let it air out, then he went back in the room, assuming nothing happened in the ten or so seconds he spend at the window. 

"Either someone managed to sneak up on you or the castle is compromised." was his first words, and while Sheska was going to say something, he continued without giving a chance to interrupt "Nerve agent, my limbs feel bit numb, luckily they are rarely permanent, and only affect biological stuff, anyone else get hit?" he spoke calmly, the question being mainly aimed at Harpoon, as she was the only one close enough for the escaped gas to hit her, and Trox didn't have time to check if she had actually moved when he told her to. Sheska seemed almost relieved at the information, sure she was clearly worried about her brother, but hearing what it was lessened that worry, Chega and Sear were lot more concerned about it, but they trusted the siblings enough to not insist on it when they seemed to act like it was not a big deal.



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On 2022-12-10 at 9:43 AM, EQ_Theta said:

“These are just some things for the shop’s upkeep and maintenance. You know, soap, brushes, some oil for father’s tools… Nothing out of the ordinary. The general store is pretty much where you can grab all of these things and more. Uh, let’s see here… a box of screws, adhesives, and… food? Most of this stuff was for father, but he didn’t ask for food. Why did I buy them?”

“Could it be because you’re hungry? Or just curious about what they tasted like if you haven’t tried them before?”

“That’s just it… These are just packs of bagels and cookies, and I’ve already eaten so I wouldn’t need to buy food.”

“Doesn’t sound right, but maybe we could look into this with your father later?”

“I doubt he knows if it has happened before, but if you think it’ll help.”

"Don't fret too much. Momentary lapse in memory can come from many things. Including a lack of sleep, stress, having a lot on your mind, or impulse buying, while near the register, without putting much thought in it. The last is rather prevalent actually. You'd be surprised how much thinking goes into placing things in a given store, to tempt those near the exit and entrances."

It were probably nothing, this amount of food in there. It could really just be him distracted, or perhaps it had been added to the wares, as a gift from someone at the desk. A sign of affection, from someone that were yet to reveal their intents. Might also be Shadow, or some other creature adding them for some reason. There were of course the chance of some degree of mental issue, causing this, but at his age, that would be rather rare, if the longma were at least somewhat mentally build like ponies and such. It tended to mostly affect those up in age, which he could regrettably attest to, first hoof...

On 2022-12-10 at 9:43 AM, EQ_Theta said:

“That explains you looking for oil, and I just have some on me. We’ll get it sorted at the workshop, but about that anti-spy division?… Are there really that many spies in Equesria? That doesn’t sound good. Kind of makes you wonder about who’s a spy; heh, maybe there might be one around us right now… I guess if there’s such a thing as that division, it’s got to be a serious issue. And about what you mentioned, about your mother, that is… I’m sorry to hear that.”

“I’ve always known that growing up with a good family was sort of expected. If young creatures came to be because of love between their mothers and fathers, I find it hard to believe that there’d be children who’d grow up to dislike their parent, especially if their parents also loved them. Hearing that you’ve had the kind of experiences that made you not like your mother… I’m sorry about that, and I hope your relationships with the rest of your family are faring better. And, you know? You might also make some new friends so you won’t be so lonely.”

"Thank you for the kind words, yet there is no reason to fret. She left my at my father, soon after I were born, and thus, I have never known her. Not until this last year, and she are not a kind pony. In some ways, I think her leaving both me, and my older half brother, were the most kind thing she were able to do for us. At least acknowledging she were unable to care well for us, is worth the little sliver of good will I might have towards her, though it does not carry far.

As for the other thing... It is not something that is often discussed, but think of it like this: Any governing body, have layers of systems going, to keep the country in check. Those includes large sums of currency, infrastructure, who might end up in positions of influence and power, potential deals with outside countries, treaties, diplomatic efforts in general, and so forth. If one wanted to gain something from a governing body, such as Equestria, with ill intentions or selfishness in mind, they'd need ways to either siphon off what they needed, know who to bribe, or have things to blackmail with. Thus, spies are implemented, to learn everything there is from a governing body, and infiltrate various systems. Some even ending up in very high positions of power, allowing a third party to control the country, via them, to suit their own interests.

This is not often an issue for small countries, or towns, where there is little to gain in the large picture. Equestria however, is a centerpiece for politics, and diplomatic efforts. Especially the latter these days, after Twilight's efforts, are opening Equestria up to far more creatures, and good relations with outside governing bodies. Some would want information to counteract that, as they would not want Equestria to be more wide spread for various reasons. Others still, would want to exploit things, and make obscene amounts of wealth, or take power where they see the chance.

There are plentiful other things too, but these are some of the reasons why every country of importance, needs to work as diligently in stopping spies, as the spies does in doing their own work. It is a race between them, in some sense. I'm aware of some ways they might spot the more careless ones, and have a great sense of details, that might be able to reveal something being awry. Such as a changeling, taking over a position for instance. A more common thing than you might imagine.

It is a troubling matter though, and most will be completely confidential. But it should provide some interesting work at least."

His talk should somewhat line up with the trip they took, but if not, he had said his piece, and would await them going to the store, to get done what they had originally set out to do. And likely to help Kiba a little. They probably had some time for that too.



@Catpone Cerberus

Leviathan were highly amused, when Charir would start to ruffle her head in response. She'd even lean down a bit to make it easier. Wasn't often anyone did this to her anymore, but it were nice to see that even if he didn't fully understand this, he felt comfortable enough to try it himself. Same with the smile, which granted, looked a bit stiff in it, but it was yet another small step in the right direction, and that were enough to make her feel genuinely happy.

"I believe what you're saying Ruby. I've seen a lot from you at this point, and while you can be a bit rough around the edges, I know you're not close-minded, and are actually open for some change. We'd never gotten anywhere, if we couldn't talk things out, y'know? And your kind could use that sort insight, to get to a better stage. Fair enough to want to be strong and everything, but when your entire culture is just strength, the best you can end up with, are the minotaur lifestyle. And even they had to come to terms with taking at least some steps to make things better.

*sigh* But change is slow, especially for us dragons. We'll just have to take things one step at a time, and then try to think of how we go along that path. Charir trying to understand us, and me trying to understand you, seems a good step from both sides. And did you see him trying to smile, and pat me back? He's such a precious little whelp."

She were gushing a bit with glee when she got to that point, but how couldn't she? This were the closest to having a whelp she'd ever had, and she miiiight be feeling a little bit like a proud momma, seeing him learn, even though she knew that wasn't the case. Didn't mean she couldn't feel all warm and fuzzy over things, nor had to hide it. She were half water, and half air aligned dragon. She had her emotions on her sleeve, metaphorically speaking. She'd tried wearing a jacket before, and she were not a fan. Felt too cramped and uncomfortable.

"And you know, I'm not beyond being a hypocrite either. I'll admit that. I keep saying I value personal things for my hoard more than gold, and treasure the life of other dragons, but I still beat up others if they get on my nerves, and I've been known to part with things not for a good argument, but for coin at times. This and more, I've done, and will do, because I'm not perfect. But I'm perfectly content with that, and I embrace it. But I still think the level of some of your folks out-scales whatever I've manage to do so far, considering how much strength and weakness seems to be the core drive behind most, if not all things.

Still, that's what that is. Nothing to do about that right here and now, right? Best to focus on the learning. So, where did we get to... Ah, right about here I think, at the... It's either charred, or face. Hold on, I'll get it."

She went back to the scroll, to see if she could get the grasp of this. She wanted to see if she could say out a proper sentence, before Charir got his first Ponish words in.

(we can skip past the lesson, if you want to move it further. Your choice)



@Catpone Cerberus

It seemed that due to his swift actions, the gas had not managed to cause great harm. Harpoon looked a little weak in the knees, and on the streets below, there were a gasp, and some folks running away, so it sounded like things were somewhat okay. The gas wouldn't be as big an issue, if it were spread around in free air, so folks would be mostly okay. Although the appearance, and shock of that, along with the color, making it obvious it were nothing good, were now creating what had been dreaded: A panic. Folks running off, businesses shutting down before time, masses rushing to their home to lock their doors, or barricade in the newly made underground shelters... It were a mess. A mess they'd have top lo look at later perhaps, but right now, they had to focus on what were happening in here.

