Odyssey 5,717 December 25, 2014 Share December 25, 2014 Title says it all. What did you get for Christmas? Or, if you didn't get anything, did you at least celebrated with your friend/family/boyfriend/girlfriend/etc.? Here's my little collection. Admittedly I wanted more practical stuff like clothing, but I've never been so happy with all of my presents since... well, 2008. My favourite present? The little book. It contains Tarot Cards and is made by a obscure group known as Pokébox. I'd recommend them if you're a fan of Pokémon. Oh, and I also love the necklace. 9 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lomk 20,663 December 25, 2014 Share December 25, 2014 (edited) So far, I got a battery/jump starter thing when playing dirty santa. At first I was like WTF am I going to do with this?? Then I started thinking about it. My car has 193,000 miles (310,000 km) on it and it's not holding up as well as it used to. This might be extremely useful if I can't get it to start this winter (which isn't a problem because it's started when it was 4°F like it was 80°F). But it also has a 12V DC outlet, a USB charging port, a flashlight, and an air compressor on it. Like...I started thinking about it...this isn't useful now, but I decided this might end up being one of the better presents I get. It's one of those things you hope you don't have to use but you'll be glad you have it if you need it. I guess the most useful part would be the air compressor. Oklahoma City's roads are pretty rough sometimes. If I poke a hole in my tire and don't notice it until the tire is flat a few days later, it'd be a lot better to air it up and take it somewhere rather than flat out changing the tire myself. We will end up opening actual Christmas presents tomorrow. I don't expect to get anything more fun than clothes as I am now 22 years old. Video games are no longer my stocking stuffer I really wouldn't mind it if I got more underwear and socks. You can never have too much of those. I already have enough underwear to have a pair every day for over a month, but the zombie apocalypse is coming and you'll need lots of underwear for that So yeah this is what I've got so far. It's actually not that bad. Edited December 25, 2014 by Space Woona 5 I refuse to let go until you're impressed. I refuse to let go until I'm depressed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lacerna 1,302 December 25, 2014 Share December 25, 2014 Nothing for Christmas this year. 2 My art topic Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nerdy Luigi 2,065 December 25, 2014 Share December 25, 2014 (edited) I know only what I got my brother: A Mario and A Peach Amiibo to complete his collection for Wave 1 Releases Khakis Magic the Gathering Booster Packs (15 Cards) (5 in total) I don't think I'll get anything wonderful this year. Most things I want are too expensive to put on my list. Like a 2DS. Edited December 25, 2014 by Twilly F. Sniper 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SanityNotIncluded 335 December 25, 2014 Share December 25, 2014 Clothes, lots of chocolate, deodorant stuff and a new external hard drive 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Envy 6,193 December 25, 2014 Share December 25, 2014 *looks at clock* It's 8 PM on Christmas Eve. How am I supposed to know? =P But that's the thing, I don't know what I got for Christmas and my birthday this year. I didn't even give my parents any ideas, but they ended up getting me gifts. So that's kind of exciting... I don't think I've had a Christmas where I didn't have any clue what I was getting in many years. 4 Everything needs more woodwind! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Haruhi-chan 486 December 25, 2014 Share December 25, 2014 So far, I've gotten an animal hat. :3 We open one present on Christmas eve, and the rest are opened the next day. I won't know what else I got until then. :3 I'll post whatever else I get once we have a chance to open more presents though. ^^ 4 x Haruhi Suzumiya x goddess of the world twitter Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
