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Blitz Boom

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@Blitz Boom @EQ_Theta @Storm Shine

"Getting myself a ticket for that whenever it shows up is never a problem for me. If hadn't been difficult ever since I bugged Celestia about it."

Lucid remembered when he would sneak into the castle and annoy the princess about getting Gala ticket, even occasionally showing up in her refrigerator, which always startled her.

"Needless to say, it's an place where I can destroy things without being dragged away by guards... not that they could. But that's months away."

He remembered something.

"This reminds me of my first Gala where I strategically put animals, party things, and other things around the place to cause a bunch of trouble. One pink pony was going crazy and some other pony was screaming at an- wait, I believe that pony was you Fluttershy!"

He assumed there were no hard feelings about the incident since it ended well. It made him think, since this was BEFORE his abilities, what kind of damage could be do while warping reality?

Edited by Lucid_Nightlight


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@Rising Dusk

Molotov wasn't right behind them as Rising turned around, but rather three meters before that. Blitz were rummaging through the edges of some scrap, pulling out springs and little cogs that caught her interest that she could reach, and Molotov were over at a larger box that seemed to have been a carnival musical box at some point, using his tools to unscrew, unbolt, and a few times slam a few dents out that were in the way.

He were whistling throughout the process as his horn glowed, controlling both his lenses and several tools at once. A benefit of having magic that he never tired off, though as everything seemed to be handled well enough, and the tools were back in the right places down his side, it was time to use some good old fashioned elbow grease.

Grabbing hold in the panel, he effortlessly pulled it off - nothing physically impressive, it had mainly been kept in place by the screws and such - sat it next to him, and had a close look at the internal parts.

"...Stage two rust, easily replaceable. I swear, how some ponies throw out perfectly good things like this because of a few missing wires, four bend beams and a rusted cog or five..."

Molotov hated pointless waste like this. As one of the latest in a fairly long line of inventors and engineers, he found things so easily repairable to be a travesty to just throw out. Even if it couldn't be repaired, or there were no interest in it, the parts could be used for several other things. Even if it didn't work what you made, then no worries, keep it around and learn from your mistakes until you could create or fix things properly. That were what he did, which could be seen from all the things hanging from the ceiling back at his workshop. He didn't waste perfectly good parts, and this? This had so many small, intricate pieces that he could work with that only needed some easily replaceable bits and pieces along with a new exterior, and presto: Workable music box. Or if he gave it to Blitz, a sound blasting mechanism.

He were honestly pretty intrigued with how she had managed to do so with that pinecone looking thing she tended to drag around sometimes, but she were reluctant to have him take it apart. He brought this along, and he could see her process again perhaps. It'd be a fun little side project for her too, and worst case scenario, she'd actually manage to repair it and they'd have some music in the workshop for the times when there weren't so much clanging going on.

The pony barely noticed the other ones as he went through this, before Carmen clenched a piece of his back skin and got him to focus her way.

"Hey, what's the big deal?"

The spiderbot ran through a series of mechanical sounds once again to explain to him as best as she could what had been asked by the others. It was a limited kind of language, but *Other ponies, many metal scrap?* seemed to do explain things well enough for Molotov, who finally focused over on the others whilst instinctively set his lenses so he'd see normally again. It had been ingrained in him to do for so long that at times he barely even noticed when he did it, but he certainly would if he hadn't. The configuration he had used whilst checking the box would have.

"Oh, you wanna know how much scrap we need? Well, we can reuse the same part when figuring out the magic, and a 1/20'th scale model wouldn't take much... Let's say a pile around the size of you, Dusky. It should keep us busy enough for the time being."

It was likely more than they actually needed until they had to make a properly sized model at some point, but going with a small model at first would be the best to see if the construction functioned before they went into the more difficult tests. By then, he should've been long done setting something up so they could harvest some stuff from Center Zero. Sure, this place was closer and scrap were always fun to reforge, but he had some pride. Too much of it in fact.

And speaking of which, his sight got directed completely towards Rusty. He had something to ask of her.

"How much for the busted box here and Blitz's goodie crate?"

Molotov nodded towards the musical box and the small metal box Blitz had dug out of the pile within range of her leashed self, just as the filly in question popped out with a saw-blade for a circular saw, firmly placed between her teeth, but thankfully without cutting into her. She were bouncing in place from pure joy over her find, like you usually only saw with small ones getting candy, before carefully putting it down in the box of random parts she had dug out.

"Not even rusty or missing any teeth? Sweet catch sis."

"This place is amazing!"

If her wings had worked, she would have fluttered into the air from pure joy before she started to dig around where she had been just before when she found her little treasure. Or as it would be known to ponies who were not completely mad, *A dangerous tool that should not be familiar to, nor held by, a ten year old*. Molotov just thought it was awesome though. Scrap so far as the eye could see, and she found something that was barely used, and had likely gotten stuck in something when it was thrown out. Perhaps a workbench drawer? Some of the tougher ones of those were metal. Either way, it really were a good find in his eyes, and she hadn't cut herself with it, so what was the harm? Wasn't like she hadn't been meddling around with tools since she were seven anyway, even to their mothers conflicting disapproval.



@Victoria Sponge

Pop felt like her head was gonna overheat from the increased blush she got over the reactions to her blunder. Something which Benny responded to by just pulling her in more and cover her basically fully on with his wings, after Victoria had the chance to go over and try and hug things out with the mare. Funny how Pop could be all up in your face when she felt vindicated to do so, but as soon as she knew she had messed up, she started to pull back and blush up like a tomato. It was cute in Benny's eyes, even though he knew she didn't think it was all that great sometimes.

"She doesn't mean any bad with it. Just sometimes the words comes before the brain sets in."

He reached his head down and snuggled her mane a little, as Pop remained in her hideout until she could get a more normal color on her face, and the metaphorical hoof she had stuffed in her muzzle out.

"I know she meant it when she said she believed in you though. I do too, and you don't even need to twist my arm to hear it."

Benny gave Victoria a big grin after the goofy sounding joke, and took a chew more of cake. Gave him a bit of time to think over things, and... Okay, he just really wanted more cake. This stuff was so good!

"...*gulp* Seriously, Victoria? You've changed lots from when we met you and through this little trip, and I bet Battenberg is gonna be thrilled to see that too, and hear what you've been doing. Running around helping, getting dirty without being bothered, and making good with several of your family members? That's a big leap, and you've landed on your hooves. Ain't no way she's not gonna be proud and more than happy to run things with you."

Benny wasn't the deep thinker in this group by any stretch, but he wore his emotions on his sleeve and tried to be the nicest being he could be, against many of the stereotypes that came from being a dragon. It made him unfit for any kind of officer position in the Royal Guards, but he didn't care much about that either. He loved to work in the forge, and all in all, he figured that he were doing good around ponies these days, so his way of fitting in was doing great socially at least.

Other dragons still had a field day making fun of him, but that was more their issue than his.




"You're not the one I'm concerned about being turned away."

Rosa felt the eyes of several beings fall on them as they wandered. A generally unfamiliar sight, and an unwanted presence wandering side by side like this were bound to draw the eye of ponies in town, from nobles to commons. If the princesses had been here, he were sure that they'd be stopping up to have a glance too. Directly before ordering him thrown in a cell that were, which he knew were the thought of several guards they passed, who just waited for the smallest excuse to descend upon him.

"Equestria prides themselves on being inclusive, and with the changelings starting a friendly, diplomatic relationship with the ponies, they're more focused on what might happen with those than a single creature of an unknown race. They'd be more likely to come over and ask you curious questions than scorn you, after looking at you from a distance for a time. Think of them like cats, if it makes it easier."

He did not know the story that Sen had with this town already, though he would likely find it odd. He had seen them welcome some rather dangerous creatures - like dragons - into the town the few times he had been here, so somepony that looked like a mixture of a pony and a dragon wouldn't make sense to be chased off in his mind. Perhaps the timing had been poor for Sen, though that were something not on his mind as he continued talking, as he were as of yet unaware of the potential bad blood between this town and the longma.

