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open Casual stroll

Blitz Boom

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@Blitz Boom


Mike looked up at the purple Pegasus, a bit more confident. "Well, Miss Sorrow, I'm Mike. Mike McGuffin." He said. He looked at the town past the station. It was bustling with all sorts of the races of Equestria, even some he hasn't seen before. Quite a few of the buildings were damaged. He looked back up at Sorrow. "I'm looking for my Sister. Has anyone been seriously hurt?" He asked, with a slight waver in his voice. The train's whistle blew, and one of the trains left the station, which was mostly empty after the departure. 

My original character page!  -Critique Wanted!-

Click Me!

Jennifer has a page too!

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"Honestly, you're a bit of a puppet if you bend to the will of a silly human."

He opened a portal, put dish soap in all the toilets, flooded them using the soap bottles, went to the human's fridge, grabbed a can of soda, went back through the portal, and closed it.

He opened the can and took a sip.

"Hey Anomaly, tell your human to buy a better variety of sodas."

"That water is gonna be all over the floors!"

The poquus was laughing really hard. Pouring dish soap into a toilet then putting the soap bottle in it to clog it was one of his common pranks. Classic!


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32 minutes ago, Blitz Boom said:

Nerzhei didn't even bother giving a response to the completely missed point Blood had abour what investment actually meant. It didn't seem like anything short of encasing the pony in rock and throwing her out of this place would do anything, and frankly, it were getting more and more tempting by the second.

"Recall how I talked about rationing? You just ate a large slab of meat, with bones. With the hare too, don't you think you've had enough?"

She were honestly happy that Lotus were sleeping in her back. The bunny might be a tough customer, but seeing something so closely related to her treated like food, and in such a sloppy manner... Everyone had a limit.

"As for the little *game* the sphinx plays, I will at best think about it. I don't trust their kind, and their mischievous ways. Sadly, it seems like I need to talk with her at some point regardless, considering you just confirmed that it was completely the sphinx's magic that did this, and not a cursed object of some kind. Something tells me it might be sooner, rather than later."

Sphinx magic, and all that had to do with that kind of creature, could go ahead and fall down a well, because nothing of it made sense. If the curse wasn't magical, was it biological then? Could it then be removed by medicine? And what about if it were completely magic? Could it then be removed by finding something anti-magic in nature and equip the mare with?

Much as she hated this, Nerzhei were going to need more answers before she could move on with this, and for that, she would have to consult the creature itself. Today just got better and better...

"I'm going to see her and try and gain a few answers, without answering the riddles. Can you behave while I am away, or- What am I saying? You're coming too, so I can keep an eye on you."

The mare behaving... Yeah, that'd be a neat trick.

Meanwhile, Lyriel Bowed her neck before the sphinx until her nose hit the ground.

"I-I don't know if I can guarantee no evil to fall, but I will do what I can, creator. And Thank you for the boon you offer my delusional siblings, great one. If I can, I will get my brethren here so that they may also be free, and know the truth that were hidden from us. They too will praise your name, I'm certain of it."

Lyriel had been unable to believe that this sphinx could help them before, but knowing what she did now, it seemed like there might actually still be salvation to find for her poor brethren. It may well leave her as the only one who could remember what they had done, if she managed to get them here, but were it not a price worth paying for their salvation? To be the keeper of their heresy? She would think so.

If it were possible for her to stop all evil in the forest though... It were a stipulation that she did not know if she could handle, especially since evil were different for everyone, but for the creator, Lyriel would try.

"The plague walker is trouble, but I pray that she will leave soon. Nerzhei have yet to fail me, and she seems to want this consumer away too. I put my trust in her, a nd pray the earth mother will remove the creature with some haste."

She lead the sphinx onward for a little more, until they arrived at Lyriel's glen. A lake with clear water surrounded by a clearing filled with bountiful trees and fresh grass. It were little, but it had been what she needed. Now however, she had work to do to re-purpose this place.

She laid her hooves on the ground and let her will wander down into the earth.

Around her, trees started to uproot and walk slowly away, leaving a larger, more flat ground a little by little, as the grass went back below ground.

When finally the area seemed big enough, large tendrils, roots, vines and so forth began to spring from the ground, slowly interweaving with one another to build a temple of sorts. It were not as great as what the sphinx had shown her, but Lyriel did what she could to recreate it as best she could. making a roof, forcing more and more of her power to create and push upwards until it reached the top of the highest tree in sight, at which point she would spread some of the various vines, leaves and such from the front to make an entrance, and a few other places for windows.

After that, she recoiled back into her body, and fell to her side, gasping for air. The ordeal had been the most taxing she had ever done, and she certainly felt it now. Yet if it pleased the creator, would it not be worth it?

"I can *gasp* ask Nerzhei for help *wheeze* getting stone added. She uses *deep breath* stone magic."

It was geomancy Nerzhei had called it, but it were a strange word Lyriel were still getting used to, so for the time being she simply called it rock magic.

Glancing up at the noble form of her maker - she might idolize this creature a little bit - she prayed that what she had been able to do would please the sphinx, at least some. There were still the lake inside the temple, but it had seemed the sphinx liked this, from the waters shown in the other temple. It seemed wrong to remove this when she were working.

"I know it is not *wheeze* worthy enough, but is *gasp* is all I could muster."

It could end up being days before Lyriel could do much more nature magic, yet if it had been worth it or not were up to the sphinx to decide, whatever her name may be.

Droppy rolled her eyes and sneezed at the mention of rationing, she hated that word and what it was used for. "I might get myself a deer to polish this meal off, the slab of meat was a snack, the hare was desert and now this deer i'm gonna catch will be the main course" she remarked with a smirk. "you want me to show restraint, your lucky i'm not running around eating everything that smelled half tempting, that is the restraint I've shown" she answered Nerzhei.

"Oh you will play her game even if you don't want to, she will find a way to make you play her game, and she will win, she cheats" she remarked. "Its that or i drank some dodgy water and this is just a bad dream, and if that's the case, i'm gonna start eating everything. Because being a dream I can do what I want" she tutted with a slight scorn, still grumpy at being told to not eat stuff. 

"Can I behave? How about you leave that bunny behind and some barbecue sauce. You have more luck getting Blitz to give up her fireworks obsession" she snorted shaking her head, "Honestly, that question, was worse then that Sphinx's riddle. Yeah I can behave, I'll just not eat everything that's stationary." she added scornfully. She let out a yawn getting tired, she got cranky when she was tired, and hungry. There was probably a word for that as well, she blinked at the dragon, "Well lets go meet her again then" she grumbled not liking that idea. 


Sphinx smirked as Lyriel agreed to her terms, excellent. She blinked as she bowed and flicked her tail slightly amused. "Well they should praise me, after all I'm going to be curing them, though if they try to harm you, they will feel my wraith like no creature ever has before" she exclaimed. She would need Lyriel for her future tasks after all, even in her pony form which was a poor choice of form though she didn't say as such. As soon as her temple was built she could make sure no evil fell in her territory that would be the forest. 

The Sphinx smirked, "Oh the plague walker is currently eating one of the many animals in this place. I fear she will only leave after eating everything in this forest. Though you are the guardian of this place, so you know whats best for this forest after all" she remarked as she followed Lyriel to the glen, she smiled as she spotted a nearby lake. "Ah I do like water, this is rather perfect" she praised. 

She nodded and smiled as she watched her clear the land for her temple. She waited in silence as she made a makeshift temple out of the earth. She did rather well for a lesser creature, though she couldn't do it all in one go, not that it mattered, she could finish it herself. She moved inside the makeshift temple and nodded before turning her attention back to Lyriel, "Very nice, thank you. Let me take it from here, I'm very impressed" she finished flicking her tail, she slammed her front paws down digging her claws into the earth and causing the ground to fill the gaps that the dryad couldn't finish. 

She smiled as the temple was finished, she had added stone pillars inside for support though left the tree structure intact, It was a nice touch and she liked the water feature that was the lake, she had made herself a throne that overlooked the lake, she had also added two large statues outside of the main chamber that showed Lyriel and herself. She smiled and glanced down at Lyriel, "You may rest now, this temple is indeed mighty and i'm very happy with inhabiting it." she said with a smile. "You can come and go in it as you want, even drink from the water if you like, though only yourself have that right, no other" she answered.  

She frowned, "I think your friends might be coming this way" she added getting herself comfortable. 









