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Sunset Shimmer Fan Club


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Huh... I actually didn't notice that until you mentioned it.


Now this is certainly an interesting train. It does feature a popular meme associated with MLP though it also indicates that change is coming. A change that is beyond our means to control because we aren't in charge. Also, this image makes numerous references to generation four, all in the name of celebrating it for its eighth anniversary.


Another anniversary image that features our principal ponies.


The transition moment when Sunset goes from human to pony after crossing the portal. I can understand why DHX didn't provide an actual transition because it might have been seen as too awkward for younger audiences.


Good thing the transition worked here.


Roleplaying fun with Sunset and Moondancer.


  • Brohoof 4


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Pony Sunset, sporting quite a 'glistening' look. The art style is certainly unique, but she does look quite mischievous in this particular artwork. I liked the way the artist has coloured her fur, as well as the shades of red.

Artwork by Yuyutsuka.


  • Brohoof 3

At first I rejected the zero, but that was because I simply didn't understand it. Now I do.

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Either that or she could always dress up as a pony.

This image is a little on the grainy side due to it being enlarged but here are pony Sunset and pony Starlight from the first issue of the new mini series of the MLP IDW comics starring Princess Luna. Note that these are alternate versions who never reformed and exist within a dream.


Here are Sunset and Flash Sentry with the latter sporting some pretty cool armour. Expect to see this particular image of Sunset often as she is going to be paired up with other characters.


It seems that Sci-Twi unintentionally started a new fashion trend. As you can see, everyone else is wearing glasses with the exception of Rainbow Dash who decided that sunglasses were much cooler.


And now here are the pony versions.


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Here's that Sunset image again but now she is with Applejack instead of Flash Sentry. Given that Applejack isn't one who cares much about looking fancy, she decided to go with something simple but also effective--her attire screams cowgirl--with whatever it is she's supposed to be doing.


The use of pink--purple or perhaps a blend of the two--makes this one stand out really well. It doesn't even need to have any other colour.


Sunset and Tempest Shadow, or should that be Fizzlepop Berrytwist?


Now this is what I call quite the cavalcade of ponies of various shapes, sizes, backgrounds, etc. Yes, I am aware that Spike isn't a pony but because he has been living with them since the day he hatched, he would be considered a pony by means of proxy.


Even Sunset, be it human or pony, loves to be playful.


And of course, I can't forget about Sunset plushie.


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I don't know why, but I keep on thinking about what the world will be like in the future whenever I look at this one. That used to be quite the thing back in the day where people imagined what he future would look like only to be disappointed when they find out that everything still looks the same as it did back then. I guess Sunset's little bit of dialogue also made me think about the world of tomorrow.


Here's the obligatory Sunset swimsuit image. It's a little rough around the edges but I'm not going to hold that against the artist. I do love how the sun is shining down from the upper left.


This one has an obvious Japanese feel to it though Sunset really shouldn't be wearing her boots indoors in this setting. Doing so, I believe, is considered disrespectful in Japan, but I doubt that it bothers the host that much.


Sunset looks so life-like.


Now this one is adorable but not for the usual reasons. I like how unique Sunset looks in addition to what it is that she's sleeping within. It has this surreal like feeling to it that I find very impressive and creative.


Sometimes, the best surprises are the ones you least expect.


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I pretty much do that everyday between the moment I head to bed and when I come online the following afternoon.


Now it's Starlight's turn to be added into the mix.


This is what happens when you push Sunset too far and she chooses to unleash her inner demon.


I can't help but like the peaceful art style used here for Sunset and Pinkie. Of course, you don't need me to tell you that this is suggestive.



Adagio Dazzle is now here with Sunset--This is becoming quite the trend isn't it?


'Um' indeed though that expression on her face does have a cartoonish feel to it.


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Sunset as a Bat Pony, doing something which is open for interpretation. I do like the way the artist has drawn Sunset's fur, on various parts of her body. She may look cute, but remember, Bat Ponies can be dangerous.

rawr by Katakiuchi4U.


  • Brohoof 3

At first I rejected the zero, but that was because I simply didn't understand it. Now I do.

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Sunset and Trixie... hmmm... do I sense a hint of anime here?


At first, I hadn't planned on sharing this one but after looking at it a couple more times, I couldn't say no to it. Seaponies have become appreciated once again thanks in large part to the MLP movies so Sunset and Sci-Twi decided to embrace it for themselves.


