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Blitz Boom

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@Blitz Boom


"It is very much a thing," Twilight chuckled nervously but stood up and went searching among her bookshelves for the right book. "I don't really know how to explain it any other way, Nerzhei."

@Blitz Boom


"I ..." Karmic sighed and nodded as she hefted the Equestrian books into her small pile. "I do speak from experience. Ask me anything about it. You've helped me out so far, and I know about your past. If you want to know mine you can just ask."

@Blitz Boom


"Oh, really?" Aurora asked in surprise. "I thought you and her would be an item," she added as she grabbed what she assumed was Happy's sign in her claws and gave it to him. "If that's the case, then alright then. I'm fine with that."



"Oh, I just need to get a gyro balancer from this place and then we'll be on our way," Watts beamed at Zealous and took a list out of one of her saddlebags with her wing. She looked it over and narrowed her eyes. "Do you know where a balance shop is? One that sells items for balancing?"




What else am I meant to put here?


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@Blitz Boom
"I wouldn't mind a little guidance in my life right now. Maybe once we've had a week or so to settle in," Sun Fire said, nodding. Normally she wouldn't seek somepony out just to bother them with her problems, but Zecora sounded like she actually enjoyed helping other ponies find their way, and she was sure Zephyr would have forced her to see somepony sometime soon, anyway. Sun Fire glanced at her brother, who was walking just a few feet to her left. "I can think of somepony else who needs some guidance," she thought jokingly. She smiled to herself and shook her head. "Stubborn idiot brother of mine."

Zephyr glanced at Briar as they stopped in front of the hospital. "You're right, Nuri probably should get a check up. Make sure everything is healing well and all ," he said, edging away from the hospital doors.

"He means you too, you lummox," Sun Fire said, grabbing his horn and pulling him back. She turned to Briar. "He hasn't seen a doctor since we were foals, when Satou would make us get a check up every few months. I think he was just scared of our doctor," she whispered.

"I wasn't scared of him," Zephyr said, wrestling his horn free, "he just... gave me the creeps is all. The needles certainly didn't help."

"Absolutely terrified." Sun Fire shook her head and walked towards the hospital entrance. "Come on, I don't want to stand out here all night."

Zephyr reluctantly followed his sister. "I wasn't scared," he grumbled.

Sun Fire pushed the door open and walked through, only to be immediately hit by a wave of strong emotions. She froze, her mind flashing back to her last trip to the hospital. She was slipping in and out of consciousness at the time, but she could clearly remember the physical pain and mental anguish she felt at the time as if it had happened moments ago.

She blinked a few times and saw Zephyr standing in front of her, a worried expression on his face. "You alright? We can come back another time if you want."

Sun Fire shook her head and cleared the memory. "No, I'm... I'm fine. It was just a memory," She said, half to herself. She headed over towards the reception desk, with Zephyr following closely behind. 

Rainbow Dash Fanatic

"You stroll down memories of younger, brighter times 'cause you never realize what you've got till you leave it all behind." ~ dBPony

"So we’re here at the end, did we teach you well, my friend? Don’t look so sad to see us go, after the rain comes rainbows." ~ Princewhateverer

"Darlin' you'll be okay." ~ Vic Fuentes

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@Blitz Boom

Astral looked to him, looking forward to a book that was placed on the table. "Well, your ego doesn't apply to how to do magic."
She looked at it, an aura surrounding and levitating it, before she gently floats it over to him, not raising a hoof to direct the magic.
"You can read this yourself, it's the basics."

Misty walked in, sitting on the couch across the too. "So why are you teaching him this?"

"I have a feeling Emerald won't be totally good, even if Iron defeats her." She turns to Misty.
"Plus it would help if he could do something to help too."

"Yeah but when this is all over, what would he ever need it for?"

Astral paused, glancing too Chow for a moment. "Uhm, Well?"

Sapphire nodded, her gem sparked as the magic stopped draining in.

"I'll look for one."

"We can go then." Sapphire said, looking as the last of the glow in the crystals dissipated. "Seeing as they are empty now."

"I will be very entertained by whatever follows." Chariot said with a weirdly ominous chuckle. Before looking dreadful. "Which is likely prison."

"I'd see it fit to treat him like we did Discord, He might have misguided actions, reformation could be an option. Assuming it'd last."
He sounded unsure saying this, glancing to the missing statue.
"And, with the statue, we should also consider that he might've done good prior to being evil, Should at least celebrate that."

"I'm not the type to know anything like that." He said, giving the surroundings a glance.
"Chances are wandering Canterlot will give you a higher chance of finding it."

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@Blitz Boom

Calling his sister benevolent was probably going a little too far, we'll just go with good spirited and leave it there.  Luckily the conversation managed to carry the two all the way to the inn and into the room where they kept the cursed objects.  Even if they majority of it focused on his sister, but it was understandable when the mare found out they had siblings in common.  With the task at hoof though, he waited for her to key into her locked closet and fetch a few artifacts to sample.  The way the sisters managed to keep the artifacts pinned in one place using Null's feathers must have been really helpful in not carrying them around at all times.

It was a long shot, but considering they knew at least a little about the artifacts he was dispelling in the O.M.I.'s basement, he thought he'd try.  But it was more to get Void involved than just keeping the artifacts nullified.  "Fair enough," he chuckled and waited for the mare to toss the artifacts up and out of her field to give the detective a look.  All he needed was a glance of course as the objects escaped the field and then blossomed into the tapestries of spell work for him to see in all their horrid glory.  They of course fell back into her field just as quickly as they left it.  Pulling on his memory recall to sort though the spell works he just witnessed.  Two of them didn't match Twisted's magical signature at all, but weren't any less nasty to be honest.  The bone dice and glass container weren't what he was looking for, but their curses weren't a high priority and could be dealt with at a later date without much issue.

The deer eye and pocket watch though had that all too familiar magic about them as the flowers he altered earlier that day.  Of those, the pocket watch held what he was looking for.  The complex inky weave the part of the spell tucked away in the corner held a strong strand that drifted off and far away from the spell.  Rather than just disappearing into the aether like the floors, this one burrowed a tunnel.  Twisted might have prepared the flowers in anticipation from what he did with Lily's scry spell, but without access to the pocket watch, he couldn't have altered the spell to cut the connection it had.  While an annoyance, he could expect future spells from the dark wizard to not be as easy to follow.  Although that alone was a small victory to the detective for the extra work and power it took to do such a thing.  It adds up over time, that's for sure and tends to make a pony grumpy when a three minutes spell now takes four.

"We'll take the pocket watch," he smiled to the mare and pointed at the watch in question with his hoof.  Then tapping his chin in thought for a moment.  "We'll need to take a quick pit stop at the O.M.I. before returning to the workshop though," he informed Void.  Luckily it was just down the street from the inn the sisters were staying in, so the detour should be a minor one and he could return the earth pony to her sister.  Waiting for her to put away the other three artifacts and secure them with feathers before they departed. 

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"Now, I ain't gonna swing my masters degree around or anything - partially because I don't have one - but I'm gonna take an educated guess here and say that there's others out there that's gonna do all sorts of bad stuff later on, or even now. Emerald's not the only fish in that pond, so there miiiiight be a bit of a chance that anything learned would get in handy."

Chow responded to the questions raised here with one of his sarcastic answers, though this one were said and meant more lighthearted than some of the more biting ones that sometimes floated out of his muzzle. All nice and clean fun here, right? Now, what were this book he'd be given? Likely some kind of a *for dummies* manual when it came to magic. Seemed like a fancy amount of time that'd take reading this, but ergh... Might as well get started, and see what'd stick before he'd end up passing out eventually. Wouldn't be the first time he had worked for too long and just shut down, though hey, at least here there'd be less chance that he'd have to shower for a few hours to get himself clean again after falling asleep inside his chopping room. Could get pretty nasty.

Anyway, time to read he guessed. Let's see what this tome was all about.




"Then get us back, and one of you start searching the basement for what we need, whilst the other go and get us a critter."

It seemed wisest to drag these two along to do this step by step, rather than everything at once, as they had proven either reluctant or ignorant of things when she had laid larger plans out on the table, without the small steps in between. So, she would drag this out, one step at a time, and then see if they could be trusted to even do something rudimentary like this, or if they'd ignore it for some reason. Say if they cared for the critter in question, which if they wanted Sapphire back, they shouldn't.




"I don't think that can be avoided, but we should focus on how long in prison it will be, then work hard to reduce that through your improvements and attempts to reach redemption. I'm not saying it will be easy, but hard work and doing your best will in the end be a strong factor in when you can get fully released."




"We'd have to dig that record out of storage to figure out what the missing general's big deal even were. Only thing I know is that he did something real bad. But hey, if you wanna have a stab at it, we'll get somepony on it in time."

Screecher remained silent as Tidal Wave responded to Iron, and went over to open the door, then waved a guard closer and told him to go to the library, and inform them that the generals wanted the information they had locked down about the one expunged from their official records. She'd be back soon, and take her spot at the table.

"It will be handled, and you can judge for yourself. As for Warlock, the difference between Discord and him make it another situation in my opinion.Discord would be able to break loose eventually, or outlive his restraints, so reforming him were the only long term sensible action, as judged by Princess Celestia. If he doesn't get a royal decree like that, we are to look upon him as a regular criminal, and judge him accordingly."