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@Blitz Boom

It is true, then, the response being rather mixed with those two. Pinkie's eccentric personality and Discord's unsavory past ellicits the kind of reactions Lin expected. The latter is so much true with Discord's actions reaching the ears of her villlage and gave her a first impression long before seeing him with her eyes. Suffice to say, she didn't like him one bit but it now things didn't stay true for her. She wouldn't hesitate to turn to him for help, a far cry from her younger self's predisposition. Still couldn't hurt to know more.

"So your opinion wouldn't change even if he is slowly integrating into Ponyville? I've seen him walking around and nopony seems to mind him mingling. Though I hear he isn't always around, probably has his own place to go home to."

Meanwhile, a thought about Omen ran through Sen's mind, curious about where she went with Belladonna. It was a strange thing to suddenly think about but he was a little worried about her. He wouldn't voice that concern out loud though. Maybe to Lin but not right now. 

"Rosa, do you know about the place Omen and Belladonna went when we parted ways back at the quarry?"


@Blitz Boom @Storm Shine @Lucid_Nightlight

"Well, I suppose if you want to indulge in your vices... could you keep it to yourselves, please? I wouldn't know what to think if word of it starts spreading around. I'd be terribly embarrassed about it and hide in my home until everypony forgets about it."

That, however, is an understatement. Even if she did hide away for several days at a time, she would likely sneak out and stay with Zecora for good measure. Very few ponies ever venture to the Everfree Forest for leisure, much less looking for esoteric herbal cures. Fluttershy could count on Zecora to hide her until things calm down. 

"And as for your made-up animals, I might be able to top squidzilla with... a dracolisk! Swift and agile, nimble on its feet but hardy like a dragon with its spikes and scales. I'd give it wings but I think that would just make it a plain old dragon."

She let out a small chuckle after, though she prefers to think of creatures she is familar with and mix some of their traits. Fluttershy's idea honestly comes off as a little unoriginal, save for the name. That one she's proud of. 

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@Blitz Boom, @Lloyd


"Come on! Hurry up!" Karmic shouted behind her in hopes of Zhu being within earshot. She had taken off when the tendrils were snapped off and hadn't looked back. There was no way of knowing what had happened to her companion but in the heat of the moment she ran for her life. If she was being honest with herself, then she would much rather leave him behind and fend for herself.

'Why are you calling out to him!? That will bring the others down upon our heads!' that voice that keeps speaking odd things gave a shout and forced Karmic to wince. She shook her head and kept on going forward, eyes flashing a cloudy white when she spotted Sunset Shimmer just ahead of her. 'I refrained from commenting earlier when we were in the process of being caught but this vision of yours can prove useful,' the voice mused.

"What ... should I ... call you then? You're being awfully chatty," Karmic panted from her frantic pace.

"A name? I'll need to think on that. Nopony has ever bothered to name me before,' the voice hummed within her skull in thought.

@Seamore Sandwich, @Blitz Boom, @Moonlit


Twilight raised a hoof to cover her mouth in order to stifle a few giggles before coughing to clear her throat. "Sorry, Princess. I mostly keep to a few select areas but this time I seem to have gotten further into the castle than I thought."



What else am I meant to put here?


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@Blitz Boom @Seamore Sandwich @Dji"If you talk to my parents, my dad is grateful that my 'bitey' phase was short, apparently he still has the bite marks on his flank from when I was about a year old. My Mum adapted fairly quickly, being a Guard. As for how they hid me, they contacted a Unicorn mage at the University my father teaches at and had a gem enchanted with a transmorgification spell, that was my original gem."

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@Blitz Boom 

AJ looked up to starts, she shifted the piece of hay in her mouth from side to side " I never get bored looking at these stars " she said to herself. She started to get up when she noticed a leaf has fallen from one of the apple tree. " odd... " she thought, she started to survey the farm land to make sure nothing was their. She felt a presence but saw nothing, she shrugged off and she turned around and started to trot back to the farm house.

beep beep (formally known as woodchunks66)

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@Blitz Boom

Sapphire looked to Tidal Wave. "I tend to worry that the enemy just camps out around the corner, listening in, that is all." She looked away from Tidal as she spoke. "And I realized the only way to stop Zhu, is to stop my sister from committing further evil. To do that we need to find her." She looked in the direction Zhu ran in, and pointed to it. "In order to do that, we follow the ones who know her location." She knew very well Tidal already just said this in a simpler manner, but Sapphire felt the need to elaborate, to include context.

Astral sighed. "Well, did we come here to fetch an item, to fight them?" She kept her eye on Sapphire, who put her hooves together, casting a spell. "What are you doing?"

"Observation spell, I can see their location now, and the spell is designed so they can't sense it either." Sapphire looked to Astral. "Void is really all we need, that and the element she possesses, wait, where did she even go?"


@Blitz Boom

He looked intrigued, at her explanation, chuckling to himself. "So that's what Nectar was." He said, having seen Nectar prior to her reformed body. "Well that certainly clears some things up, if there's hope in any region of magic involving limb regeneration, I'd be interested in helping there." He smirked slightly as he said that, his knowledge of magic was extensive, dark magic more so. So what he had to offer experience wise, was a lot.


@Blitz Boom

"Sapphire is a skilled pony, yes. and Emerald is only strong because if we fought her, she could steal any of our bodies to gain more magical strength. But I doubt she'd make a cult." He looked away from both Misty and Chow. "and I sure hope she doesn't steal Sapphire's body." 

After hearing it, Misty couldn't help but ask him; "What happens if she does?"

He looked to her, glancing at Chow. "Sapphire is really skilled with magic, and her eye produces magic from nothing and has no limit for magic storage, Which should be impossible, but even she's hid how it's able to do it from me."

"Well that just makes me worry! It could be an element of disharmony!" Misty said, throwing her legs up.

"Unlikely, Warlock can sense them. Well, he was only ever around the gem while already in possession of an element. Huh." He glanced to Chow, recalling what Chow said earlier. "Well let's not worry to much, whatever it is, I know I can trust Sapphire to defend it." He swirled his hoof, creating a flame floating above it. "Chow, I could teach you magic if you wanted to, we could use an extra magic user around."

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@Blitz Boom @Lucid_Nightlight @EQ_Theta

Discord raised a brow slightly, "Now why would you be interrogating that poor dummy, Lucid?" He wondered, glancing at the somewhat plush Discord dummy in Lucid's chair from his comfy purring beanbag chair. The head of said dummy fell limply to the side. "I agree dummy, it's completely out of line for the standards of dummy-sentient relations." The real discord yawned, "But if you must know..." He glanced at the lizard, "I believe Pringle deserves the money, and that wheel he wanted." The spirit's claws snapped, conjuring a somewhat ornate but completely functional hamster wheel on the ground near Pringle. Discord sipped at some chocolate milk, "Honestly, I don't consider myself as having a 'crush', so by the wording of your bet, Pringle wins."

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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@Blitz Boom @EQ_Theta @Storm Shine

Lucid put the 50 bits he had in a bag, opened a portal, and put it in Pringle's room back at home since he can't carry it because he's a lizard.

"I'd say the no strawberries after dinner thing still stands, but I'm pretty sure Novia will give him strawberries when I'm not looking."

As for the dummy, Lucid wasn't very surprised.

"Yea, that was very expected, but only because you're more powerful currently, but only because you decided had to gain the rest of my power myself somehow!"

It was probably for good reason. Lucid tends to go into a blind rage when angry or sometimes even when he's scared. This could make him a danger to others and even himself since he isn't thinking clearly. Good thing he isn't mad now.

Lucid looked over at Pringle who seemed to be playing around in his new hamster ball.

"Are you suggesting that it's plausible that it's because if I went into a blind rage it could cause a lot of danger to myself and others?"

The lizard kept running around in the clear plastic ball.

"Ok, you may be right, you could also be wrong. Could go either way at this point."

He looked over at Discord.

"So, what is the reason? What Pringle said? Just for the fun of it? Because of some other reason? If everything has a reason, surely you can at least tell me what that reason is."


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@Blitz Boom

Nodded his final farewells for the evening to the Boom siblings.  Tapping the button he remembered from last time that opened the door out of the fortress workshop.  A chill ran down his spine as that uneasy feeling that he was being watched hit him.  He didn't bother to look around though, he had a pretty idea who it was.  With the door open, the midnight blue stallion headed back out into the night, ready to turn in.

