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open ~ENDING!~ Hearth's Warming Eve party-- SOL


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Ahaban arose from his spot and approaching toward the door and pulling it forth open seeing the mare.

"Marahaben. Please, do come in." He greets welcoming her inside. Once inside he closed the door behind her.

"Please make yourself comfortable friend." He says

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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"oooo sounds like you have a keen eye of finding things Dexy"  Spacer said tapping a hoof on her chin and thinking about her hat she lost on the way here. "So do you take snaw hat emergencies? I lost mine on the way here sadly. Its tuff to see with all that snow and wind when flying. You probably know what I mean."


She jumped a little as Dex poked her flank and looked back at him. "You would be correct Dexy." She said turning towards him in a proud stance. "I am the one and only DJ Spacer!" She declared giggling a bit. "I jump around doing shows all around Equestria but lately haven't seen much opportunities." She shrugged. "its okay though, luckily at my apartment's rent in Manehatten is cheap." She eyed his cider in his hoof and looked at her water.

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Red downed his second plate of goodies almost as fast as the first. Well, Hearth's Warming was never known for being friendly to dieters. After he did, he realized that while he'd seen a great deal of the hostess' handiwork on the table, he hadn't actually seen much of her. Well, there was no way he was not going to spread some cheer her way as well.


Trotting into the kitchen, he looked around, trying not to get overwhelmed by the wonderful scents. "Plum?" he asked.

Roleplaying OC: Red Cedar - Cast Character: Applejack
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@]member='red cedar']

Plum Pudding's head turned at the sound of her name. She had been busy as ever in the kitchen, and hadn't realized she was neglecting her guests. Getting nervous once again, she quickly twisted a few knobs on the stove, then turned towards the stallion who had called her. It was Red Cedar. Plum smiled.

"Hello," she said happily. "Are you enjoying yourself?" Plum was wiping her hooves on a towel. "Is there anything I can get for you?"

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Red smiled as he found Plum Pudding in at the stove. "I'm having a great time," he said, trotting a little further into the kitchen "I was wondering if I could do anything for you so you could come out and enjoy the party, too. If you don't get some of your own goodies tonight, you'll be missing out on some incredible food." he says with a smile.

Roleplaying OC: Red Cedar - Cast Character: Applejack
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@@Red Cedar


"Oh, I can eat these anytime I want," Plum said with a chuckle. "But I guess I should go out there and talk to my guests instead of hiding away in the kitchen..." She peeked around the corner  and saw all the ponies eating and chatting happily together. Then she looked into the dining room, where the table's surface was hardly visible beneath all the food (despite Spacer's best attempts).

"I think there's enough food for now," Plum said reluctantly."I guess I'll go join them."

She quickly double checked all the elements on the stove and made sure the tap wasn't running, then turned to face Red.

"How do I look?" she asked, trying to wipe flour off of her face.

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Thrillseeker chuckled at the story as the focus shifted toward food. "I'm sure she's gonna do all right. I'm a stallion who loves my sweets, sparingly of course. We've got dozens of bakeries in Manehatten. I'm sure you've heard of Marenolia's, Their red velvet cupcakes are to die for if you ever stop on by. I have to meet Plum Pudding, though. She seems like a hard-working mare from what you've told me."

˙ʎpoqʎuɐ ƃuᴉlooɟ ʇou ǝɹ,noʎ 'sᴉɥʇ pɐǝɹ uɐɔ noʎ ɟI

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@DJ Spacer


"Sorry if the poke startled you. I was just paying you back, hehe. Yeah, I always dread when we go out looking in the snow. It is one of the hardest conditions to find someone in.


"I'll have to look out for you if my work brings me around to where you've got a party rocking and I have some time. Bouncing around like we do, we meet all sorts of ponies."


Dex noticed her looking in the glass.


"It isn't alcoholic if you're wondering. I can't really afford to be out of commission with a hangover, so I don't really drink. Believe me, it's hard to resist with all the celebrations."

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"She certainly is," Amber assured him. "The most hardworking I've ever met. She's been that way since she was a filly." Amber gazed down at her plate then chuckled.

"I've never been to Manehattan, but Plum has. She says that Red Velvet cupcakes are just chocolate cupcakes with a little colouring and huge ego."

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Red chuckled "There's enough food out there for a division of the Royal Guard." he said with a smile. He trotted over to take the towel and then carefully brushed away the last powdery remnants of flour from Plum's cheek. "There," he said, replacing the towel. "You look great."

Roleplaying OC: Red Cedar - Cast Character: Applejack
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@ @Red Cedar

Plum's face reddened at the complement. She was never good at taking them. 

"Thank you," Plum said quietly, voice cracking. She straightened herself out and began heading for the parlour--but in a fit of nerves she changed her mind at the last second and went to the dining hall instead, picking up a tray of cookies. She felt the need to offer something to her guests--she couldn't just walk in and interrupt them, right?

Plum could almost hear her friends scolding her in her head. This is your party. don't hide behind your cooking!

Sorry, guys, she thought, and she trotted into the parlour.

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Ahaban arose from his spot and approaching toward the door and pulling it forth open seeing the mare.

"Marahaben. Please, do come in." He greets welcoming her inside. Once inside he closed the door behind her.

"Please make yourself comfortable friend." He says

"Oh, thank you sir." She said in a whisper. "But I must find Plum, you see-" she gestured to the large package on her back. "Do you-um, no where she is?" Every time she spoke her voice got smaller and smaller. She looked around the room, it too was decorated for this time of year. The guests were dancing to Hearth's Warming tunes like 'United Not Divided' and 'O Woeful Night.' 

Edited by Emerald <3




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Ahaban guided her about into the Dinning Room pointing toward the kitchen.

"Just beyond in there. Enjoy your visit." He says before returning to his spot near the fire place.