"Y'know, the reforming idea's neat and all, and if we could get him to actively do a good one, I guess it'd be worth something, but who'd even take him on? Even Discord had somepony willing to take the job of guiding him along the way, and with how much trouble Warlock have caused, I ain't seeing who'd bite the bullet here. Plus, we dunno what sorta bad stuff he's been doing before getting loose. We need some info on this guy if we're to get something done."




"The more I learn about ponies, the less I seem to understand sometimes..."

Nerzhei weren't throwing this at the princess, as much as just talking to herself out loud, whilst trying to grasp how you could be royalty without no actual power, but over the vague concept of friendship. How were that a thing? Did that mean that ponies could get princesses for everything, like singing? What were the requirements? And so on and so forth, until she eventually just let out a long, somewhat pained sigh and determined that she had to go at this another way to get some answers.

"Perhaps this will work better if I ignore what you can be royalty off, and then try this another way. So, what is the requirements for being a princess, and in case something happens with the current rulers, are you considered to be on retainer and primed to take over the country?"

Perhaps this were why there were princesses of what Nerzhei considered less important things. So that in case of emergency, there wouldn't have to be coronations, or attempts to find heirs, or anything like that. They'd just give the scepter to Twilight, and she would have to run the show until her own time came, or the old princesses recovered from whatever took them out of commission for a time. That could be seen as somewhat smart forward thinking, and would explain the pretty silly title of friendship princess, as it were just to give Twilight something that sounded official, yet held little to no meaning.




"Did they learn to accept you?"

This were Enzo's main question about this, as his suspicions seemed to be correct in regards to Karmic's comment earlier. She had gone through the process of being the one cast out for being different, and as she allowed questions now, his prime one were if those who had done that, had managed to get past it, or if she just had to keep running for long enough for everyone who knew her to forget. It seemed like something that could be of some degree of importance.




Happy thanked Aurora for the sign, which then got placed behind him on the wagon. he'd get it magiced into it's right place soon as they'd gotten out of town, but right now, he were trying not to draw a crowd.

"Nah, though I do like meeting her. Best customer I've had in Equestria so far, and she can have her funny moments when the mood strikes. 

And y'know, in all honesty, I'm more of a flirter than somepony who'd actually end up dating a pony more'n likely. Remember, I'm a changeling hybrid, that used to be a human just five years ago. Thinking of myself with one of 'em still seems a bit weird in my mind. I've gotten used to the thought on changelings, but there's some relation there since I got that going for myself too, so it ain't that far a stretch.

And really, my queen needs to have her hive established now. Ain't gonna have time thinking on this for a long time likely, so who knows what might end up happening? And before you ask, flirting sometimes help with the business. Other times it gets me run outta town, but eh, you win some you lose some, right?"

They'd have gotten about pretty quickly at this point, and would find themselves soon headed towards the Everfree Forest, which were the quickest way to get to where they had to, and the local packs in the forest would likely steer clear of him. He'd already shown them what happened if they tried to mess with him, and he weren't gonna hold back from repeating that if it happened again.



@Catpone Cerberus

Ludvig leaned in to get a better look at the tooth. Seemed like one of the smaller teeth from an above average sized dragon. Equestrian by the looks of it. Dragons from other countries tended to have small, but noticeable differences in their teeth, and this were just a plain gem eaters fang it seemed. Not a bad trophy. For a pony that were.

Pulling his meaty fist around his neck, he pulled forth a long necklace of teeth that had been stashed mostly beneath the armor. A small courtesy to this place, as to not cause more of a stir than his presence tended to do already. It was a brief show of strength, but one that were not meant to be much more than that, as he simply wanted to show that he too collected these kinds of trophies, and clearly had done so with quite a lot of creatures. One on the link had been a faintly ice-blue tooth around one and a half times the size Ruby had presented, with a swirling rune vaguely pulsating on it. A tooth from a properly magical dragon, though not from her area.

"A fine trophy. For a pony anyway. If you want to face real prey someday, tell Scarcity to bring me word, and you can join me on a hunt."

That was the last Ludvig would say before getting on his way again, avoiding to wander into the unknown mare, yet almost deliberately trying to hit Marley as he passed. Something which the griffon avoided with a quick sidestep. Uncivilized brute.

When he were somewhat away from them, Spicy went over and patted Ruby on the shoulder, with a big grin plastered on her face.

"Would ya look at that? First time and you're already socializing. Hah! You're gonna fit right in here.

I'd advise you to be a bit cautious with Ludvig though. Great lad in his own way, but there's plenty a reason why he's on several countries most wanted lists.

Gotta admit though, didn't expect you to be a tooth collector too. Bit of a violent streak on ya, huh?"



@Catpone Cerberus

"I hear her name spoken in reverence, so she at least is not now. A good thing for her people, and for you as well, as the kinder a heart she holds, the better for the times ahead. If Twilight can also be convinced to have your back, you may well get a more than fair chance when they ask for you to speak your mind to them."

A very fortunate turn of events, as well as speaking better and better for Equestria. Whilst she did not agree with them on everything, the dragons had a point when they claimed that you were only as strong as your leadership, and being the guiding light for your country were a tough burden to bear and not end up in some way or form crushed by it. Yet so far, it seemed that Celestia had not been broken by this, and neither had Luna, nor Twilight. The leadership in this country were stronger than she had been led to believe by the scaled neighbors in the mountains around the valley she grew up in.

A rustling in the trees above them turned Lyriel's attention away from this, and she looked up to find that Agni had woken up after his small nap, and were flying down to her. She had hoped that he would find rest for a time now, but at least he seemed calmer now. Likely because of Nada's song from earlier.

Putting up a leg, the phoenix would land on that, and seemingly confused, poke at her with his beak a few times.

"It is me little one. I merely changed my shape, though with how many of you that keeps asking me why I have done so, perhaps it will not last for long."

He cooed, and flapped up to sit on her head, where could sit and have a look at what else were going, which mainly meant starring at Nada currently, whilst keeping his beak shut.

"Where I came from, we once wore garments that left space for a bird to nest near our chest. This forest is making me remember those times more and more as the day passes. But I digress. Please, do you have something else you wish to speak about? You can unburden your worries, and I will listen to them. Perhaps help, if it is possible."




"Unless it poses an immediate danger, it will be up to her majesty, Princess Twilight, to decide what happens with it. It is a gift to her, near her own castle, and she may do with it as she wishes. Unless it could bring her harm, and I don't trust draconequui to not set a trap, so I stand ready to rid her of it."

She might not technically be a guard, but Last were one of many that had grown up and being taught to essentially being battle-ready fanatics, loyal to only the throne of Equestria. Official label and uniform or not, Last lived to protect the princesses, and whatever they may wish to have guarded against outside forces, and she would never let them come to harm if she had a way to avoid it. She would bring shame upon her entire family line, as well as generations of shrine maidens, if she did so.

Hearing voices going on again, it sounded as if the dragon and Princess Twilight were talking something about princesses? Potentially the law then, which were good. Savages like dragons should know the rules and follow them, just as much as anypony else.



@Rising Dusk

"Okay, just be c-careful. The watch e-eats years. I r-really don't want to go into d-details though. P-Please."

Rising would likely have been seeing a minor reaction from the watch too, as it were lifted out of Void's field and every time would try to click open, though the release from the magic repressing field would always be too brief for anything to really happen. Just a good thing, as Void were not kidding about it eating years, and she didn't want it getting hold of Rising for even half a second. He didn't deserve to have time taken away from him. Few ever did, and neither Null nor Void had used this to make their escape from anywhere, except for one time, since seeing somepony lose year after years as the seconds ticked by were a horrid, nightmare inducing end that even Null found repulsive and vile. Hence why they had only used it once, as they didn't know the extend of this things meddle before that, just that they found it in a large hall with a warning weakly written above, and several piles of dust littering the hall.

As she said, she didn't wish to talk about this in details, and most certainly, she didn't want to think on it too much either. So after a few seconds looking like she were face to face with some kind of monster - a look which included starring into the air with a slightly open muzzle, where the lower lip shivered - Void put the pocket watch in the same chain the key were on, and went on with returning the other pieces to where they had been before, and making sure that the feathers were in the right proximity. It might seem a bit over the top for her to check and cautiously take her hoof back and forth the way she did, but just one of these things being lose could potentially cause huge amounts of devastation, so it were best to not take any chances at all. Once she were satisfied, the chain and lock would return on the cabinet, and she'd take a few steps back, holding her breath in anticipation. Thankfully, as the seconds ticked by, it seemed as if nothing happened, so with a shaky sigh of relief, she could turn to Rising and give him a small nod.

"E-Everything seems okay. I'll just u-uhm... Follow you. Though c-can I ask what we're d-doing there? Do you need s-something for a spell? More w-wards?"

She follow him closely again as he moved, so Rising wouldn't have to stop up if he wanted to talk to the tall mare. A small, practical thing that came from hanging around a mare not used to, nor liking to, stand alone. Plus, she had some trust in Rising, so he weren't just a random being to seek shelter behind, but actively somepony that Void believed were on her side, and as such, could provide her with a small feeling of safety. With how many beings lived in and wandered through this town, she were going to need that.




"Aunt... Krrxht calls me that."