The only one who might feel some slight paralysis of the legs, would be Trox, due to him having had a prolonged exposure, but he had dealt with this as best one could, and as it were air born, if he had been smart enough to not breathe, it should be a passing issue, that he would be able to get past soon enough. It were however, something that had clearly shook Harpoon, and she were on the floor, gasping for air, while she were trying to make sense of this, and when it could have happened.

"I'm... I'm fine, I think. Just a little shook. It's... I just can't make sense of this. The only one in the castle were me and that dragon. He was.. He was away for a bit to find the scrap, and the bag was closed safely after. There were no one who could've snuck anything in there, except him. But why would... T-There have to be some sort of explanation."

She'd get off the floor, still heaving for breath, as her heartbeat would seem to slowly get down to a more tolerable level.

"I'm going to to and figure this out. But if this is the sorta of tricks used... I need some backup. This is the best lead we have on the assassin so far. We can't just let it pass. If this is the sort of thing they are trying, it doesn't seem they think they can just walk in here."

Coming or not, Harpoon were leaving, and this time, with a mind to go and use that trident of hers, to get some answers. She doubted that kid had actually tried to poison them, but then at the same time... She just couldn't say with any certainty right now. Nothing of this made her feel at ease.




"I have to side with your brother there to be honest. You need to train your wings. Big ones are an issue, but that can be dealt with, if you train them proper.

I can help you with a routine maybe tomorrow. I think today we outta focus on getting your mom here, and then make her feel comfortable. But before that-"

She'd turn to look at her hive, all clearly excited and eager for her next question.

"- who wants to come with us to take their mother back, and who wants to stay and play with the doggo?"

Most went straight to the dog. No surprise there. Except for Gloop, who had to prep for the daily run to the hiveless in town, and Upbeat, who had to do the run. Though they would also get a volunteer for the trip. A common looking drone, wandering with rather elegant steppes, and bows ties into the holes on his legs and on his horn. All in varied, light colors. Something the local foals had done in school, during one of their lectures a month or so ago, and he had found that he actually liked it. Made him feel rather pretty.

"Ah, Pirouette. Knew you'd be too curious to say no. Pack a bag of provisions, and we'll get going. As for the rest of you... Make the little guy feel at home, alright?"

The lot of them grinned, got to the floor, with Meiko rather confused about what were going to happen. Then one by one, they transformed into other timber wolves, of various sizes. The sight made him pause at first, then wag his tail, as they'd come over and interact with him. Usually in the pack he had grown up in, he were shunned, due to the alpha not liking him, but these wanted to play!

He'd be totally lost in this, running around on stage, playing with them in a friendly manner, to really notice much else going on for now.

"There we go. Don't worry, they're gonna take great care of them. Let's go outside, and wait for Pirouette."

She'd lead them to the front exit, and out there, stood Pirouette, before they even got there. That did not seem to surprise the queen at all though.

"You had that prepared the second they started to talk about their mom, didn't you?"

He were holding a burlap sack, that seemed to be holding a few things, yet nothing major, by the size of it.

"...Lil bit."

His voice were very light, and he scratched the back of his head, kinda embarrassed.

"I knew. You always care about others, my boy."

The disguised changeling queen would go over, and give him a peck on the forehead, making him blush a bit.

"Now then, let's go and ride the train to get to her. You can tell me if there's more things we outa know before we get there, okay? Including what sort of situation she is in right now. Are she in a hospital?"




"Her... This is getting weird. Okay, just... Come over here, and place your hoof here. Might as well teach you something.

I'm Oyster Skipper, from the headquarters in Shark Bay. One of the shark riders we have, and this right here, is a spot that releases endorphins. You need to pinch the right way with your hoof, and then rub around, like this."

She'd show this to Light, not willing to take no for an answer. She did not know what kinda madness this were, but if she were gonna have to watch this, it might as well be done right. And Shark sure didn't mind. Though when the rub wasn't done right, she'd be giggling, as it were tickling her.

Meanwhile, the other one would be looking at the kitsune, then back at the others, then back at them again.

"Well, if we're doing introductions, I'm the combat instructor, Officer Moondrop. This is going to be the first class since I got transferred-"

"And I sadly have to interrupt that already."

The door had just opened, and a large, burly, tired looking bat pony entered the room.


"Stargazer. And here I were gonna try and surprise you, you old fool."

"Sadly, it have to wait. We have an emergency."

He moved over, past the others, and whispered something to the guard, who made big eyes.

"There is a WHAT in town?! Oh hay no. Not on my watch.

Oyster, the class is dismissed for today, we got work to do."

"What's with the rush?"

"I'll explain it while we're moving. We have to get out there. Now. And you lot, I'm sorry, but you'll have to sign up some other day. This takes precedence."

He'd shoo them out, as they made their way, and as they went, locked the door, and then followed the larger guard, the kitsune would stand and frown, look between one another, then nod in tandem.

"We heard what they said. There is an assassin in town, that already attacked and hospitalized three beings. It sounded very bad."

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The event was a bit quick for Light to properly react but took note at where to touch shark.

The kitsune who is a kin to mishief would surely have a sharp ear to sniff out sources to black male and weaponize information for mischief.

" Eavesdropping is bad little ones... Although for being kitsunes. This traits is heavily engraved in you."

Light does ponder on what they've heard though.

".... They must be really bad at their job." Light replied.

" Although it can always be a distraction..." Light ponders and looked at the young kitsunes.

" You guys think this has a chance that this involves you kits? Mischief is your game and trouble is at your back. Right?"

"And if not whats worth assassinating here?

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@Blitz Boom

"She's not in a hospital, last time one of my pony friends tried to get her to the hospital, she panicked and hid in their attic and couldn't be found for a week. When she finally was found, she was in much worse condition. They kind of gave up trying to take her to the hospital because she had adverse reactions to being touched so many times." Howl explained.

"She's otherwise been an excellent house guest and has slowly been recovering. According to the last letter I received she was a bit more accepting of small gestures such as being tapped on the shoulder or having salve applied to her wounds. She did bite one of them when they attempted to move her from the spot she has been spending most of her time in. They suspect she might have broken one of her legs, but they really can't see it because she has been laying with her legs under her body. Every time they try to pull out one of her legs, she hisses and threatens to bite them.  She also can't fly, her wings were shredded to stumps. "Howl took a moment to breathe after all that dialog.

"That doesn't sound much like mama.."Ginger said softly.

"Well you haven't seen her severely injured like that.. It does certainly sound like what I observed last I visited too.." Howl's ears drooped. 

He suddenly something had occurred to him. "Ginger, do you think you could try disguising your changeling traits?"

"I haven't tried that... I've only used magic to hold things or for projects in class. Like whoop!" Her horn lit up and she pulled a spool of thread with a needle in it, followed by a few buttons, and a small piece of fabric to work as a patch out of her wild mane.

"You shouldn't keep things like that in your mane."Howl was reasonably concerned by that. 

"I don't sleep with needles or craft supplies in my mane so it's realitively safe. Besides, they're essential for emergency repairs on anything fabric. "Ginger said before putting them back in her mane somewhere hidden from view.

"You most certainly are something strange , Cheese Weevil. You know that?" he chuckled a little.

"I'm sure mom will be happy to see us. She probably missed you and your silly antics the most."He ruffled her mane playfully. 

"I hope so... From what you told Cheshire, she's in a rough state." she sighed.

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@Blitz Boom

On 2022-12-12 at 7:10 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"Don't fret too much. Momentary lapse in memory can come from many things. Including a lack of sleep, stress, having a lot on your mind, or impulse buying, while near the register, without putting much thought in it. The last is rather prevalent actually. You'd be surprised how much thinking goes into placing things in a given store, to tempt those near the exit and entrances."

It were probably nothing, this amount of food in there. It could really just be him distracted, or perhaps it had been added to the wares, as a gift from someone at the desk. A sign of affection, from someone that were yet to reveal their intents. Might also be Shadow, or some other creature adding them for some reason. There were of course the chance of some degree of mental issue, causing this, but at his age, that would be rather rare, if the longma were at least somewhat mentally build like ponies and such. It tended to mostly affect those up in age, which he could regrettably attest to, first hoof...