"Several places that employs those of my profession doesn't have a good relation with Equestria, and doubtfully ever will have, and the uniform I wear makes them think of places like that. Even if I don't work for them anymore, it doesn't matter to them. The only reason I am not currently being fitted for chains is that they will need to catch me in the act of something to drag me in, or find me working for one of several potential enemies of Equestria. Freelancing my skills are not illegal, unless they suspect I am trespassing or gathering information unlawful."

Some he suspected, also squelched some tensions by being in the employment of Scarcity and not being sure what to do, after seeing how they have communicated earlier. Others would go for her first to gain some information on him as she seemed to have paid him, but he had no doubts that she could talk her way out of that too. Not even his mother could be as slippery as the antiquarian were, and that were saying something.

"Also, keep your bits. The ones we have received are more than enough to work with for this."

He could see the store in the distance as he talked calmly to Sen, not caring much if somepony heard him. In fact, he were somewhat hoping that ears were peaked to what words came from him. Telling things like he did would make the guards more reluctant to apprehend him as they'd want to catch him saying something substantial to them. Unless he slipped something stupid out in his conversation, such as the fact that he were indeed one of Darkenhold's spies, and not just a freelancer. Being a spy would just give him scorn and disrespect, not a cell and an interrogator, like being from that town would.

Back with Lin, Scarcity led the way towards her own store, which required them to pass along several places where there were some attention towards the strange looking longma. A guard even began wandering over to have words, but another came around and told him that they had bigger fish to fry, and diverted him. Scarcity gave him a smile as the two wandered by, and the second guard gave a small, almost invisible nod towards her.

"Things must have escalated quite substantially the last few hours, how peculiar.

In any case dear, what you describe sounds rather strange to me. The guards may well be called upon to remove certain individual from the finer establishments, and to prevent dumpster diving, but I have yet to hear of that causing anypony to be dumped into what your brother considers the slum, even if the complainer were among the self-proclaimed *finer* individuals of Equestria."

Canterlot had some less developed areas over the years that she supposed could be called slums, but they were generally repaired and repopulated fairly fast enough to not make it too bad. Perhaps he had been pushed towards the area of town were most of the area were storage units? That could in a way be seen as slum, as few lived there, and the few who did tended to balance the noise with the low prices for housing there in their own head. Some of them could get somewhat paranoid and unreasonable though... Yes, that were an option, though one of several attacks on the town might also have made other parts unlivable and looking like slum for a time. Celestia knew that that were not Ponyville, but it did not mean that the capital did not attracts several attackers regardless, and not all were repelled by their fancy bauble.

"Do you have a time frame of the incident perhaps? I could ask around and find out what happened, unless it were sometime after Chrysalis and her changelings attacked. Dearest me, how many got paranoid at even the slightest abnormality or strange sight for a time after that unfortunate incident. Honestly, the changelings making diplomatic measures under new leadership will do wonders for everypony, provided that they can get past the bad impression many had after the attack.

Ah, but it seems that we both have our spots of rambling. Do share though, if you have more concerns weighing your mind."

It would potentially ease the mind of Lin, give her some answers, and provide Scarcity with new information. All things that the mare would consider wins for all involved, and it were not as if they did not still have a few minutes until they reached her establishment.




Urge to bury the pony... Rising...

If it were not Nerzhei's migraine, it were her patience that were tested with Droppy constantly, and even though she couldn't actually do anything to the mare right this moment, it did not make the thought any less pleasing the longer she thought on it. Stupid and irresponsible yes, but still satisfying and tempting.

It clouded her thoughts for a time before she could think on the next riddle she had been handled. Using the baseline that this had to both make sense and could be ludicrously idiotic - seriously, a letter was the answer? - as the same time, she eventually wavered off the most straight forward answer that came to her mind.

"I assume the answer is a keyhole. Is that enough of an answer, or do you want to belittle my intelligence again before going on?"

With her luck, the mare would not only demean the dragoness' intellect again, but also somehow manage to summon a sphinx. Who she'd then gnaw on, and send on an undead spree of terror around the area just for the heck of it.

Perhaps she were getting pessimistic about this, but her mood was souring, and it did not just affect her viewpoint on Droppy. It was to the point where she almost missed one of the markers she had near her home. The keyword here being *almost* as she still saw it out of the corner of her eye as they passed it. They'd be there within the minute now, and she could finally pick up some of her stuff and get a shot reprice from a game of riddles that were only going to end with her answering wrong again eventually, and getting laughed at straight into her face.

A small puff of smoke escaped her nostrils as she thought on that, and her healthy hand clenched. If there was one thing she hated, it was being called stupid.



@Lucid_Nightlight @Storm Shine @EQ_Theta

The short visit on the author wouldn't rattle the human that much this time, who'd fling an elastic band towards the brief visitor.

Back witht he others though, Anomaly barely took notice off it, as her big grin were directed towards Fluttershy.

"Sweet, thanks a bunch of times yello- Fluttershy."

Calling poniess nicknames were fine most of the time, but she hadn't been raised to be a rude psychopath, so she could say thank you when something nice was done. Properly too.

Though, hadn't she been born to be raised a sort of crazed thing? Zhu had told her how to behave sort of nice, but then, he had also tutored her in how to make those golden seeds that converted other beings into evergrown, because it fitted his grand schemes. So perhaps she were raised to be some kind of maniac in a way after all?

...Meh, who cared? Not a chip off her shoulder if it were. What was done was done and all that stuff, right?

"You're supposed to bring a kind of hostess gift for that, right? I can do that, and then the princess will be seven kinds of happy!"

Anomaly stopped up and piled a bit of dirt up, then began to work her magic. A small clay pot swirled into existence around it, and a flower began to slowly take form. Rising from the earth were a delicate little thing in a glowing greed, sporting a large head in warm colors reminiscent of the sun, and as it grew, sprouted small eyes. The little thing began starring up towards the group with a curious gaze, seemingly wondering who to focus on.

"Hah, eat that boring old plants. I haven't made these in ages, but i still gots it. Kinda forgot why it was I stopped making these though..."

The eyes narrowed on Anomaly eventually, as the draconequus stood and scratched her head. The head of the flower began to get more vibrant coloring, to a point where it almost seemed like it wa-No, it was definitely glowing. Just before it pulled upwards towards its maker and tried to touch her leg. Instinctively she moved away, only to see a small ember pop off into nothing, before the flower rapidly reduced in coloration again and looked up with pleading eyes.

"Ooooh, that's right, they're into setting things on fire. That's why. I'm sure sunbutt can handle that though, right? Or should she get like, a dancing cactus instead? Give it some sunglasses and a beat and things are gonna go down."

Making a normal gift like a regular sunflower was something that Anomaly could do without even thinking about it, but she didn't like to do so most of the time. Nature should evolve, and that meant messing with the formula in her mind. Usually that meant she gave them sentience, teeth, and/or weird poison, but that was all part of it. How could things evolve on if they couldn't defend themselves after all? Duh.

"Or if everything is going to be boring and stale, I could just like, make a statue or something. But then how'd I make an impression? It sounds like this gala thing is about making yourself seen with weird stuff, like chasing animals through the castle, or placing them for a big ol joke. It had to look absolutely brilliant."

Anomaly tried to sort of going along with things, though she didn't think they should discount the merit in a pyromaniac plant. Sure, it were insanely dangerous, but it danced when it saw fire! And just look at the widdle little face. Who couldn't love that?

  • Brohoof 2


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom @EQ_Theta @Storm Shine

"Oh! What you should do is instead of a dancing cactus, you should get Celestia a singing cactus! I got one from a gift shop once and it's like the coolest thing ever! It even has a little sombrero!"

Lucid clapped his hoof and some disarmed proximity mines appeared.

"We should use these to prank Twilight. Don't worry, they're filled with confetti and flour!"

He looked at the mines knowing how hilarious this was going to be.

"I found these in that monkey world at some military base, they got mad and started shooting me with these weird black things that shoot painful pellet things made to kill things or whatever, and now I want one so badly because they look cool! I was able to make the mines into harmless confetti mines by taking out the dangerous parts and stuffing them with confetti and all purpose flour!"

A few of them blew up in his face in the process, but what doesn't blow up around him?