I think this is one of those 8th anniversary celebration images that came about given that so many principal characters can be seen here. Notice that Sunset is coming through the portal in order to be a part of this.


Now it's Trixie's time to shine though Sunset seems to have switched places.


Okay, this one is definitely an 8th anniversary pic.


Even though this is suggestive, it's also quite beautiful in terms of both aesthetics and what is going on. It seems Sunset has been wounded close to her eye--good thing her eye wasn't injured--and Twilight is doing her best to heal said wound.




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Do I see a very small Sci-Twi off in the distance? I must be otherwise I might need some new glasses.


If you look really closely, you can see a hint of pink on Twilight's face, the only colour featured here. It's not a bad thing by any means.


Admit it. You would have this screenshot as the background on your desktop. Me? I still have one from Mirror Magic so perhaps it's time to finally update it for the first time in well over a year--my desktop background.


Much like how they never explain where Sunset's clothes come from whenever she enters the human world from Equestria, we never were given an explanation as to where Starlight got that watch of hers from. In fact, I never really noticed it until recently.


We all know the significance behind this one but let me tackle it with something more nonsensical. This is what can happen when you study way too much and your brain gets a headache from glossing over numerous books in a short time frame.


Hmmm... This one is of a more serious Sunset complete with a brooding shadow that hides much of her face. Also, she has Twilight's cutie mark on her back and some kind of weird looking mark on her neck. I sense a hint of anime here. I also sense a spoiler tag for suggestiveness.




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Once again, I must bring back life to this fan club thread. So, let's begin with this hidden beauty.



How about that? A coloured version of an image I had previously shared when it was merely in black and white. Now that it has been given a good dose of colour, I can see that it wasn't as futuristic as I thought it was. Guess Sunset's dialogue was what made me think that. There is another version of this one with Sunset having peach toned skin as opposed to what she has here--her actual skin tone--but I don't think it's necessary to share the same image twice just because of a colour difference.


This has to be the happiest smile ever seen on Sunset's face.


Those eyebrows... so shifty in their manner. I think she's planning something sinister.


Time for a side-head shot.


Surprised that this one didn't get as much attention on Derpibooru compared to other images of this nature. A shame really as this one really stands out well what with their choice of attire and the overall art style.


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On ‎10‎/‎23‎/‎2018 at 5:21 PM, Bas said:

Is that from FF?

Yes it is. It's been available for many months now so there's no need for spoiler tags and warnings related to it.


Courtesy of Wubcake. You know, it's actually getting both easier and harder to know that she was behind a particular piece of fanart. I guess you could say that she's expanding her drawing horizons by adjusting her style depending on her mood.


This would be one of those times where being lazy ends up being a perk.


I don't really have anything to say about this one.


But this one I do. I know 3D images, especially anthro ones, aren't everyone's preference, but I can't help but appreciate the effort that goes into these. To think that technology has progressed so far in the past thirty years or so. I'm just in awe of it all.


I'll end this post with a fanart of Sunset in her pajamas.


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It's not so much of a pseudo movie but rather a special but what you said does work.


Sunset standing outside with the moon shining behind her on the top right side--our right. Nothing really suspicious here so I wouldn't think too hard on this one.


Surprised this one didn't get much in the way of attention. Pony Sunset here has a longer than usual tail and her cutie mark is bigger than it ought to be but for some reason it works really well here with this style. Again, this one was largely ignored which is a shame so I'm going to share it.


The moment where Sunset made the ultimate sacrifice. This is one of those blink-and-you-miss-it moments as it occurs really quickly.


Here are Sunset and Juniper Montage having coffee together. I do hope that Juniper makes another appearance as she clearly has potential waiting to be tapped despite her appearances in both Movie Magic and Mirror Magic having the opposite effect.


I wonder why pony Twilight is looking at pony Sunset with a heart in her eye.


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Let's start off with one of those 'what-if' scenarios with Sunset in a Crystal Prep uniform. Hmmm... maybe this was meant to be a Halloween image of some kind?


This is why you should be careful when it comes to friends looking over your shoulder when using a cellphone. They can see everything you've written and will judge you accordingly as is tradition. They might try to encourage or dissuade you so take their opinions carefully.


Pony Sunset wearing a spying suit--that's my take on it--and wielding a weapon through the use of magic that happens to have one of those red scanning lasers on it.


As much as I like the concept here, something about Sunset's facial features and head feel off to me. It could be because of the art style or maybe I'm just not seeing it in the way that the artist had intended. Either way, it is suggestive so you know what that means.



