Light Blade 8,673 November 6, 2016 Share November 6, 2016 My Little Pony: Equestria Girls - Rainbow Rocks is the most amazing thing ever happened to Equestria Girls and Friendship is magic in general! I love this movie. It's just too beautiful! The story, the villains, the songs, reformed Sunny, Twilie coming to human world again - IT'S SO GOOD! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Light Blade 8,673 November 11, 2016 Share November 11, 2016 Wonderful, wonderful, ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL movie! It is so great that the excesses of its magic make me forgive all the faults of the first one. The question "Did Sunset Shimmer get better?" was initially the driving force, which made me watch it. The answer was beyond satisfying in the very best meaning of those words. She now shares the very special place in my heart along with Twilie. It was extra happy seeing Twilie coming to the human world again, especially after statement that she wouldn't coming back. The songs range from GREAT to THE BEST! The story and villains are very good. I mean, I trotting love this overly beautiful movie! The best of the two, hands down. But now I am grateful to the first movie as well. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CT-1138 3,183 November 16, 2016 Share November 16, 2016 Rainbow2016-10-29-11-53-21-1691415915.png And rocksimages-8.jpg I've seen enough. What about this, however? Love is a most potent magic My FiMFiction | My DA | My Facebook Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
leonbrony17 1,216 November 16, 2016 Share November 16, 2016 What about this, however? You nailed it or should i say WE nailed it! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thrond 3,263 November 27, 2016 Share November 27, 2016 I've watched this movie five times. I don't watch a whole lot of things that often, but I just love this movie so much. The songs are among the show's best, Sunset Shimmer's character arc is delightful, Twilight Sparkle's arc is just as good, and the humour is top-notch. Taken as a My Little Pony episode, this is easily one of my favourites - such a massive improvement over the first movie, although that was proven much earlier with those shorts which preceded it. The Dazzlings are thoroughly enjoyable, if not overwhelmingly deep, villains, Sunset is sympathetic and likable, Twilight is much more interesting than she had been in most of season 4, and there's a whole ton of charm and, surprisingly, polish. It's still built on a deeply questionable foundation, but this film keeps its plot basic in order to provide room for character growth and fun interactions, and that's where this show excels. That slumber party scene is something I had wanted the show to do for ages, and that it took this external movie, where Twilight and the mane six aren't even as close, to make it happen... is kinda disappointing, but wow that scene is great. SunLight forever! I have the whole soundtrack on my phone. It's just so good! 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DEAD_ACCNT 46 January 13, 2017 Share January 13, 2017 Everything I liked about Rainbow Rocks was the ending scene. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IronCaptain19 15 April 19, 2017 Share April 19, 2017 In my opinion Rainbow Rocks is the best of the Equestria Girls series. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thrond 3,263 April 20, 2017 Share April 20, 2017 Sixth time. Some of the sparkle has worn off. Still the best one, even if it doesn't quite have the fascinating aspects of the third. A few things I noticed this time around: The entire movie takes place at a fundraiser. I actually never even realized that. All the depth in Sunset and Twilight kept me from considering that the plot here is honestly rather simple. It's mostly for the best, though, because those two arcs and the music totally carry it. Other five can get slightly annoying every now and then, but the movie never dwells much on it, and it kinda makes sense - they are teenagers, after all, so they're gonna have these moments of immaturity and petty disagreements. Kinda enjoy how all this teen nonsense is given context by the Dazzlings and their powers. Flash Sentry stuff drags it down a little, honestly, but it's kinda like they reintroduced the romantic stuff from movie 1 just to break it. Can't complain about that. Love it. Not quite as delightful for me as a comfort food episode like "Rarity Investigates!," but this movie had no business being this good. Biggest question for me is whether the kitchen scene or the climax is the best part of the movie. They're both so good! Score: Entertainment: 9/10 Characters: 9/10 Themes: 9/10 Story: 8/10 Overall: 88/100 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skytower 71 August 18, 2017 Share August 18, 2017 On 5/1/2016 at 11:51 AM, Midnight Seashell said: I'm so curious as to what happened to the dazzlings after they were defeated and why didn't Twilight take them back to Equestria? Applejack asked another good question: what were they doing between the time they first got to Earth and the time they showed up in the movies? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tacodidra 61,323 August 20, 2017 Share August 20, 2017 I thought this was a pretty nice film. I still prefer FIM by far, but this was better than the first movie. Thanks to the "battle of the bands" theme, the various songs were tied to the plot better than in the first one, where I sometimes felt the characters were singing for no reason (quite common in musicals, to be honest). Speaking of the songs, I liked Trixie's song the best, while Snips and Snails' rap was funny in its awfulness. I liked Sunset Shimmer, they managed to make her a pleasant and sympathetic character after the events of the first movie. I'm glad they didn't have her joining forces with the Dazzlings, which I thought would happen for a while (and which would have been too predictable). It was also nice to see many of the side characters in human form. I guess they could have shown more of the ponies, as their appearance was fairly brief this time. As with the first movie, I wouldn't consider the film a masterpiece or on par with the series, but it was definitely a nice way to spend an hour. 1 Signature by @Sparklefan1234 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gdcr7 1 January 6, 2018 Share January 6, 2018 my real question is will they bring the dazzlings back? i really hope they will. i love the sirens so much that i actually want them to stay in the show forever and replace mane 7. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moony the Cat 3,702 January 17, 2018 Share January 17, 2018 I loved this Film ! Its not one of the best i ever watched in general, but i dont know how someone could make a better Equestria Girls Movie. This time they centered everything about the Songs, which was one of the things i liked about the first Movie, only that its now a Music Competition, which makes room for even more Songs. And the Songs were great, specially the ones from the Sirens. I enjoyed the Villains ( even though i hate the comic relief character and the jokes that were caused because of her ) and i enjoyed the humor, like Maud Pie having an appearance for example. Also i liked how Trixie had a bigger role this time, since she is also a reformed villain kinda. The Movie felt bigger than the last one and i also like it, that they are the Main 7 now. Not sure what else to say, it was great ! Also nice end credits scene, i didnt expected that. 2 Sig made by Kyoshi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ultrairongorilla 2,064 January 28, 2018 Share January 28, 2018 Out of the the Equestria Girls stuff, this is still my favorite. It improved on everything the first one did wrong, and made Sunset out to be more than just a one note character. The scene in the kitchen is one of my favorite scenes. The Dazzlings were good villains, the songs are some of the best out of the entire series, as well one hell of a fantastic climax. The movie is just plain fun. Not to crap on Friendship Games or Legend Of Everfree or anything, as I think they're good movies too, I just think this one had a better combination of everything. This movie just leaves me with a good feeling every time I finish it. Thanks to @Kyoshi for this totally awesome signature! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ashen Pathfinder 16,162 February 27, 2018 Share February 27, 2018 Merging the Discussion and Review/Reaction threads for Rainbow Rocks. Just doing some cleanup. Pathfinder I Sojourner I Corsair | Zu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~ Matching signatures with mah Bestie MOONLIGHT <3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest July 1, 2018 Share July 1, 2018 This is my favourite EG movie. The songs in it are some of my favourites and I really liked them. I liked the plot a lot, especially Sunset Shimmer's development. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cash In 22,519 October 1, 2018 Share October 1, 2018 Oh man, I'm not lying when I say that I love this film. Everything just feels right to me. The characters, the songs - especially Let's have a battle and Welcome to the show, are all brilliant. To be honest, wasn't big on Sunset Shimmer in the first film, but she had some pretty good development here and is now probably my favourite character. I can relate to her in so many ways and I was honestly proud when she ponied-up for the first time and redeemed herself for her past mistakes. The Dazzlings also made for good villains, even though I did feel that they were underutilized. Adagio, Aria and Sonata are quite interesting characters and it would be nice to see them again at some point - Aside from a cameo. The humour was pretty good, but I pretty much laugh at anything, so take that as you will. The songs...they really went all out here. I loved pretty much every track that was in the film. While The Cafeteria song will always be my favourite, these are certainly a joy to listen to. As you can tell...I really enjoyed this. An hour well spent, I'd say. At first I rejected the zero, but that was because I simply didn't understand it. Now I do. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