Today, definitely hadn't ended up the way he had thought it would.  His world had been opened up more into mechanics and engineering than it had in his whole life.  Hardly understanding a lick of it though, it was still nice to know magic was still present in some form with it.  The world was a very interesting place and there was so much more he still needed to learn.  The Boom siblings were an odd pair, but their company was enjoyable nonetheless.  After seeing those last schematics though on the wing system Molotov was working on, some questions did dance around in his mind.  Animal experiments?  It was understandable why the Princess' had to be so involved with the progression of science, and magic, to make sure ponies didn't go too far.

The night was rather pleasant, clear skies and a bright moon guided the detective home.  The creak of the wooden cart and the soft crunch of it's wheels on the city streets marked his movements through East Side.  Getting home from the fortress workshop  was a little further than their trip to the scrapyard, not that Rising Dusk minded at all.  It was a rather relaxing walk.  Soon enough, he'd be pulling up to one of the lovely apartment complexes in the more middle class district of the city.  Parking the cart outside in an open slot, he removed the harness and locked it up, taking the key with him.

Walking in the front entrance of the complex, he ascended to the third floor.  Igniting his horn to levitate the apartment keys from the pouch of his hoodie, he unlocked his front door.  Then using magic to open the door, he stepped inside.  Home sweet home.  A quick flick of his horn and a couple of lamps provided light to his living space.  A worn leather armchair faced the fireplace against the wall.  Mantle decorated with pictures of his friend and family.  Bookcases on either side of the fire place, enough distance away for safety, filled with books, arranged in a way that would drive most organized ponies crazy.  Rising Dusk's approach was far more organic and he knew where everything was, which was all that really mattered.  Dusk's apartment didn't really have a theme to it, a decorators nightmare no doubt, as he collected random bits and bobs to spruce up his apartment.  Different kinds of lamps, rugs, blankets, paintings and artifacts dotted the small two bedroom apartment.

Walking by the armchair, magic gripped two books from the shelf without the pony looking at them and followed him into the kitchen.  Flopping the two books onto the kitchen table, magic gripped a cabinet of his kitchen and opened it before removing some crackers and cheese.  A drawer opened and a cheese knife came floating out.  Preparing him a little snack while he started to flip though the books he grabbed.  Doing a bit of research on the plans he promised for Molotov's gem.  He felt the formula he saw could be improved by what skills the spell breaker was capable of doing.  It was always weird working in this direction rather than just undoing the storage spell and letting the solar energy of the gem unleash all at once.  Not the goal though.  Sometimes, knowing how easy it is to undo a lot of spells, gives him an interesting perspective on how to make them 'harder' to break instead.  Hopefully what he was looking for in these books was what he was looking for in his theory.

Only spending an hour or so before being satisfied with the results and trotting off to bed.

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@Rising Dusk

"Yey, a brand new day full of fun!"

Blitz bounced out of her bed and stretched her legs in excitement. After the day yesterday, she were expecting a great adventure today, and with the fun things she had gotten yesterday at the scrapyard, she just knew it was going to be special.

A few designs for explosives had gone through her mind before resting, and one in particular were making her positively giddy. She just needed a few proper casings, get the metal rusted off as best she could, and then break out the myriad of different powders she had worked with. Big bro had locked away the mixture she had made that were able to blow a cave straight into a mountain, but he didn't know that she had made more and hid it away for a special time. Today might be that special time, though she needed to make it even strong, so it could punch a hole straight through a mountain! Or perhaps level half the city? She had to make lots of tests with tiny little portions to know. Oh, this was gonna be fun!

"Big bro, big bro, get up and let's ha-huh?"

Blitz jumped up on her brothers bed to wake him up, only to find that it was empty. Pretty weird actually. Usually he slept longer than she did. Had he already gone to make breakfast?

Sneaking into the kitchen, the filly looked around to try and find him, but he he wasn't either. Not at the stove, the oven, or the rest of the weird gizmo's he had taken from home. Didn't even smell like food.

She sniffed around for a bit until she were sure that he hadn't made food, before wandering on in their non-working environment. It was a pretty small space really, so not too much to check, but she were sure he had to be here somewhere. He usually didn't work before he ate.

Going through the small kitchen, Blitz went through the small hallways where Molotov kept the files from Center Zero locked up in vaults. She had tried to ask if she could see them before, but big bro didn't think it was smart to let her see them., and she had promised not to blow a hole through one of the doors, since it were important things. Sometimes he were here, and riffled through things, but not today. Perhaps he were in the relaxing room?

It was more or less just a few beanbags they could lie on and a radio, but it was still a nice place to sit and have a snack or something at times, along with dinner, and breakfast. No tables, but meh, they didn't need it usually.

Blitz went to her beanbag and ruffled through it a bit, giggling as she felt the small pellets inside rubbing against her face. She liked that feeling. Reminded her of small rock pebbles left from explosions.

Still though, no sign of big bro, which had to mean that he were in the shower next to this room.

Sneaking in, Blitz popped her head in and let out a cute growl to try and rattle him, but she got no response.

"Oh come on, you always get all spooked by that."

Actually... She didn't think he were here either. It didn't feel wet in here, his wings didn't hang on the wall, and there wasn't any singing. Molotov couldn't take a shower without singing weird songs they heard on the radio.

Blitz checked through the rooms a few more times - and nicked a muffin from the fridge as she went through the kitchen - but he really weren't there. She did find Carmen after a while though. Or did the spiderbot find her?

Anyway, the small thing came clacking towards her and poked her leg, wanting to get up. Cute little metal thing, but Carmen didn't like wandering on the floor, in case somepony would step on her, so she always wanted a ride on somepony if she couldn't get to higher ground otherwise.

"Good morning Carmen. Have you seen big bro?"

Carmen got lifted to Blitz's back and looked at by the overenthusiastic filly. The spiderbot never knew what to think of the equine, other than her thinking the little metallic creature had to have been made of some really incredible parts, but Molotov had made sure his assistant didn't get hurt. Good creator, who didn't let the small pony disassemble her. She were valuable after all. Important to Molotov, yes.

Shame her sibling couldn't see it. Felicia didn't want care for their creator wanted of them, but wanted her own things. Like the pony from yesterday. Felicia had spoken many strange words about him. The Interloper, as she called him. Strange name, but the bigger bot were strange too. Still big sister to Carmen, like the small pony were to her creator, so it were okay. Had to be there for family.

Speaking of, small pony asked about creator, yes? She should lead her to him.

Carmen nodded after a while and pointed a leg towards the door to the workshop.

"He's out there? Are you sure?"

Carmen clicked and clacked in her strange language, which Blitz didn't really understand anything of, but she took it as a yes, so she walked over and grabbed hold in the handle with her teeth, turning it, and opening up for the magical wonders of the workshop. Her haven, which she adored even more than the Everfree Forest. She missed the wood puppies though. They were fun to scare away.

There, in the middle of the room, were something that hadn't been there when she went to sleep though. A half-build cart with the start of what she guessed would be arms or legs eventually? It was hard to tell with the exposed, pointy ends right now, but it could be. She'd have to wait until it was done to really get an idea though, like with most of big bro's work. He was really smart.

The smart guy in question though, were currently asleep, laying over one half of a sphere of some kind, and snoring. One in a while a small twitch would go through him, but that was just weird dreams, and at least he didn't speak through it this time. While BLitz had found it funny to listen to him talk in his sleep, Molotov had really not wanted to tell his sister about what they entailed. Usually because they tended to revolve around his mother dressing him up like a prissy boy and sending him off to Canterlot to mingle with the clean and orderly high society. She had never done anything like that, and he knew she never would've, but for some reason this nightmare came back haunting him more often than he cared to admit.

"Man, he looks tired out... Hehe, let's go outside."

Carmen protested, but she were small and Blitz couldn't understand her anyway, so the small filly made her way over to the panel with a crate she pushed with her head, entered the code to turn off the security system - Molotov didn't know that she knew it - and pressed the button to open the door.

"Yey, morning air. Time for exploring."

With that, Blitz closed the door behind her and bounced on her merry way towards town, curious to what she'd find there, since she hadn't explored much of it as it were so far. Usually always something to do in the workshop, but that was for later now. She had a chance to go out without a leash, and she were gonna take it. What could go wrong?




"I am not saying that he is incapable of change, simply that I wish to see it personally before I believe it, considering his rich history with mischief. If the situation arises where I am to speak with him, I will keep things professional, unless he takes certain liberties with my business or mind. I enjoy my life having a certain stability, and my own affairs not snooped around in.

