Pegasisterforever 3 August 1, 2015 Share August 1, 2015 I loved the movie, and bought the soundtrack. I really love the 'Awesome as I wanna be!' Song. I annoyed my friends for days with it! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Poptropica Player:) 15 August 1, 2015 Share August 1, 2015 Equestria Girls was cool, and I think that they should make more episodes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pegasisterforever 3 August 2, 2015 Share August 2, 2015 I thought it was good! Almost as good as Enders game of Star Trek. Oh, and Doctor Who! Mustn't forget that! Derpy is now the wielder of the Element of Niceness. No, more like the element of ditzyderpyness. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GuyNamedEarl 1,332 August 6, 2015 Share August 6, 2015 I really enjoyed this movie. I was pretty excited for the whole Equestria Girls series when it first came out. The first movie was decent, but it was kind of disappointing. Rainbow Rocks had better writing, jokes, music, and was just overall better. I highly enjoyed it. 1 Creator of MLP Ruined Vines and Recorder Sh*t Equestria's Biggest Hip-Hop Nerd Everyday is Leg Day! Follow me on Twitter: @EarlBrony Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nintenboy195 384 August 10, 2015 Share August 10, 2015 This movie is 3good5me. Mlg 360 no scope style m8. Mtndew and doritos m8. No noobz allowed! ^^ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lochees 5 August 13, 2015 Share August 13, 2015 I loved Rainbow Rocks to the point that it's rivaling the show for me. Personally I nearly cried at the finale when the red streak from Sunset Shimmer goes with the rainbow and to this day still sends shivers up my spine. I guess I'm just a sucker for redemption stories. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MLP-RAINBOW BOLT 21 August 23, 2015 Share August 23, 2015 Rainbow rocks is a pretty good movie. I rate it 8/10 anyone else like it? Also, the blank flank rank goes perfectly with my oc. Cause my oc has no cutie mark. Hail to the Lunar Republic! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nataylor7 18 September 23, 2015 Share September 23, 2015 Yes,I Certainly Watched it It was Amazing and The Mane 6 Cafeteria Song Lost to the Dazzlings' Battle of the bands My Favorite Dazzling is Adaigio. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stampylone 1 November 15, 2015 Share November 15, 2015 Rainbow rocks was ok I guess like the magical shapeshifting thing i never really liked and this movie makes me dislike it more and having vinyl scratches car be a transformer like wow Rainbow rocks was ok I guess like the magical shapeshifting thing i never really liked and this movie makes me dislike it more and having vinyl scratches car be a transformer like wow Like those are the few flaws i disliked but i did like somethings like how they act like normale teenagers by having a slumper party (ps to me is another flaw) And i like tacos and tuesday and i got that refence Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TwiWoo 15 November 15, 2015 Share November 15, 2015 I think the first movie is still kinda better than Rainbow Rocks. There was too much singing! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AndrewKnapp 121 November 16, 2015 Share November 16, 2015 Totally awesome, especially the music battle! I will tell you that no other music competition in history gets as epic as this one! Especially the energy around the battle! There were also some of the best songs in the movie, like my favorite, Shake Your Tail! In all of the EG films, there is a lot of energy around each battle. When the Dazzlings' crystals get smashed, they suddenly become tone deaf! Now, Trixie was a little annoying in the movie, because she refused to admit that she lost, even though she did. She also didn't believe she lost in the short "Guitar Centered", even though Dash totally won with an awesome KO! 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ed Lyons 105 November 18, 2015 Share November 18, 2015 One of the only things it tough to me was I want to play the keytar or electric guitar and I want to start a band. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lissierocks 9 December 18, 2015 Share December 18, 2015 I personally thought that rainbow rocks was really good, the villans were amazing and had brilliant songs and I love seeing Sunset reformed eve though e didnt get to be in the band until the end. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LETYKM8 8 December 30, 2015 Share December 30, 2015 The Dazzlings... THE BEST BAND 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Justin_Case001 4,907 March 5, 2016 Share March 5, 2016 For me, this movie can be summed up as the feeling when you're not actually nauseated, but you kind of belch funny and some vomit comes up and you have to swallow it again. More enjoyable than the first, but I still hate the whole human crossover idea. I watched them out of sick curiosity. It wasn't too bad, really, but what annoys me is just the lore, and how they connect it to Equestria. Honestly, their answer for how Twilight traveled back to the human world was the worst, most ridiculous plot device I've ever seen. Building a f*cking machine in ten minutes to permanently open the portal?! Take the magic from the book and put it in the portal. OMFG. Are you kidding me? And then having Pinkie explain it like that. Ugh. Lame. But