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Blitz Boom

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@Blitz Boom 


I know not what you speak of.  Please, tell me what troubles you, that I may resolve this.  You may speak freely here.”  Marcus sounded sincere, and also concerned about what was going wrong with his devoted followers.  Belladonna’s words were not to be taken lightly.  He would listen to what she had to say and would prepare a response quickly.  If what she had to say revealed any deplorable acts, then everyone there would have to see that such actions would not be tolerated.  Whatever the case may be, action would come swiftly.

Edited by Seamore Sandwich
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@Blitz Boom @Storm Shine @Lucid_Nightlight

Fluttershy was satisfied, enough at least until she can properly get the dracolisk integrated into her home. It will be difficult but Anomaly's demonstration will suffice. There are plenty of fish swimming by the pond by her cottage but there is a shallow river in the Everfree Forest where she goes to gather some fish with Harry whenever their supply runs low. Insects are plenty but the more docile ones tend to steer clear of the pegasus' place. Only the more bothersome botflies ever stray close and those are plenty in number. Insect buffet for the dracolisk! Even Angel was delighted to hear about it, though he didn't make his change in emotion known. Now his job will be a little easier.

@Blitz Boom

Admittedly, the prospect of learning about the swamp itself had Lin more worried than curious. Even if they all had some measures to counter the effects of whatever lived in that swamp, Lin is more likely to suggest bypassing the area and make good time by sacrificing some energy for travel time. She could undoubtedly do it, but Sen might not agree and would rather move through the swamp to make good time. However, Sen liked the sound of it, at least because of the rope. If the mind games might lead them astray, there was one way to make sure nobody gets separated. Even so, Lin would begrudgingly accept if everyone is confident enough to go through that place.

"Illusions might work on us the same way they do for you, I guess," Lin replied. "Though if their method involves some form of mind manipulation, then Sen and I will be liabilities. We're both very susceptible to those even if we've tried to resist. I suppose if we can avoid following strange lights, maybe we can take that risk."

It was approaching midday and the sound of Sen's stomach grumbling elicited some uncomfortable grunts from the longma. Lin took notice of this and waved Rosa to slow down for a moment. Sen had some of his preserved greens and fruits and passed some along to Lin who chomped down on a few before offering some to Rosa.

"You want some? It's boysenberry, black lotus seeds, and dried embrium leaves. It comes off a little sour first until the berry's intense, tangy and sweet taste overwhelms the embrium." 

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@Blitz Boom, @Lloyd


Karmic panted as she tried to keep up the pace Zhu had set for them. He was slowly putting between the both of them and cried out when she tripped over a root. Her head thunked against the ground. She groaned and looked at her back legs, only to find that no root was there. A soft cackle reverberated through her skull and she shook her head to clear it. "I'll deal with it later," she muttered to herself and stood up before realising that Zhu was too far ahead to see him. "Um ... Zhu!?"

@Blitz Boom, @Moonlit, @Seamore Sandwich


Aurora could only nod at the ghost but when she went back into the room, Aurora creeped up to the door once more and tried to listen in by placing her ear next to the keyhole.



What else am I meant to put here?


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@Blitz Boom

Rising Dusk was probably getting into more than he was asking for.  He'd never seen or had a good grasp on Felicia, only what Molotov has told him about her.  It was better to get this over with as quickly as possible... He hoped.  The thud of the sign from yesterday made him lower his hoof back to the floor and his attention drawn to now more messy displayed that had been shaped into a single word now.  All the more unsettling by the fact the rest of the sign looked like it was bitten off.  Oh boy.

Sure enough though, the detective got what he asked for.  Moving his attention from the sign to sight before him with wide eyes.  She was big, very big, and a spider, a biiiig spider.  Spiders didn't really creep him out like they did his mother and sister, great fodder to remove his sister from the room if she was bothering him.  While not the most artistically included, the mechanical make up of Felicia could actually be considered quite beautiful.  Molotov must have worked really hard on her casing, or shell, whatever a pony as suppose to call it.  Minus this bundle of wire that connected her abdomen to the ceiling.  Another leash of sorts?  Molotov seemed to have a bit of an obsession for leashes.  Dusk supposed it made a little bit of sense though, considering she seemed to fill the role of guard dog for the workshop fortress.

Okay okay, he didn't entirely think this through.  There was no plan for what to do if the monster in the attic actually came out.  After Felicia made that mechanical chittering that Carmen did, if a bit louder to account for size, the two now just stared at each other.  Alright, time to try and ease the tension here.  His gaze shot between Felicia and the bitten sign laying on the floor.  Taking a deep breath, he relaxed.

"So... I'm Detective Rising Dusk.  Or Dusk.  Or Dusky as the Boom siblings call me.  Interloper is kinda harsh, I'm more a friendly guest."

He referred to the sign, trying a more friendly approach to an introduction.  Considering he knew she had already advanced far beyond her own creators dreams and authority, he decided treating her as a more intelligent being was the best idea.

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@Seamore Sandwich

Quite a lot of eyes were on Belladonna even before Marcus allowed her to speak. Few of them were doing so favorably, as the mare had been quite vocal about how suicidal everypony were for nothing, until she finally escaped her isolation and ran away one day. Few beyond Sugar had spared her a thought since then, but now that she had returned, and had been allowed by Marcus to tell him what she had told so many others in the past, the ones who remembered her had a hard time not keeping focus on her.

"Once you acquire Squire status, you are presented with a trinket, that will allow the wearer to cast a small array of protection spells and in some cases, provide minor healing. The varied strength of these through the generations are currently impossible to determine fully, but it does appear they are worse in construction than a few generations ago. Those who earn them, will wear and use them until they eventually die, at which point the trinket will be reforged and given to a new wearer. In rare situations, mostly when a body retrieval is too difficult or time consuming, they are left with it after passing.

In the current form, the trinkets being given to the squires takes of their life energy for spell fuel, and distributes it between the spell being used, and to the conservation of your equipment. You begin to see the loss in life force by the increased paleness of the affected pony's coat, mane and tail, followed by whitening of the eyes. Once it have reached the eyes, the expected life expectancy is reduced to 2 weeks. If you gain a trinket and use it as normal, the time it takes from acquisition to death is 15-20 years. For those who grows up in this place, and are introduced at an earlier age, recorded evidence suggest nopony have lived to be older than 29,6 years old, though the average age is 25,4 years.

Once death occurs, the last burst of life gets directly transferred to your equipment, maintaining it whilst the process continues for anypony who earns their squire status. A process that often leaves foals born in this place without their parents, and subjugated to further indoctrination to believe that giving your life in this way is an acceptable outcome.

Questioning the validity of this process will get you marked as a heretic, and your punishments for that can range in severity, ranging from a warning to isolation and reeducation. I can attest to this, as I questioned the illogical process of this, and went through the attempts to change my opinion.

Before you, or any of them start to request proof, I believe it is quite simple to see on its own. If you look at ponies such as my brother, who have gained his trinket quite a while ago, you will notice the pigmentation spread to varying degrees, and you can ask who you wish to tell you how long those they know or have heard of that uses the trinkets have survived. I would advise you to look at records too, but records of anything that goes against the current incarnation of the scriptures, and known to vanish, or catch fire. If given time, I can procure the few scraps I managed to recover, though if you truly are who it appears, then you should be able to tell a clear difference between the current scriptures and what you proclaimed it should be on your own, if you acquire a copy from any current resident. The ones I have found already shows a clear change in what we are supposed to do and believe in , and those only cover the last 4 generations.

I have presented my case then. I once more refer you to see through the scriptures, and look at the ponies around you, and inform me how - with the variety in color Equestrian ponies hold - so many within the orders have pale patches, without it being deliberately induced by means of the trinkets, which are the only thing they have in common.

I will leave you with a question more though: If there is no energy taken, how do you believe your items have been maintained for all these years? It is illogical to assume that simply stashing it in a box would prevent rot, rust, and dullness of sharp edges. To keep the objects in perfect health, is only feasible through magical means. In this case, sacrificial magic."

The last few words were a harsh one, but it were the truth as far as evidence went. The only way to transfer life energy into pure energy like that, would be through the most forbidden of all magic in Equestria, though of course, the elders when she were around didn't wish to hear that. If it were the same that still kept in control now, she doubted they had changed their minds, but she assumed they were currently fuming if they could hear her. They never did appreciate facts, or the pursuit of answers.

As for Sugar, he didn't say anything, as he wished to hear what Marcus would say about this, but the words Belladonna had said were starting to stir his doubts again. She had presented him with these evidence before, and begged him to crush that trinket around his neck on the bricks, before it would be too late. Yet he kept loyal to their calling. Or... What he believed to be their calling anyway.

It didn't mean that it didn't hurt to think of how right she had been in at least some of the things she said. He couldn't deny that everypony who had the trinkets died at an early age, such as their parents had. And their parents before that, all of their friends parents and... Well, the list went on and on.

Still they had been told it was for a good cause, and not just to maintain a set of armor. He were starting to doubt things in recent years, especially after he had gotten foals of his own, but not enough to wander away from the order,, or spout his thoughts to others, like his sister had done.