碇 シンジン 27,433 December 25, 2014 Share December 25, 2014 I got warm cozy blanket that I can wrap myself into it brings me peace and warmth it was the only thing I wished for. 4 Rarity Fan Club Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bird Mom 900 December 25, 2014 Share December 25, 2014 I got an iPhone 5s so far, it works great and it allows me to download. xD I downloaded the MLP: Friendship is Magic game first. 4 "Pay attention to these petals, Steven. The petals' dance seems improvised, but it is being calculated in real time based on the physical properties of this planet. With hard work and dedication, you can master the magical properties of your gem and perform your own dance!" What do you think of me?: http://kevan.org/johari?name=bird+mom Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jokuc 8,174 December 25, 2014 Share December 25, 2014 Gaming/office chair 2 tickets for the theatre/cinema USB flash drive Shirt Money I celebrate tomorrow (today since it is 3:33 am..) as well so I'll update. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Leafeon Pinkeh 3,603 December 25, 2014 Share December 25, 2014 Title says it all. What did you get for Christmas? Or, if you didn't get anything, did you at least celebrated with your friend/family/boyfriend/girlfriend/etc.? Here's my little collection. Admittedly I wanted more practical stuff like clothing, but I've never been so happy with all of my presents since... well, 2008. 1.png My favourite present? The little book. It contains Tarot Cards and is made by a obscure group known as Pokébox. I'd recommend them if you're a fan of Pokémon. Oh, and I also love the necklace. 3.png 2.png YOU GOT ORAS?!! YOU SHOULD ADD ME ON THERE OO: Btw I got some free demos so if anyone wants them send me a message C: I got an iPhone 5s so far, it works great and it allows me to download. xD I downloaded the MLP: Friendship is Magic game first. reason I joined the forum xDThe app used to work for me but doesnt anymore.. still gives me notifications but I ignore them 3 Signature: Akagami no Shirayuki-hime What do you think of me?: http://kevan.org/johari?name=pinkeh Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scootaloodle 1,623 December 25, 2014 Share December 25, 2014 Only had one present so far which was a really awesome drawing from Bojo which was a nice surprise http://mlpforums.com/user/19396-bojo/ 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
iceestarz 5,765 December 25, 2014 Share December 25, 2014 (edited) Tomorrow I open my actual Christmas presents so I'll add those to the post later, but for Christmas Eve I got new pjs, an mlp puzzle from my youngest brother, socks from my other younger brother and my older sister got me Tony Hawks Proving Ground and mlp body shimmer spray. The Rarity and Pinkie sprays smell the best. I'd say Rainbow Dash has the worst one, it's like they have no idea what fruit punch should smell like. Edit: Kay so this year I got 4 mlp plushies; rainbow dash, rarity, applejack and pinkie pie. A purse and wallet. The journal of the two sisters and the elements of harmony book. Rainbow rocks dvd. A couple jeans and a long sleeve. A unikitty keychain/light. Best friend necklace set. 1989 album and taylor swift perfume. Yaaaaaas also lotion in my stocking and candy. Also I got a hot guys and baby animals calander. Gotta say, I'm actually disappointed. The majority of the guys on the calander are not hot -_- Edited December 25, 2014 by Cupcakes14 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
remove p l e a s e ? 800 December 25, 2014 Share December 25, 2014 (edited) I got my mom to order some PC parts on Amazon! Since we used the free shipping option, it will only come in at five to eight business days. Still not here yet. It's not even the 25th yet either. I'm suuuuch a peeker. :3 Edited December 25, 2014 by Tera The Unicorn 1 out of my swamp Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Screw Loose 156 December 25, 2014 Share December 25, 2014 An etch-a-sketch finally It's something I always ask for every year and never get lol. Socks, a heating pad, and a mobile one too, things I also wanted. Pepper spray, because well you never know.... Not sure what else yet. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FirstPonySpectre 176 December 25, 2014 Share December 25, 2014 Well... I got... An N7 Mass Effect Faux Leather Jacket The Walking Dead Comic Book (Book 2 and 3 of the Hard Cover edition.) A WiiU Bayonetta 2 and Super Smash Bros Some PS4 Games (TWD Season 2, Shadow of Mordor, and Assassins Creed Blackflag) A ton of other Walking Dead things including two miniature figures of Rick and Daryl that are keychains. Two decks of playing cards, one with the survivors and one with walkers. Two more hoodies (Adding to my already large collection of ten Walking Dead hoodies) and a Walking Dead trivia calendar. Since I'm going to be going away for college in the fall of 2015 I guess my parents figured that they ought'a make this Christmas special. . I mean, I'm not complaining but