The same can be said with this one though it's not suggestive.


No matter how times I see 3D MLP themed art, I will continue to love it because of how it reminds me of how much technology has improved.


  • Brohoof 3


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Looks like it's up to me to get this going once more, and this image right here is a good one to start off with.


Even though Halloween has passed, there are a number of Halloween/Nightmare Night themed Sunset images for me to share, like this one for instance. You all are aware of the concept behind werewolves right? Well, how about a were-pony? That's what this one is. Sunset is going through that very experience, lycanthropy, though in this case it would be her changing into a pony, or at least beginning the process. Oh, and this one is suggestive.



I still believe that Sunset will one day become an alicorn, and with the show now running on borrowed time, it needs to be done before it's too late.


And then we have this one based on the recent Venom movie. I'd say this is Sunset prior to when she was defeated back in the first Equestria Girls movie as her current self would never have accepted being the host for one of these things.


This is one I shared some time ago back when it was a black and white image. Now you get to experience it in full colour and it's still as suggestive now as it was then. There is another version of this image with Sunset and Trixie having different skin tones but I feel this one is better because their natural skin tones are used.



The first time Sunset was revealed during the events of the first Equestria Girls movie.


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Does Sunset really want this? I mean, it's very tempting given what it is and all, but would that mean having to do what Pinkie Pie says? Or is there some other kind of stipulation she needs to fulfill? Such a difficult decision for anyone to make.


I love the surrealism here due to the presence of the pencil.


You know, this would make for a pretty good avatar for someone. Not for me mind you as I have to stay true to myself and rely on Equestria Girls releases, but I'm sure someone out there could make great use of this.


This was one of the more sadder moments from Forgotten Friendship. Sunset lost everything as a result of forces that were beyond her control--though she was aware at this point that the cause behind her troubles was due to the Memory Stone--and she feels so utterly helpless. I know things worked out in the end but at this moment in the special, Sunset was perhaps at one of her most vulnerable points.


You all knew that a suggestive image was going to show up at some point from me and here it is. It's not one of the swimsuit images and the outfit for some reason makes me think of Christmas, but this is the standard bunny girl affair.



The same general image again but replaces the bunny girl outfit with Sunset's swimsuit from Forgotten Friendship. To be honest, it looks a bit more awkward here given the pose and all but it is more colourful than the previous one was.





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Sunset, the alicorn. I suppose that if she had stayed on as Celestia's student and accepted humility instead of what she ended up doing, she would've become a princess in her own right. But, had she done this, Equestria Girls wouldn't be a thing. It really makes you think doesn't it?


Just two pony friends having fun with one another. Nothing wrong with this whatsoever.


This is both artistic and merchandizing due to the nature of this. I would gladly buy myself a Sunset Shimmer keychain and carry it with me on the rest of my set of keys though I feel that this is more of a specialty thing and not a mass production waiting to happen.


Sunset really needs someone to tell her that Rarity sometimes has ulterior motives when it comes to making her clothes.



Another image of Sunset as an alicorn. Surprised that these depict her wearing armoured hooves and armour plating on her chest much like what Celestia and Luna have considering we don't see this often with fanart of Twilight or Cadance.


And yet another Sunset alicorn image but this one has her as a vampire bat. I know that this one is late as Nightmare Night ended several days ago but that shouldn't be a deterrent to show off something this cute.



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I forgot to do this the other day so let me take care of my usual contribution.


Yes, Sunset is more than able to pull off a look like this. My favourite little attention to detail is the earing she is wearing. It's in the shape of her cutie mark.


Even plushies can have their own plushies to make them feel better. Also, the note is very serious and must be followed without fail.


Not much I can say about this one other than Sunset looks like she's done something and is trying to supress her feelings over it.


Sunset seems to be enamoured with a scrunched up piece of paper. Well... I suppose everyone has to have weird interests, right?


Even though she has moved on from her past, Sunset can never truly be rid of the evil that dwells within her. You see, once you've become tainted by the touch of evil, it remains with you for the rest of your life no matter how much effort you utilize to keep it in check.


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Have some cute Sunset! Why? Why not?



This last one is Sunset related, though she's not the main focus here...

The Royal Harem of Friendship!


  • Brohoof 4

MLPForums "Self-Proclaimed" Kamen Rider Nut
Now, count up your sins!
I do Traditional commissions, by the way! See them HERE!


Banner was done by the wonderful Kyoshi.

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