@@Samurai Equine

"I apologize for leaving." He says. It was becoming quite spectacle for Ahaban having some many party guests arriving.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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"Ego?" Thrillseeker huffed and did a double take. "Hmph! I'll have you know. We Neigh Yorkers take pride in everything we do. That's why we're the best ponies. We don't let our egos get in the way of work." He darted his head around. "Now, where's this Plum? I bet she hasn't even tried a true Manehattan red velvet cake. Colored indeed!"

˙ʎpoqʎuɐ ƃuᴉlooɟ ʇou ǝɹ,noʎ 'sᴉɥʇ pɐǝɹ uɐɔ noʎ ɟI

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@@Samurai Equine

"I apologize for leaving." He says. It was becoming quite spectacle for Ahaban having some many party guests arriving.


"That's--" Trilby starts, then pauses. "Excuse me." And Trilby disappears, trotting off somewhere.



"oooo sounds like you have a keen eye of finding things Dexy"  Spacer said tapping a hoof on her chin and thinking about her hat she lost on the way here. "So do you take snaw hat emergencies? I lost mine on the way here sadly. Its tuff to see with all that snow and wind when flying. You probably know what I mean."


Trilby pops up. "Excuse me! Oh, pardon me." Trilby says, getting between Dex and Spacer. "Sorry to flank in like this, but did you say something about a hat? Hats are my specialty!"

Edited by Samurai Equine


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Spacer nodded "Yes you should look out for me! I wouldn't mind hanging with you at one of my gigs. Your pretty cute." She blushed.


"Oh I would be drinking alcoholic cider right now if it was with ponies I knew." She laughed "I get a little crazy when I drink...not like wild crazy but like I do silly filly things" Her cheeks still red. "You see, its not so often I meet a stallion like-" Her sentence is cut short as a unicorn stallion popped up in between her and Dex.


@@Samurai Equine,

Spacer went wide eyed and took a step back from the sudden pop up from the stallion then calmed down. "well hey there mr. I am actually in need of a hat...a winter one." She asked looking over him to Dex and giggled "I think Dexy could use one too."

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@DJ Spacer

@Samurai Equine


Dex blushed a little in reply and was about to open his mouth when the stallion popped up between them.


"Well, you're certainly energetic."


Dex laughed a little. He was a little disappointed to be interrupted, but she did need a hat to keep her warm out there.


"No need to waste your efforts on me."


Dex pulled a tattered old hat from his bag and returned.

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"Perfect! I knew my hat-senses were tingling!" Trilby says, his eyes looking a bit like Spider-Man's eyes for a second.


"I made this one just a second ago. I knew I was meant to make it for a reason." Trilby puts a hat on Spacer's head. It looks even better than the last one! "And that's the reason. It looks GREAT on you!"


Trilby then turns to Dex and looks at his old hat. "Wow. The fact that you've held on to it this long must mean it is something special!" Trilby takes it, looks at it, and gets to work making a new hat for him.


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@@DexterousWings,@@Samurai Equine,


Spacer watched the hat get placed on her head and smiled. "wow thanks...umm whats your name?" She asked the unicorn.


"what do you think Dexy? Does it fit me?" She attempted to give a smirk look in her new hat. "This is definitely keep my ears and head warm thats for sure.


She attempted to take a drink of water and looked into her empty glass. "bleh, no more water" she mumbled.

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@DJ Spacer


"It looks lovely on you. Goes well with your mane. It makes your ears look cute."


Dex rattled off a little awkwardly. The hatmaker really knew how to accentuate her looks.


"I'm just about at the bottom of my glass. Would you like me to get you a refill while we wait on our hatcentric friend here?"

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Red smiled and shook his head a little as Plum tried once again to play hostess more than anything else, trying to give her a reassuring smile as she hauled cookies around and let her know that it was, in fact, okay to talk with the ponies at your own party. "Plum, relax," he whispered to her.

Edited by Red Cedar

Roleplaying OC: Red Cedar - Cast Character: Applejack
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"And... Done!" Before Dex could get another drink, Trilby puts his new hat on his head.


"My name?" Trilby faces Spacer. "The name's hatter. Trilby Hatter. Professional hat maker. Pleasure to meet you." Trilby bows, takes her hoof, and gives it a kiss and gives her a wink.


Oh yeah, Trilby is a horrible flirt.


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@@Red Cedar

Plum's ears folded down in embarrassment. She had disappointed more than herself this time. She smiled with the tray between her teeth, then trotted to put if down at the nearest table. She looked back at Red.

"Sorry," she squeaked. "I just want everypony to be comfortable--but I guess that means me too, huh?" She laughed quietly and flopped her ears back once again.

"Let's go sit down."

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@@DexterousWings,@@Samurai Equine

"Awe thanks Dexy, I think yours looks lovely too!" She said giving him a smile. She hoofed him her glass. "Sure if you don't mind, I could use some of whatever cider your having"


She turned back to Trillby and before she knew it, her hoof was being kissed by Trillby. Her cheeks turned cherry red through her blue coat. "Nice to meet you too Trillby." It was the first time she had somepony do that to her but she felt he was just being nice. "If I am every in need of a hat you'll be the first I seek out" She giggled a little and looked over to Dex. "If you don't mind Trillby, I think Dex and myself were about to get some drinks." She said putting her hoof down. "Thanks again for the lovely hat" She gave a silly attempt at a bow.

Edited by DJ Spacer
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@DJ Spacer

@Samurai Equine


He is a very talented hat maker. Thank you so much Trilby.


"I don't mind at all. It would be my pleasure" Dex gave a butlerish bow with a grin and set out to collect some more cider for the two of them. On the way, he snagged a little cream puff and ate it. Dex refilled the glasses and returned to the DJ.

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