It sounded more like scratching a wall than anything, but the name had been mentioned another time, in regards to Shrimp's egg. This being the child of one of Omen's many sisters, who had given her the stone that turned out to actually be the egg the refraction had hatched from. It were family members that neither Sen nor Lin had seen, as Omen went away to speak with them whilst Mother had some alone time with the two longma siblings.

It were a curious pair that could only really speak to Omen in the language of the Ki'nathar, so the two would likely not have understood anything regardless, but perhaps Omen should make them meet one day, when tiny Sen's and Lin's would be around, saying the same thing? Seemed like it would be what had to happen, though Krrxht would probably have to keep his tentacles to himself then. Omen had seen how ponies did with octopuses a few times, and it always seemed like they reacted weird if a tentacle would hit their face. That was how they said hello, so... Bad idea, yes? She'd have to think about that at some point.

"I can be friends with your small ones. Many years, until they go away."

Not understanding why Sen were patting her back, she raised her tongue and patted his with the end of it. She'd use a hoof, but the angle were not there to do it, so the dry, smooth tongue would be making an impact with Sen like it were a room temperature snake being bopped up and down on his skin.

As for what she said, they may recall her having once talked about death with the same phrase, of beings *going away*. Not something uncommon for a being who seemingly hadn't the option to perish from old age, even if her understanding of the prospect were rather strange. She just knew that those who went away forever, got put underground, and that no matter how long you looked at said ground, a new one of them didn't seem like they were going to grow from there. She had tried that once, and all she got were many weird looks from those going to the cemetery, a few comments here and there, and some persistent urban legends made about the statue that sometimes turned it's head and stared at random ponies at night. She figured nothing were going to happen after staying there for a year, but she sometimes went back to see if something were starting to grow there yet. So far no luck.

Looking around, after being somewhat satisfied with how things were going here in terms of understanding things, and Sen and Lin proclaiming that they may one day have small ones around them, Omen's eyes fell on the sky, where the moon shone down its pale light.

"It is dark. Sen will have to sleep, yes? Should I watch for bad things?"



@Zephyr / Karou

Briar chuckled under the hoof he had placed over his muzzle. He knew it were perhaps not the most gracious thing to do, but the little feud of words between the two siblings, and the barely contained fright that Zephyr seemed to have over needles, were just too amusing for him. He could understand that ponies did not find it interesting to have spiked poked into them. Who would like that after all? But these were doctors. Trained professionals who managed the health of ponies, and if they used a needle, it would be to administer something that were helping said ponies. To fear your health specialists like that just seemed comical to him because they were not doing anything deserving of said fear. At least not the ones he had met, though he would be honest, that it were rare that he were near doctors, as they either ignored him, tried to examine him like he were just a regular pony and ended up confused, and/or tried experiments. But that was just against him, not regular, normal ponies, surely.

It certainly didn't help either that Sun were verbally poking at him in regards to this, which just added an extra layer of humor in the evergrown's opinion.

"Please forgive me for my reaction. It just seemed like a very comical moment."

The smile remained on his face as the door opened, but froze as something seemed to be wrong with Sun. For some reason, she just stood still in the entrance, not a peep rising from her throat or any action taken, which seemed like reason for concern. He had been about to express said concern when Zephyr beat him to it, and got an answer that spoke of certain demons still lurking below Sun's surface that in time were likely best to confront. That however, were a private matter that Briar had no right to bring up, as well as it not being his place to poke to the mental wounds of whatever had entered her mind just now. best he could do here were to just follow as she moved again, with Brittle close by, as Sun and Zephyr neared the front desk.

Behind it, a pegasus with a multicolored mane and tail - clearly from hair produce, and primarily in dark colors like purple, red, etc - had their backs to them, and were sorting through what seemed like patient files that needed to get into the right sections, but with the busy few days they'd had, some of them had gotten filed wrong in the hectic mess.

Hearing somepony behind her thought, the nurse turned around and looked at them with her blueish-green eyes and a small smile on her face.

"Good evening. I'm Nurse Needle Point, what can I help you with?"

She looked them all over, though her eyes ended up darting back to Sun a few times more. That mare looked oddly familiar, though where were it that she had seen her again... Didn't ring a bell as a local, so somepony from the outside that she might've met sometime? Were it at some party that she had spaced out? Could be that honestly, as she didn't always bite notice in who were there, and that sometimes included guests from other towns. Especially if Vinyl Scratch were playing. That could draw fans from many different places.




"Hey, you break into my head, then I can say stuff about you too. The power of narration!

Pringles are thinking lizard things, Lucid is secretly scared that the mole people will eat his shoes, Novia is all about what sorta materials are going into a nest before her and Lucid can go snuggle, and Lumen is grumbling over sounding duck and hating evils. Something like that.

See? Totally easy. Now come on Lumen, let's hear a proper, biiiiiig evil laughter! Just like, imagine that you've beaten Karl, King of Ducks. What'd you sound like then?"


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom "I don't trust them as a general principle. But then again" She shrugs, "My race has a reputation among Ponys as being evil incarnate. So who am I to judge. On a happier note, do you know how long Princess Sparkle will be? I'm tried to avoid The Pink One, I'd like to avoid a Siren Reveal Party"

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@Blitz Boom

Sen chuckled as Omen mimicked a pat on his back, not bothered or disgusted by the tongue. If it were any other situation, he'd be immobilized by the gesture and the metaphorical hairs on his hide would jolt up straight while he'd turn pale white. Despite how strange this might come off to anyone else, he liked it, though likely not if it is done with any regularity. For now, this was a nice surprise, a welcomed one which Lin is all too happy to smile at. 

"You're right; I should go to sleep soon. We have a big day tomorrow and we all need to rest up."

"Looks like it's just us who'll be keeping watch tonight, Omen. I don't think anything will come stumbling into this cave but we'll keep an eye out."

"Very well. I'll see you two in the morning."

As Sen was preparing his bedroll near Rosa, he pondered on Omen's words and the mention of "going away." He seemed to take it better this time, no longer thinking about the negatives and the very worrying aspect of death. Staying with Omen and Mother, talking it with them and learning about who they are in the greater scheme of things put his mind at ease. He still dreads the day he'd pass away but that may not come soon. An average lifespan of a longma is about 150 years, more if they are in peak physical condition. Illnesses rarely ever take the life of one, much less so if they are in their prime, but it is known to happen. Those unlucky to be struck by disease usually do so due to unfortunate circumstances, complications that even the best of the longma healers couldn't wrap their heads around. Herbal remedies could only do so much... 

Those comforting thoughts and being in close proximity to those he considered friends gave him the most restful and wonderful of sleep. He dreamt of a sunlit morning with nary a cloud in the sky. There he was, older with a partner and two children, playing and telling them about Omen and Lin, who were present as well. They talked all about their adventures and how great it is to have companions like them. He wouldn't be shaken from this imagery for the rest of the evening, a first in many long years not unlike the night before where some old problems lingered in the back of his mind.

"So, I don't suppose Discord taught you ways to pass the time?" Lin looked at Omen, curious about her past interactions with the master of chaos. It was idle chatter no matter how anyone would perceive it but hopefully it might get the ball rolling. "We've got a long evening ahead and I've decided not to read by the fire."

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@Blitz Boom

Ruby just nodded thoughtfully to signal that she will think about it, though she really wasn't going to think about it, she wasn't interested to be hunting pals with anyone, not that she in pony form would be able to do much anyways. She quickly put the tooth back to the box and strapped it back on her back. She gave a real looking but fake grin to Spicy when she came talk to her "Looks can be deceiving." she decided to use the moment to her advantage to check something "Say...What did you expect?" "I know that you knew that I had something I didn't tell out right, but what was your guess if any."


"Nothing comes to mind right now." Nada admitted "I guess one thing is that I'd like you to tell the Earth Mother my apology about the lake if that's something that can be done." "And if you happen to see a mare who talks about conspiracy and mind controlling machines, please tell her to come and meet me, she knows where I am, I owe her an apology, but can't go look for her for obvious reason."



“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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@Blitz Boom

"We'd like to schedule a check up for both of us. This one hasn't seen a doctor in almost fifteen years," Sun Fire said, nudging her brother lightly.

Zephyr frowned at her, but didn't say anything. He glanced at the colorful pony. As a colt he would have thought so many colors on a pony to be strange, but having lived in a populous place like Manehattan for so long, it seemed more strange for a pony to not have their mane dyed multiple colors. "Orange and yellow are good enough for me," he thought, running a hoof through the back of his mane. He frowned again when his hoof came away slippery, a product of the bubble creature from earlier. He sighed. "Stupid draconequui."

Sun Fire glanced around the main lobby. The hospital here was much smaller than the one she was at in Canterlot, but it still had that strange smell all hospitals seemed to have. At least it wasn't nearly as crowded. She remembered having to wait around for nearly half an hour when she checked out of the hospital in Canterlot. though it had felt like much longer because of all the confused fans who wouldn't stop badgering her. Sun Fire shivered. The whole experience was one she'd rather just forget.