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@Blitz Boom

Sen was vague on the details, providing nothing specific of the incident other than what directly happened to him. It was difficult to process and with him at the age of being very impressionable, it was the event itself that left a poor impression of Canterlot burned into his mind. It meant he wouldn’t remember anything else and probably a biased retelling of the story according to what he believed happened, not what exactly transpired. It was left to Lin to piece together the details, however few they were, but had to be reminded that maybe this was something left as it was. 

“I appreciate you wanting to help but I’d rather not pursue this,” Lin meekly replied. “Sen didn’t mention any specific details but he wants to put this experience behind him; he doesn’t want either of us to get needlessly worked up about it. I guess I shouldn’t have brought it up in the first place.” 

It was difficult, but Sen eventually left Canterlot for parts unknown until reemerging in the Everfree Forest. A familiar place despite the rumors of it being unnatural. It was a calming place but even his worries nearly caused him to end his search there. The rest is needn’t be mentioned as he is now looking forward to something good. Things began, and are still looking up for him, and that was enough for Lin.

As for Sen, what Rosa mentioned, caused something to stir in him. It was a familiar feeling of sympathy, seeing bits of himself in Rosa and wanting to do what he can to help. He kept his bits, but not before changing his thoughts to what a cat was. Another odd name for a creature he may have seen before. At this point, he may be considering a pet but was clueless about what he wanted.

“I guess everyone is still learning to get along, huh? I had hoped those stories about ponies being a nice, open, and forgiving kind were true but it seems it isn't the case. So much for those rumors I've been hearing."


@Blitz Boom @Storm Shine @Lucid_Nightlight

“That was you? I don’t think it was. The castle garden was where most of the animals would normally be and… well, I guess if you were there, you remember the rest. I really regret behaving like that, yelling at the animals and all.” 

The gala was more or less meant for the high society to mingle in the presence of royalty, but even Anomaly’s rather eccentric idea of a plant may prove more than a simple change of scenery. Eventually, it will leave everyone with the impression that the gala is not being taken as seriously as it used to be. Twice have there been upstarts who thought to sabotage the event and it seemed like Celestia can only tolerate so much before she stops the event. The princess is an understanding and kind sort but even she has her limits.

“I think the gala’s more for the mingling and showy, staged performances, Anomaly. So long as you let Celestia know what you’re doing, she probably wouldn’t mind it. Just don’t test her patience; she wouldn’t like it if you push her too far.“

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@Blitz Boom

Rising Dusk should have figured that the Boom siblings would be off on their on, even if they were decently close by.  It was like watching two kids in a candy store.  Not all that surprising though.  Having only known the pair for a very short day, their mannerisms and workshop fortress were pretty good indicators of their nature at heart.  For inventors and engineers, scrapyards were paradise playgrounds.  One stop shops for pretty many anything one could need to at least get started on a project.  Which was the main reason he thought to start here.  It was pretty amusing though to watch the young filly Blitz Boom snatching up anything she could reason from the limited range of movement available to her from a leash.  A quickly growing crate of goodies started to mark her conquest of just a limited reach.  He could only imagine the terror she might be on Molotov's wallet should she ever be unleashed!

He could still remember the first time he visited the local scrapyard.  Volunteering to help haul some scrap they were going to use to make stage props for the annual Hearths Warming Eve play.  Oh, how long ago was that?  Ten years maybe?  Rising Dusk came with his father to load up carts while his sister and mother helped make costumes back at the community center.  Rusty was still working for her father who owned the scrapyard at the time, but now he's retired and she owns it.

Enough Deep Iron to equal about his size?  That shouldn't be too hard.

"Looks like we'll take enough Deep Iron to make something about my size."

He echoed the experts request.  Rusty looked between him and the scrape, calculating how much that would actually turn out to be.  She then turned back to him, looking around him for a second before staring at him with a perked eyebrow.

"Did you bring a cart?"

Rusty inquired, but the slightly un-amused look on her face betrayed that she already knew the answer.  Reaching up, the stallion scratched the back of his head with his hoof.

"Not really a place to store a cart when you live in an apartment."

He replied with an innocent smile.  Which was true, putting to the reason why he didn't even own one.  Rusty simply rolled her eyes.

"Fine, you can borrow one of ours.  Just bring it back in the morning."

She motioned with her head to a row of carts off in a corner of the scrapyard.  Rising Dusk flashed her a thankful smile and trotted off to go collect one of the carts to bring it back and start loading it up with the scrap of Deep Iron they would need.  Not all that hard to do when one used magic to lift the metal, of course.  Turning her attention away from Rising Dusk and to Molotov Boom who had asked her a question.  She looked at the broke box he mentioned and the crate of scrap and junk the little filly had collected.

"That looks like, four bits worth of stuff."

She said with a smile, which then went to a frown when she saw the young filly prancing around with a saw blade in her mouth.

"Please be careful.  I'd preferred the rest of this month be injury free in my yard."

She added, giving Molotov a pointed look.

Edited by Rising Dusk
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@Blitz Boom @EQ_Theta @Storm Shine

"Sure the animals were always there, but I took them and placed them in a specific way. The placement of the animals, the animals you saw first, that was me using them to manipulate you. Just because I'm a comedian doesn't mean I don't know a bit psychology."

The trick he used that day was pretty complicated, the scenery he set, the color, the spots he somehow convinced the animals to stay in, it was all one big psychological trick he planned since when he found out about the tickets all those ponies annoyed Twilight about.

"It's not like Celestia can do anything if Anomaly does push her limits. What is she gonna do, call her poorly trained guards?"


Edited by Lucid_Nightlight


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@Blitz Boom 


As Celestia and the others left Last’s sight, the front door opened to reveal who else but Celestia herself, although, she wasn’t in her pajamas this time.  “Hello, Last.  Is Princess Twilight available?” the new Celestia asked.  She was calm and seemed to be in a good mood.




@Blitz Boom 


We just need to stay hidden.  It’s nothing to worry about, it’s just that the other me is here and I don’t know what would happen if we ran into each other because I don’t remember meeting myself.”  Celestia seemed a little worried, but she was doing her best to hide it.  The last thing they needed right now was to create some sort of paradox.

It needs about ten minutes over a flame,”  Luna said to Twilight.  Just then, Celestia walked in.  “Twilight, you’re needed at the door.  The other me is here, and you can’t let me know that any of us are here.”  Luna put the mixture over a burner set on a low flame.  It smelled like the ocean, but at the same time there was a scent much like that of Cloudsdale.  “Is there anything I can do-” “No!  You’re at the castle right now.  If I see you here now, I’ll start wondering what’s going on, especially if I go back and find that you really are still back at the castle.” 


@Blitz Boom 


At first, I thought I heard something, so I asked if anyone was there.  Then, I heard a voice repeating back everything I said and we went back and forth for a bit until Ziggy and Serenade showed up, and a ghost named Cherish.  Ziggy was hurt, we all left the castle, met a Princess, hid Serenade in a cart, then brought Ziggy to the hospital.”  Charlie was extremely excited about everything that happened, and was clearly not very good at telling stories.  At least all the major details were there, for the most part.  “If every day is an adventure like this was, then I can’t wait to have my own body!”

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@Blitz Boom


"I really hope that Chimera vase gives us time to get away," Karmic told Zhu in a slight panic. "We have to go!" she yelled at him, trying to force him along the cramped passageway that turned away from the door leading to the relic room.

@Blitz Boom, @Moonlit, @Seamore Sandwich


"There's another you?" Twilight asked in shock but couldn't really be told the answer after being ushered. "Okay, I'll go," Twilight said quickly and ran to the front door, hoping she'll get there in time before the other Celestia figured out what was going on.



What else am I meant to put here?


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@Dji @Seamore Sandwich @Blitz Boom Serenade groans and facehooves "♪I bucking hate Time Travel♪" She had experienced time travel once before, and had to deal with a very ticked off future Sereande, one that had been fully grown and mature Siren. That had been a unique experience, and was one on the few things she kept secret from her Princess.