qwerE 96 November 1, 2018 Share November 1, 2018 This had much better storyline than the first movie. I still think they can improve more though. What really made this film shine are the songs. The siren's songs are wonderful, and the Rainbow Rock's second to last music - the one where Sunset Shimmer sang for the first time - was also really good. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Beached Whale 57 November 2, 2018 Share November 2, 2018 (edited) I can definitely see why this film is considered to be the best by far of the EQG movies. The soundtrack alone I would probably consider the best of all EQG films so far, the villains were interesting in a quirky way, and on a personal note, reformed Sunset brought a smile to my face (the constant references to her past actions by the main cast were hilarious haha). Edited November 2, 2018 by Beached Whale Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rushing cash 836 April 17, 2019 Share April 17, 2019 My favorite EG movie so far. All the characters shined here, sunset was very likeable here and even trixie got her moments. The sirens were really entartaining and by far my favorite EG antagonists, they had chemistry within the group and their songs were amazing! Under our spell is one, if not my favorite song in the whole franchise and they did not reformed either. The songs were consistently good here and the story was engaging and the conclusion was satisfying. It was not perfect, like twilight felt kind of meek to me here but I am just nitpicking, I really enjoy watching it. 9/10 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Roughshod 719 April 28, 2019 Share April 28, 2019 Why don't they bring them back? Why? For the love of Celestia just do this one thing right! 1 The truth is always rough. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Quackkyy The Pegasus 222 October 9, 2020 Share October 9, 2020 (edited) This is terrible. I just watched this movie and it was a disaster. Trixie, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy were all completely out of character and the "Princess of Friendship" was more like the "Princess of not caring about friendship". Why was Trixie so willing to fall through with The Dazzling's plans? Also, Rainbow Dash was SO arrogant and prideful, it hurt to watch. She had her moments of massive ego in the show, but this got completely out of hoof. The plot structure made no sense and was super boring. There were so many things that were blatantly just for the plot. I can understand Twilight making a portal to the EG world, because the movie had to happen. But a BOOK that can send messages to Celestia so that they can get in touch with twilight? There could have been a so much better in-world explanation to that. Not to mention the comedy. There's barely any humor and the jokes there are immediately fall flat. I didn't laugh once through the whole thing. And the music thing didn't make any sense. What does music have to do with magic powers and friendship? Also, snips and snails are just as ignorant and irritating to see as the last movie. They're literally the worst characters, literally anyone could have been better. They had zero reason to help the villains, it wasn't explored at all. Maybe the movie should have been longer than an hour and a quarter? This was the worst movie I've seen all year. Also, lyra didn't play the lyre in the Battle of the Bands. 2/10 Edited October 9, 2020 by QurkyThePegasus I want my name to be QuerkyThePegasus but the s was awkwardly hanging below the rest of my name. Who made that lovely banner? I think his name was something like "QurkyThePegasus". Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rosy Moonlight 369 May 28, 2022 Share May 28, 2022 For me, the best EQG movie is Rainbow Rocks. Strong plot, amazing music, great plot development, and the Dazzlings. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sofithecat 47 August 1, 2023 Share August 1, 2023 Wahh.. This was my favorite EG movie buuut yeah it has it's flaws So.. Yeah the magic is still there in Equestria, Sunset is fully reformed (Aww) but people don't trust her (daww) honestly i sort of get it and at the same time it makes me feel sorry for her being so neglected by literally everyone (yup even the mane six as she feels out of place from them) (still don't get if Snips and Snails are also getting blamed too? But i don't think they are since they even take a selfie with the crusaders with no problem-, YaY secondary character luck of being forgotten?) Also yeah the Dazzlings were entertaining to watch! Sad to see that they were never used again, rip their voices Rainbow Dash being more selfish than normal was really painful to watch.. Flash being ultimately a jerk to Twilight definitely made me not ship them since smAll (yeah probably under the Dazzlings influence.. But still-) Favorite part? Snips n Snails rap wished to see if they actually redeemed themselves but yeah the movie needs to focus on other stuff Twilight could have just been a little more honest and say that she actually had no idea of what she had to do in orden to defeat the Dazzlings, Sunset is honestly the best character here lol, definitely redeemed herself here (alsO the BoOk.. Yeah another interesting thing that didn't get too much attention) Harmless fun too, the songs are pretty great, the plot definitely not really consistent in some parts but i think that it's not terrible at all Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Iforgotmybrain 5,804 June 16, 2024 Share June 16, 2024 I’ll be honest I don’t wanna write paragraphs so I’m just going to write out my thoughts as I watch this. Rainbow Dash having a massive ego because she’s like, the lead singer of the band, dude. (Major explicit language warning for that link btw). It fits her character, I wouldn’t expect her to be any other way if she were to be in a band. The sirens have only had a few scenes