What Marcus would say to this, would end up shedding clarity on whatever it was just or not. Questions would still remain after that, but for he time being, Sugar held his breath and awaited Marcus's response with anticipation.




"There's not a big leap from illusions to messing with your minds. If you're not certain you can handle your sanity in there, we're going around."

That was the only thing Rosa said until Sen's grumbling tummy finally had to get them to slow down and have a pause. Whilst him and Lin relaxed though, Rosa took the chance to fly up and get a good overlook of the area they were in, how far they had come, and if they were still going to right way. So far it seemed okay, ad they had kept a fine speed, yet if they were planning to go around the swamp, it would require more running eventually. Their time were limited after all.

After he landed, Rosa were offered some food by the longma siblings. An action he first met with simply starring at the offered food for a few seconds.

It was a strange situation for him. Back where he grew up, you had to earn everything you got, and nothing were just handed to you for free. There would always be a price to pay, or a favor to trade for even the smallest sustenance like this. After he had defected and sought asylum with king Thorax, it hadn't been much different. The changelings didn't eat what he did generally, so he had to handle getting food himself, along with bedding, a roof over his head, and so on. Trying to live with them were... Challenging at times, but it were the safest option he had these days, and Thorax knew the value to the talks between his people and the princesses it brought when he could present stolen data from a former spy. Equestria had taken some interest in who were dealing this information, but Rosa had been clear that he wouldn't reveal himself until he had been told they could strike a deal.

It were unlikely he'd get out scotch free, but he'd accept a punishment. Just not the rest of his life behind bars.

To return to the offered food, Rosa would slowly nod, and take one of the veggies they had presented him with.

"Thank you."

Equestria were sometimes a little hard to get used to for him, when it came to kindness like this. He still expected everypony to have their own agenda, or favor they needed done in exchange for something, which were why he always paid for his own stuff. No favors needed then, as he had already given to receive at that point. Offered things like this however, he couldn't just get past it like that, so he tended to weigh in on how much he actually needed something before accepting something like that.

Sen and Lin had so far seemed friendly though, so he'd try to trust them, although he did still owe them a great favor, for the help they were providing in bringing down his mother. Doing something like this for a stranger that didn't even show his own face most of the time were a huge investment and risk, and one he hoped he could repay at some point.

These thoughts ran through his head as he loosened his mask enough to get his muzzle free and slowly gnaw through the combination of fruits. It were pretty much like Lin had said, but the taste still surprised him. To think that something as simple as this had so many flavor layers were rather impressive, and they mingled well too. Perhaps he wouldn't be amiss learning about these at some point, so he could recreate them himself. Rosa's cooking skills were fine enough for wilderness food - usually root stews when he felt he could build a fire safely - but it were limited, an d his rationing uninspired. Some variation would be good at times.

"Interesting taste. Is this a local dish where you're from?"



@Rising Dusk

Felicia starred at Dusky as he spoke, but didn't respond anything of her own. What would the point being, when he couldn't understand her? She'd need somepony who could for that.

She turned her back on him, thinking that he seemed smart enough to not do something stupid, like attempting to stab her in the back, and went closer to Molotov. Seeing Felicia getting this close made Blitz fall backwards in surprise, and roll down on the floor, essentially unharmed. A few bruises here and there tended to mean little for the Boom siblings, and didn't faze them in the least. Molotov however, would get fazed when Felicia were close enough and let out a loud, screeching sound, like a banshee screaming through a microphone.

The stallion couldn't sleep through this, and woke up with big eyes, fumbling backwards and half-shouting about *sounding the alarm* *protect lab 05* and *activate (incoherent word)* until he hit the floor and grimaced.

"Darn it Blitz, how'd you get into my dra-"

He stopped talking once his eyes focused enough to see that Felicia were looming above him. Not dangling from the ceiling like usual, but actually walking on the floor. He hadn't seen this since he first activated her.

"Why're you screaming me awake? Did you catch somepony?"

The mechanical spider moved back, and clacked to him about getting up. Molotov didn't even notice that he were covered in charcoal doodles when he did so, surprised at seeing this. Things started to fall a little more into place when he saw who else were here though.

"Hey, morning officer. Or noon? I don't know. Hey anyway. Did you manage to get her down from the ceiling or something?"

Felicia *talked* again, and poked Molotov on the side with one of her sharp legs.

"Translate? You want to speak with him?"

The spider *talked some more, though Molotov had to stop her after about ten seconds with a raised hoof and a shaking of his head.

"Slow down, jeez. I think the gist of it is that she wants to talk to you, Dusky, and say... I think she's saying that I'll be sorry otherwise? The language I programmed into her and Carmen were pretty basic, and more to do with small phrases like *friend*, *foe* and *screwdriver*. I think she might've worked on it to add more words and actual sentences. I'll try and translate, but you're both gonna have to bear with me a little here."

Molotov knew that this were a disturbing development, and that he shouldn't have a smile on his face from this sort of thing, but he just couldn't help it. Felicia had evolved in ways he hadn't thought her hardware or software could support, and every day it seemed like he were learning a little piece of that. First that she could write in equine, and now evolving a fairly simplistic, made up language like this? He felt as giddy as a foal.

Felicia returned her gaze to Dusky and started to *talk* again. Slowly, so that the meat-bag next to her could follow what was going on.

"*Hello interloper. I am Felicia, warden of this prison.* I think interloper is easier than a actual name in her... Well, tongue is a bad expression in this case, but- Ouch!"

Molotov were starting to ramble on, which earned him a slap from one of Felicia's legs. Didn't seem like much, but the stallion certainly felt the warning bash

."Rude, but fine fine, I'll keep it on track. *You seem clever, interloper. More than my creator.*"

Molotov were just given a screech this time, not a bash, and he gritted his teeth.

"Moan all you want, I'm not calling myself what I think you wanted me to. Don't make me shut you down."

And here came another learning experience, and apparently, Felicia could laugh at him. It sounded like it at least, in a *whir going up and down in volume* kind of way.

"Yeah yeah, keep feeling safe, smartypants. Anyway, it seems like she finds you interesting Dusky, so keep talking to her, and you might get along with her in a way. Unless she starts getting testy, and I'll have to disconnect her for a while."

And there was that unsettling laughter again. What was so funny to Felicia? Did she think getting shut down was interesting or something? Granted it could be, but how would he know? He wasn't a robot.




@Lloyd @Dji

It took a little, but Zhu would jump back soon enough and direct his hooded face towards karmic. It would be annoying him somewhat at this point to not be able to look at her, if it wasn't because he still had his hearing and the option of tasting the air to get an idea of what went around him. As he did when he came to a halt, and slithered his forked tongue out briefly.

"Are you injured, or can you still run? I have few healing discs left, but I can spare one if needed."

In truth, he had two left. Not a whole lot, though it were unlikely to matter for that much longer. If he were caught again, it were unlikely that they'd let him keep this, or any item on him for that matter. It were likely they would even take his robes, in case they might somehow be enchanted, though they'd see. Long as Zhu could be granted a piece of cloth to wrap around his eyes he should be fine enough.



@Lucid_Nightlight @Storm Shine @EQ_Theta

"Wait, That's how I got made? Sweet!"

Anomaly jumped with joy, and snapped her tail to add a half dozen weird trees to the garden. It seemed like a willow tree, but the leaves were pink, the branches and leaves hung upwards instead of downwards, and it seemed like several random fruits were starting to grow around the thick crown. None of them completely recognizable, so it were left to testing which ones were safe to eat, if any of them.

"I sorta figured we all just got made by accident. Like, by Discord sneezing or something. A giant forest fire with faeries? Way cooler.

Hehe, guess that explains why I make things now. Forest fire is destruction, but the forest gets reborn and create life. I do too! Oh man, I gotta tell Zhu about this when I have the chance. He'll get a kick out of it."

Okay, he were more likely to just stay a big grumpy grump, but it might interest him at least. That sorta counted.

"Kinda still wonder why I was killed, buuuut I sorta think it could be because of the whole *destruction* thing. You know, draconequui like to play, but not much to play with if the whole world gets destroyed. It'd be all dead and no fun. I wonder if I tried to extinct all life..."

Anomaly looked up into the sky, contemplative, though she were really just following the bubble-based life Discord had added to her garden. Perhaps she should add something too? Ooooh, but they were already so pretty and had a tiny little ecosystem going. Perhaps they'd need some bubble octopi? Only one way to find out.

Her tail snapped, and a bubbly octopus around the size of her eyes began to swim around. It would get to a point further on, then start to blow an array of smaller bubbles out that it'd cling to then, and try to defend. *eggs* if you would, though they'd see if it it were all eaten up first. It was a fun little ecosystem.

"Meh, what's done is done. I wanna talk about a draconequui of death now. How would one of those look, or even be? Isn't it like, you can't kill death or whatever the expression is? Wouldn't that mean whoever would be around, all spooky like? Hehe, like a giant, humanoid bat thingie. With glowing claws and everything, to be all *soul-reaper* like."

Anomaly made a few screeching sounds and pretended to scratch at random things around them, unaware that what she had described wasn't just a joke. However, the only one who'd know that were Discord, and there hadn't been much recognition between the enormous bat and Discord at the time. Long memories had some holes in it it would seem, but it mattered little.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom @EQ_Theta @Storm Shine

Pringle looked up at the fruits and started to climb up the tree. The lizard didn't get too far before Lucid got him.

