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Have you ever seen/heard a ghost before?


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If by ghost you meant a spirit left behind by deceased human, then nope, I never seen one. :wacko:


But if you meant those whacky fluid things responsible for all the nifty sighting and weird feelings. I used to be able to see them. :P

Edited by Shefira


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when i was wee lil baby like 1-3 years old i lived in a duoplex. The side i lived in was haunted. Every night a shadow of a monkey would come and dance on dresser screaming bloody murder and freaking out like it was dying. this is not a joke. when i was that age i guess thats what my interpretation of the spirit haunting my house at the time cuz my dad said it was haunted to. he saw shadows in the mirrors and plates would randomly fall fromt he shelves. i still hate monkeys... i cant go near them


anyway, fast forward to a new house in a nice neighborhood. where i found out about my 'gift' or 'problem'. still not sure if imma schizo or if its all real. But anyway we just finished the basement and i am living in the basement, new room, my own bathroom, and all that cool junk. anyways we have been living in this house for a few months and at first i just ignored them and pushed them out of my head. till one day i got out of the shower and standing right in front of the door was a dark figure. i could see it clear as day and it looked like i could reach out ant touch it...it started walkin towards me and i started yellin bloody murder then i slipped on the wet floor and passed out. i woke up on the floor with a massive gash in my head blood on the floor and i was freezing cold. apparently my family didnt hear me scream for my life before i went unconcious. but ever since then ive been seeing dark shadows in the corner of my eyes like peripheral vision and hearing voices in my head every now and then...

dont know if id call it a ghost, a figment of my imagination or im just crazy tho

Edited by JustinnDaJokarR
  • Brohoof 1

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I saw shadow people on the wall when I was younger and they were laughing, but I have no idea what they are, they were laughing, so I decided to join them. When I joined them for a few seconds we were laughing then they stopped, they saw me and then whipped my shadow and I felt it hit me and they laughed again and I was crying. So after they laughed again they got into this old car after a black hole showed up in the wall and then they drove away laughing and the hole disappeared, never to be seen again. I know this wasn't a dream.

  • Brohoof 1


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Does hearing your dead cousin say goodnight count? I used to hear that for a year after she died


I saw shadow people on the wall when I was younger and they were laughing, but I have no idea what they are, they were laughing, so I decided to join them. When I joined them for a few seconds we were laughing then they stopped, they saw me and then whipped my shadow and I felt it hit me and they laughed again and I was crying. So after they laughed again they got into this old car after a black hole showed up in the wall and then they drove away laughing and the hole disappeared, never to be seen again. I know this wasn't a dream.


  • Brohoof 1
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can i tell you a secrete, i see dead people. but seriously everyone forgot but everyone in london had a experiance with ghosts

I remember that, so my awnser is yes, yes i have
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I saw shadow people on the wall when I was younger and they were laughing, but I have no idea what they are, they were laughing, so I decided to join them. When I joined them for a few seconds we were laughing then they stopped, they saw me and then whipped my shadow and I felt it hit me and they laughed again and I was crying. So after they laughed again they got into this old car after a black hole showed up in the wall and then they drove away laughing and the hole disappeared, never to be seen again. I know this wasn't a dream.


i have heard shadow people are great trolls!



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I know I shouldn't come into a topic where I am most likely not wanted, but it doesn't seem like anyone else who shares my stance on the issue is going to show up.


Sorry, but there is no evidence that ghosts exist. It is extremely unlikely than anyone here has ever had a paranormal experience, no matter how hard they believe they have. I am not saying anyone here is intentionally lying, or is less than intelligent. I am just stating the generally accepted view of the scientific community. And I am prepared to back my statements up.


Ghosts are a popular myth. Their perceived presence is caused by feelings of paranoia and unease, and the belief in them is propagated by retelling of ghost stories. There is no concrete evidence of ghostly activity, but there is plenty knowledge about the workings of the human mind.