I must say I do have some pretty neat folks. Haha. OH! and I got Flannel Underwear too. Courtesy of my Mom. Haha. ^///^ 3 "We are legion. For we are many." Legion, Mass Effect 2 (Image not mine, btw. I plan to make my own soonish when I get the time) Credit to WheatleyCore for my avatar OCs: Bittersweet, Masquerade / Silver Tongue (Workin' on this one still) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sekr Gray 520 December 25, 2014 Share December 25, 2014 About as simple a haul this year, just like I like it. New socks, since I can wear my socks out faster than an Olympic runner. Cashews (small yearly gift) Peanut butter cups (again, a small yearly gift) New red bandanna ( I'm never seen without a bandanna, and I lost my red one a while back) My favorite shampoo MLP Calender Most of the joy from the presents was actually just buying things on steam, for meself or friends. About $200 of games, between myself and about 4 other friends, sounds like a better present than a new console any day of the week. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Twireadbok 142 December 25, 2014 Share December 25, 2014 Hehe, I opened my presents early. I got: a lot of t-shirts mostly of musical groups, and a pony related one. a board game Music, in the form of CD and vinyl Gift cards for target, amazon, itunes, cloths, and movies, probably totaling around 200$ I will also be choosing a new guitar I will be getting more stuff tomorrow when I visit my grandparents All in all nothing too special. Oh, and I almost forgot about the sockings, my parents, I mean Santa will probably fill it with candy. A ton of other Walking Dead things including two miniature figures of Rick and Daryl that are keychains. Two decks of playing cards, one with the survivors and one with walkers. Two more hoodies (Adding to my already large collection of ten Walking Dead hoodies) and a Walking Dead trivia calendar. My family has been watching Walking Dead for the entire night, who knew that zombies and Christmas could go so well together! 2 lyrics from "Laughter" by Mandopony, Pinkie Pie from the Desktop Ponies project, background by Bartoz Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snow Frostflame 3,568 December 25, 2014 Share December 25, 2014 (edited) I don't know yet its still Christmas eve in America alright now that it is Christmas in America I can tell you -3 months of Xbox Live -a Beginners Violin -a Fluttershy figurine -5 earphones and they are good ones too -some jeans -some CK one I most likely wont use (maybe on special occasions I will) and -candy Edited December 25, 2014 by Snowflake Frostflame 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Overdrive 5,366 December 25, 2014 Share December 25, 2014 (edited) Let's see. I got... Pittsburgh Penguins alternate jersey Jumper cables (I needed them) Blue jeans A new polo shirt 3 T-shirts $300 cash AAAAAAAND this guy: Plus, I'm still waiting for a Fluttershy plushie. Edited December 25, 2014 by Sn-Overdrive 4 "I'd rather trust and regret, than doubt and regret." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ricebug 555 December 25, 2014 Share December 25, 2014 Hm lets see boxes with some air in it , Just kidding family and friends, no reltionship yet, and gonna get some ham at my aunts for dinner 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FirstPonySpectre 176 December 25, 2014 Share December 25, 2014 My family has been watching Walking Dead for the entire night, who knew that zombies and Christmas could go so well together! There is only one way I can reply do this. 3 "We are legion. For we are many." Legion, Mass Effect 2 (Image not mine, btw. I plan to make my own soonish when I get the time) Credit to WheatleyCore for my avatar OCs: Bittersweet, Masquerade / Silver Tongue (Workin' on this one still) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Castle_Cross 331 December 25, 2014 Share December 25, 2014 Well, it wasn't in Christmas but still counts, I got an iPad, a Nintendo 3ds, super smash brothers and 200 pesos (like 20 dollars I think, I don't really know xD) good Christmas :3 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gravelord Neat-O 305 December 25, 2014 Share December 25, 2014 I got chocolate and sea salt caramels. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NightOwl 912 December 25, 2014 Share December 25, 2014 I got some shopping vouchers which I'll use to get my new iPhone 6 . 3 Signature by me avatar by Azura. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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