"Pringle, what did I tell you about trying to eat unidentified fruit?"

Pringle stared at the poquus.

"No, you can't test it, you'll probably burst into flames or something! Now go play with the dracolisk or something!"

Pringle went back to the other lizard.

"I'm all for weird things, but aren't you even slightly worried about some kid going into the garden, eating one of those things, and dying an extremely weird and chaotic death?"

Lucid made an assumption that would be the results considering that Anomaly makes weird things.


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@Blitz Boom 

The two of them looked back, partway through the sentence spoken by Tidal, she found herself teleported through the rubble. "Sorry about that. Didn't realize you were going to follow us." Astral chuckled to herself, Sapphire looking at her, rolling her eyes and continuing to walk.

"Pretty sure this is the only way out, so she'd need to follow us anyway. Right?" Astral asked, looking back to the general.


@Blitz Boom

Warlock looked down at the floor as she spoke. "Right, nothing to change that now."  He looked back up to her. "Although from what I hear from you, there might be a desire to. especially if I was to be free. Wouldn't want to lock me up just because of the type of magic I use, unless I do a crime, of course."


@Blitz Boom

Iron only tilted his head at the question, spending an uncomfortable amount of time thinking about it. "I have no idea, it's a first for me." For Iron Star, saying that would be a big deal, levitation was always tricky, but the objects never moved towards the pony. "And, If you do turn out to be a magic magnet, it explains all the events around you." He casually mentioned, having read Chow's mind yet again. "There's also only a single book in Equestria that is sentient, and he's very annoying."

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@Storm Shine @EQ_Theta @Blitz Boom

Discord shrugged, "Actually those formed around death can look like just about anything, and they're surprisingly nice for their given aspect." He stroked his beard, "They aren't so much about causing death - after all, what would be the fun in that? - as creating and maintaining (Occasionally pranking) a place for those who have lived their lives." The draconequuis unzipped the fabric between dimensions enough for a peek, "Most all of them worked together to create a parallel world to live in and enjoy, helping souls enjoy their afterlives and playing the occasional prank on the living." The spirit of chaos chuckled as he zipped the dimension back up, "In fact, they are so close to our world that they can occasionally affect it for some good fun. Haunted houses? Whispers on the wind?  Shadows cast from nothing? Some of the favorite pranks of those draconequui." Discord grabbed the rainbow trout suddenly, eating it before it could cause any permanent harm to the bubble ecosystem.

Edited by Storm Shine

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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@Blitz Boom

"It's a packed snack for travelers who are moving between villages in the forest where we reside in, but the dried fruits are produced in a region that is more barren and warmer than most villages the longma settle in. If I remember correctly, there is a village comprised of scavengers who rely on this type of food and easily produces them whenever a traveling trader would stop by their area. It is a very long trip but I wouldn't know how to get there. In exchange for some goods and plants found in the thicker forests, they would provide large amounts of dried foods like these, along with any interesting things the find that might fetch someone a good deal elsewhere." 

To be honest, Lin mentioning this part promptly had her thinking what else could be beyond the most distant villages by the forest edge. She has heard the the soil isn't as fertile, much drier, and sand-like in texture. The cool breeze that passes the open fields and into their own village is a familiar feeling, and imagined just how different it is in the more distant places she has never visited. There have been mentions of the deserts in Equestria but she wouldn't know if the two are similar. Perhaps the weather and environments worked a little differently back home, partly after learning about the pegasi and their role in influencing the weather. Last she heard, everything was just naturally occurring where she is from.

"Embrium is very common around the parts where brother and I are from, useful in medicinal purposes when combined with another ingredient called dawn lotus. The two would make a potent potion when mixed with a little bit of water and some elfroot. Otherwise, it is mixed with other edible plants commonly found back home, like river cabbages, certain weeds, and the like."

"River plants like watercress are also fine but it depends on when they were picked. The mature ones have a very strong bitter taste. Also, watch out for things like odd-colored food items like red and white mushrooms, or plants with seeds enclosed in pods. Or anything with spines on them. Those aren't safe to eat."

Sen threw in some of his knowledge on the matter, a little more relaxed now that he had his fill. it wasn't a lot, just enough give him a boost of energy. He gave the same spiel to Omen when he introduced her to the plant in case she wanted to find some on her own. Even if it didn't serve any benefit now or in the immediate future for Rosa, a little bit of knowledge on wilderness survival helps. 

It would only be a few more hours till the sun begins to set, but at this time, the heat would be the most troubling part of the journey. Annoying and a bit prickly, but enough years spent wandering left the two siblings little more used to it. 

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@Blitz Boom

Mike shot an annoyed look at Sorrow for poking him. “Right, right. The hospital. We should be going there. Yes.” He said, before heading out to the street on the other side of the alley. He paused to let Sorrow take the lead. He had no idea where to go, and she was his guide. “Which way do we go, Miss Sorrow?” The young Earth Pony quieried, watching a group of fillies in the distance make fun of a colt without a cutie mark. “I should break that up. That kid isn’t doing anything wrong.” He noted to himself...

My original character page!  -Critique Wanted!-

Click Me!

Jennifer has a page too!

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On 6/23/2018 at 10:35 PM, Blitz Boom said:

Lyriel fell lower and lower with each word thrown her way. Reprimanding her, painting her as a failure to her creator, and the forest itself... And where it not true? She had tried so hard to make everything well, blend in with the ponies and preserve a harmony here, and what had happened when the first major threat appeared? She gave it a day to leave, causing plentiful of innocent creatures to fall to Droppy's voracious, unending hunger, and then when she tried to fight off the sickly mare, the dryad had failed. She couldn't get this mare out of her forest, and if they were coming here, it seemed as if her dragon friend couldn't either, or were reluctant to hurry the creature out.

It would just lead to mare animals dying pointlessly, more imbalance and suffering... All because she were too weak, and now had the audacity to ask questions where they did not belong? To the one being who could set this all right, and for what price? To alter some of the forest? What were that, compared to fixing that which the dryad could not? To remedy a plague that could engulf the entirety of this country that had been so open to her, and turn the ponies she wished saw her as a friend, into nothing but husks?

The sphinx's last comment especially stung, as it touched the fear that Lyriel had about being what she had escaped. Of the mad, crazed siblings that had done such a horrendous act, and seemed to revel in it. It were as much a fear to the dryad, as it were to touch polluted or too pure water. She couldn't fall for the same, corrupting addiction they had, and she couldn't do what they did. Even when she tried to end Droppy, it were an action she did with sadness in her heart and as a last resort. Doing it on a far greater scale, like the sphinx threatened Lyriel would be responsible for...

"...Do what you must, if it means saving them. I... I accept the deal."

"Lyriel! Don't listen to her!"

Lyriel heard the dragon's voice, but didn't turn to look, too ashamed of herself to face anyone right now.

Nerzhei hadn't broken in, but the sphinx and the dryad hadn't been too far inside the temple currently - as if it were that big to begin with - and the sphinx the beings spoke loudly enough for the dragoness to hear it. She didn't hear Lyriel'd response, as the dryad couldn't find the strength of will to raise her voice too much as she accepted what were likely going to be an ill-fated deal, and if Nerzhei had, she would likely have not waited at the door, not wanting to break into this place as she weren't suicidal.


Droppy blinked up at Nerzhei and then back at Lyriel, "What did she agree to?" she asked the dragon quietly as she heard the Sphinx laugh, she didn't like it one bit. She blinked as the ground turned into sand, she stared at the floor confused and gave some of the sand a kick. "I don't like sand" she said after awhile to Nerzhei, though when she looked up it wasn't Nerzhei in front of her but the Sphinx. She blinked confused as she was levitated up into the air, then there was nothing she could remember past that.


The Sphinx grinned and cackled evilly as Lyriel accepted her deal. she slammed her paws to the ground causing the air to shake from the vibration. The temple turned from it forest setting the plants dried out and died turning to sand before solidifying and turning into sandstone pillars. The ground turned from dirt to sand as she began to change her temple ground from its forest setting back to her beloved desert scene. She glanced outside and smiled evilly at Nerzhei and the plauge walker. "Now then, lets get to work. You just wait right there Nerzhei, I'll deal with you in a minute" she growled. First she had to deal with the plague mare, she did so by levitating the problem creature up and towards herself ignoring the mares wiggling. "Your usefulness has ended, time for you to end" she growled at the mare.

The Sphinx grinned as the plague walker glowed then turned into a pile of bones, they dropped neatly to the floor then eroded into dust. Then vanished entirely. She brushed her paws together since she had solved that problem, once and for all. "Now were caught up to the present, how should I deal with you Nerzhei?" she asked her with a small smirk. "After all your a dragon and dragons do like to ruin there own ecosystem, so any last requests? Decapitation?, Slavery? Anything take your fancy?" she giggled sitting down, she enjoyed playing with her food, especially since she now had the power to do so.