“That’s what you call it? Impulse buying? I hope that’s the case because I might just sleep better knowing I could kick a bad habit before it becomes a habit. Still… it’s kind of weird that it happened, but if it happened before and I don’t remember it… Ach, I’ll try going back to the store some time and talk to the pony running it. Maybe he might remember my behavior, but I appreciate taking the time to help me figure things out, even if it is just narrowing down the likely explanations.” 

Some part of Kiba understood that what might have happened wasn’t the product of some ordinary circumstances, but perhaps Rosa was right. All of this came about because of impulse, or maybe he was secretly trying to stock up on snacks he could sneak in some for himself or Shade while working. Any odd changes in behavior could be traced to some event, but that was neither here nor there, and they still had some affairs to handle at the workshop.

On 2022-12-12 at 7:10 AM, Blitz Boom said:

As for the other thing... It is not something that is often discussed, but think of it like this: Any governing body, have layers of systems going, to keep the country in check. Those includes large sums of currency, infrastructure, who might end up in positions of influence and power, potential deals with outside countries, treaties, diplomatic efforts in general, and so forth. If one wanted to gain something from a governing body, such as Equestria, with ill intentions or selfishness in mind, they'd need ways to either siphon off what they needed, know who to bribe, or have things to blackmail with. Thus, spies are implemented, to learn everything there is from a governing body, and infiltrate various systems. Some even ending up in very high positions of power, allowing a third party to control the country, via them, to suit their own interests.

This is not often an issue for small countries, or towns, where there is little to gain in the large picture. Equestria however, is a centerpiece for politics, and diplomatic efforts. Especially the latter these days, after Twilight's efforts, are opening Equestria up to far more creatures, and good relations with outside governing bodies. Some would want information to counteract that, as they would not want Equestria to be more wide spread for various reasons. Others still, would want to exploit things, and make obscene amounts of wealth, or take power where they see the chance.

“Wow! You really know a lot about this stuff, huh? It kind of makes me wonder about where you studied to learn all about that because you come off as someone real smart! My guess is that an ordinary school wouldn’t teach some of the things you mentioned, and I am beginning to understand why you were picked to help with the anti-spy stuff. I only learned what I needed to get by back in school, but after that, mother and father took over and taught me about the business. Eventually, they’ll be asking me to take over running the workshop, but until then, I help out however I can.”

“While we’re on the topic, I’m sort of getting used to doing some repairs for simple things. More like practicing, but it helps keep the shop running because we don’t spend as much money on buying new things when the old break down. Father’s been teaching me a little bit now and again, and we’re considering an expansion to our shop’s services one day. Home repair services for furniture; won’t need to haul in something broken when we’ll just head over to your place and fix it up for you. Father says we’ll likely introduce this to some friends in town first, but we’ll see if it’ll pan out.”

It wouldn’t be long until the group arrived, and they wouldn’t be taking the front door to the store proper. The workshop’s entrance was wide open, with furniture visible near the streets and Uddo busy working around the back. The thuds of a hammer pounding down on hard wood was unmistakable, reverberating within the workshop’s interiors, but he wasn’t the one to take notice. A familiar shadow approached everyone and inspected them before hovering aside and letting them pass.

“It’s nothing to worry about, Shade. You remember our guests from last night, right?”

Shade grunted, though based on the way it sounded, it was less angry and more of a recognition of the folks who’ve befriended his employer. He eventually returned to prowling in the shadowy corners of the store and workshop, but by then, Uddo put his tools down to join in on meeting everyone again. 

“Hey, I didn’t expect to see you all again so soon. What brings you all here?”

“We’re doing all right, but we hoped you might be able to help us with getting some tools we got into better shape.”

“Come inside and we’ll see if we can get that sorted. I take it you all rested well? And how about you, Rosa? Any problems adjusting to town?”

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@Blitz Boom

The children departed, but would do so with the farewell waves and smiles of the family they'd come to admire.  This kind of encounter was more what Rising was hoping this trip to Harrowmark to consist of.  Wholesome meet and greets with the newly freed locals.  Much more to Rising's pace.  The family included the older diamond dog that collected the children to their farewells with returning respectful nods.

What came next, was everything the detective had been warned would happen.  The group continued on now, but they hardly made it much further into the festival before the flood gates were released.  A constant stream of citizens approached, baring gifts and appreciation for the new Dusk Knight.  Rising knew the importance of the gesture, but law enforcement was limited in the gifts they could accept, as to help curb abuse that could occur.  However, in this case, refusing such gift would be, well, rude for lack of a better term.  The Princesses themselves, made sure such a point was abundantly clear during his short meeting with them.  No need to insult the people of Harrowmark with refusals, within reason of course.

Rising ignited his horn to use telekinesis to accept the gifts.  Along with a grateful smile and sincere, "Thank you."  So many thank yous.   Dawn was kind enough to hold the enchanted bag for the detective to float the gifts over to and deposit inside of.  The larger gifts performing the same trick Rising had shown with his hoof, shrinking around the opening of the bad before disappearing inside.  Hopefully enough line of sight was blocked by the guards to not create too much of a spectral for the usage of the bag.  Then a pony came running at the gathered group, with a knife, in not the most safe of holding position.  Great.  Rising saw the magic placed upon the knife.  Harmless, so the concern deflected to the sharp end of the knife.  The guards were true to their position and the family was in no harm.  Detaining the pony who was quickly able to stammer out his story and lack of ill intent.  Rising could breath a sigh of relief.  He accepted the dull knife and gave a somewhat deflated thank you.  A couple of breaths and he could recompose himself and regain his strength.

Not that it was to last long.  The inky dark magics of Harrowmark crept along his magic sense like ants along one's spine.  Harrowmark radiated dark magics, but it was dull background noise among the rest of the magics that spun around and the addition of whatever the other five senses picked up.  Concentrated into spell work, it was a dark blot on that background noise.  Rising's smile slipped and his attention shifted to the slower moving elders bringing their gifts.  Dawn had turned to offer her own smile to the elders and be ready to take their gifts into the bag.  Rising held out his hoof and stepped in front of her, "No."  He put more effort in returning his grateful smile as black wisps leapt from his horn to the dark gifts.  From the perspective of those in attendance, the wisps simply snipped and sliced at the air around the gifts.  Threads to the spell tapestries were cut, some were grabbed and moved, all in an effort to safely deal with these harmful spells.  One gift would whistle like a boiling tea kettle then release a small pop.  Another let off a small icky green flash of light.  Yet another fizzled.  The dark spells fell away, the inky creep disappeared from his senses and Rising let out another breath of relief.  "Thank you..." he still managed to say to the elders and now safely, accept their gifts if they still wished to offer them.  This place was a mine field.

They moved on, Rising already needing a break on this venture.  True to his word though, Dawn was to make rather quick connections.  A bazar of goods ran down the road.  Star Echo's interest was already peaked as he edged closer to the circle of guards to look past and over them at all the items on display.  The family was taken to a particular vendor though for Dawn.  Mr. Agnostica, a rather delightful fellow with a deep passion and focus into his craft.

"A lovely eye you have Mr. Agnostica.  An eye for function and fashion.  You are most correct, this dress had gone out of style in Equestria many moons ago.  But, I had it on good faith, it would be most fitting and appeasing to the fine creatures of Harrowmark," she answered in kind with a polite smile.  "No need for apology dear sir, a deep passion for one's craft is a high honor in of itself.  I'm not a tradesmare, per say.  I am but a mare that makes connections between them." 

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On 2022-12-13 at 11:29 AM, EQ_Theta said:

“That’s what you call it? Impulse buying? I hope that’s the case because I might just sleep better knowing I could kick a bad habit before it becomes a habit. Still… it’s kind of weird that it happened, but if it happened before and I don’t remember it… Ach, I’ll try going back to the store some time and talk to the pony running it. Maybe he might remember my behavior, but I appreciate taking the time to help me figure things out, even if it is just narrowing down the likely explanations.” 

"As said, you'd be surprised what goes into setting up a shop, to account for sales of various items. There is a reason why snack items are near the register, whilst produce and milk, tend to be furthest away, or at the start, with then many shelves to pass to get to the register. It's fascinating stuff really, if you enjoy delving into the psychology of the average consumer. Very enlightening."

Not something all would agree with of course, but so were it with many things. And he understood that he were somewhat biased in this matter, due to his profession.