Ghost sighting are caused, in simplest terms, by heightened emotions and any number of outside factors. A single creak in the night may alert a young woman with the house to herself, causing her to go into a state of alarm and panic. With her heart and head working in overtime, it is very easy to hear things that aren't there, see things that don't exist, and feel the presence of a being that is not present. This is not out of the ordinary; this is just how the observable human mind works.


This next part is important, and if you take nothing else away from my post, let it be this:


Can I prove that ghosts do not exist? No, I cannot prove that they do not exist. Can I prove that there isn't an invisible giraffe in your room at this very moment? No, I cannot prove that there isn't. Luckily, I do not need to prove anything at all. The burden of providing proof lies solely with those who would say those two things do exist. It is impossible to ask the question “does x not exist” when there is not already some proof that x does exist. And at that point, the question usually become moot; no one but an advanced physicist or philosopher would hold up a microphone in his hand and ask if the microphone exists.


Just because something cannot be proven to not exist, does not make believing in something with no proof any more rational. It makes no more sense to believe in ghosts than it does to believe in the invisible giraffe. If you think ghosts are more plausible, it is only because you have been fed stories of ghostly activity nearly your entire life. And it goes without saying that the longevity of information has nothing to do with its accuracy. Therefor, it stands to reason then that if you believe in ghosts, you should also believe in keeping eucalyptus leaves on hand, just in case the giraffe gets hungry.


Humans believe in things with no concrete proof. I'm not saying this is wrong all of the time. It is a coping mechanism that we have developed to get on with our every day lives, and perceive this world in a manner that makes sense to us. But that does not mean we shouldn't question our beliefs. We must always strive for the closest facsimile of 'truth' that we can find, or we will not be living up to our full potential as a species.

  • Brohoof 1
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i have heard shadow people are great trolls!




Are you trying to make a joke?


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I'm a pretty strong believer of the paranormal. I haven't had much experiences though. Around spring break, I went with a family friend on a trip around the North-east part of Iowa to go to haunted locations listed in a book I got. The second location we went to a place called Stony Hollow Road (I forget the town it was in, but I think it was just a few miles outside of Iowa City). I believe the tale was that a woman fell in love with a black man around the late 1800's or early 1900's, but her father wouldn't allow them to be together. So the woman jumped to her death off the cliffs of the road. It's said that if you repeat Lucinda (the woman's name) three times, it'll provoke her spirit and she'll kill you by the next day. I was too scared to, but the guy I went with said her name with no problem. He continued repeating the name, but nothing really happened, so we decided to leave. We were about to get back in the car before we heard a low moaning sound that sounded a bit like a frightened woman. I'm not sure if it was her spirit or just someone living in the barn outside of the road, but it sure made me shudder. The man with me is still alive, so the story may not be true.

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I'm a pretty strong believer of the paranormal. I haven't had much experiences though. Around spring break, I went with a family friend on a trip around the North-east part of Iowa to go to haunted locations listed in a book I got. The second location we went to a place called Stony Hollow Road (I forget the town it was in, but I think it was just a few miles outside of Iowa City). I believe the tale was that a woman fell in love with a black man around the late 1800's or early 1900's, but her father wouldn't allow them to be together. So the woman jumped to her death off the cliffs of the road. It's said that if you repeat Lucinda (the woman's name) three times, it'll provoke her spirit and she'll kill you by the next day. I was too scared to, but the guy I went with said her name with no problem. He continued repeating the name, but nothing really happened, so we decided to leave. We were about to get back in the car before we heard a low moaning sound that sounded a bit like a frightened woman. I'm not sure if it was her spirit or just someone living in the barn outside of the road, but it sure made me shudder. The man with me is still alive, so the story may not be true.


That story you told gave me chills.That also reminds me of a story kind of.In down town Albequerque,there is this little hospital that is haunted.If you go in the hospital.You can see shadows,see the pictures hanging on the walls MOVING by themselves,hear voices,and sometimes you can feel chills go down your spines. :blink:

(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)

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I've not seen anything. or if I did, it was when I was too young to remember. But my mom used to be afraid of the house we lived in when I was a baby. She's usually really level-headed. Not willing to just believe things. So when it comes from her, I take it seriously.