the absolute worst thing was the fact that Twilight took it upon herself to do all of this, without informing Celestia at all. Did you notice that Sunset's letter was ADDRESSED TO CELESTIA? But did Twilight forward it to Celestia or even tell her about it? NO! You know what that is? That's a felony, that's what that is. How could Twilight not even inform Celestia? Traveling to the human world is not a game; it's dangerous and serious business, and should not be taken lightly, but apparently Twilight couldn't be bothered to even let Celestia know, let alone ask her permission or anything. Spoken in Rainbow Dash's mocking impression tone of Twilight: "I'm just gonna build a machine to permanently open the portal, without your permission, and travel back and forth willy nilly, without your permission, because I'm the Princess of Friendship now and I can do whatever the f*ck I want." One other thing that bothers is just the fact the Twilight has this duplicate set of friends, and appears to be balancing two universes. I feel like every second she spends in the human world cheapens her real friendships. Whenever she says, "My friends as Canterlot High", it just makes me wince. Look at it this way: how would you feel if your best friend had another friend who was a doppelgänger of you, and your best friend just drops everything at a text to go hang out with your doppelgänger instead of you? I know Twilight was saving the day again, but that's not the point. It just feels altogether wrong for her to split her time and hang out with her "other" mane 5 friends. I would have liked this franchise better if it had no connection to Equestria whatsoever. That would have solved every problem for me. It should have just been an unaffiliated, parallel universe, to answer the question, "what would the mane 6 be like in our world"? Moreover, I think it would have been better with no literal magic whatsoever. Just a hypothetical about what the mane 6 characters would be like in our world, with no magic. That would have been more interesting to me. Thank f*ckin Celestia that they keep the movies separate and don't reference EG on the show. Also, what would have knocked this movie out of the park is if they had performed City Hall by Tenacious D for the battle. And while practicing, Rainbow should have written the "One Note Song." And she should have done Inward Singing, too. Basically, just make the whole movie a parody of Tenacious D. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Midnight Seashell 206 April 30, 2016 Share April 30, 2016 The fun part about the equestria girls universe is that there is no rascism Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Midnight Seashell 206 May 1, 2016 Share May 1, 2016 I'm so curious as to what happened to the dazzlings after they were defeated and why didn't Twilight take them back to Equestria? 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
powerpuff-tsubasa 448 May 18, 2016 Share May 18, 2016 I'm so curious as to what happened to the dazzlings after they were defeated and why didn't Twilight take them back to Equestria?i was curious about that. boy did they leave us a cliffhanger or what?! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Will Guide 21,362 May 26, 2016 Share May 26, 2016 This is long over due and Will Contained Unboxed Spoilers! Rainbow Rocks Timeline I've made this timeline based on the dialog spoken throughout the film. Let's see how well I sum up the events of the film. Tuesday (as revealed by Sonata Dusk) The CHS Student Body work on posters for the upcoming Musical Showcase The Rainbooms remind Sunset they're on her side as they practice playing with "Better than Ever" Flash Sentry comes in to compliment their singing and asks if Twilight's going to show up Sunset gives a tour to 3 new students, mentioning the Musical Showcase Unbeknownst to our heroes, the new students called the Dazzlings used their Siren Spell to convince the innocent fund-raising Musical Showcase into a competitive Battle of the Battles. The Dazzlings show up at lunch to plant the seeds of distrust among the student body singing, "Let's Have a Battle(of the Bands)!" The Rainbooms realize too late that everyone but them are under the new girls' dark magic. Twilight is called Catch-up in Cafe "Friendship is Magic" Failure in Gym Coming up with counter-spell strategy Twilight becomes Rainbooms' newest member Slumber Party at Pinkie's Twilight and Sunset bonding moment at Midnight (Best scene in the whole film for me) Maud feeds Boulder Wednesday: Qualifying Round Practice bad counter-spell song in Applejack's barn Realizing they should could compete in the BotB for real, staying alive until the Finals for the counter-spell to be played! Checks in at the battle of the bands Despite the characters saying first round, I see this day's round as the qualifying round that determine how the tournament chart and the bands will first face off! Qualifying Round The bands seen and mentioned during this round are: Snips and Snails' Rap Rainbooms are sabatoged as they sing, "Shake Your Tail" Derpy Meanwhile Twilight gets chewed out by an uncharacteristly selfish Flash Sentry. Trixie and the Illusions (while we see Sunset confront the Dazzlings in a dark hallway) Dazzlings start singing "Under Our Spell" (Montage cover next several days) Thursday Round 1: (16 bands go onstage, 8 move on) Trixie and the Illusions beat the unnamed Rockers band. Lyra