As somepony who needs his own, personal space to meddle around in, I would hope that he had more respect for others privacy, but I have yet to see proof of it. Perhaps one day I will, though that would depend on how a situation where I interacted with him would go.

In regards to him having his own place, rumor have it that he have a room in a minor pocket dimension, which he meddles around in as he pleases. Perhaps as a way to get the energy out of his system? I am hardly the one to ask about certainties when it comes to him, so I loathe to give a definitive answer. That is more up to the mare called Fluttershy. She is a large part in him being reformed from what I understand, so she must presumably know him as well as one could. At least in regards to how he is now."

While Scarcity went on with her explanation, Rosa took his time before giving an answer to the one given to him, thinking over how to phrase the things he did know properly.

"I make no guarantees that I'm right in what I think I know, in regards to her former home, but if it is where I think it to be, you would be easier off thinking off them as a fanatic cult. A group of beings that worship some long-gone hero, and prays for his return. They are generally helpful where the go, shielding for others with their strange amulets, but there is something off about them. What I cannot say for sure.

I have never had a reason to infiltrate the place, so I don't know much more than that. From how Belladonna acted though, I believe things are not as perfect as they make things seem when they go recruiting. As I said, something is off.

I imagine you mostly worry for your other friend? She seemed durable enough to take a hit, though since we are on the subject of Omen, can I ask if she is suffering from a mental condition, or some kind of head trauma? She seemed... Simplistic."

Directly saying Omen appeared like a moron seemed harsh and unfair, and would likely just make Sen hostile. Words had to be taken with caution when it came to insulting somepony's friend, even if it were more curiosity than something harmful. Hopefully it had gone over well, but it were impossible to say before Sen reacted. It might be prudent to have an excuse and apology in mind soon.




"Well, I came here because I heard somepony might've died, but I can already tell that's not the case. There's some really strange energy here, but it's not from anypony who recently died."

Sorrow looked around just to kinda make sure, but no, still no trace of anypony who had died within the last few days. Even if they had gone on, they would've left some sort of trace she'd be able to see, and there were absolutely nothing. A good thing honestly. She didn't wish for anypony to die.

"Lots of ponies got hurt though. If your sister were here, perhaps they've seen her at the hospital? Come on, let's go check it out Mike. I wanna try and help you."

Wasn't any spirits (she thought?) so far, so the trip might've well still involve helping somepony. Besides, poor thing was worried about his family. Somepony had to help him find her, and make sure that everything were still okay. Might as well be Sorrow.




Why do I even bother?

That thought had entered Nerzhei's mind a lot since running into this mare, and hearing her yet again completely miss the point about rationing, conserving, and not generally eat everything so she'd go hungry later, made it boom loud and clear in the dragoness's head yet again. Honestly, if her leaving wouldn't eventually cause the demise of basically everything via infectious mare, she would have flown off back to Dragon Land at this point. It was a horribly annoying place full of stupid beings, but compared to Droppy, they were at least somewhat tolerable.

Annoyance and hopelessness were bound to move aside for another emotion though, hen Droppy made a remark about leaving her furry little friend behind with some barbecue sauce. A sentence that made her temper flare to the point where she really had to restrain herself to not make the creature regret her actions.

"Don't ever, and I mean Ever! Threaten Lotus. Dd you hear me? I don't care what could happen to the area, I will personally crumble you into a ball and force-feed the sphinx with you."

Nerzhei didn't even turn to look at Droppy, knowing full well that she might not be able to contain herself if she looked at the creature right now. Lotus were the only good thing in Nerzhei's life, and a friend she held dear, so as she had told this pile of bones before: Don't try anything with her. The dragoness might do her best to function on rationality, but she had a great deal of rage under the surface that would explode out if provoked enough, and it would be bad news for the mare, even in Nerzhei's current state.

Meanwhile, Lyriel looked up at the sphinx with joy fluttering in her heart. Though she had not been able to finish the work put before her, it had been enough for the great one to finish the last parts herself, and the sphinx had been happy about it. Thanked the dryad even, and said her work had been impressive. The exhaustion Lyriel felt were worth it, now that she knew that her energy had gone into pleasing the creator, and not into a waste of time that would need to be corrected.

"I am honored that you like the temple, great one, and thank you for the offer of water. Blessed am I to have a creator as generous as you."

There wasn't the shadow of irony in Lyriel's voice, or a glimmer of sarcasm. As far as the dryad were concerned, she were meant to serve the will  of the sphinx, and truly felt blessed that it were not something that were hardly noticed. She would bow before the great one, if she did not fear that she might fall down for a time if she did so.

"I fear that there is little I can do to the plague walker now though. Her path is one of cruelty. A hungry maw that never closes, devouring everything in its path, and such a creature should not remain. But the vines failed, and my power needs time to return. I cannot remove her by force, or end her existence. Only pray that the creature will finish what she comes for, and leave before it is too late, and the forest lay barren. A forest without life is... Nothing."

Lyriel rose her head, and looked around the improvements that the sphinx had made, lingering towards the statues for a time, and ultimately ending on the throne.

"Your additions are most impressive, great one. Though can I most humbly ask, were you a ruler among your kind? You seem comfortable with thrones."



@Lucid_Nightlight @Storm Shine @EQ_Theta

Anomaly's ears began to vibrate, as she were told something that made her giggle quite a bit afterwards.

"You didn't break into the author's home, you took his neighbor. Human says thank you for it too. Seems like he doesn't like that one."

Yeah well , he should stop being noisy late at night then. people are trying to sleep.

"Anyway, if it's that big of a deal then fine, I'll stop making bets on your love life, Flutterpony. Just a bit of fun, and the lizard wont he bet anyway. Oh, reminds me that I bet on this too."

Anomaly snapped her tail, and conjured forth a peach, with seven, wriggling lizard feet on the underside.

"Just as promised, a *seven feet* peach."

A distinct *badum-tsch* sound came out of nowhere, before the draconequus put down the peach on Lucid's head, who'd have to decide what to do with the thing before it ran off, but that wasn't Anomaly's issue. Hers were what Fluttershy were saying, which sounded like the mare were finally getting ready for some fun.

The game was only halfway making something up and giving it names. The second part - which the draconequus loved - were to make the creature from fiction to reality. It really spiked up the game, though she disliked it when ooze got involved. Slimes of any kind always seemed to want to crawl into her head for some reason, and it got irritating in the long run.

Going by what Fluttershy had described, Anomaly mixed up a creature around 1 and a half times as big as Pringle, colored it dark green with purple stripes, and added a tiny mohawk to the design. Honestly she just loved making silly hair like this, and Fluttershy's description had left room for some leeway.

"Like this? Or do you think you can make it sound even more fantastic? I wanna real contender for this game, hehe."

The creature looked up at the two of them with great disinterest, and opened its mouth to let out a strange, hollow croak. Like it had an echo chamber in its maw.



@Moonlit @Seamore Sandwich @Dji

Cherish vividly remembered the fangs Serenade had sported in her siren form. They looked razor sharp and definitely able to tear through things. The flesh on a pony seemed like it would easily be among those things, though fortunately, it was just scars. If Serenade had been her current size, she could've ended up going straight through. Quite a horrid picture to have stuck in your mind.

"S-Sounds like it was difficult, but y-your parents really did e-everything they could to give you the b-best possible way to have a n-normal life.

W-Wasn't it hard growing up among p-ponies though? Even if you l-looked like them, you m-must've still had some p-problems fitting in, feeling d-different than how you l-looked too."




"But what about the Conspiracy?!"

"Alonsus is starting to believe that a certain somepony have spiced her own coffee."

"What, and risk them taking advantage? I know the truth, and they'd stop at nothing to discredit me."

The two arguing voices began to get closer and closer, though from the tone it seemed more friendly than an actual fight. Doubly so when they got close enough to see, and Applejack would be able to notice the grin on the female's face. Kinda manic, but overall friendly, and the bulky earth pony she wandered with weren't exactly looking annoyed either.


"Hey, I think I see her!"

Berry wandered away from her companion right away and tried to get to Applejack first, but got distracted by a movement in the trees. Just a few birds it turned out, but it gave the other one time enough to comfortably pass her and get to Applejack first, before Berry knew it wasn't spies.


"Hello, mare of the apple estate. It is I, Alonsus, and his faithfull squire."