so far and I already love them. I think Sunset is more interesting so far than in the last movie. I still get some Starlight vibes, hard not to, but she comes off as a much more unique character. Not as angry or fiery as Starlight, calmer, more shy, more rational. Oh the songs are already a big step up. Battle of the Bands is better than all the songs from the past movie imo. Stands out so much from the typical songs we get in MLP. Spike sleeping with Fluttershy is cute. Twilight’s sang a bunch of times before, shouldn’t she be better at singing? Love Rarity’s outfit in the first round. Dazzlings continue to have the best songs, Under Our Spell was great. Trixie called them the rain WHAT?! Poor Sunset always getting third wheeled. Or seventh wheeled in this case. Yas queen Sunset, slay and speak up and break up the fighting. Vinyl Scratch being the only one not under the siren’s spell is perfect, absolutely love it. Does this version of Rarity make her own outfits and dresses as well? Don’t remember if that was mentioned. Yeah this villain vs hero showdown was way better than the first movie. Big improvement. Was Trixie ever fully under their spell? Like she obviously trapped the Rainbooms like they wanted but that’s pretty typical for her. She seems to act the same before and after the spell is broken which makes me think she wasn’t. Still don’t like the Twilight x Flash Sentry ship personally. Yeah this movie was a big improvement over the first in pretty much every way. Sunset feels like a proper character now, the villains were good, the music was great, it had more Trixie. I really liked it. Be interesting to see how the other movies and specials rank when compared to this one. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RafaStaryStory 3,485 June 17, 2024 Share June 17, 2024 This and the first movie are just like Batman Begins and The Dark Knight to me, I know TDK is the superior better movie and I agree with that, but Batman Begins remains as my favorite due to its "unique" concept, it has that Journey and Adventure feel to it with fantastic elements that gives it a comic book/cartoon vibe in my opinion, something I think TDK lacked, which isn't bad, I understand the approach that TDK had, being more realistic and all, but for that reason I prefer Begins, even if the story is inferior and more simple. It's the almost exactly same thing with Equestria Girls Movie 1 and Rainbow Rocks for me, I know Rainbow Rocks is superior and better in everything, story, characters arcs, villains, scenes, ending etc, but the unique concept of the story of the first movie just makes me prefer Movie 1, Twilight had to go to the human world and retrieve her crown, at the same time she needs to understand how that world works and act as a human, re-meets her friends, etc, Movie 1 was a adventure-ish movie with that fantastic feel to it, which made it more accurate to the original show in my opinion. Rainbow Rocks and anything that came after it just felt like a parallel story aimed at a more mature audience that has almost nothing to do with the regular series, it lacks that adventure and fantatic feel to it that the first movie had, which I understand, but for that reason, Movie 1 is more special to me, it's the only EQG thing that I believe it has truly happened in the show continuity, everything after it was a alternate universe in my opinion. On 2024-06-16 at 2:54 AM, Iforgotmybrain said: Yeah this villain vs hero showdown was way better than the first movie. Big improvement. It's because of what the two movies got inspiration from. The showdown in the first movie is pretty much just a repeat of the Nightmare Moon arc from Friendship is Magic, there was Sunset apparently having the upper hand just like Nightmare Moon, but then Twilight and the other 5 realize how to defeat her by summoning the elements of harmony, it's a total play by play rip-off, Sunset even says the same line as Luna after she's defeated. The final showdown of Rainbow Rocks was a repeat of A Canterlot Wedding, which was a much bigger threat, the Rainbooms and Dazzlings is a parallel to the battle with Chrysalis and the Changelings, The Dazzlings are Chrysalis and the spiritual manifestation of their original forms are the Changelings, the Mane Six are, well the Mane Six, but also Celestia, the part where they have the clash and the Rainbooms are defeated is totally Celestia vs Chrysalis, later Sunset joining and defeating the Dazzlings with Twilight replicates the Cadance and Shining Armor moment. So Rainbow Rocks was pretty much inspired by the final showdown from Season 2 that was already better than the one from Season 1, which was used for Movie 1, but Movie 2 could be more original, in Movie 1 it was literally just Nightmare Moon 2.0 but Twilight had more lines. Movie 2 had not only three villains instead of just one, but also had music, it was a musical battle, which gave a totally different aspect to it, that's why the Rainbooms and Dazzlings felt more original and distinct from the Season 2 finale when you compare to Movie 1 x Season 1 beginning. 1 "Stand quiet like the Sky, and Move faster than Lightning" Follower of the ultimate power, spirit, divine dreams and wishes of the Heavenly Eastern Angels of Stars (Starys), Husband of Mary, The Eastern Stary. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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