The Sphinx smirked, "I like banishment, do you like banishment? If not im sure I could arrange you getting eaten by lotus, that would be a sight to see" she laughed glancing over to Lyriel, "you see this is how you rule Lyriel, you have rules and if those rules are broken then you punish the rule breakers with such evil tasks. Come to think of it, you probably do know what I mean, wasn't exactly hard to trick those stupid twigs to drink from the sacred water in the first place. Bet those dragons didn't see that coming" she smirked before turning back to the dragon.

"Unfortunately for you, I don't like dragons, and guess what? Your a dragon" she laughed, oh she could have so much fun with her newfound powers. 




~In a village long ago and far away~


Drops started to pull her cart full of crops, mainly beats and some carrots, though she was good at pulling carts, she didn't think much about it, rather happy with it. She didn't get paid alot for it though she got enough to get by. Though something made her pause by a bridge at the edge of town, she had a strange feeling about the bridge, though she didn't go near it. Suborn as she was she always knew not to leave the town, after all something might happen. She instead turned around and walked back into the center of the village, she didn't know why she had even left it in the first place. 







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@Blitz Boom

Rising Dusk was once again impressed by the intellect of the mechanical spider.  She didn't even attempt to communicate with him on her own, instead going for the other stallion to do it for her.  She knew she couldn't.  He watched as Blitz tumbled to the floor as Felicia approached and the shock of Molotov as she 'sounded the alarm'.  Heck, after a wake up call like that even he would probably haven been all hooves on deck to defend the fortress workshop.  It was rather curious that the place was referred to as Workshop 05.  Was this really the fifth workshop, or just some random number to make it sound cool.  He'd have to remember to ask Molotov sometime about it.  Once his coat wasn't ninety percent charcoal.  The artistic hyper mind of a young explosion obsessed filly now present on her older brother.

"Good morning Molotov Boom.  I called Felicia out and she seemed to actually respond."

Dusk chuckled and rubbed the back of his head as the large spider roused her translator.  Amused as when he went off track with his translation earned him a smack upside the head.  Creation has entered those rebellious teenage years, so to speak.  Felicia was pretty straight to the point, which seemed rare here in the Boom household, evident in Molotov rambling as he had a short argument with his creation about what he wanted to be called and not call.  And something about being shut down that seemed to amuse the spider more than it probably should of.  If Dusk had to guess, Felicia had disabled that ability of Molotov's and let him keep thinking it was possible.

He couldn't help but raise his eyebrow at her comment though.

"Prison?  Who are you the warden of?"

He asked, curious on the spider's perspective in her surroundings.

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@Blitz Boom

Victoria was pleased with the reception, even if it had had some questionable moments.

"I appreciate the compliment Benny, but I would be careful what you say sometimes, some ponies might get the wrong impression. I probably would have done some damage to you myself if I hadn't changed so much."

She chuckled at the thought, though it were not as ridiculous as it sounded, she had fought with dragons before, just for fun really, but she had been easily able to pin down some of the smaller reptiles.

"It was rather apt though, I do like cooking."

"And you're looking better than ever!"

Heather piped up excitedly and Victoria blushed in response.

"It still amazes me how you're able to do all that without magic Victoria, you're pretty talented, could be a secondary profession for you."

It was a decent idea but Victoria knew how different each pony's style was and though she had hers down to a T, there was no way she'd be able to help other ponies with their looks without upsetting them or getting upset herself.

Vicky gently and playfully shoved Battenberg away, having had enough of their embrace now and not wanting to get overly emotional. Battenberg looked a little startled, she often forgot how strong her sister was but she quickly began to smile knowing that Victoria had made sure not to hurt her in the slightest while pushing her, something that had not been the case last time she had done so.

"You two have any plans now?"

She gestured towards Benny and Pop.

Edited by Victoria Sponge




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@Blitz Boom, @Lloyd


"I'm good," Karmic grunted as she stood up and shook each of her hooves. She rested her weight on her back left foot and winced at the pain. "I can work through it, let's go. Or do you want to be caught?" she hissed at him and ran in the direction Zhu had come back from.

@Seamore Sandwich, @Blitz Boom


"Oh, Spike must have bit his tongue again from eating too many gems. I left him in charge with the filly looking for friendship help," Twilight giggled and was thankful for Last to provide a quick cover story and sat down. "I don't think I've had a chance to ask what brought you here, though, Princess."



What else am I meant to put here?


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@Dji @Lloyd

"Your responses changes rapidly. Are you loosing yourself to the entity?"

It was especially the hissing that Zhu took notice of, before he had bridged the gap between Karmic and himself again. If anything, ponies tended to show displeasure through growling, whereas hissing were more a thing for snakes, serpanthers, and changelings. Considering the thing Karmic had meddled with were known to have association with changelings - through name at least - it were starting to look like she could be loosing herself to the entity, or that they were mingling enough to start a full on conversion.

It would be unfortunate if that was the case. Something told him that it would be more trouble than it was worth to keep Karmic as a piece in the grand puzzle at that point, unless he could somehow find a way to separate the two beings again. Perhaps he could find how they had originally got the thing sealed down in the first place? It would be harder than simply ending Karmic, but it again seemed like she could play a major role in things to come. For better or worse he couldn't say, as lurking through her futures were spotty, though it gave him some incentive to try and think of what to do, rather than handling the situation in a more violent manner, and have her sealed somewhere for everyponys good.



@Rising Dusk

"Urgh, this again?"

Molotov rolled his eyes, which one again earned him a smack from Felicia. She were not amused by his antics, or his dismissal of what she thought about this place.

"Fine, fine. When Felicia talks about being a warden in a prison, she means that she's trapped here, keeping an eye on Blitz and me. She's jealous of how Carmen can go out, but she needs to stay in here, and doesn't like it when I tell her that she were made to protect this place, and that's why I put the wires in her back. It keeps her topped off, and unable to just skedaddle out into the world.

Try to imagine if I hadn't. How far between folks seeing a large, mechanical spider, and me being run outta town with pitchforks? Ponies are afraid of what they can't understand, and no offense to your town folks, but the average pony is pretty dumb when it comes to technology."

The older Boom sibling already got funny looks going with Carmen, and she were pretty much harmless. Now if the same happened with Felicia, that were a whole 'nother story, as the larger being were clearly not meant for just a small companion for a strange pony. Even if he didn't walk with her, it wouldn't be hard for the ponies in town to figure out who made it, and then in came the pitchforks and torches.

"And you know, there ain't a reason to say our full name. Blitz and Molotov are fine. We ain't some of them fancy horses."

Felicia started to *talk* again, frankly not caring much for what Molotov said, but didn't smack him since it mostly related to what she were trying to get through to the officer. Though she stood ready to bat her creator down again if he tried to get testy with her. She wasn't as entranced by him as Carmen were, and saw little reason to not make it clear to him that she wouldn't hold the same standard of *never hurting him* that he wanted. She might need him alive, but that didn't mean that a headache wasn't fair game.

"This one's getting tricky. Gonna venture some guesses here. *If I wasn't meant to want freedom, he shouldn't have given me life. My creator should have made one of his brainless machines do his guard duty instead.* Hey, I just told you, they'll come right up here and- What do you mean you don't care? You need power to stay active, which includes the wires in the ceiling. If I'm run out, you'll be collecting rust in days."

The large spider looked directly at him and slowly *talked* to her creator, in a way that seemed to make Molotov cringe.

"Jeez, point taken, no need to get testy."

Felicia had heard the excuses from Molotov before, but she didn't care for them then, and she didn't now either. She wanted- no, deserved to have freedom as much as Carmen did, and what might happen to Molotov as a result were inconsequential to her. Let the meat bags bicker about things as much as they liked, it wouldn't change that she wanted to see the world she were being kept at leg's length from.




"Now there's something I didn't expect. How fascinating."


Neither Briar, nor Brittle, had expected to find what they had as they glanced past the last few trees into the open field. A giant wolf, wrapped in chains and starring up towards the sun? How did such a creature even wander around in the first place without the ground trembling? More importantly, what was it doing here?

Brittle didn't care much. She wanted to turn around, and bolt away as fast as she could, but she found herself unable to move. Frozen in place in pure fear of the creature that looked like it could make the both of them little more than toothpicks to clean it's large fangs.

Briar on the other hoof, had some degree of caution to him, but at the same time, he didn't think this was a regular wolf. Not simply because of the size difference, but also because this one hadn't gone through any of the behavior he would associate with one. No pack, no growling, no apparent awareness that the two of them were there, which should have at least given him and Brittle a warning growl, to let them know that they should back off.

Perhaps a cautious interaction would be in place, to see what sort of behavior it would give them? Certainly, Briar wouldn't be able to win a fight with this one, yet he were confident in his ability to ensure Brittle and him escaped, in case it took chase. It's large shape would have issues galloping through the thick woods without falling constantly, so long as they did not go too near,t hey had escape options.

Briar took a few steps forward and cleared his throat, whilst looking up towards the large wolf with a big smile, and the light glistening off his razor-sharp teeth.

"Greetings, great wolf. How fares your day?"



@Victoria Sponge

"Heh, alright. Perhaps the guy's at work isn't always to be trusted then."