"As for the vendor, I'm sure he can enlighten you. You are not the average looking customer, so you might stand out more than others, and thus, can be easier remembered."

On 2022-12-13 at 11:29 AM, EQ_Theta said:

“Wow! You really know a lot about this stuff, huh? It kind of makes me wonder about where you studied to learn all about that because you come off as someone real smart! My guess is that an ordinary school wouldn’t teach some of the things you mentioned, and I am beginning to understand why you were picked to help with the anti-spy stuff. I only learned what I needed to get by back in school, but after that, mother and father took over and taught me about the business. Eventually, they’ll be asking me to take over running the workshop, but until then, I help out however I can.”

“While we’re on the topic, I’m sort of getting used to doing some repairs for simple things. More like practicing, but it helps keep the shop running because we don’t spend as much money on buying new things when the old break down. Father’s been teaching me a little bit now and again, and we’re considering an expansion to our shop’s services one day. Home repair services for furniture; won’t need to haul in something broken when we’ll just head over to your place and fix it up for you. Father says we’ll likely introduce this to some friends in town first, but we’ll see if it’ll pan out.”

"My father were always encouraging me to pursue a career in observation. This is but one avenue, where it can come in handy, but I have done several things. Good observational skills, can be used for keeping en eye out for thieves in markets, oversee poker games for potential cheaters, general security, assistance in spotting lesser effective changelings, cleaning work for the particularly strict, and so forth. I've done several of those in my time, and found that it makes both good use of my skills, and makes one understand the phycology of varied beings in the long run, a little bit better."

He weren't lying. he had done a fair bit of odd jobs here and there, including looking out for thieves in markets. What he left out, were that in most of those cases, he were doing so while completing his actual work as a spy. A little snippet of information that he did not think were all that relevant to their conversation. Or at least, it were not information that he believed Kiba should be made aware of, nor any others, beyond these few, close friends of his, certain ones in the Equestrian justice system, and his brother.

"As for your other topic at hoof, I would think it a good idea personally. Furniture repair are closely related to the sale of such items, and would broaden your clientele, and degree of influence. The more knows you do a good job repairing things, the more curious they may well be to inspect what you are making from the bottom, as well as inform their friends of you. Marketing wise, for a small, local store such as yours, it would be a wise move to keep business going. Especially if a time then happened where resources were scarce for whatever reason. Few would wish to buy new there, and would rather focus on keeping what they have Repair business could be a strong way to make up for lost business, if such a thing happened. Though I do not predict the Equestrian economy to collapse, anytime soon."

On 2022-12-13 at 11:29 AM, EQ_Theta said:

“It’s nothing to worry about, Shade. You remember our guests from last night, right?”

Shade grunted, though based on the way it sounded, it was less angry and more of a recognition of the folks who’ve befriended his employer. He eventually returned to prowling in the shadowy corners of the store and workshop, but by then, Uddo put his tools down to join in on meeting everyone again. 

“Hey, I didn’t expect to see you all again so soon. What brings you all here?”

“We’re doing all right, but we hoped you might be able to help us with getting some tools we got into better shape.”

“Come inside and we’ll see if we can get that sorted. I take it you all rested well? And how about you, Rosa? Any problems adjusting to town?”

Rosa and Omen both, took notice of Shade before Kiba spoke to him. Though Rosa first. Omen could not as easily, as she did not have his smell. Shade were... Odd, when it came to that, for her. Though she did see him about a second before, due to a movement. Rosa had seen something peculiar a bit before that, as they had entered, and assumed as much, as this being Shade. There were not much else that it could be, in his opinion, considering what he had seen last they were here.

Rosa would nod his head in greeting to Shade, with Omen just starring, with Shrimp just... Well, Shrimp had enjoyed his bell a few more times on the trip, but had since then fallen asleep, wrapped around the top of the small tower. Made it seem a bit like Omen were wearing a weird hat, but those concerns were for folks who cared, and Omen.... Well, did not.

"Hello Shade. A pleasant occurrence to see you too."

He would wait to respond to Uddo, until the others had spoken, not wanting to be rude in this conversation after all. Gave him a few seconds too to look at the older longma, just to see if something had changed since yesterday. It did not appear so, but he had a small thought that maybe something about his father, might have distracted Kiba earlier. It appeared to not be so. Not outwardly anyway. He had not thought so either, but it were a consideration that one needed to have, when going over the issues they were trying to unravel.

"Well met Uddo. And not as much as you may think. I am thankfully, a very adaptable thestral, and the locals are not that hard to get used to, from what I have seen thus far. I have been through rather unsavory places before, so this is not bad. Though it is a little annoying to not yet be able to sleep normally, hanging from the ceiling. Doctors orders I'm afraid. Though the bed is still pleasant enough.

My ramblings aside, what of you? I can imagine you must have had much to think about yesterday. Such things are well known to disrupt sleep patterns. If that were the case, I apologize for that.

Beyond that, I will also say that what we found, are not in horrible disrepair, so it should hopefully not be too difficult to remedy our findings."




"Her wings are flayed? Well she and I are certainly gonna have a long, stringent talk then, about properly taking care of herself. Repairing wings that damaged are gonna take time, and it is Not going to be pleasant, I'll tell you that. She'll need plenty of emotions, rest, exercise, and cocooning, as well as stretches. A queen needs to take better care of herself, just like my mother used to say to me.

And if it's that far, we better start soon as possible. Pirouette? Be a sweetheart and go pick up the special care package instead, and meet us at the train station, would you?"

"Yes mother."

He'd scurry off, running gracefully over the cobbled stones, and back unto the theater's wooden boards.

"Seriously, I don't usually need to be the voice of reason, but it sounds like your mom doesn't just need a friendly face, but also a stern bit of guidance. As for injuries... We'll see how it looks, and then if it's too bad, I'll drag her to a physician myself. By the tail, if she makes me. If her leg is broken, she needs a cast, so her exoskeleton can heal properly. Otherwise it might grow badly, and need to be re-broken, before it can be then set, to grow together proper.

If it's the whole *pony thing*, I know a doctor in town, that owes me a few favors by now, that should understand things better. They can help me with the whole thing more directly, and hopefully we can avoid anything bad, like having to put your mom in a full cocoon for four months.

Though frankly... I'm more worried about the behavior. Hissing at folks, biting out after others... That's pretty feral for a queen. If she haven't tried to assault them yet, and can still speak normally, it doesn't sound like she's getting dangerously close to the worst path, but I'd say the sooner we get there, and give her a heaping helping of proper changeling food, the better.

And don't ask in to what I mean with that right now, please. I don't like speaking about that, and would like to hope for better. I'll explain it once we've checked up on her. I think she might need to hear it too."

She were honestly worried about... That, but ancestors be willing, that would not end up being the case. It did not sound that bad, just like she were in a bad situation, but she'd worry regardless, until they met.

Wouldn't be long before they reached the train station, while the siblings would yapper on a bit more, teasing one another. It were something that helped ease her mind a little. Reminded her of her own kids, chitter chattering away, as they grew up, and became the healthy, happy changelings they now were. Though it were rare they used terms like mom, filly, queen, etc. Mostly they acted more as if they were siblings. Pirouette just preferred to go by the more formal term, for some reason. And who were she to deny him that?

"Alright, you two crazy kids stay right here, and I'll go sort some train tickets. Though I need to know where exactly we are going to. As in, what town. Just need to double check, before I go and sew something up."

She'd make the bad pun, putting pressure on the Sew word, and pull her tongue at Howl. She had listened in alright, and frankly, did not see an issue with the needles in the mane. It were at worst, a very annoying way to wake up like, as it would take more than a needle to get through their heads. Though granted, it would hurt, bleed, and could make her disoriented. Maybe a sewing box in a necklace would be good?

After getting the location, she got the tickets, then waited a few minutes, before Pirouette came back, carrying two saddlebags, that looked rather heavy. Those Cheshire would take over from him, and thank him for that, then a few minutes more after that, the train would arrive, they'd board, and soon after, they'd be on their way. Train tickets were thankfully not that expensive in Equestria, so it were okay to spend some here, and for the trip back. They always made sure to keep extra bits around, just in case.




On 2022-12-12 at 8:53 AM, Kujamih said:

" Eavesdropping is bad little ones... Although for being kitsunes. This traits is heavily engraved in you."