Rainbow Dash Fanatic

"You stroll down memories of younger, brighter times 'cause you never realize what you've got till you leave it all behind." ~ dBPony

"So we’re here at the end, did we teach you well, my friend? Don’t look so sad to see us go, after the rain comes rainbows." ~ Princewhateverer

"Darlin' you'll be okay." ~ Vic Fuentes

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@Blitz Boom

And all that stolen time had to go somewhere.  Void didn't need to explain how it all work or the horrors that came about the effects of the pocket watch created by Twisted Gears.  The detective could very well see such things in the spell work.  Such magic was understandable considering the imprisoned witch at the O.M.I. who put 90 as her listed age but her appearance looked no older than a young mare.  Plus the eye he 'poked' in the feedback on the scry spell did not belong to somepony as young.  A common purpose to seeking the dark powers when a mare wanted to remain young and beautiful forever.  That was neither here nor there at the moment though.

With the cursed artifacts secured again in the locked closet and the pocket watch ready for transport, it was time to depart the inn.  While he did not feel the more comfortable leaving such objects in the inn, it couldn't be helped right now.  One problem at a time.  Leaving the inn owned by the nice earth pony couple, it was time to head down the street to the O.M.I. with Void in close tow.  He could understand her fear of crowds, especially parted from her sister, but at least she was respectful enough to give the unicorn the distance needed to not be devoid of his magic.  Luckily it wasn't the time of day yet for the street to be busy, not that it would last much longer though.  "I just need to pick up a few things.  Best to be prepared," he informed the mare as they continued their short journey.  When they came up to the door, Rising Dusk removed his badge from the pouch of his hoodie and pressed it to the warded door.  Pressing on it though, he found it to be locked.  Nice that the agents still working in there learned from the breech Null and Void made earlier and took more physical precautions as well.  Easy fix though as the unicorn then removed a key from his pouch as well to insert into the lock and gain the pair entrance to the O.M.I.  With a satisfying click the double doors swung open.

The duo were greeted by the red pegasus fluttering in the lobby back and forth in a pacing path.  Equipped with her own saddle bag stuffed with a lot of goodies for whatever situation might come next.  "Ah!  Detective!  You're back!" she shrieked in a volume that made Rising Dusk's ears pin back for a moment.  "Yes," he replied after getting his ears back up and sure that she wasn't going to scream again.  "Guess what?!  Tussle's back, and and~" she spouted.  "Your Lady and Savior has returned..." came a soothing feminine and an equally charming chuckle from the swinging doors that led to the offices.  The doors glowed a mint color then swung open and a tall, pure snow white unicorn came walking through them with her long horn aglow.  Pink and mint green streaked mane styled in classic Manehattan fashion and her posture formal yet regal, evident of a pony who spent her youth raised in the upper class.  An open, violet bound spell book with silver pages marked her flanks.  A similar spell book found on the badges of O.M.I. agents.  The teal coated unicorn Tussle following quickly behind her into the lobby.  

Rising Dusk tossed up a quick salute and smirk to her comment, "Captain," he greeted.  She smiled back, "Detective.  I hear you have a story to tell."  Oh did he have a story to tell alright.  Recapping for the leader of the O.M.I. everything from meeting Null and Void, dispelling harmful artifacts, to the attack on Manehattan and the plotting of one Twisted Gears.  Probably in a lot more detail than was necessary, but with his memory recall, he might as have been reliving the past two days over again.  Of course, introducing the younger sister of Troy to the Captain in the story.

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"Peh, my narration is perfect. You're just thinking wrong."

I hate the lot of you.

"Awh phooey, he's back. You got anything else to throw at him?"

Do that, and I'm erasing you. I had to spend four days in hospital because of your little *prank*.

"Oh come on, it's been like, three minutes."

Perhaps in your time. Now just... Be quiet, and let me read up on what happened here...

"Yeah yeah, whatever. Hey Lumen? Do your evil laugh again. Perhaps it'll scare him away."




"Pinkie. Pie."

Last's tone lowered and got bitter, like she held a long, dire grudge against the pony in question.

"For three hours, she did nothing but try and stir everypony into song and dance. Around heavy building materials. A pile of things almost got a group of three crushed, and yet nopony batted an eye at it. They just kept up this nonsense like they were hypnotized.

Rarity got her to run the food bank along with the Cakes, and then prepare something for after the real work were done. That got her out of our manes, but I don't trust her around things like this. Were she not one of the six who had saved her eternal majesty, Princess Luna, I would have barred her from getting anywhere near the place within the first minute. I don't want delays in the middle of a potential war zone."

Honestly, were this back at the shrine, and Pinkie had just been some random pony, there were a good chance that she would have been tied up and thrown out to the manetids. However, everything were in Pinkie's favor, so Last had to show some restraints around the pony, even when she wished to tie her up to a pole somewhere just to keep her in check.

Usually she didn't say this much in one go, but Pinkie Pie hit a few nerves that made her go on somewhat of a tangent. An annoying habit she were hoping wouldn't last.

"And no, I don't know how long the princess will take. It sounds as if they are talking about other princesses now. I doubt they're done soon."




On 3/25/2019 at 10:38 AM, EQ_Theta said:

"So, I don't suppose Discord taught you ways to pass the time?"

"Master Discord told me to do this."

Omen would slither her long, prehensile tongue around and wrap around pebble and small stones that she could pick up with it. Whilst doing so, she stared over towards Sen and Rosa. It seemed like they were sleeping well, but Sen would say noise later, yes? He had the other times she could remember, along with turning around, sweating, and overall looking like something wrong were happening. A nightmare, far as she knew, though she couldn't place right now if it were him that had told her that, or if she had heard it from somewhere else. Some sort of bad dream, but since dreams were hard for her to truly wrap her mind around, barring the time Discord tried to make her experience it, she just understood it as sleep pain. It didn't explain it, but the term sounded right somehow for her.

Regardless, after she gathered around a couple dozen or so stones and pebbles, she would raise them up, then open a bunch of gates and drop one in one by one. You could see through said gates that there were another waiting on the other side, but not where it went.

After three stones, one would drop right next to Lin. The fifth were a pebble that rolled out and weakly poked Omen herself on the head from the side. After the sixth, a bird confused flapped out of a tree and cawed, with a pebble rolling down and hitting a few branches on the way, following soon after. The rest wouldn't show any signs of being anywhere within sight, though some rustling and a yip could be heard at the last one a few meters away.

"Master Discord said it were fun to see where they would fall. Used to use cotton candy. It got sticky."

Sometimes they would use other things, but he enjoyed using this more than anything else, since it didn't hurt anypony, and he thought it hilarious to see them getting sticky and confused when a fluffy candy ball suddenly fell on them and made them all jumpy.

"Not much since he went away. I just think now. Watch others sleeping. Sometimes follow ponies around. What do you do? Read, yes? Other things?"



"Fifteen years? Oh my, I'd say a checkup is going to be needed as soon as possible then. Hold on, let me just check..."

Needle went under the desk and pulled out a schedule for her and the various other nurses and doctors in here, and looked at when there might be time for anything.

"...Would tomorrow at 11:30 be okay with you? We've had an opening there that I could fill your name into. Next one isn't for around three more days. If you'd like miss, I could put you down there at 14:10? I'd just need you to sign these forms if it were."

She'd pull out the required forms where they would have to put some general information down like name, age, known illnesses, etc. She would offer a few to Briar as well, but she were well aware of him and Brittle so far. It were hard to not in this hospital, seeing as he were the only one who couldn't get a proper checkup in town, due to his physiology, and Brittle were far too timid to even make an attempt. Far as she heard, the one time it had been suggested and the doctor went over to pick up a few tools to use for that, she crawled into the fetal position and began crying. Poor thing were barely gazing at her now, and she looked terrified.

"Just to make sure, is there anything immediately urgent that needs to be checked up on right now? Sudden headaches? dizziness? Bleeding from random areas of your body? Anything like that? It's been a pretty nasty time after the attack a few days ago, so we've been dealing with a lot of injuries like that."



@Rising Dusk

Seems like the O.M.I office had started to lock their doors. That were an improvement over how things had been recently, but she guessed, with this sorta attack going on, it was best to be prepared. Magic wards might not save you forever, as were evident by how easily Null and Void could just wander through the door before this. Their situation might be unique, but anti-magic of some variation weren't.

Going inside to a more safe and secure place, Void felt a small bit more at ease, and raised her head a little further up. Seemed like everything were in order here too. Nothing were about to bite them, no traps, no rush from a lot of ponies that would indicate that their workload had suddenly exploded from a relentless assault, no nothing. Only one that seemed to be there were the red pegasus that seemed to have a lot on her mind, and preparations ready for likely every single thing she could think of. At least that were what Void assumed, as she didn't know what any of those items were actually used for, so she just guessed it from past experiences with this agency. They always seemed able and ready to deal with a lot of things that normal ponies would have run powerless away from.

She seemed to be up in a high gear too, considering the energized greeting that came Rising's way. Actually hurt quite a bit to listen to, though thankfully the volume seemed to have lowered as she spoke again. Somepony had apparently come back now? Another of their workers? Tussle sounded like a pony name at leas-

Void froze in place a little as the unexpected voice interrupted Scarlet's ranting. A reflex more than anything, as the voice hadn't been threatening, and the pony who actually came into view shortly after the words were being spoken didn't look intimidating.

Pure and white like snow in colors, and like herself, were a tall pony compared to others around her, though she couldn't tell if Tussle were a little taller, or if they were around the same from this distance right now. Her mane were worn with elegance and had light, refreshing colors flowing through them, matching her regal, elegant posture well, and really gave off a look of somepony who were high up in society, yet not one of the more snobbish royals that tended to be the post foal of the rich and mighty. The long horn though, were something special. Void only rarely saw those on non-alicorns, and from what she understood, it tended to be because a large horn like this meant a unicorn with incredible magic potential, and that it could be seen as a sign for somepony really powerful. Hence, why alicorns tended to have them, though she weren't sure if that were true or not.