"I'm not your squire, bozo."

The mare came over and stood herself next to the muscular Alonsus. He weren't as large as Big Mac, but it wasn't far off, and the well groomed stallion certainly had more finesse to his appearance than the Apple stallion.

He also seemed to have an ego to match, considering the third person speech given at the arrival  but it wasn't like finding normal ponies in Ponyville were an easy feat to start with.

"Regardless, we have been told that the farm may need help, so our boss have been sent us to assist. Surely it must be a perilous task to stand here alone?"

"He means we've been sent by Single Straw. You know, the boss of Sloppy Joe? He said we'd be to better use here today, though I'm keeping my eyes open for other things. Apple farms are prime locations for the zebras to spread their docile-inducing toxins. Sure they seem all friendly now, but just wait until they make a move and we're all just smiling along. We'll see whose crazy then."

Berry looked around, trying to see if there was anypony looking in on them, but not seeing anypony currently. She were sure they were out there somewhere though. Better to just smile and pretend it was all for laughs.

She'd be the one that would laugh in the end.



@Dji @Lloyd

Tidal facehoofed at the mention of Void.

"I left her to guard the magic power back in the other room. Please tell me that you didn't ditch her after that storm thing hit?"

Unbeknownst to the general, Void were not currently in said room, but instead in the infirmary, getting helped by a few doctors who had their work cut out for them to check the mare out. They were looking at some old wounds too, beyond just the ones that came from being smashed into a bundle of things, but the prime focus were the cuts, bruises, and potential internal damage from this.

The mare would be fine, but she were out of commission for the time being, so if they wanted that kind of help, they'd had to gather up her sister instead. Likely beat not to tell her what happened to Void either, considering her temper.

As for the items the mare had carried, and the dust in the room that had almost spawned the large monster chimera before, the former stood beneath the table they had Void on, and the dust were gathered and sealed back in the jar. By all accounts, something set in motion by the guards that usually were at the door to the vault, where one were stationed near the mare currently.

Meanwhile, Zhu were beginning to catch up with Karmic, as the mare sped through the tunnels.

He were none too pleased about moving at this pace, as he preferred to take things somewhat slow and steady, but his options did not allow for him to linger right now. As such, he had to run, and even if he were not the most physically trained of his kind, his limber, feline body were better suited for running in confined spaces like this than a pony were.

If it had been in the open, on flat terrain, things would not be as simple, but in areas such as this he should be able to gain on her eventually. Preferably before they got outside, as he needed to prepare the pony for a few things.

No doubt the witches were already tracking him, and perhaps even keeping him under surveillance, but that was a necessity unfortunately. It would make escaping later harder, though perhaps he wouldn't try and get away... He needed to think on this, but as it were, unless something happened to Sapphire, he could no longer work in the shadows. And if he couldn't do that, perhaps it was time to return and confront his old life for good. Celestia would know of his return already regardless, from the letter he left in her room, though he weren't sure if this were the right time just yet. Zhu might be able to buy himself a few days to handle some loose ends if he could keep Sapphire occupied, and give him time to think more on what to say to Celestia.

Things to think about for certain, but some thought had to go into his delivery now too, as he had no doubt that he had been allowed to leave to go down the path one of Astral's potential futures had shown him. One were he'd be used for bait to get to Emerald. Why else would they simply let him go, with such hostility shown before? They wouldn't. Not when they could keep as great a hold of him as they could before.




"I don't want to give you false hopes. Regenerating limbs is a field I don't even know how far they are in yet. But I do know that a lifelike prostetic is possible until then, and the changelings might be able to help with it."

Hogweed had heard the name Nectar from a few other guards, but she had no idea who that were. A changeling apparently, from what Warlock said, though beyond that she hadn't a clue. It was probably beat to ask around at some point though. Just to get an idea, and have somepony to ask a few things regarding changelings and medicine. Plus whatever she might have seen from meeting with Warlock. Personal encounters like that could be important to learn about.

"But uhm, you know, of course is something were figured out, we could still help anypony. You too, probably. I hope so at least. I can tell from some of my patients throughout the years that loosing limbs isn't an easy thing to go through, and those who does, needs all the help they can get to come back and feel better again. Knowing they can get real limbs again would be the best possible outcome."




"I ain't thinking you need to worry about her nicking Sapphire's meat suit. I've had Emerald in my head for a long time, and I know that she can't cling on to anypony strong for long. Flat out said she were happy I was a weak mind when she first took me over.

If Astral's mom is really a tough cookie with loads of magic at her hooves like you say, she'd be out soon.

Still, I'm not banking on the snake not having lied to me, so yeah, I'm game for some magic training. Long as you think you can teach somepony like me, I'll try and learn. I wanna be a boon to these fights instead of the punching bag."

Chow didn't really have much to say in these magic fights so far, beyond having guts, and that wasn't really saving him from a beating. Frankly got him smacked around more instead.

Still, he wanted to stay in this and improve, so he'd be a help to his friends. Celestia knows he didn't have enough of those to pick and chose who he'd risk his neck for, so he'd do whatever it took to be somewhat useful in all of this. Long as it didn't include doing some proper dark stuff like Warlock. Had to be a limit somewhere.

Edited by Blitz Boom


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom @EQ_Theta @Storm Shine

"It seems I accidently opened the wrong portal. Well, I'll mess with author guy another time."

Lucid picked up the peach thing and threw it.

"How do you even come up with these th-"

A portal opened. Someone with the head and torso of a pony, paws/hooves of a lion, panther, zebra, and wolf, and the tail of tiger came out.

"Hey Lucid, what's taking so long with the hayburgers?"

"There's been a delay, I'll be a bit late, Novia."

Novia looked at Anomaly, this was by far the weirdest and coolest thing she has ever seen.


"Uh no, she's actually a draconequus."

"Oh ok, well I'm heading back. Bye pumpkin ladybug draconequus!"

Novia went back and the portal closed. In the midst of that completely random event, Lucid forgot what was going on.

"That's Novia, she won a previous bet and I had to pick up hayburgers. Also, what were we doing?"

Edited by Lucid_Nightlight


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@Blitz Boom


The young Earth Pony struggled to hear Sorrow over the screech of another train. He did get the gist of what she said. “I think the hospital would be a good place to start looking.” Mike reached in his saddlebag for a few seconds before pulling out a very weathered and creased picture of a young filly. “Imph prettesh sure shesh a loft older now, butch thish is the only pishure I have of her.” He said, showing the picture to the taller Pegasus.

Edited by Pr0m4NV14

My original character page!  -Critique Wanted!-

Click Me!

Jennifer has a page too!

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@Blitz Boom @Lucid_Nightlight @EQ_Theta

Discord shrugged, "Well I was going to answer your question." He looked thoughtful, "I believe there's multiple reasons as to why I wouldn't have simply given you all of the power of that little invention at once, but the main one would be that anger of yours." The Draconequus rolled a claw dismissively, "And of course there's that little detail where the extreme amounts of power, if granted before you're ready, could easily remove your very soul from existence." He chuckled, "Unlike me, your being wasn't formed from the very energy of the Chaos of the Beginning."

Edited by Storm Shine

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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@Storm Shine @EQ_Theta @Blitz Boom

Discord's reasoning was sound. Dying was Lucid's least favorite thing to do.

"I guess that makes sense, but I just hope I become ready for all that power sooner than later, we wouldn't want another powerful entity killing the sticks creator before I do, now would we?"

It will probably be a while before Lucid will be powerful enough to accomplish that. For now he couldn't worry about all that. It was neither the time nor place.

"So, it's clearly not the right time or place to handle that. Besides, there are more important things to handle. Is that hayburger place opened or was it completely obliterated?"

Edited by Lucid_Nightlight


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@Blitz Boom @Storm Shine @Lucid_Nightlight

Fluttershy should've watched herself when she thought of the dracolisk. A little too soon for her to come up with something so ferocious and intimidating that when she saw the creature before her, she squealled and ran behind Discord and cowered in relative safety. Even Angel quaked in fear and hid back in the saddlebag. 

"I knew I should've imagined something closer to a kitty kat..."

Then she had a strange idea, something along the lines of her first encounter with a manticore in the Everfree Forest. Harrowing but she was very much relieved to see the creature happier after removing a thorn jammed into its paw. This isn't like that though.

The pegasus moved closer until she was within petting range, reaching with one hoof to stroke the dracolisk.