"It's not out fault that we have big ears."

They'd both flick their ears, and to be fair, they did have a point. You heard a lot, with notable listeners like that. Though of course, they could have ignored it, but chose to listen in, because they were kitsune. Their kind loved to listen in to what others said, for various reasons. Generally with some degree of harmless mischief in mind. It were not often they approached others with malice, lest they tried to do something to the kits, and that were more retaliation, than initiation.

On 2022-12-12 at 8:53 AM, Kujamih said:

".... They must be really bad at their job." Light replied.

" Although it can always be a distraction..." Light ponders and looked at the young kitsunes.

" You guys think this has a chance that this involves you kits? Mischief is your game and trouble is at your back. Right?"

"And if not whats worth assassinating here?

"We'd never do that. The elders wouldn't want us to cause a scene, and we'd never want to hurt anyone like that either. That's evil, and we're not evil."

"Asso... Sissa... Assisa..."

While they were talking, Shark were trying to say the word Assassin. It were a bit harder to her, as it had a lot of same sounding words, clammed into a bigger one, so she needed to get her brain to work, to get through that tongue twister.

"And we've never left the school grounds. Mother transported us right in here. No one would know we were here, except those in school. And why would they want to hurt us? Sounds more like a local problem."

"We could still help maybe."

Hachi spoke up after that, alone, and made his siter turn her head, to look at him as if he were crazed.

"What? If mother heard we got hurt, because we went out chasing for some barbarian, she'd be crushed."

Ching did not sound like she were pleased with that idea at all.

"But the elders did say we were meant to make a good first impression, right? If we help them find this one, that would be a very good one. And we know stuff that might help to track them down. Plus, don't you keep saying that we're good enough to keep ourselves safe?"

"I mean... You're not wrong, but it's still... What if they attack us? Or if the locals do?"

She fidgeted a little in place, nervous, but hearing her brother's arguments on this. Things which did have merit. Especially as kitsune were not known to wander in Equestria. The assassin, could not predict their presence, and thus, they might be an asset.

"Why would they? We're here with other locals, and there's safety in numbers. If we all walk together, we'll be fine.

Come on, let's go out and help. You two want to help too, right?"

He looked at Shark and Light, the former of whom had now gotten hang of saying the word, and realized what it actually meant. Something which made her wrinkle her nose in disgust.

"Assassin bad. Very. Must help friends. Keep safe, be hero, yes?"



@Rising Dusk

Some of the affected elders had still offered the items, yet confused at what they were doing here. Maybe they'd question it later, but seeing the radiant young stallion in front of them, took precedent over thinking this, and thus, they just rolled with it, and hoped to not appear disrespectful.

Of course, not all in town, came offering him gifts. Some would be more respectful, and lay an offering somewhere else, to be picked up later, or recite him prayers instead, from where they stood. Others still, had nothing to offer, as they had little to begin with, but their thanks and prayers. Several of those gave him praise as he passed, hoping he would forgive them to not have anything to offer. Might be he were their savior, and most wished him well for his actions, but they still had mouths to feed, and if it came between bringing him a gift, and feeding their foals, they would always do the latter.

There were other groups too though. One he had been experiencing a bit here. being those who wanted nothing good to happen to him. Likely loyalists of Twisted's, or those who did not think an outsider deserver praise, no matter the actions. Others... Well, they were thankful for his work, but for varied reasons, they'd just let him pass, be on with their lives, and if noticing he looked their way, would give a nod, or small wave. Nothing major. Some folks were just reserved like that, which were likely good. No need to have Rising completely swarmed.

13 hours ago, Rising Dusk said:

They moved on, Rising already needing a break on this venture.  True to his word though, Dawn was to make rather quick connections.  A bazar of goods ran down the road.  Star Echo's interest was already peaked as he edged closer to the circle of guards to look past and over them at all the items on display.  The family was taken to a particular vendor though for Dawn.  Mr. Agnostica, a rather delightful fellow with a deep passion and focus into his craft.

"A lovely eye you have Mr. Agnostica.  An eye for function and fashion.  You are most correct, this dress had gone out of style in Equestria many moons ago.  But, I had it on good faith, it would be most fitting and appeasing to the fine creatures of Harrowmark," she answered in kind with a polite smile.  "No need for apology dear sir, a deep passion for one's craft is a high honor in of itself.  I'm not a tradesmare, per say.  I am but a mare that makes connections between them." 

The guards did not let Echo escape the circle, until they were at the part of the merchants that they were, and the prince already had them move. Eco could go and explore the clothes and crafts then, but Rhodan would not leave his side. He would not bring shame upon his station, by failing his assigned duty.

The stores were what Equestria would consider ancient, with even the rolls of clothes being made of generally rough materials. Still a bit soft at times, but it were nowhere near the silky texture of Equestrian clothing. Likely warmer though, as it appeared to be made of if not soft, then at least thick fabric. The smithing areas, had intricuate designs for jewelry, such as minor replica's, of the queen's crown, rings, headbands, wedding bands, etc. Then there were also general, day to day things, like pots, pans, and cutlery. The latter looking fairly well actually.. Rustic, yet solid and somewhat elegant, polished so well that you could almost see your reflection in the surface of even the forks.

There were more elsewhere, but this Bazar, were made of around five different stores on each side, dealing with fabric and metal related wares. There were more stalls outside, to varying degrees of size and imagination, yet those had other owners. Mr. Agnostica owned this place, and these were his workers, and thus also, his wares.

"A middle mare then. How fascinating. It isn't often I have to work with those anymore. Trade is... Ah, I suppose that isn't that important. What is, is the trade itself.

If you judge what you are wearing to be out of style, that must mean you have even more fascinating fabric to work with, as well as full outfits then, yes? Equine focused, I would assume? There'd need to be certain adjustments, to account for our canine citizens, but raw materials, would give us options... Highly curious, and most fascinating. I can certainly see room for Equestrian materials on Harrowish soil. I'm honored I've been thought of in that process.

Here at our stalls, we mostly work in refining the raw materials that for instance my husband procure, then refine them into everyday wares. We are not the biggest vendor in the country perhaps, but we hold a central position in Harrowmark, and have well skilled crafters, working on what most require during their days, rather than the higher clientele, who'd like more focus on fancy products."

"Catering to the high tailors for instance, would net more prestige, whereas actual influence and volume, would come from introducing the spoils of Equestria, tot he general populace. Affordable vendors for those such as Mr. Agnostica, and his husband, and then more high end materials and completed works to the Silver Royale. We will encounter those later, I assure you."

"Try not to show them weakness. They're capitalize on that in a heartbeat.

But please, do tell, Miss Dawn. What kind of vendors are you the middle mare for? And if you or your father wish to have a look around, then please, by all means. I can personally vouch that all my workers are hard workers, and will not cause trouble."

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@Blitz Boom

Light with a displeased face inhales heavily and slowly released a sigh.......

" I see...." He then looks up as if looking at someone and sighed once more.

" Fine... We should hurry before we lose track of those teachers."

But before they could leave...

" Hey! What about school?" He directly asked the kits.

"Whatever happens to you both is not of my concern. I priorities shark..... Then again shed priorities you..." He'd look qt the kits with doubtful eyes.

" Do not be a liability to others and you will have me as an ally..."

If anything else they would give chase to the guards to follow where the location would be.

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@Blitz Boom

On 2022-12-15 at 7:31 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"As for your other topic at hoof, I would think it a good idea personally. Furniture repair are closely related to the sale of such items, and would broaden your clientele, and degree of influence. The more knows you do a good job repairing things, the more curious they may well be to inspect what you are making from the bottom, as well as inform their friends of you. Marketing wise, for a small, local store such as yours, it would be a wise move to keep business going. Especially if a time then happened where resources were scarce for whatever reason. Few would wish to buy new there, and would rather focus on keeping what they have Repair business could be a strong way to make up for lost business, if such a thing happened. Though I do not predict the Equestrian economy to collapse, anytime soon."