One time in particular, she told me about putting me to bed. She had heard the sound of a child laughing, but the voice sounded older than mine. When she turned around, I was sleeping, but there was a dark, child-sized figure crouching over me in my crib. She froze up. She wanted to grab me and run, but by the time she was able to bring herself to react, it had disappeared.

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Nope (well, in my dreams). But I feel that "Paranormal experiences" are always easily explained away with science. After all, any sufficiently analyzed magic is indistinguishable from science! Also, Why would a ghost want to go around scaring everyone who looks at a historical site, grave ormwhatnot? If I'm wrong I'll apologize when I die.

Edited by THEj
  • Brohoof 1

I am, by any practical definition of the words, foolproof, and incapable of error.

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  • 2 months later...

I myself have come across some things that I personally see as supernatural, but for today, and for this post, I'm going to give you all my best friend's experience instead, as it's rather interesting.


Le Tale:


Last night at almost before two in the morning, I came back from the Drive-In with my family. (yes, they still exist, and there is one where I live. U jelly?) We saw my friend Ryan, and his girlfriend's two younger brothers, Griffin and Jamie. I've known all of them for quite a long time. They were just sitting on a stretch of road between Lowe's, our apartment buildings about a quarter of a block away, and a short section of woods that separated it from the main road on the other side. We said hi, everything was peachy, and we went home.


The next morning, they all come over and give us the play by play of what happened about half an hour after we finished talking to them and drove on by.


It's now almost two in the morning at this point, and they're still sitting there, just chilling, after having gone for a walk to the grocery store for some food, another two blocks away. While they're talking, Jamie notices that the lamppost across the street from them, the one by the stretch of woods, starts flickering, immediately followed by what he saw as a dog coming out of one of the large bushes, and makes it's way out towards the perimeter of the street light. Okay, that's mildly weird and whatnot, great. Stray dog, right? Until he noticed the thing didn't have a shadow, visible eyes (let alone eyes that should be glowing under a street lamp), and appeared to be nothing but a silhouette.


While Ryan watched and Griffin was facing away, doing something on his I-Pod, Jamie tried to call out to it. The thing stopped and turned it's head to stare at him. This went on for about forty solid seconds, before it's body turned around, and jumped back into the bushes. But it get's a whole lot weirder:

-Jamie swore on his life that the dog's head was still facing him as it jumped away, despite the fact that a dog should not be able to turn it's head 180 degrees.

-The dog made the sound of rustling of leaves when it first stepped out of the bushes. But when it jumped back into the bushes, there wasn't even a sound.


As an anecdote, Jamie saw the dog two more times later that night from outside the third floor window of his apartment, looking up at him. Our theory is that since he was the one who tried to talk to it, it latched onto him, even if only temporarily.



Confused? Here's some research that Ryan's girlfriend, who like me is very intrigued by the supernatural, dug up hours later.


Le Research Findings & Aha! Moments:


Black Dogs as a spiritual entity spotted in sightings is nothing new. They date back hundreds of years, some of the most famous ones being centered in England *Harry Potter fans should remember 'The Grim', a black dog symbolic of death, popping up once or twice in the books/movies. These old tales and sightings would be where that idea originated from*.


Wandering Black Dogs as they're called, are believed to be the deceased spirits of dogs that may have been killed violently, or whom ended life tragically. They, like normal human spirits, are sighted all over the world. Here are some reoccurring points about them, that have been documented over and over:

-The black dogs will ignore all noises and sounds from both human and non-human origin, unlike normal animals, unless they're called to directly. They then stop and look at those who attempt to talk to, call to, or communicate with them.

-Those who look at them are often overcome with a sense of dread, fear or anxiety, and in some rare cases, madness.

-Most sightings have been located in or near graveyards, or other burial locations or humans or animals.