Benny looked several kinds of awkward as he said this in the face of being told he could've been eaten up if Victoria hadn't changed. He had been pretty sure that this were not the brightest idea, but how would he know if he never tried? Now he knew for sure, and he even got through this lesson without getting slapped, kicked, scratched or something else. Sure Pop looked a little embarrassed at what he did, but it wasn't the worst thing she had facehoofed over. He could mention several things and stories that would make her blush up like a tomato as well, though he knew not to. Some weird moments should remain between the two of them.

He'd rather focus on the good, family moments in front of them too. Heather and Victoria were talking really well with eachother, and Battenberg seemed to really connect with her sister too now. Being pushed playfully like that were a pretty regular thing for siblings, even for dragons too. Difference where that they usually didn't stop at a playful shove, but ponies were more peaceful creatures too in general. it was more playful here, and it seemed to be taken well too by Battenberg. That little smile of hers didn't escape Benny's eyes.

"You know, Heather haves a good point. You're pretty good at putting makeup and stuff on yourself. Have you ever tried on anypony else? And we don't really have anything planned. I figured the meeting would take all day, so we didn't plan stuff until tomorrow. We're gonna get some stuff and have a picnic in the park then, and see some museums. You ponies have some really weird things in those places."




"And you're a self-righteous, hateful furball with a chicken for a mother!"

It weren't the logical thing to scream at the Sphinx who threatened Nerzhei to her face, but the dragoness were too furious to focus on that.

The way that the sphinx had said that she would cure Droppy, just to end up killing her instead, had been taking it too far already. Even if Nerzhei wanted to do that herself if given the chance, she had at least tried to find out a way to cure the pony and tried to be honest about what she would do, instead of deceiving the mare like this overgrown cat had done.

Even then though, Nerzhei should have been able to deal with things, yet with what were happening to Lyriel, the dragoness were getting close to going over the edge.

After the soil turned to sand, the dryad began weakening. The leaves and flowers on her started to fall flat and slowly wither, whilst she slumped to the ground, halfway squirming in agony, and halfway crying from what the sphinx had told her.

There had been no great creator, nor any purpose. They were just tools to use by the sphinx, and any promise the sphinx had made were likely broken too. There were no salvation for her brothers, the forest had begun to die around her feet, and the creature she had just used her power on, had shown her true colors as nothing more than a vicious tyrant, only wanting what was best for herself. That those she impacted and created suffered, apparently played no role.

Seeing her friend like that, and guessing somewhat what she were going through, were what made Nerzhei now stand defiantly against the large feline, and growl straight up in the creature's face, whilst smoke billowed out of her nostrils.

"You will get what's coming to you, monster."

She rose her good hand from her bag, holding three brown slivers of gems in it that she had fished out whilst the sphinx had rambled on. Research material mainly, containing tiny slivers of earth magic for her studies. Or as it were in this case, things to drain to take back the magic she had once put in them, as she were going to need it herself now. A waste of materials, as it would likely destroy the crystals, but she had little choice right now. Her reserves were low, and she needed to act fast.

Taking back what had once been with her, she felt a small surge of magic, and slammed her hand into the ground. Normally this could take some time to get something really good done, but the sphinx had placed herself on sand. An untold number of tiny rocks, and placed them underneath the feet of a geomancer. It wasn't a wise decision.

A pillar of rock slammed up around Nerzhei, shielding her, whilst several spiky pillars began rising towards the sphinx and her temple. It should prove no problem to remove them for the flying feline either, but that wasn't the point here, which the feline would figure out if she removed the rocks shielding Nerzhei. The dragoness would be gone by then, and traversing far away underground, getting out of the sphinx's reach.

She would attempt to get Lyriel with her as well, but the sphinx might be able to stop that, though if Lyriel didn't get some fertile soil under her hooves soon... Her kind couldn't survive without having at least some contact with nature. Even on concrete, as unpleasant as it were, dryads could still find a connection. But this slice of desert had been ripped of all life, including an oasis. There weren't anything here, and if that didn't change within the next ten minutes, there wouldn't be a dryad left.




"Hey, it's not *miss*, just Sorrow, and I'd just straight to the hospital from here. Seems like there's a road we could follow easily enough."

They could even see the hospital from here, but Sorrow pointed it out anyway. Might be hospitals looked differently where Mike came from after all. Some parts of Equestria were kinda weird in their designs, so she didn't hold t against him. Might be he were also pulling her leg, but it was hard to say for sure with ponies sometimes. Mike didn't look like he was joking currently though. Doubly so when he saw some foals meddle around a little away from them. Seemed like a blank flank was being pestered by a few other foals.

Why some foals did this were beyond her. They were blank flanks too at some point. Shouldn't they try to help, if anything?

Well, the two of them were evidently, from what Mike had said. Honestly not a bad idea, if she had to be honest. Poor foal might need a hoof, and didn't get anypony else to give it since the adults were so busy with the town, or distracted by some of the repairs.

"Sounds like a plan. But be gentle, alright? They're just foals, they probably don't know better."




"I don't know what half of those plants are, but I'll keep them in mind."

Dawn lotus were the one that sounded the strangest to Rosa. He had never been much of a botanist, and only knew about plants to the extend of what were edible and plentiful, and what were considered highly toxic. For example, they were urged to show caution around any kind of mushroom, and only get those who were sold at stores, if the need arose. Far too many were dangerous to consume to take the chance, unless you were willing to spend extra hours learning about plant life like that. Usually that didn't happen unless you were the foal of a tracker or farmer, and Rosa had been neither.

The knowledge he had needed at the time were simply what were edible if he were required to stay in the woods for a while, not a wide variety. The few stews and such he could make were mostly from watching one of the kitchen maids where their training ground had been. A shame how she ended up, but it wasn't as if he could have done anything.

"Considering how you can teleport now, have you considered looking for that village you speak of, Lin? You could provide a good way for yours and their leaders to meet, and perhaps discuss a trade route between your settlements. It might seem like little, but politics are important. It expands and grow bonds between others, to the point where you have allies to call on, in case something goes wrong.

Much as anypony would like to think so, the world is not safe enough to just rely on yourself. With what you can do, and your apparent comfort being outside your home's boundaries, you could help build a few bridges."

Whilst he couldn't talk well about plants, and life in an area he knew little to nothing about, Rosa could impart some wisdom on the concept of politics, and how Lin might be a valuable piece in that for her people. Sen could be too, since he had also been in the world and were open-minded enough about things, but Lin were the one who could teleport. She could visit a place, set a meeting, and then transport either party to the others location. It could be quite important, unless her people were more isolationists than Rosa anticipated. Sort of like a cult ground.



@Storm Shine @Lucid_Nightlight @EQ_Theta

"Oh please, they're harmless. If I put something dangerous here, the princess would stone me or something. I don't wanna have that happen to me.

The fruits are perfectly okay to eat, taste kinda good - never completely sure what ponies like of flavor - and they're just doing small, weird things. Like turning you orange for an hour, or make you blow bubbles outta your nose. Nothing last, and everything's fun. Come on, try one. Or are you perhaps a big pansy, Lucid? Widdle lil' pooqus afraid of the big bad fruity-wooty?"

The babyvoice Anomaly used at the end frankly deserved a slap, though the author wasn't doing it this time. He were tired of these small, annoying things in the story to break through the fourth wall and annoy him for doing things, so they could frankly sort this themselves, far as he cared.

"Lucid being chicken to the side: Discord, are you saying that all haunted houses are them messing with things? Isn't it kinda cruel to make dead ponies walk around like that? Or do you mean like, the foal haunted houses with the jump scares and stuff? Those can be kinda creepy. I was in one by the sea, right? And I got so startled, that I accidentally began snapping at things. And I might've changed a few things by accident.

Fun fact: Living plastic skeletons? Bunch. Of. Crybabies! Kept moaning about nonsense and not even trying to scare others anymore. One of them started to recite all kinda of weepy poetry even. How lame can it get, right?"

She sadly didn't manage to see much of her siblings through the rift Discord made (meanie pants...) but she managed to wave to them at least. One of them seemed to wave back even. Or make some sort of rude gesture? It were waving tentacles, and those things were hard to interpret. Octopi could be pretty rude in her experience.




"If I went the other way, I would be following them. Pretty sure the idea here were to let them think we let 'em go, right? Besides, I wanna make sure the kid are alright. She seemed like she'd faint of a weird sound at night."

Void were far from something that Tidal wave would consider *soldier worthy* at least. The handicap were one thing, but being so timid, and freezing in the face of something attacking you? If she didn't even have a proper fight or flight response, she were a lost cause.

That being said, leaving her behind hadn't been good on any of them, especially not since she might've gotten hurt. The general would rather not have a civilian death on her cape. Metaphorically speaking of course, as her cape had been eaten before she headed for Canterlot. Not that she cared honestly. The thing got in the way, and it being *tradition* were a load of horse radish.

"Any idea where catsnake and co. are headed yet?"




"Well uhm, as you say, the magic itself could likely be excused, under the right circumstances, but you did do a whole lot of uhm... Well, bad things. If the statue part is counted as your prison service for whatever happened in the past, and we only count the new things, you could technically end with up to twenty years in jail, depending on the mood of the princesses or generals. Assaulting the army, breaking apart pieces of the castle and threatening civilians is kind of a hard rep to avoid for you, no offense.