It struck her suddenly how polarizing it were to look at this mare and her in the same locale actually. Both larger ponies, yet one elegant, and radiating a pureness and calm that seemed to brighten the room, whilst Void were dark as a basement of coal with rough, silvery hair, and the stance and aura of worry, along with a more muscular frame from living among the bottom parts of life. It had been a while actually since she had felt so imperfect compared to another being, but this were somehow stinging the more she thought about it. Like looking in a mirror of an alternative reality, where life had been kind to her, instead of the ugly reality she represented.

Another mare came out too, but it were hard to really get a look on her right now, with the captain sticking out this much.

Rising would start soon after recapping everything, but Void's gaze wouldn't leave the captain as she tried to gauge what were going to happen the further the story got along. Would she get angry? Afraid of what the sisters could do? Know what to do about Twisted? Perhaps sacrifice the sisters to him to try and sate his wrath before things got out of hoof?

That last one made Void give a nervous gulp around the same time as she lifted a hoof and made a small wave as the officer talked about Null and her. It were good he kept talking for a bit more after that, as it gave Void a bit of a chance to gather herself and figure out what to do here. It didn't seem like the captain got angry during this, but who could really tell what went on beneath the surface, right?

Once he were finally done, Void would clear her throat and take a deep breath. This were going to be a tense situation.

"Uhm... H-Hello. I'm s-sorry for the trouble my s-sister and I c-caused... Please d-don't chase us out of t-town."

Rising were great and all, so far little doubt about that, but this were somepony else that she didn't know, who seemed to be big on magic and keeping peace. Who were to say what she'd do about the two sisters who might be pretty disruptive of her? And that wasn't even bringing in the politics of having Troy refugees here. Princess endorsed or not, if you were deep into politics, knowing you were dealing with a defector from an enemy nation could be an issue. Hopefully she were as nice as the O.M.I. had been so far, and not go against what her cutie mark had so far stood for in Void's experience.



@Catpone Cerberus

"I figured you drugged folks and stole their stuff. Bit of stabbery if the mood struck or they struggled."

Ruby asked and Ruby received. Kind of. Spicy kept back her thoughts about the mare actually being a changeling for a while since she honestly couldn't let go of that nagging feeling that something were still a bit off about Ruby. Sides, she might get all prissy if she battered on about that, and who needed that hassle? 

"Hey, I ain't judging. Whatever floats your boat and gets food on the table, right? Just didn't pick ya for the sort to go 'round and mess up dragons. I'm giving ya props for doing that and not end up in a ditch somewhere."

Credit where credit's due, most wouldn't be able to sport around a bunch of trophies of slain dragons and get away with it. Ludvig did, and mostly just received growls and harsh stares, but that's because he had proven to be someone you didn't mess with, so most just did theirs to not get in his way. Well  most did anyway. The former Dragon Lord had set a pretty substantial price on the minotaurs head, and even with a new ruler, that should still hold its value until the old dragon passed on. Something which'd likely not happen for at least another millennia.



@Catpone Cerberus

"The Earth Mother's presence are all around us. She will hear your words, and I hold no doubt that if her voice could reach us, she would hold no ill will towards you. Every creature who resides upon her shell needs to eat, and though barren now, your lake will soon again bristle with life."

It would be one of Lyriel's first priorities, soon as she had regained some degree of power again, though she may have to request some help from Nerzhei to get the river connected to the apparently barren lake. One way or another, balance would be restored.

"The mare that you speak of though, does she hold no wings or horn, and looks purple with pale colors around her? I know not what a machine are, but when I first exited my tree form earlier in Ponyvile, a mare like that started scrambling back and talking about how something were finally happening, and spoke about a sort of conspiracy unfolding. I did not have the chance to explain or ask anything before she had gotten out of view, yet perhaps this is the one you meant? I know not if I can make her listen if that is."

A troubled mind that pony had seemed to carry with her, yet Lyriel had tried to think nothing on it, and instead focus on whatever else had happened in Ponyville. The positive ones preferably, as she had to admit that it had not been a meeting that had filled her with joy or confidence, which she had needed to try and interact with the smaller equines. An endeavor that had not gone as smoothly as one could hope, but it were improving slowly.

Edited by Blitz Boom


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

"Why were you in the hospital? It was just a garden snake."

"Yeah! Those aren't even venomous!"

"Well, technically they are, but their venom is harmless."

Lumen decided to do his laugh again. It was sure to strike fear into those who heard it.


"Can we reform him now?"


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@Blitz Boom Serenade nods, "Yeah, I've been here...about a year and half, and I swear to Stars, she's determined to reveal me as a Siren." Serenade shudders, "In that case, do you mind if wait in.." Serenade looks around, "...how many libraries does Princess Sparkle have? Are we sure she's the Princess of Friendship and the not the Princess of Books"

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@Blitz Boom

Lin watched, amused, and a little concerned about having a small pebble land on her head. Or maybe even on Sen or Rosa. It wouldn't be hard to imagine just how painful a rock that small could lead to a world of hurt. Seeing it once or twice could be a small diversion but she'd honestly say to herself that this was a novelty at best and it would wear off sooner or later. Of course, if Omen found enjoyment out of it, it wasn't her place to say otherwise. Discord's version sounded a lot more fun, and messier. 

Then one stone landed next to Lin and she let out a muffled gasp trying not to wake the others. Understandable reason to be cautious around rocks now but it got her curious enough to imagine if it is possible to open gates that led to random places. Would it be possible to just open one but not think about what the other side is, where it would be? It is something to consider, maybe when they had a chance to talk to Mother about the extent of this kind of ability. 

"Must have been fun to see Discord doing it, huh? I guess it's something to be seen. I usually read just to forget how much time is passing by because waiting for the sunrise is about as fun as watching a sapling grow out of the ground. It's bound to happen but I'd be bored long before I see anything interesting. To be honest, I really miss sleeping. Drifting off to slumber when all is quiet, or hearing a soothing song to help a restless mind calm down..."

There was a wistful look on Lin's face as the moonlight bounced off her eyes. She remembered her mother's routine, singing to her when she wouldn't go to sleep. Even now she could still picture it all: her mother sitting beside her bedroll, stroking her head and singing a tune that only had one stanza on repeat. Eventually, she grew out of the habit but those memories stayed with her, even until now.

"Now I just read until I get so caught up in it that I don't notice how many page's I've gone through. Once I managed to finish a whole collection of manuscripts on herbs before dawn! Do you want to have a look? I think I have some of those in my saddle bag."

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@Blitz Boom
"That isn't entirely wrong either." Ruby said with slight humor in her tone, and it wasn't a lie, she had in fact seduced some ponies and stolen their things, something enjoying a little meal too, but with that she had purposely chosen ponies who no other pony cared about so she wouldn't get noticed, and ponies who annoyed her of course. "And just for the record, I wouldn't really care if you judged me, it's not like I'm trying to win you over, I'm here just to make profit like you."


"Don't worry, I don't know what a machine is either." Nada said with a chuckle "And yes, that sounds like her." "She's bit of a.......unique case, but she's a nice pony and friend of mine." "If you see her again, try to call her by her name, Berry, it could get her off guard enough for you to tell her I want to talk with her." "It's true she doesn't necessary listen to you, but if you could at least try it would greatly appreciated." 




“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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@Blitz Boom

Zephyr nodded reluctantly. Having just moved in, it's not like he had any important plans that might conflict, much to his displeasure. He hadn't even officially opened the shop yet, so he couldn't use that as an excuse.

"Those times work for us," Sun Fire said, sliding the forms over to herself. She glanced over it quickly and passed one of the forms to Zephyr, who did the same. "Let's see... I don't really think there's anything important I need to mention," she thought, filling out the form. Her penmanship wasn't perfect, but it was at least easily legible. She had always thought it was a little strange that her brother's writing was much neater than hers, nearly perfect even, but it made more sense taking his magic into account. "The wound on my stomach has healed enough that I don't need to keep it covered, and the doctors said there isn't anything to worry about anymore, so it should be fine if I don't mention it."

Sun Fire passed the pen over to Zephyr and slid the form back to Needle. "No, nothing urgent like that. We just need to make sure we're keeping ourselves healthy. Especially just having moved here, it's probably a good idea."

Zephyr placed the pen down on top of the completed form and shook his head. "Nope, nothing wrong with me. I feel great. Maybe I don't need a checkup after all."

Sun Fire kicked her brother under the desk, and he bit his lip to avoid yelping. He shot her a look and levitated the form and pen over to Needle, placing them down gently in front of her.

Rainbow Dash Fanatic

"You stroll down memories of younger, brighter times 'cause you never realize what you've got till you leave it all behind." ~ dBPony

"So we’re here at the end, did we teach you well, my friend? Don’t look so sad to see us go, after the rain comes rainbows." ~ Princewhateverer

"Darlin' you'll be okay." ~ Vic Fuentes

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@Blitz Boom

Rising Dusk was thorough in his recap of the past two days to the agency captain.  But kept it close enough to bullet point format to not keep the group there for a whole day in the details he could recall.  The Captain was use to it by now though, having both read and received oral reports from the detective since recruiting him.  It was actually her the develop the bullet point system for his reports to keep them from turning into novels.