“You must have had a good father who knew a lot about being observant if he encouraged you like that. Father told me about how I could help with the business while teaching me some of the things I gotta learn. He did mention he was worried about growing the business too big. You probably already noticed this, but between myself, my family, and Shade, we are pretty much the only ones running the store. It’s good that we’ve got room to keep growing, but he’s not sure he wants to grow the business to the point of having many others be a part of it. Wants to keep it strictly within the family aside from a few he could trust. Shade got in on it because he helped father a while back, and even though he got hired because of regulations, we all like to think giving our Umbra friend a home meant he wouldn’t have to worry about things like being aimless. Now he runs security, and he’s a little more at ease. Maybe one day, he’ll be comfortable with using his physical form around others aside from us.”

“As for the earlier bit about the store’s future, I don’t have an opinion on that, as I feel like I don’t know enough to make an informed decision. We’ll keep at it for now and see how things go. It’ll stay hushed for a while, but we’ll expand on the prospective service when we know it’ll work.”

Shade would occasionally return to the group and watch them, though this was more out of curiosity than a result of suspicions. They were related, and everyone seemed to quickly befriend each other. Perhaps even the umbra could have a similar kind of relationship as that, though as far as they were concerned, only Omen seemed to pay him some mind. However, Rosa greeting him directly was a pleasant surprise, and the umbra would do so with pleased grunts, as he lacked a mouth to properly emote and convey his meaning, relying on tone to get his thoughts across. 

On 2022-12-15 at 7:31 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"Well met Uddo. And not as much as you may think. I am thankfully, a very adaptable thestral, and the locals are not that hard to get used to, from what I have seen thus far. I have been through rather unsavory places before, so this is not bad. Though it is a little annoying to not yet be able to sleep normally, hanging from the ceiling. Doctors orders I'm afraid. Though the bed is still pleasant enough.

My ramblings aside, what of you? I can imagine you must have had much to think about yesterday. Such things are well known to disrupt sleep patterns. If that were the case, I apologize for that.

Beyond that, I will also say that what we found, are not in horrible disrepair, so it should hopefully not be too difficult to remedy our findings."

“Hmm… Maybe I could get a reinforced hang bar installed on your home’s ceiling so you could sleep better. Speaking of sleep, I guess you are aright that there was a lot to think about, and yeah, I spent some time doing that before heading to bed. It was still a rather pleasant kind of thinking since it’s sort of like seeing I could still fulfill my friend’s wish to some extent. He wanted our children to be friends as they were growing up, and it looks like it’s happening now. Come now, let’s take a look at what you got that needs fixing.” 

Uddo would look toward Kiba and the siblings, as they were moving toward a vacant desk in the workshop. The young longma was getting his equipment ready, while Sen and Lin would pull out the tools she gathered from the scrapyard earlier. It didn’t look like they were going to get started until the older longma would say they would, but he knew they were about to do something involving the workshop’s equipment, and he would need to step in and assist.

“Not in bad shape, though the handle’s been eaten away with some of these chisels. Thankfully, these have modular assemblies, so replacing them with sturdier grips should be easy. A quick power wash rinse should also get rid of some of the gunk on the metal before we apply some protective oil to keep them from rusting. Kiba, you could handle this, right?”

The young longma nodded and got to work, grabbing three padded grips and the power washer hose to start with the replacement process. He’d go at it a little slowly to get the essential bits out in one piece before doing a thorough cleaning. It wasn’t exactly what the siblings wanted with the suggestions for oiling their finds, but it was good that it was still part of what they’re getting. At this rate, they’d be receiving tools about as good as new. The internal sections would require the most work, but making them last was what mattered most, and the siblings will be getting it. Admittedly, it was odd that Sen and Lin were even carrying them around despite not having any inclinations toward woodworking, though the extra telescoping rod was something that felt out of place. 

It’ll be a while before the tools were ready, so there was some time to chat, and Uddo would return to his own work, hammering away at another table leg to get it into place before he could start the more intricate detailing on it. As for Kiba, he’d first get the chisels sorted out before proceeding to the hammers. The gouges looked good enough that those could just use a quick wash and some oiling. 

“So, I don’t suppose you are all interested in woodworking? What’s with the tools?”

“We’re gathering them for some longma back home. They agreed to part with some of their wood carvings, and in return, I offered to get them something nice and practical, Rosa helped us pick these from the scrapyard.”

“That’s a smart, Rosa. Recycled goods are good for those with smaller budgets, and you’ve got a decent set to start. You mentioned getting carvings from back home. I guess you’re all decorating. Are they any good? You want some more home decorations? It’s not exactly my specialty, but I could probably make something nice for you as a belated housewarming gift.”

Edited by EQ_Theta
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On 2022-12-16 at 1:25 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“You must have had a good father must’ve known a lot about being observant if he encouraged you like that. Father told me about how I could help with the business while teaching me some of the things I gotta learn. He did mention he was worried about growing the business too big. You probably already noticed this, but between myself, my family, and Shade, we are pretty much the only ones running the store. It’s good that we’ve got room to keep growing, but he’s not sure he wants to grow the business to the point of having many others be a part of it. Wants to keep it strictly within the family aside from a few he could trust. Shade got in on it because he helped father a while back, and even though he got hired because of regulations, we all like to think giving our Umbra friend a home meant he wouldn’t have to worry about things like being aimless. Now he runs security, and he’s a little more at ease. Maybe one day, he’ll be comfortable with using his physical form around others aside from us.”

“As for the earlier bit about the store’s future, I don’t have an opinion on that, as I feel like I don’t know enough to make an informed decision. We’ll keep at it for now and see how things go. It’ll stay hushed for a while, but we’ll expand on the prospective service when we know it’ll work.”

"My father is... Was, a very encouraging pony. He believed that there were applications for my skillset, that'd get me places in life, and worked with me to eye the possibilities. This particular line of work, would have likely been one of the last he would have thought of, but he would have still eyed the possibilities."

He'd also have some sharp words about his son being in the counter-intelligence field, using the things learned from his home against them, but alas, that were just how things were. And gods be willing, if he were able to drag his father back from the daze, they'd be able to have this argument. He'd much prefer that, over not hearing his fathers voice, sharp and on point again.

"As for your father and yours ideas, I wont push anything, and I will not share it with others either, til you feel ready for more being aware. As said, my father were keen on eyeing possibilities, and it rubbed off, so when I hear things like this, my mind begins to consider what the wider implications and options might be."

He did pick up a snippet of something new here, in that Shade apparently could have a more physical form than what had been shown, when around them. How fascinating. Umbrals were peculiar creatures in his mind, and some he knew basically nothing about, so learning more new things were certainly something useful. Not that he had plans of using Shade for anything per se, but more that the less unknown an entity were, the more at ease he could be. For all he knew, Umbrals could eat shadows, and it would be harder to blend in without one of those. Not impossible, but harder.

He did notice though, that it appeared Shade were not used to being directly addressed. Or at least, he appreciated the gesture, since the grunts appears receptive to Rosa's greeting. He'd need to keep this in mind as well. Showed a fair degree of civility, which had been implied before, but felt good to have somewhat confirmed. While he could not understand Shade's words, the reactions would say something.

On 2022-12-16 at 1:25 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“Hmm… Maybe I could get a reinforced hang bar installed on your home’s ceiling so you could sleep better. Speaking of sleep, I guess you are aright that there was a lot to think about, and yeah, I spent some time doing that before heading to bed. It was still a rather pleasant kind of thinking since it’s sort of like seeing I could still fulfill my friend’s wish to some extent. He wanted our children to be friends as they were growing up, and it looks like it’s happening now. Come now, let’s take a look at what you got that needs fixing.” 

"I appreciate the gesture, but there are suitable beams to hang from. The issue is more with a recent impact injury, that makes it so that the physician that I attended, told me that I would have to lay down and rest for a time, until it had properly healed."

"Injury... Do you mean the kitsune?"

"Yes, Omen. Physicians, doctors, and healers, tend to fall under the same umbrella. In this case, that were the kitsune you brought me to."

Not something he had thought of just having out there, but it were what it were, yes? Nothing harmful in having this said. And it wasn't as if he has asked Omen to not speak of it either, so this were fair game to bring up, in her quest for understanding.

Regardless, the tools presented, it were time to evaluate things proper. And it were more or less as they had thought. A good find, that required a loving hoof, and some not so loving, forceful readjustment in a few cases. Still not as bad as it could have been certainly.