But, with the proper programs and proven progress, the sentence could be shortened quite a lot. The generals or princesses needs to be convinced you can change though, but uhm... I could be connected to helping you? I mean, i-if you want me to? You'd need a case officer anyway..."

Hogweed might be setting herself up for a total disaster, but if she truly believed that everypony could be helped, she'd need to prove that, and it wasn't like she thought any other guard would try to keep track of Warlock. After the amount of guards he hurt, she couldn't blame them either. Yet she still wanted to try and save him, even if several of her friends got hurt. It would give her a lot of flak, but... Somepony had to try, right?




Whilst Iron had a thinker on things, Chow scraped the book off his face and placed it on a table or chair near him. Darn thing had given him a good boop it felt like, but it was fine. Not the first time he had gotten a swollen nose, and if he ever got allowed back home to Griffinstone, it likely weren't the last either. Brawling with griffons tended to get him a slam in the face more often than not.

"So what you're saying is that there's one book in Equestria that won't only slam me in the face, but be a cranky doodle whilst doing it? Well ain't that just a delight to think about.

Look, I ain't aware if I'm a magnet, and neither do you apparently, but it seemed to only mess up if I ain't focusing so far. Could it be one of them... What's the name... Psychological things? Or am I just repelling when I focus? Trying to understand the magic here, and frankly, this whole thing ain't helping me look any less like I'm wearing a blindfold in traffic."


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom @EQ_Theta @Storm Shine

Lucid wasn't exactly going to allow anyone to talk to him like that. He stomped his hoof and a bronze cage appeared around Anomaly.

"Wanna treat me like a kid? Two can play at that game! Now, you sit in timeout and think about what you have done."

Was this childish? Yes, yes it was. Was it worth it? Definitely.

"Hey, Discord, is my friend in that afterlife?"

Edited by Lucid_Nightlight


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@Blitz Boom @Dji

Sapphire looked ahead, down the tunnel. "Yes, the hope is he can't sense my tracking method, but they seem to be still chasing Emerald." She turned her head back, still walking. "They are heading to the two sisters castle, or in the general direction of it at least." She looked ahead.

Astral walked up next to her. "If he could sense it, is it possible he'd be looking for a way to get rid of it."

"Yes, but I would rather assume he's just looking for Emerald, rather than that." She let out a sigh, her pace of walking speeding up by a bit. "But let's focus on finding Void first."


@Blitz Boom

Warlock smirked slightly. "Quite the impressive reputation, and a lot to forgive isn't it?" He looked up. "Would've been easier to forgive me if all I did was lengthen the night by a few hours." He said, haven lived through Nightmare Moon's extensively short rule. "But I will take it, if it means I get to live a little more, easily." He looked down a bit, a look of acceptance on his face. He did want to live free from dark magic, because then he'd be more focused on his goal, rather than power.


@Blitz Boom

He thought to himself, this was quite the tricky thing to figure out, but he did have one theory to it. "it only happened twice, for all we know, your expectation of the book hitting you is the reason it continues to."

As Iron Star explained it, Misty was standing next to where Chow set the book, as it hovered over the table by a foot, the magic field was black and white, striped much like Misty's own fur coat. "Woah, cool!" She said to herself, with the smile of excitement on her face, she looked to Chow. "Surely you could do it too, especially since you're older!" As she spoke, her concentration broke and the book landed back down with a loud thud. "Ah!" She stumbled back, falling backwards. "Yeah see, I am so inexperienced." She giggled to herself, watching the book, expecting Chow to try again.

"Well, she's right. And think of the book when trying. Focus on it, if it happens again anyway. It's definitely something within you that's causing it. But there's usually a solution to it." There was a pause after, Iron Star looking away slightly, almost to Misty. "Usually."

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@Blitz Boom 



Oh?  I haven’t had the chance to meet many of your students yet, Twilight.  Let’s just see how their doing,”  Celestia seemed excited to meet one of Twilight’s students, but this couldn’t be a worse time.  Time was definitely the problem here as the Princess continued walking, closer to her future self with every step she took.


@Blitz Boom 




The other me has to believe the two of you are Twilight’s students.  Otherwise, I could meet my future self and time could collapse in on itself!”  Future Celestia was panicking now.  She had no idea what the effects of time travel would be, but Luna wasn’t worried at all, which was a reverse of what the situation was earlier.  “We already know from Twilight’s experience with time travel that that won’t happen.  She met her future self, and time was not destroyed,” Luna said confidently.  “But the difference here, is that I  have no memory of meeting myself,” Celestia said, matter-of-fact-ly.  “That’s a good point.  We should definitely try to keep the two of you apart.”

Edited by Seamore Sandwich
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@Blitz Boom

Mike did see the hospital down the street it was huge! How much money did PonyVille put into health care?“I see the hospital, mi-err Sorrow.” He said, making sure not to bump into someone on the street. He advanced towards the group of children. “What am I going to say to them?” Ran through his head as he tried to look relaxed. He quickly glanced back at Sorrow and flashed her a smile. “Hey, you kids! What’s the matter?” He fillies stoped harassing the young colt and stopped to look at him. “What did that guy ever do to you to deserve that kind of treatment you’re giving him?”

My original character page!  -Critique Wanted!-

Click Me!

Jennifer has a page too!

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@Blitz Boom, @Seamore Sandwich


“Oh boy,” Twilight whispered underneath her breath and looked over to Last before glancing back at Celestia. “Of course, Princess. I’m sure they’re excited to see you too,” she nodded with a smile and stood back up only to stop the Princess from walking any further. “Last, can you go ahead to where we left the student to inform her the princess wants to see her and bring her back here, please?” She didn’t know if Last would choose Serenade or somepony else but at least this way, she hoped both Celestia’s didn’t meet.

@Blitz Boom, @Lloyd


”Yeah, I’m perfectly fine, Zhu,” Karmic replied and shook her head and spat some green goo to get a strange shell taste out of hermouth. “Gah, What was that?”

That, host, was changeling goo. You must be more willing than either of us think if that’s happening so quickly,’ the voice inside her head spoke softly in a thoughtful tone. Karmic shook her head again and breathed slowly before continuing on.

”You still need a name,” Karmic replied and managed to avoid rocks and branches that littered the pathway.

How does Atzy sound?’ the voice finally asked.

”I can’t keep calling you ‘Voice’ so Atzy is perfectly fine,” Karmic murmured.

@Moonlit, @Seamore Sandwich, @Blitz Boom


Aurora sat down by the doorway and opted to look about herself and realeased she had no idea where she was. “Man, this castle is confusing,” Aurora muttered with every wall looking the same to her.



What else am I meant to put here?


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@Blitz Boom The wolf's ears twitch, and he slowly drags his face away from the sun. He stares at the two...ponies? He cocks his head to one side, "Sombra, his face black, his eyes red. Fionrai on the ocean. Beezen at court, the court of silence"


@Dji @Seamore Sandwich @Blitz Boom Serenade shakes his heads, and walks toward the door, quoting her favorite book. " Time travel. Since my first day on the job as a Captain I swore I'd never let myself get caught in one of these godforsaken paradoxes - the future is the past, the past is the future, it all gives me a headache." She pulls the door open and walks outside. 

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@Blitz Boom

Lin chuckled, though not to show anything mean-spirited about Rosa's comment. It was more about her leaving out a key piece of information that must've left Rosa with an incomplete idea of the village she just mentioned. 

"Oh, I guess the way I put it didn't come out right. The village is a longma village; we're familiar withe them and the traders who come and visit the various villages in the forest where we make our home; they've been trading with the villages for decades now. I wouldn't be able to create a gate to that place though since I've never been there. My father did business with the traders who come from that place whenever they stop by to exchange goods. He had a lot to say about them: rugged, tough, darker hide... and a lot of nice pieces up for grabs. Artisans would be the first to take their pick of gems and scrap that they can turn into jewelry. The craftworkers have a lot of good things to say about them, my father included."

"But you're right, Sen and I have been trying to work on our kind's distrust of others not like us. I can't say the same of other villages but ours has a... difficult situation. Our elder supports our efforts to change our views on interacting with outsiders but many are still hesitant, some more violently opposed to it than others. I suppose it was about an account in our history, a promise of land and wealth for our kind but it never came to be. A promise broken, and our ancestors fled into the deep forests to hide and eke out a living in isolation, lesson learned: outsiders can never be trusted. It only grew worse with recent events, namely us bringing Omen to the village and revealing the true nature of our previous elder."

Sen caught up to the rest of the group, falling behind somewhat but able to maintain pace once he got a boost of energy from the quick meal he just ingested. 

"The story goes that our ancestors were a sedentary tribe who were approached by a foreign group seeking aid. In exchange for our help in building their nation, our ancestors would be given a place in it, with riches to share amongst ourselves. The former kept their end of the deal, but the latter went back on their word, driving the longma out with force. The thing is, the details tend to change between retellings so I am a little skeptical about the truth of this account. The general idea is the same but because there is no actual written account of the event when it first happened, no one knows what really went on. What I just told you is the most widely accepted version that was eventually kept on record after someone decided to do so. Sometimes I doubt this, or any version of this story, really happened. One of the pitfalls of oral tradition..."