By the end of the detective's story of events, the expression on her face was one of mortified.  Well, about the same level of mortification a Manehattan mare finding out Rarity For You's spring line of dresses was ending a week early and her wardrobe wasn't complete yet.  Her brilliant mint eyes were wide and her mouth hung slightly open in aghast.  With the conclusion of his story, she regained her composure a bit.  Closing her eyes and reaching up with a hoof to rub between her eyes, "Tussle, dear... What is the pool up to on Rising's Trouble Meter?" she inquired.  "80 Bits, ma,am," the smaller teal unicorn pipped up.  Opening her eyes and lowering her hoof back to the floor, "Be a dear and put me down for another 20 Bits," she cooed and then pointed at the detective.  Who rolled his eyes at even the existence of this pool on him.  "I'm gone a week at a boring conference with the leaders of the Royal Guard, Night Guard, Coast Guard and all the other law enforcement agencies in Equestria.  Taking in tea with the Princesses and here you're having all the fun!," the Captain pouted.  Their beloved leader was a bit of a thrill seeker who upon founding the O.M.I. wasn't quite aware of the responsibilities of being said leader kept her out of the field.  Putting her hoof down with a slight stomp like a filly having a small tantrum in not getting her way.  Yes, regardless of how hard she tried to fit herself into a more normal level of society, she was still a bit spoiled from her upbringing.

A thought occurred to her though as she reached up and tapped her chin, "However there does seem a dark wizard needs my atten~"  She was quickly interrupted by Tussle who cleared her throat purposely.  The Captain frowned, "Ugh..." she turned to face the unicorn standing behind her and lowered her head to be face to face with the smaller unicorn.  "I have to stay here, huh?  In case he's after the Vault?" she complained and received a rather large, fake smile from Tussle.  Ever our vigilant secretary pony that kept our eccentric boss in line.  Rising Dusk smirked at the exchanged.  Often it wasn't keeping their captain out of danger, but keeping danger away from their captain.  She went overboard at times, and in the pursuit of a suspect who had hidden in a building, she'd more likely just teleport all the buildings on the block away to expose his hiding spot.  

Straightening back up, her horn glowed.  Dusk's case journal and a stamp came flying through the swinging doors.  The range of her telekinesis spell always impressed the detective, having pulled those from all the way in her office without even looking.  His journal flipped to the page on the case he started against the witch of the wilds and her master on it's own and she stamped it in big red ink of her cutie mark.  "Permission to peruse the dark wizard Twisted Gears and bring him to justice... Granted," she announced and floated the items back into the offices.

When the timid earth pony finally spoke up, she turned back around to face her and regard the fear of being tossed out of the city.  At first her expression might appear like she was actually thinking of doing such a thing, but really it just took a little long to register such a thing.  Her nose wrinkled adorably and she crackled up into laughter that even produced a small snort.  "Oh sweet darling... Why would we do such a thing?" she told Void with a smile.  Her horn glowed and suddenly the lights in the O.M.I. went out, casting the lobby into darkness.  A second later, a spot light shown down on the snow white unicorn who stood tall, hoof raised, and her mane and tail gently flowing in a breeze.  "Any citizen of Equestria, refugee or otherwise, will always receive the fair protection and justice of the O.M.I." she exclaimed, swelling with pride.

Eccentric.  Igniting his own horn, he countered the spell and the lights came back.  Not quite sure how well the younger sister of Troy would take the theatrical nature of their leader.

Edited by Rising Dusk
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@Rising Dusk

Seeing the captain - who appeared to not be the one named Tussle after all, which left her name a blank to Void - were a uhm... Special experience, one could say.

She were not the most eccentric or out there leader of a group Void had run into. She could name at least a half dozen off the top of her head from the last decade alone, though those were normally cult leaders, or had gotten a position through bloodlines that eventually had lead to a rather special case sitting in a position of power. Others still were fanatics that had risen through various means that were mostly rather violent, and they stayed in power because madness or not, they were the strongest or somehow smartest.

The captain though, fell into the rare category of a seemingly benevolent eccentric. Something which Void did not run into often, which could somehow be attributed to her and Null not socializing much in their time, yet she'd argue that even if they had managed to integrate better other places, seeing the good kind of crazy would still be a rarity compared to the other sort. And honestly? She weren't sure how to react to somepony like this.

Technically she were one of the good beings, and Rising deemed to have no issue with her, which were a vote of confidence, yet the captain were clearly a very boastful, hooves on sort of pony. Beings like that tended to cause trouble for those around them in Void's personal experience. Overvaluing their own meddle, ignore those around them in favor of attempting to hunt the glory themselves, and so on and so forth.

Still, as the captain kept on taking and Tussle's involvement went in over it too, it did seem that as eccentric as this mare were, she were bound by the rules like everypony else here, and would seemingly not cross the line to go after beings themselves, if protocol said she shouldn't. It did help Void see her as being perhaps pretty okay for a unicorn. Nothing against their kind per se, yet seeing as the two sisters cancelled out magic, interacting with unicorns tended to be a tedious, and potentially dangerous affair for them. Magic might not hurt them, but throwing stuff with telekinesis or something similar wouldn't be harmless, and that usually didn't take a lot of time for the ponies in question to figure out. And that was the regular kind. Even though Void couldn't say for sure, this mare appeared to be one of the more powerful ones. The horn were one thing, but her whole way of being just seemed to ooze well deserved confidence. Might just be her paranoia speaking here though...

Anyway, Rising trusted the captain, and whilst she did not seem harmless, Void would try and give her the courtesy of not thinking the absolute worst about the tall mare, for his sake. He had tried to put trust in refugees from Troy - an action Void hardly knew how to even begin thanking him for - so the least she could do were to try and think well of his boss. Though the answer to the question about whatever or not she might want to chase them out of the country were going to perhaps swing it in another direction. From how she started to answer it, it seemed like this were going to go well though? Maybe? The laughter at the start were confusing her.

When the light suddenly went out during the response, Void nearly jumped out of her skin, and a small whimper instinctively escaped her muzzle. What were happening? Were they under attack?

The light would come on about as sudden as it had vanished. Or rather, some light would, as the captain would be bathed in what were essentially stage light, as she finished her two cents on the matter. Seemed like Void needed to add *theatrical* to the list of qualities the captain had. This was going to be a problem if Null and her ever met, but she supposed that'd have to be a worry for when it happened. It wasn't a massive deal breaker for Null though, and she'd rather focus on the good parts, where the captain said that she would uphold the law for everypony, be they Equestrians or outsiders. So long as Null or her didn't actively break laws, they should be fine then. That were a relief, though it weren't slowing down the increased heart rate Void had gotten from the surprise upstaging before, which Rising thankfully corrected soon after.

"That's g-good. I'm uhm... S-Sorry for having asked it, it's just... L-Long and complicated s-stories with other c-countries who weren't as k-kind as Equestria h-have been. It m-made me nervous. P-Please forgive me.

Though, I uhm... Didn't t-think the Coast Guard were a r-real thing. Heard s-stories about them in P-Ponyville that sounds w-weird. M-Must have been a strange meeting if t-they're like that...

A-Anyway, if there's a-anything I can do to help, p-please just ask. Rising have b-been nothing but kind to m-me and my sister, and w-we just brought p-problems here... W-We'll make up for it i-if we can."

The Coastal Guard had been an understatement to put down as just being weird. From what that cook in Ponyville said, it were run differently based on whoever were in charge, and the role as general didn't just get passed on whenever a generals felt like it, so it could change from years to year, depending on who won their big context. That were where Void had started to be sure that the guard weren't real, and just some fancy tale to pull one over her head. It were simply too surreal to think that there were any law agency that had to yearly prove their meddle through a competition that included shark wrestling and trident throwing. Guess it might still be exaggerated then, but the agency being real were still weird to her, although logical. Had to be somepony making sure no evil rose from the ocean unchallenged, right? If the stories were real, that role went to them, and for the past four years and counting, a smallish mare called Tidal Wave were their leader.

Were it better circumstances, she would have asked here now that the thoughts came into mind, but there were more important things to focus on here. Namely the inevitable interference of Twisted, and what to do about it more than likely. Actually, about that...

"W-What are we going to d-do about Twisted, if I m-may ask? Chase him? P-Put down traps? And a-after that? I t-think he could just outlive p-prison time."



@Zephyr / Karou

"Alright then, I'll put you on right away miss-"

Needle took a look at the form to get the names of the two future patients in front of her. Thank Celestia for being able to read upside down without much of an issue.

"-Sun Fire, and mr. ... Zephyr. I'll have you written in shortly."

Taking up the schedule, she scribbled in the names, times, and a small note about how long ago Zephyr's last check were, which seemed like an important thing to mention, so the doctor could give him a thorough examination. After all that time, who knew what might be going on with that stallion? Nothing that were good to miss more than likely.

Writing in Sun's Name afterwards though, caused her to pause after scribbling it down. There were something oddly familiar about this name...

Then suddenly a light went on above her head, and Needle got big eyes and a look of realization and shock.