He would offer to help, in case there were something that Kiba would require aid with in the process, but if not, he'd simply wait around the others, to see if his mind got changed on that. He did not mind contributing. Nor would Omen, but she had no idea what were happening, so there were a chance that she'd end up power washing her own face a few times.

On 2022-12-16 at 1:25 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“So, I don’t suppose you are all interested in woodworking? What’s with the tools?”

“We’re gathering them for some longma back home. They agreed to part with some of their wood carvings, and in return, I offered to get them something nice and practical, Rosa helped us pick these from the scrapyard.”

“That’s a smart, Rosa. Recycled goods are good for those with smaller budgets, and you’ve got a decent set to start. You mentioned getting carvings from back home. I guess you’re all decorating. Are they any good? You want some more home decorations? It’s not exactly my specialty, but I could probably make something nice for you as a belated housewarming gift.”

"Recycling is something that too many doesn't think of as a proper option. It needs some love yes, but compared to buying a whole new set, it is a steal.

As for the decoration... Sen and Lin believed it to be a nice house warming gift. I believe the least I could do, were to help them repay the vendors in kind. And I think them rather good. Perhaps you can have a gaze at some point, and see for yourself? I can bring them around if need be. It should not be too difficult to transfer them safely.

Ads for your offer, it is well appreciated, but in the spirit of fairness, I'd then have to find something of interest to you. Life is based on a concept of something for something after all, though I can't say I know much about what to find for you, beyond additional tools. I've just met you after all.

Mayhap you can tell me of what interests you do hold, outside of work?"

Rosa were not without skills. He could make something himself, but it were a question of what were wanted really. A nice scarf for instance, he could probably do if he had enough time. Carvings... With a bit of trial sna error, he could get used to that, yes. Chiseling something on stone? More his thing. As would be various smoke bombs and remedies, though there'd likely be questions, as to how he knew how to make those.




Hachi seemed intrigued by how it appeared they were actually going out to do something. Zhing were less enthusiastic, but the group had made their decision, and she had to agree her brother did make a fair argument. Though they still had to play this safe. And she knew that if she were not there to keep hold of him, he were going to go and get himself hurt. And she'd never be able to forgive herself for that.

"We'll be safe. I'll make sure of that."

"And we still technically don't have to start until tomorrow. We just figured we'd join the first class early."

"So... Hunt bad one now, yes?"

The kits would both raise their noses up high, to get a scent, then jump around Shark and Light in tandem, meet up on the other side of them, and start to give chase. Unlike the more straight forward run of equines, there were a certain elegance to the way to kitsune jumped as they ran, in slight zig zag, that were captivating for some of those that they passed. They were also still very fast though, as despite these sideways jumps, they got a lot of momentum. They didn't crash into anyone either, due to the nimble movements. A clear showing of the race being more evolved to rushing through thick brush in forests, than ponies more steady pace on relatively even surfaces.

Shark were not far behind though, due to her advantage of being able to fly, though Light should still be able to keep up. He had some legs on him, and the halls weren't cluttered, as a fair bit were either in class, or going to one, so the obstacles would be minimal.

Once they got outside, the kitsune would look around again, sniffing in each their own direction, until they could confidently point in two directions. Hachi pointed towards the bakery and general middle of town, whereas Zhing pointed towards the castle.

"The leather-winged, smaller one, definitely went in that direction."

"The one in blue went that way,"

"And big one is there."

Shark pointed towards the mayor's office, though she might be slightly cheating in a way, since she didn't go by smell, but just sight, as the sizable thestral, were standing in front of the door now, about to knock and go on in.

They'd all look towards Light. As the oldest of them, he did have a notable say in things technically, so he could decide which one they followed, and what area to go in. potentially none of them, and then search for their own clues?

In the eyes of the kits, Shark might be about the same age as Light visually, but she were a student, not a teacher, so to speak.

Edited by Blitz Boom
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@Blitz Boom

As they looked at Light for answers. He'd five a deep sigh and think.

" I've lost  a lot of my powers so i dont have super sight or hearing now but you two..." He'd proceed to grab both the kitsune siblings and made both of them very Light.

" Shark join me in the air." He requested as he leaps to the Air.

They'd reach to a point where Light's trust upward would reach its limit and they'd float a bit in the air.

" See anything suspicious?" 

Light would also try to spot anything out of the ordinary.

He'd also ask Shark to give them some more air time if it would take them longer to find anything, and if they do find what they where looking for, Light would request Shark to fling them towards the area.


Edited by Kujamih
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@Blitz Boom
As to be expected, Ruby barely reacted to Leviathan's words about Charir, with tiny nod being the only response to it, she also didn't seem mind how Leviathan said it, she did find it bit weird how...excited, Leviathan was about everything relating to Charir, but she also acknowledged that from the two of them she herself was actually the odd one out with her lack of reactions, since she had been outside the homelands enough to know that caring about others was actually the norm and not the exception when it came to creatures in general, especially with the more intelligent species.

In fact, in almost contradictory way, she enjoyed Leviathan's, and along it Charir's, more positive existence, as much as she also found it slightly jarring, though she also envied it to certain extend, not the postivity itself, but rather the naivety she believed was required for it.

"Those who shout the loudest are often the ones with most to prove, the tiniest of dogs bark the most." Ruby stated as conclusion, it was surprisingly profound for her, surprising enough that she herself wasn't sure where it came from, but it was how she saw things, though of course she failed to look at herself with the same lens, but in her defense, at least she actually followed her own principles.


She would help Leviathan with things she seemed like she needed help with, and for sentences, until Leviathan wished to learn something specific, Ruby would stay in the theme of keeping safe, as she'd teach her things along the lines of 'I don't trust this individual'  and other such statements she could use to communicate that she has a iffy feeling about something without alarming the thing she was feeling iffy about, assuming of course that the thing didn't speak their language.

If nothing else, she'd probably quickly learn that proper sentence was a...broad concept, when it came to the language, be it due to the language itself, or the abysmally nonexistent level of education in their kind, 'No like, go away' was equally grammatically correct than 'As the owner of this area, I do not appreciate your presence here and wish you to leave in this instant or I am forced to chase you away with force.', though Ruby would emphasize that less was more, and that longer sentences would probably just lead to you being killed before you can finish. 

Charir meanwhile was going strong, having moved from single words to full sentences, though it took bit more thinking now that there wasn't any pictures to tell what was said, since instead of going from spoken to writing, he now had to actually read and figure it out.


(I'd say some kind of summary would be good, up to you what Leviathan actually learns)



Panic did not faze Trox, in fact, he hadn't even thought about it when throwing the thing out, because again, it was normal to him, in a way. Panic was maybe the wrong word, but back home, civilians running away and hiding was as normal as rising sun was here, they lived in a war zone after all, there a day without some kind of bad thing happening was probably more terrifying to average individual than their home being destroyed for tenth time. 

Trox did indeed feel something in his legs...or well, leg, since cybernetics were immune to biological warfare, but it was less paralysis and more the kind of numbness you get when you lay on your limb for too long, this was due to combination of only small exposure and biology, in fact, for him the effect was lot more on the mental side, as he felt bit groggy, but this again wasn't anything too destructive, since he had artificial magic that wasn't affected by such thing. 

For Harpoon, everyone kinda just looked at her as she had her reaction, Chega and Sear looked concerned, but did nothing since they didn't know what they could do, the siblings meanwhile, were kinda cold actually, even Sheska, while ready to act since she was the medical expert of the group, looked at Harpoon like someone would look at an unconscious creature while poking it with a stick to see if it's alive.  who knows, maybe she would have actually poked Harpoon with a stick if she had one. 

"I'll stay here, as stated before, I don't think it's a good idea to leave Chega and Sear alone." Trox stated, Sheska however, grabbed the crossbow and the bolts, also taking one of the short swords and putting it on her back "I'll come with you, if they have any real strategy, they'll be focusing on us rather than this tavern, since my medical skills is ultimately the thing that messed up their plans." "Hope they know that this doctor is more than happy to take lives too." it may have been surprising, but even their world had the Doctor's Oath, where doctors among other things, promised to do no intentional harm, but, Sheska never vowed it, because she didn't go to any official schools, that also wasn't a thing among kobolds, because sometimes healers did indeed do intentional harm, mercy killing was not off the table, especially in their world. 