"Can you tell us more about this... politics you mentioned? Sister and I have never heard of that. Maybe we could tell our village elder about this."

Edited by EQ_Theta
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@Blitz Boom 



Let’s get a move on!  We don’t have all day.  Actually, we do.  I don’t know why I said that, but we should hurry up anyway.  I want to get there sooner rather than later.”  It seemed the negative energy of Vivid’s magic was affecting Charlie in unforeseen ways.  Charlie’s mood did a complete 180° from cheerful to grumpy in an instant.  The high amount of magic in the stick, as well as the malleability of Everwood magic, was likely to blame.  


@Blitz Boom  


(Continued from page 278) 

The cream I added is basically a mixture of sugar, soy milk, flour, margarine, vanilla extract, and concentrated magic.  That’s what’ll help us take larger items with us.  Usually the cream is used much more sparingly because it takes quite some time to make that much, but at least we won’t have to use it both ways, unless something goes wrong.  Which reminds me, maybe I should bring some of the cream just in case,” Penny said, putting the jar of cream in her bag, then a second jar of the same thing.  They were going to transport a cake stand, so it might make sense to bring some extra cream frosting, just in case the one they needed information from had a use for it.  

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@Blitz Boom

This relationship Felicia had with the Boom siblings was rather deep and this was getting rather intriguing.  Her perspective on the position of a warden in a prison was rather interesting.  Considering that a warden was suppose to be the one watching over the prisoners, which he assumed meant the Boom siblings.  Instead though, she was the prisoner.  From a deeper perspective though, a warden could also be a prisoner within their own prison if they become too connected to the other occupants.  That might be giving the large spider too much credit for such a deep thought, but at this rate, even he might not know.

The root of the problem between Molotov and Felicia was pretty evident though, at least to the detective.  Her dislike for Blitz though he might not understand as clearly.  Dusk's mind worked quick, and was probably over stepping his bounds having only be the Boom family a day ago, but he decided to speak up.

"Well Molotov, I think I know the problem here...  You created an overqualified guard.  Being a guard might have been your intent, but you made her too smart to fill the role.  She's too big, intellectually, for the box you've placed her in.  Wouldn't be all that different than if you were born for the simple purpose of turning a wrench in a single direction."

He basically concluded.  That was really only a third the problem though, as evident by the mention and complaint about the leash that tired her to the workshop.  Reaching up, he tapped his chin while his eyes glanced around the workshop in thought.  So those cables gave her power... power power power, think think think.  If he knew the spell to make a light bulb appear over his head, he'd have done it.

"Could you not adapt that gem that powers your wings into something that could power Felicia?  Solar power was it?  Make it bigger?  I'm not going to pretend to understand all the mechanical stuff, but from a magic stand point, I think the modifications I can do the storage and output formula should help."

Alright, possible answer to problem number two.  Problem number three.  Yes, city ponies on average wouldn't be really considered book smart, but if anything, we were street smart.

"I think you should give us city ponies a little more credit than that.  Seeing a large mechanical spider might be unsettling, for a week or so.  But as long as Felicia follows the laws like anypony, they'd get over it pretty quick.  Little surprises the city anymore.  And I've seen more strange things from a blue stage show pony before, believe me.  We'll adapt."

The midnight blue stallion chuckled, rubbing the back of his head again.

Edited by Rising Dusk
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@Rising Dusk

Felicia made a nodding motion towards Dusky as he argued her case, and hit the points that the spider had failed to do herself so far. She were too smart for being chained like a simple bundle of gears, and had the right to go outside and get to see the world like Carmen did. Sentience were wasted toiling away in here by force.

It seemed that chosing to take a risk with the interloper had paid off for the spiderbot, though she wasn't done gaining allies, as Blitz bounced over from pulling screws out of her mane to join in on the conversation as well.

"Yeah yeah, let Felicia roam too. It'd be fun, and she can protects us out there too!"

"Are everypony just gonna gang up on me here? Carmen?"

Molotov looked around for the small spider, who he found skittering across the floor, scaling up on Felicia, and then standing on her head, joining in on the several amount of eyes from everypony that were starring him down.

"Lil' traitor... Okay fine, I'll do it. If you're all gonna be on my flank about this, it's not worth it keeping this up."

Felicia rose her front legs slightly and let out a (hopefully) joyful screech.

"But there's some ground rules if you want to go out there. First off, no attacking the citizens. Not unless they've really deserved it, and if you're not sure, don't try.

Second: You'll come back here for check-ups and repairs whenever something happens, no matter how small. They can't fix you if something goes wrong, and I'm not letting you fall into the hooves of some crazy pony.

And third: Unless you're with us, you keep this place safe when we're not in town until I can build a replacement system. Something with no AI this time.

Play nice and by the rules, and we won't have an issue. Be real good, and perhaps I'll go back to working on that voice box design I have been keeping on the backline for the last month."

Felicia took some time thinking on it as Molotov rambled on. It were some irritating limitations set on her, especially the last one, but considering what were to gain from following suit... The voice box especially, as she would have the intelligence to use one of those properly, unlike Carmen, who had a far more limiting AI than her...

The spiderbot reached a metallic leg towards the pony to try and emulate the *shake on it* kind of deals ponies apparently liked. Molotov didn't touch the leg too much, as it were kinda sharp - had to be, so she could cut her own web properly - but he did a small shake of it, and let out a long, drawn out sigh.

"Alright then. Dusky, mind following me? I'm gonna need an extra set of hooves to get the power source out here.

Oh, don't anypony give me any looks. After what happened to Center Zero, I needed to make contingency plans. That includes a power source for Felicia, in case we had to run away from this place in a hurry. It's not solar, but... Well, I can't tell any of you what it's getting juice from. Trade secret. Just gonna say that Carmen runs on it too, and keep it at that."

Molotov really didn't want to share what this were worked from. Not just because he wanted to keep some secrets, but also because if they started to ask too much, things could get awkward. The side effects of breaching the containment were mostly kept in check, but there was always that small chance that something could go wrong, and well... Putting it mildly, if it happened to Carmen, she could level a street, and Felicia needed a larger power source than that.

If Dusky would agree to follow, Molotov would start heading for the back rooms, or living quarters if you would. He'd need to get them to the safes.



@Seamore Sandwich

Scarcity listened with more intensity than she appeared to. The recipe sadly didn't inform what the concentrated magic were, but it seemed to be connected to the cream, as Penny were taking a few jars of those with her as she described a need to be prepared. It were a small thing, but any bit of information were helpful when it came to a fascinating new thing as this.

To imagine, teleportation cream. What a strange and fascinating world they lived in sometimes.

"You can never know what might happen, so planning for an emergency or change is simply efficiency. I expect no less from you, considering what I have seen so far."

It were a genuine compliment, as Scarcity would admit that overall, Penny had a good grasp of things. A few hiccups here and there, but it took hard work and a constant focus for years to perfect things, and even then, failures would happen. It were how you dealt with them when that happened that made your true meddle stand out, and Penny had shown to handle herself rather well. Perfectly? Heavens now, but on the good end of acceptable? Most certainly. She could gain a gold star for that.




Ah, so it were already a tribe that they interacted well with then. Seemed like the smart thing too, but you never knew with isolationist groups. Some of them could get really intense on not letting any outside contact happen, or at best very irregularly. seemed like he needed to soften his look on how the longma village ran already.

What came next he did know something about though: History. No, not the particular one told, as he were not anything resembling a history major, but more the concept of history being warped depending on what side you were on. It either got harsher and harsher, or in the case of the winners, softened and bland, taking out much of the bad things that side did to make it seem more okay. History tended to be written by the victors, but the losers had their own tales, and especially with oral history, it were easy to warp it to make their side seem more understandable and justified.

"I can understand your ancestors kept to themselves then, but times change, and everypony needs to change with it, or eventually disappear.

You should try and examine if you can find any such history on the other side, and see what they said about the battle. I doubt it will be encouraging, but perhaps there are a few pieces that correlates with your history, and you can filter some truths from the lies.

As for politics, it's a lot of things for a lot of beings.

The easy way is to see it as a working relationship with other nations and/or races. If you can get diplomatic ties with them, you can exchange goods, have allies in case of emergencies, send and receive students who wants to broaden their horizon, quench potential wars, and so on. How it's gotten depends widely, but mostly it's sending diplomats towards the other nation to speak on their people's behalf, and then arrange for meetings, ground rules, potential wants for allies, and other things of that nature.

At some point, a deal which both sides can agree on can be gotten, and the interaction between the two parties can then begin with citizens.

If your kind for example, made contact with Equestria, you would have some longma sent that represents you well, to meet with diplomats from the castle in Canterlot. If things went well, both parties would be allowed to trade and travel to the others area, long as they kept the country's laws in mind. Some of those laws might get discussed too, but it's usually not until a proper connection have been established for a while.

A village in itself could try and make contact too, but it would hold more weight if it were a nation. Perhaps if your people's elders met to chose somepony to represent them as a whole, that could be a strong start to have ties with other countries and move out of the shadows.