"N-n-nice dracolisk... That's a good boy, or girl. You're n-n-not gonna bite, are you?"

She let out another high-pitched squeal and hoped she didn't regret her decision.


@Blitz Boom

"Fluttershy must see something in him that others don't, at least when she took a chance on him. Whatever it was, it paid off in a way I never thought would be possible. Discord's reputation as a chaotic tyrant is so well known it is hard to believe he is capable of change. I wouldn't believe it if I simply heard someone said it was so. But I have to give credit where it is due. What she did, I would have considered it impossible."

Personally, Lin knew Fluttershy's kindhearted nature might have had a lot to do with it. At the same time, even she found it to be highly irrational for her to keep sticking up for him despite Discord proving himself to be quite the irritating nuisance. That persistence paid off big time, and it impressed the longma hybrid very much. She has much to learn from the pegasus. 

As for Sen, Rosa bringing up the longma's concern for Omen and her rather... awkward way of communicating didn't elicit the usual hostile non-verbal response. He was a little guarded but non-confrontational way. He expected someone in the village to bring this up one way or another and he thought up a response for this very question.

"Omen is a little eccentric but she is perfectly fine. She has a strange way of communicating but it's what she is familiar with."

"But you are right, I worry for her. After what we've been through, I guess I just don't like the idea of going into a situation where she could get hurt or worse. She's helped me and sister in more ways than I could pay her back. The least I could do is be a good friend to her. Besides, I assured her mother I'd look after her like she is family" 

That second part came off unscripted, but Sen talked with such fondness that he felt less guarded about it. He is a little hesitant to bring up the truth behind it, only leaving little hints and hoping to leave it there. It would be awkward to hear the whole story in such a short span of time. Maybe when they were alone and away from public, Sen and Lin could fill Rosa in on any detail he might be curious about. 

Edited by EQ_Theta
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@Blitz Boom

AJ was utterly dumbfounded by the odd pair of ponies that had approached her. she  raised one of her eyebrow while she study the very...…confidant stallion in front of her and the very paranoid mare with eyes that kept darting around the trees "  I'm sorry, I don't know who Single Straw or why exactly you ponies are here but if its help you wanna offer there is a can of water over near the barn, you can explain more while we are watering the trees. " AJ said as the noticed 3 more leaf's fell pf the trees near the ponies.


beep beep (formally known as woodchunks66)

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On 6/13/2018 at 10:55 PM, Blitz Boom said:

Why do I even bother?

That thought had entered Nerzhei's mind a lot since running into this mare, and hearing her yet again completely miss the point about rationing, conserving, and not generally eat everything so she'd go hungry later, made it boom loud and clear in the dragoness's head yet again. Honestly, if her leaving wouldn't eventually cause the demise of basically everything via infectious mare, she would have flown off back to Dragon Land at this point. It was a horribly annoying place full of stupid beings, but compared to Droppy, they were at least somewhat tolerable.

Annoyance and hopelessness were bound to move aside for another emotion though, hen Droppy made a remark about leaving her furry little friend behind with some barbecue sauce. A sentence that made her temper flare to the point where she really had to restrain herself to not make the creature regret her actions.

"Don't ever, and I mean Ever! Threaten Lotus. Dd you hear me? I don't care what could happen to the area, I will personally crumble you into a ball and force-feed the sphinx with you."

Nerzhei didn't even turn to look at Droppy, knowing full well that she might not be able to contain herself if she looked at the creature right now. Lotus were the only good thing in Nerzhei's life, and a friend she held dear, so as she had told this pile of bones before: Don't try anything with her. The dragoness might do her best to function on rationality, but she had a great deal of rage under the surface that would explode out if provoked enough, and it would be bad news for the mare, even in Nerzhei's current state.

Meanwhile, Lyriel looked up at the sphinx with joy fluttering in her heart. Though she had not been able to finish the work put before her, it had been enough for the great one to finish the last parts herself, and the sphinx had been happy about it. Thanked the dryad even, and said her work had been impressive. The exhaustion Lyriel felt were worth it, now that she knew that her energy had gone into pleasing the creator, and not into a waste of time that would need to be corrected.

"I am honored that you like the temple, great one, and thank you for the offer of water. Blessed am I to have a creator as generous as you."

There wasn't the shadow of irony in Lyriel's voice, or a glimmer of sarcasm. As far as the dryad were concerned, she were meant to serve the will  of the sphinx, and truly felt blessed that it were not something that were hardly noticed. She would bow before the great one, if she did not fear that she might fall down for a time if she did so.

"I fear that there is little I can do to the plague walker now though. Her path is one of cruelty. A hungry maw that never closes, devouring everything in its path, and such a creature should not remain. But the vines failed, and my power needs time to return. I cannot remove her by force, or end her existence. Only pray that the creature will finish what she comes for, and leave before it is too late, and the forest lay barren. A forest without life is... Nothing."

Lyriel rose her head, and looked around the improvements that the sphinx had made, lingering towards the statues for a time, and ultimately ending on the throne.

"Your additions are most impressive, great one. Though can I most humbly ask, were you a ruler among your kind? You seem comfortable with thrones."

Droppy blinked and yawned as she made the joke about eating Lotus, she wouldn't actually do it since she would be killed rather quickly by Nerzhei. She frowned as Nerzhei seemed to be thinking in great detail that or she had another migraine. She blinked and backed away from the dragon as she roared, it was even more scary since she wasn't even looking at her. She tripped over a stone and fell on her flank landing on something sharp. 

She winced and stood up before snorting, "I was only joking is all" she said meekly giving her flank a lick, seemed that she had cut herself from the fall. Nether mind she had the being fed to a sphinx picture on her mind. "I don't want to be sphinx food, I was just saying your idea was as good as me being left alone with the lotus bunny and food sauce. I don't want to eat the lotus, I could but then you make me hurt and i don't want to hurt" she whined making her ears go floppy. 

She was digging herself a hole here and decided to shut up, leaving a large gap between herself and the dragon, incase she flipped out. 



The Sphinx snorted at the praise she was given and sat on the throne. She was rather contented, "Well i'm always generous as long as its deserved, I think we will be very happy together. The temple is nice as well" she said before closing one of her eyes. She had everything she wanted and soon the problem would be dealt with. She raised her head and let out a low growl at the next thing that Lyriel spoke of.

"You are charged with protecting the forest, are you not? Is my temple and myself not in this forest? This plague walker is a direct threat to this temple and myself. If she even drinks from this water her curse will spread and destroy the whole world as you know it. I would think if you can not remove her by force then you need to find a cure for herself or a way to remove her permanently" she snorted her eyes glittering. 

"Your dragon friend could be of assistance, or you could simply wish for the plague walker to be gone. Though you got to give something to get something in this world" she said with a small smile. She blinked down at Lyriel, "So what will it be, ask your friend to get rid of her 'pet' or just remove her yourself with my help?" she reasoned. Letting out a yawn, she could finally be rid of the plague pony once and for all.    







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@Blitz Boom

Rising Dusk roused from his slumber as the soothing light of the moon that beamed through his shades, was replaced with the much brighter and harsher first rays of sunlight.  Eyelids still half closed as the midnight blue stallion rolled out from under his covers until gravity took over and planted all four of his hooves to the floor.  A maneuver he's performed all his life made it just the extra morning routine.  A hefty yawn escaped his mouth as he slowly made his way out of his bedroom and into the kitchen.

His horn sparked to life, gripping the fridge to open and remove a carton of orange juice.  A cabinet open and a box of oats came floating out.  Tilting his head up, he popped open the top of the cereal box and shook out the small round oats into his mouth.  Lowering the box as he munched the oats, bringing over the carton of open juice and opening it as well.  After swallowing the oats, he was about to drink directly out of the carton when he remember the conversation yesterday with Molotov Boom.  Oh sweet Luna, he'd been a bachelor way too long.  Taking a quick swig of the orange juice, he put his breakfast items back in their homes before retreating to the shower to get ready for the day.

Soon the soggy pony was finished with his shower and drying off.  Standing before his the still slightly foggy mirror of his bathroom to brush his teeth.  Finished with his morning routine he walked back into his bedroom and into the closet where row upon row of beige hoodies were hung up.  Pulling one off he pulled it over his head and through his front legs.

