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That time your teacher sided with your enemy

~Sugar Sprinkles~

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Now, I am sure most of us has bad a mortal enemy or a bully in school. Well, if this has ever happened to one of you, please share.


I been Graduated out of High school a year now, but these school threads make me think of something school related because I like the school related threads that I can relate to.


What was a time that a teacher had sided with your bully or enemy? A time where they had a PURE lie and you had the 100% truth, but the teacher decides to be a butt and side with your enemy and you get in trouble, yelled at, chewed out, or singled out and your enemy/bully took the victory?


I remember one time my old friend who kinda became my enemy were in a fight and she was being all immature and kept calling me out of stuff, calling me names, talking sh*t, and acting like a basic 10 year old. We had the same art class together and she kept glaring at me and just being annoying and purposely talking shit. I did ignore her for the most part, until she would not stop. I've learned that ignoring isn't always the best strategy for me, Our art teacher was a dunce and never gave a crap, so my first instinct was to tell one of our Special ed teachers, because she and I was in Special ed. I went to go tell this one Special ed teacher we had that she would not stop harassing me. This was like once in a blue moon did I actually tell someone I was being harassed or bullied. I usually fight back until I win, but this was the year I wanted to concentrate on work ,rather than drama. 


So, I told our Special ed teacher and at first she seemed like she believed me and told me she would have a talk with her to get her to leave me alone and let me focus, I was so relieved because this was the teacher who you NEVER wanted to get in trouble by and you would NOT win in an argument with.


Later on, I encountered her and she had a talk with me. She had a very unpleasant tone with me and told me all this bullsh*t that my ex-friend was saying to her, all these lies that I WAS bullying her and crap. She basically mirrored it around on me. Unfortunately, our teacher believed her -.- was a little irritated and basically just said "Screw it" and walked off and continued finishing my school year because I had no time for drama.

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i know how u feel. i had 2 people that picked on me freshman year. but i got rid of them both by showing i was NOT going to be pushed around anymore. i did'nt tell a teacher about all this cuz of earlier years when they didnt do crap about it and now the 2 guys that picked on me actually respect me now

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Everyone was my enemy, and most of the teachers were bastards as much as the next student, except for two that I can remember from Kindergarten all the way through 12th grade, so the odds were almost always against me. It always sucked ass, so eventually I took matters into my own hands when something needed to be done about other students who were giving me a hard time, and told the teachers who encouraged their delinquency what I thought of them as well when they had a problem with it.

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I'm not sure if this happened to me specifically but it was my teacher who was my enemy. Second grade teacher, she yelled at a kid for drinking too much at the water fountain. (I'm serious.)


I defended him and basically made myself her enemy. She kept me in for recess learning my times tables when I showed difficulty with them, and I mean all recesses that year.


As luck would have it though, this wasn't the first time she pulled this kind of behavior and was fired from the job later. Better yet, she was the aunt of one of my classmates for eighth grade, so she got to see me graduate grade school. 

  • Brohoof 1
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I remember way back in the day, back in middle school, there was this one kid who epitomized a massive douche. His daily lunch routine consisted of terrorizing everyone and everything in sight, and due to his extreme height he could pretty much pick on whoever he wanted. Anyway, one day me and some friends were sitting on a bench when Douchbag Mcgee (we'll just call him that from now on) comes over and starts throwing anti-Semitic slurs at one of my friends who was Jewish. He wouldn't just shut the hell up, and a yard duty eventually came over... And you guessed it, she sided with the bully. Douchebag Mcgee made up some incredibly fake tale about how my friend was antagonizing him, and the yard duty completely fell for it. She went on to call Douchebag Mcgee a "perfect little angel" and reprimanded my friend, despite all evidence pointing that he didn't do anything. I still don't know if the yard duty was being anti-Semitic herself or just incredibly stupid.

  • Brohoof 1
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I'm not sure if this happened to me specifically but it was my teacher who was my enemy. Second grade teacher, she yelled at a kid for drinking too much at the water fountain. (I'm serious.)


I defended him and basically made myself her enemy. She kept me in for recess learning my times tables when I showed difficulty with them, and I mean all recesses that year.


As luck would have it though, this wasn't the first time she pulled this kind of behavior and was fired from the job later. Better yet, she was the aunt of one of my classmates for eighth grade, so she got to see me graduate grade school. 


Oh god, we had a teacher who would yell at you for getting a tissue. Like, you HAD to ask to get one.


This didnt happen to me, but my friend told me they had a substitute teacher who was a dick and she said in gym, they were out in the cold running and stuff and were coughing when they all came in, because it was very cold and everyone coughed in the classroom and the sub yelled that if someone were to cough one more time, it was a detention. No lie.

I remember way back in the day, back in middle school, there was this one kid who epitomized a massive douche. His daily lunch routine consisted of terrorizing everyone and everything in sight, and due to his extreme height he could pretty much pick on whoever he wanted. Anyway, one day me and some friends were sitting on a bench when Douchbag Mcgee (we'll just call him that from now on) comes over and starts throwing anti-Semitic slurs at one of my friends who was Jewish. He wouldn't just shut the hell up, and a yard duty eventually came over... And you guessed it, she sided with the bully. Douchebag Mcgee made up some incredibly fake tale about how my friend was antagonizing him, and the yard duty completely fell for it. She went on to call Douchebag Mcgee a "perfect little angel" and reprimanded my friend, despite all evidence pointing that he didn't do anything. I still don't know if the yard duty was being anti-Semitic herself or just incredibly stupid.


Ugh, it sucks. When that happened to me, i felt like the biggest piece of crap ever!! Like I said above, i eventually just moved on and said "screw it" but it was ridiculous. I hate when your enemy or bully makes up a lie and the teacher believes.

Edited by ~Sugar Sprinkles~
  • Brohoof 1
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I've had someone use disabilites as an excuse against me.





Yeah, thats what my ex-friend kind of did that mirrored it back on me. Other than saying I was "bullying" her, she also made up all these "problems" she had and used some of her ACTUAL disabilities against me. It was extremely lame.

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Yeah, thats what my ex-friend kind of did that mirrored it back on me. Other than saying I was "bullying" her, she also made up all these "problems" she had and used some of her ACTUAL disabilities against me. It was extremely lame.

And this douche uses it against everyone. He purposefully acts all messed up so that he conveys the message that he's totally fine with people doing x-wrong thing with/about him, and then he explodes and gets everyone involved in trouble.



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