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"You misunderstand, Sen. Ponies are generally the most friendly, higher sentient beings you can encounter, and they try to be tolerable to others as much as they can, but they're not perfect. They can hate and fear as much as any other creature can, if they are given a reason to do so.

Changelings are now starting to get integrated, but their story with Equestria is bloody. Years and years of impersonating others just to steal love, or kidnap the more gullible ponies to be drained and converted into a mindless drone left the name of their race with a sour taste in most ponies' muzzles, culminating in the attack on Canterlot a few years back. The leader of their largest hive - Queen Chrysalis - had kidnapped Princess Cadence, and ensnared Captain Shining Armor, in a plot to take the entire capitol. Something that wasn't known until the supposed wedding between the two ponies Chrysalis had interfered with the most, and by then it was too late."

Rosa pointed upwards, to indicate the protective barrier that held threats like that out of this city normally.

"The barrier fell, the changelings invaded, and Princess Celestia were defeated. It was only narrowly won by a group from Ponyville that included Princess Twilight Sparkle, and the changelings were forced out of this town. Going back to small scale danger, but tarnishing their reputation even further.

It led to some laws and terms that are being loosened now, as part of the negotiation with King Thorax, who took Chrysalis' hive from her, but ponies perception changes slowly. Many in Equestria  still remembers the attack, as well as the other things that have done, and in their mind, rightfully fears the changelings. It will take time to change that, but it starts with the law.

Dragons have had to go through this process too, as their story with ponies are not kind either, though tolerance are increasing from both sides the more times goes on. The proud griffons, mysterious zebras, elusive bat ponies, and so forth, have also needed to go through their own story to get a more normalized place in this society, even if small pockets of the population are still concerned and misinformed about things.

That is racial issues however. In the case of beings like me, it is political. Every being and governing body in the world have secrets that are not meant to come out, and spies are trained to extract that information. Sometimes in benign ways akin to a more scrutinizing private detective,and other times, it can be state or military secrets. And if those gets in the wrong hooves, a lot of ponies could end up hurt, or worse."

That one hit Rosa close to home, and his tone had gotten a little sour at that point. He had been one of those who extracted a variety of information, but under false pretenses, and when he had found out what they were used for, how many that got hurt or lost everything because of him, he had grabbed as much incriminating information as he could, and defected.

If negotiations with Equestria went well between King Thorax and Equestria, the time would come when he would have to answer for his crimes, and would need to explain as much as he could, but that day would take time. With the incriminating evidence he had provided, the tense political situation that had been between Darkenhold and Equestria had become a great deal harsher, and he had heard talks about a potential change of government in his old home to be the only solution if they wanted to try and regain a small amount of leeway with the far larger pony kingdom, but if they were willing to do so would be another talk. As would be his judgement for both his part in bringing lives into danger, and bringing everything to light. He just hoped to be able to find his brother before that, and at least have some time with him before he'd have to stand trial.

"Unless your people have a political mess of a story with Equestria, what gives you strange stares and fear-filled eyes are ignorance and lack of information. If some approach you, answer some of their questions, and wait things out. Words will spread, more curious ones will approach, and in time, they will get informed. Though perhaps there is too much tension in town right now for good gossip. Too many guards around to be nothing."

Rosa were usually not this wordy, but as he said, misinformation were a bad thing. Sen needed information, and the guards still keeping him watched needed to hear something that would make them keep at hooves length. Giving a short guide of semi-current history accomplished both for now, though he wondered how long it might last. Sooner or later, a guard would likely approach and start to ask some questions, yet that were a bridge they'd pass when the time came. For now, they had arrived at the grocery store.

It were a rather large establishment, with vegetables, fruits and other organic products lines up in crate after crate all around. It seemed to be a popular store too, judging by the amount of ponies in here, though Rosa could see that some of them were simply busy restocking shelves and crates that were getting empty.

A stallion with a green and caramel swirled coating, brown eyes, and a short, orange mane and tail that were both rather busy, approached the two as he saw them with curiosity and some degree of worry in his eyes.

"My my, what strange costumes. Very detailed though, yes?"

The pony looked to see if he could find any sort of sleeve or something on Sen especially, that would give away where his costume pieces began, but he didn't see anything. Highly impressive he'd say, and the better of the two. Spy costumes were a little tacky in his mind, but he wouldn't poke at the quality. The fabric even had that slightly weird tint that made it blend in better when shadows got closer.

"Oh right, that must've seemed rude. I'm Garlic Hoof. I take it you're the ponies who ordered a few crates of things for a party, yes? Though... Where's your cart? These things are pretty heavy, and you don't want to end up with back injuries."

Garlic addressed Sen, seemingly unaware that this were in fact not who he had been waiting for.

Meanwhile, Scarcity had simply nodded in response to being told that she were not to interfere in things regarding Sen and her. Of course, the mare were going to gather some information, as she were curious and believed it prudent to hold some cards on her hooves when it came to interacting with interesting characters, but she would be kind and not act upon it, unless necessary. It depended on the behavior of those involved honestly, since there were certain limits that she did not find acceptable to do without some degree of retaliation. A strange stance to have considering what she did, but there were many layers to her that others were not to see.

They'd be at her store soon after, which had a simple, yet elegant front showcasing some of the things she had on display in the window, under the wood-carved sign of *Scarcity's Antiques*. Simplistic, but she had no reason to overdo things. An elegant and well maintained store front and interior were all she truly needed. Her wares spoke for themselves.

She would open up and let a small bell go off, though the one she had in charge of the store for the time being were busy with some nobles to the side. A pair she had seen before, and knew what wanted: Statues. Garden enthusiasts those two, always competing with their neighbors. A little pointless in Scarcity's mind, but it were profitable for her, so she wouldn't complain.

The store interior were well lighted from beautiful chandeliers around the store, as well as more modern lights from the floor in certain places were the wares needed to be showcases better. Art hung on the walls, carpet lined a great deal of the floor where customers were to walk, and the whole thing just seemed to have a kind of elegance to it that were inviting, but reeked of class. The kind where things were expensive, which the items around would show too from their price tags, going from as *little* as a few hundred bits, to ludicrous prices that only those with far too many bits would be able to even consider, let alone buy. Some of them costing more bits than a normal pony would be able to make in twenty years.

Things were of course, in pedestals and other sectioned places behind glass, rope and so forth so that nopony would accidentally stumble into them. A necessity considering the value, even if it did make the viewing somewhat troubling for those who were pretty short sighted.

"Welcome to my not so humble store, Lin. please, look around a little if you will, and I will be right back. Prestige seems to be done with the customers soon, and I require a quick status update from him. Of course, you are free to wait at the counter too, and I will be there shortly."

It wouldn't be long, but Scarcity did need to know what went on here. A few things seemed to have been sold that she did not expect, and she had to make sure that Prestige had done things properly. He were a skilled salespony with a silver tongue, but he were still somewhat new, and he needed to be reminded that she expected excellence.



@Lucid_Nightlight @EQ_Theta @Storm Shine

While the other two had been at it talking, Anomaly had disposed of her fire-craving flower somehow. She couldn't destroy it, so what had happened were hard to say, but there were a nice patch of fresh grass covering the pot now. Perhaps related.

She had also gotten curious about the mines that Lucid had provided and decided to eat one. Likely not the best decision she had ever made, but she were an impulsive creature and the poquus had already said that there wasn't any explosives in this, just confetti and stuff. SHe could eat that fine, even if it literally blew up in her face.

"Pff, Celestia's guards can do tons of stuff. Set me on fire, or hit me with silver or something. I see lots of Solar Guards with silver for some reason, and it's bad, no fun stuff."

Silver had much the same effect on her as pure iron, though sadly, a sliver of silver were far more common than a slab of pure iron. Meant she had to be a tiny bit careful sometimes.

"The party sounds kinda boring if it's just ponies talking, yellow one. nothing fun happening there, at all? No music or... Is there theater?"

Anomaly's eyes glittered as she thought on that possibility. She didn't sing too well without mingling with her own vocal cords - easy stuff, but still - yet theater? That were a natural thing to her.

"I was born for theater. Setting a scene, making a story, causing a big show! It's the greatest kind of fun. Except for hecklers. They're mean and can go boo somewhere else."