Locking up his apartment, he headed out to the city street where the cart was still waiting for him.  Removing the lock he attached to it, he pulled the harness up onto his back.  The morning was a lot more busy than when he arrived home last night, he checked both ways up and down the street before pulling out and trotting his way to return the wooden cart to Rusty as promised.  Well use to the traffic by now, he knew the side streets to take to ensure his route to the scrapyard wasn't a very packed on.

Dusk arrived at the scrapyard where a bunch of the workers were waiting outside for the boss to show up and unlock the gates.  Granted, they didn't have to wait long before the platinum hair mare came trotting up to the gate.  Greeting her workers in kind before she noticed somepony not normally at the gate in the morning.

"Detective?  My my, you're here early.  Where are your new friends?"

Rising Dusk nodded his greeting, unhooking the harness from his back.

"Brought back your cart.  As promised.  I'm actually about to be off to meet them."

One of the workers came over and gathered up the borrowed cart.  Rusty smiled and unlocked the chains keeping the gate secure to the scrapyard.

"Thank you very much, Detective.  Always the dependable stallion."

He returned the smiled and waved his farewell to the mare before trotting off in the direction of the fortress workshop.  The walk was pleasant enough, as it was always fun to watch the city itself wake up.  Sure, the city itself never really slept, but it was far more active in the mornings.  Ponies rushing off to work, getting their shopping on or just out socializing in the massive city.  Getting pretty close to the workshop fortress, caught something out of the corner of his eyes.  Stopping in his tracks he basically skid, he saw a flank disappear around the corner heading into the city proper.  What was on the flank drew his attention the most, even if it was for the briefest moment.  A smiling bomb cutie mark.

"Blitz Boom?"

Having listened to Molotov ramble on yesterday, seeing that cutie mark out here seemed off to the detective.  Especially if Molotov knew he was coming to the workshop this morning.  Changing direction, he went off in the direction he saw the pony he thought might be Blitz Boom.  Better safe than sorry.

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@Rising Dusk

Blitz had no idea that she were being followed, so she just kept on her merry way, giggling through the part of town that she had seen,whilst random ponies gave sideways glances towards her. It seemed odd to her, but that was mainly because she couldn't see what was weird about herself. Even though Molotov wore metallic wings on his own, he wasn't outside mingling all that much, and as such it was a weird sight to most. Then along came the fact that she looked like a fire hazard, and considering the faint smell of explosive power in her coat, it might not be a lie either.

Molotov had tried to scrub this out of her coat for days after they returned to the workshop, but he had absolutely no luck whatsoever. It was more or less ingrained in her skin, and according to him, it was likely a result from the crashed rocket Blitz had been sent away in. Their mother had been the one working with experimental fuel and and explosive compositions like that the most, to power the rocket to be able to reach far beyond Equestria eventually, and no matter how smart Molotov considered himself, he were stumped at her notes. Their mother were a mare that worked on a whole other level, and without her around to explain what she had done, the elder Boom sibling had been forced to give up until he got smarter, or found a fuel expert. Best he could do were to remind his little sister to stay a little further away from open fire, and then pray that the smell on her were just that, and not her being a lighter away from turning into ash.

Some with more sensitive noses were able to pick up on that, though a good deal of eyes tended to be drawn to Carmen too. She might look as lifelike as Molotov had found it possible to make her at the time, but even if you didn't get close enough to see the metallic parts, somepony carrying around a large, hairy spider wasn't exactly commonplace either. It worked fine enough for Molotov, but it helped that he had the look of somepony who were crazy anyway, as well as his multiple gadgets, so it blended in better to have Carmen with him.

Whatever went through ponies mind, Blitz didn't care. She had finally gotten to a point of the city she hadn't seen before, and turned the corner to look at what were there with big eyes.

It was an alleyway full of garbage cans. Not the most exiting thing in the world, even for somepony like her that liked to dumpster dive for treasures and parts.

Looked like there were something on the other side of it though. Something with lots of noise. Another workshop? A blacksmith? *gasp* A playground?! Oooh that'd be so much fun! She hadn't been on one of those since she optimized the ones at the orphanage and the caretaker trying it out went through the bushes. One of her last days there, but pretty funny regardless, and the other foals had found the new playground more fun. Boring caretakers kept taking her improvements down though, but whenever Blitz went back to visit, she tinkered with them again, making it harder for the mares and stallions to take it apart. A menace to them, but a fun game to the Boom filly.

Blitz bounced through the alleyway, mind going to happy memories of tinkering and causing trouble, wondering what she'd find on the other side of the smelly place, whilst Carmen stood on her head, and *talked* away, though her wants to go back were met with deaf ears. Crazy filly would get them into trouble if it kept on like this.




"Have no fear, nopony can help you as well as Alonsus."

The stallion wandered off to get the water can that were asked for, whilst Berry looked after him and rolled her eyes.

"I swear, everypony who says I'm the crazy one, haven't met Alonsus. Means well, but phew, takes some time getting used to. Heck, stroke his ego and you can get him to do basically anything.

Now I want some answers. Why are you starring at falling leaves? Do you suspect somepony is in the trees?"

Berry went closer and got into a whisper.

"Don't let them see you. The conspiracy will get you."

Her eyes darted up once more, before returning to Applejack, whom she wasn't done questioning yet. Though she had pulled back from the mare's personal space and talked normally again.

"Come on, we're here to help, and it's pretty clear you're looking at something out of the ordinary. You're at home here, clearly you wouldn't just look at something like that unless it wasn't normal. Unless of course you're trying to distract yourself from something?"

Berry wiggled her eyebrows and glanced towards where Alonsus had went. Could be that this wasn't spies or calamity (though the odds were always highest for that) but just Applejack that had found herself some man-candy to glance at. It wouldn't surprise Berry frankly. She had seen Big Mac and Apple Bloom before. Bulky earth stallions and tomboy mares seemed to be just this family's type.




Sorrow looked intensely at the photo, doing her best to memorize it.

"I'll look out for her. Hey, Legion? Mind having a look too?"

Two wispy orbs suddenly flared up in the skull's eye sockets. Though no pupils were present, and the rest of the skull remained inanimate, the way they moved around made it somewhat clear that it were looking between the picture and the one holding it, though what Legion thought off were impossible to tell.

Perhaps if Mike were an emotional pony, he would be able to sense a small amount of curiosity come from Legion, though even if he were an empathetic creature like that, it likely wouldn't make it easier to understand the being, as the emotions seemed to fluctuate and deflate randomly, and have more than one origin.

Yet it were likely that he just saw the pale orbs. Empathetic ones were rare to come by in Sorrow's experience, so she hardly even gave the option a thought before patting the skull like it were some kind of dog.

"Hehe, thanks everypony. The more eyes on this the better.

So should we get to the hospital, Mike? Better sooner than later, so the track doesn't go cold."




It would be so simple to just go this route, wouldn't it? Give in to the rage, and let anybody who got in her way tremble before her. Covering and whimpering just like this lowly mare did.

It was a temptation that sometimes got hard to ignore. To imagine how much easier it would be to let go of her mind and just rely on muscle to get her way. Why, with her magic use, it shouldn't even be that big of an issue to take over a small town somewhere, and rule over it with an iron fist, or go back to Dragon Land and let her family feel the consequences of their poor treatment of her.

Nerzhei felt it strongly now too. The urge to simply let go, and harm the mare before she harmed Lotus. It was the easy way to deal with all of this. The route of least resistance, and then leave the consequences for someone else to deal with. What did the dragoness care about others anyway? She didn't need them. They weren't important.

"...I'm sorry. I went too far."

Nerzhei's free hand loosened, and she averted her eyes away from Droppy.

This isn't how she wanted to be. A frothing beast, little more than an animal, who got her way through force and fear.

Every day she had to face this option, and think about how much simpler it would be to just go down that route, but she never let herself do it. By the dragon lord she wanted to, but what would she gain by it? Some temporary power? Every being nearby treating her with fear-fueled praise?

She wanted to be praised, but not through fear. It should be via respect of her findings, and her contribution to the world at large. That should be her legacy, and not this... Filthy, roaring path that her parents so vehemently had tried to force her to follow. She were better than them. Smarter, stronger, and knew how to control her magic well, because she tried to be a reasonable being. They were nothing, and she wouldn't become like them. Not even when it came to Droppy. Not if she could help herself at least.

"We should go. The temple appears to be near."