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@Blitz Boom

On 2022-12-17 at 7:11 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"My father is... Was, a very encouraging pony. He believed that there were applications for my skillset, that'd get me places in life, and worked with me to eye the possibilities. This particular line of work, would have likely been one of the last he would have thought of, but he would have still eyed the possibilities."

He'd also have some sharp words about his son being in the counter-intelligence field, using the things learned from his home against them, but alas, that were just how things were. And gods be willing, if he were able to drag his father back from the daze, they'd be able to have this argument. He'd much prefer that, over not hearing his fathers voice, sharp and on point again.

"As for your father and yours ideas, I wont push anything, and I will not share it with others either, til you feel ready for more being aware. As said, my father were keen on eyeing possibilities, and it rubbed off, so when I hear things like this, my mind begins to consider what the wider implications and options might be."

Kiba noticed a specific word within Rosa’s response to their talk about his father. Hearing “Was” had him catch on to something that hinted at him to stop with this conversation. It might cause unwanted duress coming from talking about this matter, and he was willing drop it on the off-chance he’d say something untoward. Best to end on a good note with a tinge of wistful fondness for someone’s good qualities, and pairing that with Sen and Lin’s own family history, this really isn’t a good moment to talk about fathers. 

Still, it was good to find some encouragement from the thestral about the business and the young longma’s future in it. He didn’t have many, or any, prospects outside of the family business, so it would be best to keep his focus within what he could control or learn to control. Father may not need to know about this, but perhaps he won’t need to if he isn’t going to have to worry about a lot of things. 

On 2022-12-17 at 7:11 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"I appreciate the gesture, but there are suitable beams to hang from. The issue is more with a recent impact injury, that makes it so that the physician that I attended, told me that I would have to lay down and rest for a time, until it had properly healed."

"Injury... Do you mean the kitsune?"

"Yes, Omen. Physicians, doctors, and healers, tend to fall under the same umbrella. In this case, that were the kitsune you brought me to."

“Oh… I’m sorry to hear that, and I hope you’ll get well soon. I don't think I should ask about details, huh?”

“Yes. That may be for the best.” Sen replied, though he tried his best to keep that response as vague as possible. He remembered sitting by his friend’s bedside, doing the same for his sister. The way Lin described her predicament, it was more than just rough. Being badly injured handling some work for Scarcity meant Uddo would be getting worried for them, likely over something he might not understand. It wouldn’t be right getting him or his family involved in matters that were best kept hushed; Lin quietly nodded in response to Sen’s reply, remembering the feeling that let to her temporarily losing her ability to walk.

In the meantime, Kiba continued with his own work, having already finished up the power washing step. He’ll first apply some oil over all of the tools he received plus the telescoping rod Sen had on him. He didn’t quite catch on to what the others were saying, but it sounded serious and a bit impressive, though not for the same things. Having met kitsune was supposedly a rare thing, and yet these four talk about it like it’s nothing? They might be more going on with them, or they were probably just lucky. 

On 2022-12-17 at 7:11 PM, Blitz Boom said:

As for the decoration... Sen and Lin believed it to be a nice house warming gift. I believe the least I could do, were to help them repay the vendors in kind. And I think them rather good. Perhaps you can have a gaze at some point, and see for yourself? I can bring them around if need be. It should not be too difficult to transfer them safely.

Ads for your offer, it is well appreciated, but in the spirit of fairness, I'd then have to find something of interest to you. Life is based on a concept of something for something after all, though I can't say I know much about what to find for you, beyond additional tools. I've just met you after all.

Mayhap you can tell me of what interests you do hold, outside of work?"

“Oh, you don’t need to give me anything. Business may be a kind of tit-for-tat relationship, but the same isn’t true when it comes to my niece and nephew’s friends. Since you asked, I’m not really much of one who had interests outside of work for the longest time. Had to get things sorted for the business back then, you know? With a lot of pressure on me, I had to dedicate a lot of my attention to the business, even outside of work.”

“However, I’ve had this growing interest in music. There’s a music club in town that’s got acts every evening, but I usually go there for the jazz performances. Aside from that, my parter also got me interested in painting, if only because any skills I pick up could be transferable to the business. Maybe it could open new ways to grow and expand. What say you, Rosa? Interested in seeing musical performances one of these days? The offer is also extended to you, Sen, Lin, and Omen.”

This was the first time the siblings heard of a music club in town, and they already had a look at the town’s map about twice. Maybe this was one of those town secrets that could only be found by exploring, but an attraction that requires attendees should mean the club wouldn’t need to be hidden. Even then, there didn’t appear to be any buildings in town that could be conducive for regular concerts, unless they had to look somewhere at the unlikely places that could host them. That might just be an incentive to see more of the town and find its secrets, even if this one might just be a big open secret.

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@Blitz Boom & @Props ValRoa


Twilight filed away the scene of the little hoof closing the door for later. Given where they were and what kind of place she was walking through, it made sense to think of it as a ghost and nothing more. Unless it was a foal being creepy and playing poor tricks on her mind. Upon reaching the library, Twilight stared around in awe at the many books and shelves. While used to ghosts thanks to Cherish being nearby, she wasn't prepared for the sheer multitude of spirits hanging around the library and reading books. Her thoughts were broken out of when Alluria spoke to her and Magnolia.

"Letters?" Twilight repeated dumbly, her mind still processing all the ghosts abound. "Spirits are ... what letters? The only letter I've ever gotten from this location is one Magnolia sent me with a map. I've never even heard of you before coming to this town so I don't exactly know how I'm supposed to feel or what to think," she said quickly before shaking her head a few times. "Spirits are real and I'm talking to a supposed ancestor. I need time to wrap my head around this."

@Blitz Boom


Aurora stayed absolutely still while Onache examined her. It was only when the queen was facing her did she move about and check on the weak points. The half blurred back leg and unnatural blend of colours made her sigh.

"I'm more used to dealing with feathers, not hair and fur and manes and such, Queen Onache," Aurora told her, facing her with a dour expression. "I know I wouldn't get it right first time because all I've done up until now is be a griffin. Ponies are a new concept to shapeshift into." she took a breath and let it out slowly, and knew Onache was just being honest. "... are there any pointers you can give me?"

@Blitz Boom


"There's been no unfortunate visions as of late," Karmic shook her head. "Which is a relief but also concerning. Am I losing my ability? I don't think so, my cutie mark is still here ..." Karmic told him with a hint of nervousness to her voice. "They pop up randomly so much I tended to have my head in the clouds but since ... Atzy is as she is now, it's like they've stopped. Were the visions somehow leading me to her and her Gemling Princess status?"

Atzy crouched to get a better look at Felicia and her ears flicked a few times, trying to understand the bigger spider-bot. She heard the translation from Molotov and nodded slowly.

"If you like being free, Felicia, then go have some fun," Atzy chuckled and gently patted the top of Felicia's body. It felt metallic and cold but Atzy didn't mind that. "Maybe Molotov can think up of a better body for you instead of a metal skeleton of a spider." She then turned to look at the other smaller spider and smiled. "And you, Carmen, if you like the attention so much then you can climb over me."

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@Sekel @Blitz Boom

Magnolia would narrow her eyes to Last and Drone's reactions. She did not know what to think of them. Both of them clearly had strong loyalty to whatever causes they served. Magnolia truly hated the idea of something like that. It made her writhe with disgust. To think that one would give their life so idly when they could be spent pursuing their own individuality. Whatever. It's not like it was her life to lose anyway, and so she simply opted to not care about it.

To Stitche's statement, Magnolia would nod in agreement. "Yeah, you've got that right." she spoke with a slight grumble and then went silent as they continued onward. As they walked towards the estate, Magnolia would ponder how truly lucky she were to have secured an interaction with her sister. It was something she was definitely not going to slip away.

The entry into the estate was what Magnolia had already seen - yet that did not take away from the grandness of it all. Such an estate commanded so much respect - for it's heritage had vast amounts of knowledge within. Something she hoped Twilight would understand. Magnolia would nod to Alluria when she spoke, but would not interfere, allowing the two of them to speak to each other. After Twilight's reply to Alluria, Magnolia would speak.

"She's the real deal. It's why she noticed who I was so readily. That I was one of the Sparkle family." Magnolia spoke calmly.

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