@Rising Dusk

"Hah, you don't need to worry about her getting hurt unless it's something that can explode.

In our family, we're taught how to work tools safely early on, so we're ready when we get out first set of tools at age ten, and given a workbench of our own. Blitz here started off with nicking tools when nopony was watching and work on stuff without us taking notice, and then blew a hole straight through the east wall when she were eight. Few years earlier and more dangerous than mom would've liked without supervision, but she were dang proud of my lil' sis regardless. Got her cutie mark whilst she were rolling on the streets laughing her head off."

Molotov pointed at Blitz's flank, where the smiling bomb that made for her cutie mark had been ever since. A constant reminder of that day, and why they didn't let her play with the good stuff for a long time after that.

"Blitz still needs to learn and relearn some safety measures, but she knows how to handle tools safely at least. She's more likely to hurt herself from looking into trash bins than the sawblade."

He floated a roll of gauze, some sewing things, a roll of plaster and some disinfectant out of the bag briefly whilst giving a grin.

"Though in case something does happen, I'm ready. Blitz is... Lil' sis is the last family I have left, even if she can't remember it, and I'm not gonna loose her too. I'll keep her safe, but that doesn't mean I can take away tinkering from her. It's our family's legacy."

His voice had cracked briefly as the talk went on Blitz being what he had left, and he watched her pull out another screw from the pile she were rummaging through and putting it in the box. He might seem like he only loosely cared about her safety, but he didn't. He would jump in the way of anything trying to get to her if it came to it, and leave everything behind to go find her again if she got lost, but she needed to work. It kept her happy, and it was the best chance he had of her remembering things short of trying some kind of mind machine on her, and the potential consequences of that were far too severe to actually go forth with, even if he had briefly entertained the thought when he found her again in the Everfree Forest.

"And just for the record, we're not nuts, inventing and crafting is just in our blood. It can't be kept down, so we embrace it and teach it early on so we can get to safety before something goes wrong. Well except my uncle Stomp Boom. Never really had the spark for some reason, but he did make for one hay of a gardener.

Anyway, here's your bits Rusty."

He'd float six bits - two more than asked for - towards the mare and nodded down towards Blitz.

"I think we both know that she's gonna pull a few more things out until the box can't handle more."

Even with the extra bits to cover for Blitz meddling around more, he still considered the scrap to be a steal for that price, so he really didn't mind. Frankly, this just meant that he'd be back here quite a bit, as long as he weren't run out of town for some reason.

Though the next time, he'd bring his own cart. Sure he had to build one first, but please, that was trainee work. Not an issue.



@Seamore Sandwich

"Your majesty."

Last raised her hoof and saluted Princess Celestia as she entered the castle. Current time Celestia it seemed, rather than alternate time pajamas Celestia that had been here before. Frankly she understood nothing of the logistics behind time travel, other than the princess being here twice in the same timeline, but anything else than that - including what dangers it could present that they met - were above her paygrade. Though she did understand now why the future Celestia had taken off at least, and why she had been told to not tell what had happened here.

"Princess Twilight Sparkle said she needed to check up on something in private.I was asked to stay and- Gnnnngh!"

As she were lowering her leg, Last felt a great spike of pain in her stitched wound and had to bite down hard to stop herself from screaming in pain, whilst her narrow eyes briefly went wider. The doctors had told her not to overextend herself and keep her movements under control, but a simple salute? Another movement she had to do more carefully it seemed, or least not pull to the side as she dragged it down to indicate what way the younger princess had went. It might well have been that stretch that did it.

"...Be ready, in case visitors arrived. She should return shortly. Would you like a status report on the rebuilding effort on the town while waiting, your majesty?"

If she had been outside, she would have spat out what were mixing with her spit right now, but as this were inside, and in a castle nonetheless, she simply gulped it down before she had spoken on. Hopefully an update on the rebuilding efforts would suffice to distract the princess for the time being. As she had been the princess who specifically set Last on this task at the meeting yesterday, she might well be interested in knowing how much longer it would be. Twilight should perhaps still move with some speed though.


@Moonlit @Seamore Sandwich @Dji

"T-Two Princess Celestia's in one castle, and we have to hide from the other one so nothing bad m-might perhaps happen? And h-here I thought being d-dead were complicated..."

Cherish had no idea what might happen either, but it was likely right to hide and try not to test things, just to be on the safe side.

"So... T-That's the elixir, h-huh? It smells nice.

So, you d-drink this stuff, and you look like the pony at the c-castle again, Serenade? Doesn't that h-hurt, considering how much s-smaller a pony is?"

She considered saying more to the princesses, but it seemed like a princess situation what they had to sort through, and she barely understood what was going on beyond them needing to hide anyway. If this was the Castle of Two Sisters she could learn more by wandering around in the walls and look on what was happening at the hall they were in before and perhaps get more of a clue, but restrictions and all kept her here. Least she wouldn't miss what the elixir would end up doing at least, so that was something good, since she were curious about how that worked as well. Was it something like the old werewolf stories she had read in the castle to her passed along friend? It sounded really painful if that were then.



@Seamore Sandwich

"Sounds like quite the experience. This ghost you're talking about though, was it in pain? Did it seem disoriented and unaware where it were? Did things move around it constantly?"

Vivid had changed a lot throughout the centuries, but she were still one who cared for her role in sending the lost spirits on to the next world. That being said, if a spirit were fully lucid and just refused to go on by their own, sane decision, she wouldn't try to force them. She could talk and try to explain things as best she could, but some just needed more time to sort through some things, and weren't going crazy yet. If they were, she'd force them along if she had to, yet if they were fully lucid? She wouldn't do that... Again. She had done so twice in her life, and she felt nothing but agony and sadness over the mere memory these days. She did not need a third rock like that on her consciousness.

A glance were sent tot he side where a tendril on the veil bridge grew slightly, but it were nothing more than that it seemed. For a short moment, Vivid had felt a sting of fear that perhaps the mistress that ruled the veil had decided to stir in here herself to move things around, but it seemed hey were lucky. For now.

"And life is what you make of it. If you wish to have action every day, you can become an adventurer and throw yourself at things as much as you please, though try to keep your body intact. It won't be easy to replace it if you somehow end up destroying it."



@Dji @Lloyd

Being pushed as he were, it weren't long before Zhu got his head smashed into a wall that he did not have the time to avoid, and were forced to slow down, forcefully. It might be that Karmic had the strength of an earth pony, but he were a serpanther, with the combined strength of a great cat and a serpent. If he didn't want to be moved, he'd stay put.

...Were what he'd like to think. Yet much as his legs were kept well enough in shape by jumping and walking often, he suffered from a less than optimal physique, like many spellcasters did. He might still have been able to stand his ground normally to some extend, but not when you also factored in the groggy feeling he were getting from being pushed around and likely heading for another wall.

Instead, he'd turn his head towards Karmic and let out a small hiss, whilst barring his fangs and bumping to the side. He did not enjoy acting like a feral beast, nor if it were, give in to her serpent side, but whatever it would take to try and get his point across right now were important, and he had reacted instinctively.

"Cease your pushing, or I will leave you bound on the floor. We will not get out here faster from you inflicting head trauma upon me."

He'd keep moving, but at his own pace, and to the side of the mare, if not behind. She could run ahead if she wanted. He'd find her soon enough, and at a pace where he could have some speed, but didn't receive damages from wandering blindly. He might be able to see somewhat well in the dark, but that did not mean that he were a nocturnal being who could simply step around in whatever way he pleased. Especially not when a certain pony were making it harder to control his steps by pushing on his hind quarters.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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"I think the silver things you are referring to are called spears. I had no idea they were made of s- wait they set you on fire?"

Who knew the guards could do that?

"Hecklers are not really that bad for me considering that when you heckle a comedian, you go up against someone who is extremely clever and knows the perfect comeback, it's part of the job."

Lucid has seen hecklers before during his acts, but they were no match for someone who's job it is to be clever.