"Wait wait, Sun Fire the Singer? The one who performed with Songbird? Oh heavens above, I love your music! I went to see a concert like, a year ago I think, and you two just blew everypony off their hooves. It were some of the most ama-"

There were going a bit too much fan mare over Needle at that point, and she suddenly became aware that her voice had started to rise and she leaned forward enough to almost fall right over the desk, head first. Then came the mortifying reality of how unprofessional this were, and how uncomfortable this would have to be for the mare. The embarrassment almost glowed on Needles now increasingly red cheeks as she got back again and averted her gaze, squirming a little from the thoughts of how out of hoof it had gotten all of a sudden.

"I'm terribly sorry, I didn't mean to get carried away like that. Your uh... Your check ups have been added to the schedule. The doctor will be ready within a half hour of the set time on both days."



@Catpone Cerberus

"That's the spirit. Hopefully won't be long before the auction gets cracking. until it does though, I'm thinking we have a look around, and see what's going on here. Hopefully some better things than art and statues. I know this sorta trash is valuable, but frankly I'll never get it."

"That comes from your lack of sophistication. That being said, perhaps we should move on to find magical artifacts? Those tends to sometimes be of some kind of value to us."

Marley lead them on before Spicy could try and slap him for his comment, moving past several things that included highly priced furniture, the large skin of an Ursa Major, and several more pieces of art and books. There were also a clutch of eggs the size of a pony's head, covered in violet crystals, with a furry shell beneath.

After a dozen or so of random things, they managed to get to an area with some random things on display that were more focused on being magical and either highly valued things that had been stolen from collections, or were illegal to own. This were the black market after all. You didn't come here to buy things that you could in some shop.

"This seems interesting. Something in particular you'd want to have a look at, Ruby?"

(You may put in whatever, long as it's not legal, and/or were stolen)



@Catpone Cerberus

"I will do so if I meet her again. Hopefully she will be able to calm herself enough for me to speak with her."

So this were a friend of Nada then? Interesting choice, but who were Lyriel to judge? Her closest friends were a filly living in this forest that created explosives - whom she had been told left the day before with a family member - and Nerzhei, an exiled dragon scholar. She valued them both highly, and were happy that the filly had found some of the family she had said were lost to her, yet the dryad could not say that they were typical, from what she had observed and heard. Really, were a pony who spoke of conspiracies and strange things truly more out there than her companions? If asked, she'd say no.

The phoenix began cooking and chirping on her head after that, whilst flapping his wings.

"I see. Agni says that machines are creations of metal that does work for others. The descriptions reminds me of golems, yet instead of them being risen from the ground, these *machines* would be made by steel. I can't say I saw anything like that when last I went in there, but perhaps tomorrow I can ask around, if they are willing to speak with me. It have been a trying time for them, ever since that large, shadowy figured attacked their town, and they have barely regained their homes. They may have other things to focus on than this."




"It is not my place to judge royalty."

By that she meant yes, Twilight might as well be the princess of books, considering how many of them were here. In patrolling, she had passed through that library of hers, and that place contained at least twelve times as many books as Last had seen in her entire life. Not as impressive as one might think, considering the shrine weren't focused on reading as much as defending their post at all costs, like Princess Luna had asked the original loyalists to do a millennia ago, yet they had managed to keep some books between the ages, and had several tomes describing their history within the walls. Or well, they did, before her majesty returned to them and dismissed her loyal followers from their duty, as the cycle had apparently been complete. Their historian took every tome with him to Canterlot after that, to ensure that their generations upon generations of sacrifice and battle for the crown would not be forgotten.

It were still hard to accept that their duty were over for Last. Like most others there, she had been born and raised fighting for the princesses orders, and defending what laid dormant in their shrine's center. She didn't know anything else, and trying to fit into the world she had only heard of in old tales were a constant struggle. It were why she jumped at the chance to fight the creature attacking the town, then began patrolling the streets, took the role of overseeing the rebuilding efforts, and now patrolled these halls without a second thought. It were either familiar, or influenced by the words of one of the royals. It made her feel useful in a sense, and made it easier to look away from the stark contrast between her former life and what she had to embrace here.

It were a reason why so many from the shrine had wandered on to try and join the Royal Guards in some capacity. Be it Coast, Solar, or if the gods willed it, Night Guard, made no difference. Long as they were useful to the crown in one way or another.

Honestly, if the word came tomorrow that the shrine had to be reopened to contain something new, at least 80% of them would return immediately. Few were happy to be free of the war zone, and those who were, would remain out here, along the random exiles and passerby's who fell over the shrine within the latest generation. New troops as they thought of them as, considering they needed the protection of the shrine to stay alive, and most would get in line, as the only alternative would be to go back out there, and it were not safe near their gates.

*sigh* Last envied those like her sister who could just wind down and get used to the generally more dull task of being a regular palace guard. She weren't personally able to just wander in a hall forever. She were one who needed to be in places where her battle prowess could be of use, which at least this town had proven to need, so she might hang around here for the time being, whilst she thought over things. Unless she were conscripted by the local princess, who might not be the most impressive alicorn of the bunch, but whom were honestly in dire need of guards, and more importantly, somepony to train them. This town were a sporadic war zone and needed unflinching guards to protect her, and yet, she hadn't a single guard to aid her. It spoke well of her own strength, Last would give her that, but it were still not a smart thing.

Perhaps when she would eventually have the chance, she'd offer her services to Twilight. If her pride allowed her to do so.

However, for the time being, she had to focus on the siren in disguise, who seemed to want to read whilst waiting for the princess. A fair enough use of time she supposed.

"I will escort you there. Follow."

Getting up the tiredness in her body just became more evident, as she staggered a little and almost stumbled, yet there were a job to do here, so she would have to get on with it and lead Serenade to the impressively large library. Many a book to read from there, yet what caught her eye were hard to say. Darned if Last knew what sirens found fascinating. Lava lamps and frogs?

"Far as I know, there are no forbidden tomes here. Read what you want."

She on the other hoof, would take a sit on a soft couch to the side. Nothing of the sort had been there when she grew up, and it felt weird with the soft surface, but right now she'd be hard pressed to not think it were an absolute godsend, and some of the most comfortable she had felt since she were a small filly, and her parents still lived.




On 3/27/2019 at 3:09 AM, EQ_Theta said:

"Must have been fun to see Discord doing it, huh? I guess it's something to be seen. I usually read just to forget how much time is passing by because waiting for the sunrise is about as fun as watching a sapling grow out of the ground. It's bound to happen but I'd be bored long before I see anything interesting. To be honest, I really miss sleeping. Drifting off to slumber when all is quiet, or hearing a soothing song to help a restless mind calm down..."

"Master Discord did many things he said were funny. Not many made them scream."

There were times when he had told her that certain ponies needed to be punished, and then he did a cruel prank on them that tended to leave them crying, screaming, weeping, or a combination of all of them, whilst sitting in a fetal position. His smile were different when he did that. His eyes too. They both became hard, and twisted in weird ways. In time she had come to understand that as what others considered to be his *evil face*, whilst the joyful one with all the laughter and giddy voices were the playful Discord she mostly knew of. Some ponies now were talking about this good side too, but back after he had vanished, she mostly just heard words about how mean and cruel he had been. She didn't understand it then, and mostly, she still didn't.

Mother told her that this were because she lacked the perspective to see it from the ponies side, and that to them, what he did would seem mean. A strange thing, but Omen had learned a little about it over time. Just not enough to truly get a real understanding of the entire thing. Guess it didn't matter now either, right? He were reformed, and that meant he were good. Things were probably different now.

"Resting beings look like they like it. Most times.

It is interesting to watch others sleep. Sometimes they speak. Tells stories about chaos and strange things. Reminds me of Master Discord's world."

Omen had learned a good deal of things listening to others talking in their sleep. The most prominent being that they didn't like it when they suddenly found somepony standing near them and just looking. So she started to stand a little further away, then outside, looking through a window, in closets, etc. Eventually she learned that it were better to go through a gate when they started to wake up so they didn't see her, but it had taken about five years until then. And that were after she had returned, past the few millennia she spent with Mother, which made it fairly recently that she stopped being the cause for warnings being sent around neighborhoods about a random stalker lurking in the area.

Before that she had also looked at ponies sleep, and whenever she thought she heard them say something that reminded her of her masters world, she would wait until they woke up, and then ask them if they had seen him. As all could vividly still remember Discord, and overall saw her as a reminder of a horrible time for them, the responses had been pretty bad, and she had gotten no answers. To think that Discord had just become a statue at that point that she had completely missed had been a strange twist after it were revealed to her.

On 3/27/2019 at 3:09 AM, EQ_Theta said:

"Now I just read until I get so caught up in it that I don't notice how many page's I've gone through. Once I managed to finish a whole collection of manuscripts on herbs before dawn! Do you want to have a look? I think I have some of those in my saddle bag."

"I can not read. Is there pictures?"

She wished that she could sometimes. Ponies who read looked like they had a fun time with whatever were on the paper, it were just that Omen couldn't take part in that. Discord had never taught her, most beings had little to no interest in interacting with her prior to Sen and Lin entering her life and suddenly causing a lot of social interactions, so there hadn't been help there either, and despite her best efforts, eating books had not made her understand words better. It had sounded like good advice when that colt told her to do it, but sadly, it hadn't done anything beyond causing her to cough up passages from whatever writing she found that looked like it hadn't been in use.