Nerzhei would be the first to admit that she were not the kindest being. She were snarky, threatening at times, and had a habit of showing dominance over arguably small things. But there was a long way to go from that, to a monster, and she didn't want to cross that line and be looked at like Droppy had before. That sort of look made her feel disgusted about herself.

Meanwhile, Lyriel bend her neck, feeling like she were getting metaphorical lashes as the sphinx rightfully pointed out how she were failing her duties.

"I'm sorry great one, but I tried. The forest can't touch her, and the animals fear her. If I had my strength I could try, but I expended it almost all of it, and I don't know if it would matter. The consumer is an affront, and I... I'm a failure for not stopping her."

Tear went down her face, which fell to the ground. From where each drop landed, a pale, blue tulip delicately rose from the ground, sharing in the sorrow of the Dryad.

The sphinx had managed to play wisely and hit a very sore point for Lyriel, when she mentioned that this were the dryads failure to do her duty. As the last sane one of her kind (that she knew of) she felt a heavy responsibility to continue the practices she had grown with, and defend this new home, who needed her so badly. Droppy however, had proven to be everything this forest needed the least, and nearly unstoppable at that.

The vines had burst into flames,  killing her off were not an option according to Nerzhei, as the forest would then begin to die, and the animals were unlikely to be able to stop the mare either. Lyriel had heard what had happened to the timberwolf that crossed their path before, and those were the only ones who would not succumb to illness. What then could be done, if neither her, nor the beasts that might be able to touch the pony, could stop Droppy? Logically little, but when you felt the responsibility of the forest and its inhabitants were on your shoulders like Lyriel did, the weight felt like it landed on you. She were responsible for protecting the forest, and she were failing everyone. Even her creator, as had been painfully brought up.

It left the dryad desperate for a solution, which is where the conniving sphinx came in again with her suggestion about doing something about this. For a cost, but one that would ensure the forest, and everyone in it, would be safe. It made the dryad lift her head to her maker, her eyes still wet with residual tears, but carrying a small glimmer of hope in them. A desperate one, but that would likely just be a bonus for the sphinx.

"...What would it take, great one, to protect everything from the plague walker? What is the price for stopping her, or abolishing what causes her to consume without pause?"



@Moonlit @Seamore Sandwich @Dji

"I'm s-sorry to hear that. Foalhood should include making f-friends, not be afraid w-what others might do if something went wrong."

Cherish had barely any idea what went on in her own foalhood anymore, but she knew that it was good to socialize regardless of personal experience or not. Ponies were highly sociable creatures, and rarely did well being alone for too long. If you went through school like that, it had to have been pretty grim.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

Suddenly a face of nervousness fell upon Sapphire. "We can go back and see if she's still back there." She said rather nervously, already beginning to walk down the hall. "Since if we did happen to ditch her, we can find her."

Astral got up off the floor and walked up next to Tidal Wave, seeing some legitimacy in what Sapphire said. "Couldn't hurt to, right?"


@Blitz Boom

He rolled his eyes. "You suggested it as limb replacement, yes. But if it was life like enough, might as well have regenerated, right? Besides, I could give it the nudge required to get there." The look on his face after he said it was as serious as his intent. He was quite set on at least leaving open the possibility to himself. If that Element of Greed couldn't even hold enough magic to do it, surely a prosthetic would do. Still, with them he could fetch the elements more easily, especially if he was "reformed" "Although, you do seem doubtful in my ability to be good."

"Wouldn't be surprised with your past crimes." He thought to himself, rolling his eyes a little,although that made him think of something else. "Isn't he still going to get a sentence before doing anything?"


@Blitz Boom

"Perfect! You got a lot of magical potential so you could pack a punch." He stood up off the bed and gave Chow a gentle nudge with his hoof, against Chow's shoulder. He  looked at him, and then Misty as she stood next to Chow. "So you want to learn too?"


He pulled out a book, the etchings on it would seem similar to stuff written on the cover of Warlock's own magic journal, but didn't emit ashes, but knowing Chow's previous experience with the book, being able to read minds and all... "Ah, this is a protection enchantment." He said, pointing to the etchings on the book. "But it's really demanding to cast it. So it can only be etched, it involves some dark magic, but not as serious as the other stuff." He opened it up the book, turning to the first page. "You've done levitation, I suggest you practice that on the book over there." He pointed to a big hard back cover book, a foot thick. "Since Levitation is the easiest spell to practice."

Misty walked up to it. "What is it?"

"It's an encyclopedia, really heavy, trying to levitate it won't be anywhere as difficult as teleportation even, but if you increase the size of the object you practice on-" He looked to his bed. "-You will increase your magic abilities, making spells easier to cast." He levitated the bed behind himself as he looked back to Chow. "So is that too complicated to think about?"

She looked up to Chow, Misty looking concerned at him. "Maybe?"

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@Blitz Boom @Seamore Sandwich @Dji Serenade shrugs "I have friends now. Ziggy, Muffins and Luna" She eyes Luna, "Yes Princess, I count you as friend" She smirks. then fluffs her wings, then smiles. "Besides, my life now, with a few exceptions is good now. I just want this interview over and done with so I can take a vacation"

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@Lucid_Nightlight @EQ_Theta @Storm Shine

The lizard looked at Fluttershy with a high level of disinterest as she bolted back from seeing him. The movement were enough to make him look, but there just wasn't anything in it until she came around again, so he just sat and licked up some sun rays.

As she got closer though, and shakily attempted to make contact, he the lizard raised one of his legs and tried to touch her. There were no claws, no apparent poison spikes on its palm, and nothing that indicated it were about to explode, so Fluttershy should be safe, right?

...Yes. The lizard only wanted to squeeze her hoof and see what was what, and didn't react badly to being stroked. She wasn't food - far too big - and not a threat, so he saw little reason to be alarmed in the slightest. Fluttershy might be though, but unless she began flailing him around she'd be fine.

"You know, if you keep your leg there long enough he might try to climb up. You should try it, he's harmless... Kind of. Long as you don't breathe fire on him, but I'm sorta certain ponies can't do that anyway. I know he looks kinda poisony, but that's not an issue as long as he doesn't get like, *on fire* hot. Run away if you drop him in a fire or something though. He'll start melting things that gets on his nerves then."

What? It wasn't like she could make something that were unable to defend itself. Poor thing would be a nerve wreck then, unless it was more or less lobotomized.

Frankly, Anomaly thought she had been nice here. Only made the creature defensive around camp fires and dragons - both of which the lizard didn't care to actively seek out - non-hostile, no unusually big claws, fangs, or active poison either, and it lived on bugs and fish. Way tamer than she usually went with, but she were trying to play nice here.




"It sounds like you have personal experience with him. Fascinating, yet I still stand unconvinced until I see things for myself. As you said, simply hearing somepony say he have turned around is a  hard thing to believe."

Scarcity glanced at a watch on the wall. The two others were being rather slow currently it seemed, or perhaps they could not find this place? She supposed it were an option, in case thy were oblivious to their surroundings, though regardless, perhaps it were better to get somepony out to find them.

"Brick, would you be so kind as to find our missing guests?"

The stallion grunted a non-word reply and went on his way to get the two others directed in here when he saw them. He didn't know much about them, but he could go by how Lin looked to a certain degree, judging on what his boss and the longma had spoken about for the last five minutes or so.

Meanwhile, Rosa nodded along, though he wer e thinking quite a good deal about why Sen dodged the question about Omen. Saying that she were simply *eccentric* clearly didn't cover what her issues here. If it were, he could just be on his merry way, yet the way she did things and behaved spoke of a seasoned caster with the mind of a ten year old filly. Something were amiss, though he seemed to need to wait for answers to that. Especially in regards to the semi-telekinesis that should really take a concentrated mind to pull off.

"You speak of her mother. Who is that, and had she something to do with the dark place we were to wander through earlier? Also, what can you tell of that place?"

It had seemed like a really odd place to be for Rosa at the time, and a strange thing that they seemed to only go there when it were Omen who stood for the gates, so he found himself wondering what the deal were with that place. Were it Omen's home? Her mothers? It seemed weird if it were, but there had to be something, and if nothing else, the questions he had given Sen would at worst be glossed over again.

When they had more privacy, he'd have to dig into this further for some more answers though. Mainly about Omen, and what the deal were actually with her. Rosa had played nice so far in trying to gain some knowledge, but so far, he had been told little, and doubtfully something that were true. At this point, he weren't even sure if Omen was a pony. Too many shape-shifters in the world to trust that, just because you saw an equine.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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