and Bon Bon beat the Unnamed Techies Band Bulk Biceps beats Snips and Snails (Seen in montage) Rainbooms beat Octavia (Seen in montage) Photo Finish beats "The Diamond Dog Boys" Dazzlings beat the Dramas Flash Sentry beat the Eco-Teens (Seen in montage) Crusaders beat Derpy Friday Round 2 of the Battle of Bands (8 bands go onstage, 4 move on) Trixie beat Lyra and Bon Bon (seen in montage) The Rainbooms beat Bulk Biceps The Dazzlings beat Photo Finish and the Snapshots Flash Sentry beat the Crusaders (Crusaders appear during montage after the above so S2A they were facing Flash's band.) Saturday (Semi-Finals and Finals) As the Rainbooms are about to go on after Trixie, they mention that the Finals are that night. And considering this was supposed to be a fund-raising Musical Showcase that Sunset said was going to be "this weekend", the day of the Showcase became the day of the Semi-Finals and Finals Saturday Morning-Afternoon: Semi-Finals Dazzlings beat Flash Sentry (as shown right after Under Our Spell montage) Trixie plays "Tricks up my Sleeve" Rainbooms play "Awesome as I Want to Be" (Unfinished due to Sunset's depresant jump to hide the Ponying-Up) Due to the Dazzlings' manipulations, The Principals declared the Rainbooms the winners to move on. The Dazzlings manipulate Trixie to trap the Rainbooms. Saturday Night: Final As Trixie plays "Tricks up My Sleeve", attentive listeners can heard the whole song play in the background as we see the Rainbooms finally break down! (The Song on the soundtrack stops at the lines "I wish I'd never asked any of you to be in my band" "I wish I'd never argeed to be in it!" "Me Niether!"; The music briefly changes to dramatic as the Rainboom's negativity finally comes out, ready to restore the Siren's full power, to Sunset's horror; The song rewinds slightly and fades back in on the last 20 seconds as Trixie finishes) And Finally, the TRUE Battle of the Bands plays out with The Rainbooms(Sunset included) vs. The Dazzlings. Don't need to go into detail about that, right? Between Flash Sentry and Trixie, who both made it to the Semi-finals (and therefore must have been affected by the Dazzlings' Hate Plague the most) Flash > Trixie when it comes to giving thanks. Seriously, Trixie didn't even say "Thanks for saving us, Rainbooms" and just acts like the winner of a Battle of the Bands that wasn't supposed to be competitve in the first place. But I disgress. As Rainbow offers Sunset a spot with Fluttershy on Back-up vocals, Sunset shows off her Guitar skills. All but Twilight were surprised to see such skill. Where did that come from? Twilight can easily guessed, considering the boy that had been in both Sunset and Twilight's "crush life" Considering Flash was onstage thanking the Rainbooms a moment ago, it's easy to imagine his off-screen reaction: At first, he's as surprised as the rest of them, but then silently thinks with a smile, Even after I broke up with you, you've been practicing what I taught you? Sunset, I'm so proud of you and not just for saving us! All this ends with the Equestria Girls group-hugging Sunset Sunday Princess Twilight returns home. Unlike last time, when the portal would be closed for a long time, it stays open for when Twilight needs to. After that, Sunset has been redeemed in the eyes of the CHS student body. Little did they know that someone with a familiar face and name was recording the strange readings coming from the school: "No doubt about it, Spike. There's definitely something strange going on at that school" *Bark, bark* Well, there you have it! Did I sum it all up well? A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cmarston1 5,959 June 15, 2016 Share June 15, 2016 I love this movie so much. It is my favorite of the EQG series and one of my favorite FIM episodes. The animation is gorgeous, the music is some of my favorites from Daniel Ingram, Sunset Shimmer became one of my favorite characters, and the climax was amazing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IsraelYabuki 446 June 24, 2016 Share June 24, 2016 This movie was quite entertaining. Although when I saw it on Bronies react, they showed too much hate toward Flash. Seriously, what's their problem, what's Flash ever done to them? He's a nice guy even though he's only animated. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shadow lance 45 September 13, 2016 Share September 13, 2016 i really like it, altho i love anything with the battle of the bands type idea like guitar hero, i like how thy have their battle at the end. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flame_Diamond 11 October 29, 2016 Share October 29, 2016 I personally liked the songs they made for the movie. "Awesome as I wanna be" is my favorite one. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
leonbrony17 1,216 October 29, 2016 Share October 29, 2016 Rainbow And rocks I've seen enough. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EmeraldStar04 250 November 1, 2016 Share November 1, 2016 THIS WAS SO MUCH BETTER THAN THE FIRST MOVIE My Fanfic, featuring my OC Emerald Star and his Stand, Grey Justice. The Mane Six also get Stands in this fic, so if you like awesome fights, Stands, and epicness, check it out! NOW ON AO3! - MLP:O/C - Order/Chaos, an original MLP Fighting Game featuring Original Characters! Apply within! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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