If she had misunderstood though, and it were just herbs they were looking at, she could participate in that easily. Plants were sometimes pretty.




Allergies. Doesn't need to be poisonous for that.

He also failed to mention how the snake had caused him to go into a girlish fit and stumble down into his cacti. Much pain ensured.

Hey, stop spreading lies, or Henry will vanish.

"Keep him out of this, he have barely hurt anypony yet."

Not caring much more for this, the writer went back to describing what were going on. Which in this situation, were basically that they had plowed into a building as their focus had been more on the talking than the driving they had been doing at the same time. If it were the mayors building or not were hard to tell though, unless you were a local.

"Oh right, we were going to go there. Is this it? We gotta go out and threaten them then, so we can redeem Lumen! And I bet that They will at least be terrified at your evil laughter. The writer is just a stick in the mud about it, and don't wanna admit that he started shaking when you said it."

Side effects of the medication.

"Pfff, right."


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

"Just don't be allergic to snake then."

"Yeah, why are you allergic to snakes?"

"Yeah! Let's terrorize the locals!"

Lumen held the seed and the ponies stood there confused.

"Uh... LOL."

One pony screamed.


All the ponies went into a panic screaming and running around.

"There we go."


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@Blitz Boom

"It's got drawings of plants to help you identify them out in the wild. Sadly, it's fairly limited and it won't help you learn about plants around Equestria in general... Yeah, not a very comprehensive one and the rest of it is text."

Lin walked over to her saddle bag and pulled out a stacks of papers bound by string. A fairly thin stack but one with the most pictures. Even so, there is still a lot of written text in it that goes on to describe a plant, its name, its uses, and a whole list of recipes that use said plant ingredient. Among those would be the elfroot salve and bandages that Sen constructed for Rosa not too long ago. It's a plant with a lot of uses for a variety of reasons, medicinal or otherwise. Lin opened to this page and showed it to Omen with one notably impressive and accurate sketch of the plant and the rest of the page covered in words. Only now did Lin notice the words are written in the common language, something even ponies are capable of reading. At least it isn't old ponish, that would have been a nightmare to go through even without terrible hoofwriting. 

Admittedly, there was plenty more for Lin to say about the topic of sleep, but she'd keep what Omen said in mind. Sleeptalking is something she had already seen in Sen, and it was fairly disturbing to say the least. More so with him describing his nightmares later on when asked, and his reactions being raw and real. She'd stay away from that part for now and maybe bring it up again later. Right now, she's got a little show and tell to do.

"Here, a page on a kind of plant found around our village. This one is called Elfroot, a pale-colored plant with long leaves. Very common and easy to spot near rivers. If you like, I can teach you how to read. It's never too late to learn."

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@Blitz Boom
Ruby looked around but though there was various things being made of shining materials, there wasn't anything that seemed worth money to her at the moment, especially considering that she was pretty sure that nothing here would be cheap. "Not really, or well, I of course would like to have almost everything here, but I have yet to see anything I think is wort paying for." but when she spoke something caught her eye "But depending on a price, I may try to get this one." she went next to a display, there was a leather pouch that seemed to be filled with something and next to it there was bunch of different shaped ancient looking coins made of different materials, though what would catch one's eye was that one, they were notably bigger than bits, and second, they all had some unknown language written on the edges, and in middle of each there was odd symbol or symbols on one side, and picture of dragon or dragons on another. 

Ruby knew exactly what these were, but for a pony...or a griffon, these would most likely seem just some old coins, and that was what she hoped for, as it would mean she would be able to get them easily, since she doubted that any creature here was interested in worthless antique coins, and even the seller clearly thought so, because if they thought they were valuable, why would they sell all at once.

Nada thanked with a gesture when Lyrier gave her promise. "Things made of steel that do things." she repeated "That still doesn't really tell what they are, but I guess knowing their purpose helps." "And attack by shadowy figure?" she didn't remember if she had heard about before "So after thousand years they still get attacked by things?" "I guess some things never change."



“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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@Blitz Boom


"I'm honestly not sure about the 'priming for running a nation' part of it, Nerzhei," Twilight admitted. She pulled down the book Nerzhei had asked for and handed it over to the dragon. "But, I believe the requirments for becoming a princess is doing something extraordinary and unheard of? Princess Celestia didn't really inform me on the requirements either," she sighed in realisation, her ears pulling flat against her head.

@Blitz Boom


"No, they never did," Karmic said crisply, having sounded like she's been asked the question multiple times. There was a hint of malice behind the tone as well which may have come from the fact that she was run out of town.

'Never!? Oh, my dear, are you sure?' Atzy teased in Karmic's head. Karmic shook her head to try to ignore Atzy and tapped her head a few times.

"Never," Karmic repeated more to herself for Atzy to listen to than Enzo.

@Blitz Boom


"That's all well and good but why are we heading back to the Everfree?" Aurora asked nervously. "We just came out of there from Onache establishing her hive grounds!"



"I thought you were a local," Watts said in surprise but did as he said and began leading the stumpy Unicorn around the city in a meandering wander. "But I suppose you're not really interested in parts for different inventions, or to make things with, huh?"



What else am I meant to put here?


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@Blitz Boom

Sun Fire jerked back from the excited outburst. She was used to excited fans, but she hadn't particularly been expecting it this time. She blinked at Needle as she froze, leaning far over the desk. Sun Fire and Zephyr glanced at each other as she sat down, seemingly embarrassed. "Well, at least she didn't ask any questions," Sun Fire thought. "As much as I enjoy talking to fans, I don't think I'm ready to explain everything to everypony I meet."

"Don't worry about it. I was pretty much the same way when Songbird offered to let me sing with her," she said, shaking her head. As much as she had been startled, she didn't want Needle to feel bad or embarrassed. Meeting a pony you look up to for the first time is exciting, no matter who you are. "Is there anything else we need to do, or was that it?"

Zephyr glanced at Needle. While he could understand her excitement, he wasn't sure what would have possessed her to be so animated. Though, being more of an introvert, he always had trouble figuring out why outgoing ponies did anything, really. Raised eyebrows and a giddy smile was about as excited as Zephyr ever got.

Edited by Zephyr / Karou

Rainbow Dash Fanatic

"You stroll down memories of younger, brighter times 'cause you never realize what you've got till you leave it all behind." ~ dBPony

"So we’re here at the end, did we teach you well, my friend? Don’t look so sad to see us go, after the rain comes rainbows." ~ Princewhateverer

"Darlin' you'll be okay." ~ Vic Fuentes

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@Blitz Boom

With the sudden removal of her spell, the loss of the spot light and generated breeze, The Captain let her raise hoof go limp and a pout appeared on her face.  "Spoil sport..." she sighed, but the nervous expression on the refugee of Troy told her everything she needed to know.  Oh how theatrics were wasted on the youth.  Putting her hoof to her lips to clear her throat then putting it down to smile at Void.  "My apologies.  I'm told I can go a little far at times," she chuckled, but it was just her nature.  Pointing at the large earth pony with her hoof, "No need for you to apologize darling, I can only imagine what hardships an ability like yours could mean to less than understanding nations.  Sure, we have our fair share of grumps in Equestria, but considering the limited range of your ability and living in a town like Ponyville where everypony knows everypony, I'm sure in a short time the town's unicorns will learn and find ways to interact with this knowledge.  Or I'm pretty sure our Princess of Friendship will be more than willing to make it so."  The Captain was careful to not call her ability a gift or a curse, because she pretty well figured the sisters didn't consider it a gift, but it was indeed a blessing in disguise.  "Try to think of it as not bringing our great detective here problems.  You are in fact helping Equestria rid the world of these terrible artifacts dear.  This is one of the main purposes of our agency after all and you brought them to the right place.  So you are in fact, doing Equestria a great service darling," she offered a warm smile.

"Oh, the Coast Guard are real alright, if under appreciated," she informed the curious mare.  "But the conference is just a bunch of boasting and chest puffing really."  The agents present in the lobby knew better though, for their fearless leader was plenty involved in said boasting activities.  Their agency was small, but slowly growing.  It was just hard to find adept ponies with the necessary skills to perform in their niche duties.  As for the threat at hoof, the case was in Rising Dusk's backyard now with her approval.  "Worry not darling, we have prisons designed specifically for immortals," her expression became more serious as she looked to the detective.  "We'll stay here and protect the city while you pursue the dark wizard.  You have your Too-Too darling?"  she inquired and Rising Dusk gently padded the pouch of his hoodie to inform her that he did.  She nodded and turned her attention to the fluttering and shockingly silent Scarlet who hoovered off the floor.  "Your pocket watch dear," she ordered as the detective didn't have a means to teleport on his own power.

The pegasus shook her head vigorously, "Nuh uh!  He's already used it eight times today!" she exclaimed and crossed her forearms in defiance.  "Oh pish posh, I'll make you a new one," the Captain assured the Junior Officer.  The grumpy mare grumbled and fished inside of her saddle bag for the abused pocket watch and fluttered on over to the detective to hoof it over.  The stallion gladly accepted it and gave her a smile for thanks.

Rising Dusk turned to face Void, "I'll return you to your sister and the safety of the workshop first," he assured her and wanted to return the mare to her comfort zone before going off to face Twisted Gears.  Saluting The Captain one last time, he turned and departed the O.M.I. to return to the East side of the city.

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