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@Blitz Boom

"Sounds nice of ponies and Changelings working something out. I guess I just had a bad first meeting with the ponies of Canterlot; I'm more or less the first longma anypony has ever seen and well... the first interaction left a sour impression on me. I wouldn't know much about politics but I guess I'm doing all of this travelling and meeting other ponies so I can convince my kind that we could change our isolationist ways. So, as much as my first encounter with the ponies of Canterlot was a less than stellar start, I have to try and show that maybe we can get along just fine. I guess I shouldn't let one bad experience sour my thoughts on them. And thanks, for the talk and the information. I suppose I just needed to hear that and it's something I could tell the elders back home. They ought to know that too."

There are some things that didn't seem so different between the longma villages back home and Canterlot. For one, places to purchase food, although the method is different. Bartering for wants and needs is a big thing back home but most families would have providers to look after their basic needs. Excesses will then be traded amongst villagers between themselves or with other villages when the traders decide to move their excesses around. Here, looks no more different other than the currency. Sen would probably be curious about their supply routes, though, if it weren't for Garlic Hoof's introduction suggesting his eyesight wasn't all that good.

"Umm... I think you have us mistaken for someone else," Sen replied, a little confused by it but otherwise composed. "We didn't order anything yet but I suppose you wouldn't mind if we had a look at what you have?"

On Lin's side, the stunning appearances of the antiques got her curious, looking around and imagining if it was just like the manuscripts she had read from back home. It was tangible history, able to be held in her claws. Expensive, yes, but intriguing to look at and learn about. She looked past one and moved onto the next, taking in the sights while waiting for Scarcity to return. This is definitely something worth talking about back home with the elders.

@Blitz Boom @Storm Shine @Lucid_Nightlight

Fluttershy had seen Celestia angry once... tranquil fury never looked so terrifying. Now if something were to tick her off immensely, she wouldn't want to be anywhere nearby. That one gala experience may have been an unlikely outcome for herself or Celestia but she wouldn't want anyone trying her patience. Of course, that eventually underscored what the galas are normally like. 

"I suppose you can put on a show for the princess, she might like it. I hear the ponies of Canterlot might like something to get them to unwind seeing how uptight they normally appear and theater or comedy is fairly popular."

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@Blitz Boom @EQ_Theta @Storm Shine

Lucid could probably defeat an angry Celestia rather quickly, but then he'd probably be on some most wanted list or something and then he'd get demolished by the Mane 6, be it from rainbow power or from the Elements of Harmony. Either way, he'd rather that not happen.

"Alright, but only because I don't want to be turned into a statue like Discord."

Lucid pulled out some tiny statue of himself from nowhere.

"Maybe we can put these all over Twilight's castle! They are made of pure silver and I think it would be c- oh wait, nevermind."

Lucid remembered Anomaly can't be around silver, so he immediately ate the statue before anything could go wrong.


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@Dji @Seamore Sandwich @Blitz Boom Serenade wrinkles her nose "♪It may smell nice, but it tastes like bucking Tartarus....hurt, not really...not compared to what would happen if I didn't drink it♪" She looks around, "♪Half of ponies would flee in terror, the other half would hunt me down as a threat to Harmony♪"

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@Blitz Boom

Rusty reached up and scratched at her head, causing the hardhat she was wearing to tilt up to the side a little bit while she did.  That little filly was already dealing with explosives at such a young age?  It was true though, that Molotov pointed out, that she had earned her cutie mark after performing such an action.  She wasn't the mare to say destiny was wrong.  Rusty did have a good sigh of relief though to know her brother was looking out for her, and well prepared for any injuries that could occur.  When floating bits came her way though, she moved the hoof she was scratching her head with to let the bits flop into them.

"Sounds like a good deal to me."

She commented with a smile, pocketing the bits into a pocket on her bright orange safety vest.

Rising Dusk at this time of exchange was busy lifting Deep Iron into the cart they were borrowing for a bit.  With what he figured was enough of the metal to match it own size, he moved around to the front of the cart and using magic to lift and attach the harness around his midsection.  Pulling the cart over to the two talking ponies.  Still plenty of room in the cart for the box and crate the Boom siblings were looking to buy.  Sticking a hoof into the pouch of his beige hoodie, he removed a stack of six bits for the Deep Iron.  She gladly accepted the offered coins and pocketed them as well.

"Off already, detective?"

Rusty inquired.  The midnight blue stallion nodded, waiting for the siblings to load their purchases into the cart.

"No rest for the wary.  I'll pass along your best wishes to the folks."

He chuckled and started moving for the exit of the scrap yard, ready to deliver their materials back at the fortress workshop.  It was already starting to get kinda late and soon the Sisters would exchange their vigil watches.

"Thank you detective... And swat your sister for me for not visiting!"

She called after him with a wave.  Rising Dusk stopping long enough to turn and return the farewell wave before continuing on.

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@Blitz Boom @Dji

Sapphire leaped forward out of Void's magic negating range as she stepped on the ground, as the tendrils began to stretch out once again, her gem sparking with magic as they crawled across the floor and walls, rushing to grab onto Zhu from the direction of the door. The tendrils ignoring the other pony with him, as she knew they weren't the one with the element.

Astral didn't do anything and instead just watched as Sapphire's gem sparked with magic again. "Is that normal?"

"I'm pushing myself a bit here, this body is still new." She said, looking back to Astral, but her small bit of distraction would give Zhu some room to defend himself.


"Do you not recall that I was trapped in stone for hundreds of years? Would you recognize a statue walking a palace?" He chuckled at himself. "I was a general, Maybe there's some name in the books, Chariot Iron Heart perhaps?" He said, knowing his low point, no point in denying his past now. Meanwhile the other guard stayed there, deciding to only nod to the captains words. "But of course I'm not even close to telling you enough to take me down." He smirked a little, his power was unknown, as well as his magical skill, nopony would've been able to write it down since he never told anyone about it.

Edited by Lloyd

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@Rising Dusk

"'til next time Rusty."

Molotov grinned and waved the mare off as well, before poking to Blitz - who had now added a small cube of some kind to her pile - a few times until she looked up at him.

"Come on sis, it's time to go home. Ain't you itching to start working?"

The filly looked conflicted at the question. On one hoof, she really did want to make something, and especially with all the small springs she had found, but on the other hoof, this place was so much fun. It was to her, what a ball pit or a trip to the carnival were to most of the other foals back in the orphanage in Canterlot, and letting go was kind of tough.

"...One more thing?"

Molotov grinned and ruffled her mane before nodding, and giving her leash some slack. Might as well let her pick something good for the last one.

As for his own find, he floated the side panel up again and reattached the bolts and screws before picking it out of the pile and placing it on his back, waiting just long enough for Carmen to go to his head first so she wouldn't get squished. It was a bit heavy, but Rising were already carrying a bunch of stuff. Weren't fair to give him all the work here, so the least he could do were carrying his own stuff. He would've just floated it normally, though a little lifting wouldn't kill him, and he were going to need to be ready to use his horn for Blitz stuff more than anything, since her magic wasn't getting out with the tip chipped off her horn. Considering how unstable her box were looking, letting her try and lift it wasn't really an option either, so he'd be the responsible adult and take care of it.

"Y'know, I didn't really think this place would be that good when you started talking about it Dusky, but I gotta admit, I'm a fan. Far more stuff here than I would've guessed, and better quality. That Rusty there's a right pistol too, eh?

Heh, not meaning anything with it though, officer. You don't impose on another stallions turf, right? Gotta have some boundaries."

If there had been any kind of sign on Rusty that she were married, Molotov had missed it. With all the scrap and keeping track of Blitz, he had his priorities elsewhere, but he still considered the mare to be taken. If not entirely by now, then at least at some point in the future, and he wouldn't meddle with that. Might be that he weren't normally shy of saying what he meant to the mares, but a stallion had to have some kind of rules, and bumping into another pony's hunting grounds was just not okay.

Blitz would be back a little after he said that, with a set of half-rusty wires. Not the best condition, but a little elbow grease and a rust treatment and they'd be fine enough again.

"Seems like we're all set and done for this time. So long paradise."

The stallion gave a wve to the piles around them, lifted Blitz's box - which she tried to jump for a few times - and got set to leave. They had some way to cover, and not exactly the longest amount of daylight still to use.