'Aha'! Moments:

-Remember that strip of forest I talked about on the other side of the street from Lowes, our apartments, and the three boys? Yeah, there's a secluded, extremely old graveyard there, within probably four-hundred feet.

-Ryan and Jamie both felt dread and panic when looking at the dog while it stared at Jamie. Griffin didn't, because he didn't even notice the dog until right before it jumped back into the bushes.




So, everyone can take this as they want. I found it utterly creepy, utterly fascinating, and I wish I had been there. One thing I will politely ask though, is that you please not respond to me trying to tell me it isn't true, or giving me your reasons for why it's inaccurate, because I could care less to debate with skeptics :3 I do believe in the supernatural, and I would also bet my life on the fact that my best friends that I've known my whole life aren't lying to me. Thanks <3

  • Brohoof 1


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Well, I swear sometimes I see a woman with long black hair in a white flowing gown when I walk into darkness. (she also has no mouth or nose, and her eyes are sometimes glowing red, sometimes glowing white) o_O


She's appeared in some of my dreams too...



Oh god, I am actually not messing around with you, but I seen the same, just not a woman but a girl...



I don't like this topic anymore, since it reminded me about that.

Edited by Nickli
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Currently live with one in my house. He's a "friendly" ghost. He does no harm to anyone in the house and just makes himself known from time to time with random door slams and orbs. He loves our basement and when we open the door to go own there there is almost always a small orb at the bottom of the stairs that goes away once light from the upstairs reaches down there. I've never actually seen him before but hope that changes one day. He seems like a nice ghost. :)

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At my friend's house the doors will randomly shut and lock (but silently so you won't even notice untill you try to open it). But in my house I see Darth Maul hiding behind the pillows in my bed all the time... Really. Wierd. Ghost.

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I've had two personal experiences regarding supernatural or inexplicable events.


The first one happened when I was still in Elementary School and was sleeping in my bedroom. I woke up around three in the morning after some dream or the other. It was a whatever thing, so I was going to go back to bed. But then I heard the bathroom door down the hall creak open slowly, then suddenly it slammed. At first I was wondering who could have been awake at that hour in the house. After a little bit of time, I decided to swallow my fears and check to see who was in the bathroom.


But, the door was wide open. It hadn't made any sounds after being slammed shut, so I was completely confused as to how the door was open again without having made a sound. The window hadn't been open at the time either, so it wasn't the air messing with the door. Mum would have used her own bathroom, and my sisters all appeared to be asleep. Dad was at work at that hour, so I was the only one awake. I was freaked out, certainly.


The second encounter I had I woke up in the middle of the night sometime during my Freshman year of high school. When I opened my eyes, my vision was met with my pillow right above my face. Floating above it. After a second of this, it smothered my face, to which I threw it across the room. It could have been my sisters, only the amount of time they'd take to get back to their room would've gotten them caught. No one else was in my room. I didn't sleep well that night, either.


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I've only had one "experience", if you can even call it that. My cousin was telling me about the ghost of her dog that supposedly haunts her house. She told me how it died, and all the weird instances that started happening later; like the dog appearing out of thin air. I was a little disturbed about it but I laughed it off. We went up to the kitchen for a midnight snack, and out of the corner of my eye I saw a white dog with pitch black eyes staring at me, growling. I dropped my plate on the floor and we both ran out of the house. It may have just been my imagination though!

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Never seen a ghost but i can feel sometime the energy changing around me, when my Grandma pass away i could feel her with me at the time she died.

Your faithful backyard friend TheMagicLawnMower

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I lived for like 3 years in the house that my uncle died in... and guess what? Yep, he was haunting the place. I saw his ghost in there once during the dead of night and nearly had a heart attack... I can't go into that house anymore without being horrified.

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  • 1 month later...

Do you believe in the existence of ghosts?! Have you had any first-hand experiences with the paranormal?


I'm not a believer, but I absolutely love to think I am. :3

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Some really weird things have happened to me over the past years.. Like doors shutting and hearing laughing from inside of my walls but I don't really give ghosts any consideration. So I don't really believe in them lolz

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