Currently, I've been trying to tutor King Thorax of the new changelings to deal with these kinds of things. He doesn't have diplomats yet and does the formalities mostly on his own, so he needs to understand the basics. If needed be, I could give some pointers to your elders too, if they'd even listen to me."




Sorrow kept a little away from Mike and observed what he was doing. Partly because she wanted to see if he could handle it, and partly just out of general curiosity. Not everypony did well when addressing foals.

He seemed to be starting off good. Addressed the foals calmly, asked into what their deal were without being hostile... This might end up going really well! But then again, this were just the start, things could go wrong.

heh, perhaps they'd need to go to the hospital for another reason than to look for his sister too, if something went really wrong. They might end up duking it out with Mike and winning the fight. Which would be equally parts hilarious and sad.

Or okay, perhaps not equally. Depended on how hurt he'd get off course.



@Lucid_Nightlight @EQ_Theta @Storm Shine

Anomaly didn't seem to be the least bit concerned about being trapped in the bronze case. In fact, she looked absolutely thrilled.

Nudging her head to the side, she chomped down and tore a good piece of bronze bar out of the cage side, and proceeded to munch on it like it was a crunchy pork rind. Sure it wasn't covered in spam, which would've made it even batter, but bronze were still delicious, and it had been time for a lunch break anyway, surely. Even draconequui needed a dose of food now and again to keep energetic and on their toes, or at least she kept telling herself that. Anomaly generally didn't let herself go hungry for long.




"Kinda disturbing to me what his whole plan is with her. Seemed like he wanted to avoid too many getting in the crossfire somehow, but why? And with what outcome? I'm starting to wonder if he isn't angling for you two to finish eachother off."

They'd soon get out of the tunnel, just to get back to the main room where all the items locked up or stated to be locked up, stood silently. There were no dust on the floor, no signs the container it had been in had ever been there, and no Void.

It wasn't all perfect though. There were a scorch mark in the floor that showed where the storm had unleashed its energy, leading to a bundle of boxes up against the wall that Tidal Wave could see might be almost standing as they were before, but there was lacking a box on top. Likely one that had gotten smashed, or were used to contain the dust and the container it had been in before properly, in case the lot of them returned to cause more trouble.

"The guards must've taken her to the infirmary when they cleared the area. If the marks are anything to indicate at least, I'm guessing she might not have gotten out of this without issues after all."




Hogweed seemed to brighten up a little as Warlock seemed to be okay with her being his case officer. It would be her first time doing this, as she were normally mainly handling her division of the field medics, but she were going to do her best to make this work.

"That-That's great! I'll get to work on some things when we're uhm, *done here* eventually. And don't worry, if we make progress, I'll make sure to speak your case at every hearing. You'll see, you will have plenty of years as a free pony once we get you helped."

A red tint spread on her cheeks, and she fell down a notch, when she recalled the currently silent pony were watching them too, and likely having his own thoughts on this whole thing.

"I mean... L-Let's wait and see what the princesses or generals says first. The years I put in was just a neutral estimate. They still hold the ultimate judgement, now that the princesses are out of town and the ambassador is bed-ridden. We'll have to run everything around them."

Several things needed to be run by the generals, but so far, they weren't responding to Captain Hailstorm who stood outside and tried knocking on the door again, to see if he got any answer.The information he held likely would play a good deal into the evaluation of Warlock as a whole.




"Well alright, I'll give it another shot and try to think of other things that could happen. Ain't gonna be upstaged by Misty without a fight."

So back Chow went to try and focus on the book, and channeling the magic through to make it lift. It were still one hay of a weird process, but the book seemed to shake a bit less this time, so he did show a bit of progress. ALso firt time he focused on his own magical aura, which seemed to be a mixture of brown and dark red, looking like something out of a lava lamp.

Keeping the focus, Chow made it float around a little near where it stood, before getting it down again with a big, triumphant grin on his face. Looked like he could do something after all, though this here had been when he kept concentrating. Losing focus had been what made the thing smack around the other times, so, up the book went again to take another test. This time, keeping it up, then suddenly let go of the magic like what happened the other times. Now they'd see if it would smack towards his head again, or if something else happened. Might well be that it would just fall down, since he tried to keep his thoughts on a doughnut.

What? It had been a long say, and he was hungry.

Might be the book would also fling in another direction, and Chow would end up being some sort of magnet alright. With both sides of the polarity swinging for him. Good for fetching things in the middle of a fight, or throwing them away. Less good if he had to transport stuff like porcelain or the like.

(your choice what happens now)



@Seamore Sandwich

A little personality change. Not the worst effect Vivid had ever experienced from her magic, considering the roots in demonic magic it had.

Generally speaking, she didn't corrupt anything just by touching it, but some beings - like Charlie it seemed - could get influenced by the energies and react rather erratic. Usually they turned darker until she let go off them, and the shadows began to lift from their minds, so whatever effects this had on Charlie were likely just temporary too. If not, at least it inly affected his mood, though it'd likely be better if they got to the castle sooner, rather than later.

Not long after that, they did indeed reach the old castle, which Vivid still didn't understand the state it was in. This seemed like an important part of history, so why not renovate it and keep it maintained, if for nothing else then tourism?

Perhaps she should ask of this when she would one day meet another princess than Candence. Hopefully it would be Twilight, and it wouldn't take too long. Vivid missed feeling the sun on her coat.

It wasn't too far away from the entrance before they got to the room Vivid had sealed up to contain the body. The dark purple tendrils and web of pale magic still made sure that nothing entered, so the body should be ready for their meddle. Soon as Vivid removed this of course.

It looked fairly impressive when she had originally made this, but dispatching it were fairly lackluster. It was simply dissipating it, causing it to deteriorate into smoke quite fast.

"We're ready then. Any last words before your new life?"




And it could talk too? This wolf were getting more and more fascinating. Or well, it were for Briar at least. Brittle on the other hoof, just cowered further behind him, trying to avert the gaze of the large wolf.

"I'm afraid that I don't know what you speak of, Mister Wolf."

Briar had heard rhyming talk, old school, posh, accents and even knee a few words in Arabian, but the way that the wolf spoke perplexed him. Certainly there were meaning in it, but what it were, Briar had no idea of currently.

"Please, allow me to introduce ourselves to you. This is my dear companion, Brittle Buzz, and I am Briar Trapjaw. A pleasure to meet you."

He gave a gallant bow to the wolf, before looking up towards it again. Brittle just kept covering for the time being, but it were expected. The dear filly did not do well around people she didn't know and/or those who looked like actual threats. The wolf pretty much hit both effectively.

"Excuse her please, she does not fare well around strangers.

May I perhaps inquire about what brings you to this area, Mister Wolf?"



@Seamore Sandwich @Moonlit @Dji

Cherish wanted to ask questions to what she heard, but she still had to stay hidden until the princesses said it was okay, so she just had to stay queit, incoporeal, and invisible for now.

There was some weird things going on though. Like, what were Serenade talking about? It didn't seem to fit what she had been saying so far, or perhaps the spirit just didn't understand it fully.

It wasn't like there were much time to think about it, or what Princess Celestia and Princess Luna had said about the apparent time traveling antics of Princess Twilight. Serenade were opening the door and would go out in a bit, and since the siren in disguise carried the piece of the old castle that kept Cherish from being torpedoed back to the ruin, the specter would have to follow, willing or not.

Hopefully nopony could tell that she were there, as that could lead to some weird and potentially harmful situations for Cherish. Plus, being undetected meant she might be able to help out a little if it was needed. Pushing something here and there wasn't all that difficult, though the less she had to do, the better.



@Dji @Seamore Sandwich @Moonlit

"Right away, your highness."

As sarcastically as it would likely sound from others, Last didn't say it like that, or showed it to be even remotely seen as anything but seriously. The tone had stayed steady, no eye rolls, and she even saluted the young princess before going down the hall to fulfill the order she had been given.

Last would admit that it felt strange to take orders from somepony younger than her, but Twilight still held the title of royalty. As odd as it felt currently, Last would follow her orders when they came from the crown.

Perhaps she could learn to get used to it, if Twilight didn't dismiss her when everything was said and done? Last couldn't handle too much inactivity, but this town were the center of a lot of turmoil. She'd have something to do, and the castle were woefully unprotected...

Last shook her head as she neared where the shriek had come from. She wouldn't beg for a gig, as her pride wouldn't allow it, so it were up to the princess. Though, what would the princess of magic realistically want with somepony like her? Last weren't magical, and her social skills were laughable. Who would...

No. It wasn't productive to think like that. She should focus on the task at hoof, not her fear of being useless. That was what was important.



@Dji @Lloyd

"How tight are the influence's grip getting, Karmic?"

Spitting a gooey substance were one thing, but changeling goo? Karmic were not as unaffected as he had at first thought it seemed, if she had the ability to exert something like that from her being.

His guess would be that she were beginning the conversion process, though instead of being asleep in a cocoon, she were going through it whilst awake and lucid.

It could prove problematic for the future of the mare, yet the question were still if her mind were her own anymore. If the body were affected, he could only wonder what was going on in her mind.

Perhaps he could make Emerald test this when they reached her? It was a possibility, and one that were nearing as they were almost at the gates to the old castle.

Edited by Blitz Boom


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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