@Lloyd @Dji

The tendrils that almost grabbed hold in him, made Zhu gnash his teeth and jump to the side. It seemed that his luck had presented him with one of the outcomes where one or more of the witches had joined up to catch him. How many were impossible to say, as the scene itself were static because of a force interfering with his visions earlier, but with magic of this caliber, he would assume that at least the one they called Sapphire were there. The one who he least wanted to meet, since she were the one with most reason to stop him. Short sighted fool didn't know the consequences of her actions.

He did however, and it meant that he could not let himself get caught, no matter the cost.

Drawing his paw into his robes, he'd pull out a small, dark orb and throw it down in front of him.

"Asha cahnte!"

Turning around, he'd start to run after that, no longer caring for potential scratches or bumps in here as the now activated relic began to rise into the air and shoot electricity around itself.

Four months. That were how long it had taken him to create this minor storm relic, chanting and binding energy from thunderclouds and magic together in intervals of six hours at a time. All that work, for something that he had now wasted as little more than a distraction.

In a cramped space like this, it would viciously burst out and strike anything that it could for several minutes, but it had been meant to be used outside, where it could expand to a dangerous thunderstorm. It might have been that the original purpose he had crafted that for had long since veered into another direction, but he had still wanted to use it for something better, like an emergency evacuation of an area where he needed peace, or as an attack option in a place where something were to happen sooner than he could work with normally.

*sigh* At least it were not one of the actual magical relics he had found that had been needed yet. This had simply been a spell that needed an activation phrase, it could be replicated. The other things were not so simple. Even with Anomaly's assistance, not all of those were possible to recharge, and they had far better applications than escape options.

Meanwhile, in the room with the items, the magical chimera had taken the hit the general had slammed into the head, and lashed back, causing the general to fly back and narrowly avoid a bundle of locked boxes.

"That's the best you can do? Come one tough guy, bring it on!"

The creature charged straight at her, and she prepared to strike and take another hit in her continued effort to force it closer to the upstairs. Yet suddenly, it shifted direction, and instead reached a gaping, goats head towards Void, who looked like she were a half second away from fainting. Tidal Wave opened her muzzle to yell to the mare to cover or something before she became chow, but it were too late. The creature were too close, and-

- promptly began to turn to dust.

Magical in nature as it were, Void's field were doing a number on it, and returning it to the mass that had been in the vase before, Not that Void looked any kind of smug or pleased with things. Even with having this curse hanging over her since birth, it didn't mean that she knew every magical thing that would and wouldn't be able to touch her. Creatures made of pure magic were among them, though thankfully, it had turned out to count in, or she would have become monster chow.

"Get the dust back in the oversized jar, Void. Rest of you, come on, the traitors are escaping."

Tidal Wave needed to thank Void properly for this later, but right now, they had escapees of the worst kind, and needed to get moving. With Sapphire using magic, and Astral doing... Whatever, watching or something? Anyway, those two seemed to be doing some kind of thing, so the general went straight for the door in the wall, opened up, and started to plunge into the depths. Hopefully the others were gonna follow up soon. One versus two were hardly a fair fight for the two others, but limited space and one of them using lots of magic skewed it against the general, who were more of a physical brawler and agile movements kind of mare.




Hailstorm narrowed his eyes and gritted his teeth.

Like Warlock said, he hadn't been told anything that were straight up going to give him an edge, but he had done something which required the captain to leave him for the time being, giving the witch time to think of trick answers or plot an escape route. Not that the captain believed there to be a way out, but he were not confident enough to think that Warlock did not end up with a surprise card up his sleeve, especially with his accomplish still on the loose.

"I will be sending a Lieutenant down shortly. Keep a close eye on the prisoner."

With that, Hailstorm turned around and started to wander out of the room and towards the upstairs with a rain cloud figuratively forming above his head. Seeking information from the archives were such a rookie mission, but when it came to older members of their high command, that information were only for high ranking officers, and most of them were busy with their own projects, leaving him to having to do this on his own, or simply ignoring it.

However, if there were truth to what Warlock had said, he needed the information. Some background might give them something to work with, and answer some questions towards exactly what kind of prisoner they were dealing with here.

He passed the still angry pegasus as he exited the door, placed as she were outside the walls just in case something happened, and the two of them exchanged irritated looks. Annoying little mare this one. Useful, but far too emotional and easy to manipulate to be anywhere near Warlock, as well as just being a general, arrogant annoyance in his eyes. Hopefully this would soon be over so he'd never have to see her growling mug again.




"Oh, terribly sorry then. Though surely, you're still going to that party, right? It's not like y-"

"We are preparing for a long trip actually. A mare called Scarcity told us that your store would be a good place to go for the things we'd need."

Garlic had started to look a bit uneasy, as the thought that these two might not be dressed for a party after all, when Rosa had interrupted, and given him reason to go into a big smile.

"Scarcity? Oh, that's just like her. Wonderful mare that one, and a great customer to boot. Please, come in and look around, and don't hesitate to call for me if you're looking for something specific."

The stallion wandered off right after that, to try and help with a bundle of cabbages that were beginning to go wobbly a few meters from them, leaving Rosa to simply follow the shop owner with his eyes for a time, before slowly wandering in and looking around.

"Not the response I had expected, but workable. Start to look around, and find what you and your sister would be the most likely to eat, and I'll finish off once things are settled. We need provisions for three days, and make sure to pack for an extra day in case something goes wrong."

Rosa had expected Garlic to react more like those who worked for Scarcity that he had observed in the past, but it seemed like he were less of a secretly paid one, and actually just pleased to hear her name. It might also be a rouse, but the stallion seemed like a poor actor, so he doubted that to be the case.

Meanwhile, somepony eventually made their way towards Lin after she had looked around for a time, though he wouldn't say a single word whilst wandering calmly towards the strange creature.

It was a pegasus, wearing a suit of armor that seemed like a generic look-alike of the Royal Guard ones, but more modernized and fitted for movement, even though the legs were plated too. He did not wear a helmet, showing off the deep red, short mane that spiked from his forehead and to the somewhere beneath the armor. His coat were dust-gray, eyes faded brown, and the tail short and waving just above knee height. From the way he moved and the steel glare in his eyes, it wasn't unreasonable to suspect him to have some degree of military training, yet what somepony like that would do in here were anypony's guess.

She'd be watched by this figure for a few more minutes before Scarcity would begin to make her return again.

"Terribly sorry dear, but business does need a hoof at times. Everything seemed to be in order though."

She locked eyes with the pegasus and waved him closer.

"It's good to see you have returned. Do tell, did everything go as expected."

The pegasus grunted and shook his head, causing Scarcity to frown.

"It seems I will need a proper briefing when there is time.

As for this one, you needn't worry. That goes for the both of you, if you'd prefer. Lin here is a guest of mine who is to help me with some transportation, Lin, this is Brick Wall, my bodyguard."

Brick nodded slightly towards Lin, but didn't say anything.

"Introductions aside, what were it that you were watching before I interrupted you, Lin? I find myself curious as to what somepony of your kind would think of as fascinating in here."



@EQ_Theta @Storm Shine @Lucid_Nightlight

"Yey, then I make a show and impress. A real one too, not just funny puppet show."

Anomaly might fool around with a lot of things, and not take things too seriously, but theater was different. It was supposed to be done properly, and have at least a bit of class to it. At least when it was done to adults. Foal theater you could have a lot of fun with, and make things as you went along. She had gotten some smiles a few times from making puppet theater for them on the streets of various towns before. At least until she showed her face and the panic started to spread. You would think that most ponies had never seen a draconequus before.

Seeing the small silver statue soured her grin though, and she bounced behind Fluttershy for cover, away from the dangerous metal.

"Bad thing, bad!"

Anomaly wouldn't get any closer before Lucid had taken care of the thing, and even then she were still staying near Fluttershy, just in case he'd barf it up and accidentally hit her.

"Stupid faerie weakness to silver and pure iron... Not a speck of fun."



@Moonlit @Seamore Sandwich @Dji

"Being a siren d-doesn't sound easy... I'm s-sorry that you have to go through t-that."

Having to hide your own face to not get shunned or downright hunted down, knowing you're a predator living among your prey, and having to repress that side of you... Serenade had a life that Cherish couldn't see anypony envy, though at least she had most of the princesses on her side. How bad might it have been for her if she didn't? If her disguise fell, she might end up being imprisoned, or perhaps even banished. A horrible fate that should only befall those who were truly wicked and dangerous, but could happen if Luna and Celestia didn't have her back.

Perhaps she were just being pessimistic about this though. It might've been that they would've still given her a chance, and judge on actions rather than history. Cherish didn't know, since she had not been around the princesses long enough to form an opinion, so it may well be that she were just paranoid and thought the worst.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom @EQ_Theta @Storm Shine

"I've never been a good actor. Once I was in a play when I was a foal and the whole place was blown up."

It turns out that a mixture of sulfur, charcoal, and potassium nitrate makes some sort of explosive powder.

"Have you considered allergy meds or something?"

The pharmacy probably didn't have meds for silver and iron allergies, considering something like that wasn't very common, but Lucid didn't know that.



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@Blitz Boom, @Lloyd


Karmic hissed at the sudden blinding light Zhu’s most recent artifact caused and stumbled backwards. She shook her head and rapidly blinked her eyes to clear the after images that had seared into her eyes. She did, however, begin running when the artfuact attempted to create a thunderstorm. Her eyes flashed white when she caught up to Zhu and was thankful her power hadn’t been diminished from whatever the goo was that had invaded her. “Keep close! I can see Sunset Shimmer again!” Karmic yelled at Zhu and pulled a little ahead when she spotted the same orange filly from before they had gone to the relic room. Hopefully this time she leads to the passage outside.



What else am I meant to put here?


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@Blitz Boom

Seeing the silent pegasus... Brick Wall... the silence unnerved her but he seemed harmless, if not curious. Lin nodded and smiled back before turning to Scarcity. 

"Well, where to begin? I guess I haven't seen anything quite like the... things hanging on the walls here. We don't have these where I'm from but it looks like these images are depicting various things... What do you call them? Each of these must have a story behind them!"

Without much to go with, Lin's excitement and curiosity could only say so much. Even the concept of these things hanging images on the walls is so foreign to her that simply seeing them with her own eyes got her fairly giddy to say the least. Is it the same as the photographs hanging on the walls of Clayton's office, or rather do those things serve the same purpose? Why anyone would keep them is another question entirely because Scarcity's profession most likely made her the middle ground between the source of these objects and the new homes these might go to. If the prices of anything in the store were suggesting anything, it's probably something very important or worth keeping. No way she'd be able to bring one home but that didn't bother her in the slightest.

And on the rations end, Sen walked about looking for anything familiar he could get. Normally, watercress and river cabbages are his usual picks, the same kind of plants he'd look for while out gathering food. Certain mushrooms were also on his mind, deep mushroom and thin-stalks were his priority. He might have seen ponies eating certain types of flowers as well but he wouldn't know exactly what he needed. Unfortunately, the thought that the staples of the longma would likely not be natively grown around Equestria. Watercress can be ticked off the menu though, seeing as it wasn't a necessity. 

"Excuse me, Garlic Hoof, but would you happen to have river cabbages and mushrooms? Enough for about four days worth of food for three travellers?" He quickly turned back to Rosa and asked, "Rosa? Do you want anything extra for yourself?"

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@Blitz Boom

"I appreciate you as my friends, don't worry about what you said too much Pop. Unless I know you're deliberately trying to hurt me, I'm not going to think any less of you, that's what old Victoria would do, not this one."

She seemed proud of being a new version of herself, that what she had once been was now in the past, just a being labelled as 'Old Victoria'. She wasn't that anymore. Judging by the look that edged its way onto her face it seemed she was finally starting to see herself in a more positive light and that she knew that, with a little help from her friends and family, she could work past the nasty phase of her life.

"I really want to talk to Battenberg, are you guys staying around here for long? I could go and fetch her, we could have a little cake party and she could see how much you appreciate her work."

Lemon nodded in approval, she was eagerly waiting for a reunion between her two daughters, having not been there when Battenberg had noticed her sister's changes the first time, she was excited to see how she would react to Victoria now that she had grown so much. Heather also seemed to get a little excited, her eyes grew big and shiny and her wings popped out and flapped rapidly, lifting her a few inches off the ground.

"Oh yes yes yes! I'd love to see my other baby cousin, maybe the two of you could bring back some extra cake, you know, of the spongey, jammy, creamy variety!"

Victoria thought for a moment and then nodded.

"I think we have some pre-made Victoria sponge in the shop, I could bring that if everyone wanted it."

"Let's slow down a little girls, we don't want to be bringing more mouths to feed if Benny and Pop have somewhere else to be, I don't want to be a burden on Benny's family either."

Lemon seemed to get nervous as she said this, eager to get away before Benny's mother showed up.




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On 5/14/2018 at 11:25 PM, Blitz Boom said:

Urge to bury the pony... Rising...

If it were not Nerzhei's migraine, it were her patience that were tested with Droppy constantly, and even though she couldn't actually do anything to the mare right this moment, it did not make the thought any less pleasing the longer she thought on it. Stupid and irresponsible yes, but still satisfying and tempting.

It clouded her thoughts for a time before she could think on the next riddle she had been handled. Using the baseline that this had to both make sense and could be ludicrously idiotic - seriously, a letter was the answer? - as the same time, she eventually wavered off the most straight forward answer that came to her mind.

"I assume the answer is a keyhole. Is that enough of an answer, or do you want to belittle my intelligence again before going on?"

With her luck, the mare would not only demean the dragoness' intellect again, but also somehow manage to summon a sphinx. Who she'd then gnaw on, and send on an undead spree of terror around the area just for the heck of it.

Perhaps she were getting pessimistic about this, but her mood was souring, and it did not just affect her viewpoint on Droppy. It was to the point where she almost missed one of the markers she had near her home. The keyword here being *almost* as she still saw it out of the corner of her eye as they passed it. They'd be there within the minute now, and she could finally pick up some of her stuff and get a shot reprice from a game of riddles that were only going to end with her answering wrong again eventually, and getting laughed at straight into her face.

A small puff of smoke escaped her nostrils as she thought on that, and her healthy hand clenched. If there was one thing she hated, it was being called stupid.

Droppy blinked and let out a yawn, she tilted her head at the answer "Well obviously, took you long enough, I half expected you to say 'Key'. A keyhole neither comes nor goes, so it must be the answer" she giggled before thinking of another riddle. Smirking at the trap she had made, she was a clever pony after all, deep down. She smiled and stared at Nerzhei, slightly grumpy she had guessed these past riddles right. She hated things smarter then herself, normally able to eat anything that was smarter then herself, apart from this pesky dragon.

"You can get into me quite easily but you can't get out of me without facing extreme difficulties. What am I?" she asked her with one of her grins, she liked this riddle, it was a hard one, and at best Nerzhei would guess wrong and she could have her fun. She was going to prove she was much smarter then this scaled beast. She was after all one of the most cleverest ponies ever. 

Even if Nerzhei guessed right, she would have her put down ready. 






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@Blitz Boom @Dji

Sapphire formed a shield in front of them as the spell viciously burst out, the shield cracking, but in areas closer to Void. Sapphire pushed her hooves out, the shield forcing its way back, into the explosion, wrapping it's source with the shield. Sapphire straining as her gem sparked more, some magical spoke pouring out.  "G-go after them!" She yelled back at them, with the vicious and unpredictable nature of the spell Zhu used, it was hard for her to hold it back.

Astral running ahead quickly, before Sapphire even spoke. Forming a shield spell, much smaller than Sapphire's, still walking cautiously forward as she wielded a magical sword construct in her hoof. "Stay behind the shield, incase anything charges at us."


Warlock rolled his eyes a little, he wasn't going anywhere, he knew that much. "Oh so somepony else was there? makes me wonder if there's an army around the corner considering how many you need to feel safe around me." He chuckled to